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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experience of stress in adolescents living in low-income communities in the Western Cape : the role of self-esteem, coping and perceived social support

Harrison, Carmen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Contextual stressors that are associated with living in low-income communities have an adverse impact on the mental health of adolescents. International studies indicate that this outcome is influenced by the presence of factors that may buffer the impact of stressors, or which may increase adolescents' vulnerability to experiencing stress. The present study was aimed at exploring the factors that influence the mental health of 173 school-going adolescents residing in low-income communities in the Western Cape. By using a quantitative method with a correlational design, the research explored the relationship between depression (measured on the Beck Depression Inventory - Second Edition) and the following factors respectively: self-esteem (measured on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale), coping strategies (measured on the Coping Strategies Indicator), perceived social support (measured on the Social Support Appraisals Scale) and resilience (measured on the Resilience Scale for Adolescents). Results of the correlational analyses indicated that high self-esteem, higher use of the problem-solving coping strategy, stronger perceived social support and higher resilience were significantly related to decreased levels of depression. In contrast, higher use of the avoidant coping strategy was significantly related to higher levels of depression. These results indicate that while some factors may buffer the impact of perceived contextual stressors on adolescents' mental health (for example, problem-solving coping, stronger perceived social support and resilience), other factors may increase adolescents' vulnerability to experiencing depression (for example, avoidant coping). These results may inform interventions focused on promoting mental health or preventing incidence of depression in adolescents living in low-income communities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kontekstuele stressors wat geassosieer word met ʼn bestaan in lae-inkomstegemeenskappe het ʼn nadelige impak op die geestesgesondheid van adolessente. Internasionale studies dui daarop dat hierdie resultaat beïnvloed word deur die teenwoordigheid van faktore wat die impak van stressors kan versag of adolessente se kwesbaarheid vir stres kan verhoog. Die huidige studie is daarop gemik om ondersoek in te stel na die faktore wat die geestesgesondheid van 173 skoolgaande adolessente, wat in lae-inkomstegemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap woon, beïnvloed. Deur ʼn kwantitatiewe metode met ʼn korrelasionele ontwerp te gebruik, het die studie ondersoek ingestel na die verhouding tussen depressie (bepaal volgens die Beck-depressie-inventaris-Tweede uitgawe [Beck Depression Inventory - Second Edition]) en die volgende faktore: selfagting (bepaal volgens die Rosenberg-selfagtingskaal [Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale]), hanteringstrategieë (bepaal volgens die hanteringstrategie-aanduider [Coping Strategies Indicator]), waarneembare sosiale ondersteuning (bepaal volgens die sosiale-ondersteuningstakseringskaal [Social Support Appraisals Scale]) en geeskragtigheid (bepaal volgens die geesteskragtigheidskaal vir adolessente [Resilience Scale for Adolescents]). Die resultate van die korrelasionele ontleding dui daarop dat hoë selfagtingsvlakke, ʼn toename in die gebruik van probleemoplossingstrategieë vir die hantering van situasies, beter waarneembare sosiale steun en hoër geeskragtigheidsvlakke ʼn beduidende verwantskap toon met ʼn afname in depressievlakke. In teenstelling hiermee was daar ʼn opvallende verband tussen vermydingsgedragstrategieë en hoër depressievlakke. Hierdie resultate dui daarop dat hoewel sommige faktore die impak van waarneembare kontekstuele stressors op die geestesgesondheid van adolessente kan versag (byvoorbeeld probleemoplossingstrategieë vir die hantering van situasies, beter waarneembare sosiale steun en geeskragtigheid), ander faktore die adolessente se kwesbaarheid vir depressie kan verhoog (byvoorbeeld vermydingsgedragstrategieë). Hierdie resultate kan moontlik ʼn bydrae lewer tot ingrypings wat gemik is op die verbetering van geestesgesondheid of op die voorkoming van die voorkoms van depressie by adolessente wat in lae-inkomstegemeenskappe leef.

Understanding the legacy of dependency and powerlessness experienced by farm workers on wine farms in the Western Cape

Falletisch, Leila Ann 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / This research investigates the powerlessness and dependency on wine farms in the Western Cape from the viewpoint of an understanding the lived experience of farm labourers and the high incidence of habitual drinking, violence and other social phenomena. The first farm labourers in the Western Cape were Slaves. When Slavery was abolished in 1834, Cape Slaves were freed but not compensated and so remained on farms, working as labourers, and powerless and dependent. After slavery had been abolished, the relationship between landowner and labourer evolved into a paternalistic relationship where the labourer was tied to a particular farm through housing, debt ,economic impoverishment and political marginalisation. Over the last few decades constitutional and political developments have resulted in changes to labour laws and working conditions on farms. Change has filtered down to the level of labourer at different rates in different areas. By and large, while working conditions may have improved, many labourers remain dependent and powerless to become masters of their own destiny. They remain unable to break free of the legacy of Slavery. Slavery is not the only legacy that casts a shadow over farm labourers. The infamous Tot System, initiated by Jan van Riebeeck and continuing late into the twentieth century, has enslaved many labourers in a cycle of habitual drinking, social violence and poverty. Habitual drinking has become the norm on farms, a weekend ritual that few labourers manage to escape. The purpose of this research is to broaden the field of knowledge for practitioners and organisations dealing with substance abuse and other social problems on farms. One particular farm is used as a sample of farm life. The farm in question has a children’s programme (crèche and after–school). There have also been several attempts over the last five years at social development and income–generation projects aimed at empowering adults on the farm. The experience of the farm management when attempting to introduce and establish these projects has been an overwhelming sense of immobilisation and apathy from the labourers. The empirical research used a qualitative method to examine (by means of semi structured interviews and questionnaires) themes of hopelessness, dependency and powerlessness. The meaning and particular pattern of habitual drinking on farms was also explored through interviews and questionnaires. There is evidence that habitual drinking continues on wine farms, generation after generation. It has become a legitimate way of life, a ritual so entrenched, that the community cannot imagine life any other way. To not drink is to place oneself in the position of outsider, opening oneself up to ridicule, disdain and verbal abuse. Individuals who do give up drinking do so as a result of an external threat rather than a conscious choice to change the course of their lives. Furthermore, this study found that farm labourers consistently surrender responsibility for their children, their homes their behaviour, while they cling to the remnants of paternalism, avoiding at all costs becoming masters of their own destinies. This study indicates that the abolishment of the tot system has not significantly reduced the incidence of habitual excessive drinking. Whilst achieving sobriety is a key intervention in achieving social harmony, in isolation, the outlook for sustained success is poor. Working for change on wine farms is not the exclusive domain of any one role player. In any geographical area a partnership between farming communities is needed to address labourers’ needs, and gaps and overlaps in service delivery. A comprehensive plan should be formulated by all role players with the empowerment of workers as the key outcome. Concerning social and domestic violence, a zero tolerance of abuse and violence needs to be taken by farm management and implemented, making use of legislation and law enforcement agencies. Early childhood development, educational enrichment and primary health care facilities are essential services on farms and should be staffed by qualified professionals dedicated to the upliftment and empowerment of farming communities. Finally there remains a need for further research into accessible, appropriate and sustainable intervention strategies on farms that empower labourers and break the cycles of habitual excessive drinking, social violence and hopelessness on farms.

Die lewenstyle en romantiese verhoudings van 'n groep adolessente meisies in Bishop Lavis

Van Wieling, Rene Andrea 14 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to investigate the. lifestyles and and romantic relationships of adolescent girls in the Bishop Lavis community. The study also explores the 'taxi-queen' phenomenon as a particular form of relationship. The study employed a qualitative methodology. Data were collected by means of a combination of two methods: firstly, two focus groups each consisting of seven high school learners between the ages of 16 and 18 years and secondly, in-depth interviews conducted with three adolescent girls between the ages of 16 and 20 years who were identified as'taxi-queens'. Regarding lifestyles of the young girls special attention was afforded to leisure activities, the role of the consumer market, domestic circumstances and future expectations. In the case of romantic relationships the study focused on the type of relationship the girls are involved in, reasons for their involvement, the nature and functions of romantic emotions, adolescent dating patterns, sexual behaviour and sexual violence. Regarding lifestyles findings indicate that leisure activities as well as the consumer market playa central role in the lives of these young girls. Leisure activities not only provide pleasure but also function as an escape mechanism from parental supervision, rules and interference. Young girls tend to experience romantic relationships as particularly positive and within these relationships sexuality represents a central component. Sexual activities appear to cornmense during earlier stages of the dating process. Furthermore, such activities are kept secret from parents due to fear of negative reactions and sex-related topics are seldom discussed with parents. Sexual violence often forms a component of romantic relationships between adolescent girls and boys. In conclusion the 'taxi-queen' relationship as a relatively unique form of romantic relationship is demonstrated with reference to the experiences of three young girls involved in such relationships. Recommendations for future research are made on the basis of the findings of this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die lewenstyle en romantiese verhoudings van 'n groep adolessente meisies in die Bishop Lavis gemeenskap. Die studie skenk ook aandag aan die 'taxi-queen' verskynsel as 'n besonderse vorm van romantiese verhouding. 'n Kwalitatiewe metodologiese benadering is gevolg. Data insameling het 'n kombinasie van twee metodes behels: eerstens, twee fokusgroepe bestaande uit sewe hoerskoolmeisies elk tussen die ouderdomme van 16 en 18 jaar en tweedens, in-diepte onderhoude met drie adolessente meisies tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 20 jaar wat as 'taxi queens' geidentifiseer is. Wat lewenstyle vanjong meisies betrefis daar veral gefokus op vryetydsbesteding, die rol van die verbruikersmark, huishoudelike omstandighede en toekomsverwagtinge van die groep meisies. Met betrekking tot romantiese verhoudings is daar hoofsaaklik op die volgende aspekte gefokus: die tipe verboudings waarin die meisies betrokke is, die redes vir hul betrokkenheid, die aard en funksies van romantiese emosies; adolessente hofmakery, die voorkoms van seksuele gedrag, seksuele geweld en dwang. Die studie bevind dat vryetydbesteding en die verbruikermark 'n sentrale rol in die lewe van hierdie meisies speeL Benewens die plesier wat daaruit geput word, funksioneer vryetydbesteding as 'n ontsnappingsmeganisme van ouerlike toesig, reels en inmenging van die kant van ouers. Die studie bevind verder dat jong meisies romantiese verhoudings as besonder positief beleef. Binne sodanige verhoudings verteenwoordig seksualiteit 'n sentrale komponent en seksuele aktiwiteite neem in aanvang tydens 'n vroee stadium in die proses van hofinakery. Betrokkenheid by seksuele aktiwiteite word vir ouers geheim gehou uit vrees vir negatiewe evaluering en jong meisies kommunikeer selde met hul ouers oor sekverwante onderwerpe. Verder is bevind dat seksuele geweld dikwels 'n komponent vorm van romantiese verhoudings tussen adolessente meisies en seuns. Ten slotte word die besonderse aard van die sogenaamde 'taxi-queen' verhouding beklemtoon aan die hand van die ervaringe van drie jong meisies betrokke by sodanige verhoudings. Op grond van die studie word daar aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gemaak.

Capacity building for farm workers on Solms-Delta Wine Estate : a social development perspective

Ruddock, Frances 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wine farms in the Western Cape represent one of the pillars of the region's economy. The social problems that are prevalent among farm workers and their families have evolved over centuries along with the wine industry; the unique set of social, economic, and political conditions affecting rural dwellers in the Western Cape have created a set of challenges impeding a productive future. The interventions at Solms-Delta Wine Estate have empowered the farm community and thus provide a template for social reform. Capacity development initiatives have been central to the farm's management plan. The employment of a fulltime social worker allowed resource gathering to implement social reforms on the farm. The present study investigated the evolution of an approach that encompasses the social development perspective of social work theory. This study is an example of the methods used to bring about stronger community development capacity. The goal of the study was to gain an understanding of the nature of capacity-building initiatives on the wine farm under review from a social development perspective. A review of the historical roots of farm worker subjugation was undertaken to uncover the social dynamic of farm worker community development. Secondly, the study has outlined the political, economic, and legal institutional parameters for rural development. A third strand of the narrative describes the nature of capacity-building initiatives undertaken over the preceding six years, and their impact on the social development of the target community. Finally, the study explored the impact of local capacity development via a semi-structured questionnaire and subsequent interviews with the twenty-one participants. The results of the research outlined in this study provide a number of templates for social work interventions in rural communities on wine farms in the Western Cape. Given the centrality of the wine farm industry in the Western Cape, the success of social welfare initiatives at Solms-Delta delineates road maps for other community-based programmes that can be launched from the lessons of this study. The locality development model, with its emphasis on community input in problem solving provides a framework for countering the unique set of challenges created from the inception of colonialism up to the end of Apartheid social engineering. The empowering environment developed at Solms-Delta offers insight into rolling back historical ills and entitlement issues that bedevil social work practice. Successful community participation requires research into specific community dynamics and the resources to empower one of South Africa's most impoverished social strata. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wynplase in die Wes-Kaap vorm een van die pilare van die streek se ekonomie. Die maatskaplike probleme wat onder plaaswerkers en hul gesinne voorkom, het oor die eeue heen saam met die wynbedryf ontwikkel. Dit behels die unieke kombinasie van sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke omstandighede met betrekking tot die landelike bewoners van die Wes-Kaap, wat 'n uitdaging stel en 'n produktiewe toekoms belemmer. Die intervensies op die Solms-Delta wynlandgoed bemagtig die gemeenskap op die plaas en bied dus 'n voorbeeld vir sosiale hervorming. Kapasiteitsontwikkelingsinisiatiewe is sentraal tot die bestuursplan van die plase. Die aanstelling van 'n voltydse maatskaplike werker was 'n belangrike addisionele hulpbron om sosiale hervorming op die plaas te bewerkstellig. Die huidige studie ondersoek die evolusie van 'n benadering wat die sosiale ontwikkelingsperspektief van maatskaplike-werkteorie betrek. Hierdie studie is 'n voorbeeld van die metodes wat gebruik kan word om 'n sterker kapasiteit vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling te ontwikkel. Die doel van die studie was om 'n begrip vanuit 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsperspektief-oogpunt te verkry van die aard van kapasiteitsbou-inisiatiewe op die wynplaas onder oorsig. Om die sosiale dinamika van die plaaswerkergemeenskap se ontwikkeling aan die lig te bring, het die studie 'n oorsig van die historiese herkoms van die plaaswerkers onderneem. Tweedens, het die studie 'n oorsig onderneem van die politieke, ekonomiese en wetlike institusionele parameters vir landelike ontwikkeling. 'n Derde deel van die navorsing beskrywe die aard van kapasiteitsbou-inisiatiewe oor die afgelope ses jaar, en hul impak op die maatskaplike ontwikkeling van die teikengemeenskap. Ten slotte, het die studie die impak van die ontwikkeling van plaaslike kapasiteit deur middel van 'n semi-gestruktureerde vraelys en 'n daaropvolgende onderhoud met die 21 deelnemers ondersoek. Die resultate van die navorsing soos in hierdie verslag uiteengesit bied 'n aantal voorbeelde vir maatskaplike werk-ingrypings in landelike gemeenskappe op plase in die Wes-Kaap. Gegewe die sentraliteit van die wynbedryf in die Wes-Kaap, lewer die sukses van die maatskaplike welsynsinisiatiewe op Solms-Delta 'n voorbeeld vir ander gemeenskaps-gebaseerde programme wat uit die lesse van hierdie studie kan baat. Die lokaliteit-ontwikkelingsmodel, met sy klem op insette vanuit die gemeenskap om probleme op te los, bied 'n raamwerk vir die stryd teen die unieke stel uitdagings wat ontstaan het met die begin van kolonialisme en tot aan die einde van apartheid bly voortduur het. Die bemagtigings-omgewing wat op Solms-Delta ontwikkel het, bied insig in die rol van so 'n proses vir die bekamping van die historiese euwels en onregte wat die praktyk van maatskaplike werk so belemmer. Suksesvolle gemeenskapsdeelname vereis navorsing na die dinamika binne spesifieke gemeenskappe, asook al die nodige hulpbronne, om een van Suid-Afrika se mees verarmde sosiale strata te bemagtig.

An approach to human development in rural Western Cape with specific reference to farm workers

Tregurtha, Norma 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using the conceptual framework of the human development approach as proposed by Amartya Sen, this dissertation attempts to measure the absolute and relative development status of Western Cape farm workers for 1996 and 2001. The dissertation begins by presenting a critical analysis of the traditional neo-classical model of development, and goes further to demonstrate how, from the early 1970s, the validity of this model was increasingly questioned by the broader development fraternity and eventually supplanted by the human development approach in the 1990s. The human development approach is based on two conceptual roots namely; social exclusion theory and the capability model of Amartya Sen. Social exclusion theory identifies important themes such as gender and culture which the neo-classical development approach failed to reflect in its theoretical and methodological structures while the capability model establishes the philosophical and theoretical foundations of human development. More specifically it clarifies the question: 'what is wellbeing, how do we measure it and how is it linked to development and poverty? From the perspective of the human development approach, wellbeing is about being able to exercise economic, social and political choice or freedom. These freedoms are labelled capabilities and are they are derived from functioning choices. A functioning represents different aspects of the state of a person, and can either be an activity such as working or a state of existence such as being educated. A functioning is an achievement whereas a capability is the possible options or choices open to a person. It is on the basis of a person's capability set that an evaluation of their level of wellbeing is possible. The human development approach therefore measures development in terms of capabilities The key methodological challenges related to measuring development in terms of human capabilities are numerous. The theory of human development does not specify which capabilities to include when measuring poverty or wellbeing, in addition it provides no method to rank capabilities. Capabilities can simultaneously expand in some areas while contract in others. Because there is no method of ranking capabilities it is impossible to conclude whether on balance, development has taken place. Finally on a practical level the data requirements to measure wellbeing in a multivariate way are significant and are more often than not based on detailed household socio-economic surveys that are not easily replicated over time. For these reasons, while development economists endorse the theory of human development on an ideological and strategic level, methodologically there is still a tendency to measure it in terms of income levels. Despite these challenges a number of empirical applications of the human development approach have emerged in recent years and a cross-section of these studies is described as part of this dissertation. The main methodological issues that have to be confronted when operationalising the human development approach are also documented while the appropriateness of using the theory of fuzzy sets to measure vague concepts such as poverty and wellbeing, is emphasized. Drawing on data from the 1996 and 2001 Population Census this dissertation confronts these measurement challenges and by limiting the analysis to 6 functionings namely; housing, housing services, education, health, social relations, employment and economic achievements, attempts to measure the overall development status of Western Cape farm workers. By comparing this result with the achievement of other labour groups such as the unemployed and workers employed elsewhere in the economy it is also possible to conclude on their relative development status. With respect to functioning achievement (measured as fuzzy scores), in 2001 farm workers scored the lowest of all the labour groups in terms of housing services, social relations and education achievement. In terms of their access to economic resources, while farm workers individual and household monthly income levels exceeded that of the unemployed - their fuzzy score was roughly half of that achieved by workers in other sectors. These various functionings were weighted and aggregated to arrive at an overall wellbeing indicator, and almost no difference could be detected in the score achieved by farm workers and the unemployed. This result was found to be relatively insensitive to the weight assigned to a particular functioning. While there is almost no difference in the overall level of human development "enjoyed" by farm workers and the unemployed, a large difference was found between farm workers and other workers in the economy. It can be argued that this discrepancy is indicative of the high concentration of unskilled workers found in the agricultural sector. However when occupation was brought into consideration, a relatively large discrepancy in development levels between farm workers and employed unskilled workers, could still be detected. In terms of gender, overall women farm workers scored slightly higher than men, however in terms of personal income they scored considerably lower than men. This difference could not be attributed to differences in the number of hours worked per week and confirms the findings of other studies that showed that women farm workers do not receive equal wages for equal work effort. In terms of development status, the results generated by the 1996 population census, were consistent with 2001 however, here farm workers scored poorly in terms of the housing, housing services, education and social relations functioning. It was only with respect to the employment and economic resources functionings that farm workers ranked above the unemployed. By applying the frequency-based membership functions generated for 1996 to the 2001 data set, it was possible to detect absolute changes in development status that took place between 1996 and 2001. Relative to the other labour groups, farm workers consistently exhibited the highest rate of progress. Education, social relations and housing services functionings scores in 2001, were 20% higher than 1996 levels. Key Words: Poverty, development, wellbeing, human development approach, capabilities, functionings, fuzzy sets, Western Cape, Western Cape agriculture, farm workers / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konseptuele raamwerk van die menslike ontwikkelings benadering, soos uiteengesit deur Amartya Sen, dien as vertrekpunt vir hierdie navorsing. Die navorsing poog om die absoluute and relatiewe ontwikkelingsvlak van Wes Kaapse plaaswerkers vir 1996 en 2001, te meet. 'n Kritiese ontleding van die neoklassieke model van ontwikkeling word geskets, en daama gaan die analise verder om te bewys hoe die ontwikkelingsdenkskool as geheel, vanaf die laat 1970s, die geldigheid van hierdie model bevraagteken het. Hierdie model was uiteindelik in die vroee 1990s vervang deur die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering. Die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering is gebaseer op twee konseptuele wortels naamlik; sosiale uitsluitingsteorie en die vermoensmodel van Amartya Sen. Die sosiale uitsluitingsteorie identifiseer belangrike temas soos geslag en kultuur wat die neoklassieke model nagelaat het om te inkorporeer in sy teoretiese en metodologiese struktuur, terwyl die vermoensmodel, die filosofiese and teoretiese fondasie van die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering vasstel. Meer spesifiek dit verhelder die vraag "wat is welvaart, hoe meet ons dit en wat is die verband tussen ontwikkeling en armoede". Van uit die perspektief van die mens like ontwikkelingsbenadering, gaan welvaart oor die uitoefening van ekonomiese, sosiale en politiese keuses of vryhede. Hierdie vryhede is genoem vermoens en is afgelei vanaf verrigtingskeuses. 'n Verrigting reflekteer verskillende aspekte van 'n person en kan 'n aktiwitiet wees soos werk of 'n stand van bestaan soos geletteredheid. 'n Verrigting is 'n prestasie terwyl 'n vermoe is die reeks moontlike opsies of keuses is wat 'n persoon teekom. Dit is op die basis van 'n persoon se vermoens stel, dat 'n evaluasie van sy vlak van welvaart moontlik is. Dus meet die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering ontwikkeling in terme van vermoens. Daar is baie metodologiese struikelblokke wat oorkom moet word voordat ontwikkeling in terme van menslike vermoens gemeet kan word. Die teorie van menslike onwikkeling spesifiseer nie watter vermoens ingesluit moet wees by die meting van armoede of welvaart nie. V erder is daar geen metode om vermoens te rangskik nie. V ermoens kan gelyktydig groei in een area en krimp in 'n ander. Omdat geen metode bestaan om vermoens te rangskik nie, is dit onmoontlik om vas te stel of ontwikkeling wel plaas gevind het. Op 'n praktiese vlak, die data of inligtingsbehoefte om welvaart op 'n veelsydige manier te meet, is groot. Dit is normal weg gebaser op gedetailleerde huishoudelike sosio-ekonomies vraelyste wat nie maklik herhaalbaar is oor tyd nie. Vir hierdie redes, terwyl ontwikkelingsekonoome die teorie van menslike ontwikkeling op beide ideologiese en strategiese vlak aanvaar, bestaan daar nog altyd die geneigdheid om dit te meet in terme van inkomste. Ongeag hierdie uitdagings, het 'n hoeveelheid empiriese toepassings van die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering wel na vore gekom en 'n deursnee hiervan is beskryf as deel van hierdie navorsing. Die hoof metodologiese vraagstukke wat uitgestryk moet word voordat die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering prakties toegepas kan word, is uiteengesit. Die toepaslikheid van die teorie van "fuzzy sets", om vae konsepte soos armoed en welvaart te meet, is ook beklemtoon. Die resultate van die 1996 en 2001 bevolkingssensus word hi er gebruik om hierdie meetingsuitdaging te konfronter. Die analise word beperk tot net ses verrigtinge naamelik; behuising, behuisingsdienste, opvoeding, gesondheid, sosiale verhoudings, indiensneming en ekonomiese prestasie. Hiermee probeer die narvorsing die algehele ontwikkelingsstatus van die Wes Kaapse plaaswerkers meet. Hierdie resultate word direk vergelyk met die resultate van ander werkersgroepe soos die werkloses en werkers in ander sektore van die ekonomie, om die relatiewe ontwikkelingsstatus van plaaswerkers vas te stel. In terme van hulle verrigtingsprestasie (gemeet in terme van "fuzzy scores") in 2001 het plaaswerkers die laagste van al die werkersgroepe gevaar wat betref behuising, sosiale verhoudings en opvoedingsvlakke. In terme van toegang tot ekonomiese goedere, terwyl plaaswekers se individuele en huishoudelike maandelikse inkomste vlakke die van die werkloses veebygesteek het, was hulle telling die helfte van dit wat werkers in andere sektore behaal het. Hierdieverrigtings prestasies was geweeg en bymekaar getel om n algehele welvaartsindeks te bereken. Dit was bevind dat hierdie resultaat relatief ongevoelig was tot gewigsmetodologie. Terwyl daar amper geen verskil was tussen die vlak van ontwikkeling van plaaswerkers en die van werkloses nie, is 'n goot verskil tussen plaaswerkers en ander werkers in die ekonomie gevind Hierdie verskil kon nie toegekryf word aan die groot konsentrasies van onopgeleide werkers werksaam in die landbou sektor nie. As beroep in ag geneem word, bly daar nog altyd 'n verskil tussen plaaswerkers en ander onopgeleide werkers. In terme van geslag, het vroulike plaaswerkers, oor die algemeen beter gevaar as manlike werkers, alhoewel hulle in terme van persoonlike inkomste agter gebly het. Hierdie verskil kon nie toegeskryf wees aan die hoeveelheid ure gewerk per week nie en bevestig die bevindinge van ander navorsingsresultate wat gewys het dat vroulike plaaswerkes nie gelyke lone verdien vir dieselfde werk nie. In terme van ontwikkelingsvlakke, stem die 1996 resultate met die van 2001 ooreen. In 1996 het plaaswerker slegter gevaar in behuising, behuisingsdienste, opvoeding en sosisale verhoudings verrigtinge. Die was alleenlik in terme van indiensneming en ekonomiese verrigtinge dat plaaswerkes bo die werkloses gerang het. Deur middel van die toepassing van die 1996 lidmaatskapsvergelyking op die 2001 datastel, was dit moontlik om die absolute verandering in ontwikkelingsstatus van Wes Kaapse plaaswerkers te meet. Relatief tot die ander werkersgroepe, het plaaswerkers die vinnigste voorsprong gemaak. In 2001 was opvoeding, sosiale verhoudinge en die behuisings verrigting, 20% hoer as die van 1996. Sleutelterme: armoede, ontwikkeling, welvaart, menslike ontwikkelings benaadering, vermoens, verrigtinge, "functionings", "fuzzy sets", Wes-Kaap, Wes-Kaapse landbou, plaaswerkers

The psychosocial experiences of immigrant learners at a primary school in the Western Cape

Mahembe, Mercy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa attracts a significant number of refugees and immigrants from poverty-stricken and war-ravaged African nations who come in search of greener pastures. As this population continues to grow, immigrant learners have begun to experience South African schools in an array of uniquely challenging ways (Vandeyar, 2010). This influx of foreigners has increased the diversity in South African classrooms and presents challenges for the foreign learner as well as for the school. While several studies have been undertaken to examine educational factors relating to the education of foreign learners in South Africa, the psychosocial experiences of these learners have not received research attention. The present study sought to understand the psychosocial experiences of immigrant learners in South Africa. The theoretical framework of the study was guided by Erikson’s psychosocial theory. Within the framework of Erikson’s psychosocial theory (Passer & Smith, 2008; Plotnik, 1993), psychological factors such as self-esteem, self-identity, self-efficacy and confidence, as well as social factors such as language, culture and peer relations, were explored in an attempt to understand their adjustment to learning in a culturally different environment. A basic qualitative research design was utilised. Participants were voluntarily recruited at a primary school in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Purposive sampling was used to identify nine immigrant learners between the ages of six and twelve, who had at least attended the first-grade level in their native countries, for participation. Data were collected through the draw-and-tell technique, interviews and observations and analysed by means of thematic content analysis. The recurring themes derived from the interviews indicated that immigrant learners experience psycho-social challenges that involve the accent of the English language, establishment of friendships and bullying. These challenges have had a negative impact on their self-confidence, self-efficacy and self-esteem and their characters have also been changed in trying to adapt to the environmental demands. It is anticipated that the findings of the study will contribute to the development of meaningful support strategies for immigrant learners. The recommendations made include that the school must devise school policies which promote acknowledgement and acceptance of diversity within the school. There is a need for activities that accommodate diverse learners within the school. Learners need to share and enlighten each other about their cultural values and morals. Activities may involve role-plays at assembly, and having different weeks of commemorating or celebrating the different cultures of different learners within the school. The host learners also need to participate in these activities. Adopting the circle of courage philosophy, that is, sense of belonging, respect, generosity and industry, should be the starting point for the school and all learners. Bringing in the circle of courage can assist the whole school in accepting and understanding one another. The circle of courage is a model of empowerment; it is a philosophy in support of ‘reclaiming environments’ for learners. Future studies should investigate the identified themes using a quantitative approach, as well as undertake a comparison of the immigrant learners’ experiences with those of the host learners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het groot aantrekkingskrag vir ‘n aansienlike aantal vlugtelinge en immigrante vanaf armoede- en oorlog-geteisterde volkere in Afrika wat ‘n beter heenkome soek. Namate hierdie bevolking toeneem, kry immigrantleerders in skole in Suid-Afrika met ‘n unieke reeks uitdagings te doen (Vandeyar, 2010). Die instroming van vreemdelinge het die diversiteit in Suid-Afrikaanse klaskamers laat toeneem en stel uitdagings aan die buitelandse leerder sowel as aan die skool. Alhoewel verskeie studies reeds is onderneem om opvoedkundige faktore met betrekking tot die opvoeding van buitelandse leerders in Suid-Afrika aan te spreek, het die psigososiale ervarings van hierdie leerders nog nie die aandag van navorsers gekry nie. Die huidige studie verteenwoordig ‘n poging om die psigososiale ervarings van immigrantleerders in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Die teoretiese raamwerk van die studie is deur Erikson se psigososiale teorie gerig. Binne die raamwerk van Erikson se psigososiale teorie (Passer & Smith, 2008; Plotnik, 1993), word psigologiese faktore soos selfagting, self-identiteit, selfdoeltreffendheid en vertroue, en sosiale faktore soos taal, kultuur en verhoudings met die portuurgroep ondersoek in ‘n poging om die leerders se aanpassing aan die leer in ‘n omgewing met ‘n verskillende kultuur te verstaan.. ‘n Basiese kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Vrywillige deelnemers is by ‘n primêre skool in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika gewerf. Nege immigrantleerders van tussen ses en twaalf jaar oud wat reeds vir minstens een jaar in hul land van herkoms skoolgegaan het, is deur middel van ‘n doelgerigte steekproeftrekking vir deelname geïdentifiseer. Data is met behulp van die teken-en-vertel tegniek, onderhoude en waarneming ingesamel en met behulp van tematiese inhoudsontleding geanaliseer. Die terugkerende temas wat in die onderhoude na vore gekom het, het aangedui dat die immigrantleerders psigososiale uitdagings betreffende die aksent van die Engelse taal, stigting van vriendskappe en afknouery ondervind het. Hierdie uitdagings het hul selfvertroue, selfdoeltreffendheid en selfagting nadelig aangetas en hulle het geaardheid laat verander in die poging om by die eise van die omgewing aan te pas. Die verwagting is dat die bevindings van die studie ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van betekenisvolle ondersteuningstrategieë vir immigrantleerders sal lewer. Voorstelle wat gemaak word behels dat die skool ‘n beleid moet daarstel wat erkenning en aanvaarding van diversiteit in die skool bevorder. Daar is ‘n behoefte aan aktiwiteite wat diverse leerders binne die skool akkommodeer. Leerders behoort hul kulturele en morele waardes met mekaar te deel en mekaar daaroor in te lig. Aktiwiteite sou rolspel gedurende byeenkomste kon insluit, en verskillende weke sou daaraan toegewy kon word om die verskillende kulture van verskillende leerders in die skool te gedenk of te vier. Die gasheer leerders moet ook by hierdie aktiwiteite betrek word. Aanvaarding van die Circle of Courage filosofie, wat die gevoel van saamhorigheid, respek, ruimhartigheid en ywer omvat, behoort die beginpunt vir die skool en al die leerders te word. Om die Circle of Courage in te voer kan die hele skool help om mekaar te aanvaar en te verstaan. Die Circle of Courage is ‘n model vir bemagtiging; ‘n filosofie wat die ‘terugwinning van omgewings’ vir leerders ondersteun. Toekomstige studies behoort met behulp van ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering ondersoek in te stel na die geïdentifiseerde temas, en ook ‘n vergelyking van die ervarings van die immigrantleerders en gasheer leerders te tref.

The drift from the farms to town : a case study of migration from white-owned farms in the Eastern Cape to Grahamstown

Manona, C W January 1989 (has links)
The study deals with the migration of large numbers of black workers from white-owned farms in the Albany and Bathurst districts to Grahamstown. In South Africa the migration of farm residents to the towns has not yet received much attention from researchers. Instead, most migrant studies have concentrated on the migration from the 'homeland' areas and for this reason little is known about the people who have been associated with the farms in some cases for five generations. From the 1940s these farms were rapidly losing labour largely on account of the introduction of mechanization and land rationalization. At that time many farm dwellers were migrating to Grahamstown and, to same extent, Port Elizabeth. The past few decades witnessed a massive further migration from these farms and this, together with natural increase, contributed to the 53,9% increase in Graharnstown's black population in the 1970-80 decade. The study has these aims: 1. To consider the factors that have promoted the move away from the farms , especially as from the end of the Second World War. 2. To account for the overwhelming attraction of Grahamstown as a destination among those who must, or decide to, migrate. 3. To assess the mode of adaptation of those who settle in Grahamstown pennanently. Those who have been in town for several decades provide a background for the central focus of the study, the new irrmigrants who came to town a decade ago or more recently. The latter include people who migrated to town from August 1984, i.e. during a period of extra-ordinary political developments and serious unrest in Grahamstown. The study places an emphasis on the way the imnigrants themselves perceive the process. The aims of the study which have been mentioned above revolve around the impoverishment of rural inhabitants who must now work for wages with hardly any measure of autonomy over the major aspects of their lives while those who go and live in town must contend with a competitive urban economy in which economic opportunities are scarce. This is the central problem of this thesis.

The role of the peer educators in enhancing social and emotional learning: a case of foursecondary schools in Fort Beaufort district

Nyarayi Chinyama January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore how peer education is enhancing social-emotional learning in four secondary schools in Fort Beaufort Education District. An empirical investigation using the qualitative approach examined the situation of the peer education clubs at the four schools. Data was gathered using interviews, focus groups, observations and document analysis. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of peer education programmes in enhancing social and emotional learning in schools. In this research study specifically the qualitative research approach was used. The study also adopted a purposive sampling procedure which is acceptable for special sampling situations where the researcher applied her own experience to select cases which form part of the participants. Four schools were selected, four principals, four teachers who work with peer education clubs, four focus groups, one HIV/AIDS district coordinator, and one peer group trainer. It emerged from the analysis of the collected data that peer education clubs in Fort Beaufort have a number of challenges facing them, resulting in them making insignificant contributions towards the enhancing of social-emotional learning. The clubs’ efforts have resulted in little positive behavioural change among the youth. Among the challenges revealed are: lack of proper structures and support from school administrators, poor selection of peer educators, lack of time and facilities in which to carry out their work, lack of adequate training for both teachers and peer educators. Teacher interference was also cited regularly at all four schools, thereby defeating the whole idea of peer education. The study also revealed that peer educators in Fort Beaufort are not receiving adequate support from other stakeholders like, the police, the justice department and social welfare. Another critical observation made during the study was that peer education clubs are lacking clear standards of practice, rigour and sustainability, all which should be addressed in order to enhance social-emotional learning in schools. Data was analysed using a thematic content analysis. The analysis was carried out in a manner that related to the research questions and objectives in the study. A transcript was made from the respondents’ answers. Reflection and coding was done and data was categorised as an important learning tool in schools, and to recognise its contribution to social emotional learning. The study concluded that peer education clubs in schools, despite their huge potential to improve both behaviour and academic results, are not being given a conducive environment to operate in or the necessary support. This effectively means that learners with some behavioural problems and who have the potential to reform are also being denied the opportunity to lead better lives. The Department is advised to increase the number of both peer education trainers and trained peer educators. Furthermore the training period of peer educators should be increased from the current five days. There is need for the Department of Education to formalise peer education clubs in schools and craft laws that makes it mandatory for schools to provide the clubs with decent facilities like confidential rooms to conduct their activities. More so the study recommends that there is need to train all teachers in schools in social skills and not only LO teachers to ease supervisory burden on the LO teachers.

Life experiences of multiparous teenage mothers in selected communities in the Eastern Cape

Bekwa, Bonisile Goodness 10 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of multiparous teenage mothers at selected communities in the Eastern Cape Province. The population for this study was pregnant teenage mothers aged 12-18 years having at least one previous pregnancy, living in the catchment areas of the provincial hospital of Bizana in the Alfred Nzo District of the Eastern Cape Province. Data were collected through 12 semi-structured individual interviews using a selfdeveloped interview schedule. The transcribed interviews were analysed by means of thematic analysis, using the five stages according to Terre Blanche, et al. (2006), namely familiarisation, inducing themes, coding, elaboration, and checking. Subcategories were grouped into 12 categories and five main themes. Findings on the life experiences of the multiparous teenage mothers are described according to the main themes, namely the everyday life of the teenage mothers, cultural practices leading to pregnancies, factors contributing to pregnancies, challenges experienced by teenage mothers, and messages from the teenage mothers. Recommendations focus on the role of social services to engage the multidisciplinary team and the community to assist in the empowerment of young mothers to break the cycle of multiparous teenage pregnancies and the negative impact thereof on the lives of young mothers. / Health Studies / M. P. H.

Wattle we do? alien eradication and the 'ecology of fear' on the fringes of a world heritage site, South Africa

Merron, James Lawrence January 2010 (has links)
In their article ―Naturing the Nation: Aliens, the Apocalypse and the Post Colonial State (2001) Jean and John Comaroff look at ―the contemporary predicament of South Africa through the prism of environmental catastrophe. Through it they reveal the context in which alien plants have become an urgent affair of the state. Following their lead, I show how alien plants (particularly Australian wattle) continue to provide grounds for new social and political aspirations in South Africa, though in a different setting. With reference to a group of private landowners on the fringe of a World Heritage Site -- the Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve, Eastern Cape, South Africa -- I show how an increasingly apocalyptic and xenophobic environmental agenda has influenced local activists seeking to address social and ecological issues in tandem with alien-eradication. These local activists adhere to a particular brand of environmentalism which Milton (1993) argues can be considered a social, cultural and religious phenomenon. The subjects of my main empirical investigation offer practical ways of achieving a transformational end through a new ritual activity in relation to a spread and exchange of environmental ideas and practices on a world-wide scale. On the ground this group practices ecosocietal restoration through which they aspire to mend the bond between people and the land in a spiritual and moral sense, bolstering intrinsic incentives for environmental stewardship and achieving ―cultural reconciliation in an attempt to reimagine what South Africa could be.

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