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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies of information use by engineering designers and the development of strategies to aid in its classification and retrieval

Lowe, Alistair January 2002 (has links)
This thesis presents an approach for supporting the information access requirements of engineering designers. Technical and cultural factors are increasing the quantity of information that is available to designers. As a consequence, they require improved tools not just to retrieve this information but also to allow it to be organised and classified into meaningful structures to assist in its management. The research has been undertaken from two interrelated standpoints. The first focused on empirical studies of the information access requirements of practising designers. The second concerned the development, based on the key findings from the initial studies, of classification structures for aerospace design information and their incorporation in a computer-based information system. The empirical studies of designers were carried out in two separate stages. The first involved the characterisation of the information usage of a range of engineering designers with different backgrounds. The results indicated important differences in the usage and storage of information between designers. The second study examined documents used by practising designers. From this, a number of core classification scheme types were identified that allow information to be organised from a variety of user perspectives. The results of the empirical studies informed the development of a novel information system based on a combination of. (i) faceted-like, automatic, non-mutually exclusive classification principles and (ii) a hybrid browsing approach that `prunes' the browsable classification scheme, according to concept selections made by the user. The system overcomes some of the usual problems of browsing classification structures and allows the inference of linked relationships between different classification categories. This represents a powerful feature that is beyond the capabilities of existing search approaches. The benefits of the system, when applied to a number of typical engineering information search scenarios, are discussed followed by an evaluation of the approach. Finally, a number of conclusions and suggestions for future research are suggested.

Packaging nursing as politically potent : a critical reflextive cultural studies approach to nursing informatics

Kennedy, Margaret Ann Jane January 2005 (has links)
My research explores the cultural-political contributions of Nursing Informatics (NI) to the profession of nursing in the context of the Canadian health care system, specifically focused on classification systems as cultural artefacts. Adopting Aggers work on cultural studies as critical theory, (Agger, 1992), I challenged positivist assumptions generated within myself, in NI, and through the use of classification systems like the International Classification System Nursing Practice (ICNP®) (2001). My interest was to expose the impact that the application of standardization languages like ICNP® have on the potential political gains to nursing within health care decision-making structures.

A two-year college typology for the 21st century: Updating and utilizing the Katsinas-Lacey classification system.

Hardy, David Earl 05 1900 (has links)
This study had two primary purposes. The first goal was to bring the 1993/1996 Katsinas-Lacey two-year college classification system into the 21st century using data from the 2000 United States Census and the National Center for Education Statistics' Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS) surveys for the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 academic years. The second goal was to create a descriptive portrait of the universe of two-year, publicly controlled institutions that primarily offer the associate's degree mapped against the updated classification system and to describe and discern similarities and differences within this particular population by class and subclass in terms of multiple measurable characteristics for which IPEDS data were available. The study, based upon classification theory utilized in social science and management sciences - particularly the work of Bailey and McKelvey - assessed the efficacy of a number of other recent proposed community college classification systems, the original Katsinas-Lacey system and the revised version of Katsinas-Lacey created through the current research. It found both the original Katsinas-Lacey system and the revised version to meet the criteria for a well-made classification model. The study includes directories of all colleges and universities in the United States that offer the associate's degree with geographic, census population data, number of campuses and 2000-2001 unduplicated enrollment data for publicly controlled, two-year colleges and districts. Also included are data tables illustrating similarities and differences between colleges and districts in the three major classes and seven subclasses of publicly controlled institutions drawn from IPEDS survey data and detailed profiles of each of these institutional types - Rural, Rural Small, Rural Medium, Rural Large, Suburban, Suburban Single Campus, Suburban Multi-Campus, Urban, Urban Single Campus, and Urban Multi-Campus. The study concludes with a review of implications for policy and practice, and 25 recommendations for further research related to the revised Katsinas-Lacey classification system.

A comparative review of the outcomes of two different perinatal mortality classification systems at an Obstetric unit in Cape Town, South Africa

Siebritz, Mark 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background The annual burden of stillbirths is estimated to be more than 3 million deaths globally. Depending on the perinatal classification used, up to two thirds of deaths are reported as unknown.Gardosi, et al (2006) developed the ReCoDe system, which identified the relevant condition at the time of death in utero. The system aims to identify what went wrong in utero, without necessarily indentifying why fetal demise occurred. With comparison to the conventional Wigglesworth classification, the authors were able to reduce the number of unexplained stillbirths from 66.2% to 15.2%. The Perinatal Problem Identification Program (PPIP) is the nationally implemented perinatal classification system in South Africa. The PPIP database recorded approximately 660 000 births from the 1st January 2006 until 31st December 2007. This reflects approximately 40% of all births in health institutions in South Africa during this time period. There were 11742 stillbirths recorded in on the PPIP database for this two year period.Unexplained stillbirths formed 24% of the total perinatal deaths. The Saving Babies Report 2006-2007 has suggested that funding andresearch resources be directed to identifying the causes of deaths in this group. Objective: Our primary objective was to compare the outcomes of the PPIP to the ReCoDe classification system developed by Gardosi, with special attention as to reducing the number of unexplained stillbirths. Methods: We conducted a retrospective descriptive study on the perinatal deaths occurring at or presenting to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa, for the time period extending from 01 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. A weekly Perinatal Mortality Audit meeting (PNM) is held at Tygerberg Hospital. In attendance at these meetings are General obstetricians, Fetal-maternal specialists, Neonatologists, Pathologists, a Geneticist, Obstetric and Paediatric Registrars. Relevant clinical details are summarised from clinical notes and Perinatal Losses data forms. These forms are specific to Tygerberg Hospital and completed by the attending doctor at first consultation. Placental histology and post-mortem examination would have been performed in certain cases as per the departmental protocol. All perinatal deaths, both stillborn and neonatal deaths weighing more than 499g, are discussed at this forum and consensus then reached on a primary and final cause of death. This information is then entered into the PPIP database, along with any identifiable avoidable factors.The investigators separately reviewed the information available from the Perinatal Losses and the PIPP V2.2 data capture forms and then reclassified each stillbirth according to the ReCoDe hierarchal system Results: We studied the data sheets of 406 stillbirths of babies of whom the deaths had been previously classified according to the PPIP classification. The median maternal age was 25.65 years (range 14 – 45) while the median birth weight was 1127 grams (range 500 – 4100).The vast majority of these stillbirths occurred in singleton pregnancies and are also classified as extremely low birth weight. The three major causes of stillbirth over the study period were antepartum haemorrhage (24.4%), hypertensive disorders (22.4%) and spontaneous preterm labour (11.1%). Within the ReCoDe classification, the leading categories were in the placental group (33.2%), fetal group (21.6%) and the maternal group (20%). The unexplained group (PPIP IUD group), from the index study constitutes 8.1% (33 of 406) of cases, while the number of unclassified stillbirths in the primary ReCoDe classification accounted for 15% (60 of 406) of the total. The main reasons for this difference is that ReCoDe does not incorporate preterm labour as a cause, and uses customised growth charts for identifying fetal growth restriction. Conclusion: PPIP remains the gold standard in Perinatal Audit in South Africa.We would recommend that ReCoDe be evaluated prospectively, alongside the established PPIP system, to better compare their performance outcomes. The development of customized fetal growth potential charts relevant to the local population should be explored. The Perinatal Losses data capture form should be revised to be more comprehensive and relevant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Die jaarlikse las van doodgeboortes word geskat op meer as 3 miljoen sterftes wêreldwyd. Afhangende van die perinataleklassifikasiesisteem wat gebruik word, tot twee derdes van sterftes is aangemeld as onbekend. Gardosi, et al (2006) het die ReCoDesisteemontwikkel, wat die betrokke toestand in die tyd van die dood in utero geïdentifiseer. Die sisteem het ten doel om te identifiseer wat verkeerd geloop het in utero, sonder om noodwendig te indentifiseer waarom fetaledood plaasgevind het. Invergelyking met die konvensionele Wigglesworth klassifikasie, was die skrywers in staat om die getal van die onverklaarbare dood geboortes van 66,2% tot 15,2% te verminder. Die Perinataleprobleemidentifikasie Program (PPIP) is die nasionaalgeïmplementeerperinataleklassifikasiesisteemin Suid-Afrika. Die PPIP databasis aangeteken ongeveer 660 000 geboortes van die 1ste Januarie 2006 tot 31 Desember 2007. Dit weerspieël ongeveer 40% van alle geboortes in die gesondheids-instellings in Suid-Afrika gedurende hierdie tydperk. Daar was 11.742 doodgeboortes aangeteken in op die PPIP databasis vir hierdie twee jaartydperk. Onverklaarbaredoodgeboortesvorm 24% van die totaleperinatalesterftes. Die Saving Babies Verslag 2006-2007 het voorgestel dat befondsing en navorsing gerig word aan die identifisering van die oorsake van sterftes in hierdie groep. Doelstelling: Ons primêre doel was om die uitkomste van die PPIP te vergelyk met die ReCoDeklassifikasiesisteem wat deur Gardosiontwikkelis , met spesiale aandag aan die vermindering van die aantal van onverklaarbaredoodgeboortes. Metodes: Ons het'n retrospektiewebeskrywendestudie uitgevoer op die perinatalesterftes wat aangemeld het by die noodeenheid van die Departement Obstetrie en Ginekologie aanTygerberg Hospitaal, Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika, vir die tydperk wat strek vanaf 01 Januarie 2008 tot 31 Desember 2008. 'n Weeklikse Perinatale Mortaliteit Ouditvergadering (PNM) word gehou by Tygerberg Hospitaal. In die bywoning van hierdie vergaderings is Algemene Verloskundiges, Fetale-moederskant Spesialiste, Neonatoloë, Patoloë, 'n Genetikus, Obstetriese en Pediatriese Klienieseassistente. Relevante kliniese inligting is uit die kliniese notas en perinataleverliesedatavorms opgesom. Hierdie vorms is spesifiek na die Tygerberg-hospitaal en deur die dokter by die eerstekonsultasie voltooi. Plasentale histologie en post-mortem ondersoek sou voltooi gewees het in sekere gevalle soos per die departementeleprotokol. Alle perinatalesterftes, beide doodgebore en neonatalesterftes wat meer as 499g, word bespreek op hierdie forum en konsensus bereik oor 'n primêre en finale oorsaak van die dood. Hierdie inligting word dan in die PPIP databasis, saam met 'n identifiseerbare voorkombare faktore. Die navorsers afsonderlik die inligting beskikbaar van die perinataleverliese en die PIPP v2.2 datavasleggingsvorms en dan herklassifiseer elke stilgeboorte volgens die ReCoDehiërargiesestelsel. Results: Ons bestudeer die data velle van 406 doodgeboortes van babas van wie die sterftes voorheen volgens die PPIP klassifikasie geklassifiseer is. Die mediaanmoeder se ouderdom was 25,65jaar (range 14? 45?) Terwyl die mediaangeboortegewig was 1127 gram (reeks 500? 4100). Die oorgrote meerderheid van hierdie doodgeboortes plaasgevind in Singleton swangerskappe en word ookgeklassifiseer as &'n baie lae geboortegewig. Die drie grootste oorsake van doodgeboorte oor die studietydperk was antepartum bloeding (24,4%), die hipertensiewesiektes (22,4%) en &'n voortydsekraam (11,1%). Binne die ReCoDeSistematiek, die voorstekategorieë in die plasentalegroep (33,2%), die fetalegroep (21,6%) en die moedergroep (20%). Die onverklaarbaregroep (PPIP IUD groep), van die indeksstudie behels 8,1% (33 van 406) van gevalle, terwyl die aantal van ongeklassifiseerde doodgeboortes in die primêre ReCoDeSistematiek verantwoordelik vir 15% (60 406) van die totaal. Die belangrikste redes vir die verskil is dat ReCoDenieneemvoortydsekraam as &'n oorsaak, en gebruike aangepasgroeikaarte vir die identifisering van fetalegroeibeperking. Gevolgtrekking: PPIP bly die gouestandaard in Perinataleoudit in Suid-Afrika. Ons sal aanbeveel dat ReCoDe vooruitwerkend geëvalueer word, saam met die gevestigde PPIP stelsel, om beter te vergelyk hulprestasieuitkomste. Die ontwikkeling van persoonlikefetalegroeipotensiaalkaarte met betrekking tot die plaaslike bevolking moet ondersoek word. Die perinataleverliese data capture vorm moet hersien word om meer omvattende en relevant te wees.

Studies in the Dynamics of Science : Exploring emergence, classification, and interdisciplinarity

Qi, Wang January 2016 (has links)
The dynamic nature of science is embodied in the growth of knowledge in magnitude and the transformation of knowledge in structure. More specifically, the growth in magnitude is indicated by a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications in recent decades. The transformation of knowledge occurs as the boundaries of scientific disciplines become increasingly less distinct, resulting in a complicated situation wherein disciplines and interdisciplinary research topics coexist and co-evolve. Knowledge production in such a context creates challenges for the measurement of science.This thesisaims to develop more flexible bibliometric methodologies in order to address some of the challenges to measuring science effectively. To be specific, this thesis1) proposes a new approach for identifying emerging research topics; 2) measuresthe interdisciplinarity of research topics; 3) explores the accuracy of the journal classification systems of the Web of Science and Scopus; 4) examines the role of cognitive distance in grant decisions; and 5) investigates the effect of cognitive distance between collaborators on their research output. The data used in this thesisaremainly from the in-house Web of Science and Scopus databases of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University. Quantitativeanalyses, in particular bibliometric analyses,are the main research methodologies employed in this thesis. Furthermore, this thesis primarily offers methodological contributions, proposing a series of approaches designed to tackle the challenges created by the dynamics of science. While the major contribution of this dissertation lies in the improvement of certain bibliometric approaches, it also enhances the understanding of the current system of science. In particular, the approaches and research findings presented here have implications for various stakeholders, including publishing organizations, bibliographic database producers, research policy makers, and research funding agencies. Indeed, these approaches could be built into a software tool and thereby be made available to researchers beyond the field of bibliometric studies. / <p>QC 20160406</p>

Regensburger Verbundklassifikation und Schlagwortnormdatei im Tandem

Probstmeyer, Judith 24 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Im Katalog des Südwestverbunds besitzen zahlreiche Publikationen sowohl SWD-Schlagwörter und -ketten als auch Notationen der Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK). An der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim wurden auf dieser Datenbasis automatische Korrelationen zwischen SWD und RVK generiert, die im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit an der Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart analysiert wurden. Im Vortrag werden die Ergebnisse der Analyse vorgestellt und Überlegungen zu möglichen praktischen Anwendungen solcher Korrelationen angestellt.

The place of complete streets: aligning urban street design practices with pedestrian and cycling priorities

Klassen, Jeana 24 September 2015 (has links)
Many Canadian cities are collectively considering pedestrians, cyclists, public transit, automobiles, and the movement of goods through complete streets, aspiring to enable all people, regardless of age, income, abilities, or lifestyle choices to use streets. Canadian municipal transportation practices are largely based on conventional approaches, where the movement of motor vehicles is a priority. The purpose of this practicum is to identify ways that selected precedents from Canadian and European municipal practices, may inform Canadian municipalities as they seek to incorporate the needs of pedestrians and cyclists – encompassing city planning, transportation engineering, architecture, and urban design considerations. The results of this research exemplify the interdisciplinary involvement required for creating streets as both links and places. Recommendations for Canadian municipalities include aligning municipal design practices with complete streets practices and incorporating interdisciplinary inputs in street design. Ensuring an interdisciplinary university education is recommended for street design professions. / October 2015

The Implications of Park and Ride for Urban Development Strategies in major metropolitan areas in New Zealand

Woods, Stuart George January 2006 (has links)
Many cities, including some in New Zealand, are investigating, developing or implementing urban form strategies and, separately, Park and Ride systems. These two matters are not generally considered alongside one another. This paper explores the relationship and interactions between urban form and Park and Ride systems through the identification of objectives for each, and considering the degree to which objectives of various urban form types may be achieved with different types of Park and Ride systems. The purpose of this research project is to investigate and develop a predictive methodology that would allow the identification of the most suitable Park and Ride system (from a proposed classification scheme) for a given set of urban form objectives. Classification systems for urban form and Park and Ride systems are proposed in light of information from an extensive literature and information review. They are used as a basis for an Assessment Framework Matrix of urban form type against Park and Ride type. The matrix is populated from a spreadsheet-based analysis process, which considers the degree of achievement of urban form objectives by various Park and Ride categories. This process is hampered by the lack of (easily accessible) data, particularly for strategic assessment of existing Park and Ride systems worldwide. A range of tests are conducted on the proposed Assessment Framework Matrix using real cities, a range of hypothetical urban areas, and several sensitivity tests. Subsequently, a case study applies the matrix to Christchurch, New Zealand. The main findings of this research project indicate that the proposed methodology works, needs refining with better data, could be useable in public or stakeholder engagement processes, and would benefit from a "User Manual" and some simplification. The case study tentatively indicates a recommended Park and Ride system type for Christchurch.

Využití NIC a NOC v ošetřovatelské péči na standardních odděleních. / Use of NIC and NOC nursing care in the standard units

VACULČÍKOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the up-to-date issues of application of NIC and NOC to nursing care at standard wards. Implementation of unified nursing language is a great challenge for Czech nursing. Application of unified professional terminology and standardized electronic data improves effectiveness of cooperation between health care staff from different facilities and develops nursing statistic registers, which are useful for development of research in nursing care and substantially improve the quality of nursing care in heath care facilities. This thesis is a part of research grant project implemented by the Department of Nursing of the Faculty of Health Care and Social Studies of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, GAJU JU 079/2010/S, called Application of conceptual model and classification systems to nursing documentation. In the theoretical part we map the basic theses, principles and novelties of development, classification systems, particularly from foreign literature. We set four basic goals before the research, focused on application of classification systems to standard departments, on the aspects affecting introduction of classification systems to standard departments, elaboration of proposals and solution of application of classification systems and verification of application of classification systems to standard departments. The research was implemented in cooperation with the following South Bohemian workplaces: České Budějovice Hospital, Český Krumlov Hospital, Jindřichův Hradec Hospital, Prachatice Hospital, Strakonice Hospital, Tábor Hospital, and Písek Hospital. The empiric part was based on qualitative-quantitative method. We chose the techniques of document content analysis and semi structured interview. The quantitative research was based on questionnaire research. We examined the diagnostic-nursing management from selected documents from the involved hospitals by means of content analysis. We conducted interviews with head nurses and we particularly focused on the spheres of nursing documentation topics and diagnostic classification systems. Three research questions were linked to the interviews. The interviews were interpreted in the form of thought maps. The questionnaire research was designed for general nurses from standard surgical and internal wards. Four hypotheses were related to the questionnaire research. The quantitative data were processed in statistic form; we used frequency tables and also worked with the chi-square test of compliance. A basic nursing diagnostic module according to NANDA-I, NIC and NOC, which has been presented to nurses ? professionals from practice ? for testing is the output of the thesis. Nursing specialists were informed on the content analysis results at the 3rd South Bohemian Conference of non doctoral health care workers in České Budějovice.

Management kojení nedonošených novorozenců s aplikací klasifikačních systémů NANDA International, NIC, NOC / Management of breast-feeding premature infants with the application of classification systems NANDA International, NIC, NOC

MELNIČÁKOVÁ, Bernadetta January 2013 (has links)
In a theoretical part of the paper, the main focus is on characteristics and terminology of premature babies, breastfeeding, classification systems NANDA International, NIC and NOC, about also management which is an integral part of nursing process. Both quantitative and qualitative researches were used to obtain and process all data. In quantitative method was used a method of document was used, content analysis and quasiexperiment. Results of quantitative research were processed in SPSS software, version 16.0 Statistical Package for Social Sciences, where a method of nonparametric correlation was used. A pen and paper interview with open questions was used in qualitative section of research. Before the research itself, a deputy of nursing care in hospital Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s. was addressed. The research was implemented between February 2013 and April 2013. First research cluster consisted of nine mothers and eleven premature babies in which two of the mothers had twins. Basic criteria for entering the research, was a necessary hospitalization of both the mother and the child, which the hospital Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s. offers. The major criterion was an initiated lactation. Second research sample consisted of nurses working at Stanice intermediární péče II. (IMP II ? rooming) of Nemocnice České Budějovice a. s. First of goals was to create files from classification systems NANDA International, NIC, NOC for development and support of breastfeeding for premature babies. The main goal of this work was to create a comprehensive documentation mediated by classification systems NANDA International, NIC, NOC for growth and support of premature babies. The theoretical content of the paper itself was used to create documentation and its usage in praxis. It was not mentioned to create new, but to apply already well known, verified and proven classification systems, which can make not only breastfeeding, but also the daily routine of a nurse more efficient. The suggested documentation solves the issues of breastfeeding of premature babies to help mothers, but also to increase a professional prestige of nurses. Documentation was compiled to include all the necessary information needed for the correct nursing process method. Significant part of documentation is a preliminary case history of mother and child, which offered valuable information. Further attribute were nursing diagnoses dealing with breastfeeding issues of premature babies and intervention realized during hospitalization. It was necessary to address each entry concerned with premature babies individually, based on complex evaluation of overall condition. Many pieces of knowledge from specialized literature on the topic of premature babies and personal experience of doc. PhDr. Mária Bolendovičová, PhD. were used to create the documentation. Second aim of the study was verification of selected specimens on clinical praxis. Third aim was to monitor nurses in Stanice intermediární péče II. (IMP II ? rooming) and their attitude to usage of classification systems NANDA International, NIC and NOC. Based on interviews with nurses it was proven that nurses have better knowledge of NANDA Internationals classification systems than knowledge of NIC and NOC. Final documentation was tested in the perspective of medical staff and its exploitability in clinical praxis. It was found that nurses sense the classification systems NANDA International, NIC and NOC as an appropriate tool, but only with more staff present to work on station. From statements of nurses was clear that establishing a diagnoses is a responsibility of each nurse taking part in nursing process.

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