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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microbial community analysis of a laboratory-scale biological process for the treatment of vegetable oil effluent

Degenaar, Adrian Phillip January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment with the requirements for the Masters Degree: Biotechnology, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / Untreated vegetable oil effluents (VOEs) are known for creating shock-loading problems for the receiving wastewater treatment installations, resulting in poor quality final effluents being produced which do not satisfy municipal discharge standards. Onsite activated sludge treatment as an alternative has not been fully investigated. Hence, in this investigation biological treatment using the activated sludge process was chosen as the method for the treatment of VOE. The effect of VOE on measured process parameters was also determined. Novel molecular techniques such as fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and dot-blot hybridization have become powerful tools for the analysis of complex microbial communities that exist within activated sludge. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate biological treatment, optimize and apply FISH and dot-blot hybridization in order to analyze the microbial community implicated the biological treatment of VOE using probes EUBmix, ALF1b, BET42a, GAM42a and HGC69a. A laboratory-scale modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process setup and fed VOE with a COD (chemical oxygen demand) of ± 1000 mg/L. Daily monitoring of the process involved COD and TKN (total kjeldahl nitrogen) analysis of the influent and effluent as well as direct OUR (oxygen utilization rate) measurement and monitoring of the MLVSS (mixed liquor volatile suspended solids) concentration of the aerobic mixed liquor. The process exhibited overall COD and TKN removal capacities of 84% and 90% respectively. The aerobic mixed liquor had an OUR of 19 mgO/L.h and an average MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/L. FISH results revealed that 72% of cells stained with 4‟, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) within the aerobic mixed liquor bound to probe EUBmix, indicating a substantial Bacterial population within the laboratory-scale biological process. The alpha-Proteobacteria was identified as the dominant bacterial community comprising 31% of Bacterial cells, followed by the beta-Proteobacteria (17% of EUBmix), gamma-Proteobacteria (8% of EUBmix) and Actinobacteria (4% of EUBmix). Results of dot-blot hybridization were in agreement with FISH Adrian Phillip Degenaar| CHAPTER 1: General Introduction - v - results reiterating dominance of the alpha-Proteobacteria. This indicated that the class alpha-Proteobacteria could play a primary role in the biological degradation of VOE. This research will therefore aid in process design and retrofitting of biological processes treating VOE.

Tratamiento de efluentes de la industria alimentaria por coagulación-floculación utilizando almidón de Solanum tuberosum L. ‘papa’ como alternativa al manejo convencional

Molano Linares, Jazmin Desider January 2016 (has links)
Se evaluó el tratamiento de efluentes de la industria alimentaria por coagulación-floculación utilizando almidón de Solanum tuberosum L. „papa‟ como alternativa al manejo convencional. Los ensayos se realizaron a escala de laboratorio realizando la prueba de jarras con dos coagulantes: sulfato de aluminio y policloruro de aluminio, y dos floculantes: poliacrilamida aniónica y almidón gelatinizado, con variaciones en relación a dosis, concentración y velocidad. Para determinar los parámetros ideales se utilizaron las siguientes variables respuesta: índice de Willcomb, absorbancia, turbidez y demanda química de oxígeno. El mejor tratamiento fue con el coagulante policloruro de aluminio y el floculante poliacrilamida aniónica alcanzándose un porcentaje de reducción de DQO de 83,05%. Aun así, los resultados al utilizar almidón sugieren que se puede reemplazar la poliacrilamida aniónica por el almidón de S. tuberosum al aplicar un tratamiento primario a un efluente industrial no doméstico de una empresa alimentaria ubicada en el distrito de Ate en la ciudad de Lima, Perú para cumplir los Valores máximos admisibles del Decreto Supremo N°021-009-Vivienda, en el aspecto de la carga orgánica presente.Treatment of industrial wastewater was evaluated through coagulation-floculation using starch of Solanum tuberosum L. „potato‟ as an alternative to the conventional management. Assays were performed in a laboratory scale by performing Jar Test with two coagulants: aluminum sulfate and aluminum polychloride, and two flocculants: anionic polyacrylamide and gelatinized starch, making variations in dose, concentration and speed. To determine the ideal parameters, the following response variables were used: Willcomb index, absorbance, turbidity and chemical oxygen demand. The best treatment was when using aluminum polychloride as coagulant and anionic polyacrylamide as flocculant, reaching a reduction percentage of 83,05% in chemical oxygen demand. Even then, the results suggest that can the anionic polyacrylamide can be replaced by starch of S. tuberosum when applying a primary treatment to industrial wastewater from a food company located in the district of Ate in Lima, Perú to meet the admisible values set in the Supreme Decree No. 021-009-VIVIENDA, in the aspect of organic matter present in it.

Efficiency of soil aquifer treatment in the removal of wastewater contaminants and endocrine disruptors : a study on the removal of triclocarban and estrogens and the effect of chemical oxygen demand and hydraulic loading rates on the reduction of organics and nutrients in the unsaturated and saturated zones of the aquifer

Essandoh, Helen Michelle Korkor January 2011 (has links)
This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) under different loading regimes, using wastewater of much higher strength than usually encountered in SAT systems, and also to investigate the removal of the endocrine disruptors triclocarban (TCC), estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). SAT was simulated in the laboratory using a series of soil columns under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Investigation of the removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), nitrogen and phosphate in a 2 meter long saturated soil column under a combination of constant hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) and variable COD concentrations as well as variable HLR under constant COD showed that at fixed HLR, a decrease in the influent concentrations of DOC, BOD, total nitrogen and phosphate improved their removal efficiencies. It was found that COD mass loading applied as low COD wastewater infiltrated over short residence times would provide better effluent quality than the same mass applied as a COD with higher concentration at long residence times. On the other hand relatively high concentrations coupled with long residence time gave better removal efficiency for organic nitrogen. Phosphate removal though poor under all experimental conditions, was better at low HLRs. In 1 meter saturated and unsaturated soil columns, E2 was the most easily removed estrogen, while EE2 was the least removed. Reducing the thickness of the unsaturated zone had a negative impact on removal efficiencies of the estrogens whereas increased DOC improved the removal in the saturated columns. Better removal efficiencies were also obtained at lower HLRs and in the presence of silt and clay. Sorption and biodegradation were found to be responsible for TCC removal in a 300 mm long saturated soil column, the latter mechanism however being unsustainable. TCC removal efficiency was dependent on the applied concentration and decreased over time and increased with column depth. Within the duration of the experimental run, TCC negatively impacted on treatment performance, possibly due to its antibacterial property, as evidenced by a reduction in COD removals in the column. COD in the 2 meter column under saturated conditions was modelled successfully with the advection dispersion equation with coupled Monod kinetics. Empirical models were also developed for the removal of TCC and EE2 under saturated and unsaturated conditions respectively. The empirical models predicted the TCC and EE2 removal profiles well. There is however the need for validation of the models developed

Validation of mercury free methods for analysis of Chemical Oxygen Demand in municipial wastewater / Validering av kvicksilverfria analysmetoder för bestämning av kemiskt syreförbrukande ämnen (COD) i kommunalt avloppsvatten

Jonsson, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Water is used every day in society and to be able to recycle this water we depend upon efficient wastewater treatment. It is vital to test the wastewater based on different parameters. One parameter is the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), which defines the amount of organic substances that can be chemically oxidized within the water. The Swedish standardized analytical method for COD (SS-028142), COD(Cr) is dependent on mercury, a substance which was banned according to Swedish regulations in year 2009 but is still used due to time limited dispensations. This report is a part of a pre-procurement innovative project initiated by the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association (SWWA) in order to bring forward and evaluate mercury free analytical methods for COD for municipal wastewater. The aim was to validate three analytical methods for COD: Chloride Determination, Chloride Elimination and PeCOD and compare the analytical results to the standardized COD(Cr). Three laboratories, Käppala (Stockholm), Gryaab (Gothenburg) and Komlab (Örnsköldsvik) were included in the validation process by providing analytical data. The validation was conducted using the data as input for the statistical methods regression, correlation and analysis of variance to investigate the performance of the individual methods. As a complement to the statistical results, comments regarding the methods brought up by the laboratory staff were compiled in order to reflect on the usability and robustness of the methods.  The results indicated that the method Chloride Determination was the method most similar to the COD(Cr) method, when investigating obtained COD concentrations, required analytical time and implementation steps needed to obtain a final COD value. This result was evident by high coefficient of determination values for influent wastewater samples. The PeCOD method, which was submitted in two versions, one manual and one automatic was only able to analyze soluble COD. It was found that the PeCOD methods obtained lower COD concentrations compared to the standardized method when analyzing filtered samples. Due to highly variable correlation coefficients between the PeCOD and COD(Cr) for various types of samples indicated that no uniform linear relation between the methods was present. Analysis with the Chloride Elimination method was halted early in the validation process, but was found to receive approximately 50 percent lower COD values than the reference method  COD(Cr). Finally it can be said that the input data for conducting the statistical test were limited and further analysis should be recommended in order to validate the results with a higher certainty. / Varje dag produceras avloppsvatten i samhället och för att kunna återanvända detta vatten krävs en tillförlitlig reningsprocess. För att rena avloppsvatten effektivt är det betydelsefullt att kontinuerligt testa avloppsvattnet utifrån ett antal viktiga parametrar. En av dessa är kemisk syreförbrukning, COD, som definieras av den mängd syre som förbrukas genom fullständig kemisk oxidation av organiskt material. Den svenska standardiserade analysmetoden för COD (SS-028142) , COD(Cr) är beroende av kvicksilver för att erhålla ett korrekt analysresultat utan påverkan av kloridjoner. Kvicksilver är enligt Svensk lag förbjudet sedan år 2009, men analysmetoden är dock vanligt använd på svenska avloppsreningsverk tack vare årliga dispenser. Detta examensarbete är en del av en förkommersiell innovationsupphandling som initierats av Svenskt Vatten med mål att undersöka och validera kvicksilverfria analysmetoder för COD tillgängliga på den internationella marknaden. Projektets syfte var att utföra en validering av tre analysmetoder: Klorid Determination, Klorid Elimination och PeCOD och jämföra dess resultat med referens metoden COD(Cr). Tre olika laboratorier, Käppala (Stockholm), Gryaab (Göteborg) och Komlab (Örnsköldsvik) medverkade i projektet. Valideringen genomfördes med de statistiska metoderna regression, korrelation och variansanalys, utifrån insamlade mätdata i syfte att undersöka de givna metodernas prestanda. Som ett komplement till det statistiska testerna sammanställdes synpunkter som framkommit under analysarbetet av laboratoriepersonal, för bedömning av metodernas användarvänlighet och robusthet.  Utifrån valideringen var det tydligt att metoden Klorid Determination hade störst likhet med COD(Cr) metoden utifrån givna analysresultat, analystid samt utförda analyssteg. Detta resultat styrktes av höga värden för determinationskoefficients för inkommande avloppsvatten mellan innovatios metoden och referense metoden COD(Cr). Analysmetoden PeCOD bestod av två olika versioner, skildrade den lösliga COD innehållet i provet istället för den total COD koncentrationen som hos COD(Cr). Oavsett vilken version av PeCOD som används erhålls ett lägre COD resultat jämfört med referens metoden COD(Cr) då filtrerade prover analyserades. De framtagna varierande korrelations koefficienter mellan PeCOD och COD(Cr) indikerade att ingen enhetlig korrelation gick att finna mellan metoderna hos de olika laboratorierna. Analysmetoden COD Elimination pausades tidigt i processen men de tidiga testerna visade på halverade COD koncentrationer jämfört med referens metoden.  Slutligen kan det nämnas att mätdata som användes som indata till de beskrivna statistiska testerna var begränsade och att vidare analyser rekommenderas för att kunna bevisa givna resultat med ökad sannolikhet.

Využití reaktoru s kalovým mrakem a externím separátorem biomasy pro výrobu metanu ze substrátu pro BPS Chotýčany, zpracovaném technologií IFBB (Integrated Generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas from Biomass) / The use of the reactor with sludge cloud and external biomass separator for methane production from the substrate for BPS Chotýčany, processed by IFBB technology (Integrated Generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas from Biomass)

BROŽEK, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
There were two points of research in this graduation work. The first was IFBB technology (Integrated generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas from Biomass) used for preparation of the substrate for fermentation. The second point was to test reactor with sludge cloud (completed with external biomass separator). This reactor was filled by substrate (prepared by IFBB technology) from agricultural biogas energy plant located in Chotýčany. After IFBB preparation substrate was filled in laboratory reactor´s group. Then it was inoculated by digestate. Digestate is a substance, which is in the end of fermentation process. That substance was first taken in biogas station Chotýčany, then, for comparsion, from station Věžovatá Pláně. Results are that IFBB technology is good for substrate preparation and folowing fermentation is better. Reactor with sludge cloud is good for intensive fermentation. Efficiency of the reactor was measured by CHSKCr. The best fermentation was found after using inoculum from Věžovatá Pláně. The best temperature for fermentation was 50 degree Celsius for both inoculums.

Optimizing Sample Dissolution Methods of Low Water Soluble Intermediate Organic Compounds to Support Environmental Risk Assessment during Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturing.

Mohammed, Warda January 2021 (has links)
This project focus on investigating the dissolution of low water-soluble intermediate organic compounds called active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and organic substances that are manufactured by a pharmaceutical company, Cambrex Karlskoga in Sweden. Several dissolution methods were used and evaluated using methods including total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and Microtox toxicity test. The selection of solvents were based on previous studies and specifications from the Swedish Institute of Standards, SIS.The performance of eight solvents for different organic substances were evaluated using the above mentioned methods. Solvents that are highly volatile and have low solubility in water were excluded. Therefore, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylformamide (DMF) and Pluronic F-68, that had highest water solubility, low acute toxicity and not degradable by microorganisms, were further used to dissolve four organic substances. Furthermore, DMSO and DMF were then also used to dissolve four censored chemicals with addition of physical treatment and solvent mixtures (DMF:DMSO with ratio 1:2).Results from each method were discussed and statistical tests were also performed in order to compare different dissolution methods. In addition, quality control and quality assurance were made in order to ensure the quality of measured values from analytical methods. Four organic substances were dissolve in DMSO, DMF and Pluronic F-68 with dissolution ≥79% using six ratios of DMSO and DMF and five ratios of Pluronic F-68 which were analyzed using TOC. Physical treatment increased dissolution of two APIs with 40%. Using BOD, para-aminobenzonic acid (PABA) and 5-nitroisophthalic acid (5-NIPA) had values higher than the guideline values, which indicate high biodegradability of these organic substances. PABA, 5-NIPA and bupivacaine base were acute toxic where PABA showed EC50 values of 27.9 mg/L using DMSO and 36.0 mg/L using DMF, and EC50 values of 5-NIPA were 102 mg/L using DMSO and 84.0 mg/L using DMF, and bupivacaine base had EC50 value of 174 mg/L using solvent mixture (DMF:DMSO with ratio 1:2). With increasing amount of Pluronic F-68, 5-NIPA had increased values of EC50, thereby Pluronic F-68 was not appropriate to use.In conclusion, DMSO and DMF were most appropriate solvents to use in order to dissolve APIs and organic substances with analyte: DMSO ratio of 1:0.5 and analyte: DMF ratio of 1:0.25. In addition, physical treatment could be used in order to increase dissolution of the APIs.

Efficiency of soil aquifer treatment in the removal of wastewater contaminants and endocrine disruptors. A study on the removal of triclocarban and estrogens and the effect of chemical oxygen demand and hydraulic loading rates on the reduction of organics and nutrients in the unsaturated and saturated zones of the aquifer.

Essandoh, Helen M.K. January 2011 (has links)
This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) under different loading regimes, using wastewater of much higher strength than usually encountered in SAT systems, and also to investigate the removal of the endocrine disruptors triclocarban (TCC), estrone (E1), 17¿-estradiol (E2) and 17¿- ethinylestradiol (EE2). SAT was simulated in the laboratory using a series of soil columns under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Investigation of the removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), nitrogen and phosphate in a 2 meter long saturated soil column under a combination of constant hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) and variable COD concentrations as well as variable HLR under constant COD showed that at fixed HLR, a decrease in the influent concentrations of DOC, BOD, total nitrogen and phosphate improved their removal efficiencies. It was found that COD mass loading applied as low COD wastewater infiltrated over short residence times would provide better effluent quality than the same mass applied as a COD with higher concentration at long residence times. On the other hand relatively high concentrations coupled with long residence time gave better removal efficiency for organic nitrogen. Phosphate removal though poor under all experimental conditions, was better at low HLRs. In 1 meter saturated and unsaturated soil columns, E2 was the most easily removed estrogen, while EE2 was the least removed. Reducing the thickness of the unsaturated zone had a negative impact on removal efficiencies of the estrogens whereas increased DOC improved the removal in the saturated columns. Better removal efficiencies were also obtained at lower HLRs and in the presence of silt and clay. Sorption and biodegradation were found to be responsible for TCC removal in a 300 mm long saturated soil column, the latter mechanism however being unsustainable. TCC removal efficiency was dependent on the applied concentration and decreased over time and increased with column depth. Within the duration of the experimental run, TCC negatively impacted on treatment performance, possibly due to its antibacterial property, as evidenced by a reduction in COD removals in the column. COD in the 2 meter column under saturated conditions was modelled successfully with the advection dispersion equation with coupled Monod kinetics. Empirical models were also developed for the removal of TCC and EE2 under saturated and unsaturated conditions respectively. The empirical models predicted the TCC and EE2 removal profiles well. There is however the need for validation of the models developed / Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education (Nuffic) / The Appendix files for this thesis are unavailable online via Bradford Scholars.

Aplica??o da tecnologia eletroqu?mica como alternativa para a remo??o de corante t?xteis em efluentes sint?ticos e reais utilizando anodos de platina e diamante

Solano, Aline Maria Sales 14 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlineMSS_DISSERT.pdf: 3248448 bytes, checksum: 238473f18fc530ccf887915ce75c940d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this work, electrochemical technology was used to treat synthetic wastewater containing Methyl Red (MR) and Blue Novacron (BN) by anodic oxidation using anodes platinum (Pt) and real samples of textile effluents using DDB anodes and platinum (Pt). The removal of color from the galvanostatic electrolysis of synthetic wastewater MR and BN, and the actual sample has been observed under different conditions (different current densities and temperature variation). The investigation of these parameters was performed in order to establish the best conditions for removal of color and chemical oxygen demand (BOD). According to the results obtained in this study, the electrochemical oxidation processes suitable for the degradation process of color and COD in wastewater containing such textile dyes, because the electrocatalytic properties of Pt and BDD anodes consumption energy during the electrochemical oxidation of synthetic solutions AN and MR and real sample, mainly depend on the operating parameters of operation, for example, the synthetic sample of MR, energy consumption rose from 42,00kWhm-3 in 40 mAcm-2 and 25 C to 17,50 kWhm-3 in 40mAcm-2 and 40 C, from the BN went 17,83 kWhm-3 in 40mAcm and 40?C to 14,04 kWhm- 3 in 40mAcm-2 and 40 C (data estimated by the volume of treated effluent). These results clearly indicate the applicability of electrochemical treatment for removing dyes from synthetic solutions and real industrial effluents / Neste trabalho, a tecnologia eletroqu?mica foi utilizada no tratamento de efluentes sint?ticos, contendo Vermelho de Metila (VM) e Azul de Novacron (AN), atrav?s da oxida??o an?dica utilizando ?nodos de Ti recoberto com platina (Ti/Pt). Ap?s isso, a fim de verificar a aplicabilidade do tratamento eletroqu?mico, amostras reais de efluentes t?xteis utilizando ?nodos de DDB e platina (Ti/Pt) foram tratadas eletroquimicamente visando a elimina??o completa dos corantes dissolvidos. A remo??o da cor a partir da eletr?lise galvanost?tica dos efluentes sint?ticos de VM e AN, e da amostra real tem sido observada em diferentes condi??es operacionais (diferentes densidades de corrente e varia??o da temperatura). A investiga??o destes par?metros foi realizada com o objetivo de estabelecer as melhores condi??es para remo??o da cor e da Demanda Qu?mica de Oxig?nio (DQO). De acordo com os resultados obtidos na realiza??o deste trabalho, o processo de oxida??o eletroqu?mica ? adequado para o processo de elimina??o da cor e da redu??o da DQO em efluentes que contenham esses corantes t?xteis, gra?as as propriedades eletrocatal?ticas dos ?nodos de DDB e Pt. O consumo de energia durante a oxida??o eletroqu?mica das solu??es sint?ticas contendo VM e AN e da amostra real depende principalmente das condi??es experimentais usadas, por exemplo, para a amostra sint?tica de VM, o consumo energ?tico passou de 42,00 kWhm-3 em 40 mAcm-2 e 25?C para 17,50 kWhm-3 em 40 mAcm-2 e 40?C; no entanto, o consumo de energia na eletr?lise do AN passou de 17,83 kWhm-3 em 40 mAcm-2 e 25?C para 14,04 kWhm-3 em 40 mAcm-2 e 40?C (dados estimados por volume de efluente tratado). Estes resultados indicam claramente a aplicabilidade de tal m?todo na remo??o de corantes dissolvidos em efluentes sint?ticos ou reais

Optimisation of sludge pretreatment by low frequency sonication under pressure / Optimisation du prétraitement de boues par ultrasons à très basses fréquences et sous pression

Le, Ngoc Tuan 09 December 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'optimiser le prétraitement de boues par des ultrasons de puissance (US) à basses fréquences, et en particulier d‘étudier pour la première fois des améliorations possibles en modifiant la pression hydrostatique, et la fréquence jusqu’à l’audible. Après un examen préliminaire des conditions du procédé (conditionnement des boues, type de boues, alcalinisation préalable, contrôle de la température), les effets des paramètres ultrasonores (puissance, intensité, énergie spécifique, fréquence) et de la pression hydrostatique ont été spécifiquement étudiés, séparément et simultanément, d’abord à température constante (28°C), puis sans refroidissement. On a ainsi vérifié que l’énergie spécifique joue un rôle clé dans la désintégration des boues sous US (i.e. solubilisation de la matière organique) et que l'élévation de température pendant la sonication adiabatique est bénéfique grâce aux effets combinés d’hydrolyse thermique et de cavitation. Pour une énergie spécifique donnée, une faible fréquence (12 kHz contre 20 kHz) et une haute puissance améliorent la solubilisation de la matière organique grâce à une cavitation plus violente, tandis qu’on observe un optimum de pression hydrostatique en raison de ses effets opposés sur le seuil et l'intensité de la cavitation. Un résultat important est que la pression optimale dépend de l’intensité ultrasonore et du profil de température, mais pas de l’énergie spécifique, ni de la fréquence, ni du type de boues. Après avoir fixé les conditions les plus favorables (soit 12 kHz, 360 W, 28 gTS/L et conditions adiabatiques), l‘optimisation finale a fourni la pression de travail (3,25 bar) et les paramètres du mode séquentiel (US ON/OFF, permettant d‘éviter de hautes températures qui amortissement l‘intensité de la cavitation et peuvent endommager le transducteur). Ces conditions ont permis d‘atteindre un rendement d’extraction de la DCO très élevé, mais n’améliorent que faiblement le rendement ultérieur de méthanisation. / The objective of this work is to optimize high-power low-frequency sonication (US) pretreatment of sludge, and especially to investigate for the first time possible improvements by higher pressure and audible frequency. After a preliminary examination of regular process conditions (sludge conditioning, sludge type, prior alkalization, temperature control, etc.), effects of US parameters (power -PUS, intensity -IUS, specific energy input -ES, frequency -FS, etc.) and of hydrostatic pressure (Ph) were specifically looked into, separately and in combination, first under cooling at constant temperature (28°C), then under the progressive temperature rise provoked by sonication. First, it was confirmed that specific energy input (ES) plays a key role in sludge US disintegration (i.e. solubilisation of organic matter) and that temperature rise during adiabatic-like sonication is beneficial through additional effects of thermal hydrolysis and cavitation. At a given ES value, low FS (12 kHz vs. 20 kHz) and high PUS enhance soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) due to more violent cavitation, while hydrostatic pressure gives rise to an optimum value due to its opposite effects on cavitation threshold and intensity. One major result is that optimal pressure depends on IUS (PUS) as well as temperature profile, but not on ES, FS, nor sludge type. Setting the other parameters at the most favorable conditions expected, i.e. 12 kHz, 360 W , 28 gTS/L, and adiabatic conditions, final optimization was achieved by searching for this pressure optimum and examining sequential procedure to avoid too high temperature dampening cavitation intensity and damaging the transducer. Such conditions with sequential mode and Ph of 3.25 bar being selected succeeded in achieving very high SCOD, but only marginally improved subsequent methanization yield.

Využití stavebních recyklátů pro čištění odpadních vod / The Use of Recycled Building Materials for Wastewater Treatment

Zedník, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The constantly tightening wastewater treatment legislation require high-quality runoff from small-scale producers of pollution who are typically represented by small municipalities up to 500 inhabitants or decentralized parts of larger municipalities. Small municipalities are faced with high investment-intensity associated with the acquisition of new wastewater treatment plant. After several years of development, today natural technologies of wastewater treatment are in competition with mechanical-biological treatment plants. Natural technologies can even achieve better results than popular biological treatment plants. However, natural technology does not eliminate the main investment limit connected with the acquisition of wastewater treatment plant. If there was cheaper solution connected with using alternative filter materials (in our case recycled construction and demolition waste), small municipalities could take constructed wetland without large subsides. At the same time, the use of recycled construction and demolition wastes will lead to benefits in the field of sustainable urban development and replacement of non-renewable materials. Despite these benefits, recycled aggregates have never been considered as alternative filter materials for natural wastewater treatment plants. For that reason, the aim of diploma thesis is to assess the possibility of applying recycled aggregates for wastewater treatment which will include evaluation of real trial operation.

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