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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A theory of scene understanding and object recognition.

Dillon, Craig January 1996 (has links)
This dissertation presents a new approach to image interpretation which can produce hierarchical descriptions of visually sensed scenes based on an incrementally learnt hierarchical knowledge base. Multiple segmentation and labelling hypotheses are generated with local constraint satisfaction being achieved through a hierarchical form of relaxation labelling. The traditionally unidirectional segmentation-matching process is recast into a dynamic closed-loop system where the current interpretation state is used to drive the lower level image processing functions. The theory presented in this dissertation is applied to a new object recognition and scene understanding system called Cite which is described in detail.

Instituto Tecnológico de La Madera / Technological Institute of Wood

Scarneo Carrillo, Gianfranco Antonio 06 1900 (has links)
La presente Tesis plantea el diseño de un Instituto Tecnológico de la Madera ubicado en el distrito de Villa el Salvador. Este proyecto pretende mostrarse como un edificio catalizador en el mencionado distrito debido a la ausencia de centros dedicados a la capacitación del carpintero y el ebanista tomando en cuenta que en el mismo existe una gran parte de la población dedicada a estos oficios. El terreno donde se desarrollará este instituto se encuentra ubicado entre las avenidas Juan Velasco Alvarado y Solidaridad, actualmente sin construir (CEPAL Chile, 2000). / This thesis proposes the design of a "Technological Institute of Wood" which will be located in Villa El Salvador’s district. This project pretends to show itself as a catalyst building in this mentioned district due to the absence of dedicated centers to the training of carpenters and cabinetmakers, taking into consideration that there is a large part of the population dedicated to these trades. The terrain where this institute will be developed is located between Juan Velasco Alvarado and Solidaridad avenues, which is currently deserted. / Tesis


Ami Ali, L. 26 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Towards the Automatic Retrieval of Cited Parallel Passages from Secondary Literature

Romanello, Matteo 19 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero / Fishing Technological Institute

Medrano Necochea, Estefanía Daniela 05 1900 (has links)
El Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero es un proyecto dirigido por el estado bajo el nombre CITE Pesquero, el cual responde a la necesidad de una ciudad donde la actividad económica más importante es la pesquería y lo relacionado a esta. Este proyecto debe regirse de acuerdo a la nueva ley presentada por el Estado Peruano en el año 2016, conocida como la “Ley CITE”, la cual estipula que, a partir de la fecha, todos los Centros de Innovación Tecnológico (CITE) debían de contar con espacios dedicados al campo científico, a la capacitación y educación de las personas, según la materia prima a la cual estaban asignados. Busca brindarle a la ciudad un espacio que promueva la investigación, capacitación y enseñanza de la pesca y su manufactura, ayudando a la población del lugar a aumentar la competitividad, innovar y desarrollar productos con mayor valor agregado, mejorando la oferta, productividad y calidad para el mercado nacional e internacional (Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción, 2016). / The Fishing Technological Institute is a project directed by the national government under the name of CITE Pesquero which answers the need of a city where the most important economical activity is fishery and everything related. This project must be accord to the new peruvian law of 2016 known as "Ley CITE" which stipulates that, from this date onward, all Technological Innovation Centers (CITE) must have spaces dedicated to scientific field, training and education of people, according to the raw material to which they were assigned. This project seeks to provide the city with a space that promotes research, training and teaching of fishing techniques and manufacture helping the local population to increase competitiveness, innovate and develop products with greater added value, improving supply, productivity and quality for the national and international market (Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción, 2016). / Tesis

CITE för elektroingenjörer : Diagnostiska prov som testar studenternas förståelse av viktiga begrepp / Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineers : Assessments that test the students' understanding of central concepts

Wengle, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Written exams, which are intended to examine students on the course goals, can sometimes be passed without any conceptual knowledge by memorizing procedures or facts. Because future courses depend on the students’ understanding of concepts in the required courses, not knowing the concepts could be a major issue for the student, for the teacher and for the program board. Here, we focus on developing conceptual multiple-choice questions and the algorithms for understanding the answers to the questions. The goal is to be able to answer questions such as “For how long do the students remember the key concepts?” and “Which concepts do the courses have any positive (or negative) effect on?”. To do that, a courses-concepts matrix was created and the most central concepts were identified. Multiple-choice questions were written on those concepts and the questions were imported into the test creator Respondus. Feedback was added to the questions, they were grouped by concept and exported to a quiz bank in the educational platform Blackboard. A set of answers from a survey on report writing was obtained and statistics were written to answer the second question that was posed. An issue with the probability function is that it only considers whether the student had a setback or an improvement, not how significant it was. The next step would be to use the slopes more effectively by considering the magnitude of the improvement or setback. / Developing Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineering


PAULO HAMURABI FERREIRA MOURA 24 July 2003 (has links)
[pt] O pensamento político de Santo Agostinho marcou profundamente a Idade Média Cristã. Contudo, devido à excepcional riqueza de suas contribuições nesta área, elas não se estagnaram no tempo. Na verdade, determinados temas abordados na Cidade de Deus continuam atuais e pertinentes. Entre estes a política ocupa um lugar preponderante. O Bispo de Hipona foi além de sua época onde ele viveu. Os princípios que, para ele, devem orientar a atividade política conservam sempre sua validade. Alias, os políticos autênticos agem inspirados e sustentados pelo amor de Deus. Nesta dissertação, propomos a visão política de Santo Agostinho contida na Cidade de Deus. As causas que levaram o Império Romano à ruína como a ganância, a soberba, os vícios, em resumo, o amor concupiscente, são retratados por santo agostinho e ele conclui que sem o amor-caritas é impossível governantes e governados construírem uma sociedade justa e tranqüila. A concórdia social só será obtida quando o Estado se abrir para os valores religiosos, prestando culto ao Deus Verdadeiro. O cristianismo contem em si uma riqueza extraordinária capaz de transforma a política no exercício da caridade. Essa encontra sua razão de ser na máxima evangélica Amar a Deus e ao próximo como a si mesmo. No entanto, o Pastor de Hipona não esconde que o estado, embora tenha uma papel importante para a sociedade ele é relativo. A atividade política é notável, porém não é absoluta. Ela pode quando bem exercida tornar a vida dos cidadãos da pátria celeste confortável e serena. Porém, de forma parcial, pois seu campo de atuação se esgota nos estreitos limites da cidade terrena. O destino final dos governantes e dos seus súditos que aderiram aos preceitos de Cristo é o gozo da paz duradoura e perfeita. Esta já desfrutam os cidadãos da pátria celeste. / [en] The thought politician of Saint Augustin marked the Christian Average Age deeply. However, due to bonanza wealth of its contributions in this area, them they were not estagnaram in the time. In the truth, determined boarded subjects in the City of God they continue current and pertinent. The politics enters these occupies a preponderant place. The Bishop of Hipona was beyond its time where it lived. The principles that, for it, must guide the activity politics always conserve its validity. You unite, the authentic politicians act inhaled and supported for the love of God. In this dissertação, we consider the vision politics of Saint Augustin contained in the City of God. The causes that had taken the Roman Empire to the ruin as the greed, the magnificent one, the vices, in summary, the love concupiscente, are portraied by saint Augustin and it it concludes that without the love- caritas it is impossible governing and governed to construct to a society calm joust and. The social concord will only be gotten when the State if to open for the religious values, giving cultured to the True God. The Christianity will count in itself a capable extraordinary wealth of transforms the politics into the exercise of the charity. This finds its reason of being in the evangélica principle Amar the God and to the next one as itself exactly. However, the Shepherd of Hipona does not hide that the state, even so has an important paper for the society it is relative. The activity politics is notable, however she is not absolute. It can when exerted well to become the life of the citizens of the comfortable and calm celestial native land. However, of partial form, therefore its field of performance if depletes in the narrow limits of the terrena city. The final destination of the governing and its subjects who had adhered to the rules of Christ is the joy of the lasting and perfect peace. This already enjoys the citizens of the celestial native land. / [fr] La pensée politique de Saint Augustin a marqué profondément le Moyen-Age chrétien Toutefois, c´est la richesse exceptionnelle de ses contributions dans ce domaine qui l´ont empêchée de se stagner à travers le temps. En effet, certains thèmes abordés dans la - Cité de Dieu - sont encore actuels et pertinents. Parmi ceux-ci, la politique occupe une place prépondérante. L´évêque d´Hipona a dépassé l´époque où il vivait. Les principes qui, d´après lui, doivent orienter l´activité politique sont toujours valables. D´ailleurs, les politiciens authentiques agissent sous l´inspiration de Dieu et sont soutenus par Son amour Dans notre dissertation, nous proposons la vision politique de Saint Augustin contenue dans la - Cité de Dieu -. Il signale, d´une manière toute spéciale, les causes qui ont provoqué la chute de l´Empire Romain, telles que, l´ambition, l´orgueil, les vices, en résumé, l´amour concupiscent, et il conclut en affirmant que, sans l´amourcharité, il s´avère impossible aux gouvernants et à leurs sujets de construire une société juste et pacifique. La paix sociale ne sera obtenue que si l´Etat s´ouvre aux vraies valeurs religieuses, rendant à l´unique et véritable Dieu le culte qui Lui est dû. Le christianisme contient en lui-même une richesse extraordinaire, capable de transformer la politique en exercice de charité. Sa raison d´être se résume dans la maxime de l´Evangile:- Aime dieu et ton prochain comme toi même -. Toutefois, le pasteur d´Hipona ne s´omet pas quand il affirme qu´en effet l´Etat joue un rôle important dans la société, mais il est relatif. L´ activité politique est notable, mais pas absolue. Quand elle est bien exercée, elle peut rendre la vie des citoyens confortable et paisible. Mais ceci d´une façon partielle, car son champ d´action s´épuise dans les limites étroites de la cité terrestre. La destinée finale des gouvernants et de leurs sujets qui ont adhéré aux précepts du Christ est la jouissance d´une paix durable et parfaite, dont se benéficient déjà les citoyens de a patrie céleste.

Gene expression control for synthetic patterning of bacterial populations and plants

Boehm, Christian Reiner January 2017 (has links)
The development of shape in multicellular organisms has intrigued human minds for millenia. Empowered by modern genetic techniques, molecular biologists are now striving to not only dissect developmental processes, but to exploit their modularity for the design of custom living systems used in bioproduction, remediation, and regenerative medicine. Currently, our capacity to harness this potential is fundamentally limited by a lack of spatiotemporal control over gene expression in multicellular systems. While several synthetic genetic circuits for control of multicellular patterning have been reported, hierarchical induction of gene expression domains has received little attention from synthetic biologists, despite its fundamental role in biological self-organization. In this thesis, I introduce the first synthetic genetic system implementing population-based AND logic for programmed hierarchical patterning of bacterial populations of Escherichia coli, and address fundamental prerequisites for implementation of an analogous genetic circuit into the emergent multicellular plant model Marchantia polymorpha. In both model systems, I explore the use of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase as a gene expression engine to control synthetic patterning across populations of cells. In E. coli, I developed a ratiometric assay of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase activity, which I used to systematically characterize different intact and split enzyme variants. I utilized the best-performing variant to build a three-color patterning system responsive to two different homoserine lactones. I validated the AND gate-like behavior of this system both in cell suspension and in surface culture. Then, I used the synthetic circuit in a membrane-based spatial assay to demonstrate programmed hierarchical patterning of gene expression across bacterial populations. To prepare the adaption of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase-driven synthetic patterning from the prokaryote E. coli to the eukaryote M. polymorpha, I developed a toolbox of genetic elements for spatial gene expression control in the liverwort: I analyzed codon usage across the transcriptome of M. polymorpha, and used insights gained to design codon-optimized fluorescent reporters successfully expressed from its nuclear and chloroplast genomes. For targeting of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase to these cellular compartments, I functionally validated nuclear localization signals and chloroplast transit peptides. For spatiotemporal control of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase in M. polymorpha, I characterized spatially restricted and inducible promoters. For facilitated posttranscriptional processing of target transcripts, I functionally validated viral enhancer sequences in M. polymorpha. Taking advantage of this genetic toolbox, I introduced inducible nuclear-targeted bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase into M. polymorpha. I showed implementation of the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase/PT7 expression system accompanied by hypermethylation of its target nuclear transgene. My observations suggest operation of efficient epigenetic gene silencing in M. polymorpha, and guide future efforts in chassis engineering of this multicellular plant model. Furthermore, my results encourage utilization of spatiotemporally controlled bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase as a targeted silencing system for functional genomic studies and morphogenetic engineering in the liverwort. Taken together, the work presented enhances our capacity for spatiotemporal gene expression control in bacterial populations and plants, facilitating future efforts in synthetic morphogenesis for applications in synthetic biology and metabolic engineering.

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