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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rela??o entre voca??o, escolha profissional e n?vel de stress / Relationship between vocation, career choice and stress level

Gonzaga, Luiz Ricardo Vieira 13 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Ricardo Vieira Gonzaga.pdf: 1777802 bytes, checksum: 9b19f1f2f4dd543ff11f49d575263fd1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-13 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The career choice is a continuous decision making process that happens over many years of individuals lives in which they are supposed to find themselves in a given time. It may be taken into account that the choice is multifactorial, which confirms that the selection process is quite complex. Those factors take over adolescents concerns prior to decision making and it may result in stress symptoms. This research aimed at investigating the relationship between choice, vocation and stress in students who undergo career choice. In order to do that, it was recruited 37 adolescents, 14 males and 23 females, aged 15 to 18 years old. They answered the Self-Directed Search Questionnaire (SDS), Inventory of Stress Syndrom of Lipp (ISSL) and the career self-evaluation questionnaire. The results indicated that 72.97% of adolescents in the sample were stressed and the number of stressed females 70.37% was significantly higher than the one of stressed males 29.63%. Regarding the stress symptoms, it was pointed out a prevalence of psychological symptoms 42.24%. Concerning data related to students career type, there was prevalence of 46% of the artistic type whereas a lower prevalence was detected in the realistic one with 34%. In the analysis concerning the congruence between the professional type assessed by the Self-Directed Search and the students career choice, it was observed a percentage of 56.76% for congruence and 43.24% of incongruence. Relevant differences were found when comparing the congruence between the choice and vocation to the gender of the participants. Female students presented less congruence between the choice and vocational profiling when analyzed by chi-squared test (X ? = 4, df = 1, P = 0037). It was concluded that the uncounted variables that influence the socio-cognitive development of adolescents may become stressor agents for career choice. Further studies with larger samples and more geographically heterogeneous are suggested in order to obtain more evidence as to the validity variables. / A escolha profissional se constitui como um processo cont?nuo composto de decis?es tomadas ao longo da vida no qual o indiv?duo ir? encontrar-se em um dado momento. Deve-se considerar que a escolha ? multifatorial, confirmando que o processo de escolha ? algo bastante complexo. Esses fatores dominam as preocupa??es de adolescentes antes da tomada de decis?o sendo que o processo decisional com a proximidade da escolha da profiss?o pode acarretar nos sintomas de stress. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a rela??o entre a escolha, a voca??o e o stress em estudantes em fase de escolha profissional. Para isso foram selecionados 37 adolescentes, 14 do sexo masculino e 23 do sexo feminino, na faixa et?ria entre 15 e 18 anos, para responderem ao Question?rio de Busca Auto Dirigida (SDS), o Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress (ISSL) e o question?rio de Auto- Avalia??o Profissional. Os resultados indicaram que 72,97%% dos adolescentes da amostra tinham stress e que o n?mero de mulheres com stress ( 70,37%) era significadamente maior do que o de homens com 29,63%. Com rela??o aos sintomas de stress foi apontado um predom?nio de sintomas psicol?gicos (42,24%). Com rela??o aos dados referentes ? tipologia profissional dos estudantes, houve uma preval?ncia do tipo Art?stico com 46% e a preval?ncia mais baixa foi do tipo Realista com 34%. Na an?lise, referente ? congru?ncia entre a tipologia profissional avaliada pelo Self- Directed Seach e a escolha profissional do candidato, foi apontada uma percentagem de 56,76% para congru?ncia e 43,24% para incongru?ncia. Foram encontradas diferen?as significativas ao se comparar a congru?ncia entre a escolha e voca??o com o g?nero dos participantes sendo que as mulheres apresentaram menor congru?ncia entre a escolha e perfil vocacional quando analisado pelo Teste Qui-Quadrado (X?= 4, GL=1, P=0.037). Pode-se concluir que as in?meras vari?veis que influenciam o desenvolvimento s?cio-cognitivo do jovem podem vir a se tornar agentes estressores para a escolha profissional. Novos estudos com amostras maiores e mais heterog?neas geograficamente s?o sugeridos a fim de obter mais evid?ncias de validade quanto ?s vari?veis estudadas.

Atratividade do magistério para o ensino básico: estudo com ingressantes de cursos superiores da Universidade de São Paulo / Attractiveness of teaching for basic education: a study with freshmen in college courses at the University of São Paulo

Leme, Luciana França 17 May 2012 (has links)
Estudos que apontam o baixo interesse pela carreira do magistério na educação básica têm sido frequentemente divulgados. Esse fato, somado a projeções que indicam que o número de licenciados no Brasil não contemplará a demanda por professores nos próximos dez anos, notadamente nos anos finais dos ensinos fundamental e médio, motivou o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Seu objetivo foi o de analisar o perfil de ingressantes nos cursos de licenciaturas da USP em Pedagogia, Física e Matemática, bem como os fatores que pesam em suas decisões de se tornarem (ou não) professores. Buscou-se também investigar se alunos do curso de Medicina da USP já almejaram ser professores da educação básica em algum momento de suas vidas. Para tanto, os ingressantes responderam a um questionário (N = 512) elaborado a partir de contribuições das produções científicas examinadas sobre o mercado de trabalho docente e de produções sobre a escolha por esta carreira do ponto de vista da sociologia. Os resultados evidenciaram que é similar a comparação do nível socioeconômico dos licenciandos da USP com alunos de cursos de licenciaturas do Brasil e de outros países. Além disso, o desempenho desses licenciandos no exame da Fuvest foi inferior não somente em relação à Medicina, como em todos os demais cursos da USP. Sendo assim, para esses respondentes, a licenciatura parecia ser uma das poucas alternativas possíveis para ingresso nessa universidade. De fato, ser professor não foi apontado como a principal razão para escolha do curso por boa parte dos respondentes. Porcentagem importante de alunos manifestou não querer ser professor na educação básica ou ter dúvidas quanto a ser (52% na Física e 48% na Matemática), enquanto os licenciandos em Física e Matemática indicaram grande interesse em ingressar na pós-graduação. Na Pedagogia, embora menos elevado (30%), o percentual não é desprezível. Os fatores mais influentes para os ingressantes terem a predisposição de seguir o magistério são, na maioria das vezes, semelhantes aos expostos em quase todas as produções científicas analisadas: sexo (mulheres), curso (Pedagogia), idade (entre 17 e 19 anos), salário e aspectos de ordem subjetiva (experiências escolares positivas, altruísmo, gosto pela educação, engajamento social, gostar de crianças). As questões que se mostraram mais influentes para a não escolha da carreira estão ligadas à imagem atual da profissão docente e da escola (condições ruins das escolas e o desprestígio social, incluindo a baixa remuneração). Analisar a atratividade da carreira docente evidenciou-se uma tarefa complexa por vários fatores intervenientes, muitas vezes difíceis de ser coletados e mensurados, os quais, ao que tudo indica, devem ser considerados de forma articulada nas políticas para professores. É provável que o reconhecimento do professor como o único profissional a deter o repertório de conhecimentos e habilidades para o ensino colaboraria para melhorar a atratividade do magistério na educação básica. Por fim, defende-se que a carreira profissional docente precisa ser atrativa para quem quer que seja, implicando oferta de formação adequada para exercício da profissão. / Studies that show low interest in the career of teaching in primary education have been disclosed in the last five years. This fact together with projections indicating that the number of graduates in Brazil will not meet demand for teachers in the next ten years, mainly in the final years of elementary school and high school, has motivated this study. Its goal was to know the profile of entering students in teaching undergraduate courses at the University of São Paulo (Pedagogy, Physics and Mathematics) as well as which factors are important in their decisions to (not) want to become a teacher. It was also investigated whether students of Medicine USP already thought to be elementary school teacher at some point in their lives. Thus, students answered a survey (N = 512) made according to scientific studies examined about teacher labor market, as well as to productions that define the choice of this career being limited to the social and cultural \"baggage\" of the subjects. The comparison of the socioeconomic status of the undergraduates at USP with undergraduate courses in Brazil and other countries showed to be similar, and the performance in the Fuvest tests of these undergraduates was worse not only in relation to medicine, as in all other courses of USP. Teacher training seemed one of the few possible courses for entering in this university to these respondents. Perhaps this fact explains why the undergraduates in physics and mathematics have more interest in entering to post-graduate as well as the significant percentage of students who expressed don´t want to become school teachers or have doubts about it (52% and 48% in Physics in mathematics). Proportion of students who want to be teacher in Pedagogy, although higher (30%), is also worrying. The most influential factors for the freshmen who want to be teacher are similar to those showed in the most scientific productions analyzed: sex (women), course (Pedagogy), age (between 17 and 19 years), salary and subjective factors (positive experiences in the school, altruism, desire for education, social engagement, enjoy children). The most influential factors for not wanting to become teacher, or to have doubts about it, are linked to the current image of the teaching profession (difficulties in working in the bad scholar conditions and lack of autonomy to develop the teaching profession) and low social prestige (including low wages). It is complex analyze the attractiveness of the teaching profession due to the related factors involved, that sometimes are hard to be collected and measured, and should be considered in articulated way in the teacher policies. It seems likely that recognition of the teacher as the only professional who has the knowledge and repertoire of teaching skills to could collaborate to improve the attractiveness of teaching for basic education. Finally, it is defended here that the teaching career needs to be attractive to anyone, implying an appropriate training for the profession performance.

Orientação de pais com filhos em processo de escolha profissional: uma intervenção em grupo operativo / Guiding of parents whose children are going through career choosing: an operative group intervention.

Almeida, Fabiana Hilario de 16 June 2009 (has links)
Considerando o papel e a influência que os pais exercem no desenvolvimento vocacional de seus filhos, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar um procedimento de intervenção psicológica realizada com pais, cujos filhos adolescentes se encontravam em processo de escolha profissional. Os objetivos específicos propuseram-se a analisar o processo de intervenção grupal e investigar as percepções dos pais em relação ao processo de escolha profissional dos filhos e ao papel que desempenhavam nesse processo. Para isto, foram organizados o Grupo de Orientação de Pais e o Grupo Controle, com pais de jovens em atendimento no Serviço de Orientação Profissional do Centro de Pesquisa e Psicologia Aplicada, da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, USP. Foi aplicado nos dois grupos um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas. Realizou-se uma intervenção psicológica grupal com o Grupo de Orientação de Pais (n=22, 15 mães, 7 pais), com base no referencial teórico-metodológico de Grupo Operativo de Pichon-Rivière, coordenada pela psicóloga-pesquisadora e com colaboração de observadores realizando os registros das sessões. Ao todo foram oito sessões grupais, com periodicidade semanal, de uma hora e meia de duração e uma sessão individual, ao término do processo. Após a intervenção, o questionário foi novamente aplicado nos dois grupos. Os dados quantitativos, referentes às questões fechadas do questionário, foram tratados pela estatística descritiva; e a comparação dos resultados (pré x pós-intervenção) e a comparação entre os grupos (Intervenção x Controle), por meio da estatística inferencial não-paramétrica. As respostas às questões abertas do questionário foram categorizadas com base na Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin e os dados referentes às sessões grupais foram analisados por meio do referencial de Grupo Operativo. Os dados foram articulados com base nos referenciais psicanalíticos de Pichon-Rivière e Bohoslavsky. Os resultados indicaram que os pais-participantes atribuíam grande importância à formação educacional de seus filhos, realizando investimentos para que estes escolhessem a profissão e ingressassem no Ensino Superior, explicitando grandes expectativas para o futuro profissional dos jovens. Observou-se que a intervenção grupal contribuiu para que os pais revelassem conflitos e contradições quanto a posturas que mantinham junto aos filhos. Assim, muitos evidenciaram grande ambivalência de sentimentos frente ao processo de amadurecimento dos jovens, revelando o desejo de postergar a separação pais e filhos. Observou-se que vários participantes apresentavam dificuldades para assumir a influência que exerciam sobre os filhos em relação ao processo da escolha da carreira; e, também, para se posicionar possibilitando diálogos e situações que facilitassem o desenvolvimento vocacional dos jovens. Evidenciou-se que a técnica em Grupo Operativo favoreceu aos pais o contato com situações que se mantinham latentes, bem como um maior conhecimento de seus sentimentos e assunção de papéis junto aos filhos. Considera-se que foram possibilitadas condições para mudanças na relação com os jovens, no que concerne ao processo de escolha profissional destes. / Considering the parents role and influence on their childrens vocational development, this paper aimed at analyzing one psychological intervention with parents whose adolescent children were going through the career choice process. The specific objects were to analyze the group intervention and the parents perceptions regarding their childrens process of career choice and the role they played in that process. Two groups were organized: the parents guiding group and the control group, with parents of adolescents who were being attended at the Career Guiding Service of the Applied Psychology and Research Center of the Faculty and Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (USP). The two groups were asked to answer a questionnaire containing open and closed questions. The study group received psychological intervention based on the theoretical methodological framework Operative Group by Pichon-Rivière, and was coordinated by the researcher psychologist, having the collaboration of observers who recorded the sessions. All together, eight group sessions were carried out lasting one hour and a half each, once a week and one individual session at the end of the procedure. After the intervention was concluded, the questionnaire was answered again by both the study group and the control group. The quantitative data referring to the closed questions were treated by descriptive statistics and the comparison of the results (pre and post intervention) and the comparison between the groups (study group and control group) were treated by non-parametrical inferential statistics. The answers to the open questions were categorized as based on Bardins content analysis and the data obtained from the session records were analyzed according to the Operative Group framework. All the data were cross-analyzed as based on Pichon-Rivières and Bohoslavskys psychoanalytical frameworks. The results indicate that the participant parents attribute a great importance to their childrens education and invest resources in order to help them enter university; the parents also express great expectations in relation to their childrens future career. The group interventions were observed to have contributed for the parents to unveil conflicts and contradictions in their relationships with their children. Thus, some parents acknowledged ambivalence of feelings in relation to their childrens growing process, expressing their wish to postpone their parting with them. Several participants were shown to have difficulty acknowledging their influence on their childrens career choice and also favoring dialogues or facilitating their childrens career development. The Operative Group strategy made it possible for the parents to acknowledge latent emotions as well as assume their role with their children. Finally, the intervention was seen to have created conditions for changes in the relationship between parents and their children regarding their career choice.


MILA DESOUZART DE AQUINO VIANA 30 September 2011 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação teve como objetivo a análise dos valores e dos atributos relacionados à escolha do emprego de uma amostra de representantes da geração Y, estudantes de Administração de Empresas de uma Universidade no Rio de Janeiro. Este grupo geracional possui características distintas e peculiares em relação às gerações antecessoras, o que se traduz na necessidade das organizações em lidarem com os desafios de administrar a convivência de diversas gerações em um mesmo ambiente organizacional, bem como o de reter e comprometer estes novos profissionais. A metodologia adotada foi de natureza quantitativa, tendo sido utilizado um questionário fechado baseado na metodologia de Shalom H. Schwartz (1992). As literaturas sobre diferenças geracionais, geração Y, comprometimento, escolha do trabalho e valores serviram de pano de fundo para a interpretação dos dados obtidos. O estudo traçou, a partir da amostra levantada, um retrato dos valores e desejos destes jovens, podendo contribuir para o entendimento das aspirações e valores desta nova força de trabalho. Os principais resultados da pesquisa sugerem que algumas das características dos representantes da geração Y abordadas pela literatura foram confirmadas para a amostra pesquisada. Todavia, há divergências com relação a outras características, o que reforça a relevância em realizar pesquisas que aprofundem o conhecimento sobre esta geração. / [en] The objective of this paper is to assess values and attributes related to the job choice of a sample of representatives of generation Y, business administration students at a university in Rio de Janeiro. This generation has distinct and peculiar characteristics when compared to those of previous generations, which means organizations need to deal with the challenges of handling the co-existence of several generations in the same work environment, as well as retain them and get them to commit themselves to these organizations. The nature of the methodology adopted was quantitative, through the use of a closed questionnaire based on Shalom H. Schwartz’s methodology. The existing literature on generational differences, generation Y, commitment, job choice and values was used as the background for the interpretation of the data obtained. The data gathered were interpreted with base on the existing literature on generational differences, generation Y, commitment, job choice and values. This study maps out the values and aspirations of this generation, and it aims at contributing to a better understanding of the aspirations and values of this new work force. The main results of this research suggest that some of the characteristics of the representatives of generation Y addressed by literature have been confirmed for the sample researched. Nevertheless, there are discrepancies as regards other characteristics, which reinforces the relevance to conduct research in order to deepen knowledge on this generation on the matter.

Formação profissional no Brasil: o SENAI e os jovens no mercado de trabalho / Vocational training in Brazil: the SENAI and the youth in the labour market

Cristiane Zumpichiati dos Santos 04 July 2005 (has links)
O tema central da dissertação é a formação profissional no Brasil. Para enfrentar tão extensa área de investigação, dois objetivos foram tratados: traçar a trajetória de uma das instituições mais identificadas, no Brasil e na América Latina, com a formação profissional Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI) e analisar o perfil dos jovens que fazem os cursos profissionalizantes no SENAI. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto neste estudo, foi realizada uma análise histórica do processo de instauração das iniciativas voltadas para a formação profissional no Brasil, para, em seguida, retratar a instituição pesquisada. Com base nesta análise, destacou-se o posicionamento do SENAI desde sua criação, em 1942, até os dias atuais frente às mudanças ocorridas no mercado de trabalho. Face a essas considerações, no último capítulo é apresentada uma breve discussão sobre o contexto atual com o qual os jovens se deparam, ou seja, a questão do desemprego juvenil. / The central theme of the dissertation is vocational training in Brazil. To tackle such an extensive area of research, two objectives were addressed: to trace the trajectory of one of the institutions most identified in Brazil and Latin America, with professional training - National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) and analyze the profile of young people in the professional courses in SENAI. To achieve the proposed objective in this study, we performed a historical analysis of the process of introduction of initiatives aimed at training in Brazil to then portray the researched institution. Based on this analysis, the highlight was the positioning of SENAI - since its inception in 1942 until today - in the face of changes in the labor market. Given these considerations, the last chapter is a brief discussion on the current context in which young people face, ie the issue of youth unemployment.

Relevance of career services for CEMS students for successful job-entry / Relevance of career services for CEMS students for successful job-entry

Zicháčková, Denisa January 2010 (has links)
The thesis aims at exploring what the role of career guidance services for CEMS students in their job search is, and at proposing a number of recommendations for further development of CEMS career services. First part of this thesis will provide us with a necessary theoretical background on career choice, career management and development, and career guidance. Then, CEMS and its current career services offer will be presented in brief. Finally, an analysis of a research that we have conducted within CEMS graduates community will enable us to formulate a number of recommendations for CEMS career services improvement.

OpiniÃes de Estudantes de Medicina sobre as Perspectivas de EspecializaÃÃo e PrÃtica Profissional no Programa de SaÃde da FamÃlia / Opinions of Students of Medicine on the Perspectives of Specialization and Practical Professional in the Program of Health of the Family

Pedro Gomes Cavalcante Neto 31 March 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Com a criaÃÃo e a expansÃo do Programa SaÃde da FamÃlia (PSF) no Brasil, a Medicina de FamÃlia e Comunidade (MFC), como especialidade mÃdica, ganhou destaque por ser a mais adequada para esse trabalho. Recentes parcerias entre os MinistÃrios da SaÃde e da EducaÃÃo tÃm procurado regular a formaÃÃo de recursos humanos em saÃde para atender Ãs demandas de consolidaÃÃo do Sistema Ãnico de SaÃde (SUS), no Ãmbito da graduaÃÃo e da pÃsgraduaÃÃo. Houve investimento no aumento no nÃmero de vagas de residÃncia em MFC, mas parece haver uma incongruÃncia entre o que os futuros mÃdicos almejam em suas carreiras e as necessidades do SUS, o que à demonstrado pelo nÃmero de vagas ociosas nesses programas. O objetivo inicial foi determinar fatores predisponentes à escolha da MFC como carreira. PorÃm, ao reconhecer o desinteresse por essa especialidade, buscou-se elencar hipÃteses explicativas para tal realidade. Foi, entÃo, realizado um estudo junto a 170 estudantes do Curso de Medicina de Sobral da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, que responderam um questionÃrio contendo 32 perguntas sobre dados sÃcio-demogrÃficos, escolha da especialidade, PSF e MFC e fatores que, na opiniÃo dos respondentes, influenciam a escolha da carreira a ser seguida. Encontrou-se que apenas um estudante referia jà ter escolhido a MFC como especialidade. Contudo, a grande maioria nÃo descarta a possibilidade de trabalhar provisoriamente no PSF. As provÃveis justificativas para esse desinteresse sÃo as precÃrias condiÃÃes de trabalho, desvalorizaÃÃo da atividade, baixos salÃrios, necessidade de interiorizar-se para ganhar melhor e poucas perspectivas de crescimento profissional. O currÃculo oculto, muito citado em trabalhos internacionais, tambÃm tem seu papel, mas nÃo foi adequadamente avaliado nesta pesquisa. Especialidades clÃnicas sÃo as mais almejadas por esses estudantes. Os fatores que mais influenciam a escolha da carreira, segundo os respondentes, sÃo interesses pessoais, compromisso Ãtico-social e possibilidade de realizar procedimentos diagnÃsticos ou terapÃuticos. Em conclusÃo, a escolha da carreira à multifatorial. O interesse pela MFC à modesto. Apesar de haver muitas propostas para aumentÃ-lo, estas nÃo trouxeram repercussÃo em alguns cenÃrios e nÃo estÃo confirmadas cientificamente. Mesmo assim, deve-se procurar identificar os fatores causais e sugerir ou ensaiar estratÃgias para reverter esse quadro. / The creation and expansion of the Family Health Program (FHP) in Brazil bring to Family Practice (FP), as medical specialty, highlight because itâs the more adequate one for that kind of work. Recent partnerships between Health and Education State Departments try to regulate the graduation and post graduation of health workers, attending the demands of consolidation of the National Health System of Brazil (NHS). Investments ware taken to increase FP residency position number, but maybe there is an incongruity between career intentions of future doctors and the needs of the Brazilian NHS, what is shown by the low number of positions filled in those programs. The initial objective of this research was to determine predisposing factors to choice of FP as career. However, upon recognizing the disinterest by that specialty, we try to list explanatory hypotheses for such reality. It was, then, carried out a study involving 170 medical students of Federal University of Cearà at Sobral, which answered a questionnaire containing 32 questions about demographic and social characteristics, choice of the specialty, FHP and FP and factors that, in the opinion of the students, influence the choice of career. It was found that only one student made a choice of FP as specialty. However, the great majority doesnât reject the possibility of work provisionally in the FHP. The probable justifications for this disinterest are the precarious conditions of work, depreciation of the activity, low income, better salaries in remote cities and few perspectives of professional growth. The hidden curriculum, cited by international articles, also play a role, but it was not evaluated accurately in this research. Clinical specialties are the most preferred by those students. The most influencing factors for career choice, according to students, are personal interests, ethical and social commitment and possibility of make diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. In conclusion, career choice has many influencing factors. The interest by FP is modest. Despite many proposals to increase interest, these did not bring repercussion in some settings and are not scientifically confirmed. Even so, such influencing factors it must be identified and strategies for revert that picture must be tried.

The impact of career guidance (CG) for career choice (CC) in the secondary schools of Sepitsi Circuit in Lebowakgomo District, Limpopo Province

Nong, Tlou Willam January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2016 / Refer to document


Scheppmann, Margaret R. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The understanding of why students decide to become music therapists is valuable information for music therapy educators and policy makers and published information is lacking. The use of expectancy-value theory provides a framework to understand student choices. Researchers can better understand why students purse a career in music therapy by examining students’ abilities, beliefs, expectancies, and values related to the choice. The purpose of this study was to examine why current undergraduate and equivalency students want to be music therapists. Music therapy students (N = 129) throughout the United States provided insight into their decision to become music therapists by completing a survey with questions about their expectancies and values. Results indicated that both undergraduate and equivalency students tended to choose to be music therapists because they expected music therapy to be a career that requires hard work and expert knowledge while maintaining their interest and morale. Results of a correlational analysis suggest there are several choice-making variables that may influence each other, indicating that the decision to become a music therapist is a complex process for students. Finally, the results of a Mann-Whitney U test suggested that there was no significant difference between the expectancies and values that influenced undergraduate and equivalency students’ choices to become music therapists. Music therapists in many capacities may use this information to improve recruitment and engagement of music therapy students.

The (Un) Balancing Act: The impact of culture on women engineering students' gendered and professional identities

Powell, Abigail , Social Policy Research Centre, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of the engineering culture on women engineering students??? gendered and professional identities. It is simultaneously focused on exploring how identity shapes, and is shaped by, women???s experiences of the engineering culture and, the relationship between gendered and professional identities. The research is set within the context of existing research on women in engineering, much of which has focused either on women???s experiences in industry or experiences of staff in academia, failing to recognise the importance of higher education (HE) as a gatekeeper to the engineering professions. Furthermore, despite numerous initiatives aimed at increasing the percentage of women entering engineering, the proportion of women studying engineering has remained stable, around fifteen percent, for the last few years. The research is grounded in an interpretivist approach, although it adopts a multimethod research design. Specifically it draws upon qualitative interviews with 43 women and 18 men engineering students, a questionnaire with responses from 656 engineering undergraduates and two focus groups with 13 women engineering students from seven departments at one university. These datasets are analysed with the aid of NVivo and SPSS to explore women engineering students??? career choices; women???s experiences of the HE engineering culture; the relationship between engineering education culture and women???s identities; whether there are cultural nuances between engineering disciplines; and, implications for strategies to attract and retain more women in engineering. Key findings from the research are that women and men make career choices based on similar factors, including the influence of socialisers, knowledge of the engineering professions, skills, ability and attributes, and career rewards. However, the extent to which each of this factors are important is gendered. The research also highlights key characteristics of the HE engineering culture, including competition, camaraderie, gendered humour, intensity, more theoretical than practical, help and support for women students and reinforcement of gender binaries. These findings all suggest that women are assimilated into the engineering culture or, at least, develop coping mechanisms for surviving in the existing culture. These strategies reveal a complex and difficult balancing act between being a woman and being an engineer by claiming a rightful place as an engineer, denying gendered experiences and becoming critical of other women. The research also tackles two key issues, rarely discussed in the extant literature. Firstly the help and support women students receive from lecturers and other staff, and the negative impact this has, and may continue to have, on women. Secondly, the analysis of discipline differences shows that design and technology is significantly different from other engineering disciplines in terms of culture(s) and women???s experiences. The thesis concludes that women???s enculturation into engineering results in their ???doing gender??? in a particular way. This means that women???s implicit and explicit devaluing and rejection of femaleness, fails to challenge the gendered cultures of engineering and, in many ways, upholds an environment which is hostile to women.

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