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Assessment and Remediation for Children with Special Educational Needs : The role of Working Memory, Complex Executive Function and Metacognitive Strategy TrainingPartanen, Petri January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the role of different assessment tools and training regimens in assessment and remediation for children with special educational needs in school. A central purpose of assessment explored was that it should inform remediation, teaching and instruction. The concepts of working memory, complex executive function and metacognitive strategy training for children with special educational needs were specifically explored in relation to this purpose of assessment. Complex executive function refers to planning and metacognitive ability, that many children with special educational needs struggle with, and which they are expected to handle in learning during school day. Of particular interest in the thesis was the contrast between working memory and complex executive function and how these concepts inform assessment and remediation practices. In this context, special attention was given to mathematical learning difficulties. The thesis was based on four studies (I‑IV). Study I explored the prevalence of different assessment tools, and dilemmas and challenges as perceived by assessment professionals, teachers and parents, in the work with children with special educational needs in Europe. In Study II, a metacognitive strategy training framework was developed as a training regimen, guided by research on complex executive function, and applied on working memory training. Effects of working memory training were compared between the two training regimens, with and without metacognitive strategy training, and also the overall effect of working memory training on cognitive functioning and the school related skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. In Study III, different types of measures of working memory and their predictive capacities in relation to mathematics achievement in national curriculum assessments were explored, as well as the effects of working memory training on mathematics achievement. In Study IV the role of working memory and complex executive function in identifying risk for mathematical learning difficulties in children with special educational needs was explored. The results from Study I suggested that assessment and remediation practices can contribute to a deficiency‑oriented outlook on children with special educational needs. In contrast parents and teachers in Sweden also reported that assessment could help them to better understand the needs of the child. Results from studies II-IV showed that only the use of a metacognitive strategy training regimen targeting complex executive function resulted in improvements following working memory training. The results also indicated that working memory training strongly predicted mathematical performance in national curriculum assessments of mathematics in school, and that a more complex change measure of working memory was a better predictor than simple working memory measures in this regard. Finally, the results also showed that complex executive function, defined as planning ability, was a better predictor than simple working memory in the assessment of risk for mathematical learning difficulties. The results from the studies were discussed in relation to the purpose of assessment to inform remediation, teaching and instruction for children with special educational needs. It was concluded that, in addition to working memory, as complex executive function – planning and metacognitive ability - seems to be an important cognitive function related to learning, this should be addressed both in the assessment of children with special educational needs as well as in the remediation when designing training regimens and interventions for children with special educational needs in general, and children at risk for mathematic learning difficulties in particular. It was also highlighted that in remediation, the role of the teacher as a mediator of metacognition and complex executive function seems vital. / Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka den roll som olika utredningsverktyg och begrepp spelar i utformandet av utrednings‑ och stödinsatser för barn i behov av stöd i skolan. Ett centralt syfte med utredningar som utforskades är att de ska bidra med kunskaper vid utformande av stödinsatser och undervisning. I relation till detta syfte utforskades specifikt begreppen arbetsminne, komplex exekutiv funktion och metakognitiv strategiträning för barn i behov av stöd. Komplex exekutiv funktion syftar till planerings- och metakognitiv förmåga, något som många barn i behov av stöd upplevs ha svårigheter med, och som de förväntas kunna hantera i lärandet i skolans vardag. Av särskilt intresse i avhandlingen var kontrasten mellan arbetsminne och komplex exekutiv funktion och hur dessa begrepp bidrar till en förståelse i utformandet av utrednings- och stödinsatser. I detta sammanhang uppmärksammades särskilt matematiksvårigheter hos barn i behov av stöd. Avhandlingen bygger på fyra studier (I-IV). I Studie I undersöktes förekomsten av olika utredningsverktyg, samt utredares, lärares och föräldrars uppfattningar av dilemman och utmaningar i arbetet kring barn i behov av stöd, i Europa. I Studie II utformades ett koncept för metakognitiv strategiträning med utgångspunkt från forskning kring komplex exekutiv funktion och tillämpades i arbetsminnesträning. Effekten av arbetsminnesträning med och utan metakognitiv strategiträning jämfördes, liksom effekten av arbetsminnesträning på kognitiva funktioner och skolrelaterade färdigheter inom läsning, skrivning och aritmetik. I Studie III undersöktes olika mått på arbetsminne, och deras prediktiva kapacitet i relation till matematisk förmåga mätt genom nationella prov i matematik, samt effekten av arbetsminnesträning på matematisk förmåga. I Studie IV undersöktes vilken roll arbetsminne och komplex exekutiv funktion har i identifiering av barn i behov av stöd i riskzon för matematiksvårigheter. Resultaten från Studie I visade att utrednings- och stödinsatser kunde bidra till att förstärka ett brist-orienterat synsätt på barn i behov av stöd. I kontrast till detta, delgav lärare och föräldrar i Sverige att utredningar kunde hjälpa dem att förstå barnets behov på ett bättre sätt. Resultaten från studie II-IV visade att enbart den metakognitiva träningen, fokuserad på komplex exekutiv funktion, bidrog till förbättringar efter arbetsminnesträning. Resultatet indikerade också att arbetsminnesträning predicerar matematisk prestation i nationella prov i matematik, och att ett mer komplext arbetsminnesmått var en bättre prediktor än enklare arbetsminnesmått. Slutligen visade resultaten också att komplex exekutiv funktion i form av planeringsförmåga var en bättre prediktor än enkelt arbetsminnesmått vid utredning av risk för matematiksvårigheter. Resultaten från studierna diskuterades i relation till syftet med utredning: att bidra med kunskaper vid utformande av extra anpassningar, särskilt stöd och undervisning för barn i behov av stöd. Eftersom komplex exekutiv funktion –planerings- och metakognitiv förmåga - verkar vara en viktig kognitiv funktion i lärandet, bör man ta hänsyn till detta både i utrednings- och stödinsatser kring barn i behov av stöd generellt, och särskilt kring barn i riskzon för matematiksvårigheter. Det belystes också att i stödinsatser är lärarens roll som mediator av metakognition och komplex exekutiv funktion viktig. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 3 (inskickat), delarbete 4 (inskickat)</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 3 (submitted), paper 4 (submitted)</p>
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Veerkragtigheidsmeganismes wat onderwys ondersteunAfrika, Bernitto Timothy Afrika 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education supporting factors is of great importance for children who are growing up in very challenging circumstances. The challenge of poverty affects people differently and people also react differently towards it. If educators can understand why certain children can withstand certain risk factors such as severe contextual backlogs, whilst others cannot, they will have a better understanding where to intervene, and also how to put preventative measures in place. (Garmenzy, 1991). This resilience who is intrinsic amongst children, acts as protective factors against certain developmental factors to which children might be exposed to. The different supportive structures who is critical for the learners, acts as extrinsic protective factors. The stronger the protective factors are, the better the parents can resist the pressure from poverty (Ross,1995). This study therefore aimed to understand what education supporting factors exist for learners who are growing up in challenging circumstances.
The researcher worked from an interpretive paradigm. The study’s orientation is a basic qualitative research and included the following: purposive sample selection to identify research participants, open questionnaires to gather their biographic information, individual interviews and field notes to generate data, and content analysis to analyse data.
Research findings indicate that the encouragement and extensive support that the learners enjoy plays a huge role in their lives. The study also highlighted that if the learners’ intrinsic resilience can be further developed and when the extensive support is sustainable, the learners can be successful and handle life’s challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwys ondersteunende faktore is van groot belang by kinders wat in uitdagende omstandighede groot word. Die uitdaging van armoede raak mense op verskillende maniere en mense reageer verskillend daarop. As opvoeders kan verstaan waarom sommige kinders risiko faktore soos erge kontekstuele agterstande kan weerstaan, terwyl ander nie kan nie, sal hulle ’n beter kans staan deur te weet hoe om in te gryp, en hoe om voorkomende maatreëls te tref (Garmenzy, 1991). Hierdie veerigtigheid wat inherent onder leerders is, tree as beskermende faktore op teen ontwikkelingsfaktore waaraan die kind blootgestel kan word. Die verskillende ondersteuningsnetwerke wat kritiek is vir die leerders, tree op as eksterne beskermende faktore, want hoe sterker die ondersteuning is, hoe beter kan ouers die druk wat deur armoede veroorsaak word weerstaan (Ross,1995). Die studie het dit ten doel om te verstaan en insig te bekom met watter faktore onderwys ondersteun, vir leerders wat in uitdagende omstandighede grootword.
Die navorser het binne ’n interpretivistiese paradigma gewerk. Die studie se orientasie is ’n basiese kwalitatiewe navorsing en het die volgende ingesluit: doelbewuste seleksie om te bepaal wie die deelnemers was, oop vraelyste om hul biografiese inligting te bekom, individuele onderhoude en veldnotas om data te genereer, asook inhoudsanalise om die data te analiseer.
Navorsingsbevindinge dui daarop dat die aanmoediging en uitgebreide ondersteuning wat die leerders geniet ’n groot rol in hul lewens speel. Uit die studie was dit duidelik dat as die leerders se inherente veerkragtigheid verder ontwikkel word en die uitgebreide ondersteuning is volhoubaar, kan die leerders suksesvol wees en die alledaagse uitdagings met gemak hanteer.
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Teachers' perceptions of quality education in a low-income primary schoolSmit, Carien 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) put many interventions in place to provide quality education to all schools, but barriers still remained in low-income communities. Most barriers developed due to inadequate resources such as: poor teacher training, lack of community involvement, lack of transportation, poor service delivery and sustainability within the community. Numerous communities suffered discrimination in the form of unjust distribution of social benefits and resources. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), however, expects all learners to follow the same curriculum and achieve the same type of quality education. This is impossible when schools have inadequate resources. The aim of the research was therefore to explore how teachers understood the concept of quality education through their lived experiences at a low-income school. This exploration took into account what teachers viewed as contributing to or hindering a quality education, both at personal and interpersonal levels in the school. It also considered how the school system, the WCED and the social environment contributed to positive or negative outcomes regarding quality. This was important as teachers were seen as the key agents towards change in quality education.
Social constructionism and a social justice approach provided the foundation of this research and enabled the voices of previously disadvantaged communities to be heard. In keeping with the theoretical frameworks of the study, a qualitative, interpretivist research approach was used. Participants were selected through purposive sampling and focus group discussions as well as individual interviews were used to generate data. Digital audio recordings were made of the group and individual sessions, which were then transcribed. The data collected in this study were analysed through thematic analysis. The research findings indicated that teachers experienced numerous barriers with regards to contextual factors and unjust distribution of resources. Furthermore, teachers reflected that with good pedagogy they were able to maintain quality education, by teaching a curriculum that was relevant to the context of the learner, even when resources were limited. This process was very time-consuming and not cost-effective. However, even though teachers were able to recognise the barriers present in their school they insisted that there were many positive aspects to working in a low-income school. These findings led to recommendations that were centred largely on meeting some of the support needs of teachers in low-income communities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) het baie intervensies in plek gestel om gehalte-onderrig te verskaf aan alle skole, maar baie hindernisse was steeds teenwoordig in lae-inkomste gemeenskappe. Baie van die hindernisse het ontstaan as gevolg van onvoldoende hulpbronne soos: swak onderwysopleiding, gebrekkige gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, onvoldoende vervoer, swak dienslewering en volhoubaarheid in die gemeenskap. Daar was teen talle gemeenskappe gediskrimineer in terme van ongelyke verspreiding van sosiale voordele en hulpbronne. Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) verwag egter dat alle leerders dieselfde kurrikulum volg en dieselfde tipe gehalte-onderrig behaal. Dit is onmoontlik om te bereik indien skole onvoldoende hulpbronne het. Die doel van die navorsing was dus om onderwysers se konsep van gehalte-onderrig te verstaan deur hulle beleefde ervaring in ʼn lae-inkomste skool te ondersoek. Die ondersoek het in ag geneem wat onderwysers beskou het as ʼn bydrae of ʼn hindernis tot gehalte-onderrig, op sowel persoonlike as interpersoonlike vlak in die skool. Daar is ook gelet op watter positiewe of negatiewe invloede die skoolsisteem, die WKOD en die sosiale omgewing op gehalte-onderrig het. Dit word as belangrik geag omdat onderwysers gesien word as die belangrikste agente vir verandering in gehalte-onderwys. Sosiale konstruksionisme en ʼn sosiale geregtigheidsbenadering is die grondslag van hierdie navorsing en stel die stemme van voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe in staat om gehoor te word. In ooreenstemming met die teoretiese raamwerke van die studie is ʼn kwalitatiewe, interpretivistiese navorsingsbenadering gebruik. Die deelnemers is deur middel van doelgerigte steekproeftrekking geselekteer en fokusgroepbesprekings en individuele onderhoude is gebruik om data te genereer. Digitale klankopnames is gemaak van die groep- en individuele sessies, wat toe getranskribeer is. Die data wat in hierdie studie ingesamel is, is ontleed deur middel van tematiese analise.
Die navorsing het aangedui dat onderwysers talle struikelblokke ondervind het met betrekking tot kontekstuele faktore en onregverdige verspreiding van hulpbronne. Verder het onderwysers weerspieël dat hulle met goeie pedagogie in staat was om gehalte-onderwys te beoefen deur die kurrikulum binne die konteks van die leerder te onderrig, selfs wanneer hulpbronne beperk was. Hierdie proses het egter baie tyd in beslag geneem en was nie koste-effektief nie. Selfs al was onderwysers in staat om die struikelblokke in hul skool te herken, het hulle steeds die positiewe aspekte van werk in ʼn lae-inkomste skool uitgelig. Hierdie bevindinge het gelei tot aanbevelings wat grootliks handel oor ondersteuning van die onderwysers in lae-inkomste gemeenskappe deur vervulling van hulle behoeftes.
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