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Obnova katastrálního operátu v katastrálním území Lomnice u Tišnova / Renewal of cadastral documentation in cadastral unit Lomnice u TišnovaSvobodová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the procedure of renewal of the cadastre documentation by remaking original maps. Redesigned location is Lomnice u Tišnova, more precisely its urban area. For this area is still valid map in the scale of 1:2880. Digitalization of analogue maps is one of the most important tasks in the cadastre department. On the basis of these facts, this diploma thesis was created in this cadastre territory and the official renewal of these territory maps has been set on the 2015. The external area of the territory is already a digital cadastre map. Renewal of the cadastre documentation was guided by the cadastre documentation renewal guide with the latest changes. The result of this diploma thesis is a project of digital form of the cadastre map, created in MicroGEOS Nautil software.
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Obnova katastrálního operátu v katastrálním území Lomnice u Tišnova / Renewal of cadastral documentation in cadastral unit Lomnice u TišnovaTolášová, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with renewal of the cadastre documentation by revision of analogue map in the map scale 1:2 880 in cadastral unit Lomnice u Tišnova. The area of interest is built-up area because rural area was revised by complex land consolidation. The analogue map is revised to digital map based on the Instruction for renewal of the cadastre documentation and the conversion as amended. The result of this master’s thesis is a design of the digital form of the cadastral map created in MicroGEOS Nautil and comparison of the parcel area shown on owner's folio with the parcel area determined from the graphical file.
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Bytový dům v Litovli / Residential house in LitovelNedozrál, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves a new residential house in Litovel in the cadastral area town Litovel (685909) on plot 725/9. The building is situated in the outskirts of built-up. Plan view of the object is I-shaped with dimensions of 43.01 x 26.26 m. The building consists of four floors and cellar floor. In the cellar floor there are collective garage, cellar, boiler room, club room, toilet and access corridor following the staircase space. On the first floor of the multifunctional part building there are two shops and a hairdresser´s, which have individual entrances. The main entrance to the living part of the house is consists by storm lobby. On the leeward continues vestibule and staircase space with a lift shaft. The main corridor following to individual apartments in each floor lead on the staircase space. The building is based on a reinforced concrete base. Vertical construction and horizontal construction are made from the system HELUZ. Roof construction are flat and have a gradient of 3%.
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Srovnání evidence nemovitostí v etapách jejího vývoje / Comparation of the Real Estate Registration in the Periods of its DevelopmentNedomová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with a Cadaster theme and its historical development starting from defective land inventories, first real estate records and land registers up to the contemporary Cadaster – information system that involves all the property deatils of the Czech Republic area. Furthermore, the thesis describes the present Cadaster state, regulations on which is the Cadaster based on, its structure and written records. Finally, the thesis also mentions the Slovak Republic Cadaster and other cadastrial systems in foreign countries.
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Vývoj výstavby rezidenčních nemovitostí v lokalitě Brno - Stránice / Development of the Construction of Residential Properties at the Brno - Stránice LocalityTalpová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the construction development of residential real estate in the area of Brno - Stranice. It considers not only the description of the location and its history but also it describes the development of construction of the residential real estate in individual periods of time when the main attention is given to the period of the First Republic, in which the greatest construction development took place. Furthermore, this work describes the significant architectonic building works as well as the current construction and development of this location in the future. The main purpose of this thesis is to summarize the progress of the residential real estate construction in the location of Brno – Stranice since the beginning of the construction in the nineties of 19th century till present, when the construction is almost completed.
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Oceňování golfových hřišť s ověřením možností aplikace Naegeliho metody třídy polohy / Valuation of golf courses with verification of application possibilities Naegeliho class method positionPuchýř, Bohumil January 2014 (has links)
Subject of this thesis is the valuation of golf courses with the verification of possible application of Naegeli class method. The solution includes a description of individual objects located on golf courses used for this sport. Application of Naegeli class method will be carried out in both theoretical and practical way. Result will be compared with the use of other conventional valuation methods, eventually estimate as well. According to the achieved results, a standard expert valuation process using Naegeli class method will be proposed.
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Školící středisko / Training centerMatoulková, Simona January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design documentation of training centerm determined to services for public. Building is situated in Královéhradecký region, in Náchod, cadastral district Náchod, located on 1150/1, 1151/6 and 1152/1 building plots with 1949 m2 area. Trainig center has three floors. In the first floor there is nursery school and in the second and the third floor there are situated rooms of the training center with administration. Center has wheelchair access and private parking spaces. The building is designed as a brick building with Isover insulation system with ventilated facade. Vertical supporting structure is from KM Beta Sendwix and Spiroll ceiling panels – the horizontal supporting structure. The building has not walkeble flat roof structure. Zhe inclination is performed by thermal insulation at a gradient of 3%. For heating there is designed Schiedel Absolut chimney.
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Vývoj výstavby rezidenčních nemovitostí v obci Jilemnice a jejím okolí / Development of the construction of residential properties in the village of Jilemnice and its surroundingsJebavá, Klára January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of construction of residential property in Jilemnice. The work is divided into several stages of the history of the area from the beginning of construction to the present. Each historical stage describes a characteristic common features and different construction material representative of residential property including pictures and photographs. The work also Jilemnice, Horní štěpanice history and information about the cadastral area Jilemnice.
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Tvorba digitální katastrální mapy v části katastrálního území Vilantice / Creation of a digital cadastral map in the cadastre unit VilanticeVacková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The Aim of this master`s thesis was creation of a digital cadastral map in the part of cadastre unit Vilantice, in Chotěborky. There is an analog cadastral map scale 1:2 880 in the cadastre unit Vilantice currently. Review and completion of the positional point field was done by technology of global navigation satellite system and terrestrial methods. Result of this master`s thesis were the documentation of the review and completion of the positional point field, mapping sketches and vector file of a digital cadastral map.
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Land Disjunctions; A historical survey / Jordavsöndringar; En historisk kartläggningSchmidt, Mimmi January 2014 (has links)
Parcelling was a land divison institution that was used intensively in Sweden during the years 1827-1928. The parcelling consisted of one person selling a certain, decided piece of land to another. The deal was sealed with a simple contract. Whilst the seller was a member of the villages commonities and his land was assigned a quantity in the village, and he was bound to pay tax responding to that quantity, the sold parcel was not. In order not to reduce the land owners taxability, the buyer was therefore required to pay an annual fee to the seller. This fee was to be approved by the county administration, and the buyer also had to apply for Title Deed to have the transfer approved. These approvals were for a long time the only points of control toward parcelling. Involvement of a land surveyor was not a required part of the parcelling process until year 1918. Parcelling was terminated in 1928, but the parcels created before then are independent real estate units just like any other. This means that they sometimes are affected by land regulations and surveys just like any other real estate. When investigating the contents of these parcels the contract, past claims and other factors shall be used, to search out the initial purpose of the transfer. The contract that seller and buyer signed is the main source of evidence. Unfortunately, the contracts do not always answer the questions that may arise over time. Maps were not always made, and even when they were, they might have disappeared over time or simply be unspecific. What then remains are past claims and other circumstances to provide clues about what the purpose may once have been. The questions that arise when a parcel is to be investigated often concern its borders, wether water was included, fishing rights as well as other rights and commonities. The issue of water for these parcels has been particularly contentious. Legal practice has concluded that there are no presumptions, although such have been suggested and sometimes applied. There are however a number of scenarios where water and fishing in principle can be considered to have been part of the transfer. / Denna rapport redovisar ett examensarbete som syftat till att genom en litteraturstudie kart-lägga ett äldre jorddelningsinstitut, jordavsöndring. Jordavsöndring var ett jorddelningsinstitut, som fanns i svensk lagstiftning åren 1827-1928. Innan dess förekom också jorddelning som liknade jordavsöndring, men det var i allmänhet förbjudet att dela jord eftersom staten var beroende av skatteintäkter från jordägarna. Jordavsöndring gick, något generaliserat, till så att en person genom ett avtal sålde ett bestämt markområde till en annan. Med detta markområde – avsöndringslägenheten, jordavsöndring-en, avsöndringslotten – följde inte något mantal i byn och heller ingen skattskyldighet. För att inte minska skattekraften i stamfastigheten var köparen skyldig att betala en årlig avgift till säljaren. Den här avgiften skulle godkännas av länsstyrelsen, och köparen skulle söka lagfart för att få överlåtelsen godkänd. Dessa godkännanden var länge den enda kontrollen som gjordes vid avsöndring. Lantmätares inblandning blev inte en nödvändig del i avsöndringsprocessen för-rän år 1918. Jordavsöndringsinstitutet togs bort 1928, men fastigheter som avsöndrats innan dess är själv-ständiga fastigheter som alla andra. Det innebär att de blir berörda av lantmäteriförrättningar precis som alla andra fastigheter ibland blir. Vid bestämning av gränser till en avsöndrad fastighet ska överlåtelsehandlingar, innehav, och andra omständigheter användas för att söka syftet med avsöndringen. Det avtal som säljare och köpare tecknade är den viktigaste beviskällan när man ska utreda vad som ingår i en av-söndrad fastighet. Tyvärr erbjuder avtalen inte alltid svar på de frågor som kan uppstå med tiden. Kartor har inte alltid upprättats, och även när de har upprättats så är de inte alltid till hjälp. Kvar står sedan innehav och andra omständigheter att ge ledtrådar om vad syftet en gång kan ha varit. De frågetecken som uppstår när en avsöndring ska utredas rör ofta gränser, vattenområden och rätt till fiske samt rättigheter och samfälligheter. Frågan om vattenområdens tillhörighet för avsöndringar har varit särskilt omtvistad. Praxis har utvecklats till att det inte finns någon presumtionsregel, även om det har varit på förslag och i perioder har tillämpats. Det finns ett antal typfall där vatten och fiske principiellt kan anses ha ingått vid avsöndring.
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