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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Yahya, Lamyaa 05 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Celiakie a problematika stravování žáků základních škol / Celiac disease and issues of kid's eating habits in school canteens

Valachová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on catering for pupils with celiac disease in school canteens. The first part, the theoretical one, deals with the disease itself; it gives basic information about the disease, its history, main symptoms, anatomy of healthy digestive system, and the most common health problems occurring when suffering from celiac disease. At the end of the theoretical part diagnosis of the disease is described as well as suitable and unsuitable diet food for celiac and food legislation. The practical part is a survey focused on catering for pupils with celiac disease at selected elementary schools. The survey was conducted in two regions in Valašské Meziříčí and in Prague. In the final part of my thesis special gluten-free menus for schools are suggested. The pedagogical outcome of my thesis is a lecture on celiac disease which can be held at elementary school s to help pupils find out basic information about this disease.

Andra slänger mat, inte jag : Nudging för mindre matsvinn i skolor

Eriksson, Philip January 2016 (has links)
Matsvinn är ett problem som genomsyrar hela livsmedelskedjan och ger upphov till ekonomiska förluster, negativ miljö- och klimatpåverkan och utömning av ändliga resurser. Den förändring som krävs för att motverka dessa negativa effekter är enorm. I Sveriges skolor är förlusterna i form av slängd mat en fråga om ett kostsamt slöseri, dels ur miljösynpunkt, men också med hänsyn till kommuners begränsade resurser. På grund av detta är behoven av svinnreducerande åtgärder stora. Någonting som kan hjälpa till att minska omfattningen av matsvinnsproblemet är beteendeförändring. Tyvärr kan vi inte förvänta oss att förändring skall ske på tu man hand. Vi behöver styrmedel som kan knuffa oss i rätt riktning. Denna uppsats är ett teoretiskt underlag som undersöker och beskriver hur nudging, ett verktyg för hållbara beteenden, kan vara en del av lösningen på matsvinnsproblemet i skolor. Rekommendationer för utformning och införande av sådana förändringsstrategier presenteras, med särskilt fokus på planerade åtgärder (nudges) och praktisk tillämpning. Målet är att studien skall kunna bidra till tillämpningen av beteendeinsikter inom miljöområdet. Två tidigare studier ligger som grund för uppsatsen, en litteraturstudie, som syftat till att undersöka nudging som ett hjälpmedel för hållbar samhällsutveckling, och en pilotstudie, som syftat till att undersöka elevers beteende i matsalen och hur de handskas med maten som blir över. Första studien fann flera praktiska brister om nudging (verktyget) skall brukas lyckosamt, långvarigt och i större utsträckning inom miljöarbetet. Pilotstudien fann irrationellt fattade beslut bland elever. För att svara på hur nudging kan vara en del av lösningen på problemet med bortkastad mat i skolor tillämpade uppsatsen det strategiska ramverket för hållbar utveckling. Enligt det strategiska ramverket för hållbar utveckling tillämpas nudges som en katalyserande åtgärd medan nudging är ett konkret verktyg för strategiskt beteendeförändringsarbete. I uppsatsen presenteras nudging och nudges som två separata delar av beteendeförändringsarbetet, vilket förtydligar begreppens omfattning och roll i problemlösningen samt att det också illustrerar hur respektive del kan vara en egen del av lösningen på problemet. Utifrån kartläggning av orsaker och faktorer som står i vägen för en önskvärd beteendeförändring, drar uppsatsen slutsatser om att det finns en teoretisk potential att använda nudging för att främja en hållbar utveckling i skolor och minska matsvinnet, främst när eleverna är på väg att lämna matsalen, men också vid uppläggningssituationen och under ordinarie skoltid. Identifierade områden att fokusera på vid tillämpningen av nudges var främst feedback och återkoppling, smarta ankare, ordning, normativa budskap, engagemang, påminnelser, färre alternativ, strategisk planering, upplysning av förluster och minskat socialt bevis. Utöver detta, gav uppsatsen slutligen förslag för arbete med nudging ur ett ovan- eller underperspektiv (genom att integrera bedömningsfrågor i beslutandeprocessen) för att anpassa tillämpningen av åtgärder. / Food waste is a problem that permeates the whole food supply chain and cause economic losses, negative effects on the climate and environment and depletion of finite resources. The scale of required change necessary to counteract the negative effects is huge. In Swedens schools food waste loss is a matter of a costly wastage, both from an environmental perspective, but also with regard to municipalities' limited resources. Due to this, there is a big demand for waste loss reducing measures. Something that can help mitigate the extent of the food waste problem is behavioral change. Unfortunately, we cannot expect change to occur on one’s own. We need tools that can nudge us in the right direction. This thesis is a theoretical base that explores and describes how nudging, a tool for sustainable behaviors, can be a part of the solution to the food waste problem in school canteens. Recommendations for design and implementation of such change strategies are presented, with a special focus on planned interventions (nudges) and practical application. The goal is that the study will contribute to the application of behavioral insights in the environmental field. The foundation of the thesis consists of two earlier studies, a literature study, aimed at examining nudging as a tool for sustainable societal development, and a pilot study, aimed at examining students' behavior in canteens, and how they deal with leftovers. The first study found a number of practical shortcomings if nudging (the tool) is to be used successfully, long-term and more extensively in environmental work. The pilot study found irrationally made decisions among students. In order to answer how nudging can be part of the solution to the food waste problem in schools, the thesis applied the strategic framework for sustainable development. According to the strategic framework for sustainable development nudges employs as a catalyzing action while nudging is a tangible tool for strategic behavior change management. In the thesis nudging and nudges are presented as two separate parts of the behavior change management process, this also illustrates how each part can be part of the solution to the problem, because it clarifies the scope of the notions and their role in resolving the issue. Based on knowledge gained from the pilot study, the thesis draws conclusions that there is a theoretical potential to use nudging to encourage sustainable development in school canteens and reduce food waste, especially when students are about to leave the canteen, but also in the serving situation and during everyday school hours. Identified areas to focus on when applying nudges were mainly evaluation and feedback, smart anchors, order, normative messages, commitment, reminders, fewer options, strategic planning, loss disclosure and less social proof. In addition to this, the thesis finally gave suggestions for working with nudging from an above- or below perspective (by integrating assessment questions in the decision-making process) to adjust the application of interventions.

Informovanost o nahrazení kuchyňské soli v potravinách / Knowledge of substitutes of salt in food

Vaňková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of salt and possibility of its replacement in food. The chosen is topical because healthy nutrition is one of current modern trends. Table salt is an entire part of a diet of every person. As the compound of two biogenic elements - sodium and chlorine - it has unsubstitutable function in human body. However, an increased intake of sodium can be associated with health risks, especially hypertension. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum daily intake of salt 5 g. According to current statistics, nevertheless the salt intake in the Czech republic is up to three times higher. Therefore, it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of salt and attempt to its replacement without cutting down the taste of food. One of the goals of this thesis was find out possibilities of replacing the salt and what is their availability. The practical part deals with the results of survey, within these was examined the awareness of salt and the posibility of its replacement among different group of our population (students, pedagogical workers, heads of school canteens). In terms of established facts there was suggested a project called The salt is beneficial and dangerous which aids to raise awareness of students about this topic. These outputs can be put into the...

Skolmatsalsmiljö och schemaplanering ur ett hälsoperspektiv : Kvalitativ ansats

Byström, Madelene January 2015 (has links)
To investigate if the student’s school centeent, and that planning of the school lunch is done from a health perspective.   Qualitative research approach was used, including both interviews and observations, to view the purpose. Evidence was collected using a participating observer, semi constructed questions and structured observation. To focus on specific parts in the material, a directed content analysis was used. One large and one smaller school participated in the study. The staff that participated in the interviews are responsible for planning the schedules for school lunches and the centeent environment at their schools. The observations were conducted first without students in the centeent, and then with students present. The interviews were conducted in conjunction with the educators organizing the scheduling and planning of the centeent. The research problems are Are laws, recommendations and guidelines regarding the pupils' overall environment in the centeent applied according to the respondents?   Do the respondents experience that laws, recommendations and guidelines regarding the students' pyshical environment in the centeent are applied basen on a health perspective? Are applied laws, recommendations and guidelines observed regarding pupils' psychical environment in canteens, and is it interpreted to be based on a perspective of health? Are pedagogical meals applied according to the respondents and observations?   Is there a difference between the larger and the smaller school?   It was concluded that none of the respondents had knowledge about the recommendations from the Swedish NFA and the Department of Education regarding the amount of recommended time spent at the table and between what times lunch should be served. The larger school had however been actively addressing concern regarding both noise level and participation.   The size of the school determines the amount of energy needed to spend on subjects concerning noise, planning, participation and the physical environment. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka elevers matsalsmiljö samt om planeringen av skollunchen sker utifrån ett hälsoperspektiv. För att få inblick i ämnet valdes en kvalitativ ansats och en metodtriangulering som bestod av intervjuer och observationer. Intervjuerna var upplagd på ett semistrukturerat sätt och bestod av 14 frågor med följdfrågor. Respondenterna var två pedagoger från varsin skola som var delaktiga i planeringen av matsalsmiljön samt schemaplaneringen av lunch.  Observationerna var strukturerad vilket innebär att det som skulle observeras hade bestämts innan. Observationerna var deltagande så att personalen på respektive skola var medveten om att det skulle ske en observation av den fysiska miljön i matsalen. Uppsatsen är baserade på två skolor där en pedagog från vardera skola svarade på intervjufrågorna, observationerna ägde rum samma dag i deras matsal. Observationerna skede i två steg, först observerades matsalen utan elever och efteråt med eleverna på plats för att få en helhetsbild. Vid analysen användes en riktad innehållsanalys för att leta meningar från intervjuerna och händelser från observationen som skulle passa in i kategorierna. Observationen hade kategorierna matsal utan elever, med underkategorin fysisk miljö, samt matsal med elever med under kategorierna akustik, schemaplanering och vuxnas närvaro. Intervjun hade kategorierna fysisk miljö, matsalssituation, hälsoperspektiv, delaktighet och schemaplanering. I resultatet framkom det att de två respondenterna inte kände till Livsmedelsverkets och Skolverkets rekommendationer om hur länge elever bör sitta vid bordet samt mellan vilka tider lunchen ska serveras. På den större skolan arbetar de mer aktivt med att reducera ljudnivån i matsalen än på den mindre skolan. Det beror på att det större elevantal skapar mer buller. Båda skolorna arbetar med delaktighet från elevernas håll genom elevråd. Storleken på skolan och antalet elever kan i denna studie ses som avgörande, beroende på hur mycket arbete skolan behöver lägga ner på både schemaplanering, den fysiska miljön samt delaktigheten för eleverna.

Problematika dodávek zemědělských produktů do vybraných provozoven účelového stravování / Supply of agricultural products in scholastic catering systems - practical problems

ŠMÍD, David January 2013 (has links)
I studied the practical problems of agricultural products supply to selected catering facilities. The theoretical part describes the development of public catering, catering services and their classification. The chapter concerning the institutional catering systems focuses on the school and university catering facilities, including the recent legislative. The empirical part of the thesis was conducted using two approaches. In the qualitative part, I asked the directors of selected catering facilities several questions to find the potential differences between those facilities. Concurrently, I ran also a quantitative research using the questionnaires. This research targeted the exact demands of the boarders.

Analýza možnosti stravování zaměstnanců / The activity analysis the gastronomic services in the workplaces

Zrcková, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
The thesis characterizes the catering services. Especially the purpose catering and its largest part, which is - employee's catering. It shortly describes its development and present condition. It describes the possibilities of catering services at the Prague Ruzyne airport / particularly concentrating on the two biggest companies CSA a.s. and Prague airport/. The conclusion of the diploma work is focused on the satisfaction of the employees with offered catering services at the airport Prague.

Srovnání kvality stravování ve vybraných základních školách na Vysočině a v Jihomoravském kraji / Comparison of the meals quality in selected elementary schools in Vysočina and in South Moravian Region

VEVERKOVÁ, Dagmar January 2015 (has links)
The graduation thesis compares school meals at selected schools in the South Moravian Region and in the Vysocina Region. The South Moravian region represents schools in the district of Znojmo, especially The Primary School Jevisovice, The Primary School Kravsko and The Primary School Prague in Znojmo. The Vysocina Region is represented by schools from the district of Trebic, especially The Primary School Budkov and The Primary School Jemnice. The theoretical part is devoted to the individual nutrition, nutritional recommendations, children's eating habits and proper nutrition at schools. Moreover, the thesis deals with general knowledge of HACCP and the consumer basket. In the practical part I evaluate five selected canteens and compare them with each other. In the chapter Results I describe the individual parts of the kitchen facilities, such as storage rooms, dining rooms and the kitchen itself. From each of the school canteen I was given internal documents with photographic documentation. Due to these facts and dialogue with the leadership of both equipments and canteens, I received information about the internal rules of the kitchen. Principally, I focused on observance of critical points with HACCP and control of production diagram in all establishments. I requested the protocols of critical control points for the month of September or October 2014 from each of the school canteen. The school canteen managers have given me the fulfillment of the consumer basket in two months, particularly in September and October 2014. The performance of the consumer basket is closely related to monthly menus. I had the opportunity to read out from the menu which ingredients cooks use and also whether the meals are changed regularly or are still the same. There are two questionnaires in this chapter. The first questionnaire was distributed to the head of school canteens. The manager of each school canteens fill in the questionnaire according to real information. The questionnaire concerns an operation of the school canteen. The second questionnaire was distributed to pupils and teachers. They evaluate served meals and surroundings of the school canteen. The results point out to the quality of school meals in the school canteens. In conclusion of this work I can say that it can not clearly identify which the school canteen cooks healthily and is the best one. Each school canteen is unique in something, but all school canteens cook meals which are suitable for children. The school canteen of Primary School Budkov takes care of their diners great. They create different catering programs for pupils during the year. They organize the days of foreign cuisine. The pupils can make up their own menu and cooks prepare the meals on request. The Primary School Jemnice has appropriately designed storage areas and modern kitchen facilities. The school canteen of Primary School Jevisovice indulges the food supplement for their pupils every day (fruit, vegetable, candy bar, pudding, salad and others). The school canteen of Primary School Kravsko offers a variety of salads and fresh fruit for their pupils. The drink is provided as herbal tea or fruit tea with lemon or juice. The school canteen of Primary School Prague in Znojmo has a modern kitchen equipment and a dining room. The dining room is painted beautifully above the dispensing window. They prepare tasty snacks for their pupils in the morning. The selected school canteens regularly change meals or they modify meals completely. The food supplements are served with main meals at least three times per week in all school canteens. All school canteens cook varied and nutritionally balanced meals with the different food supplements. They often add a cereal product and a healthy side dish. If it continues, these school canteens will be healthy canteens. Nevertheless, the parents of these pupils should know that their school canteen is really the best one.

Creating a Canteen Worth Fighting For: Morale Service and the Stage Door Canteen in World War II

Fluker, Katherine M. 25 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

New excavations at Canteen Kopje, Northern Cape province, South Africa: a techno-typological comparison of three earlier Acheulean assemblages with new interpretations on the Victoria West phenomenon

Leader, George Michael 02 July 2014 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 2014. / The site of Canteen Kopje in Barkly West, South Africa, has provided the archaeological record with an invaluable collection of Earlier Stone Age artefacts. An alluvial deposit approximately 1km from the modern Vaal River, the site contains an abundance of artefacts. A 2007 – 2009 excavation in Pit 6 has provided an assemblage of over 15,000 artefacts that has been dated by cosmogenic nuclide burial method. Three distinct assemblages show technological changes through time of the earlier Acheulean industrial complex. The youngest industry, the Prepared Core Technology Assemblage, is dated to 1.2 ± .07 Ma and contains Victoria West prepared core technology. Beneath it is the Organised Core Assemblage which is void of Victoria West prepared core technology but contains cores that demonstrate more organised knapping techniques in the form of asymmetrical control. This assemblage is dated to 1.51 ±0.8 Ma. Finally, the underlying Basal Early Acheulean Assembage lacks both prepared cores and organised cores and is >1.51 Ma in age. The abundance of large angular clasts of andesite in the area made multiple knapping strategies effective for the manufacture of large flakes. A technological sequence in the knapping strategies has emerged in this excavation, from simple cores to organised cores and finally prepared cores. The older technologies clearly display the roots of prepared core technology in the asymmetrical control of the organised knapping methods. The overall success of the knapping strategies prior to the appearance of the Victoria West industry in the Canteen Kopje archaeological record creates questions as to why more complex strategies might have been implemented over time. Analysis of the assemblages from the Pit 6 excavation fails to provide a clear technological explanation within the empirical data as to why this change occurs. This research therefore argues that the Victoria West prepared core knapping strategy is a localized stone age culturally motivated knapping tradition.

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