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Problematika dospělých se specifickou poruchou učeníJanovcová, Vlasta January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Metódy výpočtu Customer Lifetime Value a ich aplikácia v oblasti kozmetiky / Calculation methods for the Customer Lifetime Value and its application in the cosmetics industryBaraniaková, Júlia January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is the description and comparison of existing methods for calculating the customer lifetime value at a firm. Second, minor goal is based on the comparison to choose a suitable method of calculation for an application in a real business unit. The used methodology contains detailed research of available foreign academic literature. Building on that a comparison of the methods based on selected criteria is conducted. Results of a questionnaire survey are used in the last chapter to provide specific sugestions for the possible marketing applications of CLV approach and calculation in a specific business unit.
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Význam celoživotního vzdělávání učitelů ekonomických předmětů / The importance of lifelong learning of teachers of economic subjectsHybšová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce issue of individual parts of lifelong learning of economics teachers. The theoretical part describes in-service and futher education of teachers, including topics currently discussed. The theoretical part is followed by a discussion of results of a questionnaire survey among teachers of economic subjects. It was verified that the access to education of teachers of business subjects is not uniform, because not everybody who teach is a specialist teachers in the field. It was also found that in further education teachers have unequal opportunities for further education. Although the motivation of teachers of economic subjects further education is great, very different topics that interested teachers.
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Vzdělávání v komunitárních programech EU / Education in EU Community ProgrammesVavroušová, Darina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with education in Community Programmes. It focuses on Education Policy in EU and Lifelong Learning Programme which was concentrated on Education and Training in 2007 - 2014. Since 2014 the programme has a new form and a new name, Erasmus+. New programme connects six existing programs into a single framework which covers Education, Training, Youth and Sport. In the final part is presented the practical example of completing funding application form to support projects in the education area. The completed form can serve as a guide for future applicants.
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Využití modelů hodnoty zákazníka při měření efektivnosti nástrojů online marketinguPořízek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with models for determinig customer and identifying parameters determinig this value. Company analysis was conducted and key parameters were chosen. On this basis, a model to determine lifetime value of company customers was applied and subsequently modified. Based on the results reccomandations were developed to use customer lifetime value to measure effectivness of online marketing tools.
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Senioři v medializovaném světě / Seniors in the mediated societyLusková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the relationship between seniors and new media, focusing on the current media impact on society and the increasing interest in a media literacy courses for the seniors. The main goal of this work is to capture experiences and opinions of seniors on the use of new media and to point out the benefits of active aging, which seniors can gain through their safe use. The theoretical part of the thesis first focuses on key concepts that reflects the current shape of the old age and the aging process, the position of the media in society and the specific relationship between seniors and new media with reference to the current media literacy programs. The qualitative part of the research reflects attitudes, opinions and experience of seniors using new information and communication technologies through semi-structured in- depth interviews. These findings are analyzed in seven subchapters, which are based on the interviews. Due to the changing attitudes of seniors and the complex generalization of this category, the work can outline their insight into the use of new media and could also be used as a groundwork for further research of this issue.
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Celoživotní učení romských žen / The Lifelong Learning of Roma WomenHorváthová, Martina January 2022 (has links)
The work presents Romani women as one of the disadvantaged groups for whom, according to transnational organizations, lifelong learning should be an opportunity to improve employability and improve social position in society. Today's society is working to make primary, secondary and terciary education accessible to disadvantaged children and youth, and adult education should also be prepared for diverse groups of learners. Inclusive education should respect the specific needs of its target group. The diploma thesis, based on fifteen years of experience in the education of Roma women, available data and knowledge gained through quantitative and qualitative research, specifies the perceived educational needs and expectations of this specific disadvantaged group in relation to further education. The thesis describes the intersectionality with which Romani women cope in life, and which must be perceived as the background and cause of the barriers they face in accessing further education. The last chapter outlines appropriate methods of making further education accessible to adult Romani women. Findings captured at work can also be related to other groups on the margins of society and at risk in the labor market. Key words: Roma, women, lifelong learning, further education, education, inclusion in...
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Vývoj celoživotního vzdělávání všeobecných sester v České republice / The Developement of Lifelong Education of General Nurses in the Czech RepublicMamulová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
5 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused on the development of lifelong education of general nurses in the Czech Republic. The duty of lifelong education and its control has been introduced with the admission of the Czech Republic into the European Union. However, the development timeline is possible to follow until the period after the Second World War. The theoretical part describes the term of non-medical occupations, nursing and the roles of general nurses. Within the concept of lifelong education and learning is pursued European development line, as well as its influence in the Czech Republic. There is also a track of professionalism within the nursing occupation, which enables general nurses to take over more responsibilities and this led to the requirement of higher education. The empirical part of the text is dedicated to the analysis of the questionnaire of my own construction, which examined rapport of lifelong learning principles by general nurses. These principles were chosen on the base of nursing strategies which were acquired by the Czech Republic. The interest of the research was to compare two groups of general nurses. The first was represented by nurses educated before adopting the law no. 96/2004, and the second group included nurses with tertiary education level. Key words: general...
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Osobnostní odolnost seniorů účastnících se vzdělávání na univerzitách třetího věku / Hardiness of Senior Citizens participating in Universities of the Third AgeŠkvorová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The population is getting older. Prognosis predict increasing numbers of people in the age group 65+ in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to think about involving senior citizens in social development and supporting their self-sufficiency up to a higher age. Education is one of the ways to achieve that. The focus of this thesis is on education within the Universities of the Third Age, which it studies from a new point of view. Hardiness is seen as part of personal characteristics which helps the individual cope with stressful situations. Research in this thesis is trying to find out if the senior citizens attending the Universities of the Third Age have a higher scores on hardiness then those who do not attend, and also whether they have a more positive outlook on their health and meaning of their lives. The thesis also studies whether the scores on hardiness depends on gender, formal education level and whether it is connected to perceived social support. The results show that there is no difference in the scores on hardiness resulting from gender. Senior citizens attending the Universities of the Third Age have a more positive outlook on their health and they also perceive their lives as more meaningful. No difference in the scores on hardiness was found between the two groups. Also, no...
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Porovnání terapeutických konceptů a jejich výsledků u osob s tělesným postižením / Comparison of therapeutic concepts and their results at people with physical disabilityNováková, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis introduces the issue of individual concepts that affect the psychological and motor processes, occurring at people with physical disabilities. It addresses the definition of the basic concepts within both historical and present context. The thesis considers what kind of connection and relationships exist behind the failures of the body scheme and the human psyche, and in greater detail deals with methods that work to improve the quality of life for a person with a physical disability. The research part establishes the situation of comprehensive rehabilitation in the Czech Republic. It is developed according to the preliminary areas: lifelong learning, the status of the comprehensive rehabilitation and procedures used in caring for a person with a physical disability. KEYWORDS: physical disability, therapeutic methods, psychomotor, neuromotor, lifelong learning, comprehensive rehabilitation.
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