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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indoor radio propagation modeling for system performance prediction

Luo, Meiling 17 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims at proposing all the possible enhancements for the Multi-Resolution Frequency-Domain ParFlow (MR-FDPF) model. As a deterministic radio propagation model, the MR-FDPF model possesses the property of a high level of accuracy, but it also suffers from some common limitations of deterministic models. For instance, realistic radio channels are not deterministic but a kind of random processes due to, e.g. moving people or moving objects, thus they can not be completely described by a purely deterministic model. In this thesis, a semi-deterministic model is proposed based on the deterministic MR-FDPF model which introduces a stochastic part to take into account the randomness of realistic radio channels. The deterministic part of the semi-deterministic model is the mean path loss, and the stochastic part comes from the shadow fading and the small scale fading. Besides, many radio propagation simulators provide only the mean power predictions. However, only mean power is not enough to fully describe the behavior of radio channels. It has been shown that fading has also an important impact on the radio system performance. Thus, a fine radio propagation simulator should also be able to provide the fading information, and then an accurate Bit Error Rate (BER) prediction can be achieved. In this thesis, the fading information is extracted based on the MR-FDPF model and then a realistic BER is predicted. Finally, the realistic prediction of the BER allows the implementation of the adaptive modulation scheme. This has been done in the thesis for three systems, the Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) systems, the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) diversity systems and the wideband Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems.

Modélisation spatio-temporelle ultra-large bande du canal de transmission pour réseaux corporels sans fil

Van Roy, Stéphane 22 December 2010 (has links)
Les avancées technologiques de ces dernières années, combinées au succès avéré et toujours croissant des communications sans fil, ont tout naturellement donné naissance à un nouveau type de réseaux sans fil, communément appelés Body Area networks. A terme, ces réseaux corporels sans fil doivent permettre à un ensemble de senseurs bio-médicaux répartis sur le corps humain de communiquer, soit pour échanger des informations en vue d'un traitement en temps réel du patient, soit pour enregistrer des données physiologiques en vue d'une analyse ultérieure.<p><p>L’objectif de cette Thèse vise la réduction de la consommation énergétique au niveau des senseurs de sorte à leur garantir une autonomie de quelques mois, voire de quelques années. En réponse à cette contrainte énergétique, une association innovante de deux technologies émergentes est proposée, à savoir une combinaison des transmissions à ultra-large bande aux systèmes à multiples antennes. Une nouvelle architecture pour les réseaux corporels sans fil est donc envisagée pour laquelle les performances doivent être évaluées. Notre principale contribution à cet objectif consiste en la proposition d'une modélisation spatio-temporelle complète du canal de transmission dans le cadre de senseurs répartis autour du corps. Cette modélisation fait appel à la définition de nouveaux modèles, l'élaboration d'outils spécifiques d'extraction de paramètres et une compréhension fine des mécanismes de propagation liés à la proximité du corps humain. Ce manuscrit présente les résultats majeurs de nos recherches en cette matière.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Metody a systémy prostorové identifikace RFID etiket / Spatial Identification Methods and Systems for RFID Tags

Povalač, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
Disertační práce je zaměřena na metody a systémy pro měření vzdálenosti a lokalizaci RFID tagů pracujících v pásmu UHF. Úvod je věnován popisu současného stavu vědeckého poznání v oblasti RFID prostorové identifikace a stručnému shrnutí problematiky modelování a návrhu prototypů těchto systémů. Po specifikaci cílů disertace pokračuje práce popisem teorie modelování degenerovaného kanálu pro RFID komunikaci. Detailně jsou rozebrány metody měření vzdálenosti a odhadu směru příchodu signálu založené na zpracování fázové informace. Pro účely lokalizace je navrženo několik scénářů rozmístění antén. Modely degenerovaného kanálu jsou simulovány v systému MATLAB. Významná část této práce je věnována konceptu softwarově definovaného rádia (SDR) a specifikům jeho adaptace na UHF RFID, která využití běžných SDR systémů značně omezují. Diskutována je zejména problematika průniku nosné vysílače do přijímací cesty a požadavky na signál lokálního oscilátoru používaný pro směšování. Prezentovány jsou tři vyvinuté prototypy: experimentální dotazovač EXIN-1, měřicí systém založený na platformě Ettus USRP a anténní přepínací matice pro emulaci SIMO systému. Závěrečná část je zaměřena na testování a zhodnocení popisovaných lokalizačních technik, založených na měření komplexní přenosové funkce RFID kanálu. Popisuje úzkopásmové/širokopásmové měření vzdálenosti a metody odhadu směru signálu. Oba navržené scénáře rozmístění antén jsou v závěru ověřeny lokalizačním měřením v reálných podmínkách.

Power line communications for the electrical utility: physical layer design and channel modeling

Aquilué de Pedro, Ricardo 16 July 2008 (has links)
El món de les comunicacions per la xarxa elèctrica (CXE) pot ser dividit en tres grans tipus: CXE en baix voltatge (CXE-BV), en mig voltatge (CXE-MV) i en alt voltatge (CXE-AV). En aquests últims anys, les CXE-BV han atret una gran expectació, ja que les seves capacitats han fet d'aquesta tecnologia una bona opció com alternativa pel bucle local d'accés i pel desplegament de xarxes d'àrea local, focalitzades aquestes últimes en l'entorn domèstic. A més, les CXE-BV inclouen un conjunt d'aplicacions de baixa velocitat orientades a l'operador, com la lectura automàtica de comptadors (LAC), distribució de càrrega, facturació dinàmica, etc. Per altra banda, les CXE-MV i CXE-AV, històricament lligades a tasques de telecontrol i teleprotecció, s'estan començant a considerar com un canal de comunicacions eficient i fiable. El desenvolupament de sistemes digitals i els esforços d'estandardització estan fent d'aquests canals un medi atractiu per a que els operadors elèctrics ofereixin serveis de comunicacions, ja que no necessiten invertir en infraestructura perquè la xarxa elèctrica ja està desplegada.En aquesta Tesi s'introduiran i es comentaran les particularitats de les tres xarxes elèctriques, després, es mostraran al lector les solucions tecnològiques existents pels canals de BV basats en la norma Europea CENELEC així com pels canals d'AV, mostrant que els sistemes actuals de LAC ofereixen una diversitat freqüencial molt baixa i que els mòdems CXE-AV estan ancorats en estendards antiquats.Aquest treball es mou per les tres topologies de la xarxa, particularment, en aplicacions orientades a la banda CENELEC, en mesura i modelat de canal, i en mesura i disseny del nivell físic per sistemes CXE-BV, CXE-MV i CXE-AV respectivament. Els sistemes actuals que exploten la banda CENELEC ofereixen mecanismes d'explotació de la diversitat freqüencial del canal molt limitats o nuls, donant lloc a una baixa robustesa en front a interferències i soroll de fons acolorit. Aquest treball proposa un esquema de modulació multiportadora que, mantenint una complexitat baixa, ofereix unes altes prestacions permetent un bon nivell d'explotació de la selectivitat freqüencial. Per al que a CXE-MV respecta, aquesta Tesi desenvolupa un model de canal determinístic-estadístic pels anells urbans de distribució de potència i, finalment, en sistemes CXE-AV, aquest treball proposa, basat en mesures de canal i proves de camp, un nivell físic de banda ampla capaç de incrementar la velocitat de comunicació mentre manté una baixa densitat espectral de potència limitant així la interferència a altres sistemes.PARAULES CLAU: Power line communications (PLC), low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), automatic meter reading (AMR), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS), communication system design, channel measurements, channel modeling, scattering parameters. / El mundo de las comunicaciones por la red eléctrica (CRE) puede ser dividido en tres grandes tipos: CRE en bajo voltaje (CRE-BV), en medio voltaje (CRE-MV) y en alto voltaje (CRE-AV). En estos últimos años, las CRE-BV han atraído una gran expectación, ya que sus capacidades han hecho de esta tecnología una buena opción como alternativa para el bucle local de acceso y para el despliegue de redes de área local, focalizadas estas últimas en el entorno doméstico. Además, las CRE-BV incluyen un conjunto de aplicaciones de baja velocidad orientadas al operador como la lectura automática de contadores (LAC), distribución de carga, facturación dinámica, etc. Por otro lado, las CRE-MV y CRE-AV, históricamente ligadas a tareas de telecontrol y teleprotección, se están empezando a considerar como un canal de comunicaciones eficiente y fiable. El desarrollo de sistemas digitales y los esfuerzos de estandarización están haciendo de estos canales un medio atractivo para que los operadores eléctricos ofrezcan servicios de comunicaciones, ya que no necesitan invertir en infraestructura porque la red eléctrica ya está desplegada.En esta Tesis se introducirán y se comentarán las particularidades de las tres redes eléctricas, luego, se mostrarán al lector las soluciones tecnológicas existentes para los canales de BV basados en la norma Europea CENELEC así como para los canales de AV, mostrando que los sistemas actuales de LAC ofrecen una diversidad frecuencial muy baja y que los módems CRE-AV están anclados en estándares anticuados.Este trabajo se mueve por las tres topologías de red, particularmente, en aplicaciones orientadas a la banda CENELEC, en medida y modelado de canal, y en medida y diseño del nivel físico para sistemas CRE-BV, CRE-MV y CRE-AV respectivamente. Los sistemas actuales que explotan la banda CENELEC ofrecen mecanismos de explotación de la diversidad frecuencial del canal muy limitados o nulos, dando lugar a una escasa robustez frente a interferencias y ruido de fondo coloreado. Este trabajo propone un esquema de modulación multiportadora que, manteniendo una complejidad baja, ofrece unas altas prestaciones permitiendo un buen nivel de explotación de la selectividad frecuencial. Por lo que a CRE-MV respecta, esta Tesis desarrolla un modelo de canal determinístico-estadístico para los anillos urbanos de distribución de potencia y, finalmente, en sistemas de CRE-AV, este trabajo propone, basado en medidas de canal y pruebas de campo, un nivel físico de banda ancha capaz de incrementar la velocidad de comunicación mientras mantiene una baja densidad espectral de potencia limitando así la interferencia a otros sistemas.PALABRAS CLAVE: Power line communications (PLC), low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), automatic meter reading (AMR), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS), communication system design, channel measurements, channel modeling, scattering parameters. / The world of Power line communications (PLC) can be divided into three main types: low voltage PLC (LV-PLC), medium voltage PLC (MV-PLC) and high voltage PLC (HV-PLC). These last years, LV-PLC has attracted a great expectation since its wideband capabilities has made this technology a suitable choice for last-mile access and in-home communications. Moreover, LV-PLC also includes a utility oriented low frequency and low speed applications, such as automatic meter reading (AMR), load distribution, dynamic billing and so on. On the other hand, MV-PLC and HV-PLC, historically oriented to teleprotection and telecontrol tasks, are being considered as a reliable communication channel. The development of digital equipment and the standardization efforts are making those channels an attractive medium for electrical utilities telecommunications services, since the network, as well as in LV-PLC, is already deployed. In this PhD dissertation, the three different PLC topologies are reviewed and the different communications techniques in such channels exposed. Then, a deep technological review of existing AMR solutions for the European CENELEC band, as well as HV-PLC systems is given, showing that existing AMR systems deliver low frequency diversity and HV-PLC systems are anchored in old fashioned standards.This work walks around the three topologies, specifically, CENELEC band utility oriented applications, channel measurement and modeling and channel measurement and physical layer design, regarding LV-PLC, MV-PLC and HV-PLC respectively. Existing CENELEC compliant systems deliver low or none frequency diversity mechanisms, yielding in a low robustness against colored noise and interference. This work propose a multicarrier based physical layer approach that, while keeping the complexity low, delivers high performance allowing a great level of frequency diversity. Focusing on MV-PLC, a hybrid deterministic-statistical channel model for urban underground rings is developed and, finally, in HV-PLC systems, this work proposes, based on measurements and field tests, a wideband physical layer in order to increase data rate while keeping low both the power spectral density and possible interference to other systems.KEYWORDS: Power line communications (PLC), low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV), high voltage (HV), automatic meter reading (AMR), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multicarrier spread spectrum (MC-SS), communication system design, channel measurements, channel modeling, scattering parameters.

Utilizing Channel State Information for Enhancement of Wireless Communication Systems

Heidari, Abdorreza January 2007 (has links)
One of the fundamental limitations of mobile radio communications is their time-varying fading channel. This thesis addresses the efficient use of channel state information to improve the communication systems, with a particular emphasis on practical issues such as compatibility with the existing wireless systems and low complexity implementation. The closed-loop transmit diversity technique is used to improve the performance of the downlink channel in MIMO communication systems. For example, the WCDMA standard endorsed by 3GPP adopts a mode of downlink closed-loop scheme based on partial channel state information known as mode 1 of 3GPP. Channel state information is fed back from the mobile unit to the base station through a low-rate uncoded feedback bit stream. In these closed-loop systems, feedback error and feedback delay, as well as the sub-optimum reconstruction of the quantized feedback data, are the usual sources of deficiency. In this thesis, we address the efficient reconstruction of the beamforming weights in the presence of the feedback imperfections, by exploiting the residual redundancies in the feedback stream. We propose a number of algorithms for reconstruction of beamforming weights at the base-station, with the constraint of a constant transmit power. The issue of the decoding at the receiver is also addressed. In one of the proposed algorithms, channel fading prediction is utilized to combat the feedback delay. We introduce the concept of Blind Antenna Verification which can substitute the conventional Antenna Weight Verification process without the need for any training data. The closed-loop mode 1 of 3GPP is used as a benchmark, and the performance is examined within a WCDMA simulation framework. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithms have substantial gain over the conventional method at all mobile speeds, and are suitable for the implementation in practice. The proposed approach is applicable to other closed-loop schemes as well. The problem of (long-range) prediction of the fading channel is also considered, which is a key element for many fading-compensation techniques. A linear approach, usually used to model the time evolution of the fading process, does not perform well for long-range prediction applications. We propose an adaptive algorithm using a state-space approach for the fading process based on the sum-sinusoidal model. Also to enhance the widely-used linear approach, we propose a tracking method for a multi-step linear predictor. Comparing the two methods in our simulations shows that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the linear method, for both stationary and non-stationary fading processes, especially for long-range predictions. The robust structure, as well as the reasonable computational complexity, makes the proposed algorithm appealing for practical applications.

Utilizing Channel State Information for Enhancement of Wireless Communication Systems

Heidari, Abdorreza January 2007 (has links)
One of the fundamental limitations of mobile radio communications is their time-varying fading channel. This thesis addresses the efficient use of channel state information to improve the communication systems, with a particular emphasis on practical issues such as compatibility with the existing wireless systems and low complexity implementation. The closed-loop transmit diversity technique is used to improve the performance of the downlink channel in MIMO communication systems. For example, the WCDMA standard endorsed by 3GPP adopts a mode of downlink closed-loop scheme based on partial channel state information known as mode 1 of 3GPP. Channel state information is fed back from the mobile unit to the base station through a low-rate uncoded feedback bit stream. In these closed-loop systems, feedback error and feedback delay, as well as the sub-optimum reconstruction of the quantized feedback data, are the usual sources of deficiency. In this thesis, we address the efficient reconstruction of the beamforming weights in the presence of the feedback imperfections, by exploiting the residual redundancies in the feedback stream. We propose a number of algorithms for reconstruction of beamforming weights at the base-station, with the constraint of a constant transmit power. The issue of the decoding at the receiver is also addressed. In one of the proposed algorithms, channel fading prediction is utilized to combat the feedback delay. We introduce the concept of Blind Antenna Verification which can substitute the conventional Antenna Weight Verification process without the need for any training data. The closed-loop mode 1 of 3GPP is used as a benchmark, and the performance is examined within a WCDMA simulation framework. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithms have substantial gain over the conventional method at all mobile speeds, and are suitable for the implementation in practice. The proposed approach is applicable to other closed-loop schemes as well. The problem of (long-range) prediction of the fading channel is also considered, which is a key element for many fading-compensation techniques. A linear approach, usually used to model the time evolution of the fading process, does not perform well for long-range prediction applications. We propose an adaptive algorithm using a state-space approach for the fading process based on the sum-sinusoidal model. Also to enhance the widely-used linear approach, we propose a tracking method for a multi-step linear predictor. Comparing the two methods in our simulations shows that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the linear method, for both stationary and non-stationary fading processes, especially for long-range predictions. The robust structure, as well as the reasonable computational complexity, makes the proposed algorithm appealing for practical applications.

Modélisation du canal intra-bâtiment et transmission haut-débit pour les communications optiques dans le spectre visible / Indoor channel modeling and high data-rate transmission for visible light communication systems

Long, Shihe 21 September 2016 (has links)
Les communications optiques dans le spectre visible (VLC pour Visible-Light Communications) ont attiré une attention particulière depuis quelques années en tant qu'une solution prometteuse pour les réseaux sans fil à très haut-débit dans les milieux intra-bâtiment. Ainsi, cette technique exploite l'infrastructure d’éclairage basée sur les diodes électroluminescentes (LED) pour la transmission de l'information. Pour cette raison, elle offre de nombreux avantages, comparée aux techniques « classiques » basées sur les transmissions radiofréquences (RF), tels que l'existence d'une grande largeur de bande non réglementée, une sécurité de transmission intrinsèque et une immunité aux interférences électromagnétiques.Les principales contraintes liées à l'établissement d'une transmission VLC à très haut-débit dans ce contexte sont la propagation en trajets multiples et les caractéristiques non-idéales des LEDs commerciales, dites « blanches ». L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'impact réel de ces contraintes sur la transmission des données et de proposer des solutions efficaces de traitement du signal pour atténuer leurs effets. Nous commençons par étudier la réponse impulsionnelle du canal VLC grâce à l'élaboration d'un outil de simulation efficace. Nous évaluons ensuite la sélectivité en fréquence du canal de propagation en considérant différents critères, tels que la réponse fréquentielle, l'étalement temporelle du canal et le rapport signal à interférences. Dans un deuxième temps, compte tenu de la possibilité de la sélectivité en fréquence du canal et aussi la limitation de la bande passante des LEDs, nous étudions la pertinence de l'emploi de différentes techniques de transmission de signaux, notamment celle de l'OFDM optique (pour Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) afin de garantir des débits de transmission compétitifs avec la RF. Etant donné le facteur de crête ou PAPR (pour Peak-to-Average Power Ratio) élevé des signaux modulés en OFDM et la dynamique limitée des LEDs, nous proposons ensuite un nouveau schéma de transmission basé sur la modulation CAP (pour Carrier-less Amplitude and Phase) en plus de l'égalisation dans le domaine fréquentiel (FDE pour Frequency-Domain Equalization) au niveau du récepteur. Nous analysons les performances des liaisons VLC utilisant cette technique et les comparons à l'OFDM optique, en prenant particulièrement en compte la non-linéarité des LEDs. Enfin, nous démontrons l'intérêt de l'utilisation du schéma de transmission CAP-FDE à travers des résultats expérimentaux. / Visible Light Communications (VLC) have attracted particular attention in the research community since a few years as a promising solution for high-speed indoor wireless networks. By exploiting the existing solid-state light-emitting diode (LED) lighting infrastructure, VLC offer numerous advantages such as a large unlicensed bandwidth, transmission security, and immunity to electro-magnetic interference compared to their radiofrequency counterparts. Within the context of indoor VLC, the multipath propagation channel and the non-ideal characteristics of the commercial white LEDs cause the main limitations for achieving high data-rate transmission. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the true impact of these limitations on the data transmission and to propose efficient signal processing solutions to mitigate their adverse effects. We start by the study of the indoor VLC channel impulse response by developing an efficient simulation tool. We then consider evaluating the channel frequency selectivity through different metrics. Next, given the potentially frequency-selective channel and the limited modulation bandwidth of the LEDs, we investigate the suitability of employing different signal transmission techniques including optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (O-OFDM) in order to achieve high data-rate transmission. Given the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of O-OFDM signals and the limited dynamic range of the LEDs, we then propose a novel transmission scheme, which consists of using carrier-less amplitude and phase (CAP) modulation together with frequency domain equalization (FDE) at the receiver. We analyze the performance of the VLC link using this technique and compare it with the O-OFDM schemes, especially by taking the non-linear characteristics of the LED into account. Lastly, we demonstrate the merits of using the CAP-FDE transmission scheme via some experimental results.

Indoor radio propagation modeling for system performance prediction / Modélisation de la propagation radio en intérieur pour la prédiction des performances des systèmes radios

Xie, Meiling 17 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de proposer toutes les avancées possibles dans l’utilisation du modèle de propagation Multi-Resolution Frequency-Domain ParFlow (MR-FDPF). Etant un modèle de propagation radio déterministe, le modèle MR-FDPF possède un haut niveau de précision, mais souffre des limitations communes à tous les modèles déterministes. Par exemple, un canal radio réel n’est pas déterministe, mais un processus aléatoire à cause par exemple des personnes ou objets mobiles, et ne peut donc être décrit fidèlement par un modèle purement déterministe. Dans cette thèse, un modèle semi-déterministe est proposé, basé sur le modèle MR-FDPF, qui introduit une part stochastique pour tenir compte des aspects aléatoires du canal radio réaliste. La partie déterministe du modèle est composée du path loss (atténuation d’espace), et la partie stochastique venant du shadow fading (masquage) et du small scale fading (évanouissement). De même, de nombreux simulateurs de propagation radio ne proposent que la prédiction de la puissance moyenne. Mais pour une simulation précise de la propagation radio il convient de prédire également des informations de fading permettant dès lors une prédiction précise du taux d’erreur binaire (BER) potentiel. Dans cette thèse, l’information de fading est déduite des simulations MR-FDPF et par la suite des valeurs réalistes de BER sont données. Enfin, ces données réalistes de BER permettent d’évaluer l’impact de schémas de modulation adaptatifs. Des résultats sont présentés dans trois configurations : systèmes SISO (mono-antenne à l’émission et à la réception), systèmes à diversité de type MRC, et systèmes large bande de type OFDM. / This thesis aims at proposing all the possible enhancements for the Multi-Resolution Frequency-Domain ParFlow (MR-FDPF) model. As a deterministic radio propagation model, the MR-FDPF model possesses the property of a high level of accuracy, but it also suffers from some common limitations of deterministic models. For instance, realistic radio channels are not deterministic but a kind of random processes due to, e.g. moving people or moving objects, thus they can not be completely described by a purely deterministic model. In this thesis, a semi-deterministic model is proposed based on the deterministic MR-FDPF model which introduces a stochastic part to take into account the randomness of realistic radio channels. The deterministic part of the semi-deterministic model is the mean path loss, and the stochastic part comes from the shadow fading and the small scale fading. Besides, many radio propagation simulators provide only the mean power predictions. However, only mean power is not enough to fully describe the behavior of radio channels. It has been shown that fading has also an important impact on the radio system performance. Thus, a fine radio propagation simulator should also be able to provide the fading information, and then an accurate Bit Error Rate (BER) prediction can be achieved. In this thesis, the fading information is extracted based on the MR-FDPF model and then a realistic BER is predicted. Finally, the realistic prediction of the BER allows the implementation of the adaptive modulation scheme. This has been done in the thesis for three systems, the Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) systems, the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) diversity systems and the wideband Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems.

Cooperative wireless channel characterization and modeling: application to body area and cellular networks

Liu, Lingfeng 23 March 2012 (has links)
Cooperative wireless communication is an attractive technique to explore the spatial channel resources by coordination across multiple links, which can greatly improve the communication performance over single links. In this dissertation, we study the cooperative multi-link channel properties by geometric approaches in body area networks (BANs) and cellular networks respectively.<p><p>In the part of BANs, the dynamic narrowband on-body channels under body motions are modeled statistically on their temporal and spatial fading based on anechoic and indoor measurements. Common body scattering is observed to form inter-link correlation between links closely distributed and between links having synchronized movements of communication nodes. An analytical model is developed to explain the physical mechanisms of the dynamic body scattering. The on-body channel impacts to simple cooperation protocols are evaluated based on realistic measurements. <p><p>In the part of cellular networks, the cluster-level multi-link COST 2100 MIMO channel model is developed with concrete modeling concepts, complete parameterization and implementation methods, and a compatible structure for both single-link and multi-link scenarios. The cluster link-commonness is introduced to the model to describe the multi-link properties. The multi-link impacts by the model are also evaluated in a distributed MIMO system by comparing its sum-rate capacity at different ratios of cluster link-commonness. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Channel Modeling Applied to Robust Automatic Speech Recognition

Sklar, Alexander Gabriel 01 January 2007 (has links)
In automatic speech recognition systems (ASRs), training is a critical phase to the system?s success. Communication media, either analog (such as analog landline phones) or digital (VoIP) distort the speaker?s speech signal often in very complex ways: linear distortion occurs in all channels, either in the magnitude or phase spectrum. Non-linear but time-invariant distortion will always appear in all real systems. In digital systems we also have network effects which will produce packet losses and delays and repeated packets. Finally, one cannot really assert what path a signal will take, and so having error or distortion in between is almost a certainty. The channel introduces an acoustical mismatch between the speaker's signal and the trained data in the ASR, which results in poor recognition performance. The approach so far, has been to try to undo the havoc produced by the channels, i.e. compensate for the channel's behavior. In this thesis, we try to characterize the effects of different transmission media and use that as an inexpensive and repeatable way to train ASR systems.

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