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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do perfil fenotípico e funcional das células natural Killer e linfócitos TCD8+ no Líquen plano / Analysis of phenotypic and functional profile of Natural Killer cells and CD8 + T lymphocytes in Lichen planus

Gabriel Costa de Carvalho 24 May 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Líquen plano (LP) é uma doença mucocutânea de natureza inflamatória crônica de etiologia ainda desconhecida. Alterações na resposta imune inata, como aos padrões moleculares associados à patógenos (PAMPs) e padrões moleculares associados ao dano (DAMPs) podem levar à inflamação crônica e contribuir com a patogênese do LP. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da ativação via o DAMP S100A8 e o receptor Toll-like 4 (TLR-4) em células Natural killer (NK) e TCD8 citotóxicas e suas subpopulações de memória/efetoras em pacientes com LP. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 25 pacientes com LP (22 mulheres, 3 homens) com idade média de 43,46 anos ± 8,46 e um grupo controle com 25 indivíduos (22 mulheres, 3 homens) com idade média de 42 anos ± 5,5. A determinação transcricional e da expressão por imunohistoquimica dos DAMPs S100A8, HMGB-1 e de TLR-4 e RAGE foi realizada em biópsias de lesões cutâneas de indivíduos com LP, e os níveis séricos de S100A8, HMGB-1, MICA e MICB foram determinados por ELISA. As células mononucleares (CMNs) de sangue periférico foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo quanto a frequência de TNF, IL-1beta e o marcador de desgranulação CD107a em células TCD8+ e células NK CD56+ e suas subpopulações. A avaliação da via de sinalização de TLR em células TCD8+ purificadas e ativadas com S100A8 foi analisada por PCR array e a determinação da expressão de mRNA dos componentes do inflamassoma em células TCD8+ ativadas com S100A8 por PCR em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Foi evidenciado nos indivíduos com LP elevada expressão da proteína S100A8 nas lesões cutâneas e de HMGB-1, TLR-4 e RAGE na derme, em paralelo ao aumento da expressão de mRNAs para S100A8 e S100A9 e diminuição de RAGE. Além disto, uma elevação dos níveis séricos do dímero S100A8/A9 foi detectada nos pacientes comparados aos controles, ao contrário do DAMP HMGB-1 que mostrou níveis similares em ambos os grupos. A influência do S100A8 em células TCD8+ e células NK, foi analisada em CMNs pela ativação com o lipopolissacáride e a proteína recombinante S100A8, ambos ligantes de TLR-4. Nos indivíduos com LP foi detectado aumento da resposta citotóxica de linfócitos TCD8+ e células NK CD56bright pela expressão do marcador de desgranulação CD107a por citometria de fluxo. A proteína S100A8 foi capaz de induzir a expressão de genes pró-inflamatórios como IL-1beta, TNF e IL-6 em células TCD8+ de pacientes com LP em contraste com os indivíduos saudáveis que mostraram expressão IL-10 e IFN tipo I. As células TCD8+ de indivíduos com LP ativadas ou não com S100A8 expressam transcritos de NLRP1, NLRP3 e AIM-2 e produzem IL-1beta em níveis similares a controles saudáveis. Além disso, células TCD8+ ativadas com S100A8 mostraram aumento de expressão TLR3, TLR5, TLR7 e TLR8 na doença comparada às biopsias de controles. O aumento da resposta TCD8+ citotóxica foi principalmente mediado pelo subtipo de memória efetora (TEM, CCR7- CD45RA-). Elevação basal da expressão do receptor ativador NKG2D e inibidor NKG2A foi observado em células NK CD56dim nos indivíduos com LP e um nível similar do ligante solúvel MICB em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados evidenciam que componentes da imunidade inata, como a proteína S100A8 pode contribuir na manutenção do perfil inflamatório do LP / BACKGROUND: Lichen planus (LP) is a mucocutaneous inflammatory chronic disease of unknown etiology. Alterations in the innate immune response such as the pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMPs) and damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMPs) can lead to chronic inflammation and contribute to the pathogenesis of LP. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effect of the activation trough the DAMP S100A8 and the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) on the Natural killer cells (NK) and cytotoxic TCD8 cells and their memory / effector subsets in LP disease. METHODS: We selected 25 patients with LP (22 women, 3 men) with a mean age of 43.46 years ± 8.46 and a control group of 25 subjects (22 women, 3 men) with a mean age of 42 ± 5, 5. The transcriptional determination and protein expression by immunohistochemistry of DAMPs, S100A8 and HMGB-1 as well as TLR-4 and RAGE was performed on biopsies of skin lesions from patients with LP, and serum levels of S100A8, HMGB-1, MICA and MICB were determined by ELISA. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were assessed by flow cytometry to evaluate the frequency of TNF, IL-1beta and the degranulation marker CD107a in CD8+ T cells and CD56 + NK cells and their subsets. The evaluation of the TLR signaling pathway in purified CD8 + T cells activated with S100A8 were analyzed by PCR array and the determination of mRNA expression of inflammasome components on CD8 + T cells activated by S100A8 was measured by real time PCR. RESULTS: It was shown in the LP individuals an increased expression of the S100A8 protein in the cutaneous lesions and HMGB-1, TLR-4 and RAGE in the dermis, in parallel to increased level of mRNAs for S100A8 and S100A9 and decreased expression of RAGE. Moerover, increased serum levels of the dimer S100A8 / A9 was detected in patients compared to controls, in contrast to DAMP HMGB1 that revealed similar levels in both groups. The influence of S100A8 in CD8 + T cells and NK cells, was analyzed in PBMC activating with lipopolysaccharide and recombinant protein S100A8, both ligands of TLR-4. It was detected in LP individuals, an increased cytotoxic response of CD8+ T lymphocytes and CD56bright NK cells trough CD107a degranulation marker expression. The S100A8 protein was able to induce the pro-inflammatory genes expressions such as IL-1beta, TNF and IL-6 in CD8 + T cells of LP patients in contrast to healthy subjects who promoted IL-10 expression and type I IFN. CD8 + T cells of LP individuals activated or not with S100A8 are able to express NLRP1, NLRP3 and AIM-2 and IL-1beta production at similar levels to healthy controls. Moreover, CD8 + T cells activated with S100A8 showed increased expression of TLR3, TLR5, TLR7 and TLR8 in LP compared to biopsies from healthy controls. The increased CD8 + T cells cytotoxic response was mediated by the subtype of effector memory (TEM CD45RA- CCR7). The increased baseline expression of activating receptor NKG2D and the inhibitory NKG2A in the NK CD56dim cells in LP individulas, and the similar level of MICB soluble in both groups. CONCLUSION: These results shows that innate immunity components, such as S100A8 protein may contribute to the maintenance of LP inflammatory profile

Enxofre na atenuação dos efeitos tóxicos do cádmio no capim-tanzânia / Sulfur in mitigating the toxic effects of cadmium in Tanzania guineagrass

Flávio Henrique Silveira Rabêlo 06 February 2014 (has links)
Plantas cultivadas em ambientes com média e alta disponibilidade de cádmio apresentam menor produção de folhas e perfilhos devido à maior quantidade de cádmio absorvido, resultando em menor produção de biomassa. O fornecimento de enxofre às plantas pode minimizar os efeitos negativos causados pelo cádmio, uma vez que esse nutriente participa de compostos que atuam no sistema antioxidante, conferindo maior tolerância aos metais pesados. Objetivou-se avaliar as modificações ocorridas: i) nos aspectos morfológicos, morfogênicos e produtivos; ii) no estado nutricional e iii) na resposta do sistema antioxidante do capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum) cultivado com combinações de doses de enxofre (0,1; 1,0; 1,9; 2,8 e 3,7 mmol L-1) e de cádmio (0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 mmol L-1) em solução nutritiva. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação, utilizando o esquema fatorial 5² fracionado, em blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições. O primeiro corte do capimtanzânia foi realizado 40 dias após o transplantio das mudas para os vasos e o segundo corte 18 dias após o primeiro. Para a taxa de mortalidade de perfilhos, valor SPAD, concentração de cádmio e a atividade da APX (segundo corte) do capim-tanzânia foi significativa a interação doses de enxofre x doses de cádmio, de forma que o suprimento de enxofre atenuou a taxa de mortalidade, diminuiu a quantidade de cádmio absorvida, aumentou o valor SPAD e a atividade da APX. O teor de água, número de perfilhos, taxa de aparecimento de perfilhos, número de folhas, área foliar, taxa de aparecimento foliar, razão de área foliar, produção de massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes, valor SPAD, concentração de potássio, teor de GSH e a atividade da CAT foram menores com o fornecimento de cádmio na solução nutritiva. De forma contrária, as concentrações de nitrogênio, fósforo, zinco e cádmio, o fator de transporte do cádmio, os teores de GSSG e glutationa, e a atividade da APX aumentaram. O fornecimento de enxofre aumentou a concentração de enxofre na parte aérea do capimtanzânia. Os efeitos causados pelo cádmio são mais acentuados durante a rebrotação, principalmente, em condições de alta disponibilidade do metal pesado. As enzimas CAT e GR apresentaram mais isoformas na parte aérea do que nas raízes do capim-tanzânia, sugerindo que esse tecido é mais eficaz no combate aos danos oxidativos causados pelas altas concentrações de cádmio. O suprimento de enxofre ao capim-tanzânia cultivado em ambientes com alta disponibilidade de cádmio é indicado para aumentar a tolerância da gramínea ao metal pesado. / Plants grown at medium and high cadmium availability has produced low number of leaves and tillers due to the great amount of cadmium absorbed, resulting in lower biomass production. Sulfur supply to plants may mitigate negative effects caused by cadmium, since compounds containing sulfur participate of the antioxidative plant system, resulting in greater tolerance to heavy metals. This study evaluated changes in: i) morphological, morphogenesis and productive aspects, ii) nutritional status, and iii) response of the antioxidative system of Tanzania guineagrass (Panicum maximum) grown under combined sulfur rates (0.1; 1.0, 1.9, 2.8 and 3.7 mmol L-1) and cadmium rates (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mmol L-1) in nutrient solution. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, by using a fractionated factorial 5², in randomized block design, with six replications. The first harvest of Tanzania guineagrass was performed at 40 days after seedlings transplanting to the pots, and the second at 18 days after the first harvest. Mortality rate of tillers, SPAD value, cadmium concentration and APX activity (second harvest) of Tanzania guineagrass had statistically significant sulfur rates x cadmium rates interaction, since that sulfur supply mitigate the mortality rate, decreased the amount of cadmium absorbed and increased SPAD value and the APX activity. The water content, number of tillers, tiller emergence rate, number of leaf, leaf area, leaf emergence rate, ratio of leaf area, dry mass of shoots and roots, SPAD value, potassium concentration, GSH content and CAT activity decreased with the cadmium supply in the nutrient solution. Contrary to that, nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and cadmium concentrations were increased as well as the transporting factor of cadmium, GSSG and glutathione contents and APX activity. Sulfur supply increased sulfur concentration in shoots of Tanzania guineagrass and the effects of cadmium were more pronounced during the plant regrowth period, especially under high availability of the heavy metal. Isoforms of CAT and GR showed higher abundance in shoots compared to roots, suggesting higher effectiveness of such tissue in avoiding oxidative damage caused by high concentrations of cadmium. Thus, sulfur supply to the Tanzania guineagrass grown in environment with high cadmium availability is indicated to increase tolerance to this heavy metal.

Vers de nouveaux systèmes amorceurs pour la photopolymérisation radicalaire et/ou cationique dans des conditions plus respectueuses de l’environnement / Towards new photoinitiating systems for the radical and/or cationic photopolymerization under soft irradiation conditions

Mokbel, Haifaa 17 December 2015 (has links)
Les procédés de photopolymérisation connaissent un développement important avec des applications considérables dans le milieu industriel en raison de ses avantages économiques et écologiques. Les réactions de photopolymérisation sont très représentées, elles reposent sur l’utilisation d’un composé ou d'un système photosensible sous irradiation, générant des espèces réactives capables d’amorcer la polymérisation et de réagir avec le monomère. Le principal objectif de ce travail de thèse consiste à développer des molécules efficaces comme photoamorceurs (PA) pour la photopolymérisation radicalaire (FRP) d’une part et la photopolymérisation cationique (CP) ou la photopolymérisation cationique sensibilisée par les radicaux (FRPCP) d’autre part. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des systèmes amorceurs hautes performances absorbant fortement dans le domaine du visible et permettant l’utilisation de lampes non nocives et à faible consommation d'énergie : les diodes électroluminescentes (LED). Ainsi, un procédé original portant sur la combinaison de la photopolymérisation radicalaire et la photopolymérisation cationique en une seule étape a été examiné. Cette approche a fait appel à la synthèse de réseaux interpénétrés de polymères (RIP) comportant les propriétés spécifiques de chaque polymère. Les efforts ont été consacrés au développement de nouveaux composés avec de nouvelles structures chimiques et d’excellentes propriétés d’absorption de lumière avec de coefficients d’extinctions molaires très élevés.Des systèmes construits sur l’utilisation de différentes structures comme photoamorceurs ont pu être mis au point dans le cadre de cette thèse. La possibilité d’utiliser des colorants présentant un caractère push-pull, ou des colorants étant caractérisés par une structure polyène ou une structure polyaromatique a pu être considérée. Egalement, des structures à base de xanthène sensibles dans le domaine proche visible ont pu être proposées. De plus, ce travail a permis d’étudier de nouveaux systèmes photoamorceurs à base de structures minérales telles que les polyoxométallates ou les pérovskites. Ainsi, la possibilité de proposer de nouveaux sels d’iodonium à base de coumarine a pu être démontrée. Des meilleures performances ont été atteintes en utilisant des systèmes photoamorceurs à deux composants (PA/Ph2I+) ou à trois composants (PA/Ph2I+/additif) dans des conditions d’irradiation douce. Afin d’étudier et caractériser ces photoamorceurs, la cinétique de la réaction de photopolymérisation a été suivie par spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (RT-FTIR). Les radicaux générés ont été détectés par résonance paramagnétique électronique (RPE). La photolyse laser éclair (LFP) a été utilisée comme technique complémentaire pour étudier l’efficacité et la réactivité de radicaux générés. / The photopolymerization reaction is used in an increasing number of industrial applications because of the remarkable performance of the process. The photopolymerization reactions require the presence of photosensitive compounds. These latter can absorb light and participate in the photoinitiation through the generation of reactive species. The main objective of this PHD was to develop efficient molecules as photoinitiators (PI) for the free radical photopolymerization (FRP), the cationic photopolymerization (CP) and the free radical promoted cationic photopolymerization (FRPCP). We were interested in new high performance photoinitiating systems (PISs) exhibiting excellent light absorption properties (especially in the visible wavelength range). The photopolymerization must be carried out under soft irradiation conditions (non harmful lamps, low energy consumption and low intensity sources: light-emitting diodes LED). Thus, a novel method involving concomitant radical/cationic photopolymerization in one step was examined. This approach involves the synthesis of interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) comprising the specific properties of each polymer. The efforts have been devoted to the development of new compounds with new chemical structures and excellent light absorption properties with high molar extinctions coefficients.Many PISs based on different photoinitiators structures have been developed in this work. The possibility to use dyes having a push-pull character, or dyes being characterized by a polyene or polyaromatic structures were considered. Also, originals xanthenes derivatives sensitive in the visible region have been proposed. In particular, this work has enabled the study of new PISs based on inorganic structures such as polyoxometalates and perovskites. Thus, the possibility to propose new iodonium salts based coumarin could be demonstrated. The best performance was achieved using two-components (PI/Ph2I+) or three-components (PI /Ph2I+/additive) photoinitiating systems under soft irradiation conditions. The kinetics of photopolymerization were evaluated using real time FTIR spectroscopy. The generated radicals were observed using the electron spin resonance (ESR) technique. The laser flash photolysis (LFP) was used as a complementary technique to study the efficiency and the reactivity of radicals generated.

Bystander Cells and Prognosis in Hodgkin Lymphoma

Molin, Daniel January 2002 (has links)
<p>Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is characterised histologically by a minority of malignant Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells surrounded by benign cells, and clinically by a relatively good prognosis. The treatment, however, leads to a risk of serious side effects. Knowledge about the biology of the disease, particularly the interaction between the HRS cells and the surrounding cells, is essential in order to improve diagnosis and treatment. </p><p>HL patients with abundant eosinophils in the tumours have a poor prognosis, therefore the eosinophil derived protein eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) was studied. Serum-ECP (S-ECP) was elevated in most HL patients. It correlated to number of tumour eosinophils, nodular sclerosis (NS) histology, and the negative prognostic factors high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and blood leukocyte count (WBC). A polymorphism in the ECP gene (434(G>C)) was identified and the 434GG genotype correlated to NS histology and high ESR.</p><p>The poor prognosis in patients with abundant eosinophils in the tumours has been proposed to depend on HRS cell stimulation by the eosinophils via a CD30 ligand (CD30L)-CD30 interaction. However, CD30L mRNA and protein were detected in mast cells and the predominant CD30L expressing cell in HL is the mast cell. Mast cells were shown to stimulate HRS cell lines via CD30L-CD30 interaction. The number of mast cells in HL tumours correlated to worse relapse-free survival, NS histology, high WBC, and low blood haemoglobin. </p><p>Survival in patients with early and intermediate stage HL, diagnosed between 1985 and 1992, was generally favourable and comparatively limited treatment was sufficient to produce acceptable results for most stages. The majority of relapses could be salvaged. Patients treated with a short course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy had an excellent outcome.</p><p>In conclusion prognosis is favourable in early and intermediate stages and there are possibilities for further improvements based on the fact that mast cells and eosinophils affect the biology and prognosis of HL.</p>

Bystander Cells and Prognosis in Hodgkin Lymphoma

Molin, Daniel January 2002 (has links)
Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is characterised histologically by a minority of malignant Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells surrounded by benign cells, and clinically by a relatively good prognosis. The treatment, however, leads to a risk of serious side effects. Knowledge about the biology of the disease, particularly the interaction between the HRS cells and the surrounding cells, is essential in order to improve diagnosis and treatment. HL patients with abundant eosinophils in the tumours have a poor prognosis, therefore the eosinophil derived protein eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) was studied. Serum-ECP (S-ECP) was elevated in most HL patients. It correlated to number of tumour eosinophils, nodular sclerosis (NS) histology, and the negative prognostic factors high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and blood leukocyte count (WBC). A polymorphism in the ECP gene (434(G&gt;C)) was identified and the 434GG genotype correlated to NS histology and high ESR. The poor prognosis in patients with abundant eosinophils in the tumours has been proposed to depend on HRS cell stimulation by the eosinophils via a CD30 ligand (CD30L)-CD30 interaction. However, CD30L mRNA and protein were detected in mast cells and the predominant CD30L expressing cell in HL is the mast cell. Mast cells were shown to stimulate HRS cell lines via CD30L-CD30 interaction. The number of mast cells in HL tumours correlated to worse relapse-free survival, NS histology, high WBC, and low blood haemoglobin. Survival in patients with early and intermediate stage HL, diagnosed between 1985 and 1992, was generally favourable and comparatively limited treatment was sufficient to produce acceptable results for most stages. The majority of relapses could be salvaged. Patients treated with a short course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy had an excellent outcome. In conclusion prognosis is favourable in early and intermediate stages and there are possibilities for further improvements based on the fact that mast cells and eosinophils affect the biology and prognosis of HL.

Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection

Monroc, Sylvie 18 January 2008 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l'estudi de l'aplicació de pèptids antimicrobians en la lluita contra agents patògens de cultius de plantes d'interès econòmic.L'estratègia sintètica s'ha portat a terme utilitzant metodologies convencionals de síntesi de pèptids en fase sòlida com l'estratègia tridimensional ortogonal Fmoc/tBut/Allyl. Ha calgut fer la recerca de les condicions òptimes per a l'eliminació del grup Allyl i la ciclació. D'entre els pèptids cíclics de 4-10 aminoacids sintetitzats, el decapèptid c(Lys-Leu-Lys-Leu-Lys-Phe-Lys-Lys-Leu-Gln) ha resultat ésser el més efectiu i s'ha pres com a base per al disseny d'una quimioteca de 56 pèptids. Dels resultats obtinguts s'ha sintetitzat una segona quimioteca basada en l'estructura general c(X1-X2-X3-X4-Lys-Phe-Lys-Lys-Leu-Gln) determinada com la que posseix el millor perfil d'activitat. Els pèptids més efectius obtinguts constituixen els primers exemples de pèptids cíclics actius contra E. amylovora i poden ser considerats com a bons candidats pel desenvolupament d'agents antimicrobians efectius en protecció vegetal. / This PhD thesis was centred on the study of the application of de novo designed head-to-tail cationic cyclic peptides as inhibitors of the plant pathogenic microorganisms responsible for diseases in plants of great economic importance.The solid-phase synthesis of the cyclopeptides was carried out using a three-dimensional orthogonal Fmoc/tBut/Allyl strategy. The optimisation study of the allyl group removal and of the head-to-tail cyclization of linear peptides on SynPhase Lanterns was required for the syntheses. From the synthesized cyclic peptides of 4 to 10 residues, the cyclodecapeptide c(Lys-Leu-Lys-Leu-Lys-Phe-Lys-Lys-Leu-Gln) was the most active and has been used as parent peptide in a using a combinatorial chemistry approach. From the results, a second library based on the structure c(X1-X2-X3-X4-Lys-Phe-Lys-Lys-Leu-Gln) has been synthesized. The best cyclodecapeptides are the first examples of cyclic peptides effective against E. amylovora and make them potential candidates for the development of antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection.

From molecular pathways to neural populations: investigations of different levels of networks in the transverse slice respiratory neural circuitry.

Tsao, Tzu-Hsin B. 26 August 2010 (has links)
By exploiting the concept of emergent network properties and the hierarchical nature of networks, we have constructed several levels of models facilitating the investigations of issues in the area of respiratory neural control. The first of such models is an intracellular second messenger pathway model, which has been shown to be an important contributor to intracellular calcium metabolism and mediate responses to neuromodulators such as serotonin. At the next level, we have constructed new single neuron models of respiratory-related neurons (e.g. the pre-Btzinger complex neuron and the Hypoglossal motoneuron), where the electrical activities of the neurons are linked to intracellular mechanisms responsible for chemical homeostasis. Beyond the level of individual neurons, we have constructed models of neuron populations where the effects of different component neurons, varying strengths and types of inter-neuron couplings, as well as network topology are investigated. Our results from these simulation studies at different structural levels are in line with experiment observations. The small-world topology, as observed in previous anatomical studies, has been shown here to support rhythm generation along with a variety of other network-level phenomena. The interactions between different inter-neuron coupling types simultaneously manifesting at time-scales orders of magnitude apart suggest possible explanations for variations in the outputs measured from the XII rootlet in experiments. In addition, we have demonstrated the significance of pacemakers, along with the importance of considering neuromodulations and second-messenger pathways in an attempt to understand important physiological functions such as breathing activities.

Micelles polyioniques ternaires pour la libération intracellulaire d’oligonucleotides

Wazen, Nada 11 1900 (has links)
Les oligonucléotides (ONs) antisens présentent un fort potentiel en tant qu’agents thérapeutiques. Toutefois, leurs propriétés physicochimiques limitent leur utilisation en thérapie génique. Pour pallier aux divers obstacles, des systèmes de vectorisation, tels que les micelles polyioniques (PICMs), ont été développés. Grâce à leur structure unique, les micelles protégent l’ON contre une dégradation prématurée et le couplage d’un ligand à leur surface augmente leur spécificité et leur internalisation. Dans d’autres systèmes, un polymère adjuvant aux propriétés pH-sensibles peut être ajouté pour faciliter la sortie de l’endosome et augmenter l’efficacité de l’ON. L’objectif général de ce mémoire était de mettre au point des PICMs ternaires ciblées pour l’administration d’ONs. Ces micelles assureraient à la fois l’internalisation cellulaire de leur cargaison en interagissant avec des récepteurs cellulaires et sa fuite de l’endosome grâce à un mécanisme de déstabilisation de la membrane endosomale. Pour cela, des PICMs composées d’un copolymère cationique de type poly(éthylène glycol)-bloc-poly(méthacrylate d’(alkylamino)éthyle) et d’un copolymère d’acide méthacrylique ont été préparées. Les propriétés physicochimiques de ces vecteurs ont démontré qu’ils permettaient une condensation efficace de l’acide nucléique et ce, indépendamment de la nature du polymère cationique et de l’acide nucléique. Finalement, une approche de couplage par pont disulfure a été développée afin de greffer au copolymère un fragment d’anticorps dirigé contre les récepteurs de la transferrine. En conclusion, ces travaux démontrent la versatilité et le potentiel des PICMs ternaires en tant que vecteurs d’acide nucléique, et proposent une méthodologie de couplage d’un ligand afin de formuler des PICMs ciblées. / Antisens oligonucleotides (ONs) present great potential as therapeutic agents. However, their physicochemical properties hinder their use in gene therapy. Targeting systems, such as polyion complex micelles (PICMs), have been proposed to circumvent the main hurdles related to ON delivery. Their unique core/shell structure can protect the ON against premature degradation and the coupling of a ligand on their surface can increase their specificity and internalization. In other systems, a polymer with pH-sensitive properties can be added to facilitate the release of the ON from the endosome and increase its efficiency. The present work was aimed at optimizing ternary PICMs targeted for the delivery of antisens ON. Such systems would provide both cellular internalization of cargo by interaction with receptors on the surface of cell membranes and escape from the endosome through a mechanism of destabilization of the endosomal membrane. PICMs composed of cationic copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol)-bloc-poly((alkylamino)ethyl methacrylate) with a methacrylic acid copolymer adjuvant were prepared. Their physicochemical properties suggest that efficient complexation of nucleic acids was obtained, regardless of the nature of the cationic polymer and the nature of the nucleic acid. Finally, a synthetic approach was developed for the conjugation of an antibody fragment directed against the transferrin receptor via a labile disulfide bond at the end of the cationic copolymer. In conclusion, the work presented herein displays the versatility and potential of ternary PICMs as vehicles for the delivery of ONs and also provides a method for the conjugation of a ligand to generate targeted ternary PICMs.

Mise au point de micelles polyioniques pour l'administration de biomacromolécules thérapeutiques : synthèse de polymères et études physicochimiques

Dufresne, Marie-Hélène January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Estudo de três solos estabilizados com uma emulsão asfáltica catiônica. / Study of three soils stabilized with a cationic asphaltic emulsion.

FERREIRA, Ademir Montes. 02 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-02T15:37:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADEMIR MONTES FERREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 1980..pdf: 16537187 bytes, checksum: 2bde2139eea0b3c23fb1f2cb6809002e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T15:37:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADEMIR MONTES FERREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 1980..pdf: 16537187 bytes, checksum: 2bde2139eea0b3c23fb1f2cb6809002e (MD5) Previous issue date: 1980-09 / A falta de uma metodologia apropriada para o dimensionamento e ensaios de laboratório para condições locais representa a maior dificuldade para o emprego eficiente de sistemas solo-emulsão asfáltica na construção de pavimentos flexíveis. Esta investigação apresenta os resultados de um estudo de uma metodologia de cura acelerada. 0 processo de cura utilizado, secagem das amostras a 60°C durante 24h, mostrou-se plenamente satisfatório podendo ser utilizado no laboratório. As variáveis investigadas foram teor de umidade de compactação e quantidade de emulsão asfáltica catiônica Estas variáveis foram estabelecidas através da medida das seguintes propriedades: peso unitário, absorção, resistência à compressão simples e resistência ã tensão de tração indireta. trabalho mostra que o teor ótimo de umidade para máxima massa especifica aparente seca foi muito aproximada do teor ótimo de umidade para máxima resistência. E também mostrado que a porcentagem ótima de emulsão asfáltica pode ser determinada usando-se somente o critério da resistência máxima, pois os valores de absorção foram muito pequenos para os casos estudados, sendo inferiores aos máximos comumente utj_lizados por outros investigadores. / Lack of appropriate testing procedures and design methods for local conditions are still the main drawbacks for the efficient utilization of soi1-asphaltic emulsion systems inflexible pavement construction. This investigationpresents the results of an study in which an accelerated testing procedure was deveioped and used. Three soils from the region north east were selected as representative of the local variations and used for the study. The variables investigated were compaction moisture content and quantity of cationic asphaltic emulsion.These variables were assessed by measuring the following selected engineering properties. Unit weight, absorption, unconfined compressive strenght and indirect tensile strength. The study shows that the optimum moisture content for maximum dry unit weight approximates very closely the optimum moisture content for maximum strength, it also shows that the optimum percentage of asphaltic emulsion may be determined using only the criterium of maximum strength since the values of absorption were in very case very small and far below of the maximumvalues commonly used by other investigators.

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