Spelling suggestions: "subject:"canine babesia""
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A study of the population pharmacokinetics of diminazene in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canisKettner, Frank 12 May 2008 (has links)
Diminazene is a drug that is commonly used in the treatment of canine babesiosis. Most of the
pharmacokinetic work on diminazene has been undertaken in healthy individuals, while the influence
of disease on diminazene pharmacokinetics has been investigated to a limited degree. Population
pharmacokinetics allows for the investigation of factors (covariates) that influence pharmacokinetic
parameters. The aim of this study was to provide a descriptive model of the population
pharmacokinetics of intramuscularly administered diminazene in dogs naturally infected with Babesia
canis. Thirty-nine dogs had 142 plasma samples collected. Another 56 samples from 8 healthy dogs,
from a previous study, were added to the data set. Population pharmacokinetics was performed using
WinNonMix® (Pharsight, Cary, NC). A one-compartment model was fitted to the data. Health status
(presence or absence of babesiosis), packed cell volume (PCV), serum albumin concentrations,
mental status (a marker for the severity of illness) and the presence of splenomegaly significantly
influenced the population pharmacokinetics model. The PCV lost its significance when these
covariates were modelled concurrently, due to its correlation to the health status. In the final model,
the volume of distribution (health status and albumin) and K01 (health status) was significantly
influenced by covariates. / Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Companion Animal Clinical Studies / MMedVet / Unrestricted
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Thromboelastographic evaluation of haemostatic abnormalities in uncomplicated canine babesiosisLiebenberg, Cherrildine Elizabeth 21 May 2012 (has links)
Babesiosis, caused by Babesia rossi, is a common cause of morbidity and mortality of dogs in South Africa. Canine babesiosis can be classified either as uncomplicated or complicated based on the degree of anaemia and the severity of the presenting clinical signs.1,2 In uncomplicated babesiosis, the clinical signs are mostly attributable to the degree of the anaemia, whereas in complicated babesiosis the disease process is characterised by additional organ involvement.3,4 One of the most common haematological hallmarks of canine babesiosis, caused by B. rossi, is thrombocytopenia, which is not associated with clinical haemorrhage despite very low platelet counts that would normally cause inability to maintain normal primary haemostatic function.5 The aim of this study was to describe the thromboelastographic findings in uncomplicated canine babesiosis and compare them with those of normal, healthy control dogs. We hypothesised that these dogs would have a normal to hypercoagulable haemostatic capacity, despite the severe thrombocytopenia, and that this could be detected with thromboelastography (TEG), which has previously been shown to correlate well with clinical signs of haemorrhage in dogs.6 This was a prospective, cross sectional, observational study that included 20 client-owned dogs, diagnosed with uncomplicated canine babesiosis at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital (OVAH). Infection with B. rossi was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse line blot (RLB) hybridisation assay. Blood samples were collected at the time of diagnosis. A group of 10 healthy control dogs were included for comparison. Antithrombin activity (AT) was measured using an automated spectrophotometric analyser (Cobas Integra 400, Roche, South Africa). D-dimer was measured using an immunometric flow-through principle (D-dimer Single test, Nycocard Reader II, Medinor A/S). Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and fibrinogen assays were performed on the ST art® 4 analyser (Diagnostica Stago, Roche, South Africa). TEG analysis was performed using the TEG® 5000 Thromboelastograph® Haemostasis System (Haemoscope, Pro-Gen Diagnostics (Pty) Ltd, South Africa). A complete blood count was performed on the ADVIA 2120 (Siemens, South Africa). The results of the babesiosis and control groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test or the Students t-test based on normality. The normality assumption for distribution of the variables in the data was evaluated using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The statistical significance was set at p<0.01. The mean haematocrit (Ht) and median platelet count was significantly lower in the babesiosis group than the controls (0.29 vs. 0.50 L/L; p<0.01 and 22.0 vs. 374.5 x 109/l; p<0.01, respectively). There was no significant difference in any of the TEG parameters between the babesiosis group and the controls. The medians for the various TEG parameters in the babesiosis group versus the controls were; R: 5.5 vs. 4.4 min (p=0.05); K: 2.5 vs. 2.0 min (p=0.08); angle: 58.3 vs. 61.1 degrees (p=0.35); MA: 47.0 vs. 57.0 mm (p=0.02); G: 4.9 vs. 6.7 dyn/cm2 (p=0.02); LY30: 0.00 vs. 0.6% (p=0.20); and LY60: 0.00 vs. 3.0% (p=0.014). The median fibrinogen concentration was significantly higher in the babesiosis group than in the control group; 5.8 g/L (5.0 – 7.0) vs. 2.9 g/L (2.5 – 3.3); (p<0.01). The mean AT activity was significantly lower in the babesiosis group than in the control group; 102.6 mg/dl (89.9 – 112.8) vs. 127.8 mg/dl (110.6 – 134.8); (p<0.01). The median D-dimer concentration was not significantly different in the babesiosis group compared to the control group; 0.3 mg/L (0.1 – 0.4) vs. 0.1 mg/L (0.1 – 0.2); (p=0.016). Median PT was not significantly different in the babesiosis group compared to the control group; 6.5 sec (6.4 – 7.2) vs. 6.8 sec (6.6 – 7.5); (p=0.14). Median aPTT was significantly prolonged in the babesiosis group compared to the control group; 13.6 sec (12.4 – 14.5) vs. 11.5 sec (10.7 – 12.2); (p<0.01). Despite the severe thrombocytopenia, dogs suffering from uncomplicated babesiosis did not have clinical signs of haemorrhage. The thromboelastograms of the babesiosis group were normal to hypercoagulable and thus correlated well with the clinical phenotype. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Companion Animal Clinical Studies / unrestricted
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The role of insulin in blood glucose abnormalities in canine babesiosisRees, Philip 04 January 2011 (has links)
Abnormal carbohydrate metabolism is a commonly encountered feature of malaria in people, and similar derangements have been detected in veterinary patients with canine babesiosis. Glucose, the major metabolic fuel source, is a key resource in critically ill patients as they mount an immunological response to infection and inflammation. The ability of the individual to effectively mobilise, distribute and utilise glucose is a major determinant of morbidity and mortality. Hypoglycaemia has been identified as a life threatening metabolic complication in almost 20% of severely ill dogs suffering from babesiosis due to Babesia rossi infection. Insulin and glucagon are the primary hormones involved in glucose homeostasis. Insulin lowers blood glucose concentration by facilitating cellular uptake and utilisation of glucose. Hyperinsulinaemia as a result of inappropriate insulin secretion may precipitate hypoglycaemia, and has been identif ed as a cause of hypoglycaemia in human and murine malaria. A similar phenomenon may exist in canine babesiosis. This prospective, cross-sectional, observational study, including 94 dogs with naturally acquired virulent babesiosis, sought to investigate and characterise the relationship between blood glucose concentrations and insulin concentrations in cases of canine babesiosis. Pre-treatment jugular blood samples were collected for simultaneous determination of plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. Animals were retrospectively divided into three groups: hypoglycaemic (plasma glucose concentration < 3.3 mmol/L; n=16), normoglycaemic (3.3-5.5 mmol/L; n=62), and hyperglycaemic (> 5.5 mmol/L; n=16). The median plasma insulin concentrations (IQR in parentheses) for the hypoglycaemic, normoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic groups were 10.7 pmol/L (10.7-18.8 pmol/L), 10.7 pmol/L (10.7-29.53 pmol/L; i.e below the detection limit of the assay), and 21.7 pmol/L (10.7-45.74 pmol/L), respectively. Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in insulin concentration between the three groups. These results suggest that insulin secretion was appropriately suppressed in these dogs. Only two dogs had elevated insulin concentrations, one of which was hypoglycaemic. The median time since last meal (available for 87 dogs) was 24 hours (IQR 2-4 days), constituting a significant period of illness-induced starvation. We conclude that hyperinsulinaemia is not a cause of hypoglycaemia in virulent canine babesiosis. It is speculated that prolonged fasting due to disease-induced anorexia, in addition to increased glucose consumption, depletion of hepatic glycogen stores, and hepatic dysfunction with impaired gluconeogenesis, may play important roles in the pathophysiology of hypoglycaemia in canine babesiosis. / Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Companion Animal Clinical Studies / unrestricted
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Abdominal splanchnic haemodynamics in a canine normovolaemic anaemia model and uncomplicated canine babesiosis : a comparative doppler studyKoma, Lee Martin Palia Koli 06 March 2006 (has links)
This study compared uncomplicated canine babesiosis (CB) with various grades of experimentally induced normovolaemic anaemia (EA) and the physiological state (controls) in the dog using Doppler variables of the abdominal aorta and splanchnic vessels. There were 14 cases of uncomplicated CB, and each EA and control group had 11 Beagles. There were significant increases in the abdominal aorta, cranial mesenteric artery, coeliac artery and main portal vein blood flow velocities, and in portal blood flow during EA when compared with the physiological state. There were significant reductions in resistance indices of the same vessels, and those of the hilar splenic artery. Changes were most notable during severe EA and less consistent during lower grades of anaemia. Significant changes in renal haemodynamics were found only during severe acute EA. In contrast to other abdominal vessels, left renal artery pulsatility and resistive indices increased significantly during EA while those of the interlobar artery remained unchanged. There was a significant increase in peak systolic velocity and significant decrease in end diastolic velocity. Renal artery time-averaged mean velocity (TAVmean) (P < 0.008) and end diastolic velocity (P = 0.041) were significantly lower than the corresponding variables of the aorta, cranial mesenteric and coeliac arteries during the EA but not the physiological state. The TAVmean ratio was significantly (P< 0.014) lower during EA when compared to the physiological state, and significantly (P< 0.004) lower than the corresponding variables of cranial mesenteric or coeliac artery during the EA but not the physiological state. There was a striking similarity between CB and EA regarding haemodynamic change patterns of Doppler variables in all vessels. In spite of this, renal resistive indices during CB were significantly higher than during EA and the physiological state. The similarity between CB and EA haemodynamic patterns is attributed to anaemia while significant differences between them may be attributable to pathophysiological factors peculiar to CB. This observation supports the view that CB impairs renal circulation through certain mechanisms such as capillary blockage with sequestered red blood cells. Doppler ultrasonography is a useful technique for clinical investigation of haemodynamics in CB and related diseases. / Thesis (PhD (Veterinary Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Companion Animal Clinical Studies / unrestricted
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Šunų babeziozės sukėlėjo Babesia canis 18S rRNR geno sekų palyginamoji analizė / Sequence analysis of 18S rRNR gene of canine babesiosis causative agent Babesia canisFrolovienė, Jurga 11 June 2014 (has links)
Šunų babeziozė – tai liga, greitai plintanti visame pasaulyje, kurią sukelia pirmuonys, priklausantys Babesia genčiai. Ligos sukėlėjus platina Dermocentor, Rhipicephalus, Haemaphysalis genties erkės. Lietuvoje paplitę Dermacentor reticulatus erkės - pagrindiniai Babesia canis vektoriai. B. canis patenka į raudonąsias kraujo ląsteles (eritrocitus) ir jas suardo. Kasmet sergamumas šunų babezioze visoje Europoje bei Lietuvoje stipriai auga. Darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti šunų užsikrėtimą Babesia canis patogenais ir identifikuoti Babesia canis porūšius ir padermes, panaudojant molekulinius tyrimo metodus ir filogenetinę sekų analizę. Šiame darbe buvo tiriami 20 šunų, sergančių babezioze,( pagal babeziozei būdingą klinikinę išraišką) kraujo mėginiai, kurie buvo surinkti iš Kauno apskrities Veterinarijos klinikų. Taikant molekulinį PGR (polimerazės grandininės reakcijos) metodą, 17 iš šių mėginių buvo identifikuota Babesia canis canis. Atlikus palyginamąją Babesia canis canis 18S rRNR geno sekų analizę, pasitelkus Gen Bank duomenis, buvo nustatyta, kad Lietuvoje sekvenuotos sekos nuo užsikrėtusių šunų buvo identiškos tarpusavyje ir turėjo 91-100% panašumą su sekomis, identifikuotomis sergančiuose šunyse ir D. reticulatus erkėse kitose Europos šalyse. Identifikuotos sekos priklausė vienam iš genotipų, paplitusių Europoje, kuris pasižymi didesniu virulentiškumu. Europos šalyse nustatyta 10 B. canis canis sekų variantų, identifikuotų pagal 18S rRNR geno sekų analizę. / Canine babesiosis is a disease, quickly spreading worldwide, which is caused by the protozoa belonging to the genus Babesia. The disease agents are transmitted by ticks of the genera Dermocentor, Rhipicephalus, and Haemaphysalis. Dermacentor reticulatus ticks, which are widely spread in Lithuania, are the main vectors of Babesia canis. B. canis infects red blood cells (erythrocytes) and destroys them. Every year the morbidity of Babesia canis is intensely growing in the whole of Europe and Lithuania.
The aim of thesis was to evaluate the canine infection with Babesia canis pathogens and identify species and subspecies of Babesia canis, using molecular methods of analysis and phylogenetic sequence.
The research focused on 20 dogs infected with Babesia canis (in accordance with the clinical expression characteristic of babesiosis); the blood samples were collected in the veterinary clinics in the Kaunas region. Applying the molecular PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) method, 17 of the samples were identified as cases of Babesia canis canis. On the basis of the contrastive gene sequencing analysis of Babesia canis canis 18S rRNR and the data of Gen Bank it was determined that in Lithuania the sequential sequences of infected dogs were identical and by 91-100 percent resembled the sequences identified in infected dogs and D. reticulatus ticks in other European countries. The identified sequences belonged to one of the genotypes which is widely spread in Europe and is... [to full text]
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Babezioze sergančių šunų gydymo ypatybės / Treatment specifics of canine babesiosisLalas, Mindaugas 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tema: babezioze sergančių šunų gydymo ypatybės. Tyrimai buvo atliekami Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų Universiteto, Veterinarijos Akademijos, Dr. L. Kriaučeliūno smulkiųjų gyvūnų veterinarijos klinikoje. Darbo apimtis 46 puslapiai, jame yra 6 lentelės, 16 paveikslų, panaudoti 72 literatūros šaltiniai.
Tyrimų tikslas – išanalizuoti babezioze sergančių šunų gydymo ypatybes, įvertinti galimas komplikacijas bei jų įtaką prognozei.
Tyrimų uždaviniai:
1) Atlikti detalią babezioze sergančių šunų klinkinių požymių analizę.
2) Išanalizuoti ir pateikti diagnostinių priemonių, naudojamų šunų babeziozės diagnozavimui bei diferenciacijai, spektrą.
3) Atlikti vaistų ir kitų šunų babeziozės gydymui naudojamų metodų analizę. Įvertinti naudojamų antiparazitinių preparatų privalumus ir trūkumus.
Tyrimų metodika:
1) Į kliniką atvestų šunų, kuriems įtariama babeziozė, šeimininkų prašyta nurodyti šunų amžių, veislę, laikymo ir šėrimo sąlygas, pastebėtus pirmuosius ligos požymius, kada jie pasireiškė, bei ar rado paskutiniu metu į šunį įsisiurbusių erkių.
2) Buvo atlikti periferinio kraujo tyrimai, kraujo morfologiniu bei biocheminiu rodikliu tyrimai.
3) Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta skaičiuokle „Excel 2010“.
Rezultatai ir išvados:
Šunims, sirgusiems babezioze, dažniausiai pasireiškė apatija ir vangumas (100 proc. atvejų), karščiavimas (69 proc. atvejų), blogas apetitas (58,6 proc. atvejų), splenomegalija (41,4 proc. atvejų), galinių kojų silpnumas (37,9 proc. atvejų), mažakraujystė (34,5 proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic: treatment specifics of canine babesiosis. Researches were carried out in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Dr. L. Kriaučeliūno veterinary clinic for small animals. Paper volume 46 Pages, it contains 6 tables, 16 images, used 72 references.
The research objective – to analyze the treatment specifics for dogs with babesiosis, evaluate the potential complications and their impact on prognosis.
Reseach tasks:
1) Perform a detailed analysis of clinical signs in dogs with babesiosis.
2) Analyze and provide diagnostic tools used to diagnose dog babesiosis and differentiation spectrum.
3) Perform analysis on drugs and other treatment methods used in the therapy for dogs with babesiosis.
Research methodologies:
1) Dogs owners were asked to indicate their dog's age, breed, housing and feeding conditions, the first signs of the disease which they noticed, when they occurred, and if they found ticks on their dogs recently.
2) Peripheral blood research, blood morphological and biochemical indicators tests were made.
3) The statistical analysis was carried out using calculator in „Excel 2010 “.
Results and conclusions:
Dogs with a history of babesiosis, commonly observed lethargy and sluggishness (100 percent of cases), fever (69 percent of cases)., loss of appetite (58.6 percent of cases)., splenomegaly (41.4 percent of cases)., rear leg weakness (37.9 percent of cases)., anemia (34.5 percent of cases).
Babesiosis had little effect on anemia - red... [to full text]
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Tikslas: išanalizuoti įvairių veiksnių įtaką šunų babeziozės pasireiškimui, plitimui, atsižvelgiant į šuns lytį, amžių ir veislę, naudojant literatūros šaltinius bei asmeninius tyrimus.
Duomenys buvo surinkti iš " Jakovo veterinarijos centras", smulkių gyvūnų klinikos "Pas Filą " ir kraujo tyrimai buvo renkami ir atliekami Veterinarijos ir diagnostikos centre. Iš viso surinkome 1195 ligos atvejų, atsižvelgiant į lytį, amžių bei veislę. Anamnezė buvo surinkta iš 117 šunų, kraujo mėginiai buvo imami iš 31 sergančio šuns, kraujo morfologiniams tyrimams.
Išanalizavus esamus duomenis, pastebėjome, kad dažniausiai babezioze serga tam tikros šunų veislės: mišrūnai, vokiečių aviganiai, labradoro retriveriai ir sibiro haskiai. Atsižvelgiant į lytį, tai daugiausiai babezioze sirgo patinai ir žymiai rečiau patelės. Babezeliozė dažniausiai buvo diagnozuojama jauniems šunims, 1 iki 2 metų, bet sunkiausia klinika buvo pasireiškusi šuniukams iki 1 metų. Dažniausiai pasireiškianti klinikinė simptomatika: apatija, anoreksija, kliniškai išreikšta anemija, pakitusi kūno temperatūra, tamsus šlapimas, vėmimas, NS sutrikimai, viduriavimas, kliniškai išreikšta gelta. Analizuojant morfologinius kraujo rodiklių pokyčius, nustatėmė, kad visais atvejais buvo pasireiškusi trombocitopenija, sumažėjęs trombokrito kiekis.
Pastebėjome, kad ligai būdingas sezoniškumas. Stipriausias babeziozės bumas pasireiškia pavasarį – balandžio, gegužės, birželio mėnesiais ir kiek silpnesnis – rudenį (rugsėjį, spalį).
... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Goal: to find out a variety of factors influence the occurrence of canine babesiosis, development, according to dog sex, age and breed, using known literature and personal research. The data were collected from „Jakovo veterinary center“, small animal clinic „pas Filą“ and the blood tests were collected and conducted at Veterinaty and Diagnostic center. We collected 1195 disease cases according to sex, age and breed. Anamnesis were collected from 117 dogs, morphological studies of blood – 31. According to the studies, we found out, that there are certain breeds are more susceptible to babesiosis: mongrels, german shepherds, labrador retrievers and siberian huskies. Also found, that babesiosis more prone males than females. Dog babesiosis were usually diagnosed in young dogs, 1 to 2 years, but the hardest clinic gets puppies up to 1 year. The most frequent clinical manifestations in patients with babesiosis : apathy, anorexia, symptomatic anemia, change in body temperature, dark urine, vomiting, NS disorders, diarrhea, clinical jaundice. Morphological characteristics of the blood we found that in all cases, is characterized by thrombocytopenia, a decrease thrombocyte. The seasonal variation in the number of cases has been reported at all Veterinary clinics, with a higher incidence in the spring months (April, May) and peaking in autumn (September, November).
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Analysis of Babesia rossi transcriptome in dogs diagnosed with canine babesiosisPeloakgosi-Shikwambani, Keneilwe 04 1900 (has links)
Background: Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease causing detrimental health effects on the domestic dogs with huge economic impact on the owners. The most complicated form of canine babesiosis is caused by a pathogenic Babesia rossi parasite. Canine babesiosis induced by B. rossi still remains the cause of mortality and morbidity in South African dogs, yet, the transcriptomic and genomic information of this parasite species is still not available. The transcriptomic and genomic information is essential in the disease development and processes for the design of effective disease control strategies. Consequently, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of the different genotypes of B. rossi remains limited. A previous study suggested a relationship between the parasite genotype and the disease phenotype. To date, thirteen B. rossi genotypes have been identified and associated with diverse clinical signs in their hosts. Hence the aim of this study was to sequence RNA from samples representing B. rossi genotypes, 19, 29 and 31, in order to have insight on the overall transcriptome of this parasite and to establish if there would be significant differences among the genotypes.
Methodology: To screen for B. rossi positive samples, total DNA was extracted from 20 blood samples collected from sick domestic dogs presented at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital (OVAH). Babesia rossi infections were confirmed using the PCR-Reverse Line Blot (RLB) hybridization assay. Further confirmation of infection status was done by amplification of the B. rossi Erythrocyte Membrane Antigen 1 (BrEMA1) gene in all the DNA samples using qualitative PCR (qPCR), followed by sequencing of PCR products. Subsequently, total RNA was extracted from the 20 B. rossi-infected blood samples collected from the same dogs in which DNA was extracted. Three samples representing B. rossi genotypes 19, 29 and 31 were selected for transcriptome analysis. RNA sequencing was performed using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 to allow transcriptome analysis. De novo assembly was performed independently for all three transcriptomes using the Trinity software. The unigenes generated from specific transcriptome assemblies were subjected to global functional annotation using Blast2GO version 2.8.0 software, followed by KEGG database for annotation of biological pathways, and DAVID version 6.7, for COG classification to predict and classify their functions.
Results: The sample representing B. rossi genotype 31 was excluded in the transcriptome analysis due to low RNA mass, which usually compromises the quality of the library used in RNA sequencing.Thus, a total of 26 747 238 and 25 709 627 paired-end reads were obtained from B. rossi genotypes 19 and 29, respectively. De novo transcriptome assembly produced a total of 3019 unigenes, with an average length of 419 bp and N50 of 362 bp in B. rossi genotype 19, and 2727 unigenes with an average length of 441 bp and N50 of 362 in B. rossi genotype 29. A total of 1193 unigenes were common between B. rossi genotype 19 and 29, while 1828 unigenes were exclusively detected in B. rossi genotype 19; and 1534 were specific to B. rossi genotype 29. Between the two B. rossi genotypes, a total of 4553 unigenes were obtained, representing the overall B. rossi transcriptome. From the overall transcriptome, 12.3% (n=558) of the unigenes could be annotated with 53 different gene ontology (GO) functional categories. About 34% (n=1550) of the unigenes represented in the overall transcriptome mapped to 237 KEGG pathways and only 2.5% (114) could be annotated in the COG database.
Conclusion: Although, there were no striking differences in the transcriptomes of B. rossi genotypes 19 and 29, this study presents the first transcriptomic resource for B. rossi, which will highly contribute to our genetic understanding of B. rossi and provide a platform for future gene expression studies. Hypothetical proteins identified in this study will require further characterization as they may have a critical role in the biology and pathogenicity of B. rossi parasite. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / Canine babesiosis and canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) are vector borne diseases, where dogs exert a play as reservoir or source for arthropods responsible by the transmission of these protozoosis. Babesia canis vogeli, is transmited by tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus while Leishmania infantum (sin. Leishmania chagasi) is transmited by sand fly (Lutzomyia longipalpis). The results showed that CVL remains endemic in São Luís Municipality. Despite that the coinfection between Leishmania and Babesia was low considering that both diseases are endemic in this tropical area. Beside that was observed that Yorkshire terrier presented higher predisposition to acquire the infection by B. canis vogeli. A remarkable result was the occurrence of ocular lesions associated to L. infantum infection. / A babesiose canina e a leishmaniose visceral canina são doenças transmitidas por vetores, sendo os cães competentes reservatórios e fonte alimentar dos artrópodes envolvidos. Babesia canis vogeli, é um parasita intraeritrocitário transmitido pelo carrapato Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Leishmania infantum (sin. Leishmania chagasi) transmitidos a mamíferos pela picada dos flebotomíneos (Lutzomyia longipalpis), infectando macrófagos do Sistema Fagocítico Mononuclear do hospedeiro. O presente trabalho é divido em capítulos e os resultados encontrados mostraram que a leishmaniose visceral canina ainda é endêmica no município de São Luís, e que apesar disso a taxa de coinfecção com Babesia foi baixa. Também foi observado que a raça Yorkshire terrier, dentre as raças estudadas, apresentou maior predisposição para contrair a infecção por B. canis vogeli. Outro resultado significativo foi a ocorrência de lesões oculares associadas à infecção por L. infantum.
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