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Breakup Behaviour Of Liquid Sheets Discharging From Gas Centered Swirl Coaxial AtomizersKulkarni, Varun 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis aims at studying the breakup of swirling liquid sheets discharging from the outer orifice of gas centered swirl coaxial atomizers. Such atomizers are considered as propellant injection systems for semi-cryogenic liquid rocket engines. A gas centered swirl coaxial type atomizer discharges an annular swirling liquid sheet which is atomized by a gaseous jet issuing from the central orifice of the atomizer. The primary objectives of this work were to understand the fluid dynamic interaction process between the outer liquid sheet and the central gas jet and its role on the breakup process of the liquid sheet. Cold flow experiments were carried out by constructing custom made gas centered swirl coaxial atomizers. Two different atomizer configurations with varying swirl effect were studied. The jets were injected into ambient atmospheric air medium with tap water and air as experimental fluids. The flow conditions were described in terms of Weber number (Wel) and Reynolds number (Reg) for liquid sheet and the air jet respectively. Spray images were captured by employing an image acquisition system comprising a high resolution digital camera and a strobe lamp. The captured spray images at different combinations of Wel and Reg were analyzed to extract quantitative measurements of breakup length (Lb), spray cone angle (θs), spray width (SW) and two-dimensional
surface profile of liquid sheets. Quantitative analysis of the variation of Lb with Reg with different values of Wel suggested that low inertia liquid sheets undergo an efficient breakup process. High inertia liquid sheets ignore the presence of central air jet at lower values of Reg however undergo air jet breakup at higher values of Reg. Qualitative analysis of experimental observations revealed that the entrainment process, established between the inner surface of the liquid sheet and the boundary of central jet, triggers the air assisted sheet breakup by drawing the liquid sheet closer to the spray axis. The entrainment process may be developing corrugations on the surface of liquid sheet which promotes the production of thick liquid ligaments from the sheet surface. The level of surface corrugations on the liquid sheet, quantified by means of tortuosity of liquid sheet profile, increases with increasing Reg. Limited studies on the effect of variation swirl intensity on the air assisted breakup process of liquid sheets did not show any significant influence for the atomizers examined in the present work.
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Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Conventional and Coaxial Helicopter Rotors in Hover and Forward FlightGiovanetti, Eli Battista January 2015 (has links)
<p>This dissertation investigates the optimal aerodynamic performance and design of conventional and coaxial helicopters in hover and forward flight using conventional and higher harmonic blade pitch control. First, we describe a method for determining the blade geometry, azimuthal blade pitch inputs, optimal shaft angle (rotor angle of attack), and division of propulsive and lifting forces among the components that minimize the total power for a given forward flight condition. The optimal design problem is cast as a variational statement that is discretized using a vortex lattice wake to model inviscid forces, combined with two-dimensional drag polars to model profile losses. The resulting nonlinear constrained optimization problem is solved via Newton iteration. We investigate the optimal design of a compound vehicle in forward flight comprised of a coaxial rotor system, a propeller, and optionally, a fixed wing. We show that higher harmonic control substantially reduces required power, and that both rotor and propeller efficiencies play an important role in determining the optimal shaft angle, which in turn affects the optimal design of each component. Second, we present a variational approach for determining the optimal (minimum power) torque-balanced coaxial hovering rotor using Blade Element Momentum Theory including swirl. We show that the optimal hovering coaxial rotor generates only a small percentage of its total thrust on the portion of the lower rotor operating in the upper rotor's contracted wake, resulting in an optimal design with very different upper and lower rotor twist and chord distributions. We also show that the swirl component of induced velocity has a relatively small effect on rotor performance at the disk loadings typical of helicopter rotors. Third, we describe a more refined model of the wake of a hovering conventional or coaxial rotor. We approximate the rotor or coaxial rotors as actuator disks (though not necessarily uniformly loaded) and the wake as contracting cylindrical vortex sheets that we represent as discrete vortex rings. We assume the system is axisymmetric and steady in time, and solve for the wake position that results in all vortex sheets being aligned with the streamlines of the flow field via Newton iteration. We show that the singularity that occurs where the vortex sheet terminates at the edge of the actuator disk is resolved through the formation of a 45 degree logarithmic spiral in hover, which results in a non-uniform inflow, particularly near the edge of the disk where the flow is entirely reversed, as originally hypothesized by previous authors. We also quantify the mutual interference of coaxial actuator disks of various axial spacing. Finally, we combine our forward flight optimization procedure and the Blade Element Momentum Theory hover optimization to form a variational approach to the multipoint aerodynamic design optimization of conventional and coaxial helicopter rotors. The resulting nonlinear constrained optimization problem may be used to map the Pareto frontier, i.e., the set of rotor designs for which it is not possible to improve upon the performance in one flight condition without degrading performance in the other. We show that for both conventional and coaxial rotors analyzed in hover and high speed flight, a substantial tradeoff in performance must be made between the two flight conditions. Finally, computational results demonstrate that higher harmonic control is able to improve the Pareto efficiency for both conventional and coaxial rotors.</p> / Dissertation
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Novel High Frequency Electromagnetic Shielding Measurements Within Functional Geometries Using Non-Metal and Fatigued ConductorsWhite, Ashley 28 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Polylactic acid core-shell fibres by coaxial electrospinningKriel, Haydn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
The work presented in this dissertation describes the use of coaxial electrospinning of
two miscible polymer solutions in the preparation of core-shell fibres with a semicrystalline
core of poly(L-lactic acid) and an amorphous shell of poly(D,L-lactic
acid). Additionally it describes using these fibres in the production of single polymer
composite yarns and films. These materials can potentially be used in applications that
require biodegradable and fibre-reinforced composite materials e.g. suture yarns.
Traditional methods, such as TEM, when used to analyse the core-shell fibre structure
were not successful with the polymer system used. A method was developed to
validate core-shell fibre structure by selective dissolution of the shell material and
correlating analyses of the separated components using differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) and optical rotation. The effects of solution concentration and flow
rate on resultant core-shell fibre diameters were investigated. Core-solution flow rate
was shown to be the most significant variable affecting the core and core-shell fibre
A thermal processing window exists between the glass transition temperature of the
amorphous PDLLA shell material and the crystalline melting temperature of the semicrystalline
PLLA core material. Heating these core-shell fibres within this processing
window resulted in flow and fusion of overlapping shells of these core-shell fibres at
their surfaces while the fibrous core components remained intact and reinforced the
resulting composite material. This approach was used to produce single polymer
composite yarns and films. Thermal treatments on yarns were shown to increase
crystallinity of the cores and therefore the modulus and yield strength of the fibres
when compared to untreated yarns. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Die werk wat in hierdie tesis voorgelê word, beskryf die gebruik van koaksiale
elektro-spinnery van twee wedersydsoplosbare polimeeroplossings in die
vervaardiging van kern-skilvesels met ‘n gedeeltelik-kristallyne kern van poli-Lmelksuur
(PLLA) en ‘n amorfe skil van poli-D,L-melksuur (PDLLA). Verder beskryf
dit die gebruik van hierdie vesels in die vervaardiging van enkel-polimeer
saamgestelde-materiaalgarings en -films. Hierdie materiale kan moontlik gebruik
word in toepassings wat bio-afbreekbare en veselversterkte saamgestelde materiale
vereis, soos byvoorbeeld chirurgiese steke.
Die polimeervesels wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, kon nie gekaraktiseer word met
behulp van transmissie-elektronmikroskopie (TEM), wat gewoonklik gebruik word in
die bestudering van kern-skilvesels, nie. ‘n Alternatiewe karakteriseringsmetode is
ontwikkel om te bevestig dat die gevormde vesels wel ‘n kern-skilstruktuur het.
Hierdie metode het behels dat die skil van die kern-skilvesel selektief opgelos is,
waarna beide komponente (d.i. kern en skilmateriale) bestudeer is met behulp van
differensiële skanderingskalorimetrie en optiese rotasie. Die invloed van
polimeeroplossingskonsentrasie en –vloeitempo op die gevormde kern-skilvesels is
daarna ondersoek en die vloeitempo van die kernoplossing is geïdentifiseer as die
prosesinsetwaarde wat die mees beduidende invloed het op die deursnee van die
Daar bestaan ‘n temperatuurinterval tussen die glasoorgangstemperatuur van
die amorfe PDLLA skilmateriaal en die kristallyne smeltpunt van die gedeeltelikkristallyne
PLLA kernmateriaal. Verwerking van die kern-skilvesels by ‘n
temperatuur binne hierdie interval het gelei tot vervloeiing en samesmelting van die
oorvleuelende skille van die kern-skilvesels, terwyl die veselagtige kernkomponente
van die vesels heel gebly het en opgetree het as versterking binne-in die saamgestelde
materiaal wat gevorm het. Hierdie benadering is gebruik om enkelpolimeersaamgestelde-
materiaalgarings en –films te vervaardig. ‘n Vergelykende
studie tussen onbehandelde en hitte-behandelde enkel-polimeer-saamgesteldemateriaalgarings
het aangetoon dat die hittebehandeling gelei het tot ‘n verhoging in
die kristalliniteit van die veselkerne en daarom ook ‘n verhoging in die modulus en
breeksterkte van die garings tot gevolg gehad het.
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A T-resonator technique for aperture plane admittance parameters of electrically short RF monopolesKwinana, Phumezo M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This thesis focuses on the coaxial-microstrip T-resonator measurement technique to
determine the aperture plane capacitance and radiation resistance of electrically short
monopoles above a finite ground plane at Radio Frequencies. The determination of
these impedance parameters is of interest as they are needed in the Thévenin
equivalent circuit of the monopole to establish the relationship between the monopole,
the electromagnetic field within which it is immersed, and its surrounding medium
properties. Electromagnetically short monopoles are used in various applications such
as in permittivity and biomedical measurement techniques and near-field metrology.
The coaxial-microstrip device allows the measurement of transmission coefficient
nulls when connected to the network analyser. By measuring the frequency shift in
transmission null points and analysing the results, the capacitance of short monopoles
of various lengths can be obtained. The radiation resistance of the monopole can also
be determined by comparing the depth of transmission coefficient nulls points at
various resonant frequencies.
Monopoles ranging from flush-mounted to various sizes of protruding centre
conductors, both bare and insulated, are investigated in the frequencies ranging from
45 MHz to 3 GHz. The experimental results compare well with FEKO numerical
predictions at the ranges where this technique is applicable. The technique is however
not applicable near and beyond the resonant frequency of the monopole where it is
considered to be electrically long.
Measurements to obtain monopole impedance parameters were conducted by
connecting the device to the HP 8510C Network Analyser. To enhance accuracy, the
Network Analyser was calibrated using a high quality calibration kit with precisely
defined standards. The technique used was found to accurately yield capacitances in
the range of 0.0211 to 1 pF and radiation resistances in the range of 0.9245 to 12.1
Ohms. These results were obtained for monopoles of length 0.0062 < h/l < 0.24.
Results from literature, viz. W.R Scott, R.W.P. King and L.J. Cooper, show radiation
resistance in the ranges: 2.5 to 35 Ohms (0.079 < h/l < 0.22), 1.26 to 74.08 Ohms (0.026 < h/l < 0.28) and 5.59 to 74.98 Ohms (0.1 < 0.28) for electrically short
monopoles. The results of this work are compared with those in the literature and
show variations of less than 6%.
A technique capable of accurately measuring capacitance and radiation resistance of
the monopole at various lengths of protruding centre conductor has been developed.
The capacitance for a flush probe compares very well (agreement is less than 6%)
when compared with those obtained by the previous researchers. The technique is
capable of yielding accurate results radio frequencies in the challenging low radiation
resistance range around 1 Ohm.
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Coaxial electrospinning of reversibly thermochromic fibresMalherbe, Ilana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science (polymer science)
at the
University of Stellenbosch / Embargo date 2010-03-31 plt 2010 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A novel method, herein referred to as ‘solvent facilitated coaxial electrospinning’, was used
to produce reversibly thermochromic core-shell fibres with poly(methyl methacrylate)
(PMMA) as shell and a thermochromic dye composite as core. The thermochromic dye
composite consisted of combinations of 1-dodecanol, bisphenol A (BPA) and crystal violet
lactone (CVL). In the ‘solvent facilitated coaxial electrospinning’ method, the thermochromic
dye composite was dissolved in a suitable ‘facilitating solvent’ prior to spinning, instead of
being spun into the fibres from the melt as previously described in literature. A low
interfacial tension between the core and shell liquids, which is beneficial to effective core
entrainment, was achieved by using a correctly chosen core ‘facilitating solvent’. The PMMA
was dissolved to form the shell spinning liquid and by selecting the correct core and shell
solvents, spinneret blockage and precipitation due to core and shell liquid interactions were
eliminated. High molar mass PMMA was used to produce fibres with diameters in the range
of 3–10 μm (larger than typical electrospun fibres) in order to minimize light scattering and
subsequently allow visual observation of the thermochromic transitions, unlike the fibres
that were produced in literature. The fibres were analyzed using SEM, TEM, TGA and DSC to
investigate fibre morphology, dye composite thermal transition and fibre composition.
Physical and chemical interactions between the thermochromic dye composite and the
PMMA shell were identified as possible causes of differences between the thermochromic
transition temperatures of the core-shell fibres and the bulk dyes, as well as of the instability
of the colour developed state of certain thermochromic fibres. The spatial confinement of
the dye composite inside the fibres and the extensive volume reduction (from bulk dye to
small volume inside the fibres) affected the thermochromic behaviour of the thermochromic
composite once it was entrained in the fibres. An excess BPA was used in the dye
composition to allow the production of reversibly thermochromic fibres with a stable colour
developed state. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: A nuwe metode, hierin beskryf as ‘oplosmiddel gefasiliteerde koaksiale elektrospinnery’, is
gebruik om omkeerbare termochromiese kern-skil vesels met polie(metiel metakrilaat)
(PMMA) as skil en ‘n saamgestelde termochromiese kleurmiddel as kern te vervaardig. Die
saamgestelde termochromiese kleurmiddel het bestaan uit kombinasies van 1-dodekanol,
bisfenol A (BPA) en kristal violet laktoon (CVL). Vir die ‘oplosmiddel gefasiliteerde koaksiale
elektrospin’-metode, is die saamgestelde termochromiese kleurmiddel opgelos in ‘n gepaste
‘fasiliterende oplosmiddel’ voordat dit geëlektrospin is, eerder as om dit te smelt om dit
sodoende in vesels te kan inspin soos beskryf in die literatuur. ‘n Lae raakvlakspanning
tussen die kern- en skilspinvloeistowwe, wat voordelig is vir doeltreffende kern insluiting, is
bereik deur gebruik te maak van sorgvuldig verkose ‘fasiliterende oplosmiddels’ vir die kern.
Die PMMA is opgelos om die skilspinoplossing te vorm en, deur die keuse van die korrekte
kern- en skiloplosmiddels, kon spinneret blokkasie en neerslag van die polimeer as gevolg
van kern- en skilvloeistofinteraksies elimineer word. Hoë molekulêre massa PMMA is gebruik
om vesels te vervaardig met deursnee in die omtrek van 3–10 μm (groter as tipiese
elektrogespinde vesels) om sodoende lig-verstrooiing te verminder en daardeur visuele
waarneming van die termochromiese oorgange moontlik te maak, in teenstelling met die
vesels wat in die literatuur gevorm is. Die vesels is ge-analiseer met SEM, TEM, TGA en DSC
om veselmorfologie, termiese omskakelinge van saamgestelde kleurmiddels en
veselsamestelling te bestudeer. Fisiese en chemiese interaksies tussen die saamgestelde
termochromiese kleurmiddel kern en die PMMA skil is geïdentifiseer as moontlike oorsake
van verskille tussen die termochromiese oorgangstemperature van die kern-skil vesels en die
kleurmiddels in grootmaat, asook van die onstabiliteit van die gekleurde toestand van
sommige termochromiese vesels. Die ruimtelike inperking van die saamgestelde kleurmiddel
binne in die vesels asook die beduidende volume verkleining (van grootmaat kleurmiddel tot
klein volume binne in die vesels) het die termochromiese gedrag van die saamgestelde
kleurmiddel binne die vesels beïnvloed. ‘n Oormaat BPA is in die saamgestelde
termochromiese kleurmiddel gebruik om die produksie van omkeerbaar termochromiese
vesels met ‘n stabiele gekleurde toestand toe te laat.
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[pt] Neste trabalho, o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) é
aplicado na análise do campo eletromagnético em dutos
metálicos, utilizados no transporte de óleo e gás.
Instrumentos de inspeção podem utilizar esse método para
verificar a existência de anomalias do tipo amassamentos e
corrosões nos dutos, contribuindo para evitar vazamentos
que podem causar acidentes ecológicos. Atualmente, a
técnica de fuga de campo magnético (MFL) é a mais utilizada
para precisar a profundidade dos defeitos encontrados nos
dutos devido ao processo localizado de corrosão, onde a
espessura se reduz progressivamente até o inicio de um
eventual vazamento. Os picos dos sinais de fluxo magnético
defletido indicam a perda de massa metálica localizada. A
profundidade dos defeitos é correlacionada com a
amplitude dos picos. Neste trabalho, o algoritmo baseado em
Método de Elementos Finitos é utilizado para avaliar o
desempenho do MEF na localização da posição de defeitos na
parede do duto, através dos picos que aparecem nos
gráficos de campo magnético. Essa análise será feita
utilizando-se dois tipos de alimentação na entrada do duto:
(I) apenas propagação do modo fundamental TEM e (II)
diferença de potencial entre os cilindros externo e interno
do duto. Diversos tamanhos de deformação em posições
diferentes do duto serão analisados para se determinar para
quais tipos de problema o algoritmo é eficiente. / [en] In this work, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied in
the analysis of electromagnetic field generated by
instruments employed for inspection of pipelines for
natural gas-transmission. Inspection instruments can use
this method to evaluate anomalies as corrosion and kneading
in the superficies of the pipelines. This can avoid leaking
that can cause ecological accidents. The Magnetic Flux
Leakage (MFL) is the oldest and most commonly used in-line
inspection method for finding metal-loss regions in gas-
transmission pipelines. MFL inspections are typically used
to detect, locate, and characterize metal-loss and other
anomalies in natural gas-transmission pipelines. The
amplitude or magnitude of an MFL signal is strongly related
to defect depth. Alternatively, in this work, an instrument
that generates a TEM wave is explored for inspection of
pipelines. To evaluate the field distribution inside the
pipe, an algorithm based on Finite Element Method is used
to detect and locate an anomaly in the pipeline. It
is used two kinds of source in the duct´s port: (I) just
propagation in the FEM basic mode and (II) different
potential between the internal and external
cylindrical duct. Several sizes of anomalies will be
analyzed to identify for which kind of problems the
algorithm is useful.
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Biosensing-inspired Nanostructures:D'Imperio, Luke A. January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Michael J. Naughton / Nanoscale biosensing devices improve and enable detection mechanisms by taking advantage of properties inherent to nanoscale structures. This thesis primarily describes the development, characterization and application of two such nanoscale structures. Namely, these two biosensing devices discussed herein are (1) an extended-core coaxial nanogap electrode array, the ‘ECC’ and (2) a plasmonic resonance optical filter array, the ‘plasmonic halo’. For the former project, I discuss the materials and processing considerations that were involved in the making of the ECC device, including the nanoscale fabrication, experimental apparatuses, and the chemical and biological materials involved. I summarize the ECC sensitivity that was superior to those of conventional detection methods and proof-of-concept bio-functionalization of the sensing device. For the latter project, I discuss the path of designing a biosensing device based on the plasmonic properties observed in the plasmonic halo, including the plasmonic structures, materials, fabrication, experimental equipment, and the biological materials and protocols. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Physics.
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Study of shear-driven unsteady flows of a fluid with a pressure dependent viscositySrinivasan, Shriram 15 May 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, the seminal work of Stokes concerning the ow of a Navier-Stokesuid due to a suddenly accelerated or oscillating plate and the ow due to torsionaloscillations of an innitely long rod in a Navier-Stokes uid is extended to a uid withpressure dependent viscosity. The viscosity of many uids varies signicantly withpressure, a fact recognized by Stokes; and Barus, in fact, conducted experiments thatshowed that the variation of the viscosity with pressure was exponential. Given sucha tremendous variation, we study how this change in viscosity aects the nature of thesolution to these problems. We nd that the velocity eld, and hence the structureof the vorticity and the shear stress at the walls for uids with pressure dependentviscosity, are markedly dierent from those for the classical Navier-Stokes uid.
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Design and Analysis of Coaxial Two-Wheeled Vehicle with A Stewart PlatformChang, Ko-Wei 28 November 2012 (has links)
This study proposes an application design for Stewart platform. The Stewart platform is selected to function as a mass center adjusting mechanism. The mechanism is attached to the chassis of a coaxial two-wheeled self-balancing car so that the mass center of the car can be shifted backward and forward to change the car speed. Besides, the mechanism can be applied to adjust the contacting forces between
wheels and the ground if the mass center is shifted to the left and right of the car.
In order to verify the feasibility of the design, the dynamic behavior of the car and the designing requirements for the Stewart platform are examined by using dynamic simulations on both sagittal plane and coronal plane. Therefore, the equation of motion of the car is derived from Lagrange mechanics. The driving torques to the wheels for balancing control, velocity control, and direction control are all determined by PID controllers. An algorithm for determining the displacement, that the mass center should be shifted to prevent losing contact force between wheels and the
ground, is also introduced. The results of dynamic simulation show that the proposed application is feasible. Designing requirements for synthesizing the dimensions of the adjusting mechanism are also determined from the simulations.
Finally, the dimensions of the desired Stewart platform are determined according to the designing requirements. The workspace of the Stewart platform is then investigated by inversed kinematic analysis method. Since the workspace includes the necessary space for the proposed application, which means the specified dimensions of the Stewart platform is valid.
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