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Prognostic factors in early stage cervical carcinomas treated with Wertheim-Meigs surgery /Graflund, Marianne January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Imaging the tumor microenvironment : the dynamics and modification of hypoxia /Ljungkvist, Anna, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Renal cell carcinoma : factors of importance for follow-up and survival /Iranparvar Alamdari, Farhood, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Behind the scenes of thyroid tumors - underlying genetic mechanisms /Lee, Jia Jing, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Análise clínica e histoquímica comparativa computadorizada pelo método da AgNOR de carcinoma espinocelular de diferentes regiões da boca de humanosBertão, José Maria [UNESP] January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
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bertao_jm_dr_aracadg.pdf: 985938 bytes, checksum: 1c8d92b84eb72a2ea991ee245bd8aadc (MD5) / Realizamos um estudo clínico, histopatológico e histoquímico utilizando a técnica de coloração pela prata, para evidenciação das regiões organizadoras de nucléolos (Agnor). Foram analisados 81 casos de biópsias incisionais de carcinoma espinocelular de boca de regiões diferentes, ou seja, lábio, língua, assoalho, palato e retromolar. Foram observados e analisados os dados com relação a sexo, cor, idade, grau de diferenciação, estadiamento e hábitos de fumar e beber. Esses dados analisados entre si revelaram que a maior incidência de carcinoma espinoceluar em nossos estudos foi de carcinoma de assoalho bucal em torno de 30% contrariando a literatura que se refere à língua como local de maior freqüência; os outros dados analisados foram todos concordantes com a literatura de vários autores. A análise quantitativa e morfométrica das Nors foram realizadas por um sistema computadorizado, Imagelab 2000 que analisa as imagens capturadas de um microscópio por uma câmera e transfere para o sistema computadorizado, onde são analisadas. Usando esse sistema analisamos lâminas coradas pela técnica Agnor para verificação do número de Nors, área das Nors, número de Núcleos e área dos Núcleos das células presentes em tecidos removidos por biópsia incisional de boca, em áreas diferentes. Pelos resultados obtidos na análise histoquímica podemos verificar que existe uma diferença significativa na proporção do número de Nors/Núcleo para as diferentes áreas analisadas, mas que são coerentes com a literatura em carcionoma bem diferenciado e moderadamente diferenciado. Notamos ainda diferenças significativas entre as áreas das Nors, área dos Núcleos e números dos Núcleos entre as regiões diferentes analisadas e não conclusiva, portanto necessitando de outros estudos com a técnica de Agnor para aprimoramento da mesma, elucidação de resultados e uso mais freqüente em laboratórios de Anatomia Patológica. / We have carried out a clinical, histopathological and histochemical study using silver staining technique, to evidence the nucleolar organizing regions (Agnor). Eighty-one cases of incisional biopsies of oral squamous cell carcinoma from different regions of de mouth (lip, tongue, floor, palate and retromolar) have been observed and analyzed with regard to sex, race, age, degree of differentiation, staging and habit to smoke and to drink. The compared analyses of the data in our study indicated a greater incidence of oral floor cell carcinoma (about 30%) in disagreement with the current literature with mentions the tongue as the local of greater occurrence. The other analyzed data were all in agreement with the literature. The quantitative and morphometric analyses of the Nors have been carried out by a computerized system, Imagelab 2000 that analyzes the captured images of a microscope for a camera and transfers to the computerized system, where are analyzed. Using this system we have analyzed slides stained by the Agnor technique for verification of the number of Nors, area of the Nors, number of nuclei and area of the nuclei of the cells present in tissue removed by incisional biopsy of mouth in different areas. By the results gotten in the histochemical analysis we can verify that there is a significant difference in the ratio of the number of Nors/Nuclei for the different analyzed areas, but they are coherent with the literature for well differentiated and moderately differentiated carcinoma. We notice too significant differences between the areas of the Nors, area and de numbers of the nuclei among the different regions analyzed and not conclusive, therefore needing other studies with the Agnor technique for better interpretation of the results.
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Influência da inflamação na carcinogênese oral : estudo experimentalLeite, Danielle Prado 26 August 2015 (has links)
Introduction: The oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignancy of
the oral cavity and can manifest itself as an ulcer, one exophytic lesion or a nodule of varying
consistency anywhere in the mouth, being tongue the most commited place. There is evidence
that inflammation caused by the repair process due to an incisional biopsy or similar trauma,
can stimulate the transformation and/or progression of tumor cells, and that is real the
possibility of promoting tumor growth called out by the inflammatory response and the repair
process. Objective: Evaluate the influence of inflammation in the process of oral
carcinogenesis through macroscopical and histological analysis and enzyme immunoassay.
Material and Method: An experimental study was conducted in Wistar rats subdivided into
negative control group (group 0), positive control groups (1A and 1B), groups submitted to
inflammatory stimulus (2A and 2B) and groups subject to the administration of
corticosteroids (3A and 3B), in which groups 1A, 2A and 3A were induced for 15 weeks and
the groups 1B, 2B and 3B for 33 weeks, by brushing the 4NQO diluted in 0.7% propylene
glycol on the tongue of the animals. Macroscopic and histological studies were performed to
characterize the lesions, besides enzyme immunoassay to evaluate interleukins 2 and 10 in the
development and progression of oral carcinogenesis. Results: Macroscopic analysis revealed
that whitish mucosa was observed in all animals submitted to the application of 4NQO. White
and/or erythematous plates were found in all groups, with high prevalence between animals
induced for more weeks. Lesions in later stages were found only in one animal in 1A group,
one animal in 1B group and two animals in 2B group. The mean score of epithelial dysplasia
was 30.3 (1A), 51.0 (1B), 29.8 (2A), 41.8 (2B), 30.8 (3A) and 34.0 (3B), with difference
statistically significant (p<0.05) between 1A x 1B, 1B x 2B and 1B x 3B. Concerning to IL-2
and IL-10 concentrations, there was no difference statistically significant between groups (p>
0.05), but there was a visible increase in IL-10 levels in 1A group, early stage of tumor
transformation, suggesting that IL-10 increase can interfere in this transformation. Evaluating
IL-2 between A and B groups (15 and 33 weeks of indução, respectively), it was noticed a
more marked difference between the groups 2A and 2B (inflammatory stimulus), while
between groups 3A and 3B (corticosteroids), the concentration remained virtually unchanged.
Conclusion: It is suggested that the inflammatory stimulus is not sufficient to cause any
histological alteration, but the use of corticosteroids appears to interfere with tumor
progression; it is necessary to carry out new studies to evaluate the IL -2 and IL-10 concentrations in a larger sample and/or within the lesions, relating them to the concentrations
in the peripheral blood. / Introdução: O carcinoma de células escamosas orais (CCEO) é o tumor maligno mais
comum da cavidade oral e pode se manifestar como uma úlcera, uma lesão exofítica ou um
nódulo de consistência variável em qualquer parte da boca, sendo a língua o sítio mais
acometido. Existem evidências de que a inflamação, provocada pelo processo de reparo
decorrente de uma biópsia incisional ou de traumas semelhantes, pode estimular a
transformação e/ou progressão das células tumorais, e que é real a possibilidade de promoção
do crescimento tumoral acarretado pela resposta inflamatória e pelo processo de reparo.
Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da inflamação no processo de carcinogênese oral através de
análise macroscópica, histológica e imunoenzimática. Material e Método: Foi realizado um
estudo experimental em ratas Wistar subdivididas em grupos controle negativo (grupo 0),
controles positivos (1A e 1B), grupos submetidos a estímulo inflamatório (2A e 2B) e grupos
submetidos à administração de corticosteroide (3A e 3B), em que os grupos 1A, 2A e 3A
foram induzidos por 15 semanas e os grupos 1B, 2B e 3B por 33 semanas, através do
pincelamento de 4NQO a 0,7% diluído em propilenoglicol na língua dos animais. Estudo
macroscópico e análise histológica foram realizados para caracterização das lesões
desenvolvidas, além de ensaio imunoenzimático para avaliação das interleucinas 2 e 10 no
desenvolvimento e progressão da carcinogênese oral. Resultado: A análise macroscópica
revelou que mucosa de aspecto esbranquiçado foi observada em todos os animais submetidos
à aplicação de 4NQO. Lesões brancas e/ou placas eritematosas foram encontradas em todos
os grupos, com predomínio entre os animais induzidos por mais semanas. Lesões exofíticas
foram observadas somente em um animal do grupo 1A, um animal do grupo 1B e dois
animais do grupo 2B. O escore médio de displasia epitelial foi de 30,3 (1A), 51,0 (1B), 29,8
(2A), 41,8 (2B), 30,8 (3A) e 34,0 (3B), com diferença estatística significante (p<0,05) entre
os grupos 1A x 1B, 1B x 2B e 1B x 3B. Com relação às concentrações de IL-2 e IL-10, não
foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (p>0,05), porém houve
um aumento visível da IL-10 no grupo 1A, estágio inicial de transformação tumoral,
sugerindo que o aumento de IL-10 possa interferir nessa transformação. Avaliando a IL-2
entre os grupos A e B (15 e 33 semanas de indução, respectivamente), notou-se uma diferença
mais acentuada entre os grupos 2A e 2B (estímulo inflamatório), enquanto que, entre os
grupos 3A e 3B (corticosteroide), a concentração permaneceu praticamente inalterada.
Conclusão: O estímulo inflamatório não foi suficiente para causar alteração histológica, mas
o uso do corticosteroide interferiu na progressão tumoral; é necessária a realização de novos estudos que avaliem as concentrações de IL-2 e IL-10 em uma amostra maior e/ou dentro das
lesões, relacionando-os com as concentrações no sangue periférico, para confirmação dos
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Lebertransplantation bei Patienten mit hepatozellulärem Karzinom. Eine retrospektive Studie am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig im Zeitraum von 1994 bis 2010. Charakterisierung des Patientenkollektivs und Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf Überleben und Outcome.Kienlein, Andreas 05 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Für Lebertransplantationen bei Patienten mit hepatozellulärem Karzinom stellt sich angesichts der defizitären Organspendesituation die berechtigte Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen diese Form der Therapie ein gutes Outcome für die Patienten verspricht und somit keine Verschwendung der ohnehin knappen Ressourcen darstellt.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein Kollektiv aus 98 Patienten, die an einem hepatozellulären Karzinom erkrankten und im Zeitraum von 1994 bis einschließlich 2010 am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig eine Lebertransplantation erhielten, retrospektiv zu charakterisieren und den Einfluss mehrerer Faktoren auf das Outcome der Patienten zu untersuchen. Bei den Faktoren handelte es sich um die Wartezeit, den präoperativen Einsatz der TACE, den präoperativen AFP-Serumspiegel, sowie die Tumorzahl und -größe. Der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum lag bei 3 Jahren.
Die Charakterisierung des Kollektivs erbrachte folgende Ergebnisse:
Das Kollektiv bestand zu rund 80% aus Männern. Das mediane Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Transplantation lag bei 59 Jahren. Die Transplantationszahlen bei HCC-Patienten sind am UKL seit Einführung des MELD-Scores 2006 deutlich angestiegen. Die mediane Wartezeit hat sich seit Einführung des MELD-Scores nicht wesentlich verändert. Sie betrug 7,3 Monate in der Prä-MELD-Ära und 6,9 Monate in der MELD-Ära. Mit über 60% war der Alkoholabusus die häufigste Ursache für die Entstehung des hepatozellulären Karzinoms. An zweiter Stelle stand die Hepatitis-C-Infektion. In der Diagnostik des HCC spielte die Computertomographie die größte Rolle. Die Sensitivität des AFP zur Erfassung des HCC (>400 ng/ml) war mit Werten unter 30% sehr niedrig. Die TACE war die mit Abstand am häufigsten durchgeführte, neoadjuvante Maßnahme. Zum Zeitpunkt der Transplantation befanden sich rund 75% der Patienten in einem Stadium bis maximal T2. Das Auftreten von solitären und multifokalen HCCs war in etwa gleich häufig (46,9% vs. 53,1%). Die Milan-Kriterien waren bei knapp 39% der Patienten im postoperativen Explantat-Befund überschritten. Nach Transplantation traten bei 26 Patienten Abstoßungsreaktionen auf. 8 Patienten mussten aufgrund eines Transplantatversagens retransplantiert werden. Das postoperative Überleben (intention-to-treat) betrug 75,5% (6 Monate), 71,4% (1 Jahr) und 63,3% (3 Jahre). Die entsprechenden Rezidivraten lagen bei 11,2%, 14,3% und 22,4%. Rezidiven traten am häufigsten in der Spenderleber auf, gefolgt von einem Befall der Lymphknoten und Knochen.
Ein signifikanter Einfluss auf das Outcome der Patienten konnte für das AFP, die Tumorzahl und die Milan-Kriterien nachgewiesen werden:
Präoperative AFP-Spiegel unter 100 ng/ml zeigten eine signifikant niedrigere Rezidivrate. Multifokale Tumoren waren mit einem signifikant schlechteren 3-Jahres-Überleben verknüpft. Bei Erfüllung der Milan-Kriterien (im postoperativen Explantat-Befund) war die Rezidivrate signifikant und die Überlebensrate deutlich besser.
Für die Wartezeit konnte seit Einführung des MELD-Scores eine positive Entwicklung festgestellt werden. Das 3-Jahresüberleben hat sich bei Wartezeiten unter 12 Monaten um 22,5% verbessert. Die Rezidivrate ist bei Wartezeiten über 12 Monate um 15,3% gesunken.
Für den Einfluss der TACE auf das Outcome der Patienten konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Auch andere Studien belegten bisher lediglich einen Vorteil für das erfolgreiche Downstaging gegenüber Patienten, bei denen die TACE erfolglos blieb. Für die Untersuchung des tatsächlichen Nutzens einer TACE vor Transplantation werden daher Studien mit höherem Evidenzgrad benötigt.
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Investigating the role of iASPP and ASPP2 in human carcinomaSalter, Victoria Lesley Jutta January 2014 (has links)
The apoptotic function of p53 is specifically regulated by iASPP and ASPP2 and their additional modulation of p63, a key regulator of squamous epithelial homeostasis, has been demonstrated in mice. In this study the role of iASPP and ASPP2 in human carcinomas was explored with a particular focus on the development of squamous cell carcinomas. The predominant expression of cytoplasmic ASPP2 is seen in the superficial, terminally differentiated cell layers of normal squamous epithelia and its loss is documented in areas of dysplasia and in squamous cell carcinomas. In addition the absence of nuclear ASPP2 in association with human papillomavirus infection suggests it could be a novel viral target. Furthermore in a novel mouse model of lung tumourigenesis, the somatic deletion of ASPP2 is shown to promote the over expression of markers associated with specific lung progenitor cells and to be associated with the development of non small cell lung carcinomas. Conversely nuclear iASPP expression is seen in p63 expressing, replication competent, basal and parabasal squamous epithelial cells and is increased in areas of dysplasia and in squamous cell carcinomas. Moreover the combination of nuclear iASPP, p63 and loss of ASPP2 expression is seen to be associated with cell survival and characterises the invasive edges of lingual squamous cell carcinomas. The novel interaction of iASPP with ERα is also demonstrated together with the negative impact of nuclear iASPP on ER positive breast cancer survival, potentially identifying iASPP as a novel player in estrogen signalling and an important factor in breast tumourigenesis. Together the data presented here provide significant corroborative evidence implicating ASPP2 and iASPP in tumourigenesis. Specifically ASPP2 is shown to promote cellular differentiation and inhibit the expansion of proliferative populations whereas nuclear iASPP promotes the survival of potentially neoplastic clones. It is likely that the balance of these proteins is a key factor in determining individual cell fate decisions.
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Cytogenetic and molecular study of oesophageal squamous cellcarcinoma鄧焯安, Tang, Cheuk-on. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Pathology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Molecular cytogenetics of oral squamous cell carcinomaSun, Li, 孫莉 January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Dentistry / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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