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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of single InP nanowires and CdS nanosheets by using photocurrent and transport spectroscopy

Maharjan, Amir M. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Chen, Lijun 27 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Optoelectronic Investigation of Single CdS Nanosheets and Single GaP/GaAs Nanowire Heterostructures

Kumar, Parveen 16 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Colloidal PbS and PbS/CdS Core/Shell Nanosheets

Khan, Simeen 23 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Fabrication of ultra thin CdS/CdTe solar cells by magnetron sputtering

Plotnikov, Victor 25 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis of radioactively labelled CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots for in vivo experiments

Stachowski, G.M., Bauer, C., Waurisch, C., Bargheer, D., Nielsen, P., Heeren, J., Hickey, Stephen G., Eychmüller, A. 17 November 2014 (has links)
No / During the last decades of nanoparticles research, many nanomaterials have been developed for applications in the field of bio-labelling. For the visualization of transport processes in the body, organs and cells, luminescent quantum dots (QDs) make for highly useful diagnostic tools. However, intercellular routes, bio-distribution, metabolism during degradation or quantification of the excretion of nanoparticles, and the study of the biological response to the QDs themselves are areas which to date have not been fully investigated. In order to aid in addressing those issues, CdSe/CdS/ZnS QDs were radioactively labelled, which allows quantification of the QD concentration in the whole body or in ex vivo samples by gamma-counting. However, the synthesis of radioactively labelled QDs is not trivial since the coating process must be completely adapted, and material availability, security and avoidance of radioactive waste must be considered. In this contribution, the coating of CdSe/CdS QDs with a radioactive (65)ZnS shell using a modified, operator-safe, SILAR procedure is presented. Under UV illumination, no difference in the photoluminescence of the radioactive and non-radioactive CdSe/CdS/ZnS colloidal solutions was observed. Furthermore, a down-scaled synthesis for the production of very small batches of 5 nmol QDs without loss in the fluorescence quality was developed. Subsequently, the radio-labelled QDs were phase transferred by encapsulation into an amphiphilic polymer. gamma-counting of the radioactivity provided confirmation of the successful labelling and phase transfer of the QDs.

Greenhouse Gas Footprint Minimization of Credit Default Swap Baskets

Britse, Oscar, Jarnmo, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Global bond market capitalization amounts to approximately $100 trillion, compared to $60 trillion in the equity markets. Despite debt financing being a large part of the global financial market, the measurements and greenhouse gas reduction investment strategies to date are not nearly as thorough as for equity financing. More recently, the problem has been brought into light by the World Bank, expressing concerns about the crucial role of debt financing activities in the current and upcoming threats caused by climate change. A commonly used credit derivative in debt financing is credit default swaps (CDS), which is an agreement between two parties to exchange the credit risk of a reference entity. The buyer of the contract makes fixed periodic payments to the seller of the contract, who collects the premiums in exchange for making the protection buyer whole in the case of a defaulting reference entity. This thesis aims to minimize the greenhouse gas emission exposure for two CDS indices, iTraxx Main and CDX.IG, each consisting of 125 equally weighted constituents, or companies. The CDS indices are widely used high liquid fixed income instruments. In 2017, iTraxx Main had a monthly trading volume of $330-440 billion notional, and CDX.IG a corresponding volume of $200-275 billion. In order to rate the greenhouse gas emissions of the constituents, the ECOBAR model was used. The model utilizes a discrete ranking score system, where the aim is to obtain as low score as possible. To minimize the ECOBAR score for the baskets, Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory was used, implemented by using a quadratic programming algorithm. By optimizing the portfolios while retaining a low tracking error and high correlation toward the CDS indices, underlying investment properties were retained. We show that one can construct replicated portfolios of the CDS indices that have significantly lower ECOBAR scores than the indices themselves, whilst still maintaining a low tracking error and high correlation with the actual indices. When constructing baskets of fewer constituents, one can replicate the indices with merely 10-30 constituents, without worsening the tracking error or correlation substantially, and obtain an even lower ECOBAR score for the respective portfolios.

Três ensaios sobre economia internacional / Three essays on international economics

Scarabel, Mirela Virginia Perrella 20 June 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar aspectos relevantes da economia internacional. O primeiro ensaio desta tese visou avaliar pela primeira vez (até onde se tem conhecimento) se o recente desenvolvimento do mercado de Credit Default Swaps - CDS alterou os efeitos das mudanças de rating sobre o mercado financeiro.Como o CDS é um derivativo que tem como objetivo refletir a qualidade do crédito do ativo avaliado e esta mensuração é feita através do mercado e de forma contínua no tempo, este instrumento poderia reduzir a relevância dos ratings atribuídos pelas agências; uma vez que estes últimos também avaliam a qualidade do crédito, mas sua atuação é discreta no tempo. Foi empregada a metodologia de estudo de evento a uma base de dados diária de CDS, bolsa e taxas de câmbio para37 países. Em resumo,foram encontradas evidências de que o impacto das mudanças de ratings sobre os ativos financeiros sofreu moderação nos últimos dez anos e que o papel do CDS pode estar por trás desta redução. Além disso, foram encontrados resultados que mostram que o mercado de CDS é o que mais reage a reclassificações de risco. O principal objetivo dos ensaios seguintes é trazer luz ao debate das fontes de competitividade no comércio internacional. Neste sentido, o segundo ensaio trata do papel do custo fixo de entrada para a exportação sobre a competitividade internacional no nível da firma. Foi estimadoo custo médio de entrada para a exportação utilizando o banco de dados do World Bank Enterprise Survey do Banco Mundial que conta com informações de mais de 70 mil firmas de diversos setores de atividade distribuídas em mais de 120 países em desenvolvimento. A pesquisadora se apoiou no modelo e na metodologia desenvolvidos na publicação da Econometrica de Das, Roberts e Tybout (2007) e conclui que em média uma firma paga 3,2 milhões de dólares para começar a exportar. Além disso, encontrou que o custo fixo de entrada para exportação varia entre os países e isso ajuda a explicar porque firmas semelhantes com produtividade parecida instaladas em países diferentes têm probabilidades distintas de serem exportadoras. No terceiro ensaio desta tese, estudou-se o impacto da desoneração da folha de pagamento, implementada a partir de 2011, nas exportações e importações brasileiras. Através de um painel de efeito fixo para produto, relacionando as exportações e importações em função da variável desoneração e a da variável de intensidade de mão-de-obra na produção do bem. Os dados foram extraídos do MDIC, da PIA e a variável desoneração foi construída utilizando as diversas leis que, ao longo do tempo, foram ampliando o rol de bens desonerados. Grosso modo, controlando por intensidade de mão-de-obra, encontrou-se que as desonerações foram responsáveis por uma queda da quantidade importada dos bens cujos similares foram desonerados internamente, enquanto que o efeito nas exportações provocou uma queda nos preços dos bens desonerados que não foi compensada por uma elevação na quantidade exportada, o que conjuntamente resultou em uma queda das exportações em valor. / This thesis evaluated some relevant aspects of the international economy. The first chapter evaluatesfor the first time (as far as we know) if the recent development of the credit default swaps market, CDS, has changed the effects of rating reclassifications on the financial market. Given that the price of CDS is driven bythe entity\'s credit quality and it moves continuously over time, this instrument would reduce the significance of ratings assigned by the agencies, since these agencies act discretely over time. We apply the event study methodology to a daily database of CDS, stocks and exchange rates for 37 countries. Generally speaking, we find evidences that the impact of ratings changes on financial assets has moderated over the past decade and that the role of CDS may explain this reduction. Furthermore, we find results that show that the CDS market is more responsive to risk reclassification. The following chapters have the main objective to shed some light on the debate on the sources of competitiveness in international trade. In this sense, the second chapter studies the role of sunk entry cost to export in international competitiveness at firm level. We estimate the average export sunk entry cost using the World Bank Enterprise Survey database of the World Bank that has informations about more than 70 thousand firms spreaded over several activity\'s sectors and more than 120 developing countries. We followed the model and methodology developed by Das, Roberts and Tybout in a paper published in Econometrica in 2007 and we found that a firm, in average, pays 2.3million dollars in order to start exporting. Besides that, we found that the export entry cost varies between countries and this fact helps to explain why similar firms in different countries have different probabilities to become exporters. In the third chapter of this thesis, we present a study on the impact of the payroll tax exemption implemented since 2011 on Brazilian exports and imports. Using a panel of fixed effect for product, we will relate the exports and imports as function of the variable exemption and the variable of labor intensity in the production function of the good. The data were extracted from the MDIC, the PIA and the variable exemption was constructed using the many laws that, over time, were expanding the list of exempted goods. Generally speaking, controlling by labor intensity, we found that the payroll tax exemption was responsible for a drop in the quantity of goods imported from abroad, while the effect on exports led to a drop in the prices of the goods exported, which was not offset by a rise in the quantity exported, resulting in a fall in exports by FOB value.

Regulation, leverage, and derivative use by mutual funds

Gałkiewicz, Dominika Paula 24 March 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation ist in drei Themenblöcke unterteilt. Im Mittelpunkt des ersten Themenblocks steht die vergleichende Analyse der Fondsregulierung in den USA und Deutschland/der EU in Bezug auf Derivate und Verschuldung vor, während und nach der Finanzkrise 2007-2009. Ziel ist es, anhand der Darstellung der geltenden Regulierung und ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf die hypothetische Nutzung von Credit Default Swaps (CDS) durch Anleihefonds, aufzuzeigen, wie viel Flexibilität Fonds in beiden Ländern haben. Insgesamt ist der aus der Fondsregulierung erwachsende Spielraum im Hinblick auf den Einsatz von Derivaten und Verschuldung für Fonds in beiden Ländern hoch, so dass Fonds unbeobachtet ihre Zusammensetzung in Richtung risikoreicherer Kapitalanlagen lenken könnten. Der zweite Themenblock beschäftigt sich empirisch mit der Frage, in wie weit Fonds ihre Flexibilität tatsächlich ausnutzen. Als Erstes wird dabei untersucht, wie hoch das Verlustpotential der größten Fonds in den USA und Deutschland aus CDS ist. Ferner wird analysiert, ob Fondskommentare in Jahres- und Halbjahresberichten bezogen auf deren Nutzung von CDS mit den tatsächlichen CDS-Beständen konsistent sind. Basierend auf den Resultaten ist es zu empfehlen, nicht nur bestehende Regeln im Hinblick auf die spekulative Anwendung von Derivaten angemessen zu verschärfen, sondern auch die Publizitätspflichten in beiden Ländern weiter zu standardisieren. Unter Heranziehung umfangreicher Fondscharakteristika, insbesondere Managercharakteristika, untersucht der dritte Themenblock, was die Entscheidung der US Anleihefonds CDS zu benutzen, deren Nutzung zu erweitern sowie die Nutzungsweise beeinflusst. Ferner werden die exakten Typen von CDS, die von Anleihefonds gehalten werden, wie z. B. long oder short CDS, die sich auf Einzelnamen oder Gruppen von Titeln beziehen, aufgezeigt. / The thesis consists of three parts. The first part analyzes the regulation at the time surrounding the 2007-2009 financial crisis and after with respect to leverage and derivative holdings for mutual funds in the U.S. and Germany/the EU. After presenting a detailed overview of U.S. and German/European regulations, this study thoroughly compares the levels of flexibility funds have in both countries. All analyses reveal that under existing derivative and leverage regulation, funds in both countries are able to increase risk by using derivatives up to the point at which it is possible for them to default solely due to investments in derivatives. This makes the issue of regulation highly relevant for the public and regulators. The second part builds upon the first and empirically investigates the level of credit derivatives use by funds together with their communication toward investors. Firstly, the loss potential arising from investments into CDS for a sample of large U.S. and German mutual funds is analyzed. Secondly, it is investigated whether comments on CDS use contained in periodic fund reports are consistent with the disclosed CDS holdings. Based on the results, it seems advisable that regulators in both countries tighten rules restricting the speculative use of derivatives by funds to a reasonable level, as well as implement more standardized disclosure policies. The third part analyzes what determines whether U.S. corporate bond funds decide to use CDS in a particular period between mid-2004 to 2010, to which extent they use them and how, by relying on various fund characteristics including an extended set of manager variables. In addition, the types of various credit derivatives that funds use (e.g. long and short CDS on single-name or multi-name underlying positions) are presented. The results suggest that the characteristics of fund managers affect a fund’s risk taking via derivatives, in addition to fund fundamentals.

Material property study on dye sensitized solar cells and cu(ga,in)se2 solar cells

Pan, Jie. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Paper and Chemical Engineering, 2009. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-69).

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