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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn som tvångsomhändertagits på grund av brottslig verksamhet : Hur narrativ om barn som begår brott konstrueras i LVU-domar – i en socialrättslig kontext

Zandén, Bianca January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to highlight how children who commit crimes are constructed in a social legal context. Critical children´s rights theory and socialconstructionism were used to process and analyze the material. 33 judgements in compulsory custody cases concerning children from Stockholm´s administrative court from the year 2021 were analyzed. Only children taken into care due to criminal activities were included in the study. The subject of this study is how narratives about children who commit crimes, the child´s needs and situation are constructed in administrative courts´judgments. The study is divided into two parts, a description of the legal framework, and an analysis of the judgments. The conclusions are that the Convention on the Rights of the Child seems to have a limited role in the courts practical applications and the basis on which these decisions rest, and the construction of the children in the legal system is greatly influenced by the legal framwork and context. How the professionals talk and write about the child in the process can affect the child´s view of itself, its identity creation and, by extension, its opportunity to reintegrate into society, which is the goal.

An appraisal of the efficiency of implementation mechanisms with regards to international children’s rights law

Mpya, Maropeng Norman 06 1900 (has links)
The law governing children’s rights is part of international human rights law and therefore plays an important role in the protection of human rights. However, the effectiveness of the protection of children’s rights depends on a State’s compliance with children’s rights instruments and the implementation mechanisms within a given State. There are implementation mechanisms for the protection of children’s rights at the national, regional and international levels. The protection of children’s rights at these three levels is provided for by children’s rights instruments. The monitoring of particular implementation mechanisms with regard to children’s rights is effected by reporting processes through State Parties to domestic institutions, regional, and international organisations. The reports provided by States Parties must contain relevant information with regard to measures that States Parties have taken to implement children’s rights instruments. Inadequate implementation mechanisms for the protection of children’s rights have emerged as the greatest threat to the realisation of children’s rights. This means that the adoption of children’s rights instruments may yield results only when effective implementation steps are taken by the respective States Parties. There are four “cornerstone” principles that underpin the protection of children’s rights.1 These are: non-discrimination; the best interest of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child.2 This study will evaluate the right to education and the best interests of the child principle as covered in children’s rights instruments at regional and international levels.Education is a powerful tool in ensuring the protection and enjoyment of children’s rights. Therefore, ineffective implementation of the right to education may have adverse consequences for society. The best interest of the child principle is the guiding principle in all matters concerning children’s rights.3 Therefore, the application and effectiveness of the best interests of the child principle will ensure adequate protection of children’s rights. Further, the study will examine the right to education and the best interest of the child in order to demonstrate how the United Nations (UN) and regional human rights instruments have provided for their implementation. Ratification of children’s rights instruments is a symbolic gesture on the part of States Parties to the recognition and significance of protection of children’s rights. The compliance with children rights instruments or treaty obligations is crucial to ensure adequate protection of children’s rights. Thus, non-compliance with treaty obligations will have a negative impact on the protection of children’s rights. The evaluation of the right to education and the best interests of the child principle will be undertaken against the backdrop of children’s rights instruments. The children’s rights instruments are provided for by the United Nations (UN) and regional human rights systems. The dissertation will evaluate the right to education and the best interests of the child principle within three regional systems, namely, the European Union (EU), the Organisation of American States (OAS), and the African Union (AU). It will also examine pertinent case law within the three regional systems. Finally, the efficacy of implementation mechanisms for the enforcement of children’s rights will be assessed. / Public, Constitutional, & International Law / LLM

An appraisal of the efficiency of implementation mechanisms with regards to international children’s rights law

Mpya, Maropeng Norman 06 1900 (has links)
The law governing children’s rights is part of international human rights law and therefore plays an important role in the protection of human rights. However, the effectiveness of the protection of children’s rights depends on a State’s compliance with children’s rights instruments and the implementation mechanisms within a given State. There are implementation mechanisms for the protection of children’s rights at the national, regional and international levels. The protection of children’s rights at these three levels is provided for by children’s rights instruments. The monitoring of particular implementation mechanisms with regard to children’s rights is effected by reporting processes through State Parties to domestic institutions, regional, and international organisations. The reports provided by States Parties must contain relevant information with regard to measures that States Parties have taken to implement children’s rights instruments. Inadequate implementation mechanisms for the protection of children’s rights have emerged as the greatest threat to the realisation of children’s rights. This means that the adoption of children’s rights instruments may yield results only when effective implementation steps are taken by the respective States Parties. There are four “cornerstone” principles that underpin the protection of children’s rights.1 These are: non-discrimination; the best interest of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the views of the child.2 This study will evaluate the right to education and the best interests of the child principle as covered in children’s rights instruments at regional and international levels.Education is a powerful tool in ensuring the protection and enjoyment of children’s rights. Therefore, ineffective implementation of the right to education may have adverse consequences for society. The best interest of the child principle is the guiding principle in all matters concerning children’s rights.3 Therefore, the application and effectiveness of the best interests of the child principle will ensure adequate protection of children’s rights. Further, the study will examine the right to education and the best interest of the child in order to demonstrate how the United Nations (UN) and regional human rights instruments have provided for their implementation. Ratification of children’s rights instruments is a symbolic gesture on the part of States Parties to the recognition and significance of protection of children’s rights. The compliance with children rights instruments or treaty obligations is crucial to ensure adequate protection of children’s rights. Thus, non-compliance with treaty obligations will have a negative impact on the protection of children’s rights. The evaluation of the right to education and the best interests of the child principle will be undertaken against the backdrop of children’s rights instruments. The children’s rights instruments are provided for by the United Nations (UN) and regional human rights systems. The dissertation will evaluate the right to education and the best interests of the child principle within three regional systems, namely, the European Union (EU), the Organisation of American States (OAS), and the African Union (AU). It will also examine pertinent case law within the three regional systems. Finally, the efficacy of implementation mechanisms for the enforcement of children’s rights will be assessed. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LLM

Children’s right to “proper education” in contemporary Iran : a critical legal essay with an ethical and empirical approach towards improving Iranian governance

Bostani, Fateme 08 1900 (has links)
La recherche prend place dans le quotidien actuel de la sphère éducationnelle en Iran. Remarquons que l’Iran est État non occidental et islamique, mais ayant néanmoins adhéré au principe, plutôt occidental, de la Convention internationale sur les droits de l’enfant. Cette recherche s’insère dans une continuité de recherche au soutien des droits humains. Elle propose une voie d’empowerment aux groupes iraniens ouverts à la démocratie, mais aussi aux mouvements éducatifs soucieux des droits fondamentaux de la personne. Divisé en quatre chapitres, le questionnement hybride de la thèse conduit à un essai interdisciplinaire critique bénéficiant aux trois disciplines du droit, de la philosophie et de l'étude empirique. Face au système juridique international et iranien d'un point de vue juridique classique, le chapitre philosophique tend à répondre à la question de «que pourrait-on considérer non seulement du droit à l'éducation, mais également du droit à une « éducation appropriée » fondée sur des motifs éthiques et philosophiques dans le sens où cela conviendrait mieux à la culture iranienne et aux habitudes sociales ». Le chapitre empirique recherche donc "Dans l'action en faveur des droits des enfants iraniens, que révèlent les représentations sociales iraniennes au sujet du fossé potentiel entre un concept idéal de «proper education» et la vie quotidienne des enfants? " À partir d’une approche philosophique— plus précisément d’une éthique de la vertu—, la thèse propose le concept d’«éducation appropriée » [proper education] comme approche critique des positions internationales et internes du droit à l’éducation de l’enfant. Y est présenté comme «éducation appropriée » un droit moral et juridique pour les enfants : ce droit relève alors de la catégorie des droits au développement qui servent le droit à un avenir ouvert et ainsi que le droit de s'épanouir pleinement. Le recours à ce concept propose ainsi conception du droit à l’éducation harmonisée au contexte iranien actuel. D'un point de vue empirique, à partir d’une approche inductive typique de la Human Rights Advocacy approach et sur la base de quatre-vingts (80) entretiens auprès d’enfants et d’enseignants, sont observés et analysés les écarts entre le droit officiel et les façons dont ils sont vécus, mobilisés, pensés ou niés dans la sphère de l’éducation iranienne aujourd’hui. Enfin, l’essai juridique critique suggère que la gouvernance iranienne soit ouverte à une évolution vers une autorité contractuelle moderne dans le système éducatif pour être plus compatible avec les besoins psycho-émotionnels des enfants et en même temps pour d'appliquer des conseils politiques de l'éthique de la vertu à se déplacer vers une forme libérale de politiques éducatives qui promeuvent les vertus de l’autonomie et de la tolérance. Ils sont autant d’informations cruciales pour une gouvernance législative iranienne avisée, ancrée à une quête islamique de vertu tout autant qu’au bonheur des enfants. / The research takes place in the current daily life of the educational sphere in Iran. It should be noted that Iran is a non-Western and Islamic state, but nonetheless adhered to the rather Western principles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. This research is part of a continuity of research in support of human rights. It offers a path of empowerment to Iranian groups open to democracy, but also to educational movements concerned with the fundamental rights of the person. Divided into four chapters, the hybrid questioning of the thesis leads to a critical interdisciplinary essay benefiting the three disciplines of law, philosophy and empirical study. Facing the international and Iranian legal system from a classical legal view, the philosophical chapter tends to respond to the question of “what could be considered not just the right to education, but the right to a “proper” education based in ethical and philosophical grounds in the sense that it would better suit Iranian culture and social habits than an allegedly “universal” [occidental] classical legal conception?". The empirical chapter, then, looks for the “Iranian social representations of the children’s rights that reveal the gap between the ideal expressed concept of “proper education” and day-to-day life of children?” with an advocative approach. From a philosophical view —more precisely from virtue ethics stand point—the thesis proposes the concept of "right to proper education" as a critical approach to the international and internal positions of the right to education for children. "Proper education" is presented as a moral and legal right for children under the category of developmental rights which serves the right to an open future and the right to maximizing self-fulfillment. It is also a conception of the right to education harmonized with the current Iranian Islamic context. From an empirical standpoint, starting from a typical inductive approach of the Human Rights Advocacy approach and based on more than eighty (80) interviews with children and teachers, the gaps between the official laws and the ways in which they are experienced, mobilized, thought of or denied in the sphere of today Iranian education, are observed and analyzed. Finally, the critical legal essay suggests the Iranian governance to be open to a shift toward a modern contractual authority in educational system to be more compatible with the psycho-emotional needs of children and at the same time to apply the virtue ethics political advice to move toward a liberal form of educational policies that promotes the virtues of autonomy and toleration. These are all crucial information for wise Iranian legislative governance rooted in an Islamic pursuit of virtues as well as the happiness of children.

”När barnet är så litet och har bott i sitt familjehem i fyra år, det skulle vara som att omhänderta det barnet en gång till” : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av bedömningsprocess kring barnets bästa respektive barnet rätt till sina föräldrar, vid en återförening från familjehem / “When the child that young and has lived in foster care for four years, it would be like apprehending the child one more time” : A qualitative vignette study about social welfare workers experience of the assessment process regarding the child's best interests and the child's right to their parents, at a reunion from a family home

Järlesäter, Tilde, Lind, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to achieve a deeper knowledge of the dilemma whichcan arise during a social welfare workers judgement of a reunion according to whatis best for the child in relation to a child’s right to their biological parents. Thisbachelor thesis was based on three research questions: What influences a socialwelfare workers judgement of a reunion according to what is best for the child, aswell as children’s right to their biological parents? How does a social welfare workerperceive its leeway during a judgement concerning reunion family reunion? How doesa social welfare worker perceive their authority to interpret according to their leeway?A qualitative study has been used to gain a deeper knowledge according to a socialwelfare workers experience. A hermeneutic approach has been used to answer thepurpose of our bachelor thesis and has contributed to a wider perspective of our study.The focus was to understand the dilemma through evaluating and interpretation. Sixsocial welfare workers participated in the following vignette survey, which werecomplemented with semi-structured questions. The participants have answeredregarding their experience concerning their leeway and authority to interpret the lawaccording to what is best for the child and their entitlement to their biological parents.This bachelor thesis research results show that social welfare workers did possessleeway which implies empowerment to interpret legislation, concepts and varioussituations. This can be seen as a prerequisite for correct decisions to be made duringdaily work. Although, it can also act as a risk since clients may receive differentconclusions depending on the social welfare worker. Furthermore, a conclusion of thethesis is that different judgements are made, even though the contributed informationwas identical. The explanation to these different assessments may relate to the socialwelfare workers leeway and authority to interpret the law, which makes investigatingchildren’s right to their parents and what is best for them even more complex.

The experiences of school management teams in implementing and managing anti-bullying policies in Tshwane-South public high schools

Gerli, Mignonne 18 November 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of School Management Teams (SMTs) in implementing and managing anti-bullying policies in public high schools in the Tshwane South District of the Gauteng Province. This study was prompted by the global concern about bullying in schools and the need for schools to create safe spaces for learning. While the literature regarding bullying is substantial and much literature points to the need for sound anti-bullying policies to curb bullying, bullying is still rampant in many South African Schools. In this study, a qualitative approach was taken to explore SMTs implementation and management of anti-bullying policies in high schools in the Tshwane South District. Interview schedules and a measurement rubric were used as research tools for gathering data to analyse the experiences of the SMTs in managing bullying through anti-bullying policies. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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