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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de influência de cobertura plástica na remoção de água de lodos de estações de tratamento de água em leitos de drenagem

Reis, Renan Felicio dos 23 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:00:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3585.pdf: 4834479 bytes, checksum: 5a0924e0311d45a52820620dbafa4f6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-23 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Most of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) for public supply in Brazil use surface water as source and conventional complete cycle as treatment system. In this type of treatment wastewater are restrained/generated which vary mainly according to the type and amount of chemical added and the characteristics of the water resource. This wastewater is found mainly in clarifiers (sludge) and backwash water filter (BWF) from WTP. Unfortunately, most of Brazilian WTP launches its waste directly into water resources, violating Brazilian Law 9605 published in 1998. There are mechanical and natural technologies for water removal from wastewater restrained during the treatment. Once known that wastewater from WTP has fluid characteristic, some technologies to remove its water have been developed. A natural one is the drainage bed, developed and proposed by Cordeiro (2001). The drainage bed has basically two stages: drainage and evaporation. This dissertation presents results of a study, whose centre objective was to achieve improvements in water sludge removal restrained in clarifiers by the use of plastic cover (evaporation stage). Results of effective tests in prototypes located in Sao Carlos WTP (Sao Paulo State) with plastic cover have showed that this roof (commercial reference PVC 0.30 milimeters) uses has accelerated the evaporation process, and has protected sludge from rain. The height of the roof that presented the best result was 0.20 meters in relation to the board of prototype, realizing to obtain a sludge 56% dryer than in tests without the roof. Preliminary tests in laboratory scale generated a promising scenario for the use of cationic polymer in large scale doubling the efficiency of the initial drainage of sludge. However, other laboratory tests with different characteristics of geotextile blanket only confirmed the superiority of using woven blanket type with surface density of 600 g/m² (which had already been used in other studies), compared to the others, in reference to obtain better efficiency at the initial drainage of water present in raw sludge. / A maior parte das Estações de Tratamento de Água (ETAs) para abastecimento existente no Brasil se utiliza de captação de águas superficiais e sistema de tratamento de ciclo completo convencional. Neste tratamento são retidos/gerados resíduos que variam principalmente segundo o tipo e quantidade de produto químico adicionado e as características do manancial de captação. Estes resíduos são encontrados principalmente nos decantadores (lodo) e na água de lavagem dos filtros (ALF) das ETAs. Infelizmente, a maioria das ETAs brasileiras lança seus resíduos diretamente em corpos d água, infringindo disposições da Lei 9.605/98. Existem tecnologias mecanizadas e naturais para remoção de água dos resíduos retidos no tratamento. Uma vez que possuem característica fluida, foram desenvolvidas algumas tecnologias para remoção de suas águas. Uma tecnologia natural para remoção de águas de resíduos de ETAs é o leito de drenagem, desenvolvido e proposto por Cordeiro (2001). O leito de drenagem possui basicamente duas etapas envolvidas: drenagem e evaporação. Esta pesquisa apresenta resultados de um estudo, cujo objetivo central foi alcançar melhorias na remoção da água de lodo retido nos decantadores através da utilização de cobertura plástica no leito de drenagem (etapa de evaporação). Resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa para ensaios realizados em protótipos de leitos de drenagem instalados na ETA de São Carlos-SP demonstraram que, quando se utiliza cobertura plástica (referência comercial PVC 0,30 mm), o processo de evaporação da água presente no lodo é acelerado e a ocorrência de precipitação não interfere em momento algum na remoção de água do lodo. A altura da cobertura em relação ao protótipo que apresentou os melhores resultados foi de 0,20 m, permitindo-se obter um lodo final até 56% mais seco que na ausência de cobertura. Ensaios realizados em escala laboratorial para condicionamento prévio do lodo bruto com polímero catiônico apresentaram resultados promissores para sua utilização em maior escala, duplicando a eficiência da drenagem inicial do lodo. Entretanto, outros ensaios laboratoriais com mantas geotêxteis de características distintas apenas confirmaram a superioridade da utilização de manta do tipo tecida de densidade superficial 600g/m² (que já havia sido utilizada em outras pesquisas) em relação às demais, no que se refere à obtenção de melhor eficiência na drenagem inicial da água presente no lodo bruto.

Clonagem, identificação e análise de genes de peptídeos tóxicos da cascavel sul americana, Crotalus durissus terrificus. Implicações evolutivas e funcionais / Cloning, identification and analysis of genes toxic peptides of the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus terrificus. Evolutionary and functional implications

Gandhi Rádis Baptista 19 February 2002 (has links)
O veneno de animais contém um arsenal de toxinas que desencadeia respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas específicas. A crotamina, um peptídio catiônico (4,4 kDa, pI 9,5), é um dos componentes mais abundantes do veneno de cascavel Sul Arrericana (Crotalus durissus terrificus). No Brasil, há populações de C. d. terrificus que expressam ou não a crotamina no veneno. Em um único espécime de C. d. terrificus crotamina-positivo, foram isolados cDNAs precursores de duas isoformas de crotamina, dentre as quais a crotamina lle-19, presente somente no veneno de C.d. ruruima. Análise por Northern blot de RNA total e mensageiro de glândulas de C.d. terrificus crotamina-positivo e -negativo, indica que a expressão é defectiva em espécimes de cascavel crotamina-negativo. O gene da crotamina (Crt-pl) foi isolado e possui três exons interrompidos por dois introns de diferentes fases e tamanhos. O exon I codifica a totalidade do peptídio sinal; o exon II codifica os três resíduos carboxi-terminais do peptídio sinal, bem como a maior parte da toxina madura; o terceiro exon codifica os resíduos terminais da toxina. Tentativa de identificar o pseudogene da crotamina, que indicaria a ausência de transcritos na glânlula de veneno, permitiu isolar um gene parálogo ao da crotamina, isto é o gene crotasin (Cts-p2). Esse gene apresenta a mesma organização estrutural do gene da crotamina, contudo, o intron I é cerca de 800 pares de base mais longo e o exon II é hipermutado. Esse gene é expresso em diferentes tecidos de cascavel, majoritariamente no pâncreas, mas insignificantemente nas glândulas de veneno. Surpreendentemente, esse gene é também detectado no genoma de C. d. terrificus crotamina-positivo, sugerindo que o gene de crotamina é o produto de uma duplicação gênica, bem como da evolução acelerada que operou restritivamente ao exon II. Buscando as funções do produto desse gene nos tecidos de cascavel, por alinhamento de domínios protéicos e outras famílias de peptídios de vertebrados, duas categorias foram encontradas: peptídios catiônicos antibióticos (β-defensinas) e domínios ricos em cisteína de receptores de fator de crescimento. Testes antibióticos indicam que o crotasin, a crotamina e oligopeptídios derivados sintéticos possuem certa atividade microbicida seletiva. Por outro lado, ensaios com células-tronco embrionárias de camundongo e crotamina de veneno mostram que a crotamina é citotóxica em concentrações milimolares, mas induz a diferenciação dos corpos embrionários, em concentrações micromolares. Esses achados demonstram a multi-funcionalidade de peptídios catiônicos, com três pontes de cisteína precisamente arranjadas, é decorrente da versatilidade dos domínios protéicos anfipáticos, que permitem interação com a membrana plasmática, modulando canais iônicos e receptores celulares. / Abstract not available.

Etude de l'organisation structurale des nanocolloïdes humiques / Study of the structural organization of humic nanocolloids

Chaaban, Abdul Amir 07 April 2016 (has links)
L'organisation des substances humiques à l'échelle moléculaire reste une question largement débattue, et à ce jour, il n'a pas été possible de trancher entre une structure polymérique en pelotte plus ou moins flexible et un assemblage supramoléculaire de molecules hétérogènes associées par des liaisons hydrogènes et des interactions hydrophobes. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la reconformation induite par l'addition de tensio-actifs cationiques (Chlorure de C n-trimethylammonium) sur une série de substances humiques (acides fulvique et humiques) ainsi que sur de la matière organique naturelle contenue dans des eaux noires. Des mesures de turbidité, de diffusion de lumière, mobilité électrophorétique, tension de surface, spectroscopie de fluorescence, diffusion des neutrons aux petits angles, et cryomicroscopie à transmission, permettent de decrire les complexes formés entre le tensio-actif et la matière humique. L'association matière humique/tensio-actif dépend à la fois d'interactions d'origine électrostatique et hydrophobe. Une série de structures moléculaires, vésicules, disques, globules, pseudo-micelles, est observée en cryomicroscopie selon la concentration en surfactant. La séquence obtenue est cohérente avec un système catanionique, en d'autres termes une partie de la matière humique est amphiphile et s'organise en assemblage supramoléculaire. L'addition de tensio-actif modifie également fortement le spectre de fluorescence de la matière humique, les nouvelles bandes bien résolues présentes sur le spectre indiquant une restructuration majeure de l'assemblage supramoléculaire. / The structural organization of humic nanocolloids remains a matter of harsh debate, and surprisingly, it is yet not possible to decide between an arrangement of the humic matter in the form of randomly coiled macromolecules more or less connected, and a supramolecular organization of small heterogeneous molecules linked by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. In this study, we investigate the reconformation induced by the addition of cationic surfactants (C n-trimethylammonium chloride) of varying alkyl chain length with a series of humic substances (HS) and Dissolved Organic matter (DOM) from two blackwater rivers of the Central Amazon. Turbidity measurements, Dynamic light scattering, electrophoretic mobility, surface tension, fluorescence spectroscopy, small angle neutron scattering and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), are combined to describe the Humic Substance/Surfactant complexes obtained. The association between the oppositely charged HS and cationic surfactant is driven by both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. A variety of molecular structures, unilamellar vesicles, disks, globules, spheroidal micelles, are visualized by cryo-TEM depending on surfactant concentration. Such sequence, consistent with those displayed by catanionic systems, provides an independent confirmation of both the amphiphilic nature of HS and of its supramolecular organization. In addition, the molecular rearrangement was investigated using single-scan fluorescence emission spectra spectroscopy, thus identifying the chemical groups responsible for the fluorescence properties in HS and DOM. The addition of cationic surfactant to HS/DOM unveils an unexpected fine structure of humic-like fluorescence through new emission peaks that are not evidenced in the references HS/DOM. An enhanced protein-like fluorescence indicating major restructuration and structural stacking/de-stacking is observed. All our results support a supramolecular organization of humic substances and DOM.

Les interactions entre l'arsenic, le fer et la matière organique en milieu anoxique / The interactions between arsenic, iron and organic mater in anoxic environment

Catrouillet, Charlotte 09 October 2015 (has links)
L'arsenic est un élément toxique présent naturellement dans l'environnement. Parfois en fortes concentrations dans les eaux souterraines, utilisées comme eaux de boisson, il est responsable d'une des plus grandes mortalités au monde. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre les interactions de l'As avec l'environnement et son mode de transfert jusqu'aux aquifères. Cette thèse a pour objectif de comprendre les mécanismes de complexation direct et indirect de l'As(III) par la matière organique (MO) en milieu anoxique, notamment via les groupements thiols de la MO et sous forme de complexes ternaires faisant intervenir le Fe ionique. La première partie de ce travail a été consacrée à la complexation de l'As(III) par les groupements thiols de la MO. Des expériences de complexation d'As(III) par un acide humique (AH) naturel greffé ou non en sites thiols ont été réalisées. L'As(III) se complexe à la MO directement mais les concentrations complexées sont faibles et dépendantes de la densité en site thiol. La modélisation à l'aide de PHREEQC-Model VI modifié afin de tenir compte des sites thiols, a mis en évidence que l'As était complexé à la MO sous forme de complexes monodentates. Il existe, un autre mécanisme qui propose une complexation indirecte via la formation d'un pont cationique. Nous nous sommes intéressés ici, en conditions anoxiques, à la possibilité que ce pont soit un pont de Fe(II). Il n'existe cependant que très peu d'information sur la complexation du Fe(II) par la MO. Des expériences de complexation du Fe(II) par des substances humiques (SH) ont donc été réalisées. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré que le Fe(II) est faiblement complexé aux SH lorsque le pH était acide et les groupements fonctionnels protonés. Au contraire à pH neutre à basique, 100% du Fe(II) est complexé aux SH. La modélisation a montré que le Fe(II) forme majoritairement des complexes bidentates carboxyliques à pH acides et des complexes bidentates carboxy-phénoliques et phénoliques à pH basiques. Dans la dernière partie, la complexation de l'As(III) par des complexes ternaires As(III)-Fe(II, III) ionique-MO a été testée. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré que des complexes ternaires As(III)-Fe(II)-MO pouvaient se former en milieu anoxique. La modélisation a permis de tester différentes conformations structurales de complexes ternaires. Le complexe le plus probable est un complexe bidentate mononucléaire d'As(III) sur un complexe bidentate de Fe(II)-AH. Cependant, PHREEQC-Model VI doit être amélioré car la distribution des sites bidentate n'est pas réaliste en comparaison des données spectroscopiques. Au contraire pour de faibles concentrations en Fe(III), l'As(III) ne forme pas de complexes ternaires As(III)-Fe(III) ionique-MO. La spéciation de l'As et du Fe est particulièrement importante dans l'étude du transfert de l'As. Si l'As(III) est complexée à la MO, son transfert dépendra totalement des mécanismes de transfert de la MO. / Arsenic occurs naturally in groundwater used as drinking water. It is thus responsible of a great mortality in the world. Understand the As interactions with its environment and its transfer mode to the aquifers is therefore crucial. This work was focused on the direct and indirect binding mechanisms of As(III) by organic matter (OM) in anoxic environments, in particular via OM thiol groups and as ternary complexes involving ionic Fe. The first part of this work was dedicated to the complexation of As(III) by the OM thiol. Binding experiments of As(III) by a humic acid (HA) grafted or not by thiol were thus performed. Grafted or not OM were able to bind As(III) but bound As(III) concentrations were low and dependant on the thiol site density. Modeling with PHREEQC-Model VI modified to take into account thiol site demonstrated that As(III) was bound as monodentate complexes to OM thiol sites. Another indirect binding mechanism involving ternary complex via cationic bridge was however described to explain larger binding of As(III, V) to natural OM. Here under anoxic conditions, we speculated that this bridge was an ionic Fe(II) bridge. However, little information exists about the binding of Fe(II) by OM. Complexation experiments of Fe(II) by humic substances (HS) were thus conducted. The experimental results showed that Fe(II) was weakly complexed to HS at acidic pH, when the functional groups were protonated. By contrast, at basic pH, 100% of Fe(II) were complexed to HS. Modeling calculations demonstrated that Fe(II) formed mainly carboxylic bidentate at acidic pH and carboxy-phenolic and phenolic bidentate at basic pH. In the last part, the complexation of As(III) as As(III)-ionic Fe(II, III)-OM ternary complexes was tested. Experimental results showed that As(III)-Fe(II)-OM ternary complexes could form in anoxic environments. Modeling allowed to test several ternary complexes conformations. The most potential was the binding of As(III) as mononuclear bidentate complex onto a bidentate Fe(II)-AH complex. However, another definition of the model that should be constrained by XAS data is required. By contrast, at low concentrations of Fe (III), when the oxidizing and reduced species coexist, As(III) does not form As(III)-ionic Fe(III)-OM ternary complexes. Speciation of As and Fe is particularly important in the study of the As(III) transfer. When As(III) is bound to OM as ternary complexes, its transfer is entirely controlled by the own OM transfer mechanisms. Here, we calculated, however, that much of As(III) remains as labile species and can therefore reach underlying aquifers as long as anoxic conditions exist.

Rheology control mechanisms for amino acid-based surfactant systems

Vu, Trang 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Studium interakcí tenzidové složky přípravku Septonex s vybranými proteiny / Study of interactions of the surfactant component of Septonex with selected proteins

Bohunská, Miroslava January 2021 (has links)
The study of protein and surfactant interactions is of great significance in a number of applications, such as the cosmetic, food or pharmaceutical industries and many others. However, they require further study due to their compositional complexity and the limitations of current analytical approaches. In this thesis, the cationic surfactant septonex in combination with two differently charged proteins lysozyme and bovine serum albumin under different physiological conditions (temperature, surfactant concentration, environment and others) was selected to study the interactions. Characterization of protein-surfactant interactions is a very important but challenging task, therefore it is essential to use appropriate approaches to explore the nature of these interactions. In order to unify the information to provide rational models, calorimetric methods (DSC, ITC) and dynamic light scattering were used. Isothermal titration calorimetry monitors the evidence for the formation of the system of the mentioned substances and information on aggregation behavior, differential scanning calorimetry characterizes the thermal stability of proteins and dynamic light scattering made it possible to monitor changes in particle size. Both proteins have been proven to interact with positive septonex, even if the lysozyme molecule is also positively charged. However, significant differences were found between the two proteins. From the obtained results it is evident that the identical charge of the protein with the surfactant has an effect on the intensity of the measurement, although all measured interactions showed an endothermic character.

Studium interakcí biopolymer - tenzid pomocí mikrokalorimetrie a metod rozptylu světla / Microcalorimetric and Light Scattering Methods in the Study of Interactions in Biopolymer - Surfactant System

Šojdrová, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
Biopolymer surfactant systems have been studied by using different physico chemical methods. As the biopolymer, it was chosen high (1400–1600 kDa), medium (250–450 kDa) and low (8–15 kDa) molecular weight sodium hyaluronate. Two cationic surfactants – cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and carbethopendecinium bromide (Septonex) were selected to provide polyelectrolyte complexes with oppositely charged hyaluronan. The critical aggregation concentration of the surfactant in the system was monitored by dynamic light scattering (Zetasizer Nano ZS). SEC-MALS method was used for the description of the conformation of sodium hyaluronate of different molecular weights and polyelectrolytes complexes hyaluronan surfactant after reaching the aggregation point. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to determine the critical aggregation concentration of the surfactant by monitoring the thermal changes accompanying the aggregation of the system. It was found out that the increasing molecular weight of hyaluronan in these systems decreases the critical aggregation concentrations and conversely.

Caractérisation physico-chimique des argiles marocaines : application à l’adsorption de l'arsenic et des colorants cationiques en solution aqueuse / Physico-chemical characterization of Moroccan clays : application for adsorption of arsenic and cationic dyes in aqueous solution

Bentahar, Yassine 28 October 2016 (has links)
De nos jours les ressources en eau potable sont fortement réduites suite à une augmentation démographique accompagnée d’une forte industrialisation et d’un développement intensif de l’agriculture. Les rejets de micropolluants d’origine variable (pesticides, colorants, phénols, métaux lourds…) dans l’environnement ne cessent d’augmenter. Ces polluants, toxiques et peu dégradables, sont en général à l’origine de nombreux effets nocifs sur la santé. Ils affectent aussi directement l’équilibre des écosystèmes suite à la dégradation de la qualité des différents milieux de l’environnement (sol, eau, air). D’où le souci de développer des procédés qui œuvrent à la préservation des ressources hydriques contre la pollution par le traitement à la source des eaux polluées. L’application des adsorbants naturels et abondants comme l’argile pour le traitement des eaux est une voie légitime pour préserver le capital hydrique. C’est pourquoi le présent travail de recherche s’est articulé autour de la caractérisation physico-chimique d’une série d’argiles naturelles échantillonnées dans la région Nord du Maroc. Plusieurs techniques ont été sollicitées : La DRX, SFX, FTIR, ATG, la volumétrie d’adsorption d’azote, l’électrophorèse, outre la détermination de quelques propriétés physico-chimiques comme la CEC et le COT. Ceci nous a permis d’établir une série de données avec les différentes propriétés de ces matériaux. Elle peut être ainsi sollicitée pour orienter l’utilisation de ces matériaux selon le besoin. Dans une deuxième étape, nous avons étudié l’adsorption de l’arsenic et des contaminants organiques (le bleu de méthylène et le violet de méthylène) par les argiles / Today drinking water resources are greatly reduced due to population increase accompanied by high industrialization and intensive agricultural development. Releases of varying micropollutants (pesticides, dyes, phenols ...) in the environment are increasing. These pollutants, toxic and poorly degradable, are usually the source of many harmful health effects. They also directly affect the balance of ecosystems following the deterioration of the quality of various environmental medium (soil, water, air). Hence the concern to develop methods that work to preserve water resources against pollution by treating polluted sources. The application of natural and abundant adsorbents like clay in the water treatment is a legitimate way to preserve the water capital. That is why my research is articulated around the physicochemical characterization of a series of natural clays sampled in the northern region of Morocco. Several techniques have been sought: XRD, XRF, FTIR, TGA, The BET-N2 specific surface area, electrophoresis. Furthermore the determination of some physicochemical properties such as CEC and TOC. This allowed us to establish a database with the different properties of these materials. This database may be sought to guide the use of these materials according to their nature. In a second step, we studied the adsorption of arsenic and organic contaminants (methylene blue and methylene violet) by clays. The kinetics of equilibrium adsorbent / adsorbate is an essential step to optimize the conditions for determination of adsorption isotherms

Synthese anorganisch-organischer Polyfurfurylalkohol-Nanokomposite durch die Zwillingspolymerisation: Synthese anorganisch-organischer Polyfurfurylalkohol-Nanokompositedurch die Zwillingspolymerisation

Grund, Silke 06 August 2010 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die kationische Polymerisation neuer Furanmonomere beschrieben, die zu anorganisch-organischen Nanokompositen führt. Die kationische Polymerisation des Tetrafurfuryloxysilans steht dabei im Vordergrund. Ausgehend von den synthetisierten Kompositen wird die Herstellung von anorganischen Oxiden durch thermische Oxidation und von Kohlenstoffmaterialien durch thermische Behandlung in Schutzgasatmosphäre beschrieben. Die Charakterisierung der Komposite, Oxide und Kohlenstoffmaterialien erfolgt mittels Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie, Röntgenbeugung und Elektronenmikroskopie. Das Prinzip der neu entdeckten Zwillingspolymerisation wird vorgestellt und anhand verschiedener Beispiele auf seine weitere Anwendbarkeit zur Synthese anorganisch-organischer Kompositmaterialien überprüft.

Smart hydrogels based platforms for investigation of biochemical reactions

Dubey, Nidhi Chandrama 20 August 2015 (has links)
Polyketides are natural products with complex chemical structures and immense pharmaceutical potential that are synthesized via secondary metabolic pathways. The in-vitro synthesis of these molecules requires high supply of building blocks such as acetyl Co-enzyme A, and cofactors (adenosine triphosphate (ATP). These precursor and cofactor are synthesized from respective soluble enzymes. Owing to the expensive nature of the enzymes, it is important to immobilize enzymes to improve the process economics by enabling multiple uses of catalyst and improving overall productivity and robustness. The polymer-based particles of nano and submicron size have become attractive material for their role in the life sciences. With the advances in synthetic protocols of the microgels and commercial availability of many of the monomers, it is feasible to tune the properties of the particles as per the process requirement. The core shell microgel with functional shell allows high loading of ligands onto the microgel particles due to increased availability of functional group on the outer surface. The aim of the thesis thus was to study biochemical reactions on the smart microgels support using single (acetyl CoA synthetase (Acs)) and dual (pyruvate kinase (Pk) and L-lactic dehydrogenase (Ldh)) enzyme/s systems. The study indicated that the enzyme immobilization significantly depends on the enzyme, conjugation strategy and the support. The covalent immobilization provides rigidity to the enzyme structure as in case of Acs immobilized on PNIPAm-AEMA microgels but at the same time leads to loss in enzyme activity. Whereas, in the case of covalent immobilization of Ldh on microgel showed improved in enzyme activity. On the other hand adsorption of the enzyme via ionic interaction provide better kinetic profile of enzymes hence the membrane reactor was prepared using PNIPAm-PEI conjugates for acetyl CoA synthesis. The better outcome of work with PNIPAm-PEI resulted in its further evaluation for dual enzyme system. This work is unique in the view that the immobilization strategies were well adapted to immobilize single and dual enzymes to achieve stable bioconjugates for their respective applications in precursor biosynthesis (Acetyl Co enzyme A) and co-factor dependent processes (ACoA and ATP). The positive end results of microgels as the support (particles in solution and as the thin film (membrane)) opens further prospective to explore these systems for other precursor biomolecule production.

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