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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'un outil chronostratigraphique pour les archives climatiques : datations absolues (K/Ar,⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar) et paléomagnétisme appliqués aux laves / Developing a chronostratigraphic tool for climatic archives : absolute dating (K/Ar and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar) and paleomagnetism applied to lavas

Sasco, Romain 28 January 2015 (has links)
Développer une échelle de temps à haute résolution temporelle et commune aux différentes archives climatiques est une étape importante afin de quantifier avec précision les rapides variations climatiques passées et pour les placer dans un cadre chronologique unifié facilitant leurs inter-comparaisons et la quantification d’éventuels déphasages entre évènements, marqueurs ou archives climatiques.Le champ magnétique terrestre (CMT) regroupe l’ensemble des caractéristiques désirées pour développer un tel outil chronostratigraphique (expression dipolaire globale à la surface du globe, enregistrement dans diverses archives, variations en intensité indépendantes des variables climatiques). Bien que porteurs d’enregistrements continus, les sédiments ne donnent accès qu’aux variations relatives d’intensité du CMT. De plus, quand leur échelle de temps ne peut plus être placée sur celle des glaces polaires, elle est généralement obtenue par forçage orbital. Les laves, émises sporadiquement, enregistrent l’intensité absolue du CMT et sont datables par méthodes ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar et K-Ar (indépendantes des variables climatiques). Elles fournissent ainsi des couples âge-paléointensité (A-PI) permettant de calibrer les enregistrements sédimentaires et de les transférer sur des échelles de temps et d’intensité absolues. L’échelle de temps ainsi obtenue est par la suite transférable à diverses archives climatiques. Cette étude se focalise sur les derniers 200 ka. Les laves étudiées proviennent des jeunes volcans d’Ardèche et des phases récentes du volcanisme canarien. Les laves ardéchoises ont délivré des résultats de paléointensité non exploitables et des incertitudes trop importantes sur les âges. Aucun couple A-PI pertinent n’a donc été obtenu. Cependant, nos résultats géochronologiques démontrent l’importance de combiner les 2 méthodes de datation K-Ar et ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar pour tester l’exactitude et la signification géologique des âges obtenus. Pour ces laves, porteuses d’indices de contamination crustale et mantellique, nous suggérons que l’excès d’argon est situé dans des sites de rétention basses températures (<600°C). Les âges ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar obtenus, apparemment non affectés par l’excès d’argon, décomposent l’activité volcanique en 3 phases : 1 au Nord (180±30 ka) et 2 au Sud (31±4 ka et 24±8 ka).Les laves canariennes ont produit 14 nouveaux couples A-PI (dont 9 datés conjointement en K-Ar et ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar). Ces données ont été combinées à celles disponibles et triées de manière à ne garder que celles issues de protocoles d’analyses robustes et suffisamment précises. Les 51 données retenues ont été comparées aux courbes sédimentaires disponibles afin d’obtenir de nouvelles contraintes temporelles sur 0-200 ka. Sur 0-80 ka, les données confirment la bonne calibration de GLOPIS-75 initialement basée le minimum d’intensité de l’excursion du Laschamp et sur l’évolution du CMT entre 20 et 10 ka. En particulier, 3 de nos données réparties entre 45 et 60 ka sont cohérentes avec l’évolution du signal magnétique présentée par GLOPIS-75, complétant ainsi le jeu de contraintes sur cet intervalle. De 80 à 140 ka, les données retenues, bien qu’ayant des incertitudes temporelles parfois importantes, sont cohérentes avec les courbes sédimentaires validant ainsi leur niveau moyen de calibration sur cette période. Ces données confirment également la baisse d’intensité lors de l’épisode ancien du Blake à 120 ka, baisse d’intensité bien documentée par PISO-1500 mais très lissée sur SINT-2000. Avant 140 ka, les données sédimentaires et volcaniques disponibles sont trop incohérentes : aucune calibration n’a donc été entreprise sur cette période. Enfin, 2 données produites suggèrent un évènement géomagnétique bref vers 155 ka. Un tel événement n’est pas observé dans les courbes sédimentaires globales et les modèles disponibles vers 155 ka mais quelques études individuelles mentionnent localement un évènement géomagnétique vers 150 ka (Autriche, Russie et Mer de Chine). / The understanding of climatic mechanisms and rapid climate changes requires a high-resolution, robust, and precise timescale which allows long-distance and multi-archives correlations.An appropriate tool to construct such a timescale is provided by the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The EMF is independent from climatic variations and its past evolution, global at the surface of the Earth, is recorded by most of the geological/climatic archives. Sedimentary sequences provide continuous records of relative intensities of the EMF on timescales usually based on ice core age models or orbital tuning. Lavas, though discontinuously emitted through time, record the absolute intensity of the EMF during their cooling at the surface of the Earth. Lavas are dated using 2 complementary methods: ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar and K-Ar, both independent from climatic parameters. Lavas have therefore the potential to deliver tie-points (age-paleointensity couples) enabling the time calibration of sedimentary sequences and their transfer onto absolute intensity scale and chronological time scale. This timescale can then be transferred to other climatic archives. The present study focusses on the last 200 ka with lavas sampled from young volcanoes of Ardèche (South Massif Central, France) and recent phases of volcanism in the Canary Islands.Lava flows from Ardèche provided unexploitable paleointensity results and ages with large uncertainties. Therefore, they failed to provide suitable tie-points. However, our geochronological results evidence how crucial the combination of both the K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar methods is to test the accuracy and geological meaning of the ages. Ardèche lavas have abundant mantellic and crustal xenoliths, potential carriers of excess ⁴⁰Ar*. Our study suggests that the argon excess is located in sites that decrepitate at low temperature (<600°C). Because ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar ages are not affected by excess ⁴⁰Ar*, they provide reliable results. The new age dataset indicates that the volcanic activity of Ardèche can be divided in 3 phases: the oldest one (180±30 ka) took place in the northern part of the studied area and 2 younger phases are expressed in the South (31±4 ka and 24±8 ka).The study of the Canarian lavas produced 14 tie-points (9 out of 14 dated combining K-Ar and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar results). These data have been added to the available ones for the same time period. The published data have been selected on the basis of robust analytical protocols and accuracy. The 51 data finally selected are compared to available sedimentary stacks. Over the last 80 ka, the volcanic data corroborate the calibration of GLOPIS-75, initially based on volcanic and archeomagnetic data between 10-20 ka and the low intensity observed in the Laschamp excursion. Three newly produced data, dated between 45 and 60 ka, extend the database initially used to older periods and they are also consistent with the initial calibration of GLOPIS-75. Between 80 and 140 ka, though volcanic data have significant uncertainties (in age and/or paleointensity), they are consistent with available sedimentary records and validate their calibration level on the long-term. At a shorter time scale, volcanic data corroborate the intensity low reached during the older phase of the Blake excursion (120 ka) by PISO-1500, whereas this low does not appear in SINT-2000. For ages older than 140 ka, not only the volcanic data are scattered, but also the sedimentary records are different from one another and no conclusions could be drawn. Finally, 2 of our data suggest a brief geomagnetic event around 155 ka. Such an event cannot be seen on available global sedimentary stacks or models, even though some individual studies report a local geomagnetic event around 150 ka (Austria, Russia, and China Sea).

Ecosystem Recovery in Estuarine Wetlands of the Columbia River Estuary

Kidd, Sarah Ann 08 June 2017 (has links)
In the restoration of tidal wetland ecosystems, potential drivers of plant community development range from biotic controls (e.g. plant competition, seed dispersal) to abiotic controls (e.g. tidal flooding, salinity levels). How these controls influence the success of tidal wetland restoration are only partly understood, but have important implications for wetland habitat recovery. Specifically, the extent to which the existing native and non-native seed banks in tidally reconnected wetlands interact with these controls is not clear, yet the potential success of passive restoration methods depends upon this understanding. For a 54-year chronosequence of eleven tidal wetland restoration sites in the Lower Columbia River of western Oregon, USA, it was hypothesized that native plant species and soil properties would show trends approaching reference levels within 3 to 20 years post-restoration and that lower elevation wetland areas within restored sites would exhibit a greater native species abundance and similarity to reference sites, compared with restored high elevation wetland areas. Results indicated that plant species richness, soil organic matter, bulk density, pH, and salinity conditions among the restoration sites reached reference wetland ranges within 3-6 years post-tidal reconnection. The mid-low marsh elevation zones (<2.5 m) recovered native plant cover within 3-6 years post-tidal reconnection, while high marsh elevation zones (>2.5 m) remained dominated by nonnative species Phalaris arundinacea and Juncus effusus subsp. effusus. To investigate the mechanisms driving these non-native plant invasions, it was ii hypothesized that native and non-native wetland plant community distributions would be reflective both of their abundance in the seed bank and of their germination tolerance to wetland tidal flooding and salinity conditions. Using a factorial study design of three tidal conditions by three salinity levels, these hypotheses were tested in the greenhouse. Overall, non-native seeds were found to significantly outnumber native seeds in both seed banks. In the greenhouse, P. arundinacea and J. effusus were found to germinate more readily out of the seed bank under freshwater high-marsh flooding (1 hour a day) treatments as compared to oligohaline (3 ppt) mid-low marsh flooding (3-6 hours twice a day) treatments and to brackish salinity (10 ppt) treatments. Dominant native wetland species, Carex lyngbyei and Schoenoplectus lacustris, germination were not found to vary significantly among the treatments (p > 0.10). These results indicate that the salinity and flooding gradients within these restored marshes suppress germination of the non-native species in the low-mid marsh but not in the high marsh, where they are likely able to outcompete the native species due to their dominance in the seed bank. The implications of these results for passive tidal wetland restoration efforts are that both seed bank composition and species-specific tolerances to restored tidal flooding and salinity gradients are key mechanisms driving native and nonnative plant community development and resilience.

Démonstration sur le ciel de l'optique adaptative multi-objet avec étoiles lasers par CANARY

Olivier, Martin 23 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
L'avènement des télescopes de classe de 30 à40 m va permettre l'étude de la formation et l'évolution des galaxies primordiales de l'univers. Le concept d'optique adaptative multi-objet (MOAO) a alors été proposé pour la conception des futurs spectrographes de l'E-ELT. Cette technique repose sur un contrôle en boucle ouverte du miroir déformable, et sur la reconstruction tomographique du front d'onde dans les directions d'intérèts. La MOAO a donc besoin d'être validée sur le ciel, c'est le rôle du démonstrateur CANARY. Cet instrument est doté de voies d'analyse du front d'onde sur des étoiles guides naturelles et lasers. À partir des mesures de ces analyseurs, l'algorithme Learn&Apply estime les mesures d'un analyseur sur l'axe, communément appelé le Truth Sensor, pour piloter le miroir déformable de CANARY. Le but de l'expérience est alors de démontrer la faisabilité technique de la MOAO, et de chiffrer les performances de CANARY sur le ciel. Cette thèse a pour but de donner des éléments de réponse aux interrogations actuelles concernant la MOAO. Ce manuscrit donne une extension et une analyse détaillée de la synthèse du reconstructeur tomographique avec étoiles lasers. La modélisation complète d'un système MOAO y est discutée et validée. La thèse a consisté à recueillir des données sur le ciel de CANARY au WHT, puis à les exploiter pour évaluer les performances de la MOAO sur le ciel. Une analyse statistique de la profilométrie de la turbulence et des performances est discutée, notamment pour évaluer l'impact de la tomographie et des étoiles lasers.

Evolution magmatique d'un volcan bouclier océanique avant et après une déstabilisation massive de ses flancs : Fogo, Cap Vert et Tenerife, Canaries / Magmatic evolution of oceanic shield volcano before and after a flanc collapse : Fogo, Cape Verde and Tenerife, Canary Islands

Cornu, Mélodie-Neige 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les effondrements massifs de flancs sont des évènements destructeurs qui affectent tous les édifices volcaniques. Ces effondrements peuvent impliquer quelques dizaines, voire centaines de km3 de roche. Les volcans boucliers océaniques, bien que possédant de faibles pentes, sont également affectés par ces épisodes destructeurs, entraînant la formation de tsunamis. Dans le contexte de bouclier océanique, ces déstabilisations n’ont jamais été observées. Actuellement, seules des reliques sont présentes sur les îles volcaniques, avec la présence de cicatrices d’effondrements, de dépôts détritiques en mer ou de dépôts de tsunami sur les îles voisines. Les relations entre le magmatisme des volcans boucliers et les effondrements de flanc sont peu contraintes. Afin de mieux comprendre ces relations, deux effondrements de flanc de volcans boucliers océaniques ont été étudiés : l’effondrement de Monte Amarelo sur l’île de Fogo, dans l’archipel du Cap Vert, et l’effondrement de Güímar, situé sur la rift-zone Nord-Est de Tenerife, dans l’archipel des Canaries. Les deux archipels résultent de l’activité d’un panache mantellique sous la plaque africaine.Les produits volcaniques pré et post-effondrement de ces deux secteurs ont été étudiés d’un point de vue géochimique (majeurs, traces, isotopes Sr-Nd-Pb), pétrologique et géochronologique (K-Ar, Ar-Ar), de manière à identifier à la fois les sources et les processus magmatiques mis en jeu lors de leur formation. L’évolution temporelle des sources, ainsi que des processus magmatiques, a été reconstruite afin d’identifier d’éventuels liens avec l’effondrement de flanc étudié.Les résultats montrent que l’évolution du magmatisme de l’île de Fogo amène à la formation de zones superficielles de stockage, de complexes intrusifs et d’éruptions explosives conduisant à de nouvelles instabilités de l’édifice. Suite à l’effondrement, ces zones de stockage sont déstabilisées en quelques milliers d’années. Les processus magmatiques lithosphériques (assimilation, fusion partielle) sont également perturbés mais sur une période plus longue (plusieurs dizaines de milliers d’années). L’effondrement de Güímar ne montre aucun lien avec le magmatisme de l’île de Tenerife.La différence principale entre ces deux contextes est la localisation de la zone effondrée par rapport au système magmatique. En effet, l’effondrement de Güímar est situé en périphérie du système magmatique et ne montre aucun lien avec ce dernier ; à l’inverse l’effondrement du Monte Amarelo, situé à l’aplomb du système magmatique, se répercute rapidement sur ce système à faible profondeur, mais également à des profondeurs lithosphériques avec un délai plus long. / Massive flank collapses are destructive events that affect all volcanic edifices. They can take off huge volumes of rock, from tens to hundreds km3. Oceanic shield volcanoes are also affected by such events even if they have shallow slopes, thus, tsunamis could also be generated in this context. However, a shield volcano flank collapse has never been observed. Nowadays, only relics are visible, such as collapse scars, detritic deposit offshore or tsunami deposits on nearby islands. The relationships between collapse and magmatic history of oceanic shield volcanoes are poorly constrained. Two flank collapses are studied in this thesis, with the aim to better understand these relationships: the Monte Amarelo collapse, on Fogo Island (Cape Verde), and the Güímar collapse, located on North-East rift-zone of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Those archipelagos are the result of hot spot activity below the African plate. Geochemical (major and trace elements, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes), petrological and geochronological (K-Ar and Ar-Ar) analyses were carried out on volcanic samples as to identify the source and magmatic processes at stake during magma genesis. The temporal evolution of source and magmatic processes is reconstructed in order to track possible links with the flank collapse. The magmatic system of Fogo Island evolves through time, favouring the formation of superficial storage zones, intrusive complex and explosive eruptions prior to the collapse, which participate to the instability of the edifice. Following the Monte Amarelo collapse, shallow storage zones are destabilized within a few thousand years. Lithospheric magmatic processes (assimilation, partial melting) are also affected but on a longer timescale (tens of thousands years). The Güímar collapse shows no links with the magmatic evolution of Tenerife Island. The main difference between the two collapses is the location of the collapse area with respect to the plumbing system. Güímar collapse is located at the periphery of the plumbing system and show no link with the magmatic history. Contrariwise, the Monte Amarelo collapse is located directly above the plumbing system and influence rapidly the superficial plumbing system, and the deep plumbing system in the long term.

Ruokohelpiviljelyn optimointi suopohjilla:turvetuotantoalueiden geologisen ympäristön, pohjaturpeen sekä kierrätyslannoitteiden käytön vaikutus ruokohelpin käyttämiin alkuaineisiin ja satoon

Parviainen, T. (Timo) 15 May 2007 (has links)
Abstract There are various after-use options on the cut-away peatlands, depending on the characteristics of the soil. If the soil is devoid of rock, cultivation of reed canary grass is a profitable after-use option. The aim of this study was to determine how characteristics of peat, peatland surroundings and fertilizers influence the element uptake of reed canary grass. In the present investigation the peat production areas of Luesuo, Piipsanneva and Jouttenisenneva were selected as study areas. A comprehensive sampling programme was carried out in each of the study areas. In addition, two experimental areas for cultivation of reed canary grass were established in Luesuo and Hankilanneva between 2004 and 2005. The results obtained indicate that all study areas were suitable for cultivating reed canary grass, but fertilizers must be added to make up nutrient deficiencies. The study areas were very clean from heavy metals. The results also suggest that the characteristics of peat or surroundings of peatland do not influence the nutrient level of peat significantly, considering the cultivation of reed canary grass. The large geochemical provinces have a smaller impact on nutrient and heavy metal levels in the peat on the peat cut-away areas compared to smaller geochemical units. Heavy metal content in the peat and in the mineral soil under the peat seems to correlate. Reed canary grass does not uptake heavy metals from the cultivation media effectively. Liming slag was better for liming in cultivation of reed canary grass than ash. Although ash has large amounts usable nutrients, especially potassium, it did not raise the heavy metal content in peat to harmful levels, it can therefore be used in the cultivation of reed canary grass. Stock fertilized fur animal manure compost produced almost as much biomass as optimized artificial fertilizers. After the correction of nutrient deficiencies, compost is suitable for the cultivation of reed canary grass in peatlands. Because the total nutrient levels are high in compost, its fertilizer effect lasts longer than in artificial fertilizers, where nutrients are all in a dissolved form. Already in the first growing season the cultivation of reed canary grass changed the cut-away peatland from a carbon source to a carbon sink. In this respect, the reed canary grass cultivation can be used to produce bioenergy to replace fossil fuels in accordance with the goals of Kyoto Protocol. / Tiivistelmä Turvetuotannosta vapautuneella suopohjalla toteutetaan erilaisia jälkikäyttötapoja riippuen suopohjan ominaisuuksista. Jos suopohja on kohtuullisen kivetöntä, ruokohelpiviljely on kannattavaa. Viljelty ruokohelpi poltetaan turpeen tai hakkeen seassa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää miten pohjaturpeen ja suopohjan ympäristöalueiden ominaisuudet sekä viljelyyn käytetyt lannoite- ja kalkitusaineet vaikuttavat ruokohelpin käyttämiin ravinteisiin. Ruokohelpiviljelyn lannoituskustannukset ovat suuret, joten suopohjan luontainen ravinnetila kannattaa huomioida lannoitusta suunniteltaessa. Suopohjan ravinnetila saadaan selville laatimalla alueelle viljavuusanalyysi. Kyseisen analyysin yhteydessä on hyödyllistä tehdä myös raskasmetallianalyysit, jotta viljelykäyttöön tulevan suopohjan puhtaudesta voidaan varmistua. Tutkimuksen kohdealueiksi valittiin Luesuon, Piipsannevan ja Jouttenisennevan turvetuotantoalueet. Lisäksi tutkimusta varten perustettiin ruokohelpin viljelykoealueet Luesuolle ja Hankilannevalle vuosina 2004 ja 2005. Tutkimusalueilla suoritettiin kattava näytteenotto. Näytteistä analysoitiin tärkeimmät kasviravinteet sekä joukko raskasmetalleja. Tulosten perusteella tutkimusalueille laadittiin viljavuusluokittelu. Tutkimusalueet soveltuvat hyvin ruokohelpiviljelyyn, mutta ravinnepuutokset tulee korjata lannoituksella käytettäen suopohjille suositeltua lannoitusta. Tutkimusalueet osoittautuivat puhtaiksi raskasmetalleista. Tutkimuksen kohteina olleiden suopohjien liukoisen kaliumin ja fosforin pitoisuudet olivat hyvin alhaisia, eivätkä turpeen tai ympäristön ominaisuudet vaikuttaneet niiden pitoisuuksiin ruokohelpiviljelyn kannalta merkittävästi. Liukoisen magnesiumin ja kalsiumin pitoisuudet sen sijaan vaihtelivat tutkituilla suopohjilla kohtuullisen paljon riippuen turpeen ominaisuuksista. Geokemiallisella provinssilla ei todettu olevan niin suurta merkitystä suopohjien lopputurpeiden alkuainepitoisuuksiin kuin pienemmillä geokemiallisilla yksiköillä. Tutkittujen suopohjien turpeen ja sen alla olevan kivennäismaan raskasmetallipitoisuudet korreloivat keskenään. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kasvualustan raskasmetallit eivät siirry tehokkaasti ruokohelpiin. Poikkeuksena olivat sinkin ja molybdeenin pitoisuudet, joita ruokohelpissä esiintyi korkeampina pitoisuuksina kuin kasvualustassa. Haitallisten raskasmetallien pitoisuudet olivat huomattavasti alhaisempia ruokohelpissä kuin kasvualustassa. Ruokohelpi sisälsi raskasmetalleja erittäin pieninä pitoisuuksina, joten viimeisen kasvukuukauden muutokset olivat vaikeasti tulkittavissa. Näyttää kuitenkin siltä, että ruokohelpi siirtää ainakin osan kuparista, sinkistä ja molybdeenistä juuristoonsa talven ajaksi. Suoritettujen lannoituskokeiden perusteella teräskuona soveltuu voimalaitostuhkaa paremmin turvekentän kalkitukseen ruokohelpiviljelyssä. Voimalaitostuhka sisältää kuitenkin huomattavia määriä hyödynnettäviä ravinteita, etenkin kaliumia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettei voimalaitostuhka lisännyt edes ylisuurina annoksina kasvualustan raskasmetallipitoisuuksia haitallisesti, joten sitä voidaan käyttää ruokohelpiviljelyssä. Varastolannoitetulla kompostilla saavutettiin lähes yhtä hyvä ruokohelpisato kuin optimoidulla mineraalilannoitteella. Näin ollen turkislantakompostia voidaan ravinnekorjausten jälkeen käyttää mainiosti ruokohelpiviljelyyn. Kompostin ravinnevaikutus on myös suurten kokonaisravinnepitoisuuksien vuoksi pidempi kuin mineraalilannoitteilla. Fosforin varastolannoitus turkislantakompostilla onnistui ensimmäisen kasvukauden perusteella hyvin. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että jo ensimmäisenä kasvukautena ruokohelpiviljelyllä saadaan muutettua hiililähteenä toimiva entinen turvetuotantoalue hiilinieluksi. Ruokohelpiviljelyllä tuotetulla bioenergialla voidaan lisäksi korvata fossiilisia polttoaineita Kioton ympäristösopimuksen tavoitteiden mukaisesti.

Long-term Responses of Phalaris arundinacea and Columbia River Bottomland Vegetation to Managed Flooding

Farrelly, Tina Schantz 01 January 2012 (has links)
I sought to determine the effect of managed flooding on Phalaris arundinacea L. and other plant species distributions in a large wetland complex, Smith and Bybee Wetlands (SBW), in northwestern Oregon. Altered hydrology has reduced historically high spring flow and prematurely initiated the historic summer drying period at SBW. This alteration has increased the coverage of invasive plants (e.g., P. arundinacea) causing a decrease in native plant cover and thus degrading ecological functions. SBW managers installed a water control structure (WCS) between SBW and the Columbia Slough/River system to impound winter rainfall and thus approximate the ecological benefits that natural flooding provided as well as reduce the abundance of P. arundinacea. Prior researchers conducted intensive vegetation and hydrological monitoring in 2003 (during the season immediately before WCS installation) and 2004. I conducted similar analysis in the fifth and sixth years, 2008 and 2009, following establishment of the WCS. Both study years, I determined percent cover of all vegetation on transects established in 2003. The results, including 2004, as well as 2008 and 2009 showed a reduced cover of P. arundinacea in areas experiencing at least 0.6 meters of inundation and an increased cover of native plant communities when compared to the 2003 baseline data. Native Carex aperta Boott. cover increased 7-fold from 0.3% to 2.3%; Polygonum species cover increased from 20.0% to 52.6%; and Salix lucida Muhl. ssp. lasiandra (Benth.) E. Murray cover increased from 10.9% to 15.5% cover. P. arundinacea declined by over one-third from 44.4% to 28.1% cover following water management. Since hydrology management began, the native Polygonum species community replaced P. arundinacea as the dominant species in the emergent zone. The results of this study refined the suggested depth of inundation needed to reduce P. arundinacea cover in such lake-wetland complexes as SBW from 0.85 meters (based on 2004 study results) to 0.6 meters. Shannon Diversity decreased following water management. The findings of this study demonstrated that water management can enhance native bottomland communities, especially those comprised of obligate wetland species, and reduce P. arundinacea cover in areas experiencing at least 0.6 meters of inundation.

Emigrace z Kanárských ostrovů na Kubu, 1860-1914 / Emigration from the Canary Islands to Cuba, 1860-1914

Špitálská, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis is to introduce the theme of the Canary emigration to Cuba in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. For better orientation, the author has chosen time interface between the years 1860-1914. The introduction outlines the sources and secondary literature, from which the author draws and also supposed goal of work. The second chapter is devoted to the Canarian emigration from Columbus's expeditions to the first half of the nineteenth century and its gradual development. The third chapter describes the specific reasons that led to the emigration from the Canary Islands, the attention is focused on the travel conditions of immigrants, employment contracts and promotion. The fourth chapter has been devoted specifically Canarian immigrants and their impact on Cuba, including labor stratification. The fifth chapter focuses on emigration to the turn of the century, there is a special attention is paid to the topic canary societies and associations. The conclusion summarizes the achieved knowledges and changes of this emigration.

Writing to Exist: Transformation and Translation into Exile

Unknown Date (has links)
Silenced for almost half a century, testimonies of those who lost the Spanish Civil War are now surfacing and being published. The origin of this dissertation was the chance discovery that Martín Herrera de Mendoza, a Spanish Civil War exile living in the United States, was truly a Catalonian anarchist named Antonio Vidal Arabí. This double identity was a cover for the political activist dedicated to the fight for change in the anarchist workers’ union CNT (National Confederation of Workers) and the FAI (Federation of Iberian Anarchists). He founded the FAI chapter in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and planned a failed assassination attempt on General Franco’s life in an effort to avoid the military takeover in 1936. This dissertation is the reconstruction of Antonio Vidal Arabí’s life narrative. It is based on the texts written during his seventeen-month stay as a refugee in Great Britain. Copies of his writings were left in a suitcase with a fellow anarchist who he instructed to have sent to his family upon his death. In 1989, “The English Suitcase” was delivered to his children in Barcelona. Based on his own account, this study follows his service as an intelligence agent for the Spanish Republic during the War. When it was over, he attempted to evacuate his family from France, to save them from the threat of the Nazi invasion and reunite with them in England or America. The analysis of the letters he wrote to his wife and children in France documents how he hid from Franco’s spies using his dual identity. In his letters, always signed as Martín Herrera de Mendoza, he invents a persona in order to help his family. The present study narrates his transformation into the persona he created and the events that brought about his translation into his “other.” Antonio Vidal Arabí’s bilinguism and biculturality is underlined as the main factors in his change into Martín Herrera de Mendoza. His was a voyage into exile documented by his own words; a story of survival and reinvention. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Riparian Wetland Response to Livestock Exclusion in the Lower Columbia River Basin

Holmen, Sarah Ann 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of riparian plant communities along a succession gradient of livestock exclusion in the Lower Columbia River Basin (LCRB). Livestock exclusion is an example of a passive restoration practice throughout the region. However, few studies have focused on the effects of livestock or livestock exclusion on riparian wetland ecosystems in this area. Two passive restoration sites, 3 and 13 years since livestock exclusion, and a control site with a continued livestock grazing presence were examined. It was hypothesized that native plant species richness would be lower in the excluded wetlands than in the grazed wetland due to the competitive exclusion from an increase in non-native plant dominance in the absence of grazing. Data were collected along six (45-60m) randomly distributed transects which were aligned perpendicular to the wetland shoreline of each site, providing a total of 18 transects with an accumulative length of approximately 990 meters. Vegetation cover data were collected for 10 cm intervals along these transects using the line intercept method during low water periods in August and September of 2009. The Kruskal-Wallis one-way nonparametric analysis of variance by ranks and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to detect significant (p

Performance of several diagnostic systems on detection of occlusal primary caries in permanent teeth / In Vitro Performance of ICDAS, QLF and PTR/LUM on the Detection of Primary Occlusal Caries on Permanent Posterior Human Teeth and Under the Opaque Resin Sealant.

Jallad, Mahmoud January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Indiana University School of Dentistry Master Degree Thesis. / Detection of caries at an early stage is unequivocally essential for early preventive intervention. Longitudinal assessment of caries lesions, especially under the opaque preventive sealant, would be of utmost importance to the dental community. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this two-part in-vitro study is to evaluate the performance of multiple detection methods: The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS); two quantitative light-induced fluorescence systems QLF; Inspektor™ Pro and QLF-D Biluminator™2 (Inspektor Research Systems B.V.; Amsterdam, The Netherlands); and photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence (PTR/LUM) of The Canary System® (Quantum Dental Technologies; Toronto, Canada). All these are to be evaluated on their detection of caries on posterior human permanent teeth for 1) of primary occlusal lesions, and 2) under the sealant of primary occlusal lesions. METHODS: One hundred and twenty (N = 120) human posterior permanent teeth, selected in compliance with IU-IRB “Institutional Review Board” standards, with non-cavitated occlusal lesions ICDAS (scores 0 to 4) were divided into two equal groups. The second group (N = 60) received an opaque resin dental sealant (Delton® Light-Curing Pit and Fissure Sealant Opaque, Dentsply, York, PA). All lesions were assessed with each detection method twice in a random order except for ICDAS, which was not used following the placement of the sealant. Histological validation was used to compare methods in regard to sensitivity, specificity, % correct, and the area under receiver- operating characteristic curve (AUC). Intra-examiner repeatability and inter-examiner agreement were measured using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: 1) Of primary occlusal lesions, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values were respectively: 0.82, 0.86 and 0.87 (ICDAS); 0.89, 0.60 and 0.90 (Inspektor Pro); 0.96, 0.57 and 0.94 (QLF-D Biluminator 2); and 0.85, 0.43 and 0.79 (The Canary System). Intra-examiner repeatability and inter-examiner agreement were respectively: 0.81 to 0.87: 0.72 (ICDAS); 0.49 to 0.97: 0.73 (Inspektor Pro); 0.96 to 0.99: 0.96 (QLF-D Biluminator 2); and 0.33 to 0.63: 0.48 (The Canary System). 2) Of primary occlusal lesions under the opaque dental sealants, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values were respectively: 0.99, 0.03 and 0.67 (Inspektor Pro); 1.00, 0.00 and 0.70 (QLF-D Biluminator 2); and 0.54, 0.50 and 0.58 (The Canary System). Intra-examiner repeatability and inter-examiner agreement were respectively: 0.24 to 0.37: 0.29 (Inspektor Pro); 0.80 to 0.84: 0.74 (QLF-D Biluminator 2); and 0.22 to 0.47: 0.01 (The Canary System). CONCLUSION: Limited to these in-vitro conditions, 1) ICDAS remains the method of choice for detection of early caries lesion due to its adequately high accuracy and repeatability. QLF systems demonstrate potential in longitudinal monitoring due to an almost perfect repeatability of QLF-D Biluminator 2. The Canary System performance and repeatability were not acceptable as a valid method of early caries detection. 2) None of the methods demonstrated acceptable ability in detecting of occlusal caries under the opaque sealant. However, QLF-D Biluminator 2, with limitation to these in-vitro conditions and Delton opaque sealant, demonstrated a fair accuracy AUC (0.70) in detecting of caries under sealants at an experimental threshold of 12.5% ΔF.

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