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Om syrianska ungdomars och unga vuxnas upplevelser av den svenska religionskunskapsundervisningen : En fenomenografisk studie / On Syriac adolescents’and Young Adults’Experiences of the Swedish Religious Education: : A Phenomenographic StudyMagnusson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
This paper deals with how eight Syriac adolescents and young adults have experienced Swedish religious education (RE) in secondary and upper secondary school about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The study reveals that four of the eight respondents experienced tensions and conflicts between Syriac and Muslims students. Two of these respondents revealed experiences of witnessing Syriac students ostracising and subjecting Muslim students to offensive treatment (kränkande behandling). These tensions and conflicts must be understood in the light of the historical and yet ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Turkey. For the Syriacs, these tensions culminated in Seyfo (the Assyrian genocide) in the midst of the First World War and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Furthermore, four respondents experienced a frustration that Seyfo was not addressed in neither RE nor history, while the Holocaust is an obligatory part of the Swedish syllabus. Seemingly, this fact furthered these respondents’ frustration. Therefore the respondents argued that Seyfo must be addressed in Swedish RE. The experiences of RE that adressed Judaism in part tell stories of how it triggered anti-Semitic speech, on part of Muslim students and one teacher. The RE on Christianity was partly experienced as having a liberal secular post-Christian perspective as its vantage point. The way Islam was taught was experienced as romanticised, and also proved at times to be essentialist in regards to its perspective.
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Att räkna med bråk : Samband mellan matematikångest, konflikter och dess hantering / In addition to anxiety : Correlations between math anxiety and conflict managementSehlstedt, Louise January 2021 (has links)
I en multimetodial studie kombinerades kvalitativa enkätundersökningar om konflikthantering, riktade till matematiklärare, med kvantitativa enkätundersökningar om konfliktfrekvenser och matematikångest, riktade till deras klasser, för att belysa om frekvensen av klassrumskonflikter och dess hantering har ett samband med matematikångest. Sex lärare deltog tillsammans med totalt 201 elever, fördelat på elva klasser på högstadiet och gymnasiet. Elevernas matematikångest utvärderades genom en modifierad svensk översättning av AMAS, som tillsammans med deras konfliktuppfattning analyserades med hjälp av variansanalys och Spearmans rangkorrelation i JASP v. Lärarnas beskrivningar analyserades med en hermeneutisk tolkningsprocess. De skillnader och likheter som uppkom i lärarnas beskrivningar jämfördes med skillnader och likheter i elevernas svar. Resultaten visar på att det finns en positiv korrelation mellan matematikångest och uppfattningen av konflikters frekvenser, oavsett konflikttyp. Matematikångest kopplat till inlärning påverkas i en högre utsträckning än matematikångest kopplat till prestation. Det finns endast indikationer på att en modifierade MmE-modell (mMmE) som konflikthanteringsmetod, med förståelse som målfokus i det första skedet och en övergång till Mm-modellen vid mer akuta situationer, kan ha en proaktiv effekt på denna korrelation. Resultatet behöver förankras med djupare forskning innan någon praktisk rekommendationkan ges till yrkesverksamma lärare. / This multi-method study aimed to shed light on correlation between the frequency of classroom conflicts, conflict management, and mathematics anxiety. This study combined qualitative surveys on conflict management aimed at mathematics teachers and quantitative surveys on the frequency of conflicts and mathematics anxiety directed to their pupils. Six teachers and 201 pupils participated, spread across eleven classes in grade 8-9 and highschool. The students' mathematical anxiety was evaluated through a modified translation of AMAS, which were analyzed together with their perception of conflicts using variance analysis and Spearman’s rank-order correlation in JASP v. The teachers' descriptions were analyzed with a hermeneutic interpretation process and compared between them inparallel with the students' results. The results show there is a correlation between math anxiety and the frequency of conflicts, both specific conflicts and a general perception of conflicts. Learning mathematics anxiety was affected to a greater extent than mathematics evaluation anxiety. There are only indicators that a modified version of the conflict management method MmE-model can have a proactive effect on this correlation. This part of the results need to be anchored with more research before any practical recommendation can be given.
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