Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cement waste"" "subject:"cement taste""
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Etude de l’adjuvantation de pâtes cimentaires par différents polycarboxylates : la mésostructure : un lien entre interactions organo-minérales et propriétés macroscopiques / Formulation of cement pastes with different polycarboxylates : mesostructure : a link between organo-mineral interactions and macroscopic propertiesAutier, Caroline 12 November 2013 (has links)
Les superplastifiants sont des adjuvants développés pour conférer aux matériaux cimentaires une plus grande fluidité pour un même rapport eau/ciment (E/C) en favorisant la dispersion des particules. De nombreuses études ont été réalisées pour approfondir la compréhension de leur mode d'action. La plupart du temps, elles relient directement la quantité adsorbée au comportement rhéologique des matériaux dans lesquels ils sont incorporés. Cependant, à une échelle intermédiaire, l'organisation mésostructurale de la pâte cimentaire contrôle non seulement sa fluidité, mais également son homogénéité et sa stabilité physicochimique.Ces travaux de thèse portent sur une dernière génération de superplastifiant : les polycarboxylates (PCE). Une approche expérimentale multi-échelles a été développée en intégrant les caractéristiques mésostructurales de la pâte de façon à faire le lien entre les interactions organo-minérales, notamment l'adsorption des PCE, et les propriétés macroscopiques (comportements en sédimentation et rhéologique). L'identification et la caractérisation granulaire de la pâte a été abordée à l'échelle de la particule, par une approche morpho-granulométrique. Des indices de dispersion ont été définis de façon à quantifier l'influence des PCE sur l'organisation mésostructurale des particules (particules unitaires ou agglomérées). Dans un second temps, l'évolution de cette organisation a été étudiée par l'analyse des colonnes de sédimentation. Un indice de séparation de phase a été défini, mettant en évidence l'existence de plages de stabilité en fonction du dosage et de la structure moléculaire du PCE incorporé.La mise en relation de ces observations avec l'étude des interactions organo-minérales a permis d'approfondir la compréhension du mode d'action et de l'influence des PCE. Cette démarche analytique représente un outil potentiel au développement de superplastifiants novateurs. / Superplasticizers are admixtures developed to give the cementitious materials greater fluidity for the same water to cement ratio (w/c), promoting the particles dispersion. Many studies were conducted to deepen the understanding of their mode of action. Usually, they connect directly the amount adsorbed with the rheological behavior of the materials in which they are incorporated. However, at an intermediate scale, mesostructurale organization of the cement paste controls not only its fluidity, but also its homogeneity and physicochemical stability.This work focuses on a new generation of superplasticizers: polycarboxylates (PCE). A multi-scale experimental approach has been developed by integrating mesostructural characteristics of cement paste to make the link between the organo-mineral interactions, particularly PCE adsorption, and the macroscopic properties (sedimentation and rheological behavior). Identification and granular characterization of cement paste was discussed, at the level of the particle, by a morpho-granulometric approach. Dispersion indices were defined to quantify the influence of PCE on mesostructural organization of particles (unit particles or agglomerates). In a second step, the evolution of this organization has been studied by analysis of sedimentation columns. A phase separation index has been defined, highlighting the existence of stability ranges as a function of the dosage and molecular structure of the PCE incorporated.Linking these observations with study of organo-mineral interactions has allowed to deepen the understanding of the mode of action and influence of PCE. This analytical approach is a potential tool to the development of innovative superplasticizers.
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Avaliação da alteração das propriedades da pasta de cimento em ambiente de repositório / Assessment of cement paste properties changes in repository environmentFerreira, Eduardo Gurzoni Alvares 30 April 2013 (has links)
Pasta de cimento é um material comum em repositórios para rejeitos radioativos, atuando como material estrutural e de imobilização. Sua utilização como material de preenchimento em um repositório tipo poço tubular profundo para fontes seladas, no entanto, requer um maior tempo de vida útil do material. O conhecimento de seu comportamento em longo prazo é necessário para garantir a segurança da instalação em milhares de anos. O presente trabalho avaliou as alterações na pasta de cimento induzidas por fatores de degradação, como ataque de agentes agressivos, alta temperatura e presença de campo de radiação. Corpos de prova (cps) de pasta de cimento foram submetidos a ensaios acelerados de degradação e os efeitos deletérios foram avaliados por meio de ensaios de resistência mecânica, variação dimensional, lixiviação/penetração de íons, DRX, TGA e MEV. Observou-se que a hidratação dos cps foi beneficiada pela imersão (em água destilada ou em solução salina) e alta temperatura, resultando em uma resistência maior. O armazenamento à seco prejudicou a hidratação, mantendo a resistência mais baixa. O tempo de imersão e a irradiação não foram capazes de alterar a mineralogia e a resistência da pasta de cimento. / Cement paste is widely used in repositories for radioactive wastes, acting as structural and immobilization material. However, its use as backfill material in boreholes for sealed sources requires a longer service life of this material. The assessment of the cement paste behavior in long term is needed to improve the confidence that the material will perform as required during the service life of the facility. This research evaluated the changes in cement paste induced by degradation parameters. Portland cement paste specimens (cps) were submitted to accelerated degradation tests and the damage effects was evaluated by mechanical strength, variation of sample mass and volume, leaching/penetration of ions, XRD, TGA and SEM. It was observed that cps hydration was benefited by immersion (in distilled water or salt solution) and high temperatures, resulting in a higher strength. Dry storage, however, influenced the hydration process and maintained strength lower. Time of treatment and irradiation were not able to alter mineralogy and durability of cement paste.
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Impact de la carbonatation sur les propriétés de transport d'eau des matériaux cimentaires / Impact of carbonation on water transport properties of cementitious materialsAuroy, Martin 02 October 2014 (has links)
Le futur site de stockage géologique des déchets MAVL français intègre, dans sa conception, des éléments de structure en béton armé (alvéole et conteneurs). Prédire leur durabilité à l'échelle de la phase d'exploitation (environ 100 ans) est décisif. En conditions de service, le système de ventilation assurerait un approvisionnement constant de CO2, soumettant le béton à des phénomènes de séchage et de carbonatation. L'effet de la température (dû à l'exothermie des déchets) et du séchage sur la carbonatation a été évalué par le passé. Les données acquises à ce jour se doivent cependant d'être complétées. Dans ce sens, la prise en compte des transferts hydriques simultanés à la carbonatation est indispensable. D'une part, car la carbonatation est une pathologie courante du béton armé qui mène, à terme, à une corrosion généralisée des armatures. D'autre part, car la durabilité des structures en béton armé est conditionnée par l'évolution de leur état hydrique tout au long de leur période de service. L'évaluation des propriétés de transport d'eau dans les matériaux carbonatés, en milieu insaturé, constitue un enjeu important pour l'Andra chargée de la gestion des déchets radioactifs.Des essais de carbonatation accélérée sont conduits sur quatre pâtes de ciment durci (CEM I, CEM III/A, CEM V/A et un mélange Bas-pH) à une teneur en CO2 de 3%. Les propriétés hydriques des matériaux carbonatés sont évaluées à partir d'une approche simplifiée nécessitant la connaissance de 3 paramètres physiques accessibles par l'expérience : (i) porosité, (ii) isotherme de désorption de la vapeur d'eau et (iii) perméabilité.Les résultats mettent en évidence des modifications minéralogiques et microstructurales majeures engendrées par la carbonatation : décomposition des hydrates et précipitation de carbonate de calcium (CaCO3) selon différents polymorphes. La décalcification forte des C S H et la polymérisation des chaines silicatées, menant à la formation d'un gel de silice enrichi en calcium, sont constatées. La conséquence directe est l'apparition d'un retrait de carbonatation, lui-même à l'origine d'un phénomène de microfissuration. D'autre part, une réduction du volume poreux et de la surface spécifique des matériaux sont observées. Les carbonates formés obturent les pores, réduisant ainsi la porosité totale. Dans ce sens, plus la teneur initiale en portlandite est élevée, plus la quantité de CaCO3 formée est importante et, par conséquent, plus la chute de porosité résultante est marquée. La structure d'un matériau carbonaté n'a alors plus rien à voir avec son état initial. Ces changements se traduisent par une baisse significative de la teneur en eau à l'équilibre et un changement de morphologie des isothermes, en lien direct avec les évolutions microstructurales. Une baisse de la perméabilité est obtenue dans le cas du ciment Portland (CEM I), en raison du large colmatage de la porosité. Par contre, elle augmente dans le cas des ciments avec ajouts (CEM III/A, CEM V/A et Bas-pH), fait directement imputé à l'effet de la microfissuration, qui prédomine devant la chute de porosité. Le cortège minéralogique initial (teneurs en portlandite et C-S-H) joue donc un rôle déterminant vis-à-vis du comportent des matériaux cimentaires face à la carbonatation. La représentativité de la carbonatation accélérée vis-à-vis de la carbonatation naturelle a, par ailleurs, été vérifiée. Le jeu de données récolté au cours de ces travaux peut être étendu et, appliqué avec confiance, en condition de carbonatation réelle / The French design of deep geological repository involves the use of cement-based materials (vault cell and containers). The durability assessment over the operational phase (supply 100 years) is decisive. In operating conditions, a ventilation system would maintain the CO2 partial pressure within the disposal, subjecting concrete to drying and carbonation. The temperature (due to the waste thermal output) and drying effects on carbonation have been studied in the past. The data acquired must however be complemented. In this sense, taking into account the water transfers simultaneously to carbonation is essential. On the one hand, because carbonation is a common pathology of reinforced concrete that leads to rebar corrosion. On the other hand, because the durability of reinforced concrete structures is dependent on their water content evolution all along their service life. The assessment of water transport properties in carbonated materials, under unsaturated conditions, is an important issue for Andra in charge of the management of radioactive waste in France.Accelerated carbonation test are performed on four hardened cement pastes (CEM I, CEM III/A, CEM V/A and a Low-pH mix) at 3% CO2 content. The water transport properties of carbonated materials are evaluated using a simplified approach, requiring the knowledge of 3 physical parameters, accessible through experimental way: (i) porosity, (ii) water vapour desorption isotherm and (iii) permeability.The results highlight mineralogical and microstructural changes induced by carbonation: hydrates decomposition and calcium carbonate precipitation (CaCO3) according to various polymorphs. The high decalcification of C-S-H and the polymerisation of silicates chains, leading to the formation of a calcium-enriched silica gel, are found. This results in carbonation shrinkage, responsible of microcracking. On the other hand, the reduction of porosity and specific surface area are observed. The formed carbonates fill the pores, reducing the total porosity. In this sense, the higher the initial portlandite content, the higher the amount of CaCO3 and, consequently, the more the porosity decrease. The structure of the carbonated materials is totally different from the initial state. These changes result into a significant reduction of the water content at the equilibrium and a modification of the isotherms morphology, directly related to the microstructure evolutions. The permeability is found to decrease in the case of Portland cement (CEM I), due to porosity clogging. By contrast, it was found to increase significantly for blended cements (CEM III/A, CEM V/A and Low-pH mix), this is directly attributed to the microcracking effect which is more significant compared to porosity clogging. The initial mineralogy (portlandite and C-S-H contents) therefore plays a determinant role regarding to the carbonation impact on the cementitious materials behaviour. Furthermore, the representativeness of accelerated carbonation compared to natural one was verified. The data set acquired during this work can be extended and, applied confidently under real carbonation conditions
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Desenvolvimento e caracterização de compósitos piezoelétricos de PZT com matriz cimentícia e borracha natural /Santos, Josiane Alexandrino dos. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Antonio Malmonge / Resumo: O uso de materiais inteligentes tem sido cada vez mais utilizado pelo ramo de engenharia civil, devido à crescente demanda por construções que têm como função não só atenderem ao crescente aumento populacional, como agirem também como facilitadores da vida humana. Dentro dos estudos em desenvolvimento nesta área, o que vem ganhando destaque é o desenvolvimento de sensores compósitos de materiais piezoelétricos à base de cimento, que sejam capazes de atuar no monitoramento e detecção de possíveis falhas nas estruturas civis em tempo real e contínuo. Alguns dos grandes problemas encontrados no desenvolvimento de sensores piezoelétricos baseados em matrizes cimentícias, encontram se na degradação das propriedades dos sensores frente às condições ambientais em tempo contínuo a que estes são submetidos, bem como, a possibilidades de as fases de preenchimento interferirem diretamente no processo de cura da matriz, reduzindo suas propriedades mecânicas desejáveis. Buscando resolver tais problemas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção e caracterização de compósitos piezoelétricos utilizando como matriz o cimento modificado com borracha natural (BN) e titanato zirconato de chumbo (PZT) como fase piezoelétrica. O PZT foi escolhido como fase piezoelétrica devido seu alto valor do coeficiente piezoelétrico enquanto a inserção da BN buscou garantir aos compósitos, resistência à passagem de água, umidade e a resistência a soluções nocivas ao cimento, atuando no aumento da dura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The use of intelligent materials has been increasingly used by the civil engineering industry, in response to the increasing demand for constructions that serve, not only to attend to the increasing population, but also to act as facilitators of human life. Within the studies under development in this area, the one that has being gaining prominence is the development of composite sensors of cement-based piezoelectric materials, that can act in the monitoring and detection of possible failures in civil structures in real and continuous time. Some of the major problems encountered in the development of piezoelectric sensors based on cementitious matrices lie in the degradation of the properties of the sensors, both as against the environmental conditions in continuous time to which they are subjected, as well as the possibility that filling phases interfere directly in the process of curing the matrix, reducing its desirable mechanical properties. In order to solve such problems, the present study aimed to obtain and characterize of a composite piezoelectric array of modified cement with natural rubber (NR) and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) as the piezoelectric layer. The PZT was chosen as the piezoelectric phase because of its high piezoelectric coefficient, while the BN insertion sought to guarantee the resistance of the composites to the passage of water, moisture and noxious solutions to the cement, in order to increase not only the durability, as well the piezoeletric prop... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Avaliação da alteração das propriedades da pasta de cimento em ambiente de repositório / Assessment of cement paste properties changes in repository environmentEduardo Gurzoni Alvares Ferreira 30 April 2013 (has links)
Pasta de cimento é um material comum em repositórios para rejeitos radioativos, atuando como material estrutural e de imobilização. Sua utilização como material de preenchimento em um repositório tipo poço tubular profundo para fontes seladas, no entanto, requer um maior tempo de vida útil do material. O conhecimento de seu comportamento em longo prazo é necessário para garantir a segurança da instalação em milhares de anos. O presente trabalho avaliou as alterações na pasta de cimento induzidas por fatores de degradação, como ataque de agentes agressivos, alta temperatura e presença de campo de radiação. Corpos de prova (cps) de pasta de cimento foram submetidos a ensaios acelerados de degradação e os efeitos deletérios foram avaliados por meio de ensaios de resistência mecânica, variação dimensional, lixiviação/penetração de íons, DRX, TGA e MEV. Observou-se que a hidratação dos cps foi beneficiada pela imersão (em água destilada ou em solução salina) e alta temperatura, resultando em uma resistência maior. O armazenamento à seco prejudicou a hidratação, mantendo a resistência mais baixa. O tempo de imersão e a irradiação não foram capazes de alterar a mineralogia e a resistência da pasta de cimento. / Cement paste is widely used in repositories for radioactive wastes, acting as structural and immobilization material. However, its use as backfill material in boreholes for sealed sources requires a longer service life of this material. The assessment of the cement paste behavior in long term is needed to improve the confidence that the material will perform as required during the service life of the facility. This research evaluated the changes in cement paste induced by degradation parameters. Portland cement paste specimens (cps) were submitted to accelerated degradation tests and the damage effects was evaluated by mechanical strength, variation of sample mass and volume, leaching/penetration of ions, XRD, TGA and SEM. It was observed that cps hydration was benefited by immersion (in distilled water or salt solution) and high temperatures, resulting in a higher strength. Dry storage, however, influenced the hydration process and maintained strength lower. Time of treatment and irradiation were not able to alter mineralogy and durability of cement paste.
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Aplicação da espectroscopia na região do visível e infravermelho próximo na avaliação não-destrutiva de materiais cimentícios / Application of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy in the non-destructive evaluation of cement materialsSantos, Rochelle Schneider dos January 2014 (has links)
O século 21 vem sendo caracterizado pela urbanização acelerada em países economicamente emergentes. O aumento das construções em áreas urbanas, quando mal planejado, ocasiona problemas estruturais e espaciais que afetam diretamente os cidadãos e seu entorno. Muitas pesquisas científicas propõem métodos para monitorar a qualidade dos materiais utilizados em obras de engenharia. As inspeções de qualidade mais aplicadas são feitas em materiais relacionados à estrutura, como o concreto. Todo o concreto utilizado em obra é obrigatoriamente submetido ao ensaio à compressão axial, que rompe os corpos-de-prova. Estes ensaios destrutivos não são realizados in loco e todo o material utilizado é descartado após análise. Neste sentido, o sensoriamento remoto pode ser utilizado no mapeamento e monitoramento de materiais de construção, permitindo investigar e identificar diversos componentes de forma não-destrutiva. Os materiais podem ser inspecionados diretamente no local da obra, de uma forma rápida, não-invasiva e de baixo custo, características imprescindíveis no processo contínuo da construção civil. Neste trabalho foi utilizado o equipamento espectrorradiômetro FieldSpec 3 para medir materiais cimentícios à base de cimento Portland (pasta de cimento, argamassa e concreto). Nas amostras de pasta de cimento e argamassa, analisou-se o comportamento espectral de quatro diferentes resistências mecânicas e nas amostras de concreto avaliou-se a diferença entre o comportamento espectral de concretos submetidos a carregamento precoce e concretos de referência. As curvas espectrais geradas pelo registro da radiação eletromagnética refletida e absorvida das amostras foram interpretadas com base na teoria de espectroscopia vibracional e eletrônica. Esta dissertação tem um caráter inovador e a técnica aplicada é extremamente promissora e praticável como um método alternativo. Na literatura não existem estudos que já fizeram esta investigação, nem trabalhos acadêmicos com o propósito de diferenciar resistências mecânicas a partir da análise e interpretação de assinaturas espectrais destes materiais. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar uma técnica auxiliar inédita para analisar corpos-de-prova sólidos, utilizando a espectroscopia no visível e infravermelho próximo. O resultado deste estudo constatou que as amostras de pasta e de argamassa apresentaram contraste espectral e detectou a presença e proporção de água nas amostras. Também identificaram-se diferenças entre o comportamento espectral dos concretos de referência e o dos pré-carregados, evidenciando-se a aplicabilidade desta ferramenta na identificação da microfissuração do concreto. Com auxílio da transformada de wavelet foi possível comprovar estatisticamente o contraste espectral e que a profundidade das feições de absorção da água é inversamente proporcional à resistência mecânica, para materiais cimentícios como a pasta e argamassa. A técnica apresentada foi considerada bastante promissora como ferramenta auxiliar na avaliação da qualidade de materiais cimentícios à base de cimento Portland. / The 21st century has been characterized by rapid urbanization in economically emerging countries. The increase of constructions in urban areas, when not planned correctly, causes structural and spatial problems that directly affect citizens and their surroundings. Many scientific researches propose methods to monitor the quality of materials used in engineering works. The quality inspections more applied are made in materials related to the structure, like concrete. All the concrete used in the side work must be submitted to axial compression test, which breakes the samples. These destructive tests are not done in loco and all the material used is discarded after analysis. This way, the remote sensing can be used for mapping and monitoring of construction materials, allowing to investigate and to identify many components in a non-destructive way. The materials can be inspected directly inside the side work, in a quick way, non-invasive and low cost, indispensable characteristics in the ongoing process of civil construction. In this work a piece of equipment FieldSpec 3 spectroradiometer was used to measure cement materials based on Portland cement (cement paste, mortar and concrete). In the cement paste and mortar samples was analyzed the spectral behavior of four different compressive strengths and in the concrete samples was analyzed the difference between the spectral behavior of concretes submitted to early loading and concretes of reference. The spectral curves produced by register of electromagnetic radiation reflected and absorbed of the samples were interpreted based on the theory vibrational and electronic spectroscopy. This dissertation is an innovation and the technique applied is extremely promising and feasible as an alternative method. In the literature there are no studies that have already done this research or academic papers with the purpose of differentiate compressive strengths from the analysis and interpretation of their spectral signatures. The objective of this work is to show an original technique to analyze solid samples using the spectroscopy in the visible and near infrared. The result of this study found that the samples of cement past and mortar showed spectral contrast and detected the presence and proportion of water in the samples. Besides it identified differences between the spectral behavior of early loading and concretes of reference, highlighting the applicability of this tool in the identification of the concrete microcracking. With the help of wavelet transform was possible to prove statistically the spectral contrast and that the depth of water absorption features is inversely proportional to the compressive strength, for cement materials such as paste and mortar. The technique presented was considered very promising as an assistant technique in quality appraisal of cement material based on Portland cement, may complement information obtained by conventional techniques.
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Air void characterization in fresh cement paste through ultrasonic attenuation using an immersion procedureDarraugh, Natalie Ainsworth 24 August 2009 (has links)
The most prevalent method for the prevention of freeze-thaw and salt scaling damage in cement based materials is through the entrainment of air voids using air entraining chemical admixtures (AEA's). However, the common field methods for measuring air content in fresh concrete cannot distinguish between entrained and entrapped air voids, and the actual air content in the hardened concrete can vary from that determined by these tests due to a variety of factors such as workability, placing operations, consolidation efforts, and environmental conditions. Previous research has shown the ability of ultrasonic attenuation to distinguish between entrained and entrapped air voids in hardened cement paste, providing a foundation for an inversion procedure to calculate the size and volume content of the two scatterer sizes. While additional challenges are present with measurements in fresh paste, the use of an immersion setup can overcome the limitations of cement paste containment vessels and provide a means to measure air content from batching to placement. An immersion apparatus to monitor ultrasonic wave attributes including attenuation in fresh cement paste is designed and built. Results comparing air entrained and non-air entrained cement pastes are presented. Ultrasonic wave attributes are studied as a function of time and level of chemical air entrainer. Finally, recommendations are made to improve the accuracy of the immersion apparatus in order to develop an in situ, quality control procedure to quantify the air content of fresh cement paste from batching to placement.
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Micromecanical model : correlation between hydraulic and acoustic parameters of cement-based materials / Modèle micromécanique : corrélation des propriétés hydrauliques et acoustiques des matériaux cimentairesMaalej, Sirine 13 December 2010 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est la caractérisation de la porosité de la pâte de ciment partiellement saturée par des ondes ultrasonores. Les corrélations entre les vitesses ultrasonores et la porosité ont été étudiées en se basant à la fois sur les résultats expérimentaux et la modélisation micromécanique. Des mesures expérimentales de vitesses ultrasonores longitudinales et transversales en fonction du rapport eau/ciment et à différents états de saturation ont été réalisées sur la pâte de ciment avec et sans entraîneur d’air. En modélisation micromécanique, les effets de saturation ont été modélisés en supposant que la structure poreuse est formée d’inclusions ellipsoïdales de facteur de forme variable selon le rapport E/C. Afin d’estimer les modules homogénéisés élastique de la pâte de ciment et de pâte de ciment à entraîneur d’air différents modèles micromécaniques ont été étudiés. Les résultats de la modélisation micromécanique ainsi que les résultats expérimentaux ont montré que les vitesses des ondes longitudinales et transversales de la pâte de ciment à l’état sec sont inférieures à ceux de l’état saturé. Cet effet est tout aussi important pour l’ensemble des rapports E/C. Le modèle de Mori-Tanaka a donné la meilleure estimation des résultats expérimentaux mesurés sur la pâte de ciment. Alors que le modèle auto-cohérent a donné la meilleure estimation des propriétés mécaniques et ultrasonores de la pâte de ciment avec entraîneur d’air.Les résultats de ce travail devraient constituer le fondement d’un processus d’inversion et d’amélioration de la détermination de la porosité de la pâte de ciment par les ultrasons en tant que méthodes non destructives / The objective of this work is the characterization of unsaturated cement paste porosity through the use of ultrasonics. The correlation between ultrasonic velocity and porosity in cement paste material is studied based on both micromechanical modelling and experiments.Experimental measurements of ultrasonic longitudinal and transverse velocities as a function of water to cement ratio and under different saturation states were performed on cement paste with and without air-entrained adjuvant. In the micromechanical modeling, the effects of saturation were modeled by approximating the porous structure as a penny shaped ellipsoidal inclusions of aspect ratio varying with the W/C ratio. Several different micromechanical models for estimating the homogenized elastic moduli of cement paste and air-entrained cement paste were studied.The micromecanical modelling has shown that the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities of the dry cement paste are lower than those of the water saturated cement paste. This effect is equally prominent for all the cement paste W/C ratios. The model of Mori-Tanaka was found to give the best fit with the experimental results for the cement paste modeling. While, the self-consistent model gave the best estimate of the mechanical and ultrasonic air-entrained cement paste properties when compared to the laboratory experimental results.The findings of this work should be most appropriate as a foundation for an inversion process and improved cementitious material porosity determination by nondestructive methods
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Investigação de compósitos cimentícios para preenchimento de juntas da interface e de nichos em ligações de estruturas pré- moldadasBertolucci, Felipe Sakae [UNESP] 12 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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bertolucci_fs_me_ilha.pdf: 2860301 bytes, checksum: 3f3004f9d02861054ffe5fb10b1b2e7d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A indústria estruturas de concretos pré-moldados possui como grande preocupação a ligação entre seus elementos, tendo em vista que a mesma exerce grande influência no comportamento da estrutura, sendo responsável pela transmissão e redistribuição dos esforços na estrutura. A grande diferença entre estruturas pré-moldadas e estruturas de concreto moldadas “in loco” em relação ao seu comportamento estrutural está na ligação entre seus elementos. As ligações apresentam certa deformação quando solicitadas, recebendo na literatura técnica a denominação de ligações semi-rígidas. Dessa forma, buscou-se estudar todos os grautes existentes no mercado e desenvolver um compósito cimentício de fácil preparo e de baixo custo, do tipo calda de cimento e argamassa, que apresentasse características mecânicas similares aos grautes. Foram desenvolvidas duas caldas de cimento e uma argamassa, as quais foram submetidas juntamente com os grautes selecionados a ensaios específicos de propriedades adesão e aderência. Dentre as principais conclusões obtidas podem ser ressaltadas que a grande parte dos grautes possui problemas de fluidez dificultando o preenchimento total das ligações e sua aplicação. Em relação à aderência as duas caldas de cimento e a argamassa apresentaram comportamento semelhante indicando que há uma boa condição de aderência e, os grautes, devido à sua grande diferença de composição, tiveram comportamentos distintos / One of the concerns of the precast concrete industry is the connection among their different types of elements, in order that they strongly influence the behavior of the structural group, being responsible for the transmission and redistribution of the efforts in the structure. Among the differences between precast structures and concrete structures shaped “in loco” we have the concern about the structural behavior of the link between its elements. The links have shown some deformation when tested, receiving in the technical literature the name of semi-rigid connections. For that the concrete’s precast structure has the behavior of a monolithic structure it’s necessary the solidarization of the connection which is made by filling the vertical and horizontal niches with the aid of the grout. In this paper, we aimed to study some grouts of the Brazilian market and, at the same time, develop a cimentitius composite of easy prepare and low cost, of the cement paste and mortar types, with similar mechanical characteristics to industrialized grouts to be used in the filling of the precast structures. It was rheologically and mechanically created and evaluated two kinds of cement grout and one mortar composition that were submitted along with the selected grouts to an evaluation of their rheological behavior, and to specific tests of their mechanical properties of adhesion and bond. This study let us conclude that the cement paste and mortar developed showed a similar rheological behavior to the Herschel-Bulkley, besides to a good condition of bond and a good behavior in the structure link when compared to some industrialized grouts. Not all the evaluated grouts showed appropriate behaviors for joints’ filling
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Investigação de compósitos cimentícios para preenchimento de juntas da interface e de nichos em ligações de estruturas pré- moldadas /Bertolucci, Felipe Sakae. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Mônica Pinto Barbosa / Coorientador: Marcelo de Araújo Ferreira / Banca: Antonio Anderson da Silva Segantini / Banca: José Celso da Cunha / Resumo: A indústria estruturas de concretos pré-moldados possui como grande preocupação a ligação entre seus elementos, tendo em vista que a mesma exerce grande influência no comportamento da estrutura, sendo responsável pela transmissão e redistribuição dos esforços na estrutura. A grande diferença entre estruturas pré-moldadas e estruturas de concreto moldadas "in loco" em relação ao seu comportamento estrutural está na ligação entre seus elementos. As ligações apresentam certa deformação quando solicitadas, recebendo na literatura técnica a denominação de ligações semi-rígidas. Dessa forma, buscou-se estudar todos os grautes existentes no mercado e desenvolver um compósito cimentício de fácil preparo e de baixo custo, do tipo calda de cimento e argamassa, que apresentasse características mecânicas similares aos grautes. Foram desenvolvidas duas caldas de cimento e uma argamassa, as quais foram submetidas juntamente com os grautes selecionados a ensaios específicos de propriedades adesão e aderência. Dentre as principais conclusões obtidas podem ser ressaltadas que a grande parte dos grautes possui problemas de fluidez dificultando o preenchimento total das ligações e sua aplicação. Em relação à aderência as duas caldas de cimento e a argamassa apresentaram comportamento semelhante indicando que há uma boa condição de aderência e, os grautes, devido à sua grande diferença de composição, tiveram comportamentos distintos / Abstract: One of the concerns of the precast concrete industry is the connection among their different types of elements, in order that they strongly influence the behavior of the structural group, being responsible for the transmission and redistribution of the efforts in the structure. Among the differences between precast structures and concrete structures shaped "in loco" we have the concern about the structural behavior of the link between its elements. The links have shown some deformation when tested, receiving in the technical literature the name of semi-rigid connections. For that the concrete's precast structure has the behavior of a monolithic structure it's necessary the solidarization of the connection which is made by filling the vertical and horizontal niches with the aid of the grout. In this paper, we aimed to study some grouts of the Brazilian market and, at the same time, develop a cimentitius composite of easy prepare and low cost, of the cement paste and mortar types, with similar mechanical characteristics to industrialized grouts to be used in the filling of the precast structures. It was rheologically and mechanically created and evaluated two kinds of cement grout and one mortar composition that were submitted along with the selected grouts to an evaluation of their rheological behavior, and to specific tests of their mechanical properties of adhesion and bond. This study let us conclude that the cement paste and mortar developed showed a similar rheological behavior to the Herschel-Bulkley, besides to a good condition of bond and a good behavior in the structure link when compared to some industrialized grouts. Not all the evaluated grouts showed appropriate behaviors for joints' filling / Mestre
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