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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photon mapping / Photon Mapping

Nečas, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with practical implementation of photon mapping algorithm. To achieve better results some basic and some more advanced methods of global illumination has been examined. These time demanding algorithms are often practically unusable and their further optimization is necessary. Optimized ray tracer is essential for practical implementation. Computing diffuse interreflection by Monte Carlo sampling is also very time demanding operation. Therefore it is appropriate to use it along with proper interpolation.

Distribution of reflection points of periodic billiard trajectories in a strictly convex table

Han, Xurui 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur les billards mathématiques et la distribution des points de réflexion des trajectoires périodiques d’une table de billard strictement convexe. Un billard mathématique est un système dynamique généré par le mouvement libre d’une particule à l’intérieur d’un domaine dont la frontière est parfaitement réfléchissante. Une question d’intérêt particulier dans l’étude des billards mathématiques est celle de ses trajectoires périodiques. Nous considérons le cas des billards planaires strictement convexes. Il est connu que les points de réflexion des trajectoires périodiques de période n faisant un tour de table sont équidistribués par rapport à une mesure naturelle sur la frontière. Nous montrons ce résultat par une méthode nouvelle et relativement élémentaire utilisant la théorie de Lazuktin [12]. Dans le premier chapitre, nous donnons une description précise de la dynamique des billards et une brève introduction à la théorie de Lazuktin, aux applications de torsion et aux caustiques. Dans les chapitres 2 à 4, nous développons chacun des concepts précédents et expliquons comment ceux-ci sont liés aux billards. Le chapitre 5 est consacré à la preuve de notre résultat principal, divisée en deux parties. Nous concluons en donnant une annexe sur la théorie de la mesure. / This master’s thesis is concerned with mathematical billiards and distribution of reflection points of periodic trajectories of a strictly convex billiard table. A mathematical billiard is a dynamical system generated by the free motion of a particle inside of a domain with a perfectly reflecting boundary. A question of particular interest in the study of mathematical billiards is that of its periodic trajectories. We consider the case of planar strictly convex billiards. It is known that the reflection points of periodic trajectories of period n making one turn around the table are equidistributed with respect to a natural measure on the boundary. We show this result by a new and relatively elementary method using Lazuktin’s theory [12]. In the first chapter, we give a precise description of billiard dynamics and a brief introduction of Lazuktin’s theory, twist mappings and caustics. In Chapter 2 to 4, we elaborate each of the previous concepts and explain how they are related to billiards. Chapter 5 is dedicated to the proof of our main result, divided into two parts. We conclude by giving an appendix about measure theory.

Physical modelling of acoustic shallow-water communication channels

Svensson, Elin January 2007 (has links)
Akustiska kanaler för undervattenskommunikation är flervägskanaler där ljudet reflekteras från havets yta och botten och bryts vid ljudhastighetsförändringar. I grunt vatten är impulssvaret långt jämfört med symbolernas tidslängd i ett utskickat meddelande. Detta orsakar intersymbolinterferens, vilket gör det svårt att återskapa meddelandet. Denna avhandling behandlar fysikalisk modellering av kommunikationskanalen. Sådan modellering kan öka insikten om de svårigheter som finns vid design av kommunikationssystem och kan vara till hjälp vid utveckling av lämpliga modulationstekniker och avkodningsalgoritmer. Ljudutbredningen simuleras med en strålgångsmetod med reflektionskoefficienter beräknade för plana vågor. I artikel 4 och 5 utvidgas modellen till en algoritm för gaussisk strålsummation. De viktigaste vetenskapliga bidragen är följande. Artikel 1: Aktuell kunskap om impulssvaret hos kommunikationskanalen gör det betydligt lättare att tolka det mottagna meddelandet. I denna artikel studeras tidsvariabiliteten hos impulssvaret i termer av bitfelssannolikhet när ett gammalt impulssvar används för kanalutjämning. Tidsvariabiliteten visar sig variera avsevärt med mottagarpositionen, inte bara när det gäller avståndet till sändaren, utan även när det gäller placeringen i djupled. Artikel 2: En hybridmetod presenteras, där strålgång i ett avståndsberoende medium kombineras med lokal fullfältsmodellering av interaktionen med havsbottnen. Metoden används för simuleringar av akustisk kommunikation i grunt vatten. Artikel 3: För att kunna göra tillförlitliga simuleringar av ljudutbredning behöver man god kunskap om mediets ljudhastighetsprofil --- information som inte alltid är tillgänglig. I denna artikel används den hybrida strålgångsmetoden från artikel 2 för att skatta ljudhastighetsprofilen från kommunikationsdata. Miljöparametrarna som beräknats genom inversionen minskar avvikelsen mellan simulerade och observerade skattningar av impulssvaret jämfört med avvikelsen då en uppmätt, två dagar gammal ljudhastighetsprofil används vid simuleringen. Miljömodellen används också för en genomgång av alternativa käll- och mottagarpositioner. Artikel 4: Gaussisk strålsummation är en vågutbredningsmodell som liknar strålgång men kan ge korrekta resultat i strålgångens singulära områden, som skuggzoner och kaustikor. I denna artikel diskuteras hur några olika val av den komplexa strålparametern $\epsilon$ fungerar i grunda vågledare. Bäst resultat erhålls om man väljer $\epsilon$ så att strålen blir smal i punkten närmast mottagaren och får en plan vågfront där. Artikel 5: En adaptiv metod för gaussisk strålsummation i grunda vågledare presenteras. Algoritmen ger en noggrannhet som är bättre än eller minst lika bra som strålgångens, även i grunda vågledare med en starkt djupberoende ljudhastighet. / Acoustic underwater communication channels are multipath channels where sound is reflected from the surface and the bottom of the sea and refracted by sound speed variations. In shallow water, the impulse response is typically long compared to the time length of the symbols in a transmitted message. This causes inter-symbol interference, which makes the message difficult to decode. This thesis deals with physical modelling of the communication channel. Such modelling can provide insight into the difficulties of communication system design and may serve as an aid in the development of appropriate modulation techniques and decoding algorithms. The sound propagation is simulated by a ray tracing method with plane-wave reflection coefficients, in papers 4 and 5 expanded to a Gaussian beam summation algorithm. The main scientific contributions are the following. Paper 1: Up-to-date knowledge of the impulse response of the communication channel considerably simplifies the extraction of information from a detected signal. In this paper the time variability of the impulse response is studied in terms of the bit-error rate, when an old impulse response is used for channel equalisation. The time variability is found to vary significantly with the receiver position, not only in range, but also in depth. Paper 2: A hybrid raytrace method is presented, combining ray tracing in a range-dependent water column with local full-field modelling of the seabed interaction. The method is applied to simulations of acoustic communication in shallow water. Paper 3: To be able to make reliable simulations of sound propagation, one needs to know, quite accurately, the sound speed profile of the medium --- information which is not always available. In this paper the hybrid raytrace method from paper 2 is used to estimate the sound speed profile from communication data. The environmental model obtained by the inversion reduces the mismatch between the modelled and the observed impulse response estimates, compared to the mismatch with a two-days-old sound speed profile. The model is also used to investigate alternative source-receiver configurations. Paper 4: Gaussian beam summation is a wave propagation model similar to ray tracing, which can yield correct results in singular regions like shadow zones and caustic points. In this paper some different choices of the complex beam parameter $\epsilon$ are discussed for shallow waveguides. Best results are observed when $\epsilon$ is chosen so that each beam is narrow at the point where it is closest to the receiver and has a plane wavefront there. Paper 5: An adaptive method for Gaussian beam summation in shallow waveguides is presented. The algorithm yields better or at least as good accuracy as ray tracing, even in shallow waveguides with a strongly depth-dependent sound speed profile. / QC 20100819

Linear and Nonlinear Rogue Waves in Optical Systems / Vagues scélérates linéaire et non-linéaire dans les systèmes optiques

Toenger, Shanti 27 June 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse présentent l’étude des différentes classes d’effets linéaires et non-linéaires en optiquequi génèrent des événements extrêmes dont les propriétés sont analogues à celles des « vagues scélérates » destructrices qui apparaissent à la surface des océans. La thèse commence avec un bref aperçu de l’analogie physique entre la localisation d’onde dans les systèmes hydrodynamique et les systèmes optique, pour lesquels nous décrivons les mécanismes de génération de vagues scélérates linéaire et non-linéaire. Nous présentons ensuite quelques résultats numérique et expérimentaux de la génération de vagues scélérates dans un système optique linéaire dans le cas d’une propagation spatiale d’un champ optique qui présenteune phase aléatoire, où nous interprétons les résultats obtenus en terme de caustiques optiques localisées.Nous considérons ensuite les vagues scélérates obtenues dans des systèmes non-linéaires qui présentent une instabilité de modulation décrite par l’équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire (ESNL). Nous présentons une étude numérique détaillée comparant les caractéristiques spatio-temporelles des structures localisées obtenues dans les simulation numérique avec les différentes solutions analytiques obtenues à partir de l’ESNL.Deux études expérimentales d’instabilités de modulation sont ensuite effectuées. Dans la première, nous présentons des résultats expérimentaux qui étudient les propriétés d’instabilité de modulation en utilisant un système d’agrandissement temporel par lentille temporelle; dans la deuxième, nous rapportons des résultats expérimentaux sur les propriétés des instabilités de modulation dans le domaine fréquentiel en utilisant une technique de mesure spectrale en temps-réel. Cette dernière étude examine l’effet sur la bande spectrale et surla stabilité d’un faible champ perturbateur. Tous les résultats expérimentaux sont comparés avec la simulation d’ESNL et abordés en termes des propriétés qualitatives d’instabilité de modulation. Dans toutes ces études,différentes propriétés statistiques sont analysées en rapport avec l’apparition des vagues scélérates. / This thesis describes the study of several different classes of linear and nonlinear effects in optics that generatelarge amplitude extreme events with properties analogous to the destructive “rogue waves” on the surface of theocean. The thesis begins with a brief overview of the analogous physics of wave localisation in hydrodynamicand optical systems, where we describe linear and nonlinear rogue wave generating mechanisms in bothcases. We then present numerical and experimental results for rogue wave generation in a linear opticalsystem consisting of free space propagation of a spatial optical field with random phase. Computed statisticsbetween experiment and modelling are in good agreement, and we interpret the results obtained in termsof the properties of localised optical caustics. We then consider rogue waves in the nonlinear system ofmodulation instability described by the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NLSE), and a detailed numericalstudy is presented comparing the spatio-temporal characteristics of localised structures seen from numericalsimulations with different known analytic solutions to the NLSE. Two experimental studies of modulationinstability are then reported. In the first, we present experimental results studying the properties of modulationinstability using a time-lens magnifier system; in the second, we report experimental results studying thefrequency-domain properties of modulation instability using real-time spectral measurements. The latter studyexamines the effect of a weak seed field on spectral bandwidth and stability. All experimental results arecompared with the NLSE simulations and discussed in terms of the qualitative properties of modulationinstability, in order to gain new insights into the complex dynamics associated with nonlinear pulse propagation.In all of these studies, different statistical properties are analised in relation to the emergence of rogue waves.

Analogue Hawking radiation as a logarithmic quantum catastrophe

Farrell, Liam January 2021 (has links)
Masters thesis of Liam Farrell, under the supervision of Dr. Duncan O'Dell. Successfully defended on August 26, 2021. / Caustics are regions created by the natural focusing of waves. Some examples include rainbows, spherical aberration, and sonic booms. The intensity of a caustic is singular in the classical ray theory, but can be smoothed out by taking into account the interference of waves. Caustics are generic in nature and are universally described by the mathematical theory known as catastrophe theory, which has successfully been applied to physically describe a wide variety of phenomena. Interestingly, caustics can exist in quantum mechanical systems in the form of phase singularities. Since phase is such a central concept in wave theory, this heralds the breakdown of the wave description of quantum mechanics and is in fact an example of a quantum catastrophe. Similarly to classical catastrophes, quantum catastrophes require some previously ignored property or degree of freedom to be taken into account in order to smooth the phase divergence. Different forms of spontaneous pair-production appear to suffer logarithmic phase singularities, specifically Hawking radiation from gravitational black holes. This is known as the trans-Planckian problem. We will investigate Hawking radiation formed in an analogue black hole consisting of a flowing ultra-cold Bose-Einstein condensate. By moving from an approximate hydrodynamical continuum description to a quantum mechanical discrete theory, the phase singularity is cured. We describe this process, and make connections to a new theory of logarithmic catastrophes. We show that our analogue Hawking radiation is mathematically described by a logarithmic Airy catastrophe, which further establishes the plausibility of pair-production being a quantum catastrophe / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

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