Spelling suggestions: "subject:"caregivers.""
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Effects of caring for a child with a disability on caregiver health and wellnessAndreou, Spyridoula January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: Research shows that caregivers raising children with disabilities (CoDs) are at a higher risk of decreased health and wellbeing (Bourke-Taylor et al., 2022). Limited research exists to guide OTP intervention to promote caregiver well-being. This mixed methods study aimed to gather information on caregiver experiences regarding facilitators and barriers for occupations and wellness while raising a child with a disability between the ages of 3-21. Design: The mixed-methods design utilized surveys and a semi-structured interviews to gather data from 27 primary caregivers of a CoD aged 3-21 in the United States. Participants also needed to have access to the internet, be proficient in English, and were recruited via convenience and snowball sampling from social media and research team outreach. Methods: Surveys and semi-structured interviews were used to gather information regarding caregiver health, wellness, and occupational engagement. Surveys completed on Qualtrics included measurement tools such as the Parent Effort Scale, Health Promoting Activities Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Well-Being Scale. Interviews were conducted via Zoom with audio transcription. Data analysis used SPSS and qualitative coding. Results: Identifiable facilitators and barriers significantly correlated to caregiver health and wellness and the unique challenges of raising a CoD. Caregivers reported a desire for programs to engage in health and wellness promoting activities and occupations. Conclusion: Findings identified challenges that caregivers of CoD face and highlight the role of occupational therapy in supporting their needs. Findings drove the development of the program “PromOTing a Healthier You” to address the needs of caregivers from an occupational perspective. Impact Statement: This study's findings, offer impactful, concrete insights for OTP development of health promotion interventions for this population. / Temple University. College of Public Health / Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
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Does coping mediate the relationship between familism and caregiver outcomes?Parveen, Sahdia, Morrison, V., Robinson, C.A. 13 February 2013 (has links)
No / Objectives: The sociocultural model of stress and coping, which despite receiving support from several studies conducted with diverse ethnic groups, has yet to be tested longitudinally or used within the context of positive caregiver outcomes. The aim of the current study was to test a specific component of the model, which posits that caregiver coping will be influenced by the cultural value of familism (feelings of solidarity and loyalty among family members), which will in turn affect caregiver outcomes.
Method: A questionnaire was completed by 123 family caregivers in the UK assessing familism, use of coping strategies, caregiver gains, anxiety and depression at three time points over nine months.
Results: Mediation analysis followed guidelines proposed by Baron and Kenny. Religious coping and positive reframing at time 2 (T2) were found to significantly mediate between familism values at time 1 (T1) and caregiver gains at time 3 (T3). Behavioural disengagement at T2 was found to mediate between familism at T1 and caregiver depression atT3. Additionally familism was found to be positively associated with both negative and positive aspects of caregiving.
Conclusion: Our longitudinal findings suggest that interventions and services acknowledging caregiver values and the associated coping responses may prove beneficial.
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RHAPSODY - Internet-based support for caregivers of people with young onset dementia: program design and methods of a pilot studyKurz, A., Bakker, C., Bohm, M., Diehl-Schmid, J., Dubois, B., Ferreira, C., Gage, H., Graff, C., Hergueta, T., Jansen, S., Jones, B., Komar, A., de Mendonca, A., Metcalfe, A., Milecka, K., Millenaar, J., Orrung Wallin, A., Oyebode, Jan, Schneider-Schelte, H., Saxl, S., de Vugt, M. 30 August 2016 (has links)
Yes / Young Onset Dementia (YOD), defined by first symptoms of cognitive or behavioral decline occurring before the age of 65 years, is relatively rare compared to dementia of later onset, but it is associated with diagnostic difficulty and heavy burden on affected individuals and their informal carers. Existing health and social care structures rarely meet the needs of YOD patients. Internet-based interventions are a novel format of delivering health-related education, counseling and support to this vulnerable yet underserved group.
Methods: The RHAPSODY (Research to Assess Policies and Strategies for Dementia in the Young) project is a European initiative to improve care for people with YOD by providing an internet-based information and skill-building program for family carers. The e-learning program focuses on managing problem behaviors, dealing with role change, obtaining support and looking after oneself. It will be evaluated in a pilot study in three countries using a randomized unblinded design with a wait-list control group. Participants will be informal carers of people with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease or behavioral-variant Frontotemporal degeneration with an onset before the age of 65 years. The primary outcome will be caregiving self-efficacy after 6 weeks of program use. As secondary outcomes caregivers’ stress and burden, carer health-related quality of life, caring-related knowledge, patient problem behaviors and user satisfaction will be assessed. Program utilization will be monitored and a health-economic evaluation will also be performed.
Conclusions: The RHAPSODY project will add to the evidence on the potential and limitations of a conveniently accessible, user-friendly and comprehensive internet-based intervention as an alternative for traditional forms of counseling and support in healthcare, aiming to optimize care and support for people with YOD and their informal caregivers. / RHAPSODY is an EU Joint Program - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) project. The project is supported through the following funding organizations under the aegis of JPND (www.jpnd.eu). France: National Research Agency; Germany: Ministry of Education and Research; The Netherlands: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development; Portugal: Foundation for Science and Technology; Sweden: The Swedish Research Council; United Kingdom: Economic and Social Research Council.
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Caregivers' beliefs about dementia: findings from the IDEAL studyQuinn, Catherine, Jones, I.R., Martyr, A., Nelis, S.M., Morris, R.G., Clare, L., IDEAL Study Team 22 April 2019 (has links)
Yes / Informal caregivers of people with dementia develop
their own beliefs about the condition, referred to as Dementia
Representations (DRs), as they try to make sense of the changes
they are observing. The first aim of this study was to provide a
profile of the types of DRs held by caregivers. The second aim
was to examine the impact of caregivers’ DRs on their well-being,
satisfaction with life (SwL) and caregiving stress.
Methods: Participants were 1264 informal caregivers of people in
the mild-to-moderate stages of dementia from time-point 1 of
the IDEAL cohort study.
Measures: DRs were measured using questionnaire items covering:
Identity, Cause, Control, and Timeline.
Results: Almost half (49.2%) of caregivers used a diagnostic term
to describe the person’s condition, although 93.4% of caregivers
stated they were aware of the diagnosis. Higher well-being, SwL,
and lower caregiving stress were associated with the use of an
identity term relating to specific symptoms of dementia, attributing
the cause to ageing or not knowing the cause, and believing
the condition would stay the same. Lower well-being, SwL, and
higher caregiving stress were associated with believing there was
little that could be done to control the effects of the condition.
Conclusion: Healthcare professionals should assess and gain an
understanding of caregivers’ DRs in order to provide more tailored
information and support. / Economic and Social Research Council (UK) and the National Institute for Health Research (UK) grant ES/L001853/2
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Caregiver influences on 'living well' for people with dementia: Findings from the IDEAL studyQuinn, Catherine, Nelis, S.M., Martyr, A., Morris, R.G., Victor, C., Clare, L. 23 May 2019 (has links)
Yes / Objectives: The capability to 'live well' in people with dementia can be influenced by many factors, including those related to the experiences of their informal caregiver. How caregivers experience their own role can affect not only their well-being but also the way they provide care and hence the experience of the person with dementia. The aim of this study is to identify the potential impact of the caregiver's perception of the caregiving experience on how people with mild to moderate dementia self-rate their QoL, well-being and satisfaction with life.
Method: This study utilised time-point 1 data from 1283 informal caregiver and the 1283 people with dementia whom they provide care from the IDEAL cohort study. Multivariate modelling was used to investigate the associations between measures related to the caregiver's perception of the caregiving experience (caregiving stress, perceived social restrictions, caregiving competence, positive aspects of caregiving, and coping) and the self-ratings of QoL, satisfaction with life, and well-being by the person with dementia.
Results: Lower QoL ratings by the person with dementia were associated with high caregiver stress (−1.98; 95% CI: −2.89, −1.07), high perceived social restrictions (−2.04; 95% CI: −2.94, −1.14) and low caregiving competence (−2.01; 95% CI: −2.95, −1.06). Similar associations were found for satisfaction with life and wellbeing. Positive aspects of caregiving and coping were not associated with outcomes for the person with dementia.
Conclusion: The findings indicate that how the caregiver experiences caregiving can affect the person with dementia. This finding reinforces the importance of providing support to caregivers. / The IDEAL study is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) and the National Institute for Health Research (UK) through grant ES/L001853/2 ‘Improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life: living well with dementia’.
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The Caregiver Health Effects of Caring for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Meta-analysisMasefield, S.C., Prady, S.L., Sheldon, T.A., Small, Neil A., Jarvis, S., Pickett, K.E. 28 November 2020 (has links)
Yes / Mothers of school age and older children with developmental disabilities experience poorer health than mothers of typically developing children. This review assesses the evidence for the effect on mothers' health of caring for young children with developmental disabilities, and the influence of different disability diagnoses and socioeconomic status.
Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO and CINAHL were searched. Studies measuring at least one symptom, using a quantitative scale, in mothers of preschool children (0-5 years) with and without a diagnosed developmental disability were selected. Random effects meta-analysis was performed, and predictive intervals reported due to high expected heterogeneity.
The meta-analysis included 23 estimates of association from 14 retrospective studies for the outcomes of stress (n = 11), depressive symptoms (n = 9), general health (n = 2) and fatigue (n = 1). Caring for a child with a developmental disability was associated with greater ill health (standardised mean difference 0.87; 95% predictive interval - 0.47, 2.22). The largest association was for mixed developmental disabilities (1.36; - 0.64, 3.36) and smallest for Down syndrome (0.38; - 2.17, 2.92). There was insufficient socioeconomic information to perform subgroup analysis. The small number of studies and data heterogeneity limited the precision of the estimates of association and generalizability of the findings.
Mothers of young children with developmental disabilities may have poorer health than those with typically developing children. Research is needed to identify whether the relationship is causal and, if so, interventions that could reduce the negative effect of caregiving. / Sarah Masefeld was supported by a match funded studentship from the University of York and the Health e-Research Centre ref PhD2016PP2.
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Impact of COVID-19 on carers of people with dementia in the community: Findings from the British IDEAL cohortQuinn, Catherine, Gamble, L.D., Parker, S., Martyr, A., Collins, R., Victor, C., Dawson, E., Hunt, A., Pentecost, C., Allan, L., Clare, L. 08 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / Unpaid carers for people with dementia play a crucial role in society. Emerging evidence suggests the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted on carers. This study sought to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on carers for community-dwelling people with dementia and compare responses with pre-pandemic data.
Data were collected between September 2020 and April 2021 in England and Wales. Carers were identified from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) cohort and data were collected either through the telephone, video conferencing, or an online questionnaire. Responses from 242 carers were compared against benchmark data from the IDEAL cohort collected pre-pandemic. Analyses were conducted for the full sample of carers and spousal/partner carers only.
In total 48.8% of carers thought their healthcare needs were negatively affected during the pandemic. Compared with pre-pandemic data carers were more lonely and experienced less life satisfaction. There was little impact on carers' experience of caregiving, although carers felt trapped in their caregiving role. Carers were more optimistic and had higher social contact with relatives. There were changes in the methods carers used for contacting relatives and friends. Most carers coped very or fairly well during the pandemic. There was little difference in the experiences of spousal/partner carers and the full sample.
After a long period of providing care under pandemic conditions carers require additional support. This support needs to be focused on alleviating feelings of loneliness and increasing life satisfaction. Services need to consider how to improve access to health care, particularly resuming face-to-face appointments. / Economic and Social Research Council, Alzheimer's Society, National Institute for Health Research.
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Dyadic influences on awareness of condition in people with dementia: findings from the IDEAL cohortAlexander, C.M., Martyr, A., Gamble, L.D., Quinn, Catherine, Pentecost, C., Morris, R.G., Clare, L. 12 December 2023 (has links)
Yes / The discrepancy between caregiver-ratings and self-ratings
of abilities is commonly used to assess awareness in people with dementia.
We investigated the contribution of caregiver and dyadic characteristics to the
difference in perspective between caregiver-informants and people with dementia
about difficulties experienced, when considering awareness of condition.
Methods: We conducted exploratory cross-sectional analyses using data from
the IDEAL cohort. Participants were 1,038 community-dwelling people with
mild-to-moderate dementia, and coresident spouse/partner caregivers. The
Representations and Adjustment to Dementia Index (RADIX) checklist reporting
difficulties commonly experienced in dementia was completed by 960 caregiver-informants and 989 people with dementia. Difference in scores was calculated
for 916 dyads. Demographic information, cognition, informant-rated functional
ability and neuropsychiatric symptoms were recorded for the person with
dementia. Self-reported data were collected on mood, comorbidity, religion,
importance of religion, relationship quality, and caregiver stress.
Results: For most dyads, caregivers reported more RADIX difficulties than people
with dementia. Caregiver RADIX ratings were more closely associated with
informant-rated functional ability and neuropsychiatric symptoms than with
cognition. More RADIX difficulties and higher stress were reported by female
caregivers. Greater RADIX difference was associated with more caregiver stress,
and older age but less depression in people with dementia.
Conclusion: Few dyadic characteristics were important, but caregiver stress was
higher where caregivers reported more RADIX difficulties and/or the difference in
perspective was greater, whereas partners with dementia reported better mood.
In addition to offering information about awareness of condition, the caregiver
rating and difference in perspectives could indicate where more support is
needed. / The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The IDEAL study was funded jointly by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) through grant ES/L001853/2. m. ESRC is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). ‘Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life: a longitudinal perspective on living well with dementia. The IDEAL-2 study’ is funded by Alzheimer’s Society, grant number 348, AS-PR2-16-001.
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Caregiver Personality as a Contributing Factor in Caregiver BurdenAnderson, Cristina L. (Cristina Lee) 05 1900 (has links)
Personality characteristics of spousal and adult children and active potential caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's Disease were studied in order to better predict caregiver burden and aspects of well-being. Contrary to prediction, no differences were found between spouse and adult children active caregivers on measures of well-being. Additionally, adult children potential caregivers indicated feeling less control over their lives than spouse potential caregivers. When social desirability was controlled, active caregivers reported greater fluctuations in affect than did potential caregivers. As predicted, personality characteristics of individuals were found to have the biggest role in determining which individuals experience stress or burden.
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男性家庭照顧者之研究 / Research on Male Home-caregivers for the Elderly陳奎如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性研究方法,深入訪談十二位正在從事家庭照顧工作的男性。重要研究發現為:(一)男性家庭照顧者形成的歷程,依序決定於「勞動就業狀況」、「性別角色規範」以及「親屬關係」。(二)男性家庭照顧者的經驗感受,在情緒認知、表達方式及角色自主性方面,存在男性氣概與照顧者被期待特質之間的矛盾拉扯,同時面臨就業及照顧工作的衝突。(三)男性家庭照顧者的應付策略,傾向以工具性問題解決模式,運用個人經濟資源的優勢,解決照顧工作的困境,其方法包括:創新照顧方法、調整自己的想法、及分攤照顧責任。最後,本研究分別從「保障老人權益減少依賴」、「提供性別適切的照顧者福利支持措施」、「解構照顧工作之性別分化」三個方面提出政策建議。 / As a response to the increasing demand of elder care in the modern aging society, the issue of home care for the elder has attracted more attention in several academic fields. In the literature, there have been some research findings about the experiences and challenges of home caregivers. However, these discussions primarily focused on the impact of caring works on the female caregivers. According to the previous research, there exists significant difference between male and female caregivers in their ways of input and impact from caring work. There is a need to study the topics of male caregivers in order to have a thorough understanding of home caregivers.
This thesis studies the relations between gender difference and caregiving by exploring the unique experience of male caregivers, who take 30% to 40% share of total caregivers in Taiwan. The main purposes of this research include: (i) the formation of male caregivers; (ii) the experience and impact of caring work on the male caregivers; (iii) the coping strategy of male caregivers and their social support; (iv) the accordingly policy suggestions with gender-sense.
This study adopts qualitative research methods by interviewing twelve male caregivers in Taiwan. The major findings can be summarized as (i) The formation of male caregivers depend on the job market condition, the normative gender role, and kinship relations. (ii) There exist conflicts between socially expected characteristics of care providers and male care provider's masculinity in the caregiving process. Examples include the conflicts between recognized and actual ways of emotion expression, between autonomic and constrained (defined) role playing, and between personal career development and home care works. (iii) The male caregivers develop several innovative problem solving strategies, such as using personal economic resources, adjusting predominate thinking, and sharing care responsibilities with others. Finally, this study provides concrete policy implications in three aspects: reducing elders' dependence, increasing governmental support with gender-sense for caregivers, and de-constructing the division of gender on caregiving systems.
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