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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The social organisation of exclusion, 'abandonment' and compulsory advance care planning conversations : how ruling concepts and practices about death, dying and the 'do not attempt' cardiopulmonary resuscitation form entered, organised and ruled the working practices of senior social care workers in a residential care home in Scotland : an institutional ethnography

Reid, Lorna Margaret January 2017 (has links)
Institutional Ethnography (IE) is a method of inquiry into the social organisation of knowledge. It begins with a disjuncture/troubling experience impacting a specific group of workers and adopts their standpoint/subject positon to look out into the wider institution and trace the work and textual practices that organised (and produced) the disjuncture under investigation. The study took the standpoint of Senior Social Care Workers (SSCWs) from one RCH in Scotland to uncover the complex social organisation of “abandonment” SSCWs described when there was insufficient support from NHS services to care appropriately for sick and dying residents. The focal point of inquiry was on SSCWs descriptions of being “pushed” into “difficult” decision-making conversions with family members about “serious illness” andthe Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) – without the support of doctors (or nurses).To inquire into how SSCWs work had become tied into the medical, legal and bureaucratic practices that rule death, dying and Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decision making in Scotland's RCHs the study drew on ten open-ended interviews (SSCWs, n= 4 and others whose work influenced SSCWs working practices, n= 6). Interview transcripts were examined to uncover SSCWs accounts of their knowledgeable work related to managing illness, death and dying - along with the characteristic tensions,frustrations and contradictions embedded in those accounts. The study traced how doctors and nurses were routinely, and systematically, absent from RCHs - leaving residents systematically excluded from the level of care that they needed. It also traced how SSCWs work with “serious illness” and “difficult” conversations was co-ordinated in disquieting ways in an apparent commitment to high quality “palliative care”.What was discussed between SSCWs and family members during conversations about “serious illness” and the DNACPR form was out of step with the DNACPR policy, the rhetoric of palliative care, and the actual needs of SSCWS, family members, and residents for medical support. However, the study shows that what happened in the RCH was not simply an error of practice. This is becauseit was textually planned, organised, and co-ordinated across healthcare institutions, professional groups, the regulatory body acting on behalf of the Scottish Government and the management and care staff of the RCH itself. SSCWs - and others – were organised to take up the powerful ruling discourse of palliative care in ways which treated residents and family members withincreasing objectivity, where institutional needs to reduce NHS spending and to protect the income generating potential of the care home as a business ruled over individual needs. In taking up and enacting the powerful ruling discourse of palliative care, SSCWs – and others- (intentionally but unknowingly) took up the very tools of oppression that dominated and overpowered their own and others lives. The knowledge generated by this research can be used to show SSCWs and others how they unknowingly participate in taking up actions that are not in their own or others interests. This is the basis of changing the conditions of SSCWs and others lives thereby advancing anti-oppressive work.

Konflikter och konflikthantering inom vård och omsorgssektorn : En litteraturstudie / Conflicts and conflict management within the health care sector

Nehls, Angelicka, Slipicevic, Melina January 2024 (has links)
Konflikter är en vanlig företeelse i både arbetslivet och privatlivet, där människor med olika bakgrund och åsikter interagerar. Denna uppsats ämnar att öka förståelse för orsakerna till och hur konflikter hanteras på arbetsplatser inom vård- och omsorgssektorn. Genom en litteraturöversikt baserad på tio artiklar från CINAHL och ProQuest, Healthcare Administration Database, gjordes fynd och tre huvudteman identifierades genom analys: konflikthantering, konflikt och förebyggande av konflikt. Resultaten visar å ena sidan på negativa erfarenheter som generationskonflikter och bristande kommunikation mellan olika yrkesgrupper och intressenter. Å andra sidan identifierades positiva erfarenheter såsom coachingsmöjligheter och kompetensutveckling för att främja bättre samarbete och förståelse. Diskussionen belyser vikten av strukturerade åtgärder, såsom utbildningar och teamaktiviteter för att förebygga generationskonflikter. Det påpekas även ett behov av ytterligare forskning för att förstå dynamiken i relationskonflikter och för att implementera effektiva förebyggande strategier för både medarbetare och chefer/ledare. / Conflicts are a common occurrence in both working life and private life, where people with different backgrounds and opinions interact. This essay aims to increase understanding of the causes of and how conflicts are handled in workplaces within the care and social care sector. Through a literature review based on ten articles from Cinahl and ProQuest, Healthcare Administration Database some findings were made and three main themes were identified through analysis: conflict management, conflict and conflict prevention. The results show, on the one hand, negative experiences such as generational conflicts and a lack of communication between different professional groups and stakeholders. On the other hand, positive experiences such as coaching opportunities and skills development were identified to promote better cooperation and understanding. The discussion highlights the importance of structured measures, such as training and team activities to prevent generational conflicts. There is also a need for further research to understand the dynamics of relationship conflicts and to implement effective prevention strategies for both employees and managers/leaders.

Hjälpa andra att må bra på bekostnad av sin egen hälsa : En kvantitativ studie utförd på yrkesverksamma inom vård och omsorg i hemmet

Solnevik Milojevic, Beatrice, Åström, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för om hög arbetsbelastning bidrar till ohälsa ochsjukfrånvaro bland anställda inom vård och omsorg i hemmet. Vidare kommer olika faktorersinverkan på arbetsbelastning och hälsa att kartläggas för att åstadkomma förslag som kan inverkapositivt på medarbetarnas upplevda hälsa. Metod: Studien har utgått från en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Empiriskdata har samlats in med hjälp av två olika frågeformulär där det ena riktar sig till enhetscheferoch det andra till anställda inom vård och omsorg i hemmet. Den teoretiska referensramen utgårfrån vetenskapliga artiklar och litterära källor. Slutsats: I studien konstaterades det att hög arbetsbelastning delvis har negativ inverkan påmedarbetarnas hälsa. Vidare framgick det att obalans mellan krav och kontroll samt avsaknad avhälsofrämjande åtgärder påverkar medarbetarnas upplevda arbetsbelastning samt hälsa i negativ aspekt.

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