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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Children village [for psychotherapy]

楊玉燕, Yeung, Yuk-yin, Arras. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

The potential of claywork to facilitate the integration of the self in psychotherapy with an adult survivor of childhood trauma: a Jungian perspective

Smuts, Tanja January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore the experience of “self” within the clinical context of adult survivors of childhood trauma. Childhood trauma in this study referred to a range of childhood experiences of emotional and physical assault, including encounters with various kinds of abuse and neglect. The focus was on the experience of a sense of disintegration and dislocation, associated to aspects of self being in conflict. This was explored from theoretical perspectives of Jungian analytic psychology, as well as art therapy.Answers were sought to the questions of how claywork, as a form of art therapy, may facilitate the integration of the self and contribute to the development of a healing dialogue with feared and hated aspects of self. Grounded in Jungian theory, integration of the self was conceptualised as a movement towards “differentiating wholeness”. The study took the form of a phenomenological-hermeneutic case study. One participant’s experience of making and discussing a clay sculpture in a therapeutic setting according to Edwards’ method, was analysed thematically. It was concluded that the potential of claywork in therapy to facilitate the integration of the self is related to three aspects. Firstly, claywork in therapy may promote a concrete personification of feared and hated aspects of self, which may enable the maker to view these aspects from a distance, and learn to understand them in a new way. Secondly, claywork in therapy may facilitate the safe ‘unearthing’ of repressed feelings as well as hidden aspects of the personality. Thirdly, claywork’s potential to mediate symbolic functioning was shown to be an important aspect of the integration process. These findings confirmed and extended existing theory regarding the usefulness of claywork in psychotherapy with adult survivors of childhood trauma. Brief recommendations for future research were provided.

Die benuttingswaarde van musiek as medium tydens kontakmaking in die Gestaltspelterapeutiese proses

Rust, Nolene 30 November 2007 (has links)
This study was aimed at exploring and describing the role of music as a medium in the Gestalt play therapy process with children who experience emotional distress and therefore suffer loss of healthy contact. The case study method was used as research strategy. A literature study of the Gestalt approach and Gestalt play therapy was carried out as well as a study of the child in middle childhood, the child experiencing emotional distress in the form of loss, and music as a medium. In implementing of this research study three case studies were described. The sampling method was based on a non-probability purposive sampling technique. The criteria for inclusion in this study were children who experience emotional distress in the form of loss and who, subsequently, do not make effective contact. Between seven and eight therapeutic sessions per child were conducted. The role of music was evident in all three cases. / SOCIAL WORK / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)

A prática da psicoterapia infantil a partir do referencial teórico do psicodrama, gestalt terapia e abordagem centrada na pessoa, sob as óticas de Bermúdez, Ferrari, Oaklander e Axline.

Maria Ivone Marchi Costa 06 February 2003 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo geral investigar junto a psicoterapeutas que trabalham com crianças, de diferentes abordagens teóricas (Psicodrama, Gestalt terapia e Centrada no Cliente), como está sendo experienciada essa prática clínica. Para tanto, foram entrevistadas 6 (seis) psicoterapeutas, com experiência profissional que variou de 10 (dez) a 30 (trinta) anos, sendo 2 (duas) de cada abordagem. A entrevista foi semidirigida e compreendeu as seguintes dimensões: sentimentos experimentados como terapeuta infantil, obstáculos enfrentados, recursos utilizados, necessidades sentidas, avaliação da especialidade e um encerramento livre. As entrevistas foram realizadas de forma individual e foram gravadas e transcritas. Após leitura das repostas nas dimensões citadas, observou-se que não houve diferenças nas repostas dadas pelas participantes relacionadas à especialidade na qual atuam. De maneira geral pode-se dizer que: 1) os sentimentos experimentados foram de valorização ao trabalho com a criança pelo seu caráter preventivo, além de gratificante e bonito por propiciar o crescimento de cada indivíduo, porém, ao mesmo tempo experimentam frustração, solidão e impotência, principalmente quando os pais não colaboram; 2) os obstáculos enfrentados referem-se à dificuldade de conseguir a aliança com os pais, o pequeno número de profissionais que atuam nessa especialidade e a escassez de pesquisas e literatura; 3) os recursos utilizados perpassam pela rede social da criança (pais, parentes, amigos) e, quanto aos recursos técnicos, utilizam brinquedos estruturados e não estruturados, testes e técnicas; 4) as necessidades sentidas incluem a busca constante de atualização, revisão através de supervisões e trocas entre os profissionais, bem como de congressos e cursos, 5) a avaliação que fazem da área é que ela é mais difícil porque requer o esforço físico do profissional, o entendimento da linguagem da criança, tanto verbal como não verbal, e a questão cultural de que tudo que se refere a criança é menos valorizado. No caminhar através dos diversos autores que embasaram o estudo encontrou-se na abordagem construcionista social/narrativa uma postura ética diferenciada na prática terapêutica com a criança e seus familiares. Acredita-se que as dificuldades são minimizadas e os resultados mais efetivos quando a criança é também trabalhada junto com a família, seja mediante a terapia familiar, seja por encontros familiares breves. / The present study has as the general objective to investigate with child psychotherapists of different theoretical approaches (Psychodrama, Gestalt and Client Centered therapy), how the clinical practice is being experienced. To do so, 6 (six) child psychotherapists, having a professional experience ranging from 10 (ten)to 30 (thirty) years, being 2 from each approach were interviewed. The interview was semi-directed and comprised the following dimensions: feelings experienced as a child psychotherapist, obstacles faced, used resources, necessities felt, evaluation of the speciality and a last question for additional information. The interviews were conducted individually and were taped and transcribed. After reading the answers of the above quoted dimensions, we can conclude that there were no differences in the responses given by the participants related to the speciality in which they work. In a general way we can say that: 1) The feelings experienced were of valuing the work with children due to its preventive character, in addition to that, it is gratifying and nice because it favors the person growth, though, at the same time the therapists feel the frustration, solitude and impotence, especially when the parents do not cooperate; 2) The obstacles faced reter to the difficulty of getting an alliance with the parents, the small number of professionals working in this area and the lack of research and related literature; 3) The used resources passed by the social network of the child (parents, relatives, friends), and regarding the technical resources, structured and non structured toys, tests and several techniques were used; 4) The necessities felt include the constant search for updating, revision through supervisions and exchange of experience with other professionals, as well as, congresses and courses; 5) The evaluation they have on the area is that, it is more difficult because it requires physical effort of the professional, the understanding of the child's language, not only verbal but also non verbal, and the cultural issue that everything that refers to children is does not receive the same value. Browsing through the several authors in whom the studies were based on, we found in the social/narrative constructionist approach a distinguished ethical position in the therapeutic practice with the children and their families. We also hold the position that the difficulties are minimized and the results more effective when the child and the family work together, either with family therapy, or brief family meetings

Eficácia da psicoterapia analítica funcional para o transtorno de oposição desafiante: Experimento de caso único / Not informed by the author

Rodrigo Nunes Xavier 09 February 2018 (has links)
A Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) é uma abordagem clínica que objetiva a melhora dos relacionamentos do cliente por evocação e reforçamento de progressos terapêuticos em sessão. O transtorno de oposição desafiante (TOD) é um problema disruptivo, manifestado pela primeira vez na infância, sendo caracterizado por um padrão de humor raivoso e irritável, um padrão de comportamento de desafio e oposição a normas sociais e figuras de autoridade e uma índole vingativa. Está associado ao desenvolvimento posterior de outros transtornos mentais e carece de tratamentos com resultados satisfatórios para crianças acima de oito anos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os resultados de uma aplicação da FAP para o tratamento de crianças com TOD. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa de intervenção com delineamento experimental de caso único com linha de base múltipla entre participantes. Fizeram parte do estudo Carlos, Brandão e Júlio, com respectivamente nove, 10 e 11 anos e com diagnóstico de TOD, sendo os dois primeiros com nível clínico de sintomas e o terceiro, limítrofe. Júlio recebeu um tratamento de 32 sessões com a FAP, Carlos, 10 sessões de Análises de Contingências Externas (ACE) seguidas de 28 de FAP, e Brandão, 20 de ACE e 29 de FAP. As sessões foram agendadas com frequência semanal e duração estimada de 50 minutos. No tratamento ACE, as análises de contingências não deveriam envolver os comportamentos ocorridos durante a sessão, além de serem realizadas também orientações e brincadeiras livres. A frequência de comportamentos clinicamente relevantes (CCRs) durante as sessões foi verificada com a Escala de Avaliação da Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAPRS); o funcionamento global e o nível de estresse com o Questionário Infanto-Juvenil de Resultados (Y-OQ 30.2); e os sintomas de TOD com o Inventário de Comportamentos da Criança e do Adolescente de 6 a 18 anos (CBCL). Os resultados demonstram aumento de CCRs de melhora relacionados à aplicação da FAP. Também foi registrada melhora no funcionamento global e no nível de estresse ao longo do tratamento para todos os clientes, mas não foi possível identificar efeitos diferenciais da ACE ou da FAP sobre estes resultados. A avaliação da mudança no nível de sintomas de TOD apresentou resultados inconsistentes, isto é, Júlio manteve o nível limítrofe nas avaliações anterior e posterior ao tratamento; Carlos mudou de nível clínico para normal; e Brandão de clínico para limítrofe. Ainda, foi verificado que as intervenções que caracterizam a FAP ocorreram com maior frequência na fase correspondente do que na ACE, indicando adesão ao protocolo. Também foram incluídas vinhetas clínicas com transcrições de falas do terapeuta e dos clientes destacando as intervenções centrais / Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is a clinical approach that aims to improve client relationships by evoking and reinforcing therapeutic progresses in session. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a disruptive problem manifested with onset at infancy characterized by an angry and irritable mood pattern, a pattern of challenging behavior and opposition to social norms and authority figures, and a vindictive nature. It is associated with the further development of other mental disorders and lacks treatments with satisfactory results. The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of an application of FAP to the treatment of children with ODD. Thus, a single-case intervention research with multiple baseline design between participants was done. Participated Charles, Brandon and Julian, respectively aged nine, 10 and 11 year-old, all diagnosed with ODD, being the first couple boys at clinical level of symptoms and the third, at borderline level. Julian received a treatment with 32 sessions of FAP, Charles, 10 sessions of External Contingency Analysis (ECA) followed by 28 of FAP, and Brandon, 20 of ECA and 29 of FAP. Sessions were scheduled on a weekly basis and with estimated duration of 50 minutes each. In ECA treatment, contingency analyzes should not mention behaviors occurred during session, being also delivered counseling and free play. Frequency of clinically relevant behaviors (CRBs) during sessions was evaluated with Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS); overall functioning and level of stress were also evaluated, using the Youth Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ 30.2); and ODD symptoms, with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Results demonstrated increasing in behavioral progresses (i.e., CRB2s) related to FAP condition. Also, improvement in overall functioning and stress level were observed for all clients throughout treatment, however it was not possible to identify differential effects of ECA or FAP to these results. ODD symptoms level registered inconsistent results; that is, Julian maintained a borderline level of symptoms at assessments pre and post-treatment; Charles changed from clinical to normal level; and Brandon from clinical to borderline. Furthermore, it was verified that FAP defining interventions occurred more frequently at the proper condition than in ECA, indicating adherence to the protocol. Clinical vignettes with transcriptions of therapist and client interactions highlighting central interventions were included

Objetivos analítico-comportamentais e estratégias de intervenção nas interações com a criança em sessões de duas renomadas terapeutas infantis / Behavior-analytic objectives and intervention strategies on interactions with child in sessions of two renowned child therapists

Giovana Del Prette 23 February 2011 (has links)
Pesquisas de processo em psicoterapia utilizam categorização de sessões como uma maneira de compreender as relações terapeuta-cliente no contexto clínico, sistematizando a descrição da prática terapêutica e identificando variáveis críticas do processo e o impacto sobre sua efetividade. A presente pesquisa buscou relacionar resultados de categorização (molar) de objetivos analítico-comportamentais, estratégias (molares) para atendimento da criança e comportamentos de terapeuta e cliente (molecular), para análise da interação em sessões de atendimento analítico-comportamental. Participaram duas renomadas terapeutas infantis. Foram realizadas filmagens de oito sessões da díade Alice-Alex, seis da díade Bertha-Bia e de entrevistas com as terapeutas doutoras em análise do comportamento com mais de 30 anos de experiência clínica infantil. As sessões foram categorizadas segundo quatro sistemas, os dois primeiros elaborados na presente pesquisa: (1) Sistema de Categorização de Objetivos Terapêuticos (SICOT), (2) Sistema de Estratégias de Conversas e Atividade Terapêuticas (SECAT), (3) Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) e (4) Categorias do terapeuta e do cliente (SMCCIT), além da categorização do foco da fala (dentro ou fora da sessão). Foram obtidos índices Kappa satisfatórios de concordância entre observadores (K>0,630 em três sistemas, p<0,05 em todos) e realizadas análises de associação entre categorias nominais (chi-quadrado), intra e entre sistemas, e análise qualitativa sobre os dados, relacionando-os com os relatos das terapeutas nas entrevistas. Os resultados indicaram que as terapeutas enfatizaram estratégias diferentes, mas coerentes com o perfil das crianças e seus objetivos: no atendimento de Alex, buscou-se ensiná-lo a relatar, engajar-se em tarefas e seguir instruções como alternativa a opor-se e distrair-se; no caso de Bia, visou-se ensiná-la a se expressar de modo assertivo e aprimorar análises. As estratégias de Alice se basearam principalmente em: (1) fazer tarefas terapêuticas, manejando o comportamento de Alex na sessão, para ensino de leitura e escrita e (2) derivar conversas a partir de brincadeiras e fantasias, manejando o controle verbal para ensiná-lo a relatar. As estratégias de Bertha foram: (1) utilizar fantasia, manejando o comportamento de Bia na sessão, para ensino de outras formas de se relacionar com a família e (2) conversar derivado ou paralelo ao brincar e fantasiar, manejando o controle verbal para que as análises suplementassem as contingências fora da sessão. Os dois atendimentos tiveram maior porcentagem de interações com foco dentro da sessão, com ênfase em diferentes atividades para favorecer a adesão, manejar os comportamentos diretamente e conversar com as crianças. Discute-se que: (a) o uso dos diferentes sistemas, molares e moleculares, foi essencial para realizar diferentes níveis de análise e combiná-las entre si; (b) o uso de atividades não é terapêutico em si, mas auxiliar de intervenções com uma população cujo desenvolvimento verbal e seu controle por regras ainda é incipiente, em que as atividades auxiliam o manejo dos comportamentos em sessão e das conversas para a promoção do controle verbal. São apontadas algumas questões de pesquisa decorrentes deste estudo e, considerando a experiência das terapeutas, as implicações e questões práticas para a formação profissional em terapia analítico-comportamental infantil / Research process in psychotherapy use categorization of sessions as a way of understanding the therapist-client relationship in the clinical setting, systematizing description of the therapeutic practice and identifying critical process variables and the impact on their effectiveness. This research related the results of a molar categorization of behavior-analytic objectives, a molar system of strategies for treating the child, and therapist and client behaviors (molecular) for analysis of interaction in behavior analytic sessions. Filming was done in eight sessions of Dyad Alice-Alex and six of Dyad Bertha-Bia and of interviews with therapists, doctors in behavior analysis with more than 30 years of clinical experience with children. The sessions were categorized according to four systems, the first two developed in this research: (1) Categorization System for Therapeutic Objectives (SICOT) (2) System of Strategies of Conversations and Activities (SECAT), (3) Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) and (4) Categories of Therapist and Client Behavior (SMCCIT), besides the categorization of the focus of conversation (in or out of session). Satisfactory Kappa rates of agreement were obtained between observers ((K>0,630 in three of those, with p<0,05 in every system)) and correlation analysis was carried out among nominal categories (Chi-square), within and between systems, as well as qualitative analysis on the data, relating them to reports of therapists during the interviews. Results indicated that therapists have emphasized different strategies, but consistent with the profile of children and their therapeutic goals. In Alex case the therapist attempted to teach him to report, engage and follow instructions as an alternative to opposing and distracting himself. In case Bias case the therapist aimed to teach her to express herself assertively and improve analysis. Alices strategies were based primarily on: (1) assigning therapeutic tasks, managing behavior in the session for teaching to read and write, and (2) deriving conversations from fantasy and games, managing verbal control to teach him to report. The strategies with Bertha were: (1) using fantasy, managing the behavior of Bia in the session for teaching other forms of relationships with family and (2) talking derived from or parallel to playing and make believe, managing verbal control so that the analysis of B would supplement the contingencies out of the session. The two treatments had the highest percentage of interactions with focus on the session, an emphasis on different activities to promote adhesion, to manage behavior directly and converse with children. Conclusions: (a) the use of different systems, molecular and molar, was essential to achieve different levels of analysis and combine them together, (b) the use of activities is not therapeutic in itself, but helps interventions with a population whose verbal development - and its control by rules is still incipient. The activities are important for the management of behaviors in session and conversation for enhancing verbal control. Some research questions are raised considering the experience of participating therapists, and practical implications for professional training in child behavior analytic therapy are discussed

Dětské skupiny v poradenství v kontextu aktivní spolupráce rodiče / Children's groups in counseling in the context of the active cooperation with parents

Nováková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the children's groups in counselling in the context of active parenting. It maps experiences of parents in groups from the point of view of mothers and therapists. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of the group psychotherapy, the specifics of child psychotherapy and the support groups. Furthermore, it focuses on the experiences of a parent of a problem child and its active role in the process of a child psychotherapy. It also considers the work of a therapist. The qualitative research is presented in the empirical part. Semi-structured interviews with 5 mothers and 4 therapists were conducted. These interviews were analysed based on the method of creating thematic categories. The evaluation of the data is also inspired by the method of grounded theory. The results show that the views of parents and therapists are the same in most areas. Both groups perceive the importance of a parent participating in the group. The group acts therapeutically for both the child and the parents. This affects the process of the whole therapy. KEYWORD: child psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, support groups, parent of a problem child, cooperation with parent

Kreatiewe pedoterapie vir getraumatiseerde swart leerlinge

Maritz, Diana 23 April 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Youth form the foundation of society, hence physical as well as emotional stability are vital to their positive development. Currently the changing political and social situation in South Africa is closely associated with unrest and violence. This results in large numbers of black youths being exposed to traumatic incidences. Research indicates that trauma and its related stress can be a causative factor in the development of emotional disturbances and in particular the post traumatic stress disorder. In our new multicultural educational environment it has come to the attention of educational psychologists at educational aid centres that large numbers of traumatised black pupils are in need of assistance. The increasing numbers of traumatised pupils have serious emotional problems, and are now experiencing scholastic problems. The intention of the study was to develop a creative pedotherapeutic programme and to apply it with the purpose of reducing post-traumatic stress symptoms in black pupils. The point of departure of the programme was based on the assumption that the child always requires education. Hence any assistance can only be meaningful in a pedotherapeutic situation. The transcultural nature of the situation was taken into account when applying the programme. Possible obstructions and difficulties were anticipated and corrected by means of creative aid techniques. The programme was applied to four black standard five pupils enrolled at a Model 0 School in Johannesburg. By means of a structured questionnaire symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, were diagnosed. The creative pedotherapeutic aid programme was then applied during nine sessions extending over a period of nine weeks. The same questionnaire was later applied to determine the extent of the reduction of the stress symptoms. The test results indicated a reduction in intensity of several symptoms as well as symptom reduction in general. It was also reported that the scholastic performances of the four pupils had increased. A higher level of cognitive and emotional functioning was observed.

A prática da psicoterapia infantil a partir do referencial teórico do psicodrama, gestalt terapia e abordagem centrada na pessoa, sob as óticas de Bermúdez, Ferrari, Oaklander e Axline.

Costa, Maria Ivone Marchi 06 February 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Ivone.pdf: 5389989 bytes, checksum: 6a3556c38a66f8b0c588161628cb7181 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-02-06 / The present study has as the general objective to investigate with child psychotherapists of different theoretical approaches (Psychodrama, Gestalt and Client Centered therapy), how the clinical practice is being experienced. To do so, 6 (six) child psychotherapists, having a professional experience ranging from 10 (ten)to 30 (thirty) years, being 2 from each approach were interviewed. The interview was semi-directed and comprised the following dimensions: feelings experienced as a child psychotherapist, obstacles faced, used resources, necessities felt, evaluation of the speciality and a last question for additional information. The interviews were conducted individually and were taped and transcribed. After reading the answers of the above quoted dimensions, we can conclude that there were no differences in the responses given by the participants related to the speciality in which they work. In a general way we can say that: 1) The feelings experienced were of valuing the work with children due to its preventive character, in addition to that, it is gratifying and nice because it favors the person growth, though, at the same time the therapists feel the frustration, solitude and impotence, especially when the parents do not cooperate; 2) The obstacles faced reter to the difficulty of getting an alliance with the parents, the small number of professionals working in this area and the lack of research and related literature; 3) The used resources passed by the social network of the child (parents, relatives, friends), and regarding the technical resources, structured and non structured toys, tests and several techniques were used; 4) The necessities felt include the constant search for updating, revision through supervisions and exchange of experience with other professionals, as well as, congresses and courses; 5) The evaluation they have on the area is that, it is more difficult because it requires physical effort of the professional, the understanding of the child's language, not only verbal but also non verbal, and the cultural issue that everything that refers to children is does not receive the same value. Browsing through the several authors in whom the studies were based on, we found in the social/narrative constructionist approach a distinguished ethical position in the therapeutic practice with the children and their families. We also hold the position that the difficulties are minimized and the results more effective when the child and the family work together, either with family therapy, or brief family meetings / O presente estudo teve por objetivo geral investigar junto a psicoterapeutas que trabalham com crianças, de diferentes abordagens teóricas (Psicodrama, Gestalt terapia e Centrada no Cliente), como está sendo experienciada essa prática clínica. Para tanto, foram entrevistadas 6 (seis) psicoterapeutas, com experiência profissional que variou de 10 (dez) a 30 (trinta) anos, sendo 2 (duas) de cada abordagem. A entrevista foi semidirigida e compreendeu as seguintes dimensões: sentimentos experimentados como terapeuta infantil, obstáculos enfrentados, recursos utilizados, necessidades sentidas, avaliação da especialidade e um encerramento livre. As entrevistas foram realizadas de forma individual e foram gravadas e transcritas. Após leitura das repostas nas dimensões citadas, observou-se que não houve diferenças nas repostas dadas pelas participantes relacionadas à especialidade na qual atuam. De maneira geral pode-se dizer que: 1) os sentimentos experimentados foram de valorização ao trabalho com a criança pelo seu caráter preventivo, além de gratificante e bonito por propiciar o crescimento de cada indivíduo, porém, ao mesmo tempo experimentam frustração, solidão e impotência, principalmente quando os pais não colaboram; 2) os obstáculos enfrentados referem-se à dificuldade de conseguir a aliança com os pais, o pequeno número de profissionais que atuam nessa especialidade e a escassez de pesquisas e literatura; 3) os recursos utilizados perpassam pela rede social da criança (pais, parentes, amigos) e, quanto aos recursos técnicos, utilizam brinquedos estruturados e não estruturados, testes e técnicas; 4) as necessidades sentidas incluem a busca constante de atualização, revisão através de supervisões e trocas entre os profissionais, bem como de congressos e cursos, 5) a avaliação que fazem da área é que ela é mais difícil porque requer o esforço físico do profissional, o entendimento da linguagem da criança, tanto verbal como não verbal, e a questão cultural de que tudo que se refere a criança é menos valorizado. No caminhar através dos diversos autores que embasaram o estudo encontrou-se na abordagem construcionista social/narrativa uma postura ética diferenciada na prática terapêutica com a criança e seus familiares. Acredita-se que as dificuldades são minimizadas e os resultados mais efetivos quando a criança é também trabalhada junto com a família, seja mediante a terapia familiar, seja por encontros familiares breves.

Child-Centered Play Therapists' Experiences Delivering Shortened Session Lengths

Edwards, Joshua Michael 12 1900 (has links)
This phenomenological study examined the experiences and perceptions of child-centered play therapists who deliver shortened sessions in the clinic setting. Using the phenomenological analysis procedures based on Moustakas' modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method, a coding team of three doctoral students found 10 themes related to child-centered play therapists' (N = 5) experiences delivering shortened session lengths. Each theme is defined and further described using verbatim transcript examples. This study has practical and clinical implications for child-centered play therapist development and training. The results of this study point to the need for further research in child-centered play therapists' experiences delivering play therapy-as-usual. Finally, future research regarding the change process in child-centered play therapy theory is also implicated.

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