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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nouvelles stratégies de thérapie cellulaire à visée pro-angiogénique : implication du système Wnt/Frizzled / Development of novel stem-cell therapies for cardiac diseases and critical hindlimb ischemia : involvement of the Wnt/Frizzled pathway

Leroux, Lionel 13 December 2010 (has links)
La thérapie cellulaire suscite de grands espoirs dans le domaine cardiovasculaire. Cependant les premières études humaines sont décevantes. Parmi les explications avancées, citons un mauvais choix de cellules, une méthode de délivrance inadéquate, une préparation des cellules et des tissus hôtes insuffisante ou une trop grande mortalité cellulaire après injection.Durant ce travail nous avons voulu explorer 3 pistes d’optimisation de la thérapie cellulaire à visée pro-angiogénique utilisant les cellules souches mésenchymateuses (MSC) et contribué à l’exploration des mécanismes mis en jeu, en particulier en explorant le rôle du système Wnt/Frizzled.Nous avons tout d’abord étudié un système original de délivrance de cellules utilisant un « patch » musculaire cousu en regard d’un myocarde infarci de souris. Puis nous avons étudié l’effet d’une surexpression de sFRP1, inhibiteur de la voie Wnt, sur un modèle de matrice sous cutanée. Enfin, nous avons testé l’hypothèse qu’un préconditionnement hypoxique des cellules permettrait une meilleure survie cellulaire et améliorerait la réparation vasculaire et tissulaire après ischémie de patte chez la souris.Nos résultats permettent notamment de montrer que les MSC ont des capacités d’invasion des tissus ischémiques et qu’elles se différencient en péricytes en formant un réseau tridimensionnel de soutien aux cellules endothéliales. Par ailleurs, via sFRP1, nous mettons en évidence un rôle du système Wnt/Fzd dans l’effet pro-angiogénique. Enfin, nous montrons l’intérêt du préconditionnement hypoxique dont les effets sont médiés par Wnt4.L’ensemble de ces données permet d’envisager des voies d’optimisation de la thérapie cellulaire. / Some of the challenges facing stem-cell therapy for cardiac disease are which type of stem cell or progenitor cell is the best candidate for therapy, how to survive in the low oxygen environment of ischemic myocardium. Here we studied the potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as vascular progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo, and we studied the effects of sFRP-1/Wnt signaling modulation or hypoxia on MSC properties. First, we demonstrated the beneficial effect of MSC application on ischemic heart repair using an original surgical model (patch) to deliver stem cells. This study showed that the contribution of the MSCs in the mouse infarcted myocardium was beneficial either on the scar (increase in angiogenesis, in cell proliferation, reduction in ventricular remodeling) or on the trophicity of the patch.Then we characterized the angiogenic properties of MSC in vitro and in vivo. Our data demonstrate that MSCs could be recruited and formed vascular structures around endothelial tubes. We showed in vivo that the surexpression of sFRP-1 (regulating factor of the Wnt system) in MSCs increased their potential of pericyte-like cells correlated with an increased maturation of the vessels via an intracellular GSK-3 dependent pathway in MSCs. Our next objective was to investigate the effects of hypoxia exposure on MSC before implantation for vascular and tissue regeneration in mice with hind limb ischemia. Our data suggest that hypoxic preconditioning has a critical role on MSC dynamic functions, shifting MSC location in situ to enhance ischemic tissue recovery, facilitating vascular cell mobilization and skeletal myoblast regeneration via a paracrine Wnt dependent mechanism.

Transplantation d'hépatocytes génétiquement modifiés : régénération hépatique et moyens d'amélioration de la prise de greffe hépatocytaire / Transplantation of genetically modified hepatocytes : liver regeneration and approaches for improving hepatocyte engraftment

Lainas, Panagiotis 09 October 2012 (has links)
La transplantation d’hépatocytes est un procédé séduisant pour remplacer les cellules déficientes dans un foie anatomiquement normal. Dans les maladies métaboliques héréditaires hépatiques (MMHH), la thérapie cellulaire présente un potentiel espoir thérapeutique. Le remplacement d'un pourcentage restreint (5-10%) d’hépatocytes déficients par des hépatocytes normaux pourrait rétablir durablement la fonction métabolique. Les résultats des essais cliniques de transplantation d'hépatocytes génétiquement modifiés ou non sont moins concluants, montrent une prise de greffe insuffisante et, dans la plupart des études, un effet thérapeutique transitoire. L’efficacité limitée de la transplantation d’hépatocytes isolés dans le traitement des MMHH semble en partie liée au faible pourcentage de la masse hépatocytaire reconstituée par les hépatocytes définitivement greffés et fonctionnels. De nombreux modèles animaux ont été développés pour étudier les facteurs pouvant augmenter le nombre et le pourcentage d’hépatocytes transplantés et greffés. Cependant, la majorité de ces modèles ne sont pas transposables en clinique car ils présentent des risques importants ou mal évalués pour les patients. Les principaux objectifs de ce travail ont été d’étudier des moyens peu invasifs pour induire une régénération hépatique et une prise de greffe hépatocytaire significatives dans le but de développer une nouvelle approche de transplantation d’hépatocytes génétiquement modifiés ex vivo pour le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie familiale. L’effet d’une embolisation portale partielle (EPP) réversible sur la prolifération hépatocytaire et la régénération hépatique a été évalué chez le macaque. A la différence de l’EPP par un produit non résorbable, il ne s’agit pas d’une approche potentiellement délétère à long terme. Une obstruction veineuse plus complète a été provoquée en utilisant le Curaspon®, une gélatine biodégradable, en forme de poudre. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois dans la littérature l’efficacité d’une EPP réversible à induire une importante prolifération hépatocytaire et régénération hépatique. Nos données suggèrent qu’une occlusion portale initiale et temporaire est suffisante pour déclencher les mécanismes responsables d’une régénération hépatique dans le foie non-embolisé. L’utilisation du Curaspon® en poudre peut être considérée comme la forme la plus évoluée d’EPP : très distale, résorbable, qui dure suffisamment pour induire l’hypertrophie hépatique. Cette technique pourrait être indiquée dans des situations cliniques nécessitant une régénération hépatique de courte durée (ex. le traitement des cancers du foie en plusieurs étapes) ou dans des cas qui ne nécessitent pas une résection hépatique, comme la transplantation d’hépatocytes pour le traitement de MMHH. Ces résultats nous ont permis d’évaluer cette approche dans notre protocole préclinique de thérapie génique pour le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie familiale chez le primate, par autotransplantation d’hépatocytes génétiquement modifiés ex vivo par un vecteur lentiviral. Nous avons démontré que l’EPP réversible induit une régénération hépatique du foie non-embolisé et améliore notablement les résultats de la transplantation d’hépatocytes isolés génétiquement modifiés exprimant la GFP. Seize semaines après la transplantation, les hépatocytes transduits et greffés exprimaient le transgène contrôlé par le promoteur apo-AII humain. Notre protocole a montré pour la première fois chez un gros animal que l’EPP par un produit résorbable entraine avec des conditions de sécurité optimales une repopulation hépatique importante par des hépatocytes transduits par un vecteur lentiviral, et ceci même à distance de la transplantation hépatocytaire. Les résultats encourageants de ces travaux nous ont ouvert la voie pour avancer sur notre projet préclinique et envisager la réalisation d’une étude clinique de phase I/II pour le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie familiale. / Hepatocyte transplantation is an attractive process for replacing deficient cells in an anatomically normal liver. In metabolic liver diseases, cell therapy could be an interesting alternative to orthotopic liver transplantation. The replacement of a small percentage (5-10%) of deficient hepatocytes by normal hepatocytes could restore the metabolic defect at a long term. Data from clinical studies of hepatocyte autotransplantation or allotransplantation, genetically modified or not, provided poor results, insufficient cell engraftment in the liver parenchyma and, in the majority of cases, a transient therapeutic effect. The limited efficacy of hepatocyte transplantation in metabolic liver diseases is mainly due to the poor percentage of engrafted and finally functional hepatocytes. Numerous animal models have been developed in order to study the factors that could increase the number and the percentage of transplanted and engrafted hepatocytes. However, the majority of these models cannot be used in patients since they present important risks for them. The aim of this work was to evaluate less invasive procedures for inducing liver regeneration and significant hepatocyte engraftment in order to develop a new approach of transplantation of ex vivo genetically modified hepatocytes for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia. The effect of reversible portal vein embolization (PVE) on liver regeneration and hepatocyte proleferation was evaluated in monkeys. In contrast to PVE by a permanent embolizing agent, reversible PVE has not a long term deleterious effect on embolized liver. A more complete venous occlusion was obtained by using the powdered form of an absorbable gelatin sponge (Curaspon®). We showed for the first time in the literature the safe and successful use of reversible PVE for inducing significant hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration. Our data support that an initial occlusion of the portal branch, even if not permanent, is sufficient to start the mechanisms of liver regeneration in the contralateral lobe. Embolization with Curaspon® powder could be considered to be the ultimate form of embolization: very distal, reversible and lasting sufficiently in order to induce substantial liver hypertrophy. Our findings suggest that this method could reliably be used for clinical purposes, particularly in situations in which short-term regeneration is required (i.e. multi-step management of hepatic malignancies) or in cases where resection of the liver is not finally necessary, such as in hepatocyte transplantation for the treatment of metabolic liver diseases. These promising results on reversible PVE allowed us to evaluate this approach in our preclinical study of gene therapy for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia in macaques. Our protocol consisted of an autotransplantation of ex vivo genetically modified hepatocytes by a lentiviral vector. We showed that reversible PVE induces liver regeneration of the non-embolized liver segments and improves considerably hepatocyte transplantation of genetically modified cells expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). Sixteen weeks after transplantation, transduced engrafted hepatocytes expressed the transgene, which was under control of the human apo-AII promoter. Our protocol showed for the first time in a big animal that PVE by an absorbable agent leads safely to an important and long-term repopulation of the liver by lentivirally transduced hepatocytes. The extremely encouraging results of this work opened our way advancing in our preclinical study and preparing a phase I/II clinical trial for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia based on our protocol of autotransplantation of ex vivo genetically modified hepatocytes by a lentiviral vector.

Thérapie cellulaire de l’angiogenèse tumorale : évaluation par imagerie morphologique et fonctionnelle en IRM et vidéomicroscopie de fluorescence / Cellular therapy of tumor angiogenesis : morphological and functional imaging using MRI and videomicroscopy

Faye, Nathalie 07 December 2011 (has links)
Introduction : L’angiogenèse tumorale conduit au développement de nouveaux vaisseaux destinés à permettre la croissance de la tumeur. Les vaisseaux tumoraux sont caractérisés notamment par des anomalies des cellules murales (cellules musculaires périvasculaires), responsables d’anomalies de la fonctionnalité et de la maturation. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié un modèle tumoral de thérapie cellulaire par injection de cellules murales en IRM et vidéomicroscopie de fluorescence. Matériels et méthodes : Notre étude a porté sur un modèle sous cutané de carcinome épidermoïde chez la souris nude. Les animaux étaient divisés en trois groupes : contrôle (n=17), contrôle négatif (n=16) et « traité » avec injection locale de cellules murales humaines (n=17). Les animaux bénéficiaient d’une IRM et d’une exploration par vidéomicroscopie avant (J7) et après traitement (J14). Les paramètres mesurés étaient la taille tumorale (pied-à-coulisse et IRM), la densité microvasculaire (DMV par IRM, vidéomicroscopie et histologie), l’ADC, f, Dr et D* (IRM de diffusion), les variations de R2* sous air, oxygène et carbogène (IRM par effet BOLD) et « l’index leakage » (reflétant la perméabilité capillaire, en vidéomicroscopie). Résultats : Lors de la croissance tumorale, le groupe contrôle a montré une diminution des vaisseaux circulants (ou fonctionnels) qui se reflétait par une diminution du D* et du R2* sous air, une perte de la capacité à répondre au carbogène qui se reflétait par une augmentation du delta R2* sous carbogène, et une augmentation de la perméabilité capillaire qui se traduisait par un « index leakage » plus élevé. Dans le groupe traité par injection de cellules murales, nous avons observé un ralentissement de la croissance tumorale et une stabilisation de ces paramètres de microcirculation et maturation vasculaire. Conclusion : Nous avons montré un effet biologique de notre thérapie cellulaire par injection locale de cellules murales qui se traduisait par un ralentissement de la croissance tumorale, une stabilisation de l’hémodynamique microcirculatoire et de la maturation, et une perméabilité capillaire diminuée, concordants avec l’effet présumé stabilisateur et normalisateur des cellules murales sur les microvaisseaux. / Introduction : Tumor angiogenesis leads to the development of new vessels enabling the growth of the tumor. Tumor vessels are characterized by abnormalities including mural cells (perivascular muscular cells) responsible for abnormal vessel function and maturation. In this thesis, we studied cellular therapy in a tumor model by injection of mural cells using MRI and fluorescence videomicroscopy. Materiels and methods: Nude mice were injected with squamous cell TC1 tumors and animals were divided in three groups: control (n=17), sham control (n=16) and treated by local injection of human mural cells (n=17). Animals underwent MRI and videomicroscopy before (D7) and after (D14) treatment. Measured parameters included tumor size (caliper and MRI), microvessels density (MVD using MRI, videomicroscopy and pathology), ADC, f, Dr, D* (diffusion MRI), R2* variations under air, oxygen and carbogen (BOLD MRI), and ‘index leakage’ (reflecting capillary permeability, using videomicroscopy). Results: During tumor growth, the control group showed a decrease in circulating (or functional) vessels reflected by a decrease in D* and R2* under air, the loss of vessel ability to respond to carbogen reflected by an increase of the delta R2* under carbogen, and increased capillary permeability resulting in a higher ”index leakage”. In the group treated by injection of mural cells, we observed a slowing of tumor growth and stabilization of these parameters of microcirculation and vessel maturation. Conclusion : Therapy by local injection of mural cells was effective resulting in slower tumor growth, stabilization of microcirculatory hemodynamics and maturation, and decreased capillary permeability, consistent with the alleged ‘stabilizing’ and ‘normalizing’ effects of mural cells on microvessels.

Mise au point d’une stratégie de marquage cellulaire par des codes-barres moléculaires en vue d’optimiser l’utilisation des cellules souches hématopoïétiques en thérapies génique et cellulaire / Development of a cellular barcoding strategy in order to optimize hematopoietic stem cell use in gene- and cell- based therapy

Grosselin, Jeanne 04 October 2012 (has links)
De par leurs propriétés d’autorenouvellement et de multipotentialité, les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) présentent un intérêt médical majeur et sont au cœur de nombreuses thérapies génique et cellulaire. Cependant, leur utilisation en clinique est encore limitée par leur rareté, leur hétérogénéité fonctionnelle, et leur perte durant l’étape de manipulation in vitro qui précède la transplantation.Dans ce contexte, nous avons mis au point une stratégie de marquage cellulaire par des codes-barres moléculaires afin d’évaluer simultanément et quantitativement les capacités de repopulation des CSH in vivo. Cette stratégie nous a permis de cribler 1200 composés chimiques afin d’identifier des molécules capables (1) d’améliorer l’efficacité de transduction des CSH par un vecteur lentiviral, (2) de maintenir voire d’expandre, lors de l’étape de culture in vitro, les CSH capables de repopulation à long terme. Plusieurs molécules candidates sont en cours de validation.Par ailleurs, grâce au marquage par des codes-barres, nous avons révélé l’hétérogénéité des CSH en comparant leur capacité d’autorenouvellement, la taille de la descendance qu’elles génèrent et leur capacité de différenciation. Notre technique nous a permis non seulement de confirmer l’existence de CSH biaisées vers le lignage myéloïde ou vers le lignage lymphoïde, mais aussi de quantifier leur fréquence.L’application de cette stratégie à un autre système cellulaire nous a permis d’étudier l’influence de facteurs environnementaux et génétiques sur la croissance cellulaire de populations exprimant différentiellement l’-synucléine, une protéine impliquée dans la maladie de Parkinson et certains cancers. / Considerable hope is placed on the use of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in engineered gene- and cell- based therapy protocols. Their clinical utilization is, however to some extent, limited by their scarce representation, their heterogeneity and their loss during the ex vivo manipulation procedure. Within this context, we developed a barcode tagging strategy to simultaneously evaluate in vivo the repopulating capacity of HSC cultured in vitro. Barcode deconvolution demonstrated that our strategy constitute a powerful tool for tracking HSC quantitatively even using several dozens of different conditions. Using this strategy, we screened 1200 chemical compounds in order to identify molecules acting (1) on HSC transduction efficiency using a lentiviral vector, (2) on maintenance or even amplification during the in vitro culture step of long-term repopulating HSC. Several candidate molecules are currently under validation. In addition, using this barcoding strategy, we reveal heterogeneous behaviour of HSC examining their proliferation capacity, self-renewal ability and their differentiation lineage option. Our technique allowed us not only to confirm the occurrence of myeloid- and lymphoid-biased HSC, but also to quantify their frequency.We apply this strategy to another cell system to address the effect of different genetic and environmental factors on proliferation of cells expressing -synuclein, a protein involved in Parkinson disease and some cancers.

Avaliação dos efeitos da sinvastatina via Inibidor do Ativador do Plasminogênio 1 (PAI-1) sobre a terapia celular com células estromais mesenquimais / Evaluation of the effects of simvastatin in mesenchymal stromal cell therapy through Plasminogen Activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)

Faria, Carolina Arruda de 08 August 2016 (has links)
A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação persistente de trocas gasosas, usualmente progressiva e associada a uma resposta inflamatória crônica exacerbada das vias aéreas a partículas e gases nocivos. Apesar de prevenível e tratável, não se logrou até o presente uma terapêutica eficaz, que resulte na cura da doença. Neste cenário, a terapia celular apresenta-se como uma alternativa terapêutica potencialmente promissora em DPOC, bem como em outras doenças pulmonares degenerativas e de caráter inflamatório. Porém, vários aspectos da terapia celular carecem de um melhor entendimento. Um dos principais desafios ao sucesso da terapia celular são as baixas taxas de sobrevivência das células transplantadas. O Inibidor do Ativador de Plasminogênio 1 (Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 - PAI-1) pode representar um potencial mediador da sobrevivência de células estromais mesenquimais (CTM) pós-transplante, pois tem sido proposto que anticorpos neutralizadores do PAI-1 auxiliam no aumento da sobrevivência de CTM no tecido-alvo da terapia celular. Desta forma, a diminuição dos níveis de PAI-1 possui um potencial terapêutico interessante, ao modular os principais processos envolvidos na criação de um ambiente pouco propício ao \"homing\" celular durante o processo de injúria. A diminuição dos níveis de PAI-1 é promovida, pela sinvastatina, fármaco da família das estatinas. Desta forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar os efeitos da sinvastatina sobre a expressão do PAI-1, bem como sua influência na sobrevivência das células infundidas para terapia celular de enfisema pulmonar em modelo murino. Camundongos da linhagem FVB foram submetidos à instilação intranasal de elastase para indução de enfisema pulmonar e, posteriormente, tratados com CTM do tecido adiposo e sinvastatina. Os resultados mostraram que, quanto aos aspectos morfológicos e funcionais, considerando-se a análise conjunta de ambos os pulmões, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos submetidos à instilação intranasal de elastase e submetidos à terapia celular com CTM tratados ou não com sinvastatina. Quando porém os pulmões foram analisados individualmente constatou-se que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos controle e os resultados referentes ao lado direito do pulmão dos animais tratados com elastase e que receberam sinvastatina e infusão de CTM. Diferenças anatômicas entre os lados direito e esquerdo do pulmão, levaram a uma maior deposição de células no lado direito, como evidenciado pelos resultados obtidos nos ensaios de bioluminescência. Pode-se, portanto, inferir que a recuperação morfológica no lado direito do pulmão de animais com DPOC/enfisema poderia ser decorrente de um efeito regenerativo parácrino das CTM associadas à sinvastatina. / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - COPD is characterized by the persistent limitation of gas exchange, is usually progressive, and associated to a chronic augmented inflammatory response of the airways to particles and noxious gases. Despite preventable e treatable, an effective, curative therapeutic approach is yet to be achieved. In this context, cell therapy presents itself as a promising therapeutic approach for COPD and other pulmonary inflammatory and degenerative diseases. However, many aspects of cell therapy with stem cells remain unclear. One of the major challenges to the success of cell therapy are the low survival rates of transplanted cells. The Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) is a potential mediator of the survival of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) after transplantation, since PAI-1 neutralizing antibodies have been shown to increase the survival rate of MSC in the target tissue of cell therapy. Thus, the decreased levels of PAI-1 has an interesting therapeutic potential to modulate key processes involved in creating an inhospitable environment, during the process of injury, to the homing of transplanted cells. Decreased levels of PAI-1 are promoted by simvastatin, a drug of the statins family. Thus, the goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of simvastatin in vivo on the expression of PAI-1, as well as its influence on the survival rate of infused cells in mice model of cell therapy for pulmonary COPD/emphysema. FVB mice were submitted pulmonary emphysema induction by means of intranasal instillation of elastase and than treated with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and simvastatin. The results regarding morphological and functional aspects, when considering the analisys of both lungs, presented no statistically significant difference among the groups submitted to intranasal instillation of elastase and cell therapy with MSC, treated or not with simvastatin. However, when the lungs where analyzed individually, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the control group and the results regarding the right lung of animals treated with elastase and that received simvastatin and MSC infusion. Anatomical differences between the right and left sides of the lung lead to a higher deposition of cells in the right side, as observed in the bioluminescence assays. Thus, it is possible to infer that the morphological recovery in the right side of the lung of animals with DPOC/emphysema could be due to a regenerative paracrine effect of mesenchymal stem cells associated with simvastatin.

Análise da expressão gênica global de células estromais mesenquimais e de células tronco hematopoéticas isoladas da medula óssea de pacientes com diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 / Global gene expression analysis of mesenchymal stromal cells and hematopoietic stem cells isolated from bone marrow of type 1 diabetes patients

Kalil William Alves de Lima 25 February 2013 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 (T1D) é uma doença autoimune mediada por células T e caracterizada pela destruição seletiva das células ? pancreáticas produtoras de insulina. Células estromais mesenquimais (MSCs) e células tronco hematopoéticas (HSCs) são os principais componentes do nicho hematopoético na medula óssea. Estas células vêm sendo utilizadas nos últimos anos em transplantes autólogos para tratamento do T1D. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi avaliar o perfil de expressão gênica global de MSCs e HSCs de pacientes com T1D e compará-lo com células isoladas de indivíduos saudáveis através da técnica de microarray e programas específicos de bioinformática. As MSCs e HSCs foram isoladas da medula óssea de pacientes com T1D antes e após o tratamento com imunossupressão em altas doses seguida pelo transplante autólogo de células tronco hematopoéticas (AHSCT). As MSCs apresentaram valor elevado de expressão absoluta de diversas moléculas potencialmente relacionadas com suas funções de suporte à hematopoese. MSCs de pacientes diabéticos apresentaram perfil de expressão gênica global distinto das isoladas de indivíduos saudáveis, com hiper-regulação da sinalização via proteína G e hiporregulação da atividade transcricional. O receptor ?3 adrenérgico, assim como a sinalização simpática, foram hiper-expressos nas células dos pacientes. Genes que codificam moléculas que suportam a hematopoese e regulados pelo sistema nervoso simpático, VCAM1 e CXCL12, foram hiporregulados em nossa análise. Após o AHSCT, houve atenuação do perfil de expressão diferencial das MSCs dos pacientes, entretanto elas permaneceram com hiperatividade da sinalização via proteína G e déficit da atividade transcricional. As HSCs apresentaram altos níveis de expressão absoluta de diversas integrinas e receptores de citocinas e fatores de crescimento, potencialmente relacionados com funções na hematopoese. HSCs de pacientes com T1D apresentaram perfil de expressão gênica global distinto das de indivíduos saudáveis, com hiper-regulação de genes associados com a atividade transcricional. Os fatores de transcrição TCFL2 e p53, que têm papel fundamental na regulação do ciclo celular das HSCs, foram diferencialmente expressos entre as HSCs de pacientes diabéticos e controles. Assim, nossos resultados de expressão gênica global apontaram alterações intrínsecas nas HSCs e MSCs de pacientes diabéticos que podem estar relacionadas com a falha terapêutica dos transplantes autólogos. A implicação dessas alterações no desenvolvimento e patogênese do T1D permanece desconhecida e a realização de ensaios funcionais poderá esclarecer o significado biológico das mesmas. / Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease, characterized by selective destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic ? cells. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the main components of hematopoietic niches. In the last years, these cells are being used in autologous transplantation settings for T1D treatment. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the global gene expression profile of MSCs and HSCs from T1D patients, by using microarrays and bioinformatics specific programs. MSCs and HSCs were isolated from bone marrow of T1D patients before and after treatment with high dose immunossupression followed by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. MSCs showed high absolute expression values of several molecules potentially related to their function of hematopoiesis support. MSCs from T1D patients exhibited distinct gene expression profile from control MSCs and presented up-regulation of the G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway and down-regulation of transcriptional activity. The ?3 adrenergic receptor, as well the sympathetic nervous system signaling were up-regulated on patient´s cells. Genes that codify molecules which support hematopoeisis and are regulated by the symphatic nervous system, VCAM1 and CXCL12, were downregulated on our analysis. After AHSCT, there was an attenuation of the differential expression profile of MSCs from T1D patients, however they remained with G proteincoupled receptor signaling pathway hyperactivity and transcriptional activity deficit. HSCs exhibited high absolute expression values of integrins, cytokine receptors and growth factors, molecules potencially related to hematopoietic functions. HSCs from T1D patients showed distinct expression profile from control HSCs and demonstrated up-regulation of genes related to transcriptional activity. The transcription factors TCFL2 and p53, which have important role in regulating HSC cycle, were differentially expressed between HSCs from T1D patients and controls. Thus, our global gene expression analysis has revealed intrinsic alterations on MSCs and HSCs from T1D patients that could be related to the autologous transplant therapeutic failures. The implications of these alterations on the development and pathogenesis of T1D remain unknown and functional assays could unravel their biological meaning.

O uso de células-tronco adultas humanas na recuperação funcional da lesão medular trumática em ratas Wistar

Rodrigues, Luciano Palmeiro January 2011 (has links)
A lesão medular traumática é uma patologia incapacitante, ainda sem tratamento eficaz. As terapias celulares representam uma nova estratégia para o tratamento destas lesões. As células-tronco adultas são fontes potenciais para o transplante celular com o objetivo de minimizar a lesão e promover a recuperação de tecidos lesados, como a medula espinhal. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar a eficácia do transplante de células-tronco adultas na recuperação funcional e regeneração da lesão medular traumática em modelo experimental de lesão medular contusa em ratas fêmeas Wistar. Os principais objetivos foram: a) comparar os efeitos do transplante da fração mononuclear de sangue de cordão umbilical humano e de células-tronco mesenquimais dos vasos da parede do cordão umbilical humano; b) determinar a janela terapêutica deste tipo de intervenção, comparando os implantes de células- tronco realizados 1 hora, 24 horas e 9 dias após a lesão; c) demonstrar a possível diferenciação das células-tronco implantadas, bem como sua integração no tecido lesado. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o transplante de células foi mais eficaz para a recuperação funcional da lesão medular em ratas Wistar quando realizado pela via de administração local 1h após a lesão, quando comparado com a administração na cisterna magna e a aplicação 9 dias a lesão. O tratamento com a fração de células mononucleares ou com as células-tronco mesenquimais do sangue do cordão umbilical 24h após a lesão, não apresentou resultado funcional significativo.Observou-se a neuroproteção do tecido medular quando foi realizado o transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais 1h após a lesão medular. As células humanas transplantadas migraram e sobreviveram no local da lesão quando administradas na cisterna magna ou quando administradas diretamente no local da lesão, porém não se diferenciaram em células gliais ou neurônios. Concluímos que o transplante de células-tronco adultas promoveu a recuperação funcional após a lesão medular contusa, principalmente quando realizado 1h após a lesão diretamente no local da lesão. Apesar das células transplantadas sobreviverem na área da lesão, não foi evidenciada diferenciação celular. / Spinal cord injury is a debilitating disease and yet no effective treatment is available. In this framework cell therapy represents a new strategy to treat this condition. Adult stem cells are potential sources for cell transplantation in order to minimize injury and promote the recovery of damaged tissues, such as the spinal cord. The purpose of this Thesis was to evaluate the action of adult stem cells in the regeneration and functional recovery of spinal cord injury in experimental contusion spinal cord injury in female Wistar rats. Main goals were: a) to compare the effects of transplantation of the mononuclear cells of human umbilical cord blood and mesenchymal stem cells of the vessel wall of human umbilical cord; b) to determine the therapeutic window of this type of intervention, comparing the stem cell implants performed 1 hour, 24 hours and 9 days after injury; c) to demonstrate the possible differentiation of cells implanted, as well as their integration into the damaged tissue. Results reported demonstrate that the transplantation of stem cells was more effective for functional recovery of spinal cord injury when performed into the site of the lesion 1 h after injury, as compared with administration in the cisterna magna 9 days after injury. Treatment with mononuclear cells and mesenchymal cells from umbilical cord blood 24 hours after injury, not showed functional outcome. Neuroprotection was observed when mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted 1 hour after spinal cord injury. The transplanted human cells survived and migrated to the site of injury either when administered in the cisterna magna or directly onto the injury site, but did not differentiated into glial cells or neurons. It is suggested that the transplantation of adult stem cells promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury when performed 1 hour after injury directly at the injury site, however differentiation of transplanted cells was not detected.

Molecular guidance of dopaminergic cells transplanted in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease / Étude du guidage axonal de cellules dopaminergiques greffées dans un modèle animal de la maladie de Parkinson

Kalaani, Joanna 22 January 2016 (has links)
La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est caractérisée par une dégénérescence des neurones dopaminergiques de la voie nigrostriée. La thérapie cellulaire, par transplantation intranigrale de cellules fœtales issues de mésencéphale ventral (MV), assure un rétablissement anatomique et fonctionnel de cette voie. Des molécules de guidage axonal (MGA) joueraient ainsi un rôle dans la reconnexion axonale des cellules transplantées. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons étudié l'expression de MGA dans le cerveau adulte intact et dans des cellules destinées à la transplantation, ainsi que dans le cerveau adulte d'un modèle murin de la MP après transplantation. Dans le tissu intact, nous avons montré que semaphorin7A (Sema7A) et Sema3A et leurs récepteurs, plexinC1 et neuropilin1, conservent leur expression protéique. De plus, grâce à l'utilisation de puces à ADN, nous avons montré que les récepteurs Robo2, neuropilin1, neuropilin2, EphA5 et DCC sont exprimés de manière différentielle dans les deux populations cellulaires utilisées pour la transplantation. Ceci suggère que ces molécules seraient impliquées dans la restauration fonctionnelle observée. Enfin, dans le tissu lésé, nous avons observé, par RT-qPCR, des variations d'expression de l'ARNm de ces MGA après transplantation intranigrale des cellules fœtales du MV, suggérant plus particulièrement l'implication de Sema3A, Sema3F et Sema7A dans la reconstruction de la voie. Ce travail met en lumière l'action de sémaphorines dans le guidage axonal des cellules transplantées. L'intégration de ces MGA dans les procédures de transplantation pourrait aider à optimiser les procédures de thérapie cellulaire dans la MP. / Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterised by the degeneration of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway. Cell therapy using intranigral transplantation of foetal ventral mesencephalon (VM) cells in a mouse model of PD results in anatomical and functional reconstruction of the pathway. This suggests a role for axon guidance molecules (GMs) in reconnecting transplanted cells to their striatal target. To test this hypothesis, we studied the expression of axon GMs in the intact adult brain, on cells used for transplantation and in a mouse model of PD after cell therapy. In the intact brain, we showed that GMs as semaphorin7A (Sema7A) and Sema3A and their corresponding receptors, plexinC1 and neuropilin1, retain an expression at the protein level, therefore showing a possible role for these guidance cues in the adult brain. Moreover, using microarray, we studied GM receptor expression profiles in two types of cells used for transplantation and exhibiting different functional ameliorations. Robo2, neuropilin1, neuropilin2, EphA5 and DCC receptors showed differential expression between the two cellular populations, indicating their possible contribution to the different functional outcomes observed. In the lesioned mouse brain, we observed, using RT-qPCR, variations of mRNA expression of these axon GMs after intranigral transplantation of foetal VM derived cells, thus suggesting the implication of Sema3A, Sema3F, and Sema7A in the reconstruction of the pathway. Overall, this work highlights particular importance of semaphorins in the nigrostriatal pathway reconstruction. Integrating these cues in transplantation procedures can possibly optimize cell therapy for PD patients.

Les chambres de leucoréduction sont une nouvelle source de cellules pour la génération de lignées de lymphocytes T en immunothérapie

Boudreau, Gabrielle 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Cell transplantation and gene therapy approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative disorders

Eberle, Dominic 09 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Photoreceptors are of prime importance for humans, since vision is one of the most important senses for us. In our daily life, where nearly every action is dependent on visual input, an impairment or a loss of eyesight leads to severe disability. With a non-syndromic prevalence of 1:4000, retinitis pigmentosa, a collective term for a group of inherited retinal eye diseases, represents, together with age-related macula degeneration, one of the main causes for visual impairment and blindness in industrialized countries. The dominant reason for vision loss is, in both cases, the irreversible loss of photoreceptor cells located in the outer nuclear layer of the retina. To date, no effective treatment is available to preserve or regain visual function in affected patients. Recent promising strategies for new retinal therapeutical approaches focus on one hand on the development of gene therapies, where an introduced wild-type allele compensates a mutated gene, and on the other hand on cell therapies, where stem or photoreceptor precursor cells (PPCs) are transplanted to the sub-retinal space to replace degenerated host photoreceptors. The current study is subdivided into three parts, addressing the issue of non-reversible photoreceptor cell loss due to retinal degenerative diseases by investigating in the first two parts new qualitative as well as quantitative approaches in the field of retinal cell therapy, while in the third part an ocular gene therapeutical approach targeting prominin-1, a gene involved in retinal degenerative disorders, was investigated. Briefly, this study shows in the first part, a significant enhancement of the integration rate of PPCs in wild-type host retinas, achieved by pre-transplantational sorting, using the recently discovered PPC - specific cell surface marker CD73. This sets another step further towards retinal cell therapy by increasing the effectiveness of such treatment. Next to this quantitative approach, it is also shown that the quality of transplanted photoreceptor precursor cells is comparable to native photoreceptors by demonstrating, that an indispensable prerequisite of every photoreceptor cell, the outer segment, is developed by transplanted PPCs after proper integration. Importantly, transplanted PPCs develop native outer segments even when not integrated in the host tissue but located in the sub-retinal space, as it is predominantly observed after transplantation into severely degenerated retinas. These results substantiate the feasibility of cell therapeutical treatment of severely degenerated retinas. At the end of this part, it is demonstrated, that outer segments are not formed properly by PPCs transplanted to the vitreal side of the retina. This suggests an influence of signaling molecules, presumably secreted by retinal pigment epithelial cells into the sub-retinal space, on transplanted PPC final differentiation. Since intensive research is done to differentiate stem cells into PPCs for cell therapeutical transplantation, these results may contribute significantly to this research by demonstrating, that factors secreted by the retinal pigment epithelium might play a crucial role for successful stem cell to PPC differentiation. The last part of my work investigates a gene therapeutical approach to cure inherited retinal degenerative diseases. One gene, where reported mutations cause retinal degeneration in humans is prominin-1, a protein expressed at cell membrane evaginations in a variety of cell types. Interestingly, the prominin-1 knock-out mouse is characterized exclusively by disorganized photoreceptor outer segment formation and progressive retinal degeneration. Successful delivery of a wild-type form of mouse prominin-1 using adeno-associated viral vector transfer, into the photoreceptors of prominin-1 - deficient mice is demonstrated. The divergent results show on one hand a rescue of the thickness of the photoreceptor outer nuclear layer on a short time period (3 weeks post treatment), and on the other hand long-term data (8-10 weeks post treatment) suggests histologically as well as functionally a negative effect on treated photoreceptors. This might be due to effects caused by an over-expression of prominin-1 and will be investigated in future studies. In conclusion, distinct and important investigations were made which contribute significant puzzle pieces to new cell- as well as gene therapeutical approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative disorders.

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