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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Détection d'anomalies et de ruptures dans les séries temporelles. Applications à la gestion de production de l'électricité / Detection of outliers and changepoints in time series. Applications over the management of electricity production

Allab, Nedjmeddine 21 November 2016 (has links)
Continental est l'outil de référence utilisé par EDF pour la gestion d'électricité à long terme. il permet d'élaborer la stratégie d'exploitation du parc constitué de centrales réparties sur toute l'europe. l'outil simule sur chaque zone et chaque scénario plusieurs variables telles que la demande d'électricité, la quantité générée ainsi que les coûts associés. nos travaux de thèse ont pour objectif de fournir des méthodes d'analyse de ces données de production afin de faciliter leur étude et leur synthèse. nous récoltons un ensemble de problématiques auprès des utilisateurs de continental que nous tentons de résoudre à l'aide des technique de détection d'anomalies et de ruptures dans les séries temporelles. / Continental is the main tool that edf uses for the long-term management of electricity. It elaborates the strategy exploitation of the electrical parc made up by power plants distributed all over europe. the tool simulates for each zone and each scenario several variables, such as the electricity demand, the generated quantity as well as the related costs. our works aim to provide methods to analyse the data of electricity production in order to ease their discovery and synthesis. we get a set of problmatics from the users of continental that we tent to solve through techniques of outliers and changepoints detection in time series.

The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Version 1.6 Cyber Range A Training and Testing Platform

Elmo, David, II 23 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

OCPP Compatibility between a Central System and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Court, Alexandre January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, the growing CO2 emissions is one of the main international issues. The world is becoming aware that the current climate issues start being critic and that something has to be done. In parallel, Earth starts running out of fossil fuels so alternative energies and alternative ways of producing energy have to be found. Driving electric vehicles would reduce the CO2 emissions and the use of fossil fuels. Of course, it would not make it possible to solve all the current issues but it could be part of a global solution. Over the past few years, the production of electric vehicle has grown faster and faster and consequently so did the production of electric vehicle charging stations. International and European standards have been set for electric vehicles and electrical vehicle charging stations. Besides, the growing number of charging stations entails a need of supervision. Supervision makes it possible for instance to control the charging stations remotely or to manage the transaction and the energy transmissions. Given the large number of charging station constructors and supervision system suppliers, the need of a common communication protocol was imperative. The Open Charge Alliance (OCA) has developed a standard communication protocol named Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). This protocol is still in development but it enables the different actors to have a common communication protocol and so to possibly interconnect their systems. Given OCPP is still under construction, the communication between a charging station and a supervision system is not trivial and some adjustments usually have to be made. The aim of this Thesis is to work on the compatibility between a supervision system and several charging stations from different constructors. / Idag är växande CO2-utsläpp en av de viktigaste internationella frågorna. Världen är medveten om att de nuvarande klimatfrågorna börjar bli kritiskar och att något måste göras. Parallellt börjar jorden rinner ut av fossila bränslen så alternativa energikällor och alternativa sätt att producera energi måste hittas. Användningen av elfordon skulle minska CO2-utsläppen och användningen av fossila bränslen. Naturligtvis skulle det inte göra det möjligt att lösa alla aktuella frågor, men det kan vara en del av en global lösning. Under de senaste åren har produktionen av elektriska fordon vuxit snabbare och snabbare och därmed också produktionen av elfordonens laddstationer. Internationella och europeiska standarder har fastställts för elfordon och elfordons laddstationer. Ett växande antal laddstationer medför ett behov av tillsyn. Tillsyn gör det möjligt att till exempel fjärrstyra de laddstationer eller att hantera transaktionen och energiöverföringar. Med tanke på det stora antalet laddningsstation konstruktörer och övervakning systemleverantörer, var behovet av en gemensam kommunikationsprotokoll absolut nödvändigt. Open Charge Alliance (OCA) har utvecklat ett standard kommunikationsprotokoll som heter Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). Detta protokoll är fortfarande under utveckling, men det gör det möjligt för olika aktörer att ha ett gemensamt kommunikationsprotokoll och att eventuellt sammankoppla sina system. Med tanke på att OCPP fortfarande är under uppbyggnad, är kommunikationen mellan en laddningsstation och ett övervakningssystem inte trivialt och vissa justeringar måste oftast göras. Syftet med dettaa examensarbete är att titta på förenlighet mellan ett övervakningssystem och flera laddningsstationer från olika leverantörer.

A Comparative Study on Container Orchestration and Serverless Computing Platforms

Kushkbaghi, Nick January 2024 (has links)
This report compares the performance of container orchestration architecture and serverless computing platforms within cloud computing. The focus is on their application in managing real-time communications for electric vehicle(EV) charging systems using the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). With the growing demand for efficient and scalable cloud solutions, especially in sectors using Internet of Things (IoT) and real-time communication technologies, this study investigates how different architectures handle high-load scenarios and real-time data transmission. Through systematic load testing of Kubernetes (for container orchestration) and Azure Functions (for serverless computing), the report measures and analyzes response times, throughput, and error rates at various demand levels. The findings indicate that while Kubernetes performs robustly under consistent loads, Azure Functionsexcel in managing dynamic, high-load conditions, showcasing superior scalability and efficiency. A controlled experiment method ensures a precise and objective assessment of performance differences. The report concludes by proposing a hybrid model that leverages the strengths of both architectures to optimize cloud resource utilization and performance.

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