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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The inscription: thirty years after. Who will be able to defend it? / La inscripción: 30 años después. ¿Quién podrá defenderla?

Ortiz Pasco, Jorge 25 September 2017 (has links)
One of the most important figures of Registry Law is the inscription: The reason for theregistration procedure. It seeks, through it,to grant legal protection to the owner of the registration, by the registration publicity itbrings.In this article, the author analyzes thisimportant legal figure, by focusing on the article 2013 of the Peruvian Civil Code, whichhe considers must be renovated and updated, according to the circumstances and recent regulatory changes. / Una de las figuras más importantes del Derecho Registral es la inscripción: La razón del procedimiento registral. Se busca, a través de ella, conceder protección jurídica al titular dela inscripción, valiéndose de la publicidad registral que ésta otorga.En el presente artículo, el autor realiza un análisis de esta importante figura legal, centrándose para ello en el artículo 2013 del Código Civil del Perú, el cual considera debe ser reformado y actualizado acorde a las circunstancias y modificaciones normativas  de los últimos años.

O silêncio na formação contratual : elementos qualificadores de sua valoração declarativa

Tutikian, Priscila David Sansone January 2007 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo avaliar o papel do silêncio na formação contratual. Analisa-se, tendo-se como base os conceitos da proposta e da aceitação, assim como suas principais modalidades, as formas pelas quais pode se dar a declaração negocial. Inicia-se, com o objetivo de compará-los com o silêncio, pelo exame dos meios não silenciosos de declaração negocial, individualizando-se e analisando-se criticamente as formas expressa e tácita, assim como os comportamentos concludentes, elementos objetivos da última. Mediante o estudo dessas formas e das teorias tradicionais do silêncio, conclui-se que a adotada pelo vigente Código Civil é a Teoria do Silêncio Qualificado. A partir daí, analisa-se o silêncio como forma de declaração negocial e sua evolução no Direito brasileiro e comparado para alcançar-se o vigente diploma civil, o qual prevê que o silêncio importa anuência, em seu artigo 111. Conclui-se, tendo-se como base o acima exposto, que o silêncio é forma de declaração negocial autônoma, não se constituindo, pois, sinônimo ou subespécie da declaração expressa ou da tácita. Infere-se, igualmente e por isso mesmo, então, que o silêncio é forma de aceitação à proposta contratual, desde que presentes os elementos qualificadores – circunstâncias e usos – previstos no dispositivo legal respectivo e desde que observados outros elementos aplicáveis às relações de Direito civil e contratuais, especialmente. Analisam-se por fim, exemplificativamente, outros elementos de concreção a serem observados para valoração do silêncio, como a confiança negocial e os fins econômicos e sociais. / The purpose of the thesis is the assessment of the silence’s role in the contract formation. Taking into consideration the offer and acceptance meanings as well as their categories, their means of declaration are analyzed. Starting with the comparison to the silence as an objective, the tacit and express declarations are critically assessed. Based on the studies above mentioned it is possible to conclude that the theory regarding the silence adopted by the Brazilian Civil Code is the so-called Qualified Silence Theory. Therefore, the silence as a contractual declaration and its evolution in the Brazilian Civil Law is examined in order to reach the current article in the Brazilian Civil Code concerning this issue provision. The silence is an autonomous means of will declaration and it is not attached to the express or to the tacit one. This way, the conclusion regarding the silence’s role in the contract formation is that it is a way of expressing acceptance since special circumstances are present in the case, as stated in the article 111 of the Brazilian Civil Code, and once other elements applicable to the civil law and, specially, contractual relations are observed. e desde que observados outros elementos aplicáveis às relações de Direito civil e contratuais, especialmente Eventually, other concretion components – besides those provided in the referred article, which are the case’s circumstances and the common/usual practices – need to be taken into consideration in the silence analysis, such as the trust and the economical and social goals.

Pressupostos da obrigação de restituir o enriquecimento sem causa no Código Civil brasileiro / Requisites of the obligation created by unjust enrichment under the Brazilian civil code

Lucas Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand 23 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo da dissertação é investigar os Pressupostos da Obrigação de Restituir o Enriquecimento sem Causa no Código Civil Brasileiro. O enriquecimento sem causa, que tem antecedentes romanos, é reconhecido no Brasil independente desde os tempos do Império, passou por uma rejeição quando do advento do Código Civil de 1916, que não o previu expressamente, porém retomou sua força ao longo do século XX, ao fim do qual já era corrente a opinião de que se tratava de fonte de obrigações autônoma. Na vigência do Código Civil de 1916 não havia unanimidade quanto à enumeração e ao preenchimento de sentido dos pressupostos da obrigação restituitória. Uma minoria dispensava os requisitos do empobrecimento e da correlação entre o enriquecimento e o empobrecimento em favor de um novo pressuposto, qual seja, o de que o enriquecimento se dê à custa de outrem. O Código Civil de 2002, nos arts. 884 a 886, regulou expressamente o enriquecimento sem causa como fonte de obrigação, sendo que os autores atuais têm em geral indicado como seus pressupostos a existência de um (i) enriquecimento que ocorra (ii) à custa de outrem sem (iii) justa causa e que (iv) não concorra com outro remédio jurídico (i.e., subsidiariedade), não sendo essenciais os requisitos do empobrecimento e da correlação. O estudo dos principais paradigmas cristalizados na doutrina estrangeira, especialmente na portuguesa e na alemã, permitiu a conclusão de que deve ser adotado o paradigma da divisão do instituto do enriquecimento sem causa, pelo qual se investigam os pressupostos da obrigação de acordo com as suas diversas categorias, a saber, no Brasil, o enriquecimento por prestação, o enriquecimento por intervenção e o enriquecimento por despesas efetuadas por outrem. O enriquecimento por prestação tem por pressupostos o (i) enriquecimento em sentido real que (ii) ocorre por prestação (iii) sem justa causa, entendida esta última como a frustração do fim da prestação. O enriquecimento por intervenção tem por pressupostos (i) o enriquecimento (ii) obtido à custa de outrem (iii) sem causa jurídica ou, mais analiticamente, o (i) enriquecimento em sentido patrimonial (ii) obtido pela intromissão em direitos de outrem, quando na verdade (iii) é reservado pela ordem jurídica ao titular da posição jurídica afetada. Já o enriquecimento por despesas efetuadas por outrem tem por pressupostos o (i) enriquecimento em sentido patrimonial cuja (ii) conservação seja vedada pelo ordenamento jurídico e que decorra de uma (iii) despesa efetuada por outrem, sendo a restituição limitada, na circunstância de o beneficio ser imposto, ao que resultar de dispêndios de necessários. A regra da subsidiariedade não consubstancia um pressuposto propriamente dito, pois não integra o suporte fático da obrigação restituitória, funcionando mais como uma norma de sobredireito que fixa o caráter especialíssimo dos arts. 884 e 885 do Código Civil, e tem um sentido concreto, ou seja, somente obsta a pretensão restituitória o meio jurídico alternativo que concretamente forneça a mesma solução que é garantida pelo instituto do enriquecimento sem causa. Por fim, pela análise de dois grupos de casos comuns na jurisprudência, concluiu-se que, por falta de familiaridade com a lei, os tribunais brasileiros, ao menos quanto aos casos pesquisados, ainda não deram efetividade ao enriquecimento sem causa como fonte de obrigação. / The purpose of the present thesis is to unveil the requisites of the obligation based on the law of restitution according to the Brazilian Civil Code. The law of restitution, which has its roots in the Roman law, has been acknowledged in independent Brazil since the 19th century. In spite of the fact that it has not been expressly stated in the Brazilian Civil Code of 1916, the authors throughout the 20th century have recognized the unjust enrichment as an obligation-creating event. Nevertheless, the doctrine under the Civil Code of 1916 was not unanimous regarding the enumeration and the content of the requirements of the restitutionary obligation. In fact, there was a minority that downplayed the requisites of both impoverishment and correlation between the enrichment and the impoverishment in favor of others, i.e., that the enrichment occurs at the plaintiffs expense. The rise of the unjust enrichment as an obligation-creating event had its climax with the publication of the 2002 Brazilian Civil Code. Specifically, its articles 884, 885 and 886 included the phenomenon amidst the source of obligations. Under the new Code, it has been generally assumed that the requisites underlying the unjust enrichment are the presence of an (i) unjust (ii) enrichment (iii) at the plaintiffs expense that (iv) does not compete with an alternative legal remedy (i.e., rule of subsidiarity). The requirements of impoverishment and correlation aforementioned were abandoned by most authors. An adequate answer to the questions regarding the requisites of the restitutionary obligation, however, demands the analysis of the paradigms crystallized in the foreign doctrine, especially of the German and Portuguese legislation. It has been concluded that the paradigm of the categorization of the unjust enrichment has to be adopted. In compliance with this perspective, the requisites underlying the restitutionary obligation have to be investigated pursuant to the different categories, namely the enrichment through transfers, the enrichment through interference and the enrichment through expenditures made by the plaintiff. The requisites of the restitution based on enrichment through transfers are (i) the enrichment in its objective sense that (ii) occurs through the performance of a conscious and goal oriented patrimonial increment in which it is evident (iii) the failure of this particular goal. Importantly, this goal is sought to be assessed objectively from the unilateral manifestation of the performer, in conformity to the good-faith principle. The restitution based on enrichment through interference has as requirements (i) the enrichment in its subjective sense (ii) obtained through the interference with the rights (iii) legally reserved to the plaintiff. Finally, the requirements of the restitution based on enrichment through expenditures made by the plaintiff are (i) the subjective enrichment (ii) that the law forbids and that is originated from (iii) an expense effectuated by the plaintiff. In the particular case of an imposed enrichment, the restitution is constrained to the incontrovertible benefits resulting from the act of the plaintiff. Because the subsidiarity rule does not integrate the fattispecie of the restitutionary obligation, it does not substantiate a requisite by itself. The subsidiarity rule functions rather as a secondary norm that determines the character of lex specialis of the articles 884 and 885 of the Civil Code. Additionally, the subsidiarity rule has a concrete character, i.e., the restitutionary pretensions are only prevented by an alternative legal remedy that offers an effective solution that is identical to the one ensured by the law of restitution.

Nájem prostoru sloužícího podnikání / Lease of premises serving for business activities

Obernauer, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the master thesis is the legal regulation of lease of business premises after the effectivity of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the civil code. The author disserts on the subject of the thesis in eight chapters, dealing with the basic juridical institutes taken over from the previous legal regulation, as well as the newly introduced juridical institutes. In the first chapter, the author defines basic institutes of a lease as a basic juridical institute. Following up, the thesis defines the lease of a business premises; the author aims on the terminology averted from the previous socialistic terminology. The author disserts on the new approach to the business premises. A special chapter is dedicated to capability of movable things to be a subject of a lease of business premises. The second chapter deals with the commencement of a lease of business premises, specifies the subject of a lease agreement, the lease term, rent. Above the scope of a legal regulation, the author contemplates on special variants of a rent payment. Third chapter of the thesis aims on the content of a lease of business premises, i.e. the rights and obligations of a landlord and a tenant. The author breaks down the new institute of a compensation for the customer base. The thesis deals with changes in lease of business...

Náhrada újmy na zdraví : srovnání české a německé právní úpravy / Compensation for bodilly harm: a comparison of Czech and German legal regulation

Hrbek, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
Das Ziel deiser Diplomarbeit ist mit den Einzelansprüchen den Schadensersatz bei Körperverletzung und Tötung in der tschechischen und deutschen Rechtsordnung zu beschreiben. Die Diplomarbeit ist in vier Kapitel eingeteilt. Das erste Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit den Grundlagen des Gesundheitsschutzes aus der Sicht des tschechischen und deutschen Staatsrecht und deren Verankerung in den internationalen Menschenrechtsabkommen. Die Aufmerksamkeit ist auch auf die Verankerung der Grundprinzipien in dem tschechischen und deutschen bürgerlichen Recht gelegt. Das Kapitel beschäftigt sich weiter mit dem Gesundheitsschutz durch das bürgerliche Recht. Das zwite Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der Haftung, besonders mit den theoretischen Ausgangspunkte der Haftung und Voraussetzungen für die bürgerliche Haftungsbeziehung in der tschechischen und deutschen Rechtsordnung. Die Aufmerksamkeit ist besonders auf die Rechtswidrigkeit, die Kausalität, der Schaden, das Verschulden geleget und die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Rechtsordungen. Das dritte Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit dem Ersatz des materiellen und immateriellen Schadens und mit der Hilfe der Einzelansprüchen beschreibt den Art und den Umfang der Schadensersatzpflicht in der Tschechische Republik. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit ist gewidmet dem Erlöschen der...

Vypořádání společného jmění manželů podle současné právní úpravy / Settlement of community property of spouses under current legal regulation

Macek, Radomil January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues concerning community property of spouses with a special regard to its settlement. The objective of the thesis is to summarize the development of property regimes between spouses starting from community property up to the current legislation, that has been subjected to a detailed analysis and evaluated in the context of the previous regulation as well as other valid legal institutes, which are of matters similiar to those of community property settlement. The first chapter of the general part of the thesis provides a brief summary of previous regulation of matrimonial property regimes and focusing on three principal questions, namely the extent of community property of spouses, the possibility to adjust the extent of community property of spouses and the settlement of community property. The second chapter covers the principal concepts that are relevant to the settlement of community property of spouses. The key part of thesis begins with a summary of fundamental changes, concerning the community property settlement, that were established by the new Civil Code in 2014. The chapter dealing with the extent of community property of spouses first emphasizes the changes of the extent of community property, and then concentrates on the most important ones, that have influence...

Právní úprava srovnávací reklamy v ČR a SRN / The Law of Comparative Advertising in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany

Vítková, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the legal regulation of comparative advertising in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. The aim of this thesis is to explain the correspondences and differences between the legal regulation of comparative advertising in the Czech Republic and Germany using analysis and comparison with particular focus on the European regulation of this institute. The first chapter presents the underlying theoretical system and sets the examined institute into the general framework of legal order. It defines the terms advertising and comparative advertising. Emphasis is put on explaining different approaches of legal orders to comparative advertising as a foundation for an analysis in subsequent parts of this thesis. The first chapter also introduces types of comparative advertising distinguished by doctrine. The second chapter is, due to the irreplaceable position of European legal regulation, dedicated to the genesis of legal regulation of comparative advertising in the European law. This section contains an analysis of single directives and their effects in chronological order. The third chapter uses the knowledge of European law to analyse the evolution of legal regulation of comparative advertising in national legal orders of the Czech Republic and Germany. Historical...

Závěť / Testament

Šmat, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is the complex description of the testament. The problems of this ancient and utmost important instrument of law, which is given to the testator to decide who will get his property after his death, is comprehensively described in the five chapters of this work. This thesis mainly focuses on the key element in the Czech civil law of current time, which is the new civil code that brings severe changes especially to the hereditary law. Major differences can be seen especially in comparison with the so called socialistic civil codes. The new civil law regulation surpasses the ideologically motivated and oversimplified provisions of these old laws. The most important changes are bound with the new basic principles, especially with the testator's will as a leading principle of the hereditary law. This principle is in fact mostly applied in the testament law; therefore the new civil code has great impact on the examined topic. The first chapter of this work is dedicated to the creation of testament as the instrument of law in the beginnings of civilization. It includes further development in several ancient states and the chapter is closed with the more detailed analysis of the base source of the modern civil law, the roman private law. The second chapter describes history and...

Ending corporal punishment of children in the home: Rwanda as a case study

Rushema, Chantal January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

Dědické řízení v České republice / Steering gear of inheritance in Czech Republic

Charvátová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
The theme of dissertation is "Inheritance and steering gear of inheritance in Czech Republic" because I widen the original theme of procedural law to material law - inheritance, according to New Civil Code (NOZ) which brought to Czech legal order many changes, also in the area of inheritance in Czech legislation. The thesis also analyses the changes which brought Zákon o zvláštních řízeních soudních. Dissertation then compares the new and the old legislation, highlights its pluses and minuses and also resolves if the new legislation is better the the old legislation and where are these changes obvious. This thesis should be general knowledge of changes in area of inheritance and steering gear according to NOZ, not at all detailed processing of institutes of inheritance law. Practical part of the thesis analyses judicature and three concrete testaments.

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