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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DLBCL, primary and secondary central nervous system involvement, treatment and prophylaxis

Kuitunen, H. (Hanne) 14 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of Non-Hodgkin´s Lymphoma (NHL). The standard treatment for DLBCL is R-CHOP chemoimmunotherapy (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin and prednisone). About one -third of patients have refractory disease or the lymphoma relapses. Prognosis after relapse of refractory disease is poor. Fitter and younger patients are recommended new intensive salvage chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation. Central nervous system (CNS) relapse is the most feared complication with dismal prognosis in DLBCL. High dose methotrexate intravenously administered concurrently with R-CHOP treatment has shown to be most promising to prevent CNS relapses. Primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare aggressive lymphoma limited to the CNS and eyes. PCNSL is a chemo-and radiosensitive disease, but long-term response is rare since the blood brain barrier (BBB) limits access of many drugs to the CNS. BBB disruption (BBBD) is a treatment modality where the BBB is opened by hypertonic mannitol infusion. Administration of chemotherapeutics will achieve over ten-fold concentrations in the CNS and eradicate microscopic disease involvement. This study retrospectively analyses patients who treated as first line with Bonn/Bonn-like treatment (study I), with BBBD treatment followed by high-dose treatment/autologous stem cell transplantation (HDT/ASCT) in first- or second-line (study II) or those treated with primary R-CHOP or its derivatives with or without concurrent CNS-targeted treatment (study III). HD-MTX-based multichemotherapy is an effective induction treatment in CNS lymphoma, but long-lasting responses are rare. BBBD-treatment is well-tolerated and a promising method to attain high drug concentrations in the CNS to eradicate microscopic disease involvement in first- and second-line. CNS-prophylaxis with HD-MTX prevents CNS events in high risk DLBCL. PCNSL is agressive disease despite excellent primary response with HD-MTX based multichemotherapy. BBBD-treatment is a promising method to eradicate microscopic disease in the CNS and achieve a long-term response and cure rate. Fatal CNS relapses can be avoided using CNS-targeted treatment. / Tiivistelmä Diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (DLBCL) on yleisin non-Hodgkin lymfooma (NHL), jonka standardihoitona toimii R-CHOP (rituksimabi, syklofosfamidi, vinkristiini, doksorubisiini, prednisoloni). Noin kolmasosalla potilaista tautii etenee hoidosta huolimatta tai uusii hoidon päätyttyä. Relapoituneen tai refraktaarin taudin ennuste on huono. Hyväkuntoisilla ja nuoremmilla potilailla pyritään etenemään uuteen induktiohoitoon ja korkea-annoshoitoon autologisen kantasolusiirteen turvin. Keskushermostouusiutuma on huonoennusteisin DLBCL:n komplikaatio. Suuriannosmetotreksaattihoito liitettynä R-CHOP-hoitoon estää keskushermostouusiutumia. Primaari aivolymfooma (PCNSL) on harvinainen keskushermoston ja silmien alueelle rajautuva lymfooma. PCNSL on herkkä sytostaatti-ja sädehoidolle, mutta pitkäkestoisia vasteita nähdään harvoin. Veriaivoeste estää useimpien tehokkaiden sytostaattien pääsyn keskushermostoon. Veriaivoesteen aukaisuhoidossa veriaivoeste avataan hypertonisella mannitoli-infuusiolla. Toimenpiteen jälkeisellä sytostaatti-infuusiolla saavutetaan kymmenkertaiset lääkeainepitoisuudet keskushermostossa ja voidaan hoitaa mikroskooppista veriaivoesteen takana sijaitsevaa tautia. Väitöskirjatyön tutkimukset ovat retrospektiivisiä. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä analysoitiin PCNSL potilaat, jotka saivat ensilinjassa Bonnin tai Bonnin kaltaista hoitoa. Toisessa osatyössä potilaat hoidettiin joko ensi- tai toisessa linjassa BBBD-hoidolla, päättyen konsolidaatiohoitona annettavaan korkea-annoshoitoon autologisen kantasolusiirteen turvin. Kolmannessa osatyössä analysoitiin suuren aivouusiutumariskin potilaita, joko yhdessä tai ilman keskushermostoon suunnattua hoitoa samanaikaisesti R-CHOP-hoidon kanssa. Suuriannosmetotreksaatti-pohjainen yhdistelmäsolunsalpaajahoito on tehokas induktiohoito aivolymfoomassa pitkäkestoisten vasteiden ollessa harvinaisia. BBBD-hoito on hyvin siedetty ja lupaava hoitomuoto, jolla keskushermostossa voidaan saavuttaa suuret lääkeainepitoisuudet, jotka riittävät hoitamaan mikroskooppisen taudin sekä ensi että toisessa linjassa. Keskushermostoprofylaksia suuriannosmetotreksaatilla estää keskushermosto-uusiutumia suuren riskin DLBCL-potilailla. PCNSL on agressiivinen tauti huolimatta erinomaisista metotreksaattipohjaisilla hoidoilla saavutetuista ensilinjan vasteista. BBBD-hoito on lupaava keino eradikoida mikroskooppinen tauti keskushermostosta ja saavuttaa pitkäaikaisia hoitovasteita, sekä pysyvä paraneminen aivolymfoomassa. Suuriannosmetotreksaattia sisältävällä sytostaattihoidolla voidaan estää fataaleja aivorelapseja DLBCL:ssä.

Současné UAS a možnosti jejich aplikace do komerčního prostoru v Evropě / Contemporary UAS and the possibilities of their application to European commercial space

Matejko, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The work contains a brief overview of some modern unmanned aerial systems and later their capabilities of integration into controlled airspace in Europe. It discusses the current legislation dealing with different areas of integration of UAS and the update and developing process of legislation. Another section deals with the exploration of the possibilities of using unmanned aircraft in the commercial sector and their impact on the existing air transportation. The last section is devoted to the technical aspects associated with the integration of UAS into controlled areas. It describes the current systems of the CNS and their possible development in conjunction with UAVs and also a significant part of the work is devoted to the technology of the S&A (Sense and Avoid). During the entire work is gradually evaluate the current situation of the operation of UAS and are designed and recommended necessary changes that will need to be perform to their successful integration into the controlled airspace.

The role of the astrocytic and microglial aryl hydrocarbon receptor in CNS demyelination

Schmid, Susanne 29 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Effets des polyphénols du thé vert et de la radiothérapie sur la progression et la résistance tumorale dans un modèle in vivo de glioblastome

Khoueir, Paul January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

The tumour suppressor ASPP2 plays a novel role in the maintenance of epithelial cell polarity

Sottocornola, Roberta January 2010 (has links)
ASPP2 has been identified as a haploinsufficient tumour suppressor in mice, and an activator of the apoptotic function of the p53 family. Yeast two-hybrid experiments have also shown that ASPP2 interacts with a large number of proteins involved in other major signalling pathways. The mechanism(s) of action of ASPP2 are therefore complex, and likely to involve more than just the stimulation of the apoptotic programme. Since a study previously conducted in our laboratory revealed that the deletion of ASPP2 in vivo leads to severe hydrocephalus in the J129/C57BL6 background (Vives et al., 2006), it can be hypothesised that ASPP2 safeguards the normal development of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), in addition to its role as a tumour suppressor. Deletion of ASPP2 leads to the development of hydrocephalus, most probably by affecting tight junctions (TJs) in the choroid plexus, thereby impairing its blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier function. TJ defects are likely to be the underlying cause of the loss of cell polarity observed in the neuroepithelium of several areas of the CNS. As cell polarity plays a key role in multiple aspects of CNS development, ASPP2 appears to be required for the proper lamination of the cerebral cortex and retina.

Exploring Electric Field-Induced Changes in Astrocyte Behavior

Dhar, Doel 25 July 2013 (has links)
Electric fields, which are generated by the movement of charged ions across membranes, are found in all biological systems and can influence cellular components ranging from amino acids to biological macromolecules. Physiological field strengths range from 1 – 200 mV/mm, and these electric fields are especially elevated at sites of cellular growth during development and regeneration. It has previously been demonstrated that elevated electric fields induce alignment of astrocyte processes in vitro, enhancing the rate of neurite outgrowth. It is believed that electric fields of varying physiological strength affect other astrocytic responses associated with regeneration. To characterize the duration over which these changes emerge, cultured rat astrocytes were exposed to different direct-current electric field strengths. The resulting cellular behaviors were recorded every three minutes with an inverted microscope equipped with DIC optics and a stage incubator. Electric fields were found to induce astrocyte responses similar to those observed during periods of neurodevelopment and regeneration. Changes in astrocyte movement, proliferation, & morphology emerged within the first hour and persisted through the course of the electric field application, leading mammalian astrocytes to revert to an earlier maturation state resembling those seen in amphibian astrocytes associated with central nervous system regeneration. Collectively, these results suggest that applied electric fields lead to astrocyte dedifferentiation, with certain electric field strengths eliciting and enhancing specific cell responses.

Relationship Between CB1 and S1P Receptors in the Central Nervous System

Collier, Lauren Michele 01 January 2006 (has links)
There is significant sequence homology and anatomical co-distribution between cannabinoid (CB1) and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptors in the CNS, but potential functional relationships between these lysolipid receptors have not been examined. Therefore, to investigate possible relationships between these two systems at the level of G-protein activation, agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding and autoradiography were conducted. Autoradiographic studies were first performed to localize receptor-mediated G-protein activation in mouse brain. Coronal brain slices were processed for stimulation of [35S]GTPγS binding using the synthetic cannabinoid agonist WIN 55,212-2 (WIN) or SIP. High levels of WIN- and S1P-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding were observed in the caudate putamen, hippocampus, substantia nigra, and cerebellum. To further characterize the relationship between S1P-and CB1-mediated G-protein activation, spinal cords from adult male CB1 receptor knockout mice, CNS-deleted S1Pl receptor knockout mice and wild type C57 mice were collected, and assessed using agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding. Results from this experiment revealed that the S1Pl receptor is predominant in mouse spinal cord. To further investigate potential CBl and SIP receptor interactions spinal cords were collected from adult male ICR mice. Additivity studies were preformed using agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPγs binding. Results showed significantly less than additive stimulation when spinal cord tissue was treated with both WIN and SIP. These results suggest an interaction between the CB1 and S1P receptors in the mouse spinal cord. The effect of cannabinoid antagonists, SR141716A (CB1) and SR144528 (CB2) on S1P-and WIN-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding were also examined in mouse spinal cord homogenates. These results showed that there was no significant difference between S1P-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding in the presence of SR141716A or SR144528 compared to vehicle control. This shows that S1P produced stimulation independent of the CBl or CB2receptor. In addition WIN-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding was not affected by SR144528, but was inhibited by SR141716A, confirming that this action is due to the CB1 receptor. The combined results of this project demonstrate an interaction between CB1 and S1P receptors in certain CNS regions where they are co-distributed, such as the caudate putamen, hippocampus, substantia nigra, cerebellum and spinal cord. These results may be due to convergence on a common pool of G-proteins via dimerization or co-localization in lipid rafts, or a possible direct ligand-receptor interaction.

Poruchy buněčného metabolismu jako společný patofyziologický mechanismus onemocnění CNS / Impairment of cellular metabolism as common pathophzsiological mechanism of CNS diseases

Hasala, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Name of thesis: Impairment of cellular metabolism as common pathophysiological mechanism of CNS diseases Problem definition: Every human cell needs energy for living. If the prodcution of ATP (as an universal energy carrier) is broken, cell restricts its activity first and during longterm depletion of ATP, dies. It was found, that cellular metabolism is broken in most pathologies in CNS. Disorder of respiratory chain by free radicals is the best known at Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, brain ischemia etc. Mitochondria, where respiratory chain is situated, is not only the aim of free radicals, but it is their major producer. The activity of respiratory chain decreases during the life and this phenomenan is called aging. Aim of thesis: To determine whether there is increased production of free radicals in mitochondria of rat (LE Wistar) hippocampus during the epileptic seizure. Method: Thesis involves experiment which was done with acute rat hippocampal slices. To induce epileptic seizure it was used 4-aminopyridine model. It was used fluorescence imaging as imaging method. Changes of superoxide production was detected with MitoSOX. Electrophysiological record was taken by programme Spike 2 with stimulation and recording electrode inside the slice. Results: There was no significant difference between...

The "Conference Nationale Souveraine" in Zaire and the Convention for a democratic South Africa: a comparative study through Claude Lefort's theory of democracy

Nsundi Mbambi, Pascal 19 March 2008 (has links)
Abstract The democratic theory of Claude Lefort, a French philosopher, is established on the idea of a society in continuous construction. According to Claude Lefort, a society is not determined in advance. The forms that it can take continuously change. From this point of view, Lefort attempts to understand modern democracy as it emerges from the breakdown of the monarchy. The monarchistic mutation of the 18th century provokes a new perception of power, because of the death of the king, the guarantor and representative of the unity of the kingdom. Because of the fact that power was embodied in the prince, and therefore gave society a body, an effective knowledge of what one meant to the other existed through the social. From this point of view, Lefort draws a revolutionary and unprecedented conclusion concerning democratic society. In democratic society, the locus of power becomes an empty place. That means power belongs to none or to everyone. The point is that the institutional apparatus prevents governments from appropriating power for their own ends, from incorporating it into themselves. The exercise of power is subject to the procedures of periodical redistribution. It represents the outcome of a controlled contest with permanent rules. This phenomenon implies an institutionalization of conflict, i.e. of competition. The empty place of power refers to the idea that it cannot be occupied – it is such that no individual and no group can be consubstantial with it – and it cannot be represented. In this sense, then, democracy is a politico-social form in which the “openness” or the “indeterminacy” of the social is institutionally registered. Concretely, the legitimacy of power emanates from popular suffrage, as long as it is recognized that the identity of the People itself changes over time. Through this approach, I try to consider the “Conférence Nationale Souveraine” (CNS) and the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (Codesa) of the earlier 1990’s – in ex-Zaire and in South Africa – as important events in terms of the definition of new social visions. My assumption is that these events are genuine foundations of democratic societies. Through the Constitutions adopted in these two negotiating forums, it seems clear that the break between the past and the future is established. From the processes of negotiating to the agreed constitutions, all the elements conducive to build a democracy (in Lefort’s terms) are combined.

Estudo da imunorreatividade da proteína S100<font face=\"symbol\">b no Hipocampo e Núcleo do Trato Solitário de ratos neonatos submetido à anóxia. / Study of S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b protein immunoreactivity in the Hypocampus and Nucleus of Solitary Tract of newborn rats submitted to anoxia.

Allemandi, Wilma 09 February 2012 (has links)
Agressões nos períodos críticos do crescimento do sistema nervoso podem modificar os eventos de desenvolvimento. Entre os vários fatores nocivos está a anóxia. O organismo do neonato tem suprimento de energia anaeróbica relativamente rica, foi observado que a acidose ocorre com menor facilidade, propiciam sobrevivência. A proteína de astrócitos, S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b, exerce efeitos parácrinos e autócrinos em neurônios e glia. Sua estimulação promove sobrevivência e proteção neuronal, atuando como fator trófico e neurotrófico. Modelo animal de anóxia neonatal desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, nos revelou ativação neural pela expressão de Fos e alterações comportamentais, o que nos instigou a explorar os efeitos da anóxia nas células da glia no Hipocampo e Núcleo do Trato Solitário. Para sua exposição à anoxia, durante 25 minutos, foi utilizada câmara, saturada com nitrogênio gasoso 100%. Grupos P2 e P7 nas condições: Basal (B), sem estimulo; Sham (S) como controle experimental e Anóxia (A) com falta de oxigênio, foram analisados por S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b-IR com técnicas ABC/DAB e Western blot. Observamos significante diferença de S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b-IR no núcleo do trato solitário, somente no grupo P2 A 2 h em relação ao grupo P2 S 2 h. A reatividade glial de S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b na formação hipocampal (CA1, CA3+CA2 e DG), apresentou diferença significante no grupo anoxia de acordo com o estágio de maturação do animal. A técnica por Western blot em toda a formação hipocampal, apresentou aumento de S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b no grupo A em ambos P2 e P7, a avaliação de um todo foi diferente daquela de áreas especificas. / Attacks to the nervous system at critical growth periods can modify developmental events. Among the various harmful factors at is anoxia. The high anaerobic energy supply to the newborn and a less easily acidosis occurrence provides survival. The astrocyte S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b protein exerts paracrine and autocrine effects on neurons and glia. Its stimulation promotes neuronal survival and protection, as a trophic and neurotrophic factor. An animal model of neonatal anoxia improved in our lab revealed neural activation by Fos expression and behavioral changes, which prompted us to explore the anoxia effects on glial cells in the Hypocampus and Nucleus of Solitary Tract. For their exposure to anoxia, a chamber, saturated with 100% nitrogen gas, for 25 minutes were used. Groups with P2 and P7, conditions: Baseline, without stimulation; Sham as the experimental control, and Anoxia with lack of oxygen, were evaluated by S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b-IR by ABC/DAB and Western blot techniques. The nucleus of solitary tract, significant different S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b-IR observed, only in the P2 A 2 h compared to P2 S 2 h. The glial S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b-IR at the hippocampal formation (CA1, CA2 + CA3 and DG) presented significant difference in the anoxic group according to the maturational stage of the animal. Western blot technique of the entire hippocampal formation, showed increase of S100<font face=\"Symbol\">b at the group A at both P2 and P7, the whole evaluation was different from of that of specific areas.

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