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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O conhecimento de mundos desconhecidos: palavras e coisas do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos / The knowledge of unknown worlds: words and things of the Portuguese language in the literature of the Italian travelers

Benilde Socreppa Schultz 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo registrar os empréstimos da língua portuguesa na literatura dos viajantes italianos que tiveram contato com os portugueses. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) e DAgostino (1994) consideram que o léxico dos viajantes italianos é uma fonte de empréstimos casuals, ou seja, neologismos que não tiveram a oportunidade momentânea de fazer parte da língua italiana ou o foram introduzidos mais tarde. Muitos casuals são utilizados para descrever as coisas novas que os viajantes encontravam e que não existiam ainda na língua italiana. Podemos comparar os casuais aos cometas, que permanecem nos céus por um curto período de tempo, iluminando e imprimindo a sua beleza, mas que logo em seguida desaparecem. A língua portuguesa tem um importante papel na constituição desse conjunto de empréstimos ocasionais, pois, ao registrar os novos elementos encontrados, os viajantes o faziam através da língua portuguesa, em fenômenos de interferência linguística, caracterizando uma aquisição inconsciente ou outras vezes, conscientemente. Para compor os corpora desta pesquisa escolhemos treze viajantes, dos séculos XVI e XVII, que estiveram em colônias e cidades existentes nas possessões ultramarinas. A seguir, selecionamos as ocorrências dos empréstimos e as analisamos à luz das teorias de Alves e Klajn. Portanto, esta pesquisa de doutorado tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento do registro do léxico casual do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos e examinar como esse léxico servia muitas vezes para dar uma cor local (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) ao texto, subjugando a imaginação do leitor e expressando o desejo do viajante de tornar a sua obra imorredoura, eterna. / This research aims to record the loans of the Portuguese language in the literature of Italian travelers who had contact with the Portuguese. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) and D\'Agostino (1994) consider that the lexicon of Italian travelers is a source of loans called casuals. Or: Neologisms that have not had the opportunity to be part of the Italian language, but are used to describe the new things that travelers find - and still do not exist in their own language. We can compare the casuals to comets, which remain in the heavens for a short time, lighting up and printing-up its beauty in the skies and then disappearing. So these loans appear momentarily, but do not vanish: get eternally printed, fulfilling their function: to illuminate and give color to the text. The researchs corpora will comprise the Italian travelers, especially those of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who were in colonies and overseas possessions. Soon after, we selected occurrences of loans and analyzed in the light of theories of Alves and Klajn. Therefore, this PhD research aims to survey the record of the casual lexicon of Portuguese literature by Italian travelers and examine how this lexicon often served to give a local color (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) to the text, overwhelming the reader\'s imagination and expressing the desire of the traveler make his work undying, and eternal.

La centralité du public dans la création théâtrale : étude des expérimentations de l'artiste Laura Hurt de 2014 à 2018 / The centrality of the public in theatrical creation : study of the experiments of the artist Laura Hurt from 2014 to 2018

Librizzi-Huret, Laura 29 May 2019 (has links)
En prenant appui sur quatre années d'expérimentations artistiques et théâtrales (2014-2018) dans la ville de Nice et le département des Alpes-Maritimes, cette thèse tente de rendre compte de la démarche intellectuelle et des processus mis en œuvre dans une création post-contemporaine. Elle donne à voir la particularité des expériences de l’artiste Laura Hurt qui est à la fois auteur, metteur en scène et chercheur-praticien-reflexif dans le cadre de cette thèse de création. Dans un va-et-vient de la théorie à la pratique et inversement, nous avons essayé de mettre en avant comment un parcours personnel chaotique et une solide formation artistique amènent à de nouvelles pistes de travail, en mettant notamment le public au cœur de toutes démarches artistiques, la question de la centralité du public dans une œuvre théâtrale constituant une donnée principale, capitale même, dans l'élaboration d'un spectacle afin d’aller dans la continuité du « théâtre pour tous », du « théâtre pauvre » ou encore du « théâtre élitaire pour tous » afin de découvrir comment aujourd’hui, l'acte de création peut mettre en avant des notions comme la fraternité et la concorde universelle par une attention particulière vis-à-vis du public et notamment celui qui a peu accès à l'art, le public dit « empêché ». Cette thèse analyse par une méthode heuristique l'en-dedans et l'en-dehors de la représentation scénique, et montre que l’interdisciplinaire, le performatif et l'acte poétique permettent une nouvelle liberté pour se rapprocher du public et effacent tout ce qui nous sépare, pour mieux retrouver ce qui nous rassemble. Cette thèse découle d'une volonté de théoriser, d'analyser, de décrypter, d'expliquer, de découvrir a posteriori les actes engagés dans une démarche artistique et de faire émerger le savoir muet, discret, intime, de la genèse épistémologique de l'artiste dans son acte créateur. / Drawing upon four years of artistic and theatrical experimentation (2014-2018) in the city of Nice and the department of Alpes-Maritimes, this thesis attempts to take account of the intellectual approach and processes involved in a post-contemporary creation. It reveals the particular nature of the experience of the artist Laura Hurt, who is both producer and researcher-practitioner-thinker in the framework of this thesis on creativity. Moving freely between theory and practice, we have tried to put forward how a chaotic personal journey and a solid artistic training lead to new ways of working, notably placing the public at the heart of all artistic approaches and whenever the question of the public’s central role in theatre might be of primary, even essential pertinence in the putting on of a spectacle aiming to continue the art of ‘theatre for all’, ‘poor or minimal theatre’ or even ‘elite theatre for everyone’, thereby discovering how, today, the creative act may promote notions such as fraternity and universal concord by paying special attention to the public and particularly that public having little access to art, the so-called handicapped public. This thesis analyses via its heuristic model the inner world and outer world of stage performance, and reveals how the interdisciplinary, the performative and the poetic act allow for a new freedom to draw closer to the public, erasing all that separates, so as to better reclaim what we share. The thesis derives from a desire to theorise, analyse, decode, explain and discover a posteriori those acts involved in an artistic approach, and to bring to light the intimate, discreet, unsaid knowledge of the artist’s epistemological genesis in her creative gesture.

Bytový dům s občanskou vybaveností / Multifunctional Building

Marášek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design documentation of a multifunctional building. The new building is located in a town Uherský Brod in Uherské Hradiště district. The house is situated on a gentle sloping land. The new building is divided into café, drugstore and eight flats. The masonry are designed from Porotherm system. The roof is warm flat roof.

Vývoj česko-lichtenštejnských vztahů po roce 2000 / Czech-Liechtenstein relations and their development after 2000

Doležal, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis concentrates on studying the relations between the Czech Republic and Liechtenstein from 2000 until 2015. The Czech Republic and the monarchy share a long common history, reaching all the way to the Middle Ages. The Liechtensteins constituted autonomous political power in the Czech lands for centuries and this power played a significant role not only on the regional but also on the continental level. Historical development in Czech territory in 20th century interrupted this continuous symbiosis, the Liechtensteins lost all their Czech property in a short period of time and decided to leave Czech land permanently. Due to the confiscation of property by the Czech state, long-lasting litigations between the two states were created. Even the establishment of the democratic Czech Republic did not bring any change. It was only in 2009 when diplomatic communication was re-established, but ownership issues of different properties remain a challenging issue of bilateral relations. The opening part of the thesis summarizes the historical development in 20th century. The second part analyses property disputes between the Czech Republic and Liechtenstein from the historical perspective. The third part concentrates on contemporary political and economic system of Liechtenstein. Specific...

Přeživší tzv. cikánského tábora v Letech u Písku v kontextu žádostí o odškodnění dle zákona 255/1946 / Survivors from the so-called Gypsy camp in Lety u Písku in the context of compensation claims according to the Czechoslovak law no. 255/1946

Berkyová, Renata January 2020 (has links)
 An archive of applica/ons for cer/ficates under 255/1946, where are since 1946 un/l now almost 150,000 applica/ons, includs requests from survivors from Jewish and Roma families or their descendants. The aim of the work is to observe several levels reflec/ng comensa/on of survivors, difficult accep/on, respec/vely ignorance of the process of the Roma Holocaust in the Protectorate and, at the same /me, the gradual shaping of awareness of it as a part of the post-war rela/onship of the non-Roma and Roma of Czechoslovak society to this war genocide.The key to the selec/on of applica/ons by Roma applicants for in-depth analysis and linking with other sources rela/ng to their pre-war, war and post-war life is the list of prisoners of the so-called Gypsy Camp at Lety u Písku by C/bor Nečas Key words: Holocaust of the Roma, the so-called Gypsy camp in Lety u Písku, survivors, compensa/on

Intuition of an Outsider: From Nothing to Voice in George Scarbrough’s Poetry

Moore, William 01 May 2021 (has links)
Long acknowledged as a committed poet of place, this thesis examines tones of outsiderness and alienation that characterize George Scarbrough’s poetry. Scarbrough draws on familiarity with his childhood in southeast Tennessee, and from an outsider’s outlook, a perspective veritably prompted by the rejection he suffered as a homosexual and lover of language, Scarbrough’s poetry addresses the daunting themes of fear and nothingness. Analysis of his poetry also reveals qualities of hope and endurance, a commitment to received forms, and Modern innovation. Through his poetic voice, culminating in the alter ego of Han-shan, Scarbrough provides vital insights into the human experience.

Přijetí tzv. "náhubkového zákona" a jeho dopad na česká média / Enactment of so-called "muzzle act" and its impact on czech media

Jozífek, Radek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Act no. 52/2009 Coll., which amends the Act no. 141/1961 Coll. (Penal Procedure Code), as amended by latter Acts, and some other Acts. Because of its alleged censorial character, it was often referred to as the "Muzzle Act" by local media. The thesis is composed of five parts. The first one describes methods used in the rest of the text, the second one explains main theoretical concepts and essential topics that are important for understanding the other parts - right to privacy, right to information, publication of transcripts obtained by eavesdropping devices etc. It also describes contents of the "Muzzle Act" and its amendment. The third part reviews how the Act passed the legislative process in both chambers of the Parliament, including protests of media and some scholars against it. All the main reasons why protestors considered the Act censorial or even unconstitutional are drawn up in the fourth part of the thesis. It also sums up thoughts and confronts thoughts of people who argued in favour of the Act. In the fifth part, journalists from Czech News Agency (ČTK), daily newspaper Mladá fronta DNES, weekly magazine Respekt and news website Aktuálně.cz describe how the Act influenced their working habits and contents of their media. One specialist in the field of journalism...

Etude du ressuage des bétons de parois moulées - influence des paramètres de formulation / Study of bleeding of concrete diaphragm walls : influence of formulation parameters

Azzi, Mohammed Amin 04 July 2017 (has links)
Les parois moulées sont des ouvrages de fondations en béton armé. Le béton de paroi moulée n'est jamais vibré et présente une fluidité élevée. Les observations effectuées après le terrassement et le rabotage des parois montrent que celles-ci présentent des défauts qui sont reliés au ressuage du béton lors de sa mise en place. Les cheminées de remontées d’eau représentent 90% des désordres observés sur les chantiers. Les constituants du béton sont souvent mis en cause. Une étude a été menée afin de comprendre l'influence des divers paramètres affectant le ressuage. Quatre formulations de béton issues de chantier ont été caractérisées en laboratoire. Une formule a montré sur chantier sa robustesse vis à vis du ressuage, tandis que les trois autres formulations ont abouti à des pathologies plus ou moins sévères. La formulation qui présentait le plus de pathologies a été modifiée de manière à observer l’effet des constituants de la formulation vis à vis du ressuage forcé et statique. Différentes pressions ont été étudiées afin de simuler différentes hauteurs de paroi moulée. Cette étude a permis de valider la pression 5 bars prédite par les recommandations Bauer. La formulation de base de ce béton de fondation a été modifiée de manière à obtenir une courbe granulaire continue, un rapport G/S proche de 1 et une augmentation du dosage en fines supérieur à 430 kg/m3. Les résultats des essais ont permis de limiter le seuil admissible du filtre presse Bauer à 15 ml au lieu de 24,4 ml. Les formulations du béton de fondation de plusieurs chantiers de parois moulées ont été modifiées, ce qui a permis de valider les prescriptions précédentes. Des recommandations ont pu être proposées. / The diaphragm walls are foundations made with reinforced concrete. The concrete of diaphragm wall is never vibrated and has a high fluidity. The observations recorded following excavation and planing of diaphragm walls demonstrate that defects are observed which are correlated with concrete bleeding during placement. Water upwelling pathology represents 90% of all disorders observed at project sites. Mix components are often implicated. A study was conducted to understand the influence of various parameters affecting the bleeding. Four concrete mix designs derived from the field were characterized in the laboratory. On a jobsite, one design has, revealed its robustness with respect to bleeding, whereas the other three have led to pathologies of varying severity. The tested concrete displaying the most of pathologies was modified so as to observe the effect of different mix components on the forced and static bleeding. A range of pressures was introduced as a means of simulating various diaphragm wall heights.This study validated the pressure 5 bar predicted by the Bauer recommendations. The basic formulation of this concrete of foundation has been modified in order to have a continuous granular curve, G / S close to 1 and an increasing in the dosage of fines greater thinly than 430 kg / m3. The results of tests served to limit the admissible threshold of filter press Bauer at 15 ml instead of 24,4 ml. The formulations of the concrete foundation of several diaphragm walls have been modified accordingly, which validated the previous prescriptions. Recommendations have been proposed.

Kolaborační proud protektorátního prezidenta Emila Háchy / Collaboration movement of the Protectorate president Emil Hácha

Šafr, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the conservatively authoritarian collaboration movement led by the so-called State President of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Emil Hácha, who belongs to the controversial figures of our modern history. The thesis is concerned with Hácha's ideological orientation as a radical conservative and with the historicist concept of the Czech statehood as the two main bases of his approach to collaboration on whose grounds the policy of actual cooperation with the Nazi occupiers was realised. In connection with Hácha's specific type of collaboration, emphasis is placed on his negative relationship with the first independent Czechoslovak Republic and its liberal democratic regime, and, on the other hand, on his friendly relationship with the Greater German Reich and supra-state systems in general. In order to demonstrate the practice of E. Hácha's policies, attention is paid to the President's and his supporters' loyal pro-German speeches, activities of the organisations founded by Hácha -- Národní souručenství (National Community) and Český svaz pro spolupráci s Němci (Czech Union for Cooperation with Germans) -- and Hácha's attitude towards the Czech resistance movement. The thesis also depicts the change of Hácha's leading position in the autonomous administration of the Protectorate in connection with the Nazi intentions that were put into practice in the Czech area from his election to the end of the war. Another aim of the thesis, in order to assess in detail the form of the President's pro-German cooperation, is to compare Hácha's group with the Czech fascist movement, and the collaborating journalists around E. Moravec. The primary focus is on the ideological conflict and political struggle for power among the collaborative movements, their different attitudes to the German occupation administration, and their exploitability by Nazi policies in the Protectorate. The final part of the thesis deals with opinions of contemporary society on E. Hácha's Protectorate policies, including reactions of the resistance at home and abroad. On this basis, the post-war statements given by the representatives of Hácha's collaboration movement to the National Court in the process of "national cleansing" are compared with their actual activities during the time of the occupation. The thesis draws from archive materials, contemporary printed sources, and scholarly literature that covers the topic of collaboration in the Protectorate.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Klimeš, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this dissertation is a new building of Multifunctional building in Třebíč on parcelas number 1237, 1238, 1239. The Multifunctional building is situated on nursery sloping terrain. It´s designed as a four-floor house without a cellar. Ground plan size of the object are 15,35 m x 44,3 m. Parapet is situated 12,95 m high over the first floor. The building is build on a concrete foundations. From the point of view of construction the building is combination of a concrete breeze-block which are in ground floor and ceramic breeze-block which are in another floor of the building. Ceiling is designed from prefabricated filigran floor slab produced out of special liapor concrete. Staircase is iron-concrete with ceramic pavement. The object is roofed with flat roof which is drain of water using roofdrain.

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