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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative Toxicity of Eight Model Substances to the Sediment Dwelling Invertebrates Lumbriculus variegatus and Chironomus riparius

Gildemeister, Thomas 03 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Existing ecotoxicity data for chemicals vary to a high extent between the environmental compartments water and sediment, since the evaluation of contaminants has historically focused on water exposition. Many anthropogenic chemicals and waste materials, including toxic organic and inorganic chemicals, adsorb to particulate matter and accumulate in sediments, and may thus be a threat to organisms living in the sediment. The invertebrates Chironomus riparius and Lumbriculus variegatus were selected as representatives of endobenthic living organisms. Acute toxicity tests, via water-only exposure, and sediment toxicity tests were conducted with the two endobenthic invertebrates. In sediment toxicity tests, organisms are mainly exposed to sediment- and particle-bound chemicals and dissolved chemical in the pore water. Toxicity data for algae, daphnids, and fish (via water-only exposure) are available for many substances, whereas the existing sediment toxicity data are rather rare. Thus, the interest arises to predict sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling invertebrates from existing acute toxicity data of tests with water-only exposure. The main emphasis of this work was placed on one metal compound and seven organic chemicals. The objective of this study was fivefold: (1) develop methods and improve existing procedures on acute and sediment toxicity testing of the two invertebrates; (2) conduct both acute toxicity tests via water exposure and long-term sediment toxicity tests for the selected model substances to generate data for comparative discussion; (3) assess correlations among acute toxicity data of the organisms exposed via water-only and correlations among sediment toxicity data of the two endobenthic invertebrates for the eight tested chemicals; (4) assess possible forecasting for sediment toxicity from acute toxicity (via water-only exposure) and (5) assess exposure effects to determine the main exposure route. Acute toxicity data of the eight tested chemicals of D. magna significantly correlated with data of L. variegatus and C. riparius (p<0.05). However, a prediction of toxicity based on D. magna data bears high uncertainty, due to the small data set and high variation in sensitivity of the organisms. Existing sediment toxicity test methods were improved to meet the demand for artificial sediments containing organic matter that serves sufficiently as internal food source for the test organisms, and thus representing natural exposure conditions. However, the sediments that were used for the two organisms to test the selected model substances differed in sediment composition. Therefore, a sediment with the same sediment composition and the same water-to-sediment ratio for both invertebrates was developed, to have similar exposure conditions. In sediment toxicity tests, C. riparius was observed to be more sensitive than L. variegatus and no correlation was observed among data of the invertebrates. For the selected substances, lowest effect concentrations were observed for 3,4-dichloroaniline, whereas effect concentrations were the highest for benzo[a]pyrene. No correlations were found between the acute toxicity data of exposure via the water phase and sediment toxicity data, thus making a prediction of sediment toxicity data impossible. From analytical measurements of chemicals concentration in the compartments overlying, pore water, and bulk sediment, partition coefficients on sediment water partitioning were calculated. The highest partition coefficient ratios for sediment water partitioning were found for the high lipophilic organic substances 4,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan (DDT) and benzo[a]pyrene. Further, it was found that the main exposure routes in the 28-day sediment toxicity tests were not only chemical but species-dependent. As a result of very differing exposure routes for the tested chemicals and the absence of correlations from the acute to sediment toxicity data, sediment toxicity tests are necessary to assess the toxicity of chemicals on sediment inhabiting organisms. / In den meisten standardisierten ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung des Gefährdungspotentials von Chemikalien für Gewässer erfolgt die Exposition der Organismen über die Wasserphase. Viele Schadstoffe, die in die aquatische Umwelt gelangen, adsorbieren aufgrund ihrer physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften an die Oberflächen von Schwebstoffen, sedimentieren und erreichen Sedimentkonzentrationen, die möglicherweise eine Gefahr für sedimentbewohnende Organismen darstellen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden für benthische Invertebraten Testverfahren etabliert, bei denen eine Exposition der Organismen über das Sediment, hier hauptsächlich über die an ingestierte Sedimentbestandteile gebundene oder über die im Porenwasser gelöste Chemikalie (28-Tage Sedimenttoxizitätstest), und über dieWasserphase (Akuttoxizitätstest) erfolgte. Die Invertebraten Chironomus riparius und Lumbriculus variegatus wurden als typische Vertreter endobenthischer Organismen ausgewählt. Für viele Chemikalien liegen Daten zur akuten Toxizität für Algen, Daphnien und Fische für die Wasserexposition vor. Demgegenüber sind nur wenige Daten zur Toxizität für benthische Organismen weder mit einer Wasser- noch mit einer Sedimentexposition vorhanden. Als Modellsubstanzen wurden eine anorganische und sieben organische Substanzen für die Untersuchungen ausgewählt. Ziele dieser Arbeit waren: (1) die Entwicklung und Verbesserung von bestehenden Methoden zur Bestimmung der akuten Toxizität mitWasserexposition und der Sedimenttoxizität für die beiden Invertebraten; (2) die Durchführung der Tests mit den acht ausgewählten Modellsubstanzen zur vergleichenden Betrachtung; (3) die Beurteilung einer Korrelation der Daten zur Akuttoxizität innerhalb der verschiedenen Organismen mit Wasserexposition und einer Korrelation der Daten zwischen den beiden benthischen Organismen bei Sedimentexposition; (4) die Beurteilung einer Korrelation zwischen Daten der benthischen Invertebraten zur Akuttoxizität mit Wasserexposition und Sedimenttoxizität und (5) die Ermittlung und Bewertung der Expositionspfade. Die Akuttoxizitätsdaten von D. magna korrelieren significant (p<0.05) mit den Daten der beiden Invertebraten. Jedoch ist eine Vorhersage aufgrund des kleinen Datensatzes und der großen Unterschiede in der Empfindlichkeit der Arten abzulehnen. Um einer möglichst natürlichen Expositionssituation in Sedimenten zu entsprechen, wurden künstliche Sedimente mit interner Futterquelle, die auch mit der zu testenden Chemikalie kontaminiert wurde, entwickelt und für die Tests mit den Modellsubstanzen verwendet. Ein Nachteil war die unterschiedliche Sedimentzusammensetzung für die beiden Organismen. Um gleiche Expositionsbedingungen für beide Testorganismen zu gewährleisten, wurde ein artifizielles Sediment mit gleicher Zusammensetzung und gleichem Volumenverhältnis zwischen Sediment und Überstandswasser entwickelt. In den Sedimenttoxizitätstests reagierte C. riparius empfindlicher als L. variegatus. Die Effektkonzentrationen waren am niedrigsten für 3,4-Dichloraniline und am höchsten für Benzo[a]pyren. Die Korrelationen zwischen den Ergebnissen aus Akut- und Sedimenttoxizitstests waren nicht signifikant (p>0.05). Folglich läßt sich die Sedimenttoxizität nicht aus Daten zur akuten Toxizität mit Wasserexposition abschätzen. Aus den analytischen Messungen von Sediment-, Porenwasser- und Überstandswasserproben wurden die Koeffizienten für die Verteilung zwischen Sediment und Wasser berechnet. Für die stark lipophilen Stoffe, 4-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan (DDT) und Benzo[a]pyren wurden die höchsten Koeffizienten errechnet. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, daß die Hauptexpositionspfade in Sedimenttoxizitätstests einerseits von der Chemikalie und andererseits von der verwendeten Spezies abhängen. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit und der Tatsache, daß Sedimente “Senken” für viele Schadstoffe sind, müssen zur Erfassung und Bewertung des Gefährdungspotentials von Chemikalien gegenüber Sedimentbewohnern weiterhin Sedimenttoxizitätstests durchgeführt werden.

Avaliação da qualidade da água e sedimento da sub-bacia do rio Corumbataí (SP) por meio de testes ecotoxicológicos / Water and sediment quality assessment of Corumbataí River (SP) using bioassays

Maria Alice Penna Firme dos Santos 12 August 2008 (has links)
Foram realizados testes de toxicidade ao longo de dois anos, com amostras de água e sedimento do rio Corumbataí, entre Novembro de 2004 e Setembro de 2006, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da água e do sedimento. Os testes de toxicidade aguda realizados com os organismos Chironomus xanthus, Daphnia magna, Hydra attenuata, Lactuca sativa e Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata indicaram variados graus de toxicidade nos diferentes pontos de coleta do rio Corumbataí, com maior ocorrência de toxicidade nos pontos de coleta mais próximos à foz do rio, principalmente devido à afluência do Ribeirão Claro. Todas as amostras de sedimento se mostraram mais tóxicas do que as amostras de água dos mesmos locais, para todos os organismos utilizados, em todas as coletas realizadas. Para todos os organismos, foram realizados testes de sensibilidade, com substância de referência (NaCl), mensalmente, a fim de garantir a qualidade dos cultivos em laboratório e dos bioensaios realizados, com resultados regulares e satisfatórios. Os efeitos produzidos pelas amostras ambientais sobre as sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa) foram bastante variáveis e irregulares, não possibilitando os cálculos de CI50. Decidiu-se por bem suspender a realização deste teste após um ano. Dentre todos os endpoints avaliados, os dos testes de Hydra attenuata e Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata se mostraram mais sensíveis, e o de Daphnia magna o menos sensível às amostras testadas. A avaliação da toxicidade através de efeitos subletais em H. attenuata se mostrou um bom parâmetro de avaliação das condições ambientais do rio Corumbataí, sendo um dos endpoints mais sensíveis utilizados. Outros testes de toxicidade foram realizados em algumas das oito coletas realizadas neste estudo, em caráter complementar: teste de toxicidade crônica com D. magna, teste de toxicidade LuminoTox, que utiliza sistemas enzimáticos vegetais, e o teste de genotoxicidade com Allium cepa, com o objetivo de avaliar suas sensibilidades e contribuições ao estudo. Estes bioensaios adicionaram informações a respeito dos níveis de poluição e toxicidade do rio Corumbataí, contribuindo com os bioensaios principais. Informações como parâmetros físicos e químicos, quantificação de elementos químicos e herbicidas ofereceram subsídios para a interpretação dos resultados obtidos com os testes de toxicidade. São apresentados também resultados das atividades referentes ao estágio de doutorado realizado no exterior (doutorado-sanduíche), no período de Setembro a Dezembro de 2007, na agência de proteção ambiental Environment Canada, no qual foi aplicado um teste de toxicidade com linhagens microbianas (MARA assay) em amostras de água e sedimento, juntamente com nanomateriais / Toxicity tests were conducted for two years with water and sediment samples from Corumbataí River, between November 2004 and September 2006, in order to assess the water and sediment quality. Acute toxicity tests conducted with Chironomus xanthus, Daphnia magna, Hydra attenuata, Lactuca sativa and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata showed varying degrees of toxicity along the river course, with more toxic results in the sampling sites near the river mouth, due mainly to the inflow of Ribeirão Claro. All sediment samples were more toxic than the water samples (from the corresponding sites), for all test organisms, and for all samplings. Sensitivity tests were performed monthly, with NaCl as the reference toxicant, in order to guarantee both the laboratory culture quality and the bioassays conducted with these organisms. Results with NaCl were regular and satisfactory. The effects of the samples on lettuce seeds (L. sativa) were irregular, thus not allowing the estimative of IC50. It was decided to suspend the performance of this bioassay after one year of testing. Among all studied tests and endpoints, the tests with H. attenuata and P. subcapitata had the most sensitive endpoints, and the acute toxicity test with D. magna had the less sensitive one. Toxicity assessment of Corumbataí River based on Hydra sub-lethality endpoint was one of the most sensitive among the tested ones. Other bioassays were conducted at least once as part of this study, as a complementary assessment: the 21-day chronic toxicity test with D. magna, the LuminoTox bioassay, and the genotoxicity test with Allium cepa, in order to assess their sensitivity and contribution to the present study. These bioassays added information about the contamination levels and toxicity of Corumbataí River, contributing with the main bioassays performed. Data such as physical and chemical parameters, metals and herbicides determinations had a contribution to bioassay results interpretation. Results from a research project developed during a four-month stay (from September 2007 to December 2007) at Environment Canada Protection Agency are further described, regarding the application of the MARA bioassay, (conducted with 11 microbial strains), testing water and sediment samples, along with nanomaterials

Limnologia, análise da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos e bioensaios de toxicidade para avaliação ambiental dos reservatórios em cascata do Médio e Baixo Rio Tietê (SP) / Limnology, bentonic macroinvertebrate community analysis and toxicity biotests for the environmental evaluation of the reservoirs located at the medium and low Tiete river (SP) waterfalls

Maria Helena Stabalito Rodrigues 22 December 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido nos reservatórios, em cascata, que fazem parte do Médio e Baixo Rio Tietê, incluindo os tributários, os Rios Tietê, Piracicaba e Bauru. Foram considerados os pontos de coleta, localizados à montante, jusante, bem como os pontos intermediários dos reservatórios estudados. Considerando-se os períodos referentes a outubro de 1999 fevereiro, maio e julho de 2000, as pesquisas nestes locais abordaram a qualidade ambiental dos reservatórios, com características limnológicas (água, sedimento), a fauna de macroinvertebrados bentônicos, além de testes ecotoxicológicos (Chironomus xanthus). As análises dos sedimentos permitiram evidenciar as frações de silte e argila, o elevado teor de matéria orgânica nos reservatórios situados no início da cascata, além do nitrogênio e fósforo e metais potencialmente biodisponíveis. Elevadas concentrações de nutrientes nitrogenados e fosfatados, material em suspensão (orgânico e inorgânico) e clorofila-a, foram observadas nas amostras de água, o que permitiu classificar os reservatórios como eutróficos, mesotróficos e oligotróficos, de acordo com sua posição no sistema bem como do período amostrado. As concentrações de alguns dos metais encontrados na água estiveram acima do permitido pela Resolução CONAMA (20/96), considerando-se os períodos em estudo. Quanto às relações bióticas, foram obtidas através do índice de Diversidade (H\'), da equitabilidade, a qual foi evidenciada pela distribuição agregadados organismos e a presença de indivíduos pertencentes à mesma espécie, evidenciou a baixa riqueza de taxa. Através do IET/Densidade de Oligochaeta constatou-se para os reservatórios em cascata e os principais tributários características de eutrofizados. A fauna bentônica dos rios Tietê, Piracicaba e Bauru e dos reservatórios dos locais de estudo caracterizou-se pela presença de Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) além de Chironomidae (Díptera), e do grupo Mollusca. Entre os Tubificidae, a espécie Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi e Limnodrilus udekemianus ocorreram em considerável dominância numérica no período de estudo. A Família Chironomidae, foi representada pelos gêneros Goeldichiromus e Coelotanypus e o grupo Mollusca pelo gênero, Haylacostoma e espécie Melanoides tuberculatus (Thiaridae), Corbicula fluminea (Corbiculidae), o gênero Biomphalaria (Planorbidae) e o gênero Lymnaea collumela, (Lymnaiidae). Quanto à Família Naididade foi representada pelas espécies (Prístina americana, Dero nívea, Dero digitata e Allonais chelata), pela família Alluroididae (Brinkhurstia americanus) e pela Família Opistocystidae (Opistocysta funiculus). Os testes de toxicidade com Chironomus xanthus confirmaram os resultados obtidos através das análises físicas e químicas, conferindo características de impactados aos reservatórios situados no início da cascata (Barra Bonita, Bariri e Ibitinga) e aos tributários (Tietê, Piracicaba e Bauru) moderadamente poluídos aos reservatórios intermediários (reservatório de Nova Avanhandava e Promissão) e, com ausência de poluição, o Reservatório de Três Irmãos, situado no final da cascata. Os resultados decorrem dos usos e ocupação do solo, atividades antropogênicas na Bacia Hidrográfica, do aporte de materiais para o sistema na qual se inserem os rios e os reservatórios estudados. / This work was developed in the reservoirs, at waterfalls, which are part of the Medium and Low Tiete River, including its tributaries, the Tiete, the Piracicaba river and the Bauru river. The collecting sites considered were upstream, downstream and those intermediary sites of the reservoirs. Taking into account the different periods of October 1999 and February, May and July of 2000, the researches in those sites were about the environmental quality of the reservoirs with limnologic characteristics (water, sediment), the bentonic macroinvertebrate fauna besides ecotoxilogic tests (Chironomus xanthus). The sediment analysis allowed to evidence the silt and clay fractions, the high organic matter content in the reservoirs located at the waterfall head in addition to nitrogen, phosphur and potentially bio-available metals. High nitrogened and phosphated nutrients, suspended matter (organic and inorganic) and chlorophyl-a were observed in the water samples, which allowed to classify the reservoirs as euthrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic according to their location in the system and the sampling period. The concentration of some metals found the water was above the level permitted by CONAMA Resolution (20/96) taking into account the periods of study. As to the biotic relations, they were obtained by means of the Diversity index (H\') of the equitability, which was evidenced by the aggregated distribution of the organisms and the presence of individuals belongingto the same species evidenced the low taxa richness. Through the IET/Oligochaeta abundance, the reservoirs and the tributaries were found to be eutrophitized. The Tiete, Piracicaba and Bauru rivers and the reservoirs studied sites bentonic fauna was characterized by the presence of Tubificidae (Oligochaeta) besides Chironomidae (Diptera) and the Mollusca group. Among the Tubificidae, the Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Branchiura sowerbyi e Limnodrilus udekemianus species occurred in considerable numerical dominance in the period of study. The Chironomidae family was represented by the genus Goeldichiromus and Coelotanypus and the Mollusca group by the genus Haylacostoma and Melamoides tuberculatus (Thiaridae) species, Corbicula fluminea (Corbiculidae), the genus Bionphalaria (Planorbidae) and the genus Lymnaea collumela (Lymnaiidae). The Naididae family was represented by the species (Pristina americana, Dero nivea, Dero digitata and Allonais chelata), by the family Alluroididae (Brinkhurstia americanus) and the family Opistocystidae (Opistocysta funiculus).The toxicity tests with Chironomus xanthus confirmed the results obtained through physical and chemical analyses granting characteristics of impacted to the reservoirs located at the waterfall head (Barra Bonita, Bariri and Ibitinga) and the tributaries (Tiete, Piracicaba and Bauru) moderately polluted to the intermediate reservoirs (Nova Avanhandava and Promissão reservoirs) and, absenceof pollution, the Tres Irmãos Reservoir located at the end of the waterfall. The results arise from the uses and occupation of the soli, anthropogenic activities in the hydrographic basis, disclosure of materials into the system in which are the rivers the reservoirs under study are located.

Comparative Toxicity of Eight Model Substances to the Sediment Dwelling Invertebrates Lumbriculus variegatus and Chironomus riparius

Gildemeister, Thomas 18 December 2006 (has links)
Existing ecotoxicity data for chemicals vary to a high extent between the environmental compartments water and sediment, since the evaluation of contaminants has historically focused on water exposition. Many anthropogenic chemicals and waste materials, including toxic organic and inorganic chemicals, adsorb to particulate matter and accumulate in sediments, and may thus be a threat to organisms living in the sediment. The invertebrates Chironomus riparius and Lumbriculus variegatus were selected as representatives of endobenthic living organisms. Acute toxicity tests, via water-only exposure, and sediment toxicity tests were conducted with the two endobenthic invertebrates. In sediment toxicity tests, organisms are mainly exposed to sediment- and particle-bound chemicals and dissolved chemical in the pore water. Toxicity data for algae, daphnids, and fish (via water-only exposure) are available for many substances, whereas the existing sediment toxicity data are rather rare. Thus, the interest arises to predict sediment toxicity for sediment-dwelling invertebrates from existing acute toxicity data of tests with water-only exposure. The main emphasis of this work was placed on one metal compound and seven organic chemicals. The objective of this study was fivefold: (1) develop methods and improve existing procedures on acute and sediment toxicity testing of the two invertebrates; (2) conduct both acute toxicity tests via water exposure and long-term sediment toxicity tests for the selected model substances to generate data for comparative discussion; (3) assess correlations among acute toxicity data of the organisms exposed via water-only and correlations among sediment toxicity data of the two endobenthic invertebrates for the eight tested chemicals; (4) assess possible forecasting for sediment toxicity from acute toxicity (via water-only exposure) and (5) assess exposure effects to determine the main exposure route. Acute toxicity data of the eight tested chemicals of D. magna significantly correlated with data of L. variegatus and C. riparius (p<0.05). However, a prediction of toxicity based on D. magna data bears high uncertainty, due to the small data set and high variation in sensitivity of the organisms. Existing sediment toxicity test methods were improved to meet the demand for artificial sediments containing organic matter that serves sufficiently as internal food source for the test organisms, and thus representing natural exposure conditions. However, the sediments that were used for the two organisms to test the selected model substances differed in sediment composition. Therefore, a sediment with the same sediment composition and the same water-to-sediment ratio for both invertebrates was developed, to have similar exposure conditions. In sediment toxicity tests, C. riparius was observed to be more sensitive than L. variegatus and no correlation was observed among data of the invertebrates. For the selected substances, lowest effect concentrations were observed for 3,4-dichloroaniline, whereas effect concentrations were the highest for benzo[a]pyrene. No correlations were found between the acute toxicity data of exposure via the water phase and sediment toxicity data, thus making a prediction of sediment toxicity data impossible. From analytical measurements of chemicals concentration in the compartments overlying, pore water, and bulk sediment, partition coefficients on sediment water partitioning were calculated. The highest partition coefficient ratios for sediment water partitioning were found for the high lipophilic organic substances 4,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan (DDT) and benzo[a]pyrene. Further, it was found that the main exposure routes in the 28-day sediment toxicity tests were not only chemical but species-dependent. As a result of very differing exposure routes for the tested chemicals and the absence of correlations from the acute to sediment toxicity data, sediment toxicity tests are necessary to assess the toxicity of chemicals on sediment inhabiting organisms. / In den meisten standardisierten ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung des Gefährdungspotentials von Chemikalien für Gewässer erfolgt die Exposition der Organismen über die Wasserphase. Viele Schadstoffe, die in die aquatische Umwelt gelangen, adsorbieren aufgrund ihrer physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften an die Oberflächen von Schwebstoffen, sedimentieren und erreichen Sedimentkonzentrationen, die möglicherweise eine Gefahr für sedimentbewohnende Organismen darstellen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden für benthische Invertebraten Testverfahren etabliert, bei denen eine Exposition der Organismen über das Sediment, hier hauptsächlich über die an ingestierte Sedimentbestandteile gebundene oder über die im Porenwasser gelöste Chemikalie (28-Tage Sedimenttoxizitätstest), und über dieWasserphase (Akuttoxizitätstest) erfolgte. Die Invertebraten Chironomus riparius und Lumbriculus variegatus wurden als typische Vertreter endobenthischer Organismen ausgewählt. Für viele Chemikalien liegen Daten zur akuten Toxizität für Algen, Daphnien und Fische für die Wasserexposition vor. Demgegenüber sind nur wenige Daten zur Toxizität für benthische Organismen weder mit einer Wasser- noch mit einer Sedimentexposition vorhanden. Als Modellsubstanzen wurden eine anorganische und sieben organische Substanzen für die Untersuchungen ausgewählt. Ziele dieser Arbeit waren: (1) die Entwicklung und Verbesserung von bestehenden Methoden zur Bestimmung der akuten Toxizität mitWasserexposition und der Sedimenttoxizität für die beiden Invertebraten; (2) die Durchführung der Tests mit den acht ausgewählten Modellsubstanzen zur vergleichenden Betrachtung; (3) die Beurteilung einer Korrelation der Daten zur Akuttoxizität innerhalb der verschiedenen Organismen mit Wasserexposition und einer Korrelation der Daten zwischen den beiden benthischen Organismen bei Sedimentexposition; (4) die Beurteilung einer Korrelation zwischen Daten der benthischen Invertebraten zur Akuttoxizität mit Wasserexposition und Sedimenttoxizität und (5) die Ermittlung und Bewertung der Expositionspfade. Die Akuttoxizitätsdaten von D. magna korrelieren significant (p<0.05) mit den Daten der beiden Invertebraten. Jedoch ist eine Vorhersage aufgrund des kleinen Datensatzes und der großen Unterschiede in der Empfindlichkeit der Arten abzulehnen. Um einer möglichst natürlichen Expositionssituation in Sedimenten zu entsprechen, wurden künstliche Sedimente mit interner Futterquelle, die auch mit der zu testenden Chemikalie kontaminiert wurde, entwickelt und für die Tests mit den Modellsubstanzen verwendet. Ein Nachteil war die unterschiedliche Sedimentzusammensetzung für die beiden Organismen. Um gleiche Expositionsbedingungen für beide Testorganismen zu gewährleisten, wurde ein artifizielles Sediment mit gleicher Zusammensetzung und gleichem Volumenverhältnis zwischen Sediment und Überstandswasser entwickelt. In den Sedimenttoxizitätstests reagierte C. riparius empfindlicher als L. variegatus. Die Effektkonzentrationen waren am niedrigsten für 3,4-Dichloraniline und am höchsten für Benzo[a]pyren. Die Korrelationen zwischen den Ergebnissen aus Akut- und Sedimenttoxizitstests waren nicht signifikant (p>0.05). Folglich läßt sich die Sedimenttoxizität nicht aus Daten zur akuten Toxizität mit Wasserexposition abschätzen. Aus den analytischen Messungen von Sediment-, Porenwasser- und Überstandswasserproben wurden die Koeffizienten für die Verteilung zwischen Sediment und Wasser berechnet. Für die stark lipophilen Stoffe, 4-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan (DDT) und Benzo[a]pyren wurden die höchsten Koeffizienten errechnet. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, daß die Hauptexpositionspfade in Sedimenttoxizitätstests einerseits von der Chemikalie und andererseits von der verwendeten Spezies abhängen. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit und der Tatsache, daß Sedimente “Senken” für viele Schadstoffe sind, müssen zur Erfassung und Bewertung des Gefährdungspotentials von Chemikalien gegenüber Sedimentbewohnern weiterhin Sedimenttoxizitätstests durchgeführt werden.

The development of preliminary laboratory based culture methods for selected macro-invertebrates used in sediment toxicity testing

Cloete, Yolandi Clignet 24 July 2013 (has links)
M.Sc. (Aquatic Health) / Sediments can contain a variety of organic and inorganic contaminants. These contaminants accumulate, resulting in extremely high concentrations even once the overlying water concentrations are at or below acceptable water quality guidelines. Any changes in the physical parameters of the overlying water can cause these pollutants to be released back into solution. Accumulated contaminants can be released at even higher concentrations than previously detected. In recent years, sediment contamination has highlighted the need to monitor these previously overlooked pollutant sources that have accumulated in aquatic ecosystems. South Africa does not currently have standardised methods to assess sediment toxicity. Although international methods exist, they are largely untested in South Africa and the organisms needed to conduct these tests are not readily available. Over the years numerous culture methods have been develop globally for culturing organism to be used for water and sediment toxicity tests. In South Africa, the focus has mainly been on culturing organisms for water toxicity testing. Sediment toxicity testing with indigenous organism however, was not developed. Established international culture methods from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Environment Canada were taken into consideration when developing the laboratory culture method for two(2) of the selected organisms (Chironomus spp. & Hydra sp.) from this study. A preliminary culture method was also developed for the third selected organism, Melanoides tuberculata (gastropod). The organisms cultured in this study were selected based on their extent of contact with the substrate, ease of handling, availability, culture maintenance as well as their reproductive cycle. The Hydra, Chironomids and M. tuberculata cultures were successfully breeding under laboratory conditions and remained stable. The Chironomus sp. and M. tuberculata maintain contact with the sediment making them suitable as ecologically relevant organisms for use in whole sediment toxicity testing in South Africa.

The influence of land use on the quality of seston in southern Appalachian stream ecosystems

Wojculewski, Christy Ann 11 July 2006 (has links)
Seston is the complex of organic and inorganic particles suspended in the water column in stream ecosystems. This detrital pool is a significant vector of energy and nutrients from headwaters to the ocean. Many of the processes involved in seston generation in streams involve the terrestrial ecosystems they drain. My objective was to determine how land use influences seston quality. Seston was collected from 9 streams along a gradient of catchment forest cover, draining 3 land-use categories: forested, agricultural, and residential. Quality variations were determined through the physical composition (size classes and concentration), chemical composition (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous) and organic content of seston, as well as microbial respiration of associated assemblages and growth rates of Chironomus tentans fed seston. There was more seston in streams draining less forested catchments but proportionally that material was less organic. Ultrafine particles dominated seston size classes at all sites and was higher in streams with less catchment forest cover. Phosphorous content of seston, as a % of ash free dry mass, and dissolved P in the water were higher in more disturbed streams, and C:N and N:P ratios of seston were higher in forested streams. Microbial respiration and instantaneous growth rates of C. tentans were highest on residential seston, indicating seston from those streams was more bioavailable. These results indicate that the quality of seston in stream ecosystems is linked to terrestrial processes and influenced by land use. / Master of Science

Combined Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Ultraviolet Light on Benthic and Pelagic Macroinvertebrates

Chapman, Abigail L. 05 1900 (has links)
Crude oil commonly enters freshwater aquatic ecosystems as thin sheens forming on the water surface. Oil contains mixtures of toxic compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some of which are known to be photodynamic, increasing toxicity when combined with ultraviolet radiation. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities are commonly utilized as bioindicators, and as such rely on abundant data in literature concerning benthic macroinvertebrates' relative tolerances to a wide range of pollutants. A series of 10 plastic traps, half of which were filtered from UV radiation, were deployed in an urban pond for 27 days to determine colonization preferences of benthic macroinvertebrates to UV exposure. Results of this in situ experiment indicated that the majority of aquatic insects collected from traps inhabited the UV exposed treatment group, particularly the nonbiting midge, Chironomidae. A series of bioassays were then completed to investigate the sensitivities of a Chironomidae species to thin sheens of crude oil in the presence and absence of UV radiation. All bioassays were conducted using 10 day old Chironomus dilutus larvae cultured in the lab. The series of C. dilutus bioassays were all conducted under the same water quality parameters, temperatures, and oil sheen dosing methods, under a 16:8 photoperiod and exposed to 16 h UV per day. Five replicates (n = 20) were loaded into 350 mL glass crystallizing dishes and exposed to four treatments for 96 hours: no UV/with sheen, with UV/no sheen, both UV and oil sheen, and a control. Three assays with 175 mL water volume were completed, one with no sediment, one with silica sand, and one with fine sand. Sediment type had a significant effect on mortality (p < 0.0001), but significant effects of UV or PAHs were not found. Two more C. dilutus assays were completed with identical parameters as the latter two with sediment, except a decreased water volume of 90 mL was used to bring the sheen closer to sediment. There was a significant effect of PAHs on mortality (p = 0.0003), however, no clear trend showing PAHs driving mortality. Results showed no significant effects of UV, sediment type, or relationship between UV and PAHs. A final bioassay was completed to compare phototoxic effects of PAHs on pelagic organisms with benthic organisms. This bioassay used test species Daphnia magna, for a 48 h exposure period with five replicates (n = 10), 8 h UV exposure and 16:8 photoperiod. All individuals in the control group and UV only group exhibited 0% mortality, and with sheen/with UV treatment group resulted in 100% mortality following the 48 h exposure. The results of the D. magna exposure showed significant effects of PAHs (p < 0.0001), UV (p = 0.037), and photoinduced toxicity (p = 0.024), and were consistent with similar bioassays in the literature. This study suggests that C. dilutus are at low risk to photo-induced oil sheen toxicity.

Caracterização ambiental da bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu (experimentos laboratoriais e in situ): elaboração de sedimentos sintéticos para avaliação da toxicidade do cádmio / Environmental characterization of the Alto Jacaré-Guaçu River Basin (Laboratory and In situ experiments): Formulation of synthetic sediments for assessing the toxicity of cadmium

Rodrigues, Beatriz Kawamura 28 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3822.pdf: 3918575 bytes, checksum: d646b2b0a3b661d4dfa2d3c8a1ee8a69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-28 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The Alto Jacaré-Guaçu Basin was evaluated regarding limnological and ecotoxicological aspects in four water and sediment sampling campaigns at 14 points distributed in the area. Toxicity tests with water, in the laboratory and in situ, showed chronic toxicity, with effects on the survival, growth and gill morphology of juveniles of both fish species examined (Danio rerio and Poecilia reticulata). The lowest survival percentages in the laboratory assays were observed for point L, and in the field tests for point J1. The analysis of the gills revealed first-stage alterations in the specimens of both species exposed at all the sample points, and there were second-stage alterations (aneurism and vascular congestion) at various points. The high concentrations of nutrients and metals in the basin s water and sediments reveal a system impacted by human activities in the surrounding region. The analyses of metals quantified Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Fe levels in the water above those permitted by the Brazilian National Environmental Council (CONAMA 357/05), and of Cd in the sediments above the threshold levels permitted both by national (CONAMA 344/04) and international regulations (CCME, 2003). Simple synthetic sediments were prepared composed of sand, clay and organic matter (obtained from the aquatic macrophyte Scirpus cubensis, at concentrations of 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1%) to assess the toxicity of Cd. The synthetic sediments were viable for the growth and survival of Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Chironomus xanthus and Danio rerio, and were suitable for use in spiked experiments. The evaluation of the acute toxicity of the sediments fortified with Cd indicated mean 48-h;EC50 for C. silvestrii of 3.09mg.Kg-1 in the sediments with 0% OM and 2.98mg.Kg-1 in the sediments with 1% OM. The mean 96-h;LC50 for C. xanthus was 18.67 mg.Kg-1 in the sediments with 0% OM and nearly four times lower in those with 1% OM (4.93 mg.Kg-1). A similar pattern was noted for D. rerio, a higher 48-h;LC50 in the sediments with 0% OM (114.88 mg.Kg-1) than in the sediments with 1% OM (75.31 mg.Kg-1). In subsequent experiments, the sediments were also spiked with 0.6mg.Kg-1 of Cd, a concentration considered safe for protection of aquatic life according to the applicable national and international regulations. In these tests, the survival of C. silvestrii was impaired in the Cd spiked sediments, so it was not possible to assess the effects on reproduction. There were also effects on the survival, biomass, mentum morphology and Cd concentration in the tissues of C. xanthus. For D. rerio, the survival and growth were compromised in the sediments with higher percentage of organic matter. Besides this, the organisms showed impaired gill morphology and higher Cd concentration in tissue in function of exposure to sediments spiked with the metal. Based on the results, it can be concluded that C. silvestrii was the most sensitive species to the sediments fortified with Cd, followed by C. xanthus and D. rerio, the least sensitive. These effects on the iv organisms at concentrations considered safe for the biota suggest more conservative thresholds of this metal should be established for tropical aquatic habitats. / A bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu foi avaliada quanto aos aspectos limnológicos e ecotoxicológicos em quatro campanhas de amostragem de água e sedimento em 14 pontos distribuídos na área. Testes de toxicidade com água, tanto em laboratório como in situ, apresentaram toxicidade crônica com efeitos na sobrevivência, crescimento e morfologia de brânquias de juvenis de ambas as espécies de peixes avaliadas (Danio rerio e Poecilia reticulata). As menores porcentagens de sobrevivência nos testes em laboratório foram observadas no ponto L e, nos testes in situ, em J1. A análise das brânquias mostrou alterações de primeiro estágio nos organismos expostos em todos os pontos avaliados, e em diversos pontos foram verificadas alterações de segundo estágio (aneurisma e congestão vascular). As elevadas concentrações de nutrientes e metais na água e sedimentos da Bacia do Alto Jacaré-Guaçu revelam um sistema impactado pelas atividades humanas que se desenvolvem em seu entorno. As análises de metais quantificaram Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn e Fe acima da CONAMA 357/05 na água e Cd acima dos valores estabelecidos pela legislação nacional (CONAMA 344/04) e internacional (CCME, 2003) nos sedimentos. Foram desenvolvidos sedimentos sintéticos simples compostos de areia, argila e matéria orgânica (obtida a partir da macrófita aquática Scirpus cubensis, nas concentrações de 0; 0,25; 0,5 e 1%) para avaliar a toxicidade do Cd. Os sedimentos sintéticos se apresentaram viáveis para o crescimento e sobrevivência de Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Chironomus xanthus e Danio rerio, sendo adequados para uso em experimentos de fortificação. A avaliação da toxicidade aguda dos sedimentos fortificados com Cd, indicaram CE50;48h média para C. silvestrii de 3,09mg.Kg-1 nos sedimentos sem MO e 2,98mg.Kg-1 nos sedimentos com 1% de MO. A CL50;96h média para C. xanthus foi de 18,67mg.Kg-1 nos sedimentos sem MO e, cerca de 4 vezes menor nos sedimentos com 1% de MO, 4,93mg.Kg-1. Para D. rerio também foi notada tendência semelhante, CL50;48h maior nos sedimentos sem MO, 114,88mg.Kg-1 e menor nos sedimentos com 1% de MO, 75,31mg.Kg-1. Os sedimentos também foram fortificados com 0,6mg.Kg-1 de Cd, concentração considerada segura para a proteção da vida aquática segundo legislações nacionais e internacionais, em experimentos posteriores. C. silvestrii teve a sobrevivência comprometida nos sedimentos fortificados com Cd, de modo que não foi possível avaliar os efeitos na reprodução. C. xanthus também apresentou efeitos na sobrevivência, biomassa, morfologia de mento e concentração de Cd nos tecidos. D. rerio teve a sobrevivência e crescimento comprometidos nos sedimentos com maior porcentagem de matéria orgânica. Além disso, os organismos apresentaram a morfologia de brânquias comprometida e concentração de Cd em ii seus tecidos elevada em função da exposição aos sedimentos fortificados com o metal. Com base nos resultados foi possível concluir que C. silvestrii foi a espécie mais sensível aos sedimentos fortificados com Cd, seguido de C. xanthus e, a menos sensível, D. rerio. Tais efeitos observados nos organismos em concentrações consideradas seguras para a biota sugerem a avaliação mais cuidadosa dos valores para espécies e climas tropicais.

Avaliação ecotoxicológica da adição de nitrato em sedimentos eutrofizados da Represa Ibirité (Betim MG): experimentos em microcosmos

Janke, Helena 15 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2493.pdf: 1820155 bytes, checksum: c4fbdc0a3fdb7a9316ba5c6c6a6905c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-15 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The objective of the present dissertation was to make a toxicity assessment of the application of calcium nitrate solution as a remediation procedure for sediments of a eutrophic aquatic ecosystem. The study was carried out using microcosms with superficial sediments and water from sediment-water interface of the Ibirité Reservoir located in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, SE Brazil). The experiment lasted 135 days and the following treatment or incubation periods were applied: t=0, t=5, t=10, t=25, t=50, t=85 and t=135 days. In each period, one controlmicrocosm and three treatment-microcosms were disassembled and, chemically and ecotoxicologically analyzed. The organisms Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Vibrio fischeri (Microtox® System) were used for the acute toxicity assessment of the water from sediment-water interface and the pore water of sediments, whereas the organism Chironomus xanthus was used for the toxicity assessment of bulk sediment. The toxicity tests were run in parallel with chemical analyzes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen species (nitrate, nitrate and ammonium), sulfate, and metals in the interface sediment-water and interstitial water samples. Acid volatile sulfide (AVS), simultaneously extracted metal (SEM) and potentially bioavailable metals were analyzed in bulk sediment. The overall results indicate that nitrate whose concentration reached 1,200 mg N-NO3 - L-1 in sediment pore water samples from treatment-microcosms is the most probable compound causing toxicity to the tests organisms. For Chironomus xanthus sediments were deleterious to the exposed organisms in all microcosm run, except in the period of t= 135 days. For the experimental conditions of this work, the application of calcium nitrate as a remediation procedure for sediments from Ibirité Reservoir indicated to be inadequate from the ecotoxicological pint of view. / O presente trabalho visou à avaliação da toxicidade da aplicação de solução de nitrato de cálcio, como procedimento de intervenção para remediação de sedimentos de um ambiente aquático eutrofizado. O estudo foi realizado através de microcosmos com sedimento e água de interface sedimento-água da Represa Ibirité, situada na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil). Os experimentos tiveram a duração total de 135 dias, divididos nos tempos de tratamento ou incubação de: t=0, t=5; t=10; t=25; t=50; t=85 e t=135 dias. Em cada tempo de tratamento foram analisados um microcosmo-controle e três microcosmostratamento. Os organismos Ceriodaphnia silvestrii e Vibrio fischeri (Sistema Microtox®) foram utilizados para avaliação da toxicidade aguda das águas de interface sedimento-água e intersticial dos sedimentos, enquanto o organismo Chironomus xanthus para avaliação do sedimento integral. Em paralelo aos testes de toxicidade foram realizadas análises químicas da série nitrogenada (nitrato, nitrito e amônia), sulfato, e metais nas amostras de água de interface sedimento-água e intersticial dos sedimentos, sulfetos volatilizáveis por acidificação (SVA), metais extraídos simultaneamente (MES) e metais potencialmente biodisponíveis nos sedimentos. Os resultados mostraram que o nitrato, chegando a concentração superior a 1.200 mg N-NO3 - L-1 nas amostras de água intersticial dos sedimentos dos microcosmos-tratamentos, foi considerado o causador mais provável da toxicidade das amostras dos microcosmos-tratamento para os organismos-teste empregados. Para o organismo Chironomus xanthus, os sedimentos em tratamento foram deletérios aos organismos expostos em todos os tempos de incubação, exceto no tempo t=135 dias. Estritamente do ponto de vista ecotoxicológico e para as condições experimentais deste trabalho, a aplicação do nitrato como forma de intervenção para remediação dos sedimentos da Represa Ibirité não se mostrou adequada.

How Polarized Light and Semiochemical Cues Influence Oviposition Site Selection Behavior in Chironomid Midges (C. riparius)

Walsh, Wesley 15 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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