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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling the Effect of Catalysis on Membrane Contactor Mass Transfer Coefficients for Carbon Dioxide Absorption Systems

Miller, Jacob 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Cryogenic Carbon Capture using a Desublimating Spray Tower

Nielson, Bradley J. 05 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Global warming is becoming ever increasing concern in our society. As such the likelihood of a carbon tax in the US is becoming increasingly likely. A carbon tax will be expensive enough that coal-based power plants will either have to install carbon capture technology or close. The two front runner technologies for carbon capture are amine scrubbing, and oxyfuel combustion. The downside is that both of these technologies increase power generation cost in a new plant by about 80% and have up to a 30% parasitic load, which reduces the cycle efficiency, that is, the power production per unit fuel consumed, by the same 30%. Retrofitting existing plants by either of these technologies is even more expensive and inefficient since it requires major modifications or replacement of the existing plant in addition to the new capture technology. Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES) has developed a carbon capture technology named cryogenic carbon capture (CCC). CCC is a process by which the flue gas cools to the point that CO2 desublimates. This process is more efficient, cheaper, and has about half of the parasitic load of other technologies, approaching the theoretical minimum in CO2 separation within heat exchanger and compressor efficiencies. This thesis conceptually describes, experimentally characterizes, and theoretically models one desublimating heat exchanger as an integral part of the CCC process. A spray tower conceptually developed by SES and theoretically and experimentally explored in previous work at lab scale is developed at bench scale in this work with accompanying major modifications to the theoretical model. It sprays a cold contact liquid to cool warm gas (relative to the contact liquid) that travels up the tower. Nominal operating temperatures are around -120 to -130 °C for 90% and 99% capture, respectively. Once the flue gas cools enough, CO2 desublimates on the liquid droplet surfaces and forms a slurry with the contact liquid. This spray tower can achieve arbitrarily high CO2 capture efficiency, depending on the temperature of the exiting gas and other operational variables. The experimental data outlined here varied these operational parameters over broad ranges to achieve capture efficiencies of 55% to greater than 95%, providing a robust data set for model comparison. The operational parameters explored include liquid temperature, liquid flow rate, gas flow rate, and droplet size. These data validated a transport and design model that predicts capture for future scale-up and design of the project. The data and model indicate expected behaviors with most of these variables and a dependence on internal droplet temperature profiles that may be higher than expected. This project significantly advanced the experimental database and the model capabilities that describe the spray tower.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) sorption to Na-rich montmorillonite at Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) P-T conditions in saline formations

Krukowski, Elizabeth Gayle 24 January 2013 (has links)
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in confined saline aquifers in sedimentary formations has the potential to reduce the impact of fossil fuel combustion on climate change by storing CO2 in geologic formations in perpetuity. At PT conditions relevant to CCUS, CO2 is less dense than the pre-existing brine in the formation, and the more buoyant CO2 will migrate to the top of the formation where it will be in contact with cap rock. A typical cap rock is clay-rich shale, and interactions between shales and CO2 are poorly understood at PT conditions appropriate for CCUS in saline formations. In this study, the interaction of CO2 with clay minerals in the cap rock overlying a saline formation has been examined, using Na-rich montmorillonite as an analog for clay-rich shale. Attenuated Total Reflectance -- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR -FTIR) was used to identify potential crystallographic sites (AlAlOH, AlMgOH and interlayer space) where CO2 could interact with montmorillonite at 35"C and 50"C and from 0-1200 psi.  Analysis of the data indicates that CO2 that is preferentially incorporated into the interlayer space, with dehydrated montmorillonite capable of incorporating more CO2 than hydrated montmorillonite. No evidence of chemical interactions between CO2 and montmorillonite were identified, and no spectroscopic evidence for carbonate mineral formation was observed.  Further work is needed to determine if reservoir seal quality is more likely to be degraded or enhanced by CO2 - montmorillonite interactions. / Master of Science

Carbon Capture and Storage : And the Possibilities in Sweden / Carbon Capture and Storage : Och möjligheterna i Sverige

Chowdhury, Risha, Malmberg, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and Sweden has set a goal toreach net-zero emissions by 2045. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one method that can reducecarbon dioxide emissions. The industry and transportation sectors are the biggest sources of emissionsin Sweden, requiring technological developments and increased investment to reduce their carbondioxide (CO2) emissions. The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) is responsible for controls,supervision, operation, and construction of activities connected with carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. SGUbelieves that the storage conditions in Sweden are poor. Sedimentary, basaltic and ultramafic rock ispreferable for CO2 storage, but finding the right sort of bedrock at the right depth and with the rightvolumes and porosity is the challenge. Hence it is in question to collaborate with nations in the northern sea, in order to transport and storageCO2 which would lessen the burden of needing to build new infrastructure. There are a few upcomingCarbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) projects in Sweden but from the industry’s point of view, thepriority seems to be mostly on Bio-CCS. However, there is still interest for CCS technology in industrialproduction such as steel or cement and also Direct Air Capture (DAC) in the near future. Due to thehigh cost of CCS, funding through the Swedish Energy Agency and EU is vital in order to make iteconomically viable. Other Cost reducing solutions such as relocation on old oil and gas fields orarranging CCS hubs are possible. In summary, this study concludes that CCS is not currently a feasible technique in order to reduce CO2 from the atmosphere, given the current state and costs for it. If the technology becomes more energyefficient and when financial means are in place, the future is bright for CCS. It is extremely relevantthat this technology continues to develop into a better, cheaper and faster way to capture CO2 and reduceemissions of the effective greenhouse gases. / Parisavtalet syftar till att begränsa den globala uppvärmningen till 1,5 grader Celsius och Sverige harockså satt som mål att nå nettonollutsläpp till år 2045. Ett sätt att nå dessa mål kan vara med teknikenför Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) som är en metod för att minska koldioxidhalten i atmosfären.Den här rapporten syftar till att undersöka med hjälp av litteraturstudier och intervjuer hur genomförbarCCS är som teknik för att minska koldioxidutsläppen samt hur man även kan minska på den befintligamängden koldioxid som redan finns i luften. Huvudfokuset är att undersöka hur CCS fungerar och vilkakostnader som är involverade. Eftersom koldioxid (CO2) är en av de växthusgaser som bidrar mest tillden globala uppvärmningen är det viktigt att vidta åtgärder för att minska den. Det är inte bara utsläppenav CO2 som måste minska utan även mängden CO2 som redan finns i atmosfären. Forskning kring CCSär därför viktig för att hitta nya sätt att effektivisera metoden och göra den mer genomförbar. Naturvårdsverket ger ut en årlig rapport som utvärderar landets framsteg mot att nå sina miljömål,inklusive “Begränsad klimatpåverkan”. Rapporten konstaterar att även om EU och Sverige har minskatutsläppen ökar de fortfarande globalt sett. Industri- och transportsektorn identifieras som de störstautsläppskällorna i Sverige. Den svenska förordningen om CCS regleras av miljöbalken som testar kollagringi geologiska formationer som en miljöfarlig verksamhet och den separerade CO2 ses som avfall.Sverige har ännu inte någon kommersiell CCS-anläggning men regeringen har föreslagit att svenskaindustrier bör införa CCS för att minska dessa utsläpp. Både Sverige och EU har investerat i att utvecklateknik för att minska användningen av fossila bränslen och underlätta för användningen av CCS. CCS processen består av tre huvudsteg: avskiljning och separering av CO2, transport samt lagring elleråteranvändning. Alla typer av nuvarande CCS-metoder kräver en stor mängd energi och de flesta avdem separerar CO2 från industriella förbränningar. Direct Air Capture (DAC) är en annaninfångningsteknik som är mer flexibel när det gäller placering, men också dyrare än de andra teknikerna.Transporten av den infångade CO2 kan ske med lastbil, tåg, fartyg eller rör. De mest genomförbaraalternativen är dock rörledningar och via fartyg på grund av deras transportkapacitet. Rörledningarkräver en välutvecklad infrastruktur, vilket gör dem kostsamma, men de är det mest genomförbaraalternativet för att separera CO2 från landbaserade anläggningar och transportera dem till närliggandelagringsplatser. Geologisk lagring av CO2 kan göras både på land och till havs. Injektion till dengeologiska formationen vid lagringsplatser sker via borrhål. CO2 förvätskas och ersätter denursprungliga vätskan i bergmaterialets porer i berggrunden och reagerar så småningom med berget ochbildar nya mineraler i berggrunden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) ansvarar för kontroller, tillsyn, drift och uppförande avverksamheter kopplade till CO2-lagring. Geologin i Sverige lämpar sig dock generellt sett inte förlagring av CO2, förutom för vissa sydliga områden. Nordsjön har en del gynnsamma förutsättningar förCO2-lagring och det finns även potentiella geologiska formationer i södra Östersjön. Sedimentära,basaltiska eller ultramafiska bergarter är att föredra för geologisk CO2-lagring. Den största utmaningenär att hitta rätt sorts berggrund på rätt djup och med rätt volym och porositet. Den största svårigheten med CCS är den höga kostnaden, vilket bidrar till att hämma den utbreddaanvändningen. Kostnaden för CCS inkluderar olika faktorer som infångningsmetod, transportmedel,lagringsplats och övervakning över lagringen. Bland dessa är infångningen den dyraste fasen avtekniken, följt av lagring, transport och övervakning. Kostnaderna för varje fas har analyserats över2olika intervaller med hänsyn till lägre, medelstora och högre kostnader men även beroende på regiondå kostnaden kan variera beroende på ländernas förutsättningar. Infångningsfasen av CCS har betydande kostnadsvariationer beroende på vilken metod som används,renheten hos den infångade CO2 samt den energi som krävs för avskiljningsprocesserna.Högkoncentrerade CO2-strömmar har lägre bearbetningskostnader än lågkoncentrerade. DAC är förnärvarande den dyraste infångningsmetoden. Transportkostnader för CO2 inkluderar kostnaderrelaterade till infrastruktur, drift, underhåll, konstruktion och markanvändning. Kostnaden för transportmed rör beror på faktorer som diameter, avstånd och flödeshastighet. Högre flödeshastigheter genomrörledningar kan minska transportkostnaderna. Lagringskostnader för CO2 omfattar utgifter förborrning, infrastruktur, projektledning, licensiering och platsval. Geologisk lagring på land är förnärvarande mer kostnadseffektivt på grund av de utmaningar och högre kostnader som är förknippademed geologisk lagring till havs. Övervakningskostnader är till exempel screening och utvärdering avlagringsplatser samt uppgifter som datainsamling, platsrankning, brunnsinstallation och seismiskautvärderingar. Att minska energitillgången för infångning, förbättra val av lösningsmedel vid separationsfasen,återanvända och utveckla befintlig infrastruktur är exempel som kan hjälpa till att sänka kostnadernaför CCS-processen och främja en bredare användning. Ett annat förslag för att öka den ekonomiskalönsamheten är genom att implementera CCS nav eller kluster. Dessa CCS nav eller kluster ger företagmöjligheten att samordna infrastrukturen för sina CCS-anläggningar. Detta kan lindra den ekonomiskabördan att bygga upp egen kostsam infrastruktur. Nedlagda olje- och gasfält kan återbrukas för CCS- anläggningar då efterfrågan av fossila bränslenminskar. Istället för att riva ner verksamheterna för fossilt bränsle, exploatera ny mark och borra nyahål kan olje- och gasfälten i exempelvis norra haven återbrukas för CCS- anläggningar. Danmark är ettav de första länderna som har tagit initiativet att omvandla oljeanläggningar till koldioxidlagringanläggningar. Det är möjligt att söka om ekonomiskt stöd från Energimyndigheten eller EU för att få stöd till främstBio-CCS projekt men även andra. Detta är i syfte för att underlätta en fri marknad för tekniker somimplementerar koldioxidinfångst. Ambitionen med detta stödsystem är för att realisera en infångst av10 miljoner CO2 via Bio-CCS och minst 2 miljoner CO2/år för andra CCS tekniker. Genom omvändauktion får det företag som kan erbjuda infångad CO2/ton med Bio-CCS teknik för lägst pris, ta del avstödsystemet. EU har även initiativ att finansiera CCS-projekt genom CETPartnership eller EU:sinnovationsfond vars syfte är att stödja forskning och innovation inom CCS. Sammanfattningsvis kom denna studie fram till att CCS inte är genomförbart idag som en teknik för attminska CO2 från atmosfären med hänsyn till nuläget och kostnaderna för att implementera. Om teknikenenergi effektiviseras och när ekonomiska medel finns på plats är framtiden ljus för CCS. Det är oerhörtrelevant att denna teknik fortsätter att utvecklas till ett bättre, billigare och snabbare sätt att fånga uppCO2 och minska utsläppen av de effektiva växthusgaserna. Regeringen och industrin måste därförsamarbeta bättre för att underlätta regelverk som främjar och möjliggör samarbete inom CCS-branschendå många myndigheter lyfter fram att CCS är en nödvändig teknik för framtiden för att uppnå klimatneutralitet.

Rapid screening of novel nanoporous materials for carbon capture separations

Mangano, Enzo January 2013 (has links)
In this work the experimental results from the rapid screening and ranking of a wide range of novel adsorbents for carbon capture are presented. The samples were tested using the Zero Length Column (ZLC) method which has proved to be an essential tool for the rapid investigation of the equilibrium and kinetic properties of prototype adsorbents. The study was performed on different classes of nanoporous materials developed as part of the EPSRC-funded “Innovative Gas Separations for Carbon Capture” (IGSCC) project. More than 120 novel adsorbents with different key features for post-combustion carbon capture were tested. The classes of materials investigated were: • PIMs (Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity) • MOFs (Metal - Organic Frameworks) • Mesoporous Silica • Zeolites • Carbons All the samples were tested at experimental conditions close to the ones of a typical flue gas of a fossil fuel power plant: 35 ºC and 0.1 bar of partial pressure of CO2. The results from the ranking of the CO2 capacity of the materials, at the conditions of interest, indicate the Mg and Ni-based MOF samples as the adsorbents with the highest uptake among all the candidates. The best sample shows a CO2 capacity almost double than the benchmark adsorbent, zeolite 13X (provided by UOP). The ranking also shows some of the zeolite adsorbents synthesised as promising materials for carbon capture: uptakes comparable or slightly higher than 13X were obtained for several samples of Rho and Chabazite zeolite. Water stability tests were also performed on the best MOFs and showed a deactivation rate considerably faster for the Mg-based MOFs, proving an expected higher resistance to degradation for the Ni based materials. A focused investigation was also carried out on the diffusion of CO2 in different ionexchanged zeolites Rho samples. The study of these samples, characterised by extremely slow kinetics, extended the use of the ZLC method to very slow diffusional time constants which are very difficult to extract from the traditional long time asymptotic analysis. The results show how the combination of the full saturation and partial loading experiment can provide un-ambiguous diffusional time constants. The diffusivity of CO2 in zeolite Rho samples shows to be strongly influenced by the framework structure as well as the nature and the position of the different cations in the framework. The kinetics of the Na-Cs Rho sample was also measured by the use of the Quantachrome Autosorb-iQ™ volumetric system. To correctly interpret the dynamic response of the instrument modifications were applied to the theoretical model developed by Brandani in 1998 for the analysis of the piezometric method. The analytical solution of the model introduces parameters which allow to account for the real experimental conditions. The results confirm the validity of the methodology in the analysis of slow diffusion processes. In conclusion the advantages offered by the small size of the column and the small amount of sample required proved the ZLC method to be a very useful tool for the rapid ranking of the CO2 capacity of prototype adsorbents. Equilibrium and kinetic measurements were performed on a very wide range of novel nanoporous materials. The most promising and interesting samples were further investigated through the use of the water stability test, the partial loading experiment and the volumetric system. The ZLC technique was also extended to the measurements of systems with very slow kinetics, for which is very difficult to extract reliable diffusional time constants. An improved model for the interpretation of dynamic response curves from a non-ideal piezometric system was developed.

Ignition of suspensions of coal and biomass particles in air and oxy-fuel for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and climate change mitigation

Trabadela Robles, Ignacio January 2015 (has links)
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a legitimate technology option that should be part of a balanced portfolio of mitigation technologies available Post-Kyoto Protocol framework after Paris 2015 and beyond the 2020s or the cost achieving 2 degrees Celsius stabilisation scenario will significantly increase. Oxy-fuel combustion as a CCS technology option increases fuel flexibility. Additionally, oxy-biomass as a bio-energy with CCS (BECCS) technology can achieve negative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in sustainable biomass systems. Also, oxygen (O2) production in an air separation unit (ASU) gives potential for extra operational flexibility and energy storage. In this work, new designs of 20 litre spherical (R-20) and 30 litre non-spherical (R-30) ignition chambers have been built at the University of Edinburgh to carry-out dust ignition experiments with different ignition energies for evaluating pulverised fuel ignitability as a function of primary recycle (PR) O2 content for oxy-fuel PF milling safety. A set of coals and biomasses being used (at the time of submitting this work) in the utility pulverised fuel boilers in the UK have been employed. Coal and biomass dusts were ignited in air and oxy-fuel mixtures up to 30 % v/v O2 balance mixture CO2 where peak pressures (Pmax) from ignition were recorded. Pressure ratios (Pmax/Pinitial) were determined the key parameter for positive ignition identification with a value above 2.5 to be considered positive. Particle size effects in coal and biomass ignition were evaluated. Results on biomass were more variable than with coals, requiring a stronger ignition source (5,000 J) mainly due to larger particle sizes. Finer biomass particles behaved similarly to air ignition in 25 % v/v O2 in CO2. Larger particles of biomass did not ignite at all for most cases even reaching 30 % v/v O2 in CO2. A reference coal used, El Cerrejon, behaved as expected with 30 % v/v O2 balance CO2 matching air case; particles between 75-53 microns had lower ignitability than finer below 53 microns but were critical in devolatilisation. Most fuels did not ignite in 21 % v/v in CO2 below 200 g/m3 concentrations. The use of adequate ignition energy strength is needed for the PF mill safety case, with 5,000 J energy required for the biomasses tested. An indication of potential ignition chamber volume and geometry effect has also been observed when comparing results from R-20 and R-30 ignition chambers. Important implications include that oxy-biomass PR with 21 % v/v O2 content would give improved pulverised fuel (PF) milling safety when compared to air firing but reduced ignitability and a 25 % v/v O2 balance CO2 atmosphere would approach to oxy-biomass ignition behaviour in air in mills.

International politics of low carbon technology development : carbon capture and storage (CCS) in India

Kapila, Rudra Vidhumani January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the international political dynamics of developing low carbon technology. Specifically, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology as a climate mitigation strategy in a developing country context is examined. CCS is a technological solution that allows for the continued use of fossil fuels without the large amounts of associated CO2 emissions. This entails capturing the CO2 emitted from large point sources, such as a coal-fired power station, and transporting the captured emissions to be injected and stored permanently into geological media. Consequently, CCS is a bridging technology that could provide more time for transitioning to a low-carbon economy. A case study of India is used, which is an emerging industrialising economy, and is also the third-largest coal producer in the world. India faces a dilemma: poverty alleviation and infrastructure development to support its billion plus population requires vast amounts of energy, which is predominantly based on fossil fuels. Therefore, it was envisioned that CCS would be a sustainable option, which could enable industrialisation at the rate required, whilst preventing the exacerbation of the negative effects of climate change. However, during the period of study (2007-2010), CCS was not embraced by India, despite there being a growing impetus to develop, demonstrate and transfer the technology. India was reluctant to consider CCS as part of a mitigation strategy, and this thesis focuses on the reasons why. An interdisciplinary approach is used, coupling perspectives from science, technology and innovation studies (STS) with concepts from International Relations (IR) scholarship. This sociotechnical conceptual framework is applied to gain a more holistic picture of the failed attempt to transfer CCS technology to India. Key technical challenges and blockages are identified within India’s existing energy system, which have restricted CCS technology implementation. In addition, the political challenges associated with the rejection of CCS by the Indian Government are explored. Empirical evidence is on the basis of elite interviews, an expert stakeholder survey and relevant documents. Another case study on the Cambay basin is used to further demonstrate the influence of political factors on CCS implementation, even in an area considered to have suitable technical conditions. The outcomes of this study have implications for policy addressing global challenges, especially by means of international cooperation and technological change.

Solvent analysis instrumentation options for the control and flexible operation of post combustion carbon dioxide capture plants

Buschle, William David January 2015 (has links)
Dispatchable low carbon electricity has been identified as a key requirement for low carbon electricity systems because these systems must provide reliable electricity services to an increasing portion of the world’s population while utilising an increasing share of nondispatchable assets such as renewable and nuclear generators. Fossil fuel generators can provide dispatchable low carbon electricity by leveraging post-combustion carbon capture technologies assuming post-combustion capture (PCC) plants can operate in a flexible and efficient manner. This thesis explores the connection between solvent analysis techniques and the optimal operation of PCC plants with a particular focus on process optimisation and control under flexible and transient conditions. The connection between solvent analysis measurements and PCC plant process control and optimisation strategies is established. An ideal set of analysis technique criteria is established for flexible post-combustion capture plants. Currently available solvent analysis techniques are surveyed and evaluated against the ideal set of criteria. Specific weaknesses of current techniques are highlighted and two novel solvent analysis techniques are introduced to address these weaknesses. The first provides continuous amine concentration and CO2 loading measurements at process flow conditions by inferring solvent chemical composition from physical properties. This method was evaluated by deploying an instrument prototype to a post-combustion pilot plant to continuously analyse solvent during a test campaign which simulated flexible plant operation. The measurement results were compared against industry standard solvent analysis techniques and the inferential technique was found to produce sufficient measurement accuracy and sensitivity while providing a faster, lower cost and more robust measurement technique. The second technique combines the strengths of several currently available CO2 loading techniques to measure CO2 gas evolved from an acidified solvent under vacuum conditions. The technique was found to provide superior measurement accuracy and sensitivity compared to currently available methods when measuring lab standard solutions. The integration of these novel analysis techniques into advanced process control systems is proposed and future method improvements are suggested.

Communicating Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies: Opportunities and Constraints across Media

Feldpausch-Parker, Andrea Marie 2010 August 1900 (has links)
In 2003, the U.S. Department of Energy created regional joint governmentindustry partnerships as part of a larger incentive to develop carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technologies to address the issue of climate change. As part of their missions, DOE and their partners are responsible for creating and distributing public outreach and education materials discussing climate change and CCS technologies. In this dissertation, I sought to evaluate processes for communicating CCS to the public by examining different pathways including direct communication through DOE and regional partnership websites (Chapter I), news media from states with energy projects proposed or underway (Chapter II), and alternative strategies for communication such as an online educational game for youth (Chapter IV). My study also included focus groups in communities where CCS technologies have been piloted to determine public knowledge and acceptance of CCS (Chapter III). In Chapter I, a critique of DOE and partnership websites, I found authority to be a dominant theme throughout DOE and partnership website content, often incorporating technical jargon beyond laymen understanding and, in many cases, targeting industry audiences over the intended public. In Chapter II, I analyzed newspaper articles from the states of Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana and Texas using Luhmann’s social theory and the SPEED framework to determine how CCS has been framed by the media. Findings indicated that political, legal, economic and technical frames dominated, with emphasis on benefits, rather than risks of adoption. I also found that CCS reporting increased dramatically as pilot projects started to come on line. In my study of community acceptance of CCS in the American Southwest, Chapter III, I found that participants focused their conversations on industry and government knowledge, risks and unknowns of CCS and processes for decision-making. These topics also provided an impetus for caution. Skepticism and distrust of government entities and corporations influenced participant willingness to accept storage risks to mitigate for CO2 emissions. After open discussion of pros and cons associated with the technology, however, participants were more willing to consider CCS as an option, indicating a need to talk through the issue and to come to their own conclusions. Finally, in focus groups used to evaluate of an online game titled The Adventures of Carbon Bond, I found that it was difficult for participants to discuss environmental issues with students that are viewed as contentious (i.e. climate change and CCS), but that gaming was a valuable tool for addressing such sensitive subjects. Overall, these four chapters demonstrate that communication of CCS has only reached portions of the public and has not consistently connected with those potentially impacted by the technology. They also show that CCS must overcome numerous barriers to deployment, foremost of which is public acceptance.

The reservoir performance and impact from using large-volume, intermittent, anthropogenic CO₂ for enhanced oil recovery

Coleman, Stuart Hedrick 02 August 2012 (has links)
Anthropogenic CO₂ captured from a coal-fired power plant can be used for an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operation while mitigating the atmospheric impact of CO₂ emissions. Concern about climate change caused by CO₂ emissions has increased the motivation to develop carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects to reduce the atmospheric impact of coal and other fossil fuel combustion. Enhanced oil recovery operations are typically constrained by the supply of CO₂, so there is interest from oil producers to use large-volume anthropogenic (LVA) CO₂ for tertiary oil production. The intermittency of LVA CO2 emissions creates an area of concern for both oil producers and electric utilities that may enter into a CO₂ supply contract for EOR. An oil producer wants to know if intermittency from a non-standard source of CO₂ will impact oil production from the large volume being captured. Since the electric utility must supply electricity on an as-needed basis, the CO₂ emissions are inherently intermittent on a daily and seasonal basis. The electric utility needs to know if the intermittent supply of CO₂ would reduce its value compared to CO₂ delivered to the oil field at a constant rate. This research creates an experimental test scenario where one coal-fired power plant captures 90% of its CO₂ emissions which is then delivered through a pipeline to an EOR operation. Using real emissions data from a coal-fired power plant and simplified data from an actual EOR reservoir, a series of reservoir simulations were done to address and analyze potential operational interference for an EOR operator injecting large-volume, intermittent CO₂ characteristic of emissions from a coal-fired power plant. The test case simulations in this study show no significant impact to oil production from CO₂ intermittency. Oil recovery, in terms of CO₂ injection, is observed to be a function of the total pore volumes injected. The more CO₂ that is injected, the more oil that is produced and the frequency or rate at which a given volume is injected does not impact net oil production. Anthropogenic CO₂ sources can eliminate CO₂ supply issues that constrain an EOR operation. By implementing this nearly unlimited supply of CO₂, oil production should increase compared to smaller-volume or water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection strategies used today. Mobility ratio and reservoir heterogeneity have a considerable impact on oil recovery. Prediction of CO₂ breakthrough at the production wells seems to be more accurate when derived from the mobility ratio between CO₂ and reservoir oil. The degree of heterogeneity within the reservoir has a more direct impact on oil recovery and sweep efficiency over time. The volume of CO₂ being injected can eventually invade lower permeability regions, reducing the impact of reservoir heterogeneity on oil recovery. This concept should mobilize a larger volume of oil than a conventional volume-limited or WAG injection strategy that may bypass or block these lower permeability regions. Besides oil recovery, a reservoir's performance in this study is defined by its CO₂ injectivity over time. Elevated injection pressures associated with the large-volume CO₂ source can substantially impact the ability for an oil reservoir to store LVA CO₂. As CO₂, a less viscous fluid, replaces produced oil and water, the average reservoir pressure slowly declines which improves injectivity. This gradual improvement in injectivity is mostly occupied by the increasing volume of recycled CO₂. Sweep efficiency is critical towards minimizing the impact of CO₂ recycling on reservoir storage potential. Deep, large, and permeable oil reservoirs are more capable of accepting LVA CO₂, with less risk of fracturing the reservoir or overlying confining unit. The depth of the reservoir will directly dictate the injection pressure threshold in the oil reservoir as the fracture pressure increases with depth. If EOR operations are designed to sequester all the CO₂ delivered to the field, additional injection capacity and design strategies are needed. / text

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