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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postoje sociálních pracovníků k celoživotnímu vzdělávání / Attitudes of Social Workers to Lifelong Learning

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Olga January 2015 (has links)
Lifelong education represents an important theme much discussed by the today's society, which was one of the reasons for choosing the topic of the diploma thesis. The present diploma thesis titled "Approaches of social workers to lifelong education" is divided into two parts: the theoretical part provides a summary of the existing knowledge contained in various literatures related both to lifelong education and education in general. The other, research part concentrates on the objective of the research, the methodology applied, characteristics of the research group, processing and evaluation of data and discussion. The theoretical part is engaged in defining the term of lifelong education, legislation in education, the development of lifelong education. Furthermore, it explores key documents associated with the analysed areas of lifelong education, structural funds and Community programmes, human potential, human resources and human capital. The theoretical part consists of a chapter dealing with the system of initial education, involving formal, non-formal and informal education and further education. The following section of the theoretical part focuses on social workers, who, in compliance with Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services, as amended, are obligated to pursue further education in order to improve, complement and refresh their qualification. The other section of the theoretical part is concerned with prerequisites for performing the profession of social workers, their further education, accreditation of educational facilities and programmes. The objective of this diploma thesis is outlined in the research part: Determination of approaches of social workers in the South Bohemian Region to the set-up of education in social work. In connection with the objective of the thesis, the following hypothesis was stipulated:The approach of social workers is more positive as to lifelong education directed at practice than theoretical education. To confirm the above hypothesis, a zero hypothesis was established, assuming that, within the final basic group of social workers in the South Bohemian Region, 75% of social workers has a more positive approach to practice-directed education and 25% of social workers has a more positive approach to theoretical education. The research part, in the framework of this diploma thesis, was effected in form of a quantitative research. The required data were derived by the method of interrogation, a questionnaire technique. The prepared questionnaire consisted of 27 questions in total. Closed, semi-closed and open questions were used. The questionnaire was sent by electronic mail to email addresses of facilities and their individual employees. The research group consisted of social workers employed in social services in the South Bohemian Region. The resulting data were assessed and processed by means of contingent tables and graphs in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Values gained by the research were processed statistically. To verify the hypotheses regarding the structure of the basic research according to one or more indices, Pearson's Chi-Square Test of goodness of fit at the significance level alpha = 0.05 was applied. The research performed within the diploma thesis, supported by the survey based on questionnaires, anwers of the respondents as such and, last but not least, statistical calculations, confirmed the hypothesis that contemplated a more positive approach of social workers to lifelong education aimed at practice. Social workers in the South Bohemian Region taken into consideration, the results of the diploma thesis unquestionably demonstate that social workers prefer practice-directed education. Having assessed all questions in the questionnaire, the author determined the attitudes of social workers as to the set-up of lifelong education in social work and believes that the standpoint of the majority of respondents of lifelong learning is highly positive.

Vzdělávání mladých lékařů fakultních nemocnic a možnosti jeho financování

Kovařčíková, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the development of human resources at university hospitals. Specifically, the thesis focuses on the development of young physicians, participating in specialized training, but outside the medical field. The introduction describes the terms related to human resources development in the health sector. Diploma thesis introduces the current system of education of young physicians and the terms of specialized education of young physicians. In the second part of thesis is a quantitative survey conducted at University hospital Olomouc, in order to identify the needs of young physicians in the field of human resources development. In the end of the work are chosen fields of complementary education for young physicians. Also are recommended training providers in chosen fields. On the basis of the activities associated with the planning and implementation of complementary education program for young physicians, it is designed and developed a budget.

Řízení procesu vzdělávání v konkrétní organizaci / Management of Education of Employees in Organisation

Kolečková, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the process of education in a particular organisation. The aim of the thesis is to identify and evaluate the current system of education in surroundings of the particular organisation and in case of deficiencies suggest appropriate project that will lead to improvement. In the theoretical part it is processed the issues of employee education and the other related concepts with the aid of the analysis of secondary sources which comprise the study of the literature and other available materials. The practical part describes the organisation and the process of employee education with the aid of analysis of internal materials. There are also evaluated outcomes of quantitative research with utilization of questionnaire. On the basis of survey results it is suggested to implement a training course in communication skills in the form of e-learning. This course can help to improve the current educational system and employee contentment within the organisation.

Vývoj, řízení a hospodaření příspěvkových organizací zaměřených na další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků v České republice / Development, management and economy of public-benefit corporations focused on further education of teaching personnel in the Czech Republic

Obajdinová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis which is called Development, management and economy of public-benefit corporacions focused on further education of teaching personnel in the Czech Republic, in its theoretical part describes the formation of such organisation, the reasons, goals and the visions, that lead the founder to start up such organisation. Furthermore it describes its functioning and related management, financing and fulfilling the ideas and visions of its founders. The practical part contains an evaluation and description of the results, which were identified based on the qualitative aspects, data analysis from annual reports and websites of selected governmental organizations from the Liberec Region, the Ustí nad Labem Region and the Central Bohemia Region, and which deal with training and education of teaching staff. Also, based on the expert examination this thesis describes the achieving of goals of these institutions, their development, management and relations with the founders and also the management of selected state-funded institutions. At the very end, based on the collected data and the results of each survey this thesis designes a possible future development of the state funded institution called Centrum vzdělanosti Libereckého kraje (the Institution of Education of Liberec Region).

Celoživotní vzdělávání pracovníků ve státním sektoru a význam celoživotního vzdělávání v neziskovém sektoru (srovnávací studie) / Lifelong learning for the workers in the public sector and requiers lifelong learning in the nonprofit sector (comparative study)

Tesařová, Dagmar January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the the diploma thesis is the evaluation the current state of lifelong learning in the govermental and non-govermental non-profit sectors. The aim of the thesis to suggest possibilities for lifelong learning in govermental and non-govermental non-profit sectors. The thesis focuses on reasons which lead workers to increase the level of their achieved education and to participate in educational workshops. It deals with the state of employer or company support. Its theoretical part is based on studying of documents. For conducting the practical part there were chosen particular authorities and organizations where a quantitative survey using a standardized questionnaire and qualitative research using semi-structured interviews were done. The collected data were analyzed and the conclusion stated. Diploma thesis shows the way for the improvement of work with employees who lack the necessary education.

Vzdělávání dospělých v DDM v Kraji Vysočina / Adult education in Youth Centre in the Highlands Region - what kind of offer education Youth Centre for adult education and as used menu.

PAVLÍČKOVÁ, Jarmila January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with lifelong adult education with a focus on leisure education. The theoretical framework is described as a developmental stage of maturity of the individual. It is also understood the importance of free time and lifelong adult education. In the research part I'm using questionnaires compared the views of both sides of leisure education - DDM directors and adult participants. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the importance of lifelong adult education with a focus on formal education and then determine whether a particular site (Vysocina Region) and the specific type of educational establishment (House of Children and Youth - DDM) is offering sufficiently diverse and is thus perceived and adult participants . The results of the quantitative survey shows that in the area of education DDM menu also caters to the needs of adult participants. The results also point to a provision in the promotion of programs aimed at adults.

Životní cíle ve vztahu k věku a generativitě / Life Goals In Relation to Age and Generativity

Beranová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of life goals and their relation to the age and generativity of the individual. In the theoretical part, the life goals are presented in the context of motivation and values, personal well-being and meaningfulness of life. Classification of life goals and selected life goals theories and research methods are also presented. In addition, the diploma thesis deals with the subject of lifelong development and significant milestones in relation to life goals. In connection with Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, concept of generativity and parenthood as one of the elements linked to generativity are also introduced. The empirical part of the diploma thesis aims at verifying the relationship between life goals of a person, his / her age and generativity, respectively, whether the preferences of the life goals are more related to the age of the individual or to his / her attained level of generativity, namely in the period of young adulthood and middle-age when generability is developing. Another sub- goal of the empirical part of the thesis is to find out the relation between the preference of life goals and parenthood. For the realization of the selected research task, a quantitative research project was used, using two questionnaire methods - Loyola...

Možnosti a perspektivy e-learningového vzdělávání v celoživotním vzdělávání sester / Possibilities and Prospects of E-learning in Lifelong Education of Nurses

PETERKOVÁ, Blanka January 2014 (has links)
Czech health care and nursing is undergoing a significant transformation during the last years and it touches the changes in the education of health professionals. There are changing demands on the training, on the knowledge level and also on the graduate profile in accordance with the recommendations of the Europlan Union. Following these recommendations the requirements of lifelong education of nurses are also profiled. E-learning education is an important tool in use in the educational process of nursing and an effort to use processes of nursing care based on evidence.The aim of the study was to determine how nurses use e-learning in lifelong education and whether nurses prefer classical forms of education to e-learning, to map whether they have possibilities of e-learning within the facilities they work in and whether there is a sufficient supply of e-learning courses supporting lifelong education of nurses in the Czech Republic. The last goal of the study was to create an e-learning course focused on specific problems at the orthopedic ward of the Hospital Tábor, a.s. In relation to the objectives the following hypotheses were designed: H1-Nurses with university education use e-learning more than non-graduates. H2-Nurses with university education consider e-learning in clinical practice for more beneficial than traditional forms of education, unlike non-graduate nurses. H3-Nurses with clinical practice shorter than 5 years prefer e-learning more often than nurses with practice longer than 5 years. For the thesis was selected a quantitave survey form using anonymous questionnaries that were distributed electronically to the individual clinical departments. The research sample consisted of registered nurses according to Act 96/2004 Coll., As amended, from specialized outpatient clinical departments of 16 providers of medical facilities in the Czech Republic. The questionnaries were processed by matrix method in Excel 2013 and the results were converted into graphs and tables using descriptive statistics. A statistical evaluation of hypotheses was made as well. Hypotheses were tested by chi-square test in contingency tables. The selected level of significance was 5%.Results: Nurses mostly use e-learning to get professional information for nursing care. The most common reason for not using or even rejection of e-learning by nurses is that this form of education does not suit them. Most nurses do not have the opportunity to e-learning in facilities where they work and also they cannot implement the knowledge gained by e-learning. The offer of e-learning courses over time is constantly changing and evolving, some courses have even completely disappeared. A course offer is sufficient, although nurses miss some types of courses. There was to create an e-learning course "Collection of biological material, or how not make mistakes in the pre-analytic phase" focusing on specific problematic aspects of blood collection within the medical facility Hospital Tábor,a.s. The results of the survey will be together with the e-learning course given to the leading management of the Hospital Tábor,a. s.

Vývoj právní úpravy vzdělávání dospělých v České republice / The Development of the Legal Regulation of Adult Education in the Czech Republic

Možná, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis The Development of the Legal Regulation of Adult Education in the Czech Republic addresses the legal regulation of adult education in the Czech Republic and its historical, social and international political context. The thesis describes and analyses the following elements: adult education legislation in our country from 1918 to present days, and its strategic, analytical and conceptual documents, key documents of international organizations, adult education legislation of the European Union, in Slovakia and shallowly in few other countries in order to provide a comparison, all based on law theory and andragogic terminology. The conclusion of thesis provides a critical evaluation of the current adult education legislation in the Czech Republic and drafts a new legislation substantively related to all the above components.

Internet a vzdělávání dospělých

Šalek, Jaromír January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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