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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle des espèces sulfures dans la corrosion des aciers non alliés : hétérogénéités de la couche de produits de corrosion et couplages galvaniques / Role of sulfide species in the corrosion of non-alloy steel : heterogeneities of the layer of corrosion products and galvanic coupling

Romaine, Alexandre 07 October 2014 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur le problème de l'entreposage à long terme des déchets nucléaires. En France, il est prévu que les déchets radioactifs à haute activité et vie longue soient confinés dans un surconteneur en acier au carbone, puis stockés à une profondeur d'environ 450 m dans une formation argileuse (argilite). En raison de l'intense radioactivité, une température proche de 90°C est attendue à la surface de l'acier. Dans un premier temps, il a été nécessaire de synthétiser, par polarisation anodique à courant imposé, des couches de produits de corrosion susceptibles de se former en conditions de stockage. Les électrodes d’acier S235 ont été recouvertes d’une couche d’argilite broyée et immergées en solutions carbonatées. La synthèse a d’abord été effectuée à 25°C afin de déterminer les paramètres influant sur la nature des produits de corrosion, puis à 80°C de façon à se rapprocher des conditions réelles. Les composés obtenus dépendent de la concentration en NaHCO3, de la densité de courant imposée et du temps de polarisation. A 80°C, la magnétite Fe3O4 et la sidérite FeCO3 sont les principaux produits formés. La rouille verte carbonatée FeII4FeIII2(OH)12CO3.2H2O et la chukanovite Fe2(OH)2CO3 n'ont pu être détectées que localement dans certaines conditions. Des sulfures de fer, notamment la mackinawite, se forment en début d’expérience pour des densités de courants anodiques modérées. Dans la deuxième partie de l’étude, nous avons étudié l’influence des espèces sulfures sur un système constitué par l’acier et une couche de produits de corrosion modèle. Les modifications de cette couche préalablement formée, induites par les espèces sulfures, ont été plus particulièrement étudiées. Enfin, la dernière partie de notre travail de recherche a porté sur l’étude des couplages galvaniques pouvant s’établir entre deux zones de la surface de l’acier recouvertes de produits de corrosion différents. Nous avons notamment étudié les couplages impliquant la magnétite Fe3O4, principal composé conducteur susceptible de se former en conditions de stockage. / The present study relates to the problem of the long-term interim storage of nuclear wastes. In France, it is envisaged that high-level radioactive wastes will be confined in a glass matrix, stored in a stainless steel canister, itself placed in a carbon steel overpack. The wastes will then be stored at a depth of ~450 m in a deep geological disposal, drilled in a very stiff (indurated) clay (argillite) formation. A temperature as high as 90°C is expected at the steel surface because of the intense radioactivity. Anodic polarization at applied current density was used to synthetize corrosion product layers likely to be formed in storage conditions. The S235 steel electrodes were covered by a layer of argillite and dipped in carbonated solutions. The synthesis was first achieved at 25°C to determine the parameters controlling the nature of the corrosion products and then at 80°C to be closer to the real conditions. The nature of the obtained compounds proved to be dependent on NaHCO3 concentration, on current density and on polarization time. At 80°C, magnetite Fe3O4 and siderite FeCO3 were the main identified compounds. Carbonate green rust FeII4FeIII2(OH)12CO3.2H2O and chukanovite Fe2(OH)2CO3 were detected locally in some experiments. Iron sulfides, mainly mackinwaite, also formed at the beginning of the experiments with a moderate current density. In the second part of the study, the influence of sulfide species on the steel / model corrosion products layer system was investigated. The modifications of the layers previously formed by anodic polarization induced by sulfide species were more particularly studied. Finally, the last part of our research was focused on the effects of a galvanic coupling that could appear between two areas of the steel coated by different corrosion products. In particular, galvanic couplings involving magnetite Fe3O4, the main conductive compound likely to form under storage conditions, were studied.

Trade marketing / Trade marketing

Khodl, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to define the term "trade marketing" and evaluate its role within the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company. With the use of internal resources and relevant literature, I will describe the use of trade marketing from both theoretical and practical point of view. I will also introduce the Coca-Cola HBC and its position on the carbonated soft drinks market in the Czech republic.


Burney, Shaheer 01 January 2017 (has links)
This collection of essays examines the impact of two antecedents of household food consumption: SNAP and habit formation to nutrients. Household food choice invariably plays a substantial role in health outcomes such as obesity. Low-income households may be especially vulnerable to obesity as they face a more restricted set of food choices due to income constraints and may have less information on healthy eating relative to high-income households. This dissertation unravels this dynamic by providing causal estimates of the effect of two major determinants of food choice. Chapter 2 and chapter 3 test the impact of SNAP participation on consumption of foods that are likely to cause obesity. With some exceptions, SNAP restricts benefits to be spent only on unprepared grocery food items from participating retailers. Chapter 2 considers the broad category of Food Away From Home (FAFH) which is shown to be less healthy than meals prepared at home and shows that SNAP significantly reduces FAFH expenditure of participants. However, the magnitude of this decrease is not large enough to have a tangible impact on obesity. Chapter 3 considers household expenditure on carbonated soda, which is the key source of sugar intake among low-income households. Not only is carbonated soda SNAP-eligible, it is cheaper when purchased with SNAP benefits relative to cash because benefits are exempt from all sales taxes. Results show that SNAP participation leads to a significant rise in carbonated soda sales in low-income counties. I also find that the SNAP tax exemption does not lead to higher consumption among participants relative to non-participants. Chapter 4 tests habit formation to dietary fat using purchases of ground meat and milk products. Products in both categories have salient fat content information on the packaging. Products within each category differ only by fat content and are usually identical otherwise. Differences in habit formation are, therefore, caused by different levels of fat content. Results show a positive association between habit formation and fat content for all products in the ground meat category and all products, except fat-free milk, in the milk category. However, this relationship is modest leading to the conclusion that policy interventions, such as a saturated fat tax, might be effective in discouraging consumption of high fat products.

Compósitos cimentícios com polpa celulósica tratada por hornificação e curados por carbonatação acelerada / Cementitious composites with cellulose pulp treated by hornification and cured by accelerated carbonation

Mejia Ballesteros, Julian Eduardo 13 June 2018 (has links)
O aproveitamento de fibras naturais como materiais de reforço em compósitos cimentícios é uma alternativa que apresenta potencial técnico, econômico, social e ambiental. Porém seu uso é limitado pela baixa durabilidade e estabilidade dimensional, refletidas na perda da capacidade de reforço das fibras em consequência da sua rápida degradação dentro da matriz de cimento. Para abordar esta situação, estudos ao redor do mundo mostraram que é possível aplicar tratamentos sobre as fibras e/ou matriz, modificando seu comportamento e obtendo resultados positivos. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo teve por objetivo aplicar e avaliar o efeito do tratamento de hornificação sobre polpas vegetais de eucalipto e pinus (não branqueadas) e do tratamento de carbonatação acelerada ou uso de adições pozolânicas sobre a matriz de cimento, alterando sua alcalinidade, buscando assim, maior durabilidade do material de reforço e otimizando o desempenho geral do compósito. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foram determinadas e analisadas propriedades físicas, morfologias e microestruturais das polpas antes e após do processo de hornificação. Posteriormente, em uma segunda etapa do trabalho, foram produzidos compósitos cimentícios com vistas em determinar o teor de reforço ótimo (6%, 8% e 10%) de polpas celulósicas (tratadas e não tratadas), curados por cura térmica sendo avaliados por meio da determinação de propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Seguidamente, em uma terceira etapa do trabalho, foram produzidos compósitos cimentícios com polpas celulósicas (tratadas e não tratadas) curados por carbonatação acelerada, sendo avaliados por meio da determinação de propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Na última etapa, foram avaliadas formulações de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com a polpa celulósica (tratada e não tratada) de melhor desempenho com adição de cinzas de casca de arroz ou resíduo de carvão ativado como material pozolânico, sendo avaliadas suas propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Os resultados obtidos permitem identificar que a hornificação gera modificações na estrutura interna das polpas reduzindo sua capacidade de absorção de água, estabilidade dimensiona, colapso do lúmen e incremento da rugosidade superficial sem ocasionar deterioração da sua estrutura ou componentes. No que concerne à influência da porcentagem de polpa de reforço aplicada, o desempenho das propriedades físico-mecânicas caiu proporcionalmente com o incremento da porcentagem de reforço, sendo este fenômeno acompanhado pela formação de aglomerações de polpas. Assim, os compósitos com 6% de reforço de polpas de eucalipto ou pinus se destacaram pelo desempenho. Em relação ao reforço com fibras hornificadas, foram obtidas melhoras no desempenho do módulo de ruptura e energia específica, com destacável conservação após do material ser envelhecido. Ao ser aplicada a cura por carbonatação acelerada sobre as matrizes, se obtiveram melhoras destacáveis na durabilidade das fibras e no desempenho mecânico antes e após do envelhecimento acelerado em relação aos compósitos curados por cura térmica. Estas melhoras foram mais representativas com o reforço de polpas hornificadas. O uso de substituição parcial do cimento por CCA mostrou o pior desempenho físico-mecânico. Por sua vez, a substituição de 25% de RCA permitiu alcançar melhoras no comportamento das propriedades físico-mecânicas das matrizes, especialmente com o reforço com a polpa hornificada. / The use of natural fibers as reinforcement materials in cement composites is an alternative that offers technical, economic, social and environmental potential. But their use is limited by its low durability and dimensional stability, reflected in a building capacity loss as result of its rapid degradation within the cement matrix. To address this situation, studies around the world show that it is possible to apply treatments on the fibers and/or the matrix, thus, modifying their behavior and obtaining positive results. Within this context, this study aimed to implement and evaluate the effect an hornification treatment on eucalyptus and pine kraft pulps (unbleached); and an accelerated carbonation treatment or use pozzolanic additions on the cement matrix that changes its alkalinity, seeking thus, greater durability of the reinforcing material, optimizing the overall performance of the composite. To achieve the proposed objectives, the physical, and microstructural morphologies of the pulps were determined and analyzed before and after the hornification process. Then, in a second stage of the work, cementitious composites were produced with a view to determining the optimal reinforcement content (6%, 8% and 10%) of cellulosic pulps (treated and untreated), cured by thermal curing, being evaluated by the determination of its durability, physical-mechanical and microstructure properties. Subsequently, in a third stage of the work, cementitious composites were developed with cellulose pulps (treated and untreated) and cured by accelerated carbonation, being evaluated by the determination of its durability, physical-mechanical and microstructure properties. In the last stage, formulations of cementitious composites reinforced with cellulose pulps (treated and untreated) of better performance were evaluated with the addition of rice husk ash (CCA) or activated coal mining waste (RCA) as pozzolanic material, being evaluated their physicomechanical, microstructural and durability properties. Therefore, we expected to obtain a cement matrix of low alkalinity and a reinforcing fiber with lower capacity for water absorption and higher dimensional stability, which acting together would achieve a superior mechanical performance as well as a longer durability over time. The obtained results allow to identify that the hornification generates modifications in the internal structure of the pulps reducing its capacity of water absorption, stability, lumen collapse and increase surface roughness without causing deterioration of its structure or components. Regarding the influence of the percentage of reinforcing pulp applied, the performance of the physical-mechanical properties fell proportionally with the increment of the reinforcement percentage, being this phenomenon accompanied by formation of agglomerations of pulps. Thus, the composites with 6% reinforcement of pulps of eucalyptus or pinus stood out by the performance. In relation to the reinforcement with hornificated fibers, the performance of the modulus of rupture and specific energy were obtained, with detachable conservation after the material was aged. When accelerated carbonatation curing was applied to the matrices, the durability of the fibers and the mechanical performance before and after the accelerated aging were obtained in relation to the heat curing composites. These improvements were more representative with the reinforcement of hornified pulps. The use of partial cement substitution by CCA showed the worst physicomechanical performance. On the other hand, the substitution of 25% or RCA allowed to achieve improvements in the behavior of the physical-mechanical properties of the matrices, especially with the reinforcement with the hornified pulp.

Caracterização petrofísica multiescalar de tufas carbonáticas da formação Jandaíra, Bacia Potiguar

GONZAGA, Francisco de Assis da Silveira 22 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-22T18:19:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO DE ASSIS DA SILVEIRA GONZAGA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEP) 2017.pdf: 8689906 bytes, checksum: 5fbfa3841d9368af9ea5d93b38bc293c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T18:19:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO DE ASSIS DA SILVEIRA GONZAGA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEP) 2017.pdf: 8689906 bytes, checksum: 5fbfa3841d9368af9ea5d93b38bc293c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-31 / A Formação Jandaíra é constituída por rochas carbonáticas de idade Cretácia que ocorrem em grande parte da Bacia Potiguar. Dentre as rochas presentes nesta formação estão as tufas carbonáticas resultantes de vários processos diagenéticos, característicos da área estudada. Neste trabalho são analisadas propriedades petrofísicas, composicionais e petrográficas de duas amostras de tufa carbonática, em escalas que variam de poucas dezenas de centímetros até alguns micrômetros. As tufas estudadas foram coletadas em dois afloramentos do município de Felipe Guerra, no Rio Grande do Norte. Os carbonatos, e em particular as tufas carbonáticas, são rochas muito heterogêneas, cujas propriedades medidas dependem da escala de investigação. Esta pesquisa visa quantificar a dependência dessas propriedades com a escala de investigação através de vários métodos de caracterização a fim de indicar se é adequado fazer a extrapolação de uma dada propriedade aferida em uma escala para outra escala de interesse. Para isso as propriedades foram investigadas em um cubo de tufa com 30 cm de aresta, oriundo do afloramento Cachoeira Roncador (CR). Uma das amostras foi adequada em forma de cubo e logo após dividida em dividido em 8 blocos cúbicos com 15 cm de aresta. De cada bloco foi extraído um plugue cilíndrico, para análise petrofísica convencional e tomografia de raios X, uma esquírola para confecção de lâmina delgada, e uma porção para análise de DRX. A outra amostra originada do afloramento situado ao lado da Igreja Nossa Senhora do Pérpetuo Socorro (TFG) foi analisada por microtomografia de raios X e por ensaio petrofísico convencional. As propriedades petrofísicas foram investigadas através de ensaios laboratoriais convencionais e por análise das imagens de tomografia e de microtomografia. Tais análises permitiram a caracterização completa da estrutura matricial e porosa da amostra, revelando a porosidade e a permeabilidade presentes. Foram observados processos característicos na formação das tufas como a geminação polissintética e estruturas características como estilólitos, geopetais e processos de ankeritização. O cruzamento das informações geradas pela análise das lâminas delgadas e de DRX foi de fundamental importância para a correta determinação da composição mineral. A análise da porosidade das amostras, pelos vários métodos e escalas, mostrou uma grande variação nos valores medidos, confirmando a grande heterogeneidade apresentada pela tufa carbonática. A porosidade estimada pela análise das lâminas delgadas e pela análise petrofísica convencional (picnometria gasosa) apresentou valores em uma mesma ordem de grandeza, enquanto que a porosidade estimada pela tomografia nos blocos e nos plugues apresentou valores numa ordem de grandeza menores. Já a porosidade estimada pela microtomografia foi de até uma ordem de grandeza acima dos valores medidos convencionalmente. Isto indica que esta propriedade nas tufas carbonáticas é muito dependente da escala de observação. Nas imagens de tomografia apenas os poros vugulares grandes são reconhecidos, o que resulta numa subestimação da porosidade pela perda da informação sobre a microporosidade. Por outro lado, a microporosidade é captada pela microtomografia, mas, devido ao reduzido tamanho da amostra, os grandes poros vugulares não são captados. As diferenças observadas entre as diversas escalas e métodos sugerem ainda que os poros são essencialmente mal conectados. A permeabilidade medida por todos os métodos indica valores muito baixos, o que confirma a suspeita de baixa conectividade de poros já indicada pelos valores de porosidade medidos nas diversas escalas. / The Jandaíra Formation consists of carbonate rocks of Cretaceous age that occur in much of the Potiguar Basin. Among the rocks present in this formation are the carbonaceous tufas resulting from several diagenetic processes, characteristic of the studied area. In this work the petrophysical, compositional and petrographic properties of two samples of carbonate tufa are analyzed, in scales varying from a few tens of centimeters up to a few micrometers. The tufas studied were collected in two outcrops of the municipality of Felipe Guerra, in Rio Grande do Norte. The carbonates, and in particular the carbonate tufas, are very heterogeneous rocks whose measured properties depend on the scale of investigation. This research aims to quantify the dependence of these properties on the scale of investigation through several characterization methods to indicate if it is appropriate to extrapolate a given property on a scale to another scale of interest. For this, the properties were investigated in a tufa cube with 30 cm of edge, originating from the outcrop Cachoeira Roncador (CR). One of the samples was suitable in cube form and soon after divided in divided into 8 cubic blocks with 15 cm of edge. From each block a cylindrical plug was extracted, for conventional petrophysical analysis and X-ray tomography, a thinning blade, and a portion for XRD analysis. The other sample originated from the outcrop next to the Nossa Senhora do Pérpetuo Socorro Church (TFG) was analyzed by X-ray microtomography and by conventional petrophysical tests. The petrophysical properties were investigated through conventional laboratory tests and tomography and microtomography images. These analyzes allowed the complete characterization of the matrix and porous structure of the sample, revealing the porosity and the permeability present. Characteristic processes were observed in the formation of tufas such as polysynthetic twinning and characteristic structures such as stilllites, geo - tetals and ankeritization processes. The crossing of the information generated by the analysis of the thin films and XRD was of fundamental importance for the correct determination of the mineral composition. The analysis of the porosity of the samples, by the various methods and scales, showed a great variation in the measured values, confirming the great heterogeneity presented by the carbonate tufa. The porosity estimated by thin slice analysis and conventional petrophysical analysis (gas pycnometry) presented values in the same order of magnitude, while the porosity estimated by the tomography in the blocks and in the plugs presented values in a smaller order of magnitude. The porosity estimated by the microtomography was up to an order of magnitude higher than the values measured conventionally. This indicates that thisproperty in carbonates is very dependent on the scale of observation. In tomography images only large vugular pores are recognized, which results in an underestimation of porosity by loss of information on microporosity. On the other hand, microporosity is captured by microtomography, but, due to the small sample size, large volute pores are not captured. The observed differences between the various scales and methods further suggest that the pores are essentially poorly connected. The permeability measured by all methods indicates very low values, which confirms the suspicion of low pore connectivity already indicated by the porosity values measured at the various scales.

Teor de nutrientes e produtividade em híbridos de tomateiro em função de doses de COø aplicadas via água de irrigação /

Carneiro Júnior, Ary Gertes, 1967- January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Rumy Goto / Banca: Roberto Lyra Villas Bôas / Banca: Vandeir Francisco Guimarães / Banca: Shizuo Seno / Banca: Tamara Maria Gomes / Resumo: O aumento do cultivo em ambiente protegido no Brasil tem despertado interesse de pesquisadores para estudos com enriquecimento de CO2 e de agricultores na adoção desta nova tecnologia, buscando ganhos de produtividade e qualidade, com conseqüente aumento nos lucros. Estudos relacionando enriquecimento de CO2 com aumento e melhor qualidade da produção ainda são escassos. Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de doses de CO2, via água de irrigação, na produtividade e no teor de nutrientes em dois híbridos de tomateiro. O experimento foi implantado na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção de São Manuel (FEPP) município de São Manuel-SP, pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP/Campus de Botucatu. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado com dois híbridos de tomateiro de crescimento indeterminado, Andrea e Débora Plus (Sakata Sudamérica), e quatro doses de CO2 (0, 3,5, 6,5 e 13,0 L min-1). As mudas foram produzidas em bandejas de 128 células. Quando apresentaram de quatro a cinco folhas definitivas, foram transplantadas para o local definitivo. Utilizou-se, para condução do experimento, um ambiente protegido de estrutura metálica tipo arco, com pé direito de 3,8 m, nas dimensões de 14 x 50 m (700m2). Os híbridos foram transplantados no espaçamento de 1,15 x 0,40 m e conduzidos com haste única, sendo tutorados por um fitilho plástico. Foi realizada poda apical na terceira folha após o sétimo racemo e permitido o desenvolvimento de todos os frutos dos cachos. A aplicação de CO2 foi feita via água de irrigação através da linha de gotejo, utilizando-se para isso um sistema composto por cilindro de dióxido de carbono líquido sob pressão,...(Resumo completo. clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo). / Abstract: In Brazil, the cultivation increase in protected environment are waking up the researchers and grower interests to adopt the use of CO2 enrichment technology, to improve production and quality, increasing their benefits. Researches between CO2 enrichment and production quality improvement are few. In that way, this work had the objective of evaluate the effects of CO2 enrichment by irrigation water in the productivity and nutrient content of two tomato hybrids. The experiment was realized in the São Manuel Farm, São Manuel municipal district, São Paulo State, of Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP/Campus of Botucatu. The experimental design used was randomized plots replicated four times, with two tomato hybrids, Andrea and Débora Plus from Sakata Seeds South America and four CO2 doses (0, 3,5, 6,5 e 13,0 L min-1). The cuttings were produced in 128 cells tray. When showed four or five definitive leafs, were transplanted to definitive place. Used a protected environment with metal structure in arch, with 3.8 m height and 14 x 50 m (700 m2). The hybrids were spaced of 1,15 x 0,40 m and lead in one stem in a plastic strip. Realized apical pruning in the third leaf after the seventh raceme and permitted the development at all fruits. The CO2 application was made by water trough a dripper net, using cylinder with liquid carbon dioxide, valve with gauge-pressure, gauge-flux and Venturi injector. The CO2 application was made spending 10 minutes, once per day always at 10:00 to 10:30. The application of carbonated water didn't modify the CO2 uptake rate in none tested dose. The pH value of soil solution decreased with application of carbonated water. The enrichment of water with CO2 keeping a quadratic effect in total and commercial production and in the commercial fruit number,...(Complete abstract, click electronic address below) / Doutor

Avaliação de sistemas de fechamento para embalagens de polietileno tereftalato (PET) na retenção de CO2 / Closure systems for PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles and the effect on CO2 retention

Bastos, Heliane Betune 14 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos A. R. Anjos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T19:58:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bastos_HelianeBetune_M.pdf: 1256076 bytes, checksum: a0a88be54bfba81ee23e02d6a82df9a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a retenção de CO2 em água potável carbonatada acondicionada em garrafas de PET, utilizando sistemas de fechamento diferenciados em três condições de estocagem, 5, 25 e 35°C. Foram avaliados três sistemas comerciais convencionais, um apresentando barreira aos gases, e um último desenvolvido para o trabalho, consistindo em um sistema híbrido de vedação elaborado com materiais plásticos e metálicos. Utilizou-se nos experimentos garrafas de 600 mL, em pré-formas de 23, 25 e 28g. A concentração de CO2 na água foi medida semanalmente através da leitura da pressão do espaço livre das embalagens durante o período de 3 meses. Os resultados mostraram que a retenção do CO2, em todos os sistemas testados, está diretamente relacionada à temperatura de estocagem. Na temperatura de 35°C, os sistemas se diferenciaram para garrafas de maior massa (25g e 28g). Na temperatura de 25°C, observou-se ganhos significativos de retenção quando se utilizou sistemas de fechamento considerados barreira. Já na temperatura de 5°C foram testados apenas os sistemas comerciais que não apresentaram, no período estudado, variações significativas da retenção de CO2 / Abstract: This study had the aim to evaluate CO2 retention in PET bottles filled with carbonated and drinkable water using different closure systems studied in 3 different storage conditions, 5, 25 and 35°C. It was evaluated 4 commercial closure systems: 3 of conventional type and one with O2 and CO2 gas barrier; and also it was developed a 5th kind for this experience: a hybrid closure system composed by plastic and metallic materials. All 5 types of closures were tested in 23g, 25g and 28g PET bottles of 600mL. The CO2 concentration in the carbonated water was weekly measured through the packaging free space pressure during 3 months. The results indicate that retention of CO2, in all closure systems tested, was straightly related with storage temperature. At 35°C for 25g and 28g bottle systems were observed significant different values. At 25°C storage condition, significant difference of gas retention was observed where a barrier closure was tested. At refrigerated temperature (5°C) only commercial closures were tested and all of them did not show ¿ in the studied period ¿ significant variation of CO2 retention / Mestrado / Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos

Compósitos cimentícios com polpa celulósica tratada por hornificação e curados por carbonatação acelerada / Cementitious composites with cellulose pulp treated by hornification and cured by accelerated carbonation

Julian Eduardo Mejia Ballesteros 13 June 2018 (has links)
O aproveitamento de fibras naturais como materiais de reforço em compósitos cimentícios é uma alternativa que apresenta potencial técnico, econômico, social e ambiental. Porém seu uso é limitado pela baixa durabilidade e estabilidade dimensional, refletidas na perda da capacidade de reforço das fibras em consequência da sua rápida degradação dentro da matriz de cimento. Para abordar esta situação, estudos ao redor do mundo mostraram que é possível aplicar tratamentos sobre as fibras e/ou matriz, modificando seu comportamento e obtendo resultados positivos. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo teve por objetivo aplicar e avaliar o efeito do tratamento de hornificação sobre polpas vegetais de eucalipto e pinus (não branqueadas) e do tratamento de carbonatação acelerada ou uso de adições pozolânicas sobre a matriz de cimento, alterando sua alcalinidade, buscando assim, maior durabilidade do material de reforço e otimizando o desempenho geral do compósito. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foram determinadas e analisadas propriedades físicas, morfologias e microestruturais das polpas antes e após do processo de hornificação. Posteriormente, em uma segunda etapa do trabalho, foram produzidos compósitos cimentícios com vistas em determinar o teor de reforço ótimo (6%, 8% e 10%) de polpas celulósicas (tratadas e não tratadas), curados por cura térmica sendo avaliados por meio da determinação de propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Seguidamente, em uma terceira etapa do trabalho, foram produzidos compósitos cimentícios com polpas celulósicas (tratadas e não tratadas) curados por carbonatação acelerada, sendo avaliados por meio da determinação de propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Na última etapa, foram avaliadas formulações de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com a polpa celulósica (tratada e não tratada) de melhor desempenho com adição de cinzas de casca de arroz ou resíduo de carvão ativado como material pozolânico, sendo avaliadas suas propriedades físico-mecânicas, microestruturais e de durabilidade. Os resultados obtidos permitem identificar que a hornificação gera modificações na estrutura interna das polpas reduzindo sua capacidade de absorção de água, estabilidade dimensiona, colapso do lúmen e incremento da rugosidade superficial sem ocasionar deterioração da sua estrutura ou componentes. No que concerne à influência da porcentagem de polpa de reforço aplicada, o desempenho das propriedades físico-mecânicas caiu proporcionalmente com o incremento da porcentagem de reforço, sendo este fenômeno acompanhado pela formação de aglomerações de polpas. Assim, os compósitos com 6% de reforço de polpas de eucalipto ou pinus se destacaram pelo desempenho. Em relação ao reforço com fibras hornificadas, foram obtidas melhoras no desempenho do módulo de ruptura e energia específica, com destacável conservação após do material ser envelhecido. Ao ser aplicada a cura por carbonatação acelerada sobre as matrizes, se obtiveram melhoras destacáveis na durabilidade das fibras e no desempenho mecânico antes e após do envelhecimento acelerado em relação aos compósitos curados por cura térmica. Estas melhoras foram mais representativas com o reforço de polpas hornificadas. O uso de substituição parcial do cimento por CCA mostrou o pior desempenho físico-mecânico. Por sua vez, a substituição de 25% de RCA permitiu alcançar melhoras no comportamento das propriedades físico-mecânicas das matrizes, especialmente com o reforço com a polpa hornificada. / The use of natural fibers as reinforcement materials in cement composites is an alternative that offers technical, economic, social and environmental potential. But their use is limited by its low durability and dimensional stability, reflected in a building capacity loss as result of its rapid degradation within the cement matrix. To address this situation, studies around the world show that it is possible to apply treatments on the fibers and/or the matrix, thus, modifying their behavior and obtaining positive results. Within this context, this study aimed to implement and evaluate the effect an hornification treatment on eucalyptus and pine kraft pulps (unbleached); and an accelerated carbonation treatment or use pozzolanic additions on the cement matrix that changes its alkalinity, seeking thus, greater durability of the reinforcing material, optimizing the overall performance of the composite. To achieve the proposed objectives, the physical, and microstructural morphologies of the pulps were determined and analyzed before and after the hornification process. Then, in a second stage of the work, cementitious composites were produced with a view to determining the optimal reinforcement content (6%, 8% and 10%) of cellulosic pulps (treated and untreated), cured by thermal curing, being evaluated by the determination of its durability, physical-mechanical and microstructure properties. Subsequently, in a third stage of the work, cementitious composites were developed with cellulose pulps (treated and untreated) and cured by accelerated carbonation, being evaluated by the determination of its durability, physical-mechanical and microstructure properties. In the last stage, formulations of cementitious composites reinforced with cellulose pulps (treated and untreated) of better performance were evaluated with the addition of rice husk ash (CCA) or activated coal mining waste (RCA) as pozzolanic material, being evaluated their physicomechanical, microstructural and durability properties. Therefore, we expected to obtain a cement matrix of low alkalinity and a reinforcing fiber with lower capacity for water absorption and higher dimensional stability, which acting together would achieve a superior mechanical performance as well as a longer durability over time. The obtained results allow to identify that the hornification generates modifications in the internal structure of the pulps reducing its capacity of water absorption, stability, lumen collapse and increase surface roughness without causing deterioration of its structure or components. Regarding the influence of the percentage of reinforcing pulp applied, the performance of the physical-mechanical properties fell proportionally with the increment of the reinforcement percentage, being this phenomenon accompanied by formation of agglomerations of pulps. Thus, the composites with 6% reinforcement of pulps of eucalyptus or pinus stood out by the performance. In relation to the reinforcement with hornificated fibers, the performance of the modulus of rupture and specific energy were obtained, with detachable conservation after the material was aged. When accelerated carbonatation curing was applied to the matrices, the durability of the fibers and the mechanical performance before and after the accelerated aging were obtained in relation to the heat curing composites. These improvements were more representative with the reinforcement of hornified pulps. The use of partial cement substitution by CCA showed the worst physicomechanical performance. On the other hand, the substitution of 25% or RCA allowed to achieve improvements in the behavior of the physical-mechanical properties of the matrices, especially with the reinforcement with the hornified pulp.


Teixeira, Gesiane Dias Trindade 22 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:49:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gesiane Teixeira.pdf: 1665700 bytes, checksum: 868caf8c69bf5cf7a1cac6d5eb50ea3c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / Introduction: The growing number of fitness centers is followed by an increased consumption of ergogenic supplements by clients and professionals who attend these places. The present study aimed to describe the nutritional profile and the use of ergogenic aids in fitness centers workers. Methods: We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study in all gyms of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Was assessed from standardized questionnaire, the consumption of ergogenic supplements (protein, carbohydrate, anticatabolic, multivitamins and hormonal), markers of dietary intake, frequency of fruit and vegetable intake and body mass index (BMI). In addition, we collected sociodemographic and work variables. Results: Mean age of the 497 respondents was 29.7 years (± 8.3), 57.8% were male and most were in the normal BMI range. Almost a quarter of men and less than 10% of women reported consuming at least one type of supplement. As for food intake, we observed a high frequency of consumption of protein-based products, burgers/sausages and soft drinks. The most reported ergogenic was the anticatabolic (75.4% of men and 71.8% women consumed this type of supplement). The higher fruit intake was reported (40.3%) among respondents who consumed only one supplement and vegetable consumption was more common among those consuming two supplements (45.1%). Conclusions: The population assessed, which is often taken as an example by fitness clubs participants, showed a nutritional profile that could be considered inappropriate, where 25% make use of ergogenic aids, showed a high frequency of consumption of protein and soft drinks. In addition, the intake of fruits and vegetables was below the recommendations and inversely proportional to the consumption of supplements / Atualmente se destaca o crescente número de academias de ginástica e o expressivo aumento no consumo de suplementos ergogênicos por alunos e profissionais que frequentam esses locais. O presente estudo objetivou descrever o perfil nutricional e o uso de recursos ergogênicos de trabalhadores de academias de ginástica que ministravam atividade física. Métodos: Estudo descritivo observacional transversal do tipo censo realizado nas academias de ginástica da cidade de Pelotas/RS. Foi avaliado, a partir de questionário padronizado, o consumo de suplementos ergogênicos (proteicos, carboidratados, anticatabólicos, polivitamínicos e hormonais), marcadores de consumo alimentar, frequência de ingestão de frutas e vegetais e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Além disso, foram coletadas variáveis sociodemográficas e do trabalho. Resultados: Foram entrevistados 497 profissionais com média de idade referente a 29,7 anos (± 8,3), 57,8% eram do sexo masculino e a maioria tinha IMC de eutrofia (56,3%). Cerca de 25% dos homens e 10% das mulheres reportaram consumir algum tipo de suplemento. Quanto aos marcadores de consumo alimentar, pode-se observar a alta frequência de consumo de produtos protéicos, hambúrgueres/embutidos e refrigerantes. O recurso ergogênico mais relatado foi o anticatabólico, sendo que 75,4% dos homens e 71,8% das mulheres consumiram esse tipo de suplemento. O consumo de frutas foi mais relatado (40,3%) entre os entrevistados que consumiam apenas um suplemento e o consumo de vegetais foi mais frequente entre os consumidores de dois suplementos (45,1%). Conclusões: A população avaliada, que com frequência é tomada como exemplo por frequentadores de academias, mostrou um perfil nutricional que pode ser considerado inadequado, onde 25% faz uso de recursos ergogênicos, mostrou elevada frequência de consumo de proteínas e refrigerantes. Somado a isso, o consumo de frutas e vegetais foi aquém das recomendações e inversamente proporcional ao consumo de suplementos

Développement de procédés de mise en forme et de caractérisation pour l’élaboration de biocéramiques en apatites phosphocalciques carbonatées. / Elaboration of carbonated phosphocalcic apatites : Development of a characterization method and a manufacturing process.

Charbonnier, Baptiste 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les changements sociétaux tels que la personnalisation de la médecine, ainsi que la volonté de mieux comprendre la biologie de l’os modifie notre approche de fabrication des biomatériaux. Ces derniers se doivent ainsi d’être sur-mesure, c’est-à-dire capables de répondre à une problématique particulière. Ceci implique plus précisément dans le cas qui nous intéresse, à savoir l’os, la maîtrise de leur architecture et de leur comportement en milieu biologique (e.g., biodégradabilité).Malgré leurs atouts incontestables pour ce domaine, les biocéramiques en hydroxyapatite (HA) restent cantonnées à des usages modestes (e.g., comblement de petits défauts) ; en cause, des propriétés de biodégradation, d’ostéoconduction ou encore d’ostéoinduction souvent inadaptées aux problématiques contemporaines. Pour pallier ces limitations, nous avons entrepris deux voies de modulation des propriétés biologiques de l’HA, une voie « chimique », basée sur l’incorporation d’ions carbonate dans la structure apatitique, et une voie « procédé », reposant sur le potentiel de la fabrication additive.Des poudres d’hydroxyapatites phosphocalciques carbonatées (CHA) ont été préparées. Les ions carbonate pouvant occuper les sites hydroxyle et phosphate de l’HA, une méthode de quantification sélective du taux de substitution sur chacun de ces sites a été mise au point. Cette méthode spectroscopique novatrice ouvre de nombreuses opportunités d’études appliquées et fondamentales des CHA, abordées dans ce manuscrit, et constitue également un outil qui pourrait se révéler précieux dans l’optique de mise sur le marché de dispositifs médicaux en CHA (e.g., norme ISO).Basé sur une technologie de fabrication additive, un procédé de fabrication de biocéramiques d’architecture complexe, reproductible, flexible, fiable, de haute précision ( 5 µm) et peu coûteux, a été développé et optimisé. Cet outil de fabrication a été mis en œuvre pour répondre à des questions biologiques à finalité fondamentale et thérapeutique. / The current approach to produce biomaterials tends to evolve due to societal change such as the development of personalized medicine or the eagerness to better understand bone biology. Hence, biomaterials, which specifications depends of their intended applications, have to be custom made. For bone tissue engineering, this implies to control the scaffold architecture and behaviour in a biological environment (e.g., biodegradability).Despite their indisputable qualities, the use of hydroxyapatite (HA) bioceramics tend to be limited to basic applications (e.g. filling small defects) because of biodegradation, osteoconduction, or osteoinduction properties that do not match the actual needs. To exceed these limitations, we explored two modifications paths to tune HA biologic properties: a “chemical” approach based on incorporation of carbonate ions into apatitic structure, and a “process” approach, built around additive manufacturing singular potential.Carbonated phosphocalcic hydroxyapatites (CHA) powders were prepared. As carbonate ions may occupy HA hydroxyl and phosphate sites, a selective method to quantify their ratio in each site by IR spectroscopy has been developed. This innovative spectroscopic method opens numerous opportunities for applied and fundamental studies of CHA, but could also be considered as a precious standard for a future release of CHA medical devices (e.g. ISO norm).A cheap, flexible, robust and reliable manufacturing process based on an additive manufacturing technology has been developed and optimized, leading to the production of bioceramics with complex architectural features (accuracy  5 µm).This manufacturing process has been implemented in biological studies with fundamental and therapeutic purposes.

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