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Interactions fluides-roches dans les chondrites carbonées : approche expérimentale et modélisation thermodynamique / Experimental study and thermodynamic modelisation of hydroethermal alteration in carbonaceous chondritesCaste, Florent 14 December 2016 (has links)
Les serpentines riches en fer sont des composants majeurs des chondrites CM. Formées au cours d'épisodes d'altération hydrothermale sur leur corps parent astéroïdal, à une étape précoce de la formation du Système Solaire, elles peuvent constituer un proxy des conditions d'altération de ces roches et permettre de mieux comprendre l'évolution à long terme des colis de stockage des déchets nucléaires, car ces processus sont considérés comme un bon analogue des interactions fer-argiles-eau. Pendant cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux conditions de formation et d'équilibre des ces minéraux, en prêtant une attention particulière à l'évolution de la valence du fer pendant l'altération. Trois approches sont présentées : la synthèse de Fe-serpentines, l'altération expérimentale d'assemblages chondritiques à basse température, en milieu anoxique, et l'affinement d'un modèle thermodynamique incluant des serpentines de composition Fe2+-Fe3+-Mg-Al-Si-O-H. Le modèle thermodynamique, basé sur des données expérimentales, devrait permettre de mieux prédire les assemblages à l'équilibre dans les chondrites altérées. Nos expériences de synthèses suggèrent que la précipitation de phases de composition proche du pôle pur cronstedtite est contrôlée cinétiquement. Aux premiers stades de l'altération expérimentale de minéraux primaires anhydres, nous avons observé la formation de phases peu cristallines avec une proportion relativement faible de fer ferrique. Nos résultats suggèrent que le rapport Fe/Si et la teneur en Fe3+ favorisent la précipitation des serpentines. Ils apportent un éclairage intéressant aux premiers stades d'altération dans les chondrites carbonées. / Iron-rich serpentines are major components of CM carbonaceous chondrites. They formed during early alteration events on their asteroidal parent bodies at an early stage of formation of the Solar System. The study of these minerals aims at better understanding the conditions in which they altered, but it would also help understanding the long term evolution of nuclear waste storage. Indeed, aqueous alteration in chondrites is considered as a good analog for iron-clay-water interactions. During this thesis, we studied the conditions of formation and stability of Fe-rich serpentines, and we paid particular attention to the evolution of the Fe valence state during alteration. Three approaches have been adopted : the synthesis of Fe-rich serpentines, the experimental alteration of chondritic assemblages at low temperature and under anoxygenic conditions, and the refinement of a themodynamic model of serpentines in the Fe2+-Fe3+-Mg-Al-Si-O-H system. This model, mostly refined using data from iron-clay experiments, gave encouraging results, and should allow to better predict equilibrium assemblages in altered chondrites. Out of equilibium processes were also experimentally explored, and our results suggest that there is a kinetic control of the precipitation of Fe-rich serpentines close to the ideal end-member. At the first stages of alteration of primary minerals under anoxic conditions, we observed poorly crystalline phases with a relatively low ferric iron content. Our result suggest that the Fe/Si ratio and the Fe3+ content favor the precipitation of serpentines. They provide interesting insight into the first stages of alteration in chondrites.
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The solid-metal/silicate-melt partition coefficient for W has been determined experimentally for the temperature and oxygen fugacity conditions at which eucritic basalts formed. The partition coefficient for W is 25 ± 5 at 1190°C and an oxygen fugacity of 10⁻¹³∙⁴. The solid-metal/silicate-melt partition coefficient for P, D(P), has been determined experimentally at 1190°C and 1300°C. The dependence of the partition coefficient on oxygen fugacity is consistent with a valence state of 5 for P in the silicate melt. The experimental partition coefficients are given by: (1) log D(P) = -1.21 log fO₂ -15.95 at 1190°C (2) log D(P) = -1.53 log fO₂ -17.73 at 1300°C The partition coefficients may be used to interpret the depletion of W/La and P/La ratios in the Earth, Moon, and eucrites relative to Cl chondrites. The depletion of the W/La ratios in the eucrites may be explained by partitioning of W into 2% to 10% solid metal assuming equilibration and separation of the metal from the silicates at low degrees of partial melting of the silicates. The depletion of P/La ratios requires an additional 5% to 25% sulfur-bearing metallic liquid. The depletion of both P/La and W/La ratios in the Moon can be explained by partitioning of P and W into liquid metal during formation of a small lunar core by metal-silicate separation at low degrees of partial melting of the silicates. The W/La ratios in the Earth and Moon are virtually indistinguishable, while P/La ratios differ by a factor of two. The concentrations of FeO also appear to be different. These observations are difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis of a terrestrial origin of the Moon following formation of the Earth's core, but are consistent with an independent formation of the Earth and Moon. In contrast to the Moon and eucrites, the depletion of P/La and W/La ratios in the Earth cannot be explained by an internally consistent model involving equilibrium between metal and silicate at low pressures.
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Chemical and Petrographic Survey of Large, Igneous-Textured Inclusions in Ordinary ChondritesArmstrong, Katherine 08 December 2014 (has links)
Our inventory of material from the early solar system includes large, igneous-textured inclusions in O chondrites, whose origin and relationship to their host meteorite is unclear. These inclusions occur in approximately 4% of O chondrites, and are mineralogically, petrographically, and chemically diverse. Petrographic and chemical data from 29 inclusions from 23 host meteorites were collected with optical light and scanning electron microscopy, allowing for the determination of major phase modal abundance and major element bulk chemistry. No correlation between any inclusion property and host meteorite type were found, but some trends were observed. Nine of the inclusions show strong evidence, such as radial variations in texture and chemistry, for having crystallized as a free-floating droplet in a space environment, and may share the same formation process as chondrules. One inclusion is almost certainly shock-melted material that intruded into the host material. Thirteen inclusions have bulk chemistry patterns that suggest the material was vapor fractionated; the remaining sixteen are essentially chondritic, i.e., unfractionated. Broadly, the data support the conclusions of Ruzicka et al. (1998, 2000), which divided large inclusions into Na-poor (vapor fractionated) and Na-rich (unfractionated) groups, suggesting at least two different origins. There is no evidence that any of the inclusions studied formed by igneous differentiation.
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Empreinte moléculaire des processus post-accrétionnels dans la matière organique des chondrites carbonéesOrthous-Daunay, François-Regis 19 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les chondrites carbonées de type 1 et 2 comprennent les météorites les plus primitives d'un point de vue chimique et pétrologique. Ce caractère primitif est associé à l'abondance de matière organique qui est une phase privilégiée pour l'étude des phénomènes concernant l'héritage du matériel présolaire et sa transformation dans la nébuleuse puis sur les premiers corps. L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de l'influence des processus post-accrétionnels sur les caractéristiques moléculaires de la matière organique et en particulier la mesure des effets d'oxydation dus à l'altération aqueuse. Nous avons mené une étude comparative basée sur la structure carbonée et l'analyse des fonctions oxygénées et soufrées d'une dizaine de météorites dont les histoires géologiques ont été déterminées par ailleurs. Le degré d'oxydation du soufre, hétéroatome mineur dans la fraction insoluble, a été mesuré par micro-spectrométrie SK-Xanes. La spectroscopie FT-IR a permis la description des structures fines des chaines carbonées et des fonctions riches en oxygène, hétéroatome majeur. La spectrométrie de masse à très haute résolution Orbitrap a été utilisée pour décrire la diversité hétéroatomique des molécules solubles de la chondrite Renazzo (CR2). Les chaines carbonées des chondrites de classe CI et Murchison se différencient de celle des autres météorites par une abondance en groupements terminaux méthyles à la fois supérieure et invariable. Les chondrites de type 1 sont les seules porteuses de fonctions soufrées oxydées acides alors que la spéciation du soufre dans les chondrites de type 2 est invariable. De la même façon, et cette fois pour l'ensemble des chondrites étudiées, les groupements carbonyles sont majoritairement dans les fonctions cétones, en proportion indépendante du degré d'altération aqueuse. Tous les paramètres mesurés dans cette étude nous poussent à conclure que la variabilité moléculaire au sein des chondrites carbonées de type 1 et 2 trouve moins son origine dans l'empreinte de l'hydrothermalisme que dans une hétérogénéité du précurseur organique accrété par chaque corps parent. En particulier, nos mesures invalident l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'altération serait à l'origine d'une conversion oxydative des chaines carbonées en fonctions acides carboxyliques.
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The Decay Constant of 87Rb and A Combined U-Pb, Rb-Sr Chronology of Ordinary ChondritesRotenberg, Ethan David 02 March 2010 (has links)
The 87Rb-86Sr system is a widely used long-lived isotope geochronometer. 87Rb, the naturally occurring radioactive isotope of Rb, undergoes beta-decay to stable 87Sr with a half-life of approximately 50 Ga. Decay of 87Rb to 87Sr results in variable 87Sr/86Sr in minerals with different Rb/Sr, and measurement of 87Rb/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr allows for the determination of the age of the rock. Accurate ages depend both on the quality of the isotopic analysis and on the accuracy of the 87Rb decay constant, lambda87.
Although the currently accepted value for lambda87 of 1.42 × 10-11a-1 has been in use for over 30 years, there is growing evidence that it is not accurate. Recent attempts to refine lambda87 and its precision have not reached a consensus. This thesis describes a new experiment to measure lambda87 by 87Sr accumulation over a period of about 30 years, and the preparation of a 84-86Sr double-spike in conjunction with that experiment. Radiogenic 87Sr produced in aliquots of a RbClO4 salt was measured by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry. An average of 31 measurements yields a value of 1.398 ± 0.003 × 10-11a-1 . This requires a substantial revision from the previously accepted decay constant and makes Rb-Sr ages calculated with it 1.5% older.
A Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic chronometry study was carried out on thirteen ordinary chondrites – the most common type of meteorite, the origin and history of which are still unclear. Some meteorites appear disturbed, possibly by recent shock during breakup of the parent body, whereas others yielded accurate and precise U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages. For example, L5 Elenovka yielded distinct ages for silicates (4555 Ma) and phosphates (4535 Ma), allowing the cooling rate of this meteorite from approximately 1055 K to 759 K to be constrained to 15 ± 3 K/Ma. Rb-Sr yielded less precise ages than U-Pb, but using the new decay constant allows accurate comparison between the two methods. This study creates a firm foundation for future studies in thermal history of chondrites and terrestrial metamorphic complexes using Rb-Sr together with other isotopic chronometers.
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The Decay Constant of 87Rb and A Combined U-Pb, Rb-Sr Chronology of Ordinary ChondritesRotenberg, Ethan David 02 March 2010 (has links)
The 87Rb-86Sr system is a widely used long-lived isotope geochronometer. 87Rb, the naturally occurring radioactive isotope of Rb, undergoes beta-decay to stable 87Sr with a half-life of approximately 50 Ga. Decay of 87Rb to 87Sr results in variable 87Sr/86Sr in minerals with different Rb/Sr, and measurement of 87Rb/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr allows for the determination of the age of the rock. Accurate ages depend both on the quality of the isotopic analysis and on the accuracy of the 87Rb decay constant, lambda87.
Although the currently accepted value for lambda87 of 1.42 × 10-11a-1 has been in use for over 30 years, there is growing evidence that it is not accurate. Recent attempts to refine lambda87 and its precision have not reached a consensus. This thesis describes a new experiment to measure lambda87 by 87Sr accumulation over a period of about 30 years, and the preparation of a 84-86Sr double-spike in conjunction with that experiment. Radiogenic 87Sr produced in aliquots of a RbClO4 salt was measured by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry. An average of 31 measurements yields a value of 1.398 ± 0.003 × 10-11a-1 . This requires a substantial revision from the previously accepted decay constant and makes Rb-Sr ages calculated with it 1.5% older.
A Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic chronometry study was carried out on thirteen ordinary chondrites – the most common type of meteorite, the origin and history of which are still unclear. Some meteorites appear disturbed, possibly by recent shock during breakup of the parent body, whereas others yielded accurate and precise U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages. For example, L5 Elenovka yielded distinct ages for silicates (4555 Ma) and phosphates (4535 Ma), allowing the cooling rate of this meteorite from approximately 1055 K to 759 K to be constrained to 15 ± 3 K/Ma. Rb-Sr yielded less precise ages than U-Pb, but using the new decay constant allows accurate comparison between the two methods. This study creates a firm foundation for future studies in thermal history of chondrites and terrestrial metamorphic complexes using Rb-Sr together with other isotopic chronometers.
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Volatilitätskontrollierte Fraktionierung refraktär-lithophiler Elemente in Meteoriten und der Erde / Volatility-controlled fractionation of refractory lithophile elements in meteorites and the EarthBendel, Verena 24 January 2014 (has links)
Im frühen Sonnensystem fanden während der Kondensation der chemischen Elemente volatilitätskontrollierte Fraktionierungsprozesse statt. Gegenstand dieser Doktorarbeit sind Fraktionierungen refraktär-lithophiler Elemente in einzelnen Chondritkomponenten sowie zwischen Bulk-Chondriten, Achondriten und Planeten. Mittels laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry wurden die Gehalte der Seltenen Erden (REE) sowie von Nb, Ta, Zr und Hf analysiert. Einzelne Chondritkomponenten wurden in-situ an dem CV-Chondrit Leoville untersucht. Von den Bulk-Chondriten, Achondriten und terrestrischen Proben wurden Gesamtgesteinsproben durch Laserschmelzen unter aerodynamischer Levitation angefertigt. Die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Bestandteile des Leoville-Chondrits ergab, dass die refraktären Einschlüsse volatilitätskontrollierte fraktionierte REE group-II-Muster und subchondritische Nb/Ta-Verhältnisse aufweisen. Sie sind demzufolge aus einem residualen Gas entstanden, von dem zuvor eine ultrarefraktäre Komponente isoliert worden war. Chondren haben zumeist relativ unfraktionierte REE-Muster sowie unfraktionierte Zr/Hf- und Nb/Ta-Verhältnisse. Einige Typ-1-Chondren, die Al-reichen Chondren und die Chondritmatrix weisen jedoch fraktionierte REE-Muster auf. Dies ist ein Hinweis auf Beimengungen refraktären Materials mit REE group-II-Muster. Die Analysen an Bulk-Chondriten zeigen, dass kohlige Chondrite im Vergleich zu dem CI-Chondrit Orgueil charakteristische volatilitätskontrollierte REE-Muster (ultrarefraktär oder group-II) besitzen, was auf den Einbau refraktärer Komponenten mit fraktionierten Seltenen Erden zurückgeführt wurde. Die Mehrheit der gewöhnlichen, Rumuruti- und Enstatit-Chondrite hat dagegen relativ unfraktionierte REE-Muster. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl gewöhnliche, Enstatit- und Rumuruti-Chondrite als auch Proben von Achondriten, Mars, Mond und Erde geringe negative Tm-Anomalien gegenüber dem CI-Chondrit Orgueil aufweisen. Die Objekte des inneren Sonnensystems wurden daher anhand ihrer relativen Gehalte an schweren Seltenen Erden (HREE) in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Ein kohliges und ein nichtkohliges Chondrit-Reservoir, dem auch die Achondrite, Mars, Erde und Mond angehören. Es wurde angenommen, dass die Objekte des nichtkohligen Chondrit-Reservoirs die HREE-Verhältnisse des Sonnensystems widerspiegeln; kohlige Chondrite haben dagegen variable Tm-Anomalien, welche durch den Eintrag fraktionierter refraktärer Komponenten in ihre Entstehungsregion zu erklären sind. CI-Chondrite, welche allgemein als die chemisch primitivste Chondritgruppe angesehen werden, hätten in diesem Fall eine positive Tm-Anomalie von 4,8 ± 0,9 % und stimmten somit chemisch nicht mit dem Sonnensystem überein. Durch eine Beimengung von nur 0,2 Gewichtsprozent einer refraktären Komponente mit REE group-II-Muster zu den CI-Chondriten konnte diese Tm-Anomalie erklärt werden.
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Asteroid Compositions and Planet-Forming Environments: Insights from Spectral and Geochemical Characterization of Chondritic MeteoritesGemma, Marina January 2022 (has links)
The origin of the earliest solids in the solar system, preserved for 4.56 Ga in primitive chondritic meteorites, is poorly understood, in particular because of the lack of detailed chemical data on individual phases within these solids. Because chondrite constituents record the environmental conditions and local chemistry of the protoplanetary disk in which they were formed, examining their chemical composition across chondrite groups enhances our understanding of and provides quantitative constraints on the origin of the earliest solar system bodies, the precursors to our planets. This dissertation examines chondritic meteorites using (1) geochemical analysis of the major and trace element distributions within and among carbonaceous chondrite constituents to address chemical source reservoirs and formation mechanisms, and (2) visible near-infrared (VNIR) spectroscopy of ordinary chondrites under a variety of conditions to improve compositional interpretations of remotely sensed asteroids.
Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction to the field of meteoritics via an overview of meteorite types and the various contexts they preserve. Primitive chondritic meteorites and their components fossilize the chemical and physical conditions that existed at the time of their formation in the early solar system, whereas achondritic meteorites provide insight into the structure of planetary interiors. This chapter also reviews fundamentals of mineral condensation in the early solar system environment, and the implications of the presence (or lack) of these minerals in the components that comprise chondrites.
In Chapter 2 of this dissertation, I investigate the distribution of trace elements in the components of the carbonaceous Vigarano-type (CV) chondrite group to better reveal the solar system processes that led to the fundamental cosmochemical mechanisms of chondrule formation and chondrite accretion. While the major element and bulk chemical compositions of chondritic meteorites are well established, the distribution of trace elements amongst chondrite components and in the individual minerals within them is not well constrained. The geochemical behavior of trace elements enables them to reveal precursor characteristics, formation conditions, and processing histories of chondrite constituents. In determining the large-scale distribution of trace elements, in particular the rare earth elements (REE), across multiple meteorites in the CV chondrite group, I produced a statistically significant trace element dataset that complements existing major element and isotopic datasets. I observe variable REE patterns in individual mineral phases in chondrite components which combine to produce overall flat bulk REE patterns for each meteorite. This chemical evidence, which is necessary to constrain dynamical accretion mechanisms in astrophysical models of the early solar system, supports the idea of a single reservoir origin for these chondrites, and suggests that some chondrules are in chemical disequilibrium and have inherited CAI-like precursor material.
In Chapter 3, I evaluate common standardization techniques used for analysis of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data and assess the implications for high-precision elemental analyses. LA-ICP-MS has become popular in part due to its ability to measure low trace element abundances in small sample volumes while preserving petrographic context. The capacity for in-situ mineral-scale and sub-mineral scale analyses is particularly useful for diffusion studies or for assessing element partitioning between co-existing solids. Standardization techniques have been developed in order to obtain high-precision concentration data from LA-ICP-MS analyses.
Common practice dictates the use of reference material spot sizes similar or equal to the chosen spot sizes of the unknown samples under investigation. However, the effects of using reference material spot sizes for calibration that differ from sample spot sizes are not quantitatively constrained. In this chapter I evaluate the coupled effects of differences in ablation yield and of matching compositions between samples and reference materials (matrix matching), as well as the differences in calculated element abundance resulting from internal standard element choice. I show that element abundances derived from LA-ICP-MS analyses are heavily dependent on the chosen combination of measured element, internal standard element, unknown spot size, and reference spot size. Even varying just one of these parameters does not necessarily yield predictable effects on resulting data.
In Chapter 4, I explore the effects of both chemical and physical variables on laboratory infrared spectral analysis of well-characterized meteorite samples with the goal of better quantitatively analyzing asteroid remote sensing data in conjunction with returned extraterrestrial samples. Temperature and grain size are known to each have individual effects on the VNIR spectra of silicate and meteorite powders. Here, I examine the combined effects of physical variables (temperature, particle size) and chemical variables (petrologic type, metal fraction) on VNIR spectra of ordinary chondrite meteorite powders. I prepared six equilibrated (petrologic types 4-6) ordinary chondrite meteorite falls, spanning groups H, L, and LL, at a variety of particle sizes to capture the spectral diversity associated with asteroid regoliths dominated by various grain sizes.
VNIR spectra of the ordinary chondrite materials were measured under simulated asteroid surface conditions (~10-6 millibar, -100°C chamber temperature, and low intensity illumination) at a series of temperatures chosen to mimic near-Earth asteroid surfaces. Iused X-ray element maps of meteorite thick sections to calculate the exact mineral abundances for each meteorite, in order to characterize changes in spectral features due to variations in mineralogy. The VNIR spectra show minimal variation in both major orthosilicate absorption bands across the simulated near-Earth asteroid temperature regime. Spectral changes due to particle size are consistent across samples, with the smallest and largest grain sizes having the highest reflectance.
Unlike previous spectral investigations of ordinary chondrites, I retained the metal fraction in the meteorite powders instead of analyzing the silicate fraction only. In the measurements, I observe distinct offsets in spectral features when compared to analyses of purely silicate fractions. XRD analysis shows that the largest size fraction of nearly every sample contains relatively more metal, likely due to the retention of metal nuggets in the largest size fraction during sieving. The more petrologically pristine samples (e.g., LL4) from each ordinary chondrite group display relatively shallower band depths than their more petrologically altered counterparts (e.g., LL6). The band depths shift to higher wavelengths as temperature, grain size, and petrologic type increase. Spectral studies of meteorites combined with detailed petrologic analysis of the samples should greatly enhance interpretation of current and future planetary remote sensing data sets. Importantly, understanding the spectral contribution of the metal fraction will aid in upcoming investigations of metal-rich mission targets such as asteroid 16 Psyche.
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Etude des équilibres chimiques dans le contexte d'accrétion et de différenciation des planètes telluriques / Chemical equilibria during the accretion and differentiation of the terrestrial planetsFontaine, Asmaa 23 May 2014 (has links)
Les abondances en éléments sidérophiles du manteau terrestre indiquent une ségrégation du noyau dans un océan magmatique profond. Il est néanmoins difficile de contraindre les conditions d’oxydation prévalant lors de l’accrétion planétaire, en se basant sur les traceurs géochimiques, en raison du nombre important de paramètres qui affectent leurs partages entre métal et silicate. D’autre part, l’état d’oxydation des planètes peut évoluer au cours de l’accrétion. Par conséquent, la nature des matériaux accrétés lors de la formation des planètes reste incertaine. Afin d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de réponses à cette problématique, nous avons modélisé les équilibres chimiques ayant lieu dans la Terre primitive. Ces équilibres peuvent évoluer (i) en augmentant les conditions de pression et de température de la ségrégation du noyau lors de la croissance de la planète, (ii) en raison de la cristallisation de l’océan magmatique et (iii) à travers l’accrétion de matériaux hétérogènes de compositions et états redox différents. Nous avons exploré le rôle potentiel de l’érosion collisionnelle dans le contexte de l’accrétion de la Terre à partir de chondrites à enstatite. Pour cela, nous avons déterminé expérimentalement les compositions chimiques des liquides pseudo-eutectiques en fonction de la pression jusqu’à 25 GPa. Nous avons montré que ces premiers liquides sont très enrichis en SiO2 (jusqu’à 75 wt% SiO2) et en éléments alcalins (Na et K). Par conséquent, l’érosion collisionnelle de proto-croutes de planétésimaux formés de chondrites EH peut de manière efficace augmenter le rapport final Mg/Si du manteau terrestre et réduire ses concentrations en éléments alcalins volatils. Ce mécanisme peut donc concilier les différences compositionnelles entre la Terre et les chondrites à enstatite. Nous avons également déterminé expérimentalement le partage du soufre entre métal riche en fer et silicate. La concentration en soufre du manteau terrestre peut être expliquée par un équilibre entre manteau et noyau dans un océan magmatique profond. L’hypothèse de l’ajout de soufre dans un vernis tardif (Rose-Weston et al., 2009) n’est pas à exclure, mais il n’est pas indispensable pour atteindre la concentration en soufre du manteau. Ces résultats sont en accord avec les compositions isotopiques non chondritiques du soufre dans le manteau (Labidi et al., 2013). Le partage des éléments légers (S, Si, O) entre manteau et noyau a été modélisé à hautes pressions et températures en prenant compte de leurs interactions chimiques mutuelles et celles avec le carbone. En considérant 2 wt% S et jusqu’à 1.2 wt% C (comme il est suggéré par les études cosmochimiques), nous trouvons une solubilité de l’O comprise entre 1 et 2.4 wt%. Cette insertion de l’O dans le noyau n’est pas suffisante pour permettre à la Terre d’être à la fois accrétée de matériaux météoritiques oxydés et de posséder un noyau métallique d’une masse équivalente au tiers de la planète ainsi que 8 wt% FeO dans le manteau. Des conditions relativement réduites lors de la ségrégation du noyau sont également requises pour augmenter le taux de Si dans le noyau et expliquer le rapport Mg/Si super-chondritique de la Terre silicatée (Allègre et al., 1995; O’Neill et al. 1998). Ainsi, la Terre s’est plus probablement accrétée à partir de matériaux réduits comme les chondrites à enstatites, conduisant à un noyau constitué de 2 wt% S, 0 à 1.2 wt% C, 1 wt% O et 5.5 à 7 wt% Si. Nous avons également exploré le comportement du Fe lors de la cristallisation de la pérovskite magnésienne (le minéral le plus abondant du manteau terrestre) et son rôle sur l’état redox du manteau terrestre lors du refroidissement de l’océan magmatique. Nous avons montré que sa cristallisation induit une diminution du FeO dans le manteau solide, lors d’un équilibre avec un alliage de fer liquide à une fO2 de IW-2 en raison du caractère incompatible du Fe dans la pérovskite. (...) / Abundances of siderophile elements in the mantle indicate that the Earth’s core segregated in a deep magma ocean. Yet, it is unfortunately difficult to constrain the oxidation conditions prevailing during planetary accretion based on geochemical tracers due to the number of parameters playing a role in metalsilicate partitioning. In addition, the oxidation state of terrestrial planets can evolve during accretion. The nature of the accreted material during the formation of the terrestrial planets remains then still uncertain. Our strategy to improve our knowledge in this domain is to model the chemical equilibria taking place in the primitive Earth. The equilibria can evolve (i) as P-T conditions of core-mantle segregation increase with the size of the planet, (ii) due to crystallization of the magma ocean and (iii) with accretion of heterogeneous material of different composition and oxidation state. We explored the potential role of collisional erosion in the context of Earth’s accretion from Enstatite Chondrites. For this, we refined experimentally the chemical composition of pseudo-eutectic melts as a function of pressure up to 25 GPa. We show that the first melts are highly enriched in SiO2 (up to 75 wt% SiO2) and alkali elements (Na and K). Therefore, collisional erosion of proto-crusts on EH-planetesimals can efficiently increase their final Mg/Si ratio and decrease their alkali elements budget. It can help to reconcile compositional differences between bulk silicate Earth and Enstatite Chondrites. We performed new experiments on metal-silicate partitioning of sulphur. We show that the present-day sulphur concentration of the Earth’s mantle can be explained by core-mantle equilibration in a deep magma ocean. S-addition in a late veneer (Rose-Weston et al., 2009) cannot be excluded; however, it is not required in order to reach the S-mantel abundance. Our results are consistent with the non-chondritic S-isotopic nature of the mantle (Labidi et al., 2013). We modeled the core-mantle partitioning of the light elements (S, Si, O) at high pressures and temperatures, by taking into account of their mutual chemical interactions and that with C. With 2 wt% S in the core and a C concentration ranging 0 to 1.2 wt% (as evidenced with cosmochemical studies), we found the O solubility from 1 to 2.4 wt%. This O incorporation to the core is insufficient to both allow an Earth accretion from an oxidized meteoritic material and result in a planet composed of a core with a mass equivalent to the third of its mass and a mantle with 8 wt% FeO content. Reduced conditions during coremantle segregation are also required to enhance the Si content in the core, possibly up to 5 wt% Si, to explain the super chondritic Mg/Si of the bulk silicated Earth (Allègre et al., 1995; O’Neill et al. 1998). Altogether, we find that the Earth was most likely accreted from a reduced material, such as enstatite chondrites, leading to a core composed of 2 wt% S, 0 to 1.1 wt% C, 1 wt% O and 5.5 to 7 wt% Si. We investigated the role of Mg-perovskite (the most abundant mineral of the mantle) crystallization on the oxidation state of Earth’s mantle during cooling of the magma ocean. We show that its crystallization induces a decrease of FeO content of the solid mantle as Fe is incompatible in perovskite, when it is in equilibrium with a liquid Fe-alloy at an fO2 of IW-2. At these conditions, the Fe3+ insertion is also low and constant (Fe3+/ Fetot of 21 ±4 %). Hence, the Mg-Pv crystallization cannot be responsible for a substantial increase of the Earth’s mantle oxygen fugacity during core segregation. (...)
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Paléomagnétisme de la matière extraterrestre : implications pour la connaissance des champs magnétiques dans le système solaire / Paleomagnetism of the extraterrestrial material : implications for knowledge of the solar system magnetic fieldsCournede, Cecile 04 December 2013 (has links)
L’étude du paléomagnétisme des roches extraterrestres fournit des informations sur les champs magnétiques présents dans le système solaire il y a plusieurs milliards d’années. A travers ce travail de thèse nous avons exploré deux grands aspects : un champ de dynamo sur un corps différencié, la Lune, et des champs magnétique dans le système solaire primitif avec l’étude de chondrites (CM et les rumurutites). Notre étude des échantillons lunaires a permis de confirmer l’existence d’un champ de dynamo ancien de forte intensité (~50 µT) entre 3.8 et 3.3 Ga. En utilisant l’anisotropie de susceptibilité magnétique comme indicateur de paléohorizontale et en faisant l’hypothèse d’une géométrie de champ dipolaire, nous avons déterminé que l’axe de cette dynamo était centré sur l’axe de rotation actuel de la Lune. Les chondrites CM et les Rumurutites ont enregistré des champs magnétiques anciens quelques millions d’années après la formation du système solaire. L’aimantation rémanente des chondrites CM constitue probablement le plus ancien enregistrement paléomagnétique jamais mis en évidence. L’estimation de la paléointensité (2 µT) et les contraintes chronologiques dont nous disposons ne permettent pas de trancher entre un champ d’origine externe (solaire ou nébulaire) ou d’origine interne (dynamo). Cette dernière hypothèse laisse entrevoir la possibilité de la formation de corps partiellement différenciés dès les premiers millions d’année du système solaire. Dans les rumurutites, les conclusions sont similaires, avec une paléointensité également estimée à 2 µT. Cependant l’aimantation étant plus jeune, une origine interne est favorisée. / Paleomagnetic studies of extraterrestrials rocks provide information on magnetic fields that prevailed in the solar system several million years ago.Through this work we have explored two main aspects: a field dynamo on a differentiated body, the moon, and magnetic fields in the early solar system with the study of two chondrites classes; CM and rumurutites. Our study of lunar samples confirmed that an old dynamo field of high intensity (~50 µT) existed on the Moon between at least 3.8 and 3.3 Ga. Using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for paleohorizontale and assuming a dipole field geometry, we determined that the dynamo axis was centered on the actual rotation axis of the Moon.CM chondrites and Rumurutites recorded old magnetic fields acquired few million years after the formation of the solar system. The remanent magnetization of CM chondrites is probably the oldest paleomagnetic record never evidenced. The estimated paleointensity (2 µT) and time constraints not allowed to discriminate between a field of external (solar or nebular) or internal origin (dynamo). This latter hypothesis suggests that formation of partially differentiated body could occur during the first million years of the solar system history. In rumurutites, conclusions are similar, with a paleointensity also estimated at ~2µT. However, the magnetization is younger and an internal origin is favored.
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