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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluxo de caixa por regime de competência / Cash flow statement under the accrual basis accounting

Manuela Santin de Souza 26 October 2006 (has links)
A Demonstração do Fluxo de Caixa (DFC) é uma peça contábil elaborada sob o regime de caixa. Essa característica torna difícil sua comparação com outras demonstrações elaboradas à luz do regime de competência. Neste trabalho, desenvolve-se um novo modelo, consoante os estudos desenvolvidos por Dechow e Dichev (2002) nos Estados Unidos: a Demonstração do Fluxo de Caixa elaborada pelo regime de competência. Essa nova peça contábil tem como função promover um elo entre a DFC tradicional e as demais demonstrações contábeis, principalmente com a Demonstração do Resultado do Exercício (DRE). Tem-se, como referencial teórico deste estudo, a exploração dos conceitos de regime de caixa e competência, a discussão dos principais aspectos da DFC e da DRE, e a referência aos estudos empíricos que já foram realizados sobre o assunto. Em seguida, foi desenvolvido o modelo em que os fluxos de caixa são segregados conforme sua competência, ilustrando-se com um exemplo hipotético. Para o teste empírico, selecionou-se, através do banco de dados Economática, empresas brasileiras do período de 1995 a 2005. A análise de regressão múltipla com dados em painel foi utilizada como ferramenta estatística. Como resultado deste trabalho, os testes estatísticos confirmaram as hipóteses inicialmente desenvolvidas, concluindo-se que o fluxo de caixa operacional elaborado à luz do regime de competência fornece informações mais precisas sobre os "accruals" e provê uma melhor comparação com as demais demonstrações contábeis quando comparado ao fluxo de caixa por regime de caixa. / The Cash Flow Statement (CFS) is a financial statement prepared under the cash basis accounting. This characteristic grows difficult its comparison with other financial statements that are prepared under de accrual basis accounting. In this study, it was developed a new model, according the studies done by Dechow and Dichev (2002) in the United States of America: the Cash Flow Statement under the accrual basis accounting. This new financial statement has the role of link the traditional CFS and the other statements, mainly the Income Statement. The theory of this study is based in the concepts of cash and accrual basis accounting, in the discussion of the principal aspects of the CFS and Income Statement and the reference of the empiric researches realized about this subject. Following, a model was developed taking account of the cash flows divided into the accrual period and an example was built. For the empiric test, we selected, through the Economatica data base, Brazilian companies to the period of 1995 until 2005. The multiple regression analysis with panel data has been utilized as a statistic instrument. As a result of this study, the statistics tests sustained the hypothesis developed in the initial part of the study, concluding that the operational cash flow under the accrual basis accounting provide precise information about the accruals and supply a better comparison with the other financial statements when faced to the cash flow under the cash basis accounting.

Metodologia para representação detalhada dos custos de aquisição de energia e repasses tarifários no fluxo de caixa das empresas distribuidoras: um enfoque probabilístico. / Methodology for detailed representation of energy purchase cost and tariff pass through in the distribution companies cash flow: a probabilistic approach.

Claudy Marcondes dos Santos Júnior 05 September 2008 (has links)
O gerenciamento dos custos com a compra de energia elétrica para atendimento do mercado consumidor é um assunto que assumiu, nos últimos anos, papel relevante nas distribuidoras. Este fenômeno pode ser explicado pela crescente participação dos custos de energia comprada, para suprimento do mercado cativo, no desempenho operacional dessas empresas, bem como pelas recentes alterações na regulamentação que agregaram ao processo da compra a necessidade de um altíssimo nível de assertividade. Considerando a existência de uma lacuna na literatura da área, a despeito de trabalhos que tratam do entendimento e gerenciamento do repasse dos custos com a compra de energia elétrica pelas distribuidoras e da análise de riscos associados às incertezas pertinentes ao processo, propõe-se, neste trabalho, uma metodologia para representar os custos com a compra de energia elétrica no fluxo de caixa da distribuidora, assim como modelo que auxilie no gerenciamento dos riscos associados aos desvios das variáveis que compõem o processo, em relação a um cenário de referência. Para tanto, são apresentadas, através de equações, as regras de repasse com a aquisição de energia elétrica para a tarifa de fornecimento do consumidor final e uma metodologia empírica para análise de risco baseada em modelagem estatística, com o suporte de modelos econométricos, permitindo uma varredura de cenários plausíveis via simulação Monte Carlo. Com isso, para uma compra energia que atenda às necessidades de consumo de uma distribuidora ao longo de um ano, tal modelo deve ser capaz de informar a disponibilidade de caixa da empresa para fazer frente às despesas com a compra de energia em determinada data futura ou, ainda, deve ser capaz de permitir a avaliação do valor presente resultante dos desembolsos versus recebimentos ao final do período de repasse, aferidos através de metodologia com enfoque probabilístico. / The management of the costs related to electric energy purchase to supply the market is an issue that assumed, in the last years, a relevant role in the distribution companies. This phenomenon may be explained by the increasing participation of the quoted costs in the operational performance of such companies and by the recent changes in the rules which brought to the energy acquisition process a need of very high assertiveness. Considering the existence of an important gap in the area literature, in despite of papers which approach the understanding and management of cost pass through with electric energy purchase by the distributors, and the risk analysis connected to the uncertainties relevant to the process, in this work it is developed a new methodology to represent the costs with electric energy purchase in the distributors cash flow, as well as a model that helps in the management of risks related to the variable changes in relation to a reference scenario for the whole process. In this way, the energy supply costs pass through rules are presented with the aid of mathematical equations, as well as an empirical methodology is proposed, taking advantage of statistical and econometric models, in order to making feasible a Monte Carlo simulation aiming at screening the universe of scenarios that could happen in real life. Furthermore, giving the energy supply costs throughout one year, the model should be capable to forecast the company cash available to face these costs in a certain future date and, besides that, the model should be capable to calculate the present value arising from the disbursement versus the receipts along the time, till the end of the pass through period, in a probabilistic focus.

Möjligheten för småföretagande att få banklån : En jämförelsestudie mellan tre banker på mindre orter

Ibrisagic, Sabina January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer som påverkar möjligheten för småföretagare att få banklån på mindre orter. Metoden som används i studien är en kvalitativ metod som bygger på tre stycken intervjuer med respondenter som befinner sig på banker belägna på mindre orter. Kombinerat med detta genomförs en deltagande observation då jag arbetar på en av bankerna. Utifrån det insamlade materialet identifierades det att den lokala kännedomen spelar en stor roll för bankerna vid kreditgivningen tillsammans med småföretagarnas historiska skötsamhet. Samt att bankerna använder sig av scoring där de bedömer småföretagarnas återbetalningsförmåga. I övrigt är det viktigt för bankerna att småföretagen utformar en bra affärsidé som är realistisk och hållbar. Dessa kriterier är desamma oavsett kund de möter. / The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that affect the possibility for small business owners to obtain bank loan in smaller towns. The method used in the study is a qualitative method based on three interviews with relevant respondents on the banks located in smaller towns. Combined with this, a participant observations is performed because I work at one of the banks. Based on the collected material, it was identified that the local knowledge plays a major role for the banks in the granting of credit along with the historical care of the small business owners. The banks also use scoring where they assess the ability of repayment capacity. Otherwise, it is important for the banks that small companies design a good business idea that is realistic and sustainable. These criteria are the same regardless of the customer they meet.

Valoración de pequeñas empresas / Small business valuation

Cueto Guillermo, Elvis Luis, García Malpica, Alejandro 06 July 2019 (has links)
Este documento tiene como primer objetivo mostrar los diferentes métodos de valoración de empresas estudiados en las últimas décadas. No obstante, el trabajo profundiza en la valoración de pequeñas empresas como tema central, debido a que hasta la actualidad no se las ha investigado con el mismo interés que a empresas corporativas, lo que pone en evidencia una falta de consenso. Así, el segundo objetivo es ofrecer al lector una fuente de información, a manera de compendio inicial, que motive a investigar el tema, realizar estudios específicos, servir de materia de tesis académicas, entre otras contribuciones. El primer capítulo de este trabajo aborda el tema partiendo de la definición del concepto de valor, y sustenta la diferencia entre valor y precio. Asimismo, en él se realiza una reseña de la evolución del estudio de valoración de empresas, se explica qué es una pequeña empresa en el marco nacional e internacional, y, finalmente, se aborda la valoración de pequeñas empresas en específico. Por su parte, el segundo capítulo describe los métodos de valoración de empresas más utilizados y aceptados, y presenta sus ecuaciones y guía detallada de uso. El tercer capítulo expone errores encontrados en valoración de empresas; el cuarto capítulo describe seis metodologías de valoración de pequeñas empresas, y presenta sus respectivas ecuaciones y los pasos a seguir para su uso. Finalmente, el quinto capítulo se enfoca en un tema de similar importancia, la estimación del costo de capital en pequeñas empresas, el cual genera, inclusive, mayor controversia. / The first objective of this document is to show the different Company valuation methods studied in the last decades. However, the work looks into the valuation of small business, as a central topic, because until now they have not been investigated with the same interest than the Corporative Companies, which evidences a lack of consensus. Thus, the second objective is to offer a source of information to the reader, as an initial summary, that motivates to investigate the topic, do specific studies, serve as a topic for Academic Thesis, among other contributions. The first chapter of this paper approaches the topic starting from the definition of the concept of the value and supports the difference between value and price. Moreover, there is an outline of the evolution of the study of valuation of Companies, it is explained what is a small business in the national and international framework and, finally, the valuation of specific small business is approached. On its part, the second chapter describes the most used and accepted companies’ valuation methods and presents its equations and detailed user guide. The third chapter shows mistakes found in companies’ valuation; the fourth chapter describes six methodologies of the valuation of small business and shows its respective equations and the steps to follow for its use. Finally, the last chapter focuses on a topic of similar importance, the estimation of the capital cost in small companies that generates, even, more controversy. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

運用現金流管理的企業擴張策略- 以港商和記黃埔為例 / Incorporating cash flow management in the corporate expansion strategy -a case study on a Hutchison-whampoa limited

梁偉祺, Liang, Charles Unknown Date (has links)
To most companies, making profits is the ultimate goal for its management. It`s inevitable for any corporations to pursue next expansion when the current business is matured or looking for another opportunity, which may bring in more profits or revenue growth. However, in the case of BenQ merging Siemens, it showed us how hard for a smaller enterprise trying to purchase a big business, which might burn thousands of its capitals, without sufficient cash flow support. Likewise, the prestigious Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL) Group owned by the most fortuned person in Asia, Li Ka-shing, started form a small company running for Ports and related Service, but now has become the conglomerate with multiple core business ,comprising Ports, Retails, Hotels, Infrastructure, Energy and Telecommunication within only 33years since 1977.This achievement came from a company , which being considered as very conservative on its financial strategy by having low debt ratio and leverage and keep high cash reserved. Especially, the HWL kept loss money in the past eight years since it decided to jump into the 3G telecommunication, which required a lot of initial capital expenditure before profits in the year 2002. On the surface, the market downgraded its performance and none were optimistic to its dared investment. However, the HWL not only just survive, meanwhile its global business on Retails and telecommunication has drastic growth and expansion in these years. In other words, this heavy burden didn`t embroil HWL like what Siemens cell phone business to BenQ. On the contrary, after this test, the HWL became the global 3G leader and build up a barrier that other competitor hard to cross. In this paper, I am going to analysis and elaborate the cash flow management strategy of the HWL by dissecting its financial statements through the profit model method. To realize its unique philosophy by using the strategy of multiple business diversification, globalization, flexibility of financial action to boost the liquidity of cash flow and generate more free cash flow (FCF) afterwards. Now, this past conservative corporate has turned out to be the furious merger expertise and being considered as the icon of the business expansion by setting up a new model, which can be referenced. Recently, the famous Taiwan finance corporate –Fubon group has taken the similar strategy as HWL and gains a bright result. Hence, it proves that its business model on incorporating cash flow on expansion is worthy to have more attentions and could be a good path for more Taiwan industries to follow.

Pohlman Prognostiserade och Zaida Spådde : -Vad kan vi förutsäga?

Nordin, Dan, Nordgaard, Olof January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><h1>Sammanfattning</h1><h1>Företag har alltid drabbats av ekonomiska svårigheter och gått i konkurs. Detta faktum harlänge intresserat forskare och legat till grund för en mängd studier inom området.Kassaflödesanalysens användbarhet vid konkursprognostisering har länge diskuterats ochtidigare forskning har visat på varierande resultat. Eftersom en kassaflödesanalys visar på detfaktiska in- och utflödet av pengar i företaget tror vi att den kan utgöra en viktigare indikatorpå om ett företag befinner sig i kris än resultat- och balansräkningen, som lättare kanmanipuleras. De flesta företag som går i konkurs är mindre företag, som inte omfattas av det lagstiftande kravet på att upprätta en kassaflödesanalys. Därför anser vi det intressant att studera vilket stöd en kassaflödesanalys kan utgöra för att förutsäga en konkurs.</h1><h1>Detta mynnar ut i vår problemformulering:</h1><h1>· Hur kan en kassaflödesanalys bidra till att prognostisera en framtida konkurs av små aktiebolag?</h1><h1>Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka om tillämpningen av en kassaflödesanalys påverkar prognostiseringen av en eventuell framtida konkurs i ett aktiebolag. Studiens delsyften är att undersöka om en kassaflödesanalys ger bättre information än resultat- och balansräkningen samt att undersöka om den lagstiftande gränsen på vilka företag som ska omfattas av att upprätta en kassaflödesanalys är rimlig.</h1><h1>Genom en kvantitativ metod, en positivistisk kunskapssyn och ett deduktiv angreppssätt, har vi upprättat kassaflödesanalyser på 20 små aktiebolag i Västerbotten. 10 konkursade bolag och 10 verksamma bolag. Kassaflödesanalyser gjordes fem år tillbaka i tiden och information från de två grupperna jämfördes sedan via logistisk regression. Vår teoretiska referensram grundar sig på teorier angående konkurser, kassaflödesanalyser och redovisning. En stor genomgång av tidigare studier på området har legat till grund för analysen. I teorikapitlet återfinns också en intressentmodell som synliggör vilka intressentersom kan ha nytta av en kassaflödesanalys.</h1><h1>Studien visar att information från kassaflödesanalysen kan bidra vid prognostisering av framtida konkurser. Studien visar också att informationen från kassaflödesanalysen inte är överlägsen information från resultat- och balansräkningen. Författarna anser att generaliserbarheten i studien kan ifrågasättas men att studien trots allt ger en fingervisning av kassaflödesanalysens användbarhet vid konkursförutsägelse och att studien kan ligga till grund för fortsatt forskning.</h1>

A Feasibility Study of Setting-up New Production Line : Either Partly Outsource a process or Fully Produce In-House

Cheepweasarash, Piansiri, Pakapongpan, Sarinthorn January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper presents the feasibility study of setting up the new potting tray production line based on the two alternatives: partly outsource a process in the production line or wholly make all processes in-house. Both the qualitative and quantitative approaches have been exploited to analyze and compare between the make or buy decision. Also the nature of business, particularly SMEs, in Thailand has been presented, in which it has certain characteristics that influence the business doing and decision, especially to the supply chain management. The literature relating to the forecasting techniques, outsourcing decision framework, inventory management, and investment analysis have been reviewed and applied with the empirical findings. As this production line has not yet been in place, monthly sales volumes are forecasted within the five years time frame. Based on the forecasted sales volume, simulations are implemented to distribute the probability and project a certain demand required for each month. The projected demand is used as a baseline to determine required safety stock of materials, inventory cost, time between production runs and resources utilization for each option. Finally, in the quantitative analysis, the five years forecasted sales volume is used as a framework and several decision making-techniques such as break-even analysis, cash flow and decision trees are employed to come up with the results in financial aspects.</p>

Kassaflöde och Kapitalbindning. En studie av vilka åtgärder och faktorer som vägs in i beslutssituationer i bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. / Cash flow and Capital tied up. A study of wich measures and factors that affects decisions in the construction business concerning cash flow and capital tied up.

Petersson, Ann-Marie, Thörn, Susanne January 2004 (has links)
<p>Background: Today there are high claims on organizations to show a positive economic view. To satisfy the demands and expectations from interested parties it is very important to carefully plan the companies tied up capital and cash flows. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose with the thesis is to describe what actions organizations take to resolve the conflict between showing a positive cash flow and the need to tie up capital.The purpose is also to explain the different factors that must be considered when making decisions regarding cash flow and capital tied up. </p><p>Method: A qualitative study of the actions and factors wich must be considered when decisions in swedish construction companies are made regarding cash flow and capital tied up. </p><p>Results: A model of the factors and actions that affect cash flow and capital tied up in projects. This is based on a a priori-model, wich can be used to describe and explain relations in the construction industry.</p>

En fallstudie i företagsvärdering

Kaving, Tomas, Loogna, Mathias January 2007 (has links)
<p>När en värdering av ett företag skall göras finns det flera olika typer av värderingsmetoder som kan användas. Bakgrunden till den här studien är att uppsatsförfattarna blev kontaktade av ägarna till ett företag som undrade vad deras företag skulle vara värt vid en eventuell försäljning. Det specifika med företaget är att det endast arbetar mot en kund, samt att företaget nästan inte har några materiella tillgångar.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet är att kartlägga de olika värderingsmodeller som används vid värdering av företag, för att därefter klargöra vilken eller vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för vårt fallföretag. Detta syftar till att resultera i en värdering av vårt fallföretag.</p><p>Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en grundlig litteraturstudie, samt en genomgång av tidigare forskning. Vidare har ett antal e-postintervjuer genomförts och slutligen presenteras en modell för värdering av vårt fallföretag.</p><p>Teori: Den teoretiska delen av denna studie består av de värderingsmetoder som beskrivs i den litteratur som finns inom området. Vidare redovisas en del teori i form av tidigare forskning som publicerats i olika vetenskapliga tidskrifter.</p><p>Empiri: Empirin består av två stycken e-postintervjuer med representanter för Nordeas, samt Swedbanks Corporate Finance avdelningar. Vidare har intervjuer genomförts med representanter för fallföretaget. Vi har även tagit del av information från fallföretagets ekonomisystem i form av balans- och resultatrapporter.</p><p>Resultat: Denna studie visar att de lämpligaste värderingsmetoderna att använda vid värdering av ett företag i den specifika situation som vårt fallföretag befinner sig i, är kassaflödesmetoden samt residualvinstmetoden. Vidare visar studien att de vanligast använda värderingsmetoderna är multipelvärdering samt kassaflödesvärdering. Studien visar också att det är väldigt svårt att komma fram till ett exakt värde på ett företag då framtiden är oviss.</p> / <p>When valuing a company there exist various possible valuation methods to use. The reason behind this study is that the authors were contacted by the owners of a company, who where interested to know how much their company would be worth in the case of a possible sale. Specific with this company is that it only has one customer and almost no tangible assets.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the different valuation methods that exist and to clarify which one is best suited in this particular case. This will result in a valuation of our case company.</p><p>Method: We have used a qualitative method in the shape of a thorough literary study and an exposition of earlier research in the area of company valuation. Furthermore we have made two interviews by email with representatives from the Corporate Finance departments of Swedbank and Nordea.</p><p>Theory:The theorethical framework of this study involves the different valuation methods that are described in the litterature that exists in the area. We have also shown some theory in the shape of earlier research that has been published in various scientific magazines.</p><p>Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation contains two interviews carried out by email with representatives from the Corporate Finance departments of Swedbank and Nordea. Interviews have also been made with representatives from our case company. The balance sheet and income statement from our case company’s economic system have also been studied.</p><p>Conclusion: This study shows that the most suitable valuation methods for our case company are the Discounted Cash Flow Model and the Residual Income Model. The study also shows that the most commonly used valuation methods are Multiple Valuation and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation. Finally the study shows that it is very difficult to reach one precise value when valuing a company with an uncertain future.</p>

Evaluation of Capital Investment and Cash Flows for Alternative Switchgrass Feedstock Supply Chain Configurations

Chen, Jie 01 August 2011 (has links)
Biofuels have been widely recognized as a potential renewable energy source, and the United States’ government has been interested in producing ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass such as switchgrass. To evaluate whether lignocellulosic biomass based biofuels production is economically feasible, this paper estimated the capital investment outlays, operation costs, and net present value for investment in alternative switchgrass feedstock supply chain configurations in East Tennessee a 25 million gallon per year ethanol biorefinery. Two scenarios are analyzed in the study. The conventional hay harvest scenario includes the production, harvest, storage and transportation of biomass feedstocks from the fields to the biorefinery. The preprocessing scenario added preprocessing facilities into the biomass supply chain. According to various harvest, storage, preprocessing, and harvest equipment options, analysis and comparisons were made among different systems. The capital budgeting model developed in this study generated the optimal feedstock supply chain configurations to determine the largest net present value of cash flow from investment. Results of this study shown that with the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) incentives, a round bale system using feedstock stored without tarp on pallets using custom hired equipment had the largest positive net present value. By comparison, if all the harvest equipment is purchased rather than custom hired, the stretch wrap baler preprocessing systems, using switchgrass harvested by a chopper with rotary cutter-header, was found to have a cost advantage over conventional hay harvest logistic systems (large round bale and large square bale systems) and pellet preprocessing systems. Assuming most likely values for switchgrass price and production costs, none of the feed stock supply chain configurations evaluated in this study produced a positive net present value when BCAP subsidies were assumed to not be available. However, without the BCAP incentives and based on combination of optimistic assumption, the round bale system using feedstock stored without tarp on pallets using custom hired equipment still has the largest positive net present value. Without the BCAP incentives, no feedstock supply chain configuration using purchased rather than custom hired equipment generated a positive net present value.

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