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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Českoslovenští průvodci cestovního ruchu a jejich role ve společnosti v období tzv. normalizace / Czechoslovak Tour Guides and Their Role in Society During Normalization

Řezníčková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis, based on archive research combined with the oral history method, is to provide a complex overview of the Czechoslovak tourist guide profession during the so called normalisation period together with their role in the society. Several aspects of being a tourist guide with a special focus on incoming tourism and the city of Prague were subjected to a research with help of the theoretical framework defined in the first part of the thesis. Those are following. Motivation of the guides to carry out their profession, conditions guides had to meet, how they managed to cope with ideological side of their job and what benefits could they enjoy. At last, the transformation of tourist profession after Velvet revolution in 1989 is being discussed. Key words Tourist guide, tourism, the so called normalization period, oral history.

Jan Palach v pamětech obyvatel města Všetaty / Jan Palach lives on in the memories of those living in Všetaty

Luzar, Kamil January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the perception of the personality of Jan Palach by the inhabitants of the town of Všetaty. People of different generations, gender and education who shared his place of birth or residence with him. The whole study is based on a thorough heuristic work, which helped to draw the historical context. However, the emphasis is put mainly on the subjective statements of the addressed narrators, processed by years of proven methodological procedures of oral history. The focus is given to ordinary people who do not have direct family or friendly ties to Jan Palach. And because he himself wanted to snatch just such an ordinary Czechoslovak citizen from post-occupation lethargy, the study focuses on the degree of direct or indirect influence on the lives of the narrators.

Girls Who (Don’t) Wear Glasses: The Performativity of Smart Girls on Teen Television

Conaway, Sandra B. 26 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Razvoj modela pristupa poštanskoj mreži / Development of the model of access to the postal network

Unterberger Marija 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno u doktorskoj diserrtaciji usmereno je na definisanje modela pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži i faktora koji utiču na kreiranje modela. Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste kreiranje dinamičkog modela pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži koji će obezbediti veću tražnju za uslugom pristupa i veću efikasnost po&scaron;tanskih operatora univerzalne usluge. Pored kreiranja dinamičkog modela pristupa, u radu je istraženo i trži&scaron;te po&scaron;tanskih usluga i ukupne po&scaron;tanske infrastrukture u Republici Srbiji, a zatim je izvr&scaron;ena analiza i prognoza tražnje za uslugom pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži. Predložena je originalna metodologija pod nazivom &ldquo;Post - DSS&rdquo; (Delfi-Serquval-Scenario), čiji je osnovni cilj bio da se analiziraju zahtevi za pristupom po&scaron;tanskoj mreži i da se istraže faktori koji utiču na pristup. Na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata istraživanja izgrađen je model pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži i testiran na području Republike Srbije.</p> / <p>The study which was conducted in this doctoral dissertation focused on defining the model of access to the postal network and the factors that influence the creation of the model. The main objective of the research is to create a dynamic model of access to the postal network that will provide greater demand for service access and greater efficiency of the postal operators of the universal service. In addition to creating a dynamic model of access, the paper explored the postal market and overall postal infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia, and then made forecast of the demand for service access to the postal network. The proposed methodology is an original one called &quot;Post-DSS&quot; (Delfi-Servqual-Scenario), whose main objective was to analize requests for access to the postal network and to investigate the factors affecting the access. Based on the results of research, a model of access to the postal network has been built and tested in the Republic of Serbia.</p>

O conhecimento de mundos desconhecidos: palavras e coisas do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos / The knowledge of unknown worlds: words and things of the Portuguese language in the literature of the Italian travelers

Schultz, Benilde Socreppa 28 March 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo registrar os empréstimos da língua portuguesa na literatura dos viajantes italianos que tiveram contato com os portugueses. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) e DAgostino (1994) consideram que o léxico dos viajantes italianos é uma fonte de empréstimos casuals, ou seja, neologismos que não tiveram a oportunidade momentânea de fazer parte da língua italiana ou o foram introduzidos mais tarde. Muitos casuals são utilizados para descrever as coisas novas que os viajantes encontravam e que não existiam ainda na língua italiana. Podemos comparar os casuais aos cometas, que permanecem nos céus por um curto período de tempo, iluminando e imprimindo a sua beleza, mas que logo em seguida desaparecem. A língua portuguesa tem um importante papel na constituição desse conjunto de empréstimos ocasionais, pois, ao registrar os novos elementos encontrados, os viajantes o faziam através da língua portuguesa, em fenômenos de interferência linguística, caracterizando uma aquisição inconsciente ou outras vezes, conscientemente. Para compor os corpora desta pesquisa escolhemos treze viajantes, dos séculos XVI e XVII, que estiveram em colônias e cidades existentes nas possessões ultramarinas. A seguir, selecionamos as ocorrências dos empréstimos e as analisamos à luz das teorias de Alves e Klajn. Portanto, esta pesquisa de doutorado tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento do registro do léxico casual do português na literatura dos viajantes italianos e examinar como esse léxico servia muitas vezes para dar uma cor local (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) ao texto, subjugando a imaginação do leitor e expressando o desejo do viajante de tornar a sua obra imorredoura, eterna. / This research aims to record the loans of the Portuguese language in the literature of Italian travelers who had contact with the Portuguese. Zolli (1995), Zaccaria (1905, 1927) and D\'Agostino (1994) consider that the lexicon of Italian travelers is a source of loans called casuals. Or: Neologisms that have not had the opportunity to be part of the Italian language, but are used to describe the new things that travelers find - and still do not exist in their own language. We can compare the casuals to comets, which remain in the heavens for a short time, lighting up and printing-up its beauty in the skies and then disappearing. So these loans appear momentarily, but do not vanish: get eternally printed, fulfilling their function: to illuminate and give color to the text. The researchs corpora will comprise the Italian travelers, especially those of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who were in colonies and overseas possessions. Soon after, we selected occurrences of loans and analyzed in the light of theories of Alves and Klajn. Therefore, this PhD research aims to survey the record of the casual lexicon of Portuguese literature by Italian travelers and examine how this lexicon often served to give a local color (GUSMANI, 1983; ALVES, 1990; APRILE, 2005) to the text, overwhelming the reader\'s imagination and expressing the desire of the traveler make his work undying, and eternal.

A ação civil pública no direito previdenciário / The class action called ação civil pública and the social security law

Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo Bistão 10 April 2015 (has links)
Verifica-se, na atualidade, grande multiplicação dos conflitos envolvendo a Previdência Social e seus segurados. Embora sejam vários os motivos que levam ao ajuizamento de ações previdenciárias, identifica-se em grande parte dos casos uma linha condutora que unifica os diversos litigantes (segurados e dependentes) em torno de uma questão comum. Olhando-se de longe, o que se vê é uma série de ações individuais, cada uma com suas peculiaridades, que buscam as mesmas reparações e ajustes. Há, nesses casos, o ajuizamento em massa de ações com conteúdo semelhante, o que irá gerar sentenças, recursos e execuções múltiplos e, em vários casos, apresentando soluções divergentes. Desse modo, ainda que se tratem de direitos que podem ser tutelados individualmente, há que se buscar a tutela por um prisma coletivo, de modo a se trazer efetividade e segurança na área previdenciária. E uma dessas formas consiste no uso da ação civil pública em questões previdenciárias. Mecanismo relativamente recente em nosso ordenamento, introduzido em 1985, a ação civil pública encontra-se hoje plenamente integrada àquilo que se chama de microssistema de tutela coletiva, admitindo tanto a defesa de direitos difusos, quanto de coletivos stricto sensu e mesmo de direitos individuais homogêneos. O esforço que merece atenção, portanto, consiste na caracterização do Direito Previdenciário numa dessas três categorias de direitos coletivos lato sensu, vez que a tutela no plano coletivo molda-se de acordo com o tipo de direito que se está a tutelar. Ademais, é necessário também que se afaste a interpretação restritiva já superada pela jurisprudência mais atual que exclui os Direitos Previdenciários da esfera de objetos da ação civil pública. / There are, at present, a great multiplication of conflicts involving the Social Security and its policyholders. Although several reasons leads to the prosecution of social security actions, its possible to identify a conductive line that unifies the various litigants around a common issue. Looking from outside, there are a series of individual actions, each one with its own peculiarities, seeking the same repairs and adjustments. In this cases, the prosecution consists in mass actions with similar content, which will generate multiple sentences and multiple executions - and, in many cases, will define divergent solutions. Thus, even if dealing with rights that can be protected individually, we must seek the protection of a collective point of view, in order to bring effectiveness and safety in the social security area. And one of those ways is the use of public civil action (called ação civil pública, in Portuguese), a kind a class action, in social security issues. Introduced in 1985, this collective action is now fully integrated to the microsystem of collective protection, assuming both the defense of diffuse and collective rights, as well some kind of individual rights by a collective way. The effort that deserves attention, therefore, is the characterization of the Social Security in one of these three categories of collective rights. Moreover, it is also necessary that departs the restrictive interpretation which excludes Social Security Rights from the sphere of objects of class action called ação civil pública.

A ação civil pública no direito previdenciário / The class action called ação civil pública and the social security law

Carlos Eduardo Bistão Nascimento 10 April 2015 (has links)
Verifica-se, na atualidade, grande multiplicação dos conflitos envolvendo a Previdência Social e seus segurados. Embora sejam vários os motivos que levam ao ajuizamento de ações previdenciárias, identifica-se em grande parte dos casos uma linha condutora que unifica os diversos litigantes (segurados e dependentes) em torno de uma questão comum. Olhando-se de longe, o que se vê é uma série de ações individuais, cada uma com suas peculiaridades, que buscam as mesmas reparações e ajustes. Há, nesses casos, o ajuizamento em massa de ações com conteúdo semelhante, o que irá gerar sentenças, recursos e execuções múltiplos e, em vários casos, apresentando soluções divergentes. Desse modo, ainda que se tratem de direitos que podem ser tutelados individualmente, há que se buscar a tutela por um prisma coletivo, de modo a se trazer efetividade e segurança na área previdenciária. E uma dessas formas consiste no uso da ação civil pública em questões previdenciárias. Mecanismo relativamente recente em nosso ordenamento, introduzido em 1985, a ação civil pública encontra-se hoje plenamente integrada àquilo que se chama de microssistema de tutela coletiva, admitindo tanto a defesa de direitos difusos, quanto de coletivos stricto sensu e mesmo de direitos individuais homogêneos. O esforço que merece atenção, portanto, consiste na caracterização do Direito Previdenciário numa dessas três categorias de direitos coletivos lato sensu, vez que a tutela no plano coletivo molda-se de acordo com o tipo de direito que se está a tutelar. Ademais, é necessário também que se afaste a interpretação restritiva já superada pela jurisprudência mais atual que exclui os Direitos Previdenciários da esfera de objetos da ação civil pública. / There are, at present, a great multiplication of conflicts involving the Social Security and its policyholders. Although several reasons leads to the prosecution of social security actions, its possible to identify a conductive line that unifies the various litigants around a common issue. Looking from outside, there are a series of individual actions, each one with its own peculiarities, seeking the same repairs and adjustments. In this cases, the prosecution consists in mass actions with similar content, which will generate multiple sentences and multiple executions - and, in many cases, will define divergent solutions. Thus, even if dealing with rights that can be protected individually, we must seek the protection of a collective point of view, in order to bring effectiveness and safety in the social security area. And one of those ways is the use of public civil action (called ação civil pública, in Portuguese), a kind a class action, in social security issues. Introduced in 1985, this collective action is now fully integrated to the microsystem of collective protection, assuming both the defense of diffuse and collective rights, as well some kind of individual rights by a collective way. The effort that deserves attention, therefore, is the characterization of the Social Security in one of these three categories of collective rights. Moreover, it is also necessary that departs the restrictive interpretation which excludes Social Security Rights from the sphere of objects of class action called ação civil pública.

"The great work begins" : Tony Kushner's theater for change in America /

Klüssendorf, Ricarda. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 2006.

Porovnání metod výuky matematiky se zaměřením na geometrii / Comparing methods of mathematics teaching with a focus on geometry

Stříbrná, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to observe, characterize ale reflect two well-known methods of teaching mathematics - so-called classical method and method according to professor Hejný, on the example of two second grade class teachers of elementary school with a focus on geometry. In the theoretical part I list several research works concerning class room observation. I use these to set up methodology of my own research. Moreover, the methods are characterized according to the literature and the analysis of the textbooks. Also the outputs of the Framework Education Programme (in Czech "Rámcový vzdělávací program") are presented in this theoretical part. I use these outputs to evaluate whether the method leads students to what they should know. The practical part consists of observing lessons of two teachers, my own teaching experience in the given classes and final questionnaire for students. Data collected from these observations are analysed with the help of qualitative and quantitative methods. The representative of the so-called classical method put emphasis on repetition and system. He usually asks students questions that require a shorter response. Students do not enjoy the school and geometry that much, but the knowledge results are quite good. The representative of the method according...

"Matka na svých rukou chová celý svět." Dámský spolek Ludmila v Českých Budějovicích a jeho dívčí vychovávací ústavy (1885-1950) / "Mother cradles the whole world on her hands." Ladies´ society called Ludmila in České Budějovice and its educational institutes for girls (1885-1950)

BÍLKOVÁ, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The thesis aims to provide a comprehensive survey of history and activities of ladies´ society called Ludmila. This society left its mark on the history of the city by its charitable activities, which aided the poor school children, and by establishing and funding schools for girls and a boarding school for girls in České Budějovice. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters generally outline the social, cultural and political milieu in České Budějovice, the legislation and ladies´societies in the Czech lands in the period 1850-1950. The third chapter deals with formation of the society Ludmila and its statutes. The fourth chapter presents an analysis of its structure and biographies of its members, including a short profile of Jana Zátková, the chairman of this ladies´society. The fifth chapter treats the activities of the ladies´ society and the closing part of the thesis describes the imposed dissolution, which put an end to beneficial activities of ladies´ society called Ludmila in 1950.

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