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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Salinity tolerance in seven Trifolium species

Babagolzadeh, Ali January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Hodnocení pícninářských vlastností nových odrůd a novošlechtění pícních trav a jetelovin / Assessment of forage characteristics of a new varietes and new-cultivated forage grasses and legumes

ŘEBÍKOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Grasslands are an important stabilizing and conservative part of agriculture-system through mid-europian conditions. Permanent and temporary grasslands have a lot of production and non-production functions. The aim of thesis is an assessment of fodder and agro-technical qualities of selected new varieties, cultivation of fodder grass and clovers in monocultures and simple mixtures and proposal of instruction to use of tested fodder species. The experiment has been taken at breeding station TAGRO Červený Dvůr s. r. o. The fodder grass experiment at small plots started in 2006. The clovers experiment at small plots started in 2007. The fodder grass experiment has been analyzed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd utilitarian year and the clover experiment for 1st and 2nd utilitarian year. Average production of dry grass material has been found of 16,24 t.ha-1 (Bromus inermis Tabrom) to 20,43 t.ha-1 (Arrhenatherum elatius Median). Average production of dry clovers material has been found of 11,31 t.ha-1(Trifolium pretense Tábor) to 13,28 t. ha-1(Bromus marginatus Tacit + Medicago sativa Pálava). The highest yield of dry biomass show Arrhenatherum elatius Median, Dactylis glomerata Trerano and Festulolium Hykor. These varieties are suitable to grow as a monoculture. The highest yield of dry clovers material show Lotus corniculatus Lotar, Taborak and Malejovský. Suitable mixtures are Bromus marginatus Tacit + Medicago sativa Pálava and Bromus inermis Tabrom + Medicago sativa Pálava.

Žolynų fitocenozių analizė priemolio išplautžemyje / Aanalysis of Grass' Phytocoenoses in Loam Luvisol

Kutys, Aurimas 15 June 2009 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo objektas – ūkyje auginamų raudonųjų dobilų/daugiamečių svidrių, raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų, ir raudonųjų dobilų/tikrųjų eraičinų fitocenozės. Tyrimo tikslas – Atlikti raudonųjų dobilų/daugiamečių svidrių, raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų ir raudonųjų dobilų/tikrųjų eraičinų fitocenozių analizę priemolio išplautžemyje. Tyrimo metodika - Tyrimai vykdyti Plungės rajone. Tirti raudonųjų dobilų/daugiamečių svidrių, raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų ir raudonųjų dobilų/tikrųjų eraičinų žolynai. Botaninė žolyno sudėtis nustatoma svorio metodu, paimant mėginius iš kiekvieno lauko. Pavyzdžiai imami iš daugelio vietų. Analizuojant žolės suskirstomos į botanines grupes: varpines, ankštines ir įvairiažoles. Prie įvairiažolių dedamos piktžolės ir nesėtos tame lauke žolės. Jei yra kelios ankštinės žolės, tai jos išskiriamos ir pasveriamos atskirai. Žolės, suskirstytos į grupes, džiovinamos iki orasausės būklės ir pasveriamos. Po to apskaičiuojamas procentas sausųjų medžiagų derliuje. Žolyno derliui nustatyti pavyzdžiai buvo imami taip pat kaip ir botaninei sudėčiai sudaryti. Atliktos dvi pjūtys. Duomenys skaičiuoti pagal programą STAT-ENG Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003/. Tyrimo rezultatai. Trijuose skirtinguose žolynuose raudonųjų dobilų kiekis buvo skirtingas. Raudonieji dobilai, pasėti su daugiametėmis svidrėmis, žolyne sudarė 76,5 %. Daugiamečių svidrių buvo 20,6%. Raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų žolyne taip pat vyravo raudonieji dobilai. Jie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of investigation – pulses/spica herbage, botanical composition and yield. Purpose of investigation is to analyze pulse/spica herbage in an ecological farm and provide measures to preserve pulses in herbage. Methods of investigation – Investigation has been carried out in Plungė District. Red clovers/perennial ryegrass, red clovers/feeding timothy grass and red clovers/fescue grass have been investigated. Botanical composition of herbage is estimated using the method of weight, when samples from each field are taken. Samples are taken from various places of a field. While analysing herbage is brought under botanical groups: spica, pulses and various other. Various other herbs consist of weeds and self-sown grass. If there are several kinds of pulses, they are separated and weighted separately. Drawn into several groups herbage are air-dried and weighted. Then the percentage of dry substances in yield is calculated. Herbage for the establishment of yield has been collected in the same way as for botanical composition. Two harvests have been fulfilled. Data have been calculated using programme STAT-ENG Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003/. Results of investigation. The amount of red clover in three fields has been different. Red clovers sown together with perennial ryegrass have made 76,5 % in herbage. Perennial ryegrass have amounted to 20,6%. Red clovers have prevailed in red clovers/feeding timothy grass herbage. They have made 57,1%. Feeding timothy grass has grown quite... [to full text]

Raudonųjų dobilų įtakos dirvožemio valymui nuo sunkiųjų metalų tyrimai ir vertinimas / Analysis and Estimation of Red Clovers Influence on Soil Regeneration

Jasulaitytė, Giedrė 28 June 2010 (has links)
Darbą sudaro 107 puslapiai, 4 skyriai, 7 lentelės, 70 paveikslų, apžvelgta 101 literatūros šaltiniai. Apžvalginės dalies tikslas – išnagrinėti dirvožemio atstatymo metodus, parinkti tinkamiausią Lietuvos sąlygomis. Išnagrinėtos raudonųjų dobilų veislės, jų ligos, apžvelgtas dirvožemio atstatymo taikymas pasaulio šalyse. Išanalizuotos modeliavimo programos naudojamos sunkiųjų metalų pernašai dirvožemyje ir augaluose. Antrajame darbo skyriuje pateikta raudonųjų dobilų auginimo, paruošimo analizė bei dirvožemio mėginių analizavimo metodika. Trečiajame darbo skyriuje pateiktas sunkiųjų metalų sorbavimas iš dirvožemio naudojant raudonuosius dobilus, kurie buvo auginti švariame, vieną kartą užterštame ir periodiškai teršiamame dirvožemiuose esant skirtingoms sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijoms dirvožemyje. Užteršus dirvožemį didesnės už DLK sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijomis raudonieji dobilai po VI mėnesių dirvožemį išvalė: nuo Cu iki 28 %, nuo Mn–30 %, nuo Ni–32 %, nuo Cr–31%, nuo Zn–17 %, nuo Pb–23 %. Raudonieji dobilai sunkiuosius metalus geriausiai sorbuoja pirmaisiais augimo mėnesiais, nes augalams reikia daugiau mineralinių medžiagų,tarp jų ir sunkiųjų metalų. Ketvirtame skyriuje pateikta duomenų apdorojimo ir matematinio modeliavimo PHYTO–DSS programa. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad naudojant fitoremediaciją po 1 metų raudonieji dobilai išvalo dirvožemį nuo Mn iki 38 %, nuo cinko iki 20 %, nuo Cr iki 45 %, nuo Ni iki 37 %, nuo Cu iki 33 %, nuo Pb iki 26 %, lyginant su po VI... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work consists of 107 pages, 4 sections, 7 tables, 70 illustrations, and 101 references. The aim of literature review part was soil regeneration techniques and to examine the most explored method – fitoremediation. It is also analysed the varieties of red clover breeds and their characteristically diseases and application for soil regeneration in the world. It is discussed about simulation programs used for heavy metals transfer in soils and plants. In the second section is presented methodology of the red clover cultivation, processing and analysis of soil samples. In the third section of the work is presented the use of red clover for heavy metals sorption from soil. The experimental research was done by growing red clover on clean, once contaminated and periodically contaminated soils. After VI months red clover cleaned soil from heavy metals in following: from Cu 28%, Mn – 30%, Ni – 32%, Cr – 31%, Zn – 17%, Pb – 23%. Red clover’s the best cleaning efficiency occurs in the first growing months, because plants need more minerals, including heavy metals. Data processing and mathematical modelling was made with Phyto-DSS program. Simulation results revealed that the use for fitoremediation red clover after 1 year Mn is cleaned up to 38%, Zn – 20%, Cr – 45%, Ni – 37%, Cu – 33%, Pb – 26%, comparing with the VI-month research results. The work summarizes the findings and recommendations.

Sledování podmínek uplatnění a výskytu vybraných druhů jetelovin a bylin v travních porostech / Monitoring of ecological conditions and occurence of selected legume species and herbs in grassland

JAKŠOVÁ, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Understanding the importance and the possible use of clover in permanent grassland is very important. Their irreplaceable role in nitrogen fixation and enrich the soil of this essential element is very important. The significance of herbs in grassland is also significant, even though its importance is often overlooked. Herbs not only serve as indicators of habitat conditions, but also can improve the quality and palatability of forage. If we know the herbs and legumes and their habitat requirements will help us select the most suitable way of management and the effective use of the potential of the habitat. The aim of the thesis was to observe conditions of use and the occurrence of selected legumes and herbs in TTP. Research can therefore conclude that the biggest influence on the composition of the grassland have ecological conditions. Way management can to some extent affect the crop themselves, but the biggest factor remains what we can not influence and that is the weather. The results also shows that the richer pastures.

Osiva polních plodin očima dneška / Seed of field`s produce from today`s look

RATAJOVÁ, Alena January 2009 (has links)
Annotation This diploma work is focused on multiplication and production of the grass seed and clovers. There is a sum of factors influencing succesful production of the seed. Main objective of my diploma work is focuse on just one of those factors which is appearance of the weed in multiplication area, problems of its cleaning and influence on quality of the seed. Nowadays is seed production very important. After the entry to EU there was a massive decline of dairy herds whereas beef cattle becoming more and more important and influencing pasture programs. Subsidy which is going into program for this kind of usage of agricultural land are very interesting. Essential for succesful use of this subsidy is always usage of certified seed of grass mixtures or its componets.

Typologická klasifikace a kategorizace travních porostů ve zvoleném území a návrhy vhodné pratotechniky / Typological classification and categorization og grasslands in selected area and recommendation of sutable grassland management

KADLECOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to create the botanic snap of the chosen locations, which were meadows, grasslands, pastures and also fallow grass areas, to determine the area coverage of three main agrobotanic species i.e. grass, herbs and clover, to process it with the statistcal software and determine the method and intensity of use and fertilization of individual locations and suggest the suitable prato-technical methods. The cenological structure of the locations has been observed and described using botanic snaps. The prato-technic method used were documented for each of the locations and evaluated the influence on the cenological structure. The research was performed in locations Vřeskovice, Čeletice, Městiště in the region Pilsen, former district of Klatovy. In each location the botanic snaps were taken from 3 areas of about 5 x 6 meters each. There were determined the area coverage of grass, herbs and clovers and calculated the mean indication value of humidity. Mean indication value of humidity is the parameter usable for determination of permanent grassland management and utilization. The data from the research was elaborated in software MS Excel. I recommend to manage the analyzed permanent grasslands as follows: 1. The meadow Vřeskovice behind the sewage cleaning station - additional sow of perennial rye grass, meadow clover and white clover. 2. The meadow Mstice - total recovery alternatively conservative prato-technic measures - manure fertilization for about 20t/ha and additional sow of meadow and white clover and grass - red fescue, blue grass and perennial ryegrass. 3. The meadow above the transformer station Vřeskovice - keep on current management od additional clovers sow. 4. The pasture Čeletice grazed by horses - keep on current management or additional sow of red fescue, tall fescue and timothy grass. 5. The meadow Městiště with combined utilization by cattle pasture and mowing - keep on current way of use. 6. The pasture Vřeskovice grazed by cattle - keep on current utilization or additional sow meadow and white clover. 7. The pasture Vřeskovice grazed by sheep - keep on the current utilization, in future after the reduction of dangerous knapweed to decrease the amount of pastured animals. 8. The fallow meadow Vřeskovice behind Petrovický neither mowed nor pastured - proposed mulching twice a year for about 1 or 2 years, then pasture or pasture of extensive cattle breed (Galloway) or sheep or periodical mowing once or twice a year. 9. The fallow meadow Vřeskovice trench at the farmhouse - leave as a fallow meadow improves the biodivesity, optionally to mow once or twice a year from estetical reasons.

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