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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A taxonomic study of the Chrysobalanaceae

Prance, Ghillean T. January 1963 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to prepare a systematic revision of the genera of the family Chrysobalanaceae. At the outset of this research it was apparent that the distinctions between the subgenera and some other groups within the single genus Parinari Aubl. were much greater than the differences between other genera in the family. This is largely because most recent work has been done on a restricted regional basis and generic concepts differ widely in different regions. Most of the earlier workers only had access to incomplete material. for the present study complete material for more than 200 species was assembled. The wood anatomy of species representing all genera except Kostermansia Prance and Hunga Prance was studied. Pollen slides representing all genera were prepared. Seedlings from twenty-six species were also examined. Much useful anatomical information published by other workers has been brought together in this work. Papers on leaf anatomy by Kanduuml;ster (1897); the ovary by Juel (1915), leaf trace anatomy by Morvillez (1918a), and pedicel and floral anatomy by Bonne (1928) have all been of the greatest use. The first author to give the group its present circumscription was Robert Brown (1818) who recognized it as a family. The last author, however, to monograph this group on a world-wide basis was De Candolle, who, in his 'Prodromus' (1825) placed it as the first tribe of his Rosaceae. Subsequent authors hive been approximately equally divided into those who treat it as a family and those who treat it as a tribe or subfamily of the Rosaceae. However, the authors of the most widely used general systems of classification have been unanimous in placing it in the Rosaceae (Bentham andamp; Hooker, 1865; Focke in Engler andamp; Prantl, 1894; Hutchinson 1926, 1959). Focke's is the last work in which all genera are described. Focke recognized the following genera:- Chrysobalanus L., Grangeria Comm. ex Juss., Moquilea Aubl., Lecostemon ["Lecostemion"] Moc. andamp; Sessandeacute; ex DC. and Stylobasium Desf. in the subtribe Chrysobalanineae, and Hirtella L., Couepia Aubl., Parinari Aubl., Acioa Aubl., Angelesia Korth. and Parastemon A. DC. in the subtribe Hirtellineae. Lecostemon and Stylobasium were included with some doubt and Focke suggested that they might be more closely related to Phytolaccaceae. Jubsequent authors have added the genera Afrolicania Mildbr., Geobalanus Small and Magnistipula Engl. At an early stage of this investigation it was found that Stylobasium and Lecostemon differ from all other Chrysobalanaceae in almost all important respects. Focke, and all previous and some subsequent authors, have wrongly identified Lecostemon. In this work it is shown that the true Lecostemon is in fact a Sloanea of the Tiliaceae and that Lecostemon sensu Focke is correctly named Rhabdodendron, a genus which has been variously accommodated in Rutaceae and Phytolaccaceae. The present study has shown that Rhabdodendron is not only distinct from all Chrysobalanaceae in external morphology, wood anatomy and pollen morphology, but also differs from the Rutaceae in these respects. In wood anatomy it was found to be very similar to Phytolaccaceae. Its pollen is somewhat different from that of the Phytolaccaceae but not appreciably different from other members of the Centrospermae. In external morphology Rhabdodendron has many distinctive features most of which occur sporadically in the Centrospermae but not in combination. In view of this it seems preferable to treat it as a unigeneric family related to but distinct from the Phytolaccaceae. A Latin description of this new family is given, but it is realized that further work on its relationship to Phytolaccaceae is necessary before it should be published. Many authors have suggested that Stylobasium does not belong to the Chrysobalanaceae or is an isolated member within it, but only Agardh (1858) described it as a separate family. It ie shown in this study that Stylobasium is utterly different from all Chrysobalanaceae in external morphology, wood anatomy, pollen morphology and floral anatomy. In wood anatomy and pollen particularly there are striking similarities to certain members of the Sapindales, and it is suggested that Agardh's family should be recognized and placed near Sapindaceae and Anacardiaceae. Purged of these two anomalous genera, the Chrysobalanaceae is now a homogeneous entity, whose wood structure and pollen morphology is so uniform that few genera can be discriminated on the basis of these characters. However, wood anatomy and pollen morphology are found to differ constantly and to an appreciable degree from the Rosaceae so much so that, taken in conjunction with the anatomical features described by Kanduuml;ster, Juel, Morvillez and Bonne, they seem to justify the recognition of the group as a family distinct from, although related to, the Rosaceae. Most previous authors have variously subdivided the group. Their views are briefly summarised, and it is shown that anatomical characters provide no basis for a rational subdivision. In this work, for convenience, two tribes are recognized based on the symmetry of the flower. In the Chrysobalaneae the ovary is inserted at or near the base of the receptacle-tube. In the Hirtelleae the ovary is inserted laterally or at the mouth of the receptacle-tube. Parinari is unique within the family in having its carpels partitioned by a false septum. This character has been used to define Parinari since it was originally described by Aublet in 1775, but visual inspection is enough to show that its uncritical use has given rise to an extremely heterogeneous assemblage. Some components of this are more closely related to genera outside Parinari than to the rest of Parinari. Some species have been assigned to Parinari which do not even nave its artificial unifying feature. It was quite clear that currently accepted generic limits were untenable and that there were two alternative taxonomic procedures. Either all species within the family should be united to form a single genus Chrysobalanus or an attempt should be made to discover more natural groupings. After a detailed study of the external morphology of more than 200 species, the author was satisfied that various segregates of Parinari should be recognized as genera, and that most of the other genera in the Chrysobalanaceae could conveniently be kept apart. However, it was decided to use a computer to demonstrate as objectively as possible the exact correlation of those characters believed by the author to be of greatest taxonomic worth and of all other important characters used by previous authors. For the tribe Hirtelleae (which includes Parinari sens. lat.) eleven qualitative and ten quantitative characters were used and scored numerically for 124 species. An association-analysis was made for the qualitative data and a principle-component analysis for the quantitative data using programmes devised by Professor W.T. Williams and his associates for a Feranti 'Pegasus' computer. The entire data was analysed by a principle-component analysis programme by Mr. J.N.R. Jeffers for a Feranti 'Sirius' computer. This is possibly the first application of these techniques to a problem concerning generic identities of higher organisms. Although similar methods have been used in discriminating between closely related species, they do not seem to have been used at a higher level.

Phylogénomique et histoire évolutive de deux familles de plantes à fleurs tropicales / Phylogenomics and evolutionary histories of two tropical flowering plant families

Bardon, Léa 07 May 2015 (has links)
Les Néotropiques représentent un réservoir exceptionnel de biodiversité mais l'origine de cette diversité ainsi que les patrons de diversification in situ restent peu compris. La compréhension des histoires évolutives des lignages commence par celle de leur phylogénie, et cela est souvent une étape critique. Sur la base de deux familles de plantes à fleurs tropicales : les Chrysobalanaceae et les Humiriaceae, nous avons mis en évidence l'utilité des génomes chloroplastiques complets dans la résolution de relations phylogénétiques particulièrement difficiles à inférer. Ces phylogénies ont permis une avancée des connaissances concernant l'histoire biogéographique de ces familles mais représentent surtout un cadre solide pour de futures études. L'approche développée devrait permettre d'éclaircir les relations phylogénétiques d'autres clades restées irrésolues jusque là. / The Neotropics represent a vast reservoir of biodiversity but the origin of this diversity and patterns of in situ diversification remain poorly understood. The understanding of evolutionary histories of lineages begins with the understanding of their phylogeny, ani this is often a critical step. On the basis of two tropical flowering plant families: the Chrysobalanaceae and Humiriaceae, we highlighted the usefulness of full plastid genomes to resolve phylogenetic relationships particularly difficult to infer. These phylogenies allowed to go further concerning the understanding of the biogeographical history of these families but represent, above all, a robust framework for future studies. The approach developed should allow to clarity phylogenetic relationships of other clades remained unresolved up to now.

Descrição de novos espécimes de folhas fósseis provenientes da Bacia do Abunã, Quaternário, Rondônia, Brasil

Santos, Aline Lopes dos 15 August 2017 (has links)
A Bacia Sedimentar do Abunã está localizada junto à calha do Rio Madeira, no estado de Rondônia - Brasil, e caracteriza-se por um relevo plano, resultante de processos de acumulação de sedimentos fluviais ao longo do Quaternário. Dentro desse contexto, há nos últimos anos um aumento de trabalhos publicados, relatando as características paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas dessa região. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever a morfologia foliar e realizar o reconhecimento taxonômico de quatro folhas fósseis coletadas no afloramento Estaca 93 (09°16'25.05"S; 64°38'16.87"W), no canteiro de obras da Usina Hidroelétrica de Jirau (UHE). As amostras passaram por preparação curatorial prévia, sendo que foram numeradas e embaladas com filme PVC e colocadas em moldes de parafina. A datação para a camada da qual provém o material aqui analisado, já foi apresentada em trabalhos anteriores, apresentando idade de ±43.500 A.P. Os espécimes foram fotografados e os padrões de venação redesenhados. O reconhecimento taxonômico foi realizado com base na chave de identificação de angiospermas seguindo o detalhamento proposto pelo Manual de Arquitetura Foliar, sendo que também foram comparados com representantes da flora amazônica atual através de consulta a bibliografia específica. A partir da presença de elementos típicos foi possível registrar a ocorrência de duas famílias sendo elas: Chrysobalanaceae, por meio de venação primária pinada e secundária semicraspedódroma, venação oposta e alterna na mesma folha determinando o registro de um novo morfogênero e morfoespécie, aqui temporariamente denominado de Morfotipo 02; Calophyllaceae, com venações secundárias numerosas, paralelas entre si, preenchendo todo o campo foliar, definindo a descrição de uma nova morfoespécie para gênero Calophyllum, aqui temporariamente denominada Calophyllum sp1. A presença dessas famílias indica similaridade com a flora atualmente estabelecida na região, possibilitando ainda a inferência de um paleoclima muito similar ao existente. Deste modo, esta descoberta corrobora aos estudos anteriores que postulam a presença de uma floresta tipicamente tropical já estabelecida desde pelo menos ±43.500 anos, correspondentes ao Pleistoceno Superior. / The Sedimentary Basin of Abunã is located near the channel of the Madeira River, in the state of Rondônia - Brazil, and is characterized by a flat relief, resulting from accumulation processes of fluvial sediments along the Quaternary. Within this context, there has been an increase in published works in recent years, reporting the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic characteristics of this region. The present study aims to describe the leaf morphology and taxonomic recognition of four fossils leaves collected in the outcrop Stake 93 (09 ° 16'25.05 "S; 64 ° 38'16.87" W) at the construction site of the Hydroelectric Power Plant Jirau (UHE). The samples were submitted to a previous curatorial preparation and were numbered and packed with PVC film and placed in paraffin molds. The date for the layer from which the material analyzed here has been presented, has already been presented in previous works, presenting an age of ± 43,500 A.P. The specimens were photographed and the venation patterns redesigned. The taxonomic recognition was made based on the key of identification of angiosperms following the detail proposed by the Manual of Leaf Architecture, being also that were compared with representatives of the current Amazonian flora through consultation the specific bibliography. From the presence of typical elements it was possible to record the occurrence of two families: Chrysobalanaceae, primary vein of pinnate and secondary semicraspedodromous, opposite venation and alternating in the same leaf, determining the registration of a new morphogen and morphospecies, Temporarily referred to as of Morphotype 02; Calophyllaceae, with numerous secondary venations, parallel to each other, filling the entire foliar field, defining the description of a new morphospecies for the genus Calophyllum, here temporarily termed Calophyllum sp1. The presence of these families indicates similarity with the flora currently established in the region, making possible the inference of a paleoclimate very similar to the existing one. Thus, this finding corroborates previous studies that postulate the presence of a typically tropical forest already established since at least ± 43,500 years, corresponding to the Late Pleistocene.

Caracterização farmacognóstica e avaliação antifúngica das folhas de Chrysobalanus icaco (Lin) em espécies de Candida / Pharmacognostic antifungal and evaluation of leaves Chrysobalanus icaco Lin in Candida species

PERES, Ana Regina Maués Noronha 12 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-12-12T12:14:34Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_CaracterizacaoFarmacognosticaAvaliacao.pdf: 2859488 bytes, checksum: a6eecc5c354e867430910e2304f8b844 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-12-12T12:28:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_CaracterizacaoFarmacognosticaAvaliacao.pdf: 2859488 bytes, checksum: a6eecc5c354e867430910e2304f8b844 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-12T12:28:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_CaracterizacaoFarmacognosticaAvaliacao.pdf: 2859488 bytes, checksum: a6eecc5c354e867430910e2304f8b844 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Atualmente, a Candidíase tem se destacado dentre as infecções fúngicas, pela sua alta incidência e mortalidade. Paralelamente, há maior registro de resistência microbiana e de falhas terapêuticas apresentadas pelos antifúngicos disponíveis. Chrysobalanus icaco Lin, espécie nativa da Amazônia, tem sido usado popularmente em micoses, sem comprovação científica, por isso a importância de pesquisas que avaliem suas propriedades antifúngicas. A análise farmacognóstica das folhas do C. icaco indicou teores de perda por dessecação, de cinzas totais e de cinzas insolúveis de 12,3%± 0,0288; 4,31%± 0,0001 e 1,67%± 0,0012, respectivamente. A abordagem fitoquímica do extrato hidroalcoólico das folhas de C. icaco (EHCi) revelou a presença de ácidos orgânicos, açúcares redutores, saponinas, catequinas, depsídeos, fenóis, flavonóides, taninos, proteínas, purinas e aminoácidos. Na análise por CLAE, o mesmo apresentou predomínio de flavonóides, com destaque para Miricetina. Sua atividade antifúngica foi testada por microdiluição em caldo frente à cepa ATCC 40175 de Candida albicans e onze isolados clínicos bucais de Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis. A CIM variou de maior de 6,25 mg/mL a 1,5 mg/mL e a CFM, quando determinada, foi igual ou maior que 6,25 mg/mL. O EHCi apresentou moderada atividade frente à cepa ATCC 40175 e fraca atividade antifúngica frente aos isolados clínicos bucais. Estes resultados abrem perspectivas para novos estudos que investiguem frações e substâncias de Chrysobalanus icaco com maior atividade frente a espécies de Candida. / Currently, Candidiasis has stood out among fungal infections, due to its high incidence and mortality. In parallel, there is a greater record of microbial resistance and therapeutic failures presented by antifungals available. Chrysobalanus icaco Lin, a species native to the Amazon, has been popularly used in mycoses, without scientific evidence, so the importance of research to evaluate their antifungal properties. The analysis pharmacognostic of leaves of C. icaco indicated levels of loss on drying, total ash and ash insoluble 12.3% ± 0.0288, 4.31% ± 1.67% ± 0.0001 and 0.0012, respectively. Phytochemical screening of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of C.icaco (EHCI) revealed the presence of organic acids, sugars, saponins, catechins, depsídeos, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, proteins, amino acids and purine. In HPLC analysis, it was dominated by the flavonoids, especially Myricetin. Antifungal activity was tested by microdilution opposite strain ATCC 40175 Candida albicans and eleven clinical isolates of oral Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis. The MIC ranged from greater than 6.25 mg / mL to 1.5 mg / mL and CFM, when determined, was equal to or greater than 6.25 mg / mL. The EHCI showed moderate activity against the strain ATCC 40175 and the weak antifungal activity against clinical isolates mouth. These results open new perspectives for studies that investigate fractions and substances Chrysobalanus icaco with greater activity against Candida species.

Avalia??o de atividades farmacol?gicas e toxicidade de plantas medicinais do semi?rido do Nordeste brasileiro

Silva, Gabriel Ara?jo da 12 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-12-29T18:52:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GabrielAraujoDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 9716564 bytes, checksum: 88caa6463776cc29d04cd3e917b9c1e0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-02T21:34:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GabrielAraujoDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 9716564 bytes, checksum: 88caa6463776cc29d04cd3e917b9c1e0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-02T21:34:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GabrielAraujoDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 9716564 bytes, checksum: 88caa6463776cc29d04cd3e917b9c1e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Este estudo conjuga uma abordagem etnofarmacol?gica no ?mbito do uso tradicional das esp?cies como triagem, em associa??o a aspectos filogen?ticos, considerando que h? comprova??es cient?ficas quanto ? composi??o qu?mica e atividades farmacol?gicas em outras esp?cies dentro dos mesmos g?neros. Isto est? associado a avalia??es das atividades antioxidante e hepatoprotetora j? realizado em estudos pr?vios do grupo de pesquisa usando o extrato bruto do Spondias mombin?S. tuberosa e Turnera ulmifolia Linn. var. elegans, que indicaram um efeito terap?utico positivo, al?m da da import?ncia de uma avalia??o toxicol?gica, outras atividades farmacol?gicas e a elucida??o dos compostos majorit?rios presentes nos extratos brutos e fra??es de Licania tomentosa Benth. Fritsch, C. impressa Prance, L. rigida Benth., S. mombim?S. tuberosa e T. ulmifolia Linn. var. elegans. Assim, os extratos das folhas e suas fra??es referentes ?s esp?cies supracitadas foram caracterizados quanto a composi??o qu?mica, atividades farmacol?gicas atrav?s de ensaios in vitro e ex vivo, al?m da avalia??o in vivo de sua toxicidade. A composi??o qu?mica dos extratos brutos e suas fra??es foram avaliadas por um m?todo cromatogr?fico validado e por t?cnicas espectrofotom?tricas, que possibilitam a identifica??o e/ou caracteriza??o de compostos majorit?rios. Esta an?lise indicou que os extratos e suas fra??es s?o uma fonte de compostos fen?licos, principalmente flavon?is e seus glicos?deos, tais como flavon?is-3-O-glicosilados. Em rela??o ? atividade antioxidante, apenas o extrato metan?lico das folhas de S. mombim?S. tuberosa e a FRF apresentaram uma acentuada capacidade de sequestro do radical livre DPPH?, enquanto que FRP foi ?nico capaz de proteger a integridade celular dos eritr?citos ao prevenir a hem?lise, inibindo a lipoperoxida??o l?pica e mantendo os n?veis de GSH. Os outros extratos induziram hem?lise. Este efeito antioxidante est? associado ? composi??o qu?mica presente em todos os extratos e fra??es. A avalia??o da atividade antimicrobiana s? apresentou um moderado efeito bactericida com o extrato de S. mombim?S. tuberosa e a FRF. A avalia??o toxicologica de todos os extratos em modelo murino, utilizando-se a dose ?nica do extrato na concentra??o de 2000 mg/kg, n?o mostrou qualquer efeito t?xico. Portanto, os resultados aqui descritos promovem um conhecimento cient?fico complementar, viabilizando o uso das folhas dessas esp?cies vegetais como recurso terap?utico, permitir o aproveitamento racional das mesmas, e um controle do extrativismo indiscriminado devido a usos medicinais n?o validados cientificamente, c? no Nordeste do Brasil e no mundo. / This study combines one ethnopharmacological approach within the traditional use of species such as screening, in association with phylogenetic aspects, considering the scientific evidences regarding the chemical composition and pharmacological activities in other species within the same genus. This is associated with assessments of antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities already performed in previous studies from the research group using the crude extract of Spondias mombim?S. tuberosa and Turnera ulmifolia Linn. var. elegans, which indicated a positive therapeutic effect, as well as the importance of a toxicological evaluation, other pharmacological activities and the elucidation of the major compounds present in crude extracts and fractions of Licania tomentosa Benth. Fritsch, C. impressa Prance, L. rigida Benth., S. mombim?S. tuberosa and Turnera ulmifolia Linn. var. elegans. Thus, leaf extracts and their fractions relating to the above mentioned species were characterized for chemical composition, pharmacological activities by in vitro and ex vivo assays, as well as the in vivo evaluation of toxicity. The chemical composition of crude extracts and fractions were evaluated by a validated chromatographic procedure and spectrometric techniques, which enabled the identification and/or characterization of compound majority. This analysis pointed that extracts and their fractions are a source of phenolic compounds, especially flavonoids and their glycosides such as flavonls-3-O-glicosilates. In the leaf extract of S. mombim?S. tuberosa and its rich in flavonoids fraction, called FRF, was isolated and characterized rutin as major compound of this species. Regarding the antioxidant activity, only the methanol S. mombim?S. tuberosa leaf extract and its FRF showed a marked DPPH free radical scavenging capacity, while FRP was only one able to protect the erythrocyte integrity by preventing its hemolysis by inhibiting lipid lipoperoxidation and maintaining the GSH levels. The other extracts induced hemolysis. This antioxidant effect is associated to chemical composition in all extracts and fractions. The antimicrobial activity assessment showed just a moderate bactericidal effect in the presence of the S. mombim?S. tuberosa extract and its FRP. The toxicological assessment of all extracts in a murine model, using a single dose of the extract at a concentration of 2000 mg / kg, showed no toxic effect. Therefore, the results described herein promote a complementary scientific knowledge, enabling the use of these plant species leaves as a therapeutic resource, allowing the rational use of the same, and control the indiscriminate extraction due to medical uses no scientifically validated, here in Northeastern Brazil and worldwide.

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