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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude sur les reconstitutions historiques en tant que stratégie expographique : la muséologie d'espace

Gélinas, Dominique 22 July 2024 (has links)
L’engouement pour la mise en valeur du patrimoine par la modélisation virtuelle en 3D ramène les reconstitutions historiques à l’avant-plan des études muséales. Pourtant, le musée utilise depuis longtemps ce dispositif comme stratégie expographique. Nous assistons désormais à une véritable transformation, induite par les technologies, au sein du dispositif et des savoir-faire des expographes. Ayant été utilisée en continu par le musée, la reconstitution historique constitue un indicateur pour mesurer l’impact de la progression des technologies dans l’expographie. À partir d’une grille typologique, une revue de seize dispositifs de reconstitution a été effectuée. On remarque alors que l’introduction de la non-linéarité crée un changement de situation en imposant le parcours comme maître d’œuvre de l’expérience muséale au lieu du discours en tant que récit patrimonial. Trois terrains d’enquête viennent corroborer cette idée : l’exposition permanente de la Maison Chapais à Saint-Denis-De La Bouteillerie (Québec), la visite autonome avec tablette numérique de la même Maison Chapais et le modèle virtuel interactif en 3D du Monastère des Ursulines de Québec (Canada). Le premier terrain révèle que le parcours est le résultat du déplacement du visiteur et du traitement de l’espace et qu’il induit le discours. Dans le deuxième cas, la reconstitution mixte, les technologies s’ajoutent à cette équation comme une parenthèse bien articulée, tandis que dans le troisième cas, la reconstitution virtuelle, les technologies ont tellement envahi le dispositif que toutes les composantes sont régies par elles. En effet, on remarque que les composantes du dispositif se transforment, certaines gagnent en importance, mais également que ces mutations s’opèrent dans la gestion de projet. Ces bouleversements favorisent une nouvelle approche conceptuelle expographique que nous nommons « la muséologie d’espace ». Néanmoins, cette pratique émergente n’est pas encore maîtrisée par les professionnels. Toutefois, elle témoigne de l’adaptation nécessaire dont le musée doit faire preuve dans la société actuelle. MOTS CLÉS : Expographie, reconstitution historique, conceptualisation, muséologie d’espace, intégration technologique. / Enthusiasm for cultural heritage through virtual 3D modelling brings historical reconstitution back to the forefront of museum studies. Yet, museums have been using this technique as an exhibition strategy for a long time. We are currently experiencing a real transformation, driven by technology, of the manner in which exhibition project managers work. Having been used extensively by museums, historical reconstitutions are good indicators for measuring the impact of technological advances in exhibitions. To this end, using a typological grid, a review of sixteen historical reconstitutions was conducted. The review revealed that when non-linearity was incorporated into exhibition delivery, a shift occurred; the museum visit focused on the journey as experience rather than as an account of a heritage story. Three study cases support this finding: the permanent exhibition at Maison Chapais in Saint-Denis-De La Bouteillerie (Québec), the self-guided tour using a digital tablet of the same Maison Chapais and the interactive virtual 3D model of the Québec Ursuline Convent (Canada). The first case reveals that the journey, a combination of the visitor’s movements and the treatment of the space, creates the account. In the second case, mixed reconstitution, technology is added to the equation as a well-articulated supplement and thirdly, a full virtual reconstitution, technology has so overtaken the display that it governs all components. Indeed, not only are all the elements of the display transformed - with some aspects increasing in importance - but that these changes also occur in the conception and management of projects. These upheavals nurture a new exhibition approach that can be described as “spatial museology”. Nevertheless, professionals have not yet mastered this emerging practice; however, it signals a critical way in which museums must adapt in today’s society. KEYWORDS: Exhibition, historical reconstitution, conceptualization, spatial museology, technological integration

Morphologie urbaine et confort thermique dans les espaces publics : étude comparative entre trois tissus urbains de la ville de Québec

Fouad, Ahmed Ouameur 13 April 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à étudier la relation entre la morphologie urbaine, les microclimats et le confort thermique dans les espaces publics extérieurs par des relevés dynamiques in situ. En milieu urbain, les paramètres microclimatiques tels que la chaleur et la lumière peuvent varier en fonction de l'espace et du temps. Ces variations souvent générées par la morphologie urbaine peuvent être plus au moins appropriées aux conditions du confort thermique et visuel, dépendamment des facteurs tels que les conditions climatiques, la forme des constructions, la nature de l'espace et son mode d'occupation. C'est dans une optique plutôt physiologique que nous avons exploré la diversité de l'environnement thermique et visuel en milieu urbain. Le but est de démontrer l'effet de cette dynamique environnementale sur la perception des ambiances thermiques et visuelles d'un piéton. Les données sur l'environnement thermique et visuel de trois tissus urbains situés au centre-ville de Québec ont été mesurées en mouvement à l'aide d'un appareil portatif de mesure des ambiances physiques (APMAP-4). Les calculs des indicateurs de la morphologie urbaine sont basés sur plusieurs techniques (mesure sur carte, traitement d'images satellites et relevés photographiques). Le croisement des données a permis de (1) démontrer la dynamique de l'environnement thermique et visuel d'un parcours urbain, (2) d'analyser les conditions du confort thermique de trois tissus urbains et (3) d'identifier les différents niveaux d'adaptation caractérisant un parcours urbain pendant une journée typique d'été et l'automne.

La nation de la minorité bruyante : idéologies de la droite radicale au Canada

Morin-Bertrand, Félix-Arnaud 10 February 2024 (has links)
Une montée de la droite radicale populiste a pu être observée dans les démocraties occidentales au cours des dernières années. Celle-ci s'est traduite au niveau électoral en Europe et même aux États-Unis. Si le Canada a relativement été épargné par la montée de celle-ci sur le plan électoral, il a tout de même été possible de noter une augmentation du nombre de groupes s'apparentant à cette mouvance de droite. Or, ces groupes et leurs idéologies ont peu été étudiés dans le contexte canadien. Le présent travail s'intéresse à la relation entre les deux idéologies principales de la droite radicale populiste, l'ethnonationalisme et le populisme, dans le discours de deux groupes canadiens : La Meute et le National Citizens Alliance. Une analyse du discours des groupes est effectuée à partir de leur documentation officielle et de leurs publications Facebook de 2019. Notre analyse, par le biais du cadre théorique utilisé, permet d'abord de confirmer que les idéologies de nos deux cas d'étude s'apparentent bel et bien à celles de la droite radicale populiste européenne. Elle permet aussi de comparer nos cas entre eux, montrant ainsi que malgré leurs grandes similitudes, les idéologies du deuxième groupe sont plus radicales. Il a d'ailleurs été possible de lier cette différence avec les contextes distincts dans lesquels s'inscrivent les discours des groupes. L'analyse plus détaillée de l'argumentaire des groupes permet de confirmer notre proposition selon laquelle le populisme découlerait de l'ethnonationalisme et que la première idéologie viendrait appuyer la seconde. Toutefois, notre analyse permet de comprendre plus en détail la nature de cette relation en montrant que le populisme a essentiellement un rôle de légitimation démocratique pour les revendications ethnonationalistes. Le travail parvient également à montrer que l'ethnonationalisme s'enracine plus largement dans une forme de conservatisme radical, apportant ainsi des pistes pour les recherches futures sur le sujet. / A rise of the populist radical right has been observed in Western democracies in recent years. This was reflected at the electoral level in Europe and even in the United States. While Canada has been relatively spared by the rise of the latter on the electoral front, it has nonetheless been possible to see an increase in the number of groups resembling this right-wing movement. However, very few studies have been focusing on those groups and their ideologies in the Canadian context. This study examines the relationship between the two main ideologies of the radical right-wing populist, ethnonationalism and populism, in the discourse of two Canadian groups: La Meute and the National Citizens Alliance. An analysis of the groups' discourse is done from their official documentation and Facebook posts from 2019. Our analysis, through the theoretical framework used, first confirms that the ideologies of our two cases studied indeed resemble those of the European populist radical right. It also allows us to compare our cases with one another, showing that despite their great similarities, the ideologies of the second group are more radical. It was moreover possible to link this difference with the distinct contexts in which the discourse of the groups takes place. A more detailed analysis of the group's arguments confirms our proposition that populism stems from ethnonationalism and that the first ideology supports the second. However, our analysis allows us to understand in more details the nature of this relationship by showing that populism has essentially a role of democratic legitimization for ethno-nationalist claims. The work also succeeds in showing that ethnonationalism is rooted more broadly in a form of radical conservatism, thus providing avenues for future research on the subject.

Diversité des lectures littéraires : comment former des sujets lecteurs divers?

Sauvaire, Marion 19 April 2018 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle. Doctorat en didactique: Université Laval, Québec et Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, France. / Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2012-2013. / Nous soutenons que l’enseignement de la lecture littéraire, au lycée et au cégep, peut contribuer à former des sujets lecteurs divers, c’est-à-dire des sujets pluriels, changeants et contradictoires, situés dans une historicité, mais capables de s’en distancier de manière réflexive, et ce, grâce à la médiation du texte lu et à celle des autres lecteurs du texte. Premièrement, nous avons élaboré un modèle de compréhension de la diversité des sujets lecteurs, basé sur la critique d’une conception unitaire, homogène et essentialiste du sujet que l’école devrait former et de la culture qu’elle souhaite transmettre. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié dans quelle mesure la diversité des interprétations effectivement produites par les élèves peut constituer une médiation efficace de la compréhension de soi-même et d’autrui comme sujet lecteur divers. Cette compréhension reposant sur la confrontation entre les interprétations produites successivement par un même lecteur et simultanément par plusieurs lecteurs, elle est nécessairement transitoire, fragmentaire, intersubjective et réflexive. Troisièmement, nous avons décrit et expliqué comment des élèves élaborent plusieurs interprétations d’un texte littéraire, à la fois en mobilisant les diverses ressources de leur subjectivité et en s’appropriant des éléments interprétatifs coconstruits avec leurs pairs et leur enseignant. En cohérence avec ces visées herméneutiques et praxéologiques, nous avons conçu une séquence d’enseignement, axée sur La plage des songes de S. Péan (1998), intégrant des activités individuelles et collaboratives de lecture, d’écriture et d’oral. Ce dispositif a été expérimenté par deux enseignants, dans une classe de seconde en France et dans une classe de cégep au Québec. Notre méthodologie qualitative vise la compréhension approfondie de sept parcours de lecteurs, grâce au croisement de données recueillies par le biais d’observations de cours, de textes d’élèves et d’entretiens. L’étude multicas confirme que les élèves sont capables de mettre en relation diverses ressources subjectives (cognitives, épistémiques, psychoaffectives, socioculturelles, axiologiques), de mettre à distance leurs interprétations et celles de leurs pairs et de réfléchir sur leur expérience lectorale. Les échanges intersubjectifs (en particulier les comités de lecteurs) jouent un rôle significatif dans la compréhension réflexive par les élèves de la singularité et de la diversité de leur parcours interprétatif. / We argue that literary reading education, at secondary school and CEGEP levels, can contribute to the development of diverse subject readers—i.e., plural, changing and contradictory subjects—within a historical perspective but able to distance themselves reflexively, aided by their own interpretation of the text and the interpretations of other readers. Firstly, we developed a model for understanding subject reader diversity, based on the critical analysis of a uniform, homogeneous and essentialist concept of the subject that the school should teach and the culture that it wishes to pass on. Secondly, we examined to what extent the diversity of interpretations actually produced by students can effectively establish the mediation of the understanding of self and others as a diverse subject reader. This understanding is inevitably transitory, fragmented, intersubjective and reflexive, given that it is based on the confrontation between different interpretations produced successively by the same reader and simultaneously by several readers. Thirdly, we described and explained how students develop several interpretations of a literary text by using their various subjectivity resources while at the same time appropriating interpretive elements developed jointly with their peers and teacher. In keeping with these hermeneutic and praxeological objectives, we have designed a teaching sequence, based on La plage des songes by S. Péan (1998). This sequence incorporates individual and collaborative reading, writing and speaking activities. It was tested by two teachers, during the first year of lycée studies in France and as part of a CEGEP-level course in Quebec. Our qualitative methodology is intended to promote thorough understanding of seven reader paths, using data gathered through classroom observation, student texts and interviews. This multi-case study confirms that students are capable of linking different subjective resources (cognitive, epistemic, psycho-emotional, sociocultural, axiological), taking a step back from their interpretations and those of their peers, and reflecting on their reading experience. Intersubjective exchanges (particularly between the reading committees) play a significant role in students’ reflexive understanding of the singularity and diversity of their interpretative paths.

O nr2e1 influencia o comportamento exploratório, mas não é necessário para a diferenciação hormonal hipofisária no zebrafish (Danio rerio) / nr2e1 influences exploratory behavior but is not necessary for terminal hormone differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) pituitary

Silva, Caroline Caetano da 29 May 2017 (has links)
Hipopituitarismo congênito é caracterizado por deficiência hormonal múltipla devido a mutações de fatores de transcrição envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária. As células-tronco estão presentes na hipófise e são caracterizadas por dar origem a uma célula progenitora e uma célula indiferenciada por divisão assimétrica. Estão envolvidas na hipófise em processos de alta demanda metabólica em diferentes fases da vida. Em estudos prévios, observou-se o acúmulo dos marcadores de células-tronco Sox2 e Nr2e1 no camundongo Ames, que apresenta mutação no gene Prop1. O Sox2 é o marcador consenso de células-tronco na hipófise enquanto que o Nr2e1, nunca antes caracterizado na hipófise, é essencial para a manutenção de células-tronco e neogenese no cérebro. A perda de função deste gene pode causar agressão e falta de instinto materno em camundongos. Com isso, o objetivo desse projeto foi utilizar o animal modelo zebrafish para avaliar o papel repressor do gene prop1 e caracterizar o gene nr2e1 bem como, confirmar se o mesmo está envolvido com a diferenciação terminal na hipófise, e sua interferência no comportamento do animal mutado. O zebrafish se encaixa adequadamente nesse projeto pois é de fácil manutenção, econômico e com rápido desenvolvimento. No presente estudo criou-se 2 modelos de zebrafish utilizando-se a técnica de edição genômica conhecida como CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) para nocautear os genes prop1 e nr2e1. Esta técnica permite uma interrupção específica e substituição de bases no genoma, resultando em uma alta especificidade, baixa toxicidade celular e é herdável. O zebrafish homozigoto com mutação no gene nr2e1 se desenvolve e reproduz como o animal controle, porém apresenta um comportamento mais exploratório quando comparado com o animal selvagem e o heterozigoto. A imunofluorescência para o anticorpo Sox2 no animal mutado mostrou se diferente do selvagem, pois apresenta um aumento da expressão temporal e o mesmo não se colocaliza com o Nr2e1. A imunofluorescência feita com os hormônios não se mostrou diferente entre o mutado e o selvagem. Conclui-se diante dos achados de normalidade do desenvolvimento, fertilidade, ausência de co-localização com o gene Sox2 e presença de hormônios como Tsh, Fsh e Gh, que o gene nr2e1 não é crucial na diferenciação terminal na hipófise porém o animal mutado apresenta um comportamento diferente do animal selvagem. Os resultados da caracterização do zebrafish com mutação no gene prop1 ainda estão em andamento devido a dificuldade de se estabelecer essa linhagem / Congenital hypopituitarism is characterized by multiple hormone deficiencies due to mutations in transcription factors involved in pituitary embryogenesis. Stem cells, which by definition can each give rise to a progenitor and an undifferentiated cell by asymmetric division, are present in the pituitary gland and are important during periods of high metabolic demand in different phases of life. In previous studies, the accumulation of the stem cell markers Sox2 and Nr2e1 was observed in the Ames mouse, which harbors a mutation in Prop1. Sox2 is the consensus stem cell marker in the pituitary gland, while the role of Nr2e1 in the pituitary development has not been characterized although it is essential for neural stem cell maintenance and neogenesis in the brain and its loss of function causes pathological aggression and lack of maternal instinct in mice. In this project, the zebrafish animal model was used to characterize the role of nr2e1, to confirm whether this gene can be involved in the pituitary terminal differentiation, and to determine the effects of this gene on animal behavior. The zebrafish is a particularly appropriate model for use in this project because it is easy to maintain, is economical, and has a rapid metabolism and growth rate. In the present study, we created 2 zebrafish models by knocking out prop1 and nr2e1 using the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) genome-editing technique. This technique enables highly specific gene/reading frame interruption and/or base substitution in the genome, with low cellular toxicity and high heritability. Zebrafish with homozygous nr2e1 mutations develop and reproduce similarly to wild-type zebrafish, but present a more exploratory behavioral pattern compared to wild-type and heterozygous zebrafish. Based on immunofluorescence, Sox2 expression was higher in the mutant zebrafish than in the wild type and was not co-localized with Nr2e1 expression. Hormone expression did not differ between wild-type and mutant zebrafish. We conclude that nr2e1 is not crucial in the terminal differentiation of the hormone-forming pituitary gland; however, it induces a distinct behavioral phenotype at the larval stage. Analyses of zebrafish harboring a prop1 mutation are ongoing owing to issues with the establishment of the lineage

From a textbook to an e-learning course (E-learning or e-book?)

Jančařík, Antonín, Novotná, Jarmila 17 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of this contribution is to introduce the potential that modern information technologies open to authors converting a teaching material from a printed to an electronic version. The authors come out of their own experience and propose options that are suitable especially for creation of study materials in mathematics education. Among others the contribution presents the use of flash animations, java scripts and Computer Algebra Systems.

Teaching and learning introductory differential calculus with a computer algebra system

Kendal, Margaret Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), a powerful mathematical software currently available on hand held calculators, is becoming increasingly available to assist secondary students learn school mathematics. This study investigates how two teachers taught introductory differential calculus to their Year 11 classes using multiple representations in a CAS-supported curriculum. This thesis aims to explore the impact of the teaching on students’ understanding of the concept of derivative. / Understanding of the concept of derivative was gauged using an innovative Differentiation Competency Framework that was developed to describe understanding of the concept of derivative. It consists of eighteen competencies for formulation and interpretation of derivatives with, and without, translation between different representations. It clarified the objectives of the curriculum, purpose for using particular CAS activities, and also guided the construction of individual test items on the Differentiation Competency Test that enabled individual and class learning about the concept of derivative to be identified. / The Framework also helped identify each teacher’s privileging characteristics and facilitated analysis of the learning in relation to the teaching. / This study found that using multiple representations was important in developing understanding of the concept of derivative but that the graphical and the symbolic representations were the most useful and important to emphasize and link. / Analysis of the teaching actions showed that the teachers used CAS in ways that were consistent with their teaching approach and preferred use of representations and that a conceptual teaching method and student-centred style supported understanding of the concept of derivative. / Teaching is directly linked to learning and each class developed a different understanding of the concept of derivative that related to the combined effect of their teacher’s privileging characteristics: calculus content, teaching approach, and use of CAS. This study also shows that if a CAS-supported curriculum is to be successfully implemented, it needs to acquire institutional status including a corresponding change in assessment to legitimize new teaching practices.

O nr2e1 influencia o comportamento exploratório, mas não é necessário para a diferenciação hormonal hipofisária no zebrafish (Danio rerio) / nr2e1 influences exploratory behavior but is not necessary for terminal hormone differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) pituitary

Caroline Caetano da Silva 29 May 2017 (has links)
Hipopituitarismo congênito é caracterizado por deficiência hormonal múltipla devido a mutações de fatores de transcrição envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária. As células-tronco estão presentes na hipófise e são caracterizadas por dar origem a uma célula progenitora e uma célula indiferenciada por divisão assimétrica. Estão envolvidas na hipófise em processos de alta demanda metabólica em diferentes fases da vida. Em estudos prévios, observou-se o acúmulo dos marcadores de células-tronco Sox2 e Nr2e1 no camundongo Ames, que apresenta mutação no gene Prop1. O Sox2 é o marcador consenso de células-tronco na hipófise enquanto que o Nr2e1, nunca antes caracterizado na hipófise, é essencial para a manutenção de células-tronco e neogenese no cérebro. A perda de função deste gene pode causar agressão e falta de instinto materno em camundongos. Com isso, o objetivo desse projeto foi utilizar o animal modelo zebrafish para avaliar o papel repressor do gene prop1 e caracterizar o gene nr2e1 bem como, confirmar se o mesmo está envolvido com a diferenciação terminal na hipófise, e sua interferência no comportamento do animal mutado. O zebrafish se encaixa adequadamente nesse projeto pois é de fácil manutenção, econômico e com rápido desenvolvimento. No presente estudo criou-se 2 modelos de zebrafish utilizando-se a técnica de edição genômica conhecida como CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) para nocautear os genes prop1 e nr2e1. Esta técnica permite uma interrupção específica e substituição de bases no genoma, resultando em uma alta especificidade, baixa toxicidade celular e é herdável. O zebrafish homozigoto com mutação no gene nr2e1 se desenvolve e reproduz como o animal controle, porém apresenta um comportamento mais exploratório quando comparado com o animal selvagem e o heterozigoto. A imunofluorescência para o anticorpo Sox2 no animal mutado mostrou se diferente do selvagem, pois apresenta um aumento da expressão temporal e o mesmo não se colocaliza com o Nr2e1. A imunofluorescência feita com os hormônios não se mostrou diferente entre o mutado e o selvagem. Conclui-se diante dos achados de normalidade do desenvolvimento, fertilidade, ausência de co-localização com o gene Sox2 e presença de hormônios como Tsh, Fsh e Gh, que o gene nr2e1 não é crucial na diferenciação terminal na hipófise porém o animal mutado apresenta um comportamento diferente do animal selvagem. Os resultados da caracterização do zebrafish com mutação no gene prop1 ainda estão em andamento devido a dificuldade de se estabelecer essa linhagem / Congenital hypopituitarism is characterized by multiple hormone deficiencies due to mutations in transcription factors involved in pituitary embryogenesis. Stem cells, which by definition can each give rise to a progenitor and an undifferentiated cell by asymmetric division, are present in the pituitary gland and are important during periods of high metabolic demand in different phases of life. In previous studies, the accumulation of the stem cell markers Sox2 and Nr2e1 was observed in the Ames mouse, which harbors a mutation in Prop1. Sox2 is the consensus stem cell marker in the pituitary gland, while the role of Nr2e1 in the pituitary development has not been characterized although it is essential for neural stem cell maintenance and neogenesis in the brain and its loss of function causes pathological aggression and lack of maternal instinct in mice. In this project, the zebrafish animal model was used to characterize the role of nr2e1, to confirm whether this gene can be involved in the pituitary terminal differentiation, and to determine the effects of this gene on animal behavior. The zebrafish is a particularly appropriate model for use in this project because it is easy to maintain, is economical, and has a rapid metabolism and growth rate. In the present study, we created 2 zebrafish models by knocking out prop1 and nr2e1 using the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) genome-editing technique. This technique enables highly specific gene/reading frame interruption and/or base substitution in the genome, with low cellular toxicity and high heritability. Zebrafish with homozygous nr2e1 mutations develop and reproduce similarly to wild-type zebrafish, but present a more exploratory behavioral pattern compared to wild-type and heterozygous zebrafish. Based on immunofluorescence, Sox2 expression was higher in the mutant zebrafish than in the wild type and was not co-localized with Nr2e1 expression. Hormone expression did not differ between wild-type and mutant zebrafish. We conclude that nr2e1 is not crucial in the terminal differentiation of the hormone-forming pituitary gland; however, it induces a distinct behavioral phenotype at the larval stage. Analyses of zebrafish harboring a prop1 mutation are ongoing owing to issues with the establishment of the lineage

CAS and calculation competence of students

Heinrich, Rainer 16 April 2012 (has links)
The use of new tools for mathematics at school wins increasingly Importance. It follows from this that they are consquences as well as on aims and contents of mathematics at school us like on methods in the lessons. It is not unusual, that students and parents and also university professors are to be feared, that the calculation competence is decreasing with the use of CAS. In the lesson should be showed a possible way to developing such competences in the beginning phase of the learning process in Algebra. The examples refer to a level of school mathematics for students in the middle school age. The methods tell apart phases with and without CAS and shows a didactic principles of mathematics lessons in the case of use of CAS handheld technology.

Étude et modélisation des connaissances et raisonnement de l'apprenant dans un STI

Shiri-Ahmadabadi, Mohammad-Ebrahim January 1999 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

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