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A comunicação pública como práxis no processo de mediação e mobilização da sociedade civil na esfera pública / Public communication as praxis in the mediation process and mobilization of civil society in the public sphereCesar, Regina Célia Escudero 18 December 2012 (has links)
Esta tese faz uma reflexão teórico-propositiva sobre a dinâmica da ação comunicativa que articula os movimentos sociais da sociedade civil na esfera publica. Utilizamo-nos da metodologia da interpretação hermenêutica em profundidade tanto na fase da pesquisa bibliográfica quanto na empírica, a fim de compreender o nosso campo-sujeito de investigação a partir das interpretações e reinterpretações destes sujeitos sobre sua realidade e sobre as temáticas analisadas nesta pesquisa de tese: público, esfera pública, sociedade civil, comunicação pública e cidadania. Defendemos a comunicação pública como mediadora da relação que se estabelece entre a sociedade civil e o Estado na esfera pública, numa perspectiva inclusiva, democrática e pautada numa interação entre sujeitos igualmente competentes e ativos que participam deste processo. Esta nova visão requer também um novo posicionamento do profissional relações-públicas, que, nesta pesquisa de tese, é abordado a partir do paradigma ético-discursivo. Para fundamentar estas reflexões, desenvolvemos uma análise do contexto sóciohistórico deste profissional. Na sua dimensão empírica, esta pesquisa de tese analisou os conceitos teóricos que a fundamentam num contexto específico de uma esfera pública, no caso, o Jardim União da Vitória, situado em Londrina-PR, o que nos possibilitou desvelar e conhecer esta realidade pelos olhares dos atores que dela participam, num processo de interpretação e reinterpretação da realidade em questão. Para além deste precioso conhecimento, esta pesquisa trouxe resultados significativos à comunidade envolvida, em relação à temática de interesse público discutida nesta esfera pública. / This thesis establishes a theoretical and purposeful reflection on the dynamics of the communicative actionwhich articulates the social movements of the civil society in the public sphere. We have used the hermeneutic interpretation methodology in depth both on the empirical and bibliographic literature in order to understand our fieldsubject of investigation from the interpretations and reinterpretations of such subjects about their realities and about the analyzed themes in this research thesis: public, public sphere, civil society, public communication and citizenship. We defend public communication as a mediator of the relationship established between the civil society and the state in the public sphere, under an inclusive and democratic perspective based on interactions among equally competent and active subjects participating in this process. This new vision also requires a new positioning of the public relations professional who in this research thesis isaddressed from the discursive-ethical paradigm. To substantiate these observations we developed an analysis of the sociohistorical context of this professional person. In its empirical dimension, this research thesis examined the theoretical concepts that underlie a specific context of a public sphere - Jardim União da Vitória - located in Londrina, which has enabled us to uncover and understand this reality by the eyes of the agents who participate in the process of interpretation and reinterpretation of the present reality. Beyond this precious knowledge, this research has brought significant results to the community, concerning the public interest theme discussed in the public sphere.
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Irish civil society and the Great War, 1914-1918Gallagher, Niamh Aislinn January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Planning policy and quality of life : an investigation into the relationship between planning policy and the quality of life of tenants' and residents' association membersBrookfield, Katherine January 2012 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between planning policy and quality of life and, in doing so, contributes to long running debates occurring within the planning literature, and between planning practitioners and planning theorists, about the nature of this relationship. Specifically, the study investigates the relationship between planning policy's approach to combining residential and non-residential uses, an understudied area of policy, and the quality of life of tenants' and residents' association (TARA) members, an understudied population which frequently participates in the planning system. Within the study, quality of life is understood in terms of preference-satisfaction theory which equates the 'good' life with the satisfaction of preferences. Subsequently, where policy's aspirations for the built environment overlap with the environmental preferences of TARA members, it is assumed that policy might, when reflected in the built environment, support members' quality of life. To investigate such instances of overlap, the study first explored policy's approach to combining residential and non-residential uses through a qualitative content analysis of written policy, interviews with local authority planning officers and an analysis of planning applications and their associated decision notices. Then, to investigate the environmental preferences of TARA members, focus groups were held with a diverse sample of TARAs. These focus groups suggested ways of amending policy so that it might better satisfy members' preferences and, perhaps then, better support their quality of life. A conceptual framework was developed to begin to explore the deliverability of these amendments with data for this exercise collected from self-proclaimed representative bodies for the planning profession and housebuilding industry. In pursuing these interests, insights into a number of additional issues emerged, including, the relationship between policy as 'content' and policy as 'process', the interests, activities and spatial distribution of TARAs, the planning system's potential to support the quality of life of TARA members, and planners' and housebuilders' attitudes towards land use mix and the State's planning apparatus. Taken in its totality though, the study‘s major contribution perhaps lies in suggesting answers to the vexed question of what should be civil society's role in the planning system. In terms of land use mix, the study found that planning policy and TARA members shared a largely similar conceptualisation of the 'good' residential environment with both favouring predominantly residential areas, featuring pockets of green space, 'everyday' services, and the exclusion of most traffic generating, obtrusive and noisy uses. They also shared a similar conceptualisation of the 'good' town or city centre with both favouring land use mix, a concentration of activities and the presence of residential occupiers. Consequently, in these instances, policy perhaps seems suited to supporting the quality of life of TARA members. However, in other instances, members' preferences and policy‘s requirements were seen to diverge. Furthermore, the task of revising policy to avoid these points of divergence seems challenging. The study updates and expands knowledge on an understudied area of policy and a relatively understudied population. It presents insights into policy's approach to land use mix, and attitudes towards this approach, at a time when the planning system is experiencing considerable change with regional planning due to be abolished, neighbourhood planning introduced and a new form of national planning policy launched. The study comments on the implications for the research findings of these various developments. It also identifies environmental designs and characteristics that might be of interest to policy-makers if an objective is to address the concerns of a frequently vocal participant in the planning system (i.e. TARAs).
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The politics of the public sphere : English-language and Yoruba-language print culture in colonial Lagos, 1880s-1940sOke, Katharina Adewoyin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies print culture in colonial Lagos against the background of the public sphere, and brings together a variety of English-language and Yoruba-language newspapers. Such an approach allows for highlighting the practicalities of newspaper production and foregrounding the work accomplished by newspapermen in a changing 'information environment' and political context. It offers insights into Lagos politics, contributes to the history of the educated elite, and to more global histories of communication. Using newspapers as well as archival records, and focussing on events that strikingly reveal dynamics in the public sphere, this thesis narrates a nuanced history of a discursive field which was, amongst other things, central for Lagos politics. This thesis complicates a Habermasian notion of the public sphere as an open discursive space, and not only highlights that the public sphere was an arena of contested meanings, but also illustrates axes along which the composition of this social structure was negotiated. When newspapers emerged in the late nineteenth-century, discussions in the press were largely restricted to the elite. The economy of recognition that was at play in the public sphere was to change in the 1920s. This thesis highlights how newspapermen and contributors sought to carve out niches for themselves in the public sphere in new ways and how their becoming a speaker in this discursive field was challenged and contested. It highlights the nuanced ways in which newspapermen and contributors convened publics through their papers: how they did so around particular issues, in distinction from each other, and how they adapted the convening of publics to new political dynamics in the 1940s. This thesis gives insight into the complex relationship between English-language and Yoruba-language newspapers, and moreover illustrates how the practicalities of the newspaper business were coming to bear on dynamics in the public sphere.
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Civil society roles in transition : towards sustainable food?Durrant, Rachael Amy January 2014 (has links)
Civil society organisations (CSOs) in the UK are currently engaged in attempts to make food systems more sustainable, i.e. greener, fairer and healthier. These efforts have been maintained over several decades, for instance the Soil Association was launched in response to concerns about modern agriculture and food in 1946. But more sustainable food systems remain marginal. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to improve understanding of the important roles that CSOs can and do play within processes of large-scale social change (or ‘transitions'). It does this by developing a typology of the distinguishable roles played by CSOs in transition, and relating this to empirical findings from three UK case studies. Through a mixture of field observations, documentary analysis and in-depth interviewing, it makes a number of relevant findings. First, it provides detailed empirical characterisation of the activities, relationships with other actors, and stated intentions of specific CSOs. Second, it finds that CSOs chart unique transformative pathways, both individually and collectively, which emerge from their interactions and strategic repositioning over time. Third, rather than being guided by a single shared vision of transition, CSOs are found to be engaged in a plurality of intended transformations that contend with, cross-cut and partially encompass each other. These findings contribute to scholarly knowledge about how civil society innovation operates at different structural levels, targets different elements within socio-technical systems, and engages different kinds of actors and practices. They also reinforce and extend existing understandings of how civil society actors exercise power in the context of transitions, and reveal how systemic perspectives – such as underlie transitions theory – can obfuscate both the intentions and activities of the actors involved, thereby raising questions about the attribution of agency in studies of transition.
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La "spiritualité", une nouvelle forme rhizomique de religiosité : étude comparative s'appuyant sur des festivals de spiritualité au Japon, en France et aux Pays-Bas / The "spirituality", a new rhizomic form of religiosity : comparative study based on spirituality festivals in Japan, France, and the NetherlandsShiroya, Tamiyo 17 November 2017 (has links)
Le déclin voire la disparition de la religion dans les sociétés modernes est abondamment discuté dans le domaine des sciences sociales et particulièrement de la sociologie des religions durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.Interrogeant ce point de vue, cette thèse vise à rendre compte d'une nouvelle forme de religiosité, la spiritualité, qui tend à se développer mondialement, surtout dans les sociétés industrielles avancées, depuis la fin du XXe siècle, pénétrant diverses sphères de la vie sociale : les loisirs, la santé, la nutrition, l’éducation, l'économie, la politique, etc.Il s’agit de dresser un état des lieux de ce phénomène, qui se déroule en dehors des cadres religieux institutionnels et principalement via une démarche individuelle, en focalisant sur ses liens avec des facteurs socioculturels et avec les religions traditionnelles dans trois sociétés choisies : japonaise, française et néerlandaise. Au-delà, cette étude s’intéresse aux rapports de cette « religion invisible » avec la société civile, à ses potentialités comme source d’engagements multiples.Cette recherche repose sur le travail de terrain mené au sein de festivals dédiés à la spiritualité, l'une des expressions centrales de ce phénomène, en s’appuyant sur des méthodes qualitatives : l’entretien et l’observation participante sont les principales approches. Ce travail nous amène à constater que la spiritualité, phénomène mondialisé, se nuance et se décline pourtant localement sous l’influence des contextes politiques et sociétaux. / The decline or even disappearance of religion in modern societies is extensively discussed in the field of social sciences and in particular in the world of sociology of religion during the second half of the 20th century.Questioning this view, this thesis aims to account for a new form of religiosity, spirituality, which tends to develop on a worldwide scale, especially in advanced industrial societies, since the late 20th century, penetrating various spheres of social life: leisure, health, nutrition, education, economy, politics, etc.The goal is to provide an overview of this phenomenon, which has been unfolding outside institutionalized religious frameworks, mainly through an individual approach, focusing on links with socio-cultural factors and with traditional religions in three selected societies: Japanese, French, and Dutch. Furthermore, this study is interested in the relationship of this "invisible religion" with the civil society and in its potentialities as a source of multiple commitments.This research is based on fieldwork conducted in festivals dedicated to spirituality, a central expression of spirituality, which this work attempts to assess through qualitative methods: interviews and participant observation are the main approaches. This research makes us understand that spirituality, although globalized, is nuanced and declined nevertheless locally under the influence of political and societal contexts.
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Cenários e personagens de uma arte popular: futebol brasileiro, hegemonia, narradores e sociedade civil / Scenarios and characters of a popular art: Brazilian football, hegemony, narrators and civil societyRaul Milliet Filho 28 August 2009 (has links)
No decorrer de vários anos de leituras e intervenções práticas, foram recolhidos ideias e eixos temáticos, alinhavados e sistematizados na troca de passes entre a arte do futebol brasileiro e seus principais narradores, a partir dos conceitos de hegemonia, sociedade civil e intelectual orgânico em Gramsci. Paralelamente, captou-se o narrador em Walter Benjamin e a sua visão sobre a modernidade. A tese abordará basicamente esses pontos. Tudo em Cenários e Personagens de décadas distintas, em espaços geográficos não necessariamente iguais ou limítrofes, mas capazes de dialogar através dos temas escolhidos. Cenários e personagens que percorrem uma trajetória iniciada na Inglaterra na segunda metade do século XIX, até sua consolidação no Brasil na década de 1960. Dos personagens, percorremos as trilhas de Gentil Cardoso, Dori Kürschner, Neném Prancha, Nelson Rodrigues e João Saldanha, tendo como inspiração os seus grandes solistas: de Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça a Gerson, passando por Friedenreich, Fausto, Leônidas, Didi, Garrincha e Pelé. / During several years of readings and practical interventions, ideas and axial themes were collected, sketched, and systematized in the exchange of passes between the art of Brazilian soccer and major narrators, from Gramsci\'s concepts of hegemony, civil society, and organic intellectuals. Similarly, the narrator is captured in Walter Benjamin and his vision of modernity. The thesis will mainly deal with these points. The content addresses Characters and Settings of distinctive decades, and geographic spaces not necessarily equal or bordering, but able to dialogue through the chosen themes. Characters and settings that cover a trajectory started in England in the second half of the nineteenth century until its consolidation in Brazil in the 1960s. Among the historical personalities, we followed the paths of Gentil Cardoso, Dori Kürschner, Neném Prancha, Nelson Rodrigues and João Saldanha; taking as inspiration the great soloists: from Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça to Gerson, in addition to Friedenreich, Fausto, Leônidas, Didi, Garrincha and Pelé.
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Sujeitos e utopias nos movimentos antiglobalização / The historical emergence of the so called antiglobalization movementsDiego Araujo Azzi 22 November 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação discute o aparecimento histórico dos chamados movimentos antiglobalização na cena política contemporânea. Sobretudo a partir de Jacques Rancière e Hannah Arendt, o percurso do texto busca relacionar esse fenômeno a diferentes sentidos atribuídos à idéia de política, e, também, à profunda transformação do contexto político mundial que ocorreu a partir dos anos neoliberais da década de 1990. A exposição aborda a trajetória política desses movimentos e alguns de seus debates internos, explorando as potencialidades de efetiva criação de cenas de dissenso, bem como as possibilidades existentes de ruptura interna. No contexto policial atual a sempre iminente supressão da política através do estado de exceção, evidencia que a reinvenção das tradições, ações e modos de subjetivação destes movimentos continua na ordem do dia. / The present dissertation discusses the historical emergence of the so called antiglobalization movements into the contemporary political scene. Based mainly in Jacques Rancière and Hannah Arendt, the trajectory of the text aims at relating this phenomenon to the idea of politics in some of its different aceptions; as well as to the deep transformation in the world\'s political scenario since the 1990\'s neoliberal years. The presentation approaches these movements\' political paths and some of their internal debates, exploring the potential for effective creation of scenes of dissent, as well as the existing possibilities of internal rupture. In the current police order the always imminent suppression of politics by means of an exception state, exposes that the need to reinvent traditions, actions and modes of subjectivizing within these movements still remains present.
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Nos labirintos da participação: um estudo de caso de uma ONG do campo democrático participativo / The labyrinths of participation: a case study of an NGO of participatory democratic fieldSara da Silva Freitas 22 October 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as mudanças históricas ocorridas durante o período de redemocratização do Brasil, por meio da avaliação da expansão das organizações-não-governamentais (ONGs) no país. A partir da década de 90, dada a consolidação da democracia, notou-se uma explosão de criação de organizações não governamentais e um refluxo ou desaparecimento dos movimentos sociais. Utilizando-se uma ONG inserida no campo democrático participativo como modelo destas instituições, verificou-se o que estes atores, relativamente novos no cenário político e social, construíram e representam hoje na atual sociedade brasileira. Utilizando-se de entrevistas como principal artifício metodológico, observou-se claramente que esta ONG reproduz em sua organização, a mesma lógica hierárquica e divisão de classes da sociedade na qual está inserida. Verificou-se também a relação da entidade com o partido dos trabalhadores. Destaca-se principalmente a maneira subjetiva e pessoal com a qual a relação ONG/sociedade é instituída. A pessoalidade é algo muito forte nessa relação, no entanto, se avaliarmos historicamente as relações que pautam nossas origens enquanto Estado, forjado desde seu nascimento nas relações de personalismo, de afetos e de favorecimentos, então a relação ONG/Partido/Movimento social torna-se plausível dentro deste contexto. A explosão de surgimento de ONGs no final do século XX, pode ser caracterizada segundo Guattari(1987) como uma revolução molecular e em terras tupiniquins transformam-se naquilo que Oliveira(2003) descreveu como o ornitorrrinco. As ONGs são importantes agentes de prestação de serviços, e estes serviços, por sua vez, são importantíssimos para a consolidação do sistema capitalista firmando-se como mercadoria. Estas são as contradições e as ambigüidades que formam o Estado que somos hoje. / The objective of this study is to understand the historical changes after the outcome of new democracy in Brazil, through an evaluation of non governmental organizations (ONGs). In the last twenty years, occurred an explosion in births of ONGs and a slow disappearing of political manifestations in the society. Taking one determined ONG as a model, we were able to see what these institutions had modified in our social and political environment. Using interview as our major method, we could observe that ONG´s organization obeys the same hierarchy logic of the brazilian society. We also investigated the relationship of this ONG and the actual government party. This work highlights the way this relationship is built and formed. It becomes very clear that the majority of relationships are made through a subjective criterion and actually, it is not a surprise in such a country that has the tradition of always take personal sides in its political context. The explosive appearing of ONGs at the end of XX century could be characterized as a molecular revolution agreed the author Guattari(1987) and is described as an ornitorrinco by the author Oliveira(2003) ONGs are now important agents to the solidification of capitalistic system. These ambiguities and contradictions are forming the political State that we have today in this country.
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Os cruzados da ordem jurídica. A atuação da ordem dos advogados do Brasil (OAB), 1945-1964 / The cruzaders of legal order. The work of the brazilian bar association (OAB), 1945-1964Marco Aurélio Vannucchi Leme de Mattos 11 March 2011 (has links)
A presente tese examina a atuação da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB), por meio de sua instância diretiva máxima, o Conselho Federal, entre 1945 e 1964. A ação pública do órgão, neste período, pode ser decomposta em três fases. Em meados da década de 1940, o Conselho Federal engajou-se profundamente na oposição ao Estado Novo. Na década de 1950, forçado pelas transformações que atingiam a advocacia, o organismo centrou-se numa agenda eminentemente corporativa. Finalmente, no início da década de 1960, o Conselho retomou uma postura fortemente politizada para combater o governo Goulart. Destacam-se, no trabalho, quatro eixos temáticos: 1.) o perfil da elite dirigente da OAB; 2.) a relação da Ordem dos Advogados com o Estado; 3.) a relação da Ordem com a sociedade civil; 4.) a relação da Ordem com a categoria profissional que representava. / The present thesis examines the performance of OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), through its highest authority, Federal Council, between 1945 and 1964. The public action of the organ, in this period, can be decomposed in three phases. In the middle of the 1940s, Federal Council was deeply engaged in the opposition to the New State. In the 1950s, forced by the changes that reached the advocacy, the organism was centered in an eminently corporate agenda. Finally, in the beginning of 1960s, the Council recovered a strongly politicized posture to fight Goulart administration. Four themes are accentuated in the work: 1.) the profile of OAB elite; 2.) the relationship between OAB and the State; 3.) its relationship with the civil society; 4.) its relationship with the professional category that it represented.
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