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NEPAD and Castells : an interpretation of the NEPAD development framework in terms of the Network Society TheoryHeij, Anneliese (Anneliese Mari) January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an interpretation of the New Partnership for Africa's Development
paradigm as explained in the policy document released in October 2001, in terms of
Manuel CasteIls ' theory of the Network Society. This research is simply structured
into three sections: an explanation and criticisms of NEPAD, an explanation of
CasteIls ' theory, and a synopsis of correlations between the two.
The NEPAD is a development paradigm aimed at the socio-economic development of
the African continent. It is envisioned to be a partnership between the developed
world and African leadership to lift the continent from the depths of poverty,
corruption and exclusion, in which it now finds itself The document was created
through a merger of the Omega Plan, the Millennium Action Plan and the ECA
Compact. The main proponents of the initiative are Presidents Mbeki, Obasanjo and
Bouteflika. Although NEPAD has been well received internationally, it has come
under severe criticism from African civil society. Concern has been raised that
NEPAD will serve to further consolidate the neo-patrimonial state and existing elite
networks through providing the requested funding; in this context the argument for
increased foreign direct investment is especially questioned. The authors of the
document are especially criticised for excluding civil society from the drafting
process. Due to this lack of consultation, it is argued that NEPAD does not reflect the
true will of the African people. The neo-liberal undertones of the document, the
recognition of the process of globalisation, and Africa's resulting marginalisation as
well as the threat this poses for global security are further points of critique that are
explored in this thesis.
Manuel CasteIls provides an explanation of the new global economy in his theory of
the Network Society. He argues that the dominant system today, is a result of the
advances in information and communications technology (ICT) as well as the
capitalist pursuit of profit. The new global economy is therefore not only the new
dominant international economic system, but also the new historical reality. Against
this backdrop, he proposes a Technological Marshall Plan which essentially is a call
for massive technological investment into Africa to assist the continent to leap-frog
the industrial age and connect with the new global economy.
There are several points of correlation between NEPAD and Castells. Essentially
NEPAD takes the worldview explained by Caste/Is as its point of departure. NEPAD
then builds a development strategy in full coherence with the logic of the theory of the
Network Society. NEPAD concurs with CasteIls on the role played by ICT in the
process of globalisation. The disarticulation of space and time has led to an
instantaneous, global expression of social and economic life, specifically in financial
markets and the production process. The result is the inclusion of valuable people and
assets into the global network, while the devalued are excluded. Both NEPAD and
CasteIls argue that the current state of affairs is both morally wrong and
economically and politically unstable. It is therefore, as both ague, in the interests of
the developed world to engage in this new partnership. This thesis exposes
fundamental correlations between the theory of the Network Society and the New
Partnership for Africa's Development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n interpretasie van die "New Partnership for Africa's Development"
(NEPAD) paradigma, soos uiteengesit in die beleids dokument wat in Oktober 2001
uitgereik is, aan die hand van Manuel CasteIls se teorie van die Netwerk Samelewing.
Die narvorsing is gestruktureerd in drie seksies: 'n verduideliking van NEPAD en die
kritiek daarop, 'n verduideliking van CasteIls se teorie en 'n samevatting van die
ooreenkomste tussen die twee.
NEPAD is 'n ontwikkelings paradigma, gemik op die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling
van die Afrika kontinent. Dit word voorgehou as 'n venootskap tussen die ontwikkelde
wêreld en Afrika leierskap, waarin die kontinent uit die situasie van armmoede,
korrupsie en uitsluiting gehelp sal word. Die dokument is 'n kombinasie van die
Omega Plan, die Millenium Aksie Plan (MAP) en die ECA Compact. Die hoof
voorstanders van die initatief is Presidente Mbeki, Obassanjo en Bouteflika. Ten spyte
van NEPAD se goeie ontvangs in die internationale samelewing, het die burgelike
samelewing van Afrika dit nie sonder kritiek aanvaar nie. Kommer is uitgespreek dat
NEPAD net die belange van die neo-patrimoniale staat en die bestaande elite
netwerke sal konsolideer, deur die voorsiening van fondse. In die konteks word die
vraag vir die vergrote buitelandse direkte investering veral bevraagteken. Die outeurs
van die dokument word veral gekritiseer omdat hulle die burgerlike samelewing
uitgesluit het uit die ontwerp van die konsep. Juis om die rede word daar geargumenteer
dat NEPAD nie die ware wil van die mense van Afrika reflekteer nie.
Die neo-liberale ondertone van die dokument, die erkenning van die proses van
globalisasie en Afrika se marginalisasie wat gevolg het, as ook die bedreigings wat
dit vir globale sekuriteit inhou, is verdere kritiek waarna gekyk sal word in die tese.
Manuel CasteIls voorsien ons van 'n verduideliking van die nuwe globale ekonomie in
sy teorie oor die Netwerk Samelewing. Hy argumenteer dat die dominante sisteem
vandag voorspruit uit die ontwikkeling van informasie en kommunikasie tegnologie,
as ook die kapitalistiese strewe na profyt. Die nuwe globale ekonomie is daarom nie
net die nuwe dominante internationale ekonomiese sisteem nie, maar ook die nuwe
historiese realiteit. Teen die agtergrond stel hy 'n Tegnologiese Marshall plan voor,
wat essensiël 'n vraag vir substansiële tegnologiese investering in Afrika is, om die
kontinent te help om die industriële tydperk te oorbrug en aan te sluit by die nuwe
globale ekonomie.
Daar is heelwat ooreenstemmings tussen NEPAD en CasteIls se teorie. Essensiël
gebruik NEPAD CasteIls se wêreld beeld as vertrekpunt. Daarna bou NEPAD 'n
ontwikkelings strategie in ooreenstemming met die logika van die teorie van die
Netwerk Samelewing. NEPAD stem ooreen met CasteIls oor die rol wat IKTs speel in
die proses van globalisasie. Die verplasing van spasie en tyd het gelei tot 'n skielike,
globale uitdrukking van sosiale en ekonomiese lewe, spesifiek in finansiële markte en
die produksieproses. Die gevolge is die insluiting van waardevolle mense en bates in
die globale netwerk, terwyl dit die wat in waarde verminder uitstluit. Beide NEPAD
en CasteIls argumenteer dat die huidige stand van sake beide moreel en ekonomies
verkeerd is, as ook polities onstabiel. Dit is daarom, soos beide argumenteer, in die
belang van die ontwikkelde lande om deel te neem aan hierdie vernootskap. Die tesis
lig fundamentele ooreenkomste tussen die teorie van die Netwerk Samelewing en
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Konvergenskultur – en medieteoretisk studie : En beskrivning av mediekulturens samtida tillstånd, utifrån populärkulturella och meningsskapande praktiker och dess ramverk knutna till nutida dramaserier / Convergence Culture – a media theoretical study : A description of the contemporary state of media culture from the viewpoint of practices of popular culture, their meaning making, and realized interactions in the context of contemporary drama serialsPeltola, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Drawing from the theoretical foundations of the “critical theory” of the Frankfurt School and the media ethnographic “cultural studies” approach of the british Birmingham School, this study attempts to sketch out a media theoretical overview of the contemporary state of media culture. Using the term convergence culture as the foundation, this study offers a theoretical background to the two contemporary streams that are the significant and distinct tendencies of convergence culture: intermedial convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies that can be traced back using the past media theoretical approach of the Frankfurt School, and cultural convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies, which lineage in a media theoretical context can be traced back to the british ethographic “cultural studies” field. Using contemporary drama serials to identify and pinpoint these two stream, this study shows how intermedial convergence expresses itself today through media conglomeration in terms of branding, product placement and marketing as the result of the “completed” convergence between screen culture and popular music as the current defining state of commodity culture. Using the contemporary british drama serial Doctor Who I examine the processes of meaning making among members of the television series fan culture on the popular video content page youtube.com as expressions of cultural convergence.</p><p>This study argues how the skills and talents developed in the interaction with popular culture and in a process of interaction between fans and participants (collective intelligence and participatory culture), will have an impact on the institutionalized knowledge “from above” and in a collective process will seep over to other fields of expertise. The study also argues, as a consequence of convergence culture, that in the contemporary state of online practices, social networking and in our interactions with digital media content, a mandatory “presence” has been created where we today are defined more through our online selves and these practices, than the ones that used to define us in our “physical” lives: “The medium is no longer just the message, we are living in a state where there is only messages”.</p>
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Konvergenskultur – en medieteoretisk studie : En beskrivning av mediekulturens samtida tillstånd, utifrån populärkulturella och meningsskapande praktiker och dess ramverk knutna till nutida dramaserier / Convergence Culture – a media theoretical study : A description of the contemporary state of media culture from the viewpoint of practices of popular culture, their meaning making, and realized interactions in the context of contemporary drama serialsPeltola, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Drawing from the theoretical foundations of the “critical theory” of the Frankfurt School and the media ethnographic “cultural studies” approach of the british Birmingham School, this study attempts to sketch out a media theoretical overview of the contemporary state of media culture. Using the term convergence culture as the foundation, this study offers a theoretical background to the two contemporary streams that are the significant and distinct tendencies of convergence culture: intermedial convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies that can be traced back using the past media theoretical approach of the Frankfurt School, and cultural convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies, which lineage in a media theoretical context can be traced back to the british ethographic “cultural studies” field. Using contemporary drama serials to identify and pinpoint these two stream, this study shows how intermedial convergence expresses itself today through media conglomeration in terms of branding, product placement and marketing as the result of the “completed” convergence between screen culture and popular music as the current defining state of commodity culture. Using the contemporary british drama serial Doctor Who I examine the processes of meaning making among members of the television series fan culture on the popular video content page youtube.com as expressions of cultural convergence. This study argues how the skills and talents developed in the interaction with popular culture and in a process of interaction between fans and participants (collective intelligence and participatory culture), will have an impact on the institutionalized knowledge “from above” and in a collective process will seep over to other fields of expertise. The study also argues, as a consequence of convergence culture, that in the contemporary state of online practices, social networking and in our interactions with digital media content, a mandatory “presence” has been created where we today are defined more through our online selves and these practices, than the ones that used to define us in our “physical” lives: “The medium is no longer just the message, we are living in a state where there is only messages”.
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NGO involvement in the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm 1972. Interrelations Between Intergovernmental Discourse Framing and Activist Influence.Nilsson, Peter January 2004 (has links)
<p>The UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm 1972 has been recognized as bringing political attention to environmental problems. Researchers have acknowledged the importance of NGO activities during the conference, initiating a trend of engagement of NGOs in official global meetings. But NGOs were not permitted to speak at the plenary or participate in working groups in the official Conference. The influence of NGOs could still be substantial but in another arenas delivering perceptions, knowledge and information to the general public and officials, directly or through the intense media coverage of the conference. NGOs engaged in these parallel activities and individuals in the official initiating process are central to this research. </p><p>The purpose of this study is to analyze how Swedish NGOs and their related networks influenced environmental discourses during and following the UN conference on the human environment in Stockholm 1972. The purpose is also to analyze how they in turn were effected by the conference process and the context in which NGOs function. </p><p>This study is concerned with how social movements became engaged in official global meetings and the effects of this process. It is a study of the interrelations between intergovernmental discourse framing and activist influence. To understand this we take in consideration what motivated the actions of relevant actors, how actors selected strategies to obtain there purposes and how diverse frames of understanding emerged.</p>
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NGO involvement in the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm 1972. Interrelations Between Intergovernmental Discourse Framing and Activist Influence.Nilsson, Peter January 2004 (has links)
The UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm 1972 has been recognized as bringing political attention to environmental problems. Researchers have acknowledged the importance of NGO activities during the conference, initiating a trend of engagement of NGOs in official global meetings. But NGOs were not permitted to speak at the plenary or participate in working groups in the official Conference. The influence of NGOs could still be substantial but in another arenas delivering perceptions, knowledge and information to the general public and officials, directly or through the intense media coverage of the conference. NGOs engaged in these parallel activities and individuals in the official initiating process are central to this research. The purpose of this study is to analyze how Swedish NGOs and their related networks influenced environmental discourses during and following the UN conference on the human environment in Stockholm 1972. The purpose is also to analyze how they in turn were effected by the conference process and the context in which NGOs function. This study is concerned with how social movements became engaged in official global meetings and the effects of this process. It is a study of the interrelations between intergovernmental discourse framing and activist influence. To understand this we take in consideration what motivated the actions of relevant actors, how actors selected strategies to obtain there purposes and how diverse frames of understanding emerged.
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