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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizační problémy při (max,min.)-lineárních omezeních a některé související úlohy / Optimization Problems under (max; min) - Linear Constraint and Some Related Topics

Gad, Mahmoud Attya Mohamed January 2015 (has links)
Title: Optimization Problems under (max, min)-Linear Constraints and Some Related Topics. Author: Mahmoud Gad Department/Institue: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statis- tics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: 1. Prof. RNDr. Karel Zimmermann,DrSc 2. Prof. Dr. Assem Tharwat, Cairo University, Egypt Abstract: Problems on algebraic structures, in which pairs of operations such as (max, +) or (max, min) replace addition and multiplication of the classical linear algebra have appeared in the literature approximately since the sixties of the last century. The first publications on these algebraic structures ap- peared by Shimbel [37] who applied these ideas to communication networks, Cunninghame-Green [12, 13], Vorobjov [40] and Gidffer [18] applied these alge- braic structures to problems of machine-time scheduling. A systematic theory of such algebraic structures was published probable for the first time in [14]. In recently appeared book [4] the readers can find latest results concerning theory and algorithms for (max, +)-linear systems of equations and inequalities. Since operation max replacing addition in no more a group, but a semigroup oppera- tion, it is a substantial difference between solving systems with variables on one side and systems with variables occuring on both sides of the equations....

Laberinto / Laberinto

Skopalová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Laberinto is a type of book-form game, invented by Andrea Ghisi, and first printed in 1607. A second version was printed in 1616 and includes all the characters of the so-called tarocchi of Mantegna, with the addition of a new series of ten cards (following the logic of composition of the tarocchi). Another two versions of Laberinto (printed in 1607 and 1610) contain none of the Mantegna tarocchi characters. The rules of the game are based on the art of mathematical combinations. The aim of the game is to move through a visual labyrinth and discover which figure the opponent has in mind. The focus of this work will be on the 1616 version; my intention is to describe the problematic of the repetition of the original game concept a century and a half later, examining the conditions under which players used the allegorical field of the so-called Mantegna Tarocchi, and under which the cosmological meaning was secularized and the new series of ten cards added.

Jaroslav Šalda. Portrét titána tisku / Jaroslav Salda. Portrait of Print Titan

Škrabalová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
Abstract in English language This work depicts the life story story of a "self-made man" Jaroslav Salda, the creator and director of the Melantrich, the biggest printing company in Czechoslovak time of so called First Republic. It is doing so by compiling interviews with period witnesses, archival documents and literary sources. Each chapter is a part of the answer to the question: How is it possible that the illegitimate child without funds and university education had become the man with extensive expertise, the frequent guest of Ministers and the President and the powerful head of the media industry? This text as a whole, firmly tied to the history of the Czech nation and Melantrich, reflects the experience of the man who dedicated his life to building, because he considered the constructive, innovative, diligent and hard work the main means of fulfillment in life and the key to success. It shows a person which embodies the adage: Where there is a will, there is a way. Key words Jaroslav Salda, Melantrich, Czech National Socialist Party, Ceske slovo, Svobodne slovo, Hvezda, Vaclavske namesti, a time of so called First Republic, capitalism, business, director, print, newspapers, Publishing Company, resistance activity.

Měření vlastností polarizovaného světla na výstupu optovláknového senzoru / Measurement of polarized light properties on the opticla fiber sensor output

Velič, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
birefringance, degreeofpolarization, polarization, Stokesvectors, Poincarésphere, state of polarization, optical power, sensoric fibre, polarization-maintaining fiber, polaroid, poalrimeter

Faktorer som påverkar en miljöinvestering / Factors that are affecting an environmental in-vestment

ELNER, FREDRIK January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att göra en jämförande studie mellan faktorerna som enligt en teoretisk ram påverkar en miljöinvestering och faktorerna som ingår i ett företags bedömnings-modell. Respondentbolaget begärde i ett tidigt skede att få vara anonymt och benämns därför som Företaget. Det är en multinationell koncern med verksamhet i många skilda branscher, men med fokus på norden och produkter som kan kopplas till lantbruk. Den teoretiska referensramen har sin utgångspunkt i begreppen värde och investering samt hur deras koppling till miljö och miljöinvesteringar för att identifiera de faktorer som påverkar en miljöinvestering. Faktorerna som ingår i den teoretiska referensramen och som jämförs mot respondentbolagets faktorer är:  Investeringens värdetillförsel  Investeringens miljöpåverkan  Hur investeringen påverkar produktionsförutsättningarna  Krav från samhället  Kundkrav Kopplingen däremellan bedöms enligt en femgradig skala. Informationen från Företaget inhäm-tades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från Företaget. Slutsatsen för detta arbete är att Företaget har identifierat samma faktorer som den teoretiska referensramen. De använder dock mätetal som inte fullt ut reflekterar faktorerna. Den största avvikelsen är bedömningen av en investerings värdetillförsel, då Företaget fullt ut införlivar det producerade värdet samt det faktum att en miljöinvestering skall ses som irreversibel. Enkelhet premieras hos Företaget och det är för att prioritera modellens användbarhet, som Företaget väl-jer att acceptera brister i bedömningsmodellen. För att förbättra bedömningsmodellen bör Företaget därför införliva nya mätetal som till större del reflekterar faktorerna som påverkar en miljöinvestering / The purpose of this master thesis is to present a comparison between the factors that affects an environmental investment. This is done through applying a theoretical framework on the factors affecting a company’s existing appraisal model for environmental investments. The company that was a part of this thesis asked at an initial stage for confidentiality, therefore it is called the Company in this thesis. The Company that contributes with the appraisal model is a multination-al group with operations in many different industries, but with a focus on the Nordic countries and products that may be linked to the agricultural sector. The theoretical framework has its base in the concepts of value and investments and their connection to the environment and the envi-ronmental investment. The identified factors in the theoretical framework are:  The investment’s addition to the value creation to the company  The investment’s environmental impact  How the investment affects the production  Demands from society  Customer demands From these, the factors affecting a company’s existing appraisal model were compared and their connection to theoretical framework was judged according to a 5-grade scale. Information from the Company was acquired through semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Company. The largest deviation is how the company considers an investment’s contribution to the produced value. Because of this imperfection does the company's model not fully incorporate the produced value and that an environmental investment is irreversible. The overall conclusion is that the Company has identified the same factors as the theoretical framework. The Company has though chosen to use their existing methods and performance indicators that don’t fully incorporate the factors in the theoretical framework. The largest devia-tions are how the company considers an investment’s contribution to the produced value and that it should be considered as irreversible. The Company must therefore in order to enhance their appraisal model develop new performance measures for the factors.

Automatic classification of cardiovascular age of healthy people by dynamical patterns of the heart rhythm

kurian pullolickal, priya January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Role sestry ve screeningu deprese u seniorů. / Role of the nurse in screening for depression in the elderly.

VRZALOVÁ, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of depression in older people. Mainly the work is focused on identifying and analyzing the role of nurses in screening for depression in older people in primary care, acute care, long-term care and home care. This thesis was focused on theoretical direction and was used the method of design and demonstration. In this thesis was set one main goals with five research questions. The main goal was to identify and analyze the role of nurses in screening for depression in the elderly. RQ 1: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in the elderly? RQ 2: What is the role of the nurse in the primary care in screening for depression in the elderly? RQ 3: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in hospitalized patients in acute care? RQ 4: What is the role of the nurse in screening for depression in seniors in long-term and home care? RQ 5: What rating scales and methods are used in screening for depression in the elderly? The thesis introduce the concept of depression. The following are specified the causes of and the important factors that affect depression in the elderly. It also deals the differences in the clinical symptomatology of depression in old age. It explains possibilities and various barriers in the diagnosis of depression. Another chapter introduces complete geriatric examination, diagnostic classification systems, possible screening methods and scales for detection of depression in the elderly population. It also deals methods of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment and its possible complications associated with older age. By reason of increased suicide rate caused by depressive disorder the issue of suicidal behavior in the elderly is introduced. The next chapter deals with the nursing process, which is used by nurses in practice. It consists of the evaluation of the patient's health condition, making nursing diagnosis, creating nursing plan and subsequent implementation and evaluation. The nursing process is also needy for providing quality care. The nursing process in the stage of nursing diagnosis, introduces possible nursing diagnosis for a patient suffering from depression, which are based on the latest classification. Finally is described the role of nurses in screening for depression in the elderly in different health facilities and their contribution to the timely evaluation of depression in the elderly. This chapter introduces the role of nurses, nursing screening and collaboration with a physician. The role of nurses in screening for depression in different medical facilities is based on the first phase of the nursing process of assessment. On the basis of objective and subjective information, the nurse will assess the overall health and mental condition of the patient. Primarily, it was investigated what is the role of the nurse in screening for depression. On the basis of content analysis and synthesis it was necessary to used and processed domestic and foreign literature. A number of relevant sources are the results of various studies and Meta-analyzes, mostly from abroad, but also from the Czech Republic. The thesis can serve as a basis for nurses. The result of this thesis is to create e-learning material available for students in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice in the tutorial called Moodle.

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