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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Brodén, Mikaela Louise January 2023 (has links)
Cognitive failures (CF) refers to the experience of daily attentional lapses or workingmemory mishaps; for example, reading something and instantly forgetting what you haveread, or experiencing missing out on obvious information from street signs. Relationsbetween CF and psychological stress have been found, where higher levels of stress indicatea higher risk of experiencing CF, and the other way around. Psychological stress is proven tobe moderated by physical activity. However, there are scarce findings on the directrelationship between physical activity and CF. This thesis investigates by a cross-sectionalobservational design if there is a relationship between cognitive failures and physical activityin the middle-aged population. All data were collected by a web-based survey with thequestionnaires CFQ, IPAQ and PSS-10 followed by the short task Digit Span. The sampleconsisted of 78 participants between the ages of 50-65 (M = 56). A two-stage hierarchicallinear regression was performed. The results showed no association between CF and physicalactivity, however CF was associated with stress and sex. The results are confirming previousfindings in terms of the relationship between CF and stress, as well as the small, yetsignificant, sex difference where women tend to report higher levels of stress and higherlevels of CF. Further research is of need, to investigate the direct interventional effectphysical activity could have on CF in the general population. / “Cognitive failures” (CF) syftar på de dagliga hjärnsläpp man upplever relaterade tilluppmärksamhet, arbetsminne och perception; till exempel att läsa något och omedelbartglömma vad du har läst, eller att missa att notera uppenbara gatuskyltar. Samband mellan CFoch psykologisk stress har hittats, där högre nivåer av stress indikerar högre risk för CF, ochvice versa. Psykologisk stress har visats minskas av fysisk aktivitet. Det finns dock få fyndom det direkta sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och CF. Den här uppsatsen undersökergenom en tvärsnittsdesign om det finns ett samband mellan CF och fysisk aktivitet i dengenerella medelålders befolkningen. Studien genomfördes genom en webbaseradundersökning med enkäterna CFQ, IPAQ och PSS-10 följt av en kort objektiv övning.Urvalet bestod av 78 deltagare mellan 50-65 år (M = 56). En tvåstegs-hierarkisk linjärregression genomfördes. Resultaten visade inget signifikant samband mellan CF och fysiskaktivitet, dock fanns samband mellan CF och stress samt kön. Denna studie bekräftar tidigarefynd både gällande sambandet mellan CF och stress såväl som en mindre, men signifikant,könsskillnad, där kvinnor tenderar att rapportera högre nivåer av stress samt högre nivåer avCF. Framtida studier i ämnet behövs för att undersöka den direkta interventionella effektenfysisk aktivitet kan ha på CF i den generella befolkningen.

Examining Attention, Impulsiveness, and Cognitive Failures in Driving Behaviors

Fox, Russell Thomas 15 August 2012 (has links)
Dangerous driving behaviors are influenced by multiple factors including cognitive processes such as impulse inhibition and attentiveness. Impulsiveness, inattention, and cognitive failures have been linked to other risky behaviors, but a comprehensive evaluation using multiple methods of measurement of these has never been conducted to analyze their impact on dangerous driving. The purpose of this study was to examine influences of attentional abilities, impulsiveness, and cognitive failures on reported and demonstrated dangerous driving behaviors. Seventy-five participants completed a self-report dangerous driving measure, a self-report ADHD measure, a self-report impulsiveness measure, a continuous performance task to measure behavioral impulsivity and inattention, a measure of cognitive failures, and a driving simulator task. Two hierarchical linear regressions with simultaneous entry into blocks were used to analyze contributions of impulsiveness, inattention, and cognitive failures assessments in predicting dangerous driving behavior. Results indicated these assessments accounted for a significant proportion of the variance in Dula Dangerous Driving Index (3DI) scores above and beyond the effects of age and sex, Adjusted R▓ = .20, F(6, 59) = 2.51, p < .05, but no significant individual predictors emerged. Scores on these measures were also found to account for a significant amount of the variance in risky driving as measured by the driving simulator, above and beyond the effects of age and sex, Adjusted R▓ = .15, F(6, 60) = 2.91, p < .05, and identified BIS-11 scores and ADHD-RS impulsiveness scores as significant individual predictors. It seems that despite multiple methods of assessment, it is still difficult to capture the assumed relationships between each of these factors and driving. Though each assessment measures different aspects of constructs related to dangerous driving, the lack of relationships and predictive abilities may indicate that impulsiveness, inattention, cognitive failures, and dangerous driving may be more complex and multifaceted than previously understood.

Stressens effekt på patientsäkerhet utifrån sjuksköterskans yrkesroll : - En litteraturöversikt med kvantitativ ansats. / How effects of stress influences patient safety through the professional role of nursing : - A literature review with a quantitative approach.

Krantz, Stefan, Brink, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Background: Patient safety is one of the nurse's most important tasks. It includes working preventively and evidence-based under constantly changing conditions. Work routines, burden of care and relationships with colleagues are some of the factors that underlie stress in the nurse's professional role. Safe care means creating the conditions for maintaining good patient safety with an evidence-based working method, cooperation in teams and clear leadership.Aim: To describe how the effects of stress in the nurse's professional role affected patient safety in inpatient care.Method: A literature review with articles of a quantitative approach where research articles published between 2013-2023 was retrieved through the databases Cinahl and Medline. Quality assessment were executed through Jönköping University’s protocol for quantitative literature reviews. The 14 included articles were analyzed in four steps according to Friberg (2022). Results: The main findings of the literature review are staff culture, patient safety culture and burden of care. Nurses' level of stress was found to be negatively affected by factors such as workload, working hours and workplace bullying. The increased degree of stress in the nurse resulted in a less functioning patient safety culture with care-related injuries as a consequence.  Conclusion: The patient safety culture was found to be greatly affected by bullying among nurses as well as by care-heavy and rotating shift work, all factors were found to be affected by the nurse's stress. To increase patient safety, nurses should be strengthened in their knowledge of factors that underlie stress, how stress affects patient safety and how these factors can and should be counteracted. Qualitative research is recommended around collaboration in teams and leadership in order to supplement the results of the literature review. / Bakgrund: Patientsäkerhet är en av sjuksköterskans viktigaste arbetsuppgifter. Det innefattar att arbeta förebyggande och evidensbaserat under konstant skiftande förutsättningar. Arbetsrutiner, vårdtyngd och relationer till kollegor är några utav de faktorer som ligger till grund för stress inom sjuksköterskans yrkesroll. Säker vård innebär att med evidensbaserat arbetssätt, samverkan i team och tydligt ledarskap skapa förutsättningar för att upprätthålla god patientsäkerhet. Syfte: Att beskriva hur effekter av stress inom sjuksköterskans yrkesroll påverkade patient-säkerhet inom slutenvård.   Metod: Litteraturöversikt med artiklar av kvantitativ ansats där sökningar av artiklar publicerade mellan 2013–2023 har utförts genom databaserna Cinahl och Medline. Kvalitetsgranskning har skett med hjälp av Jönköping Universitys protokoll för kvantitativa litteraturöversikter. De 14 inkluderade artiklarna analyserades i fyra steg enligt Friberg (2022). Resultat: Litteraturöversiktens huvudfynd är personalkultur, patientsäkerhetskultur och vårdtyngd. Sjuksköterskors nivå av stress visade sig påverkas negativt av faktorer som vårdtyngd, arbetstider och mobbing på arbetsplatsen. Den ökade graden av stress hos sjuksköterskan resulterade i en sämre fungerande patientsäkerhetskultur med vårdrelaterade skador som följd. Slutsats:  Patientsäkerhetskulturen visade sig i hög grad vara påverkad av mobbning bland sjuksköterskor samt av vårdtyngd och roterande skiftarbete, samtliga faktorer påverkades av sjuksköterskans stress. För att öka patientsäkerheten bör sjuksköterskor stärkas i sin kunskap kring faktorer som ligger till grund för stress, hur stress påverkar patientsäkerheten och hur dessa faktorer kan och bör motverkas. Kvalitativ forskning rekommenderas kring samverkan i team och ledarskap i syfte att komplettera litteraturöversiktens resultat.

Specifické obtíže dospělých s dyslexií / Specific difficulties of adults with dyslexia

Táborová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the difficulties of adults with dyslexia. Not enough attention is being paid to this issue in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of this thesis characterizes dyslexia and summarizes possible difficulties of adults with dyslexia on the basis of both Czech and foreign information sources. The empirical part of this thesis describes the research, whose main goal is to chart (especially cognitive) difficulties, which are related to common everyday activities. Another area monitored in this thesis is self-efficacy of adults with dyslexia in their everyday life. Data are compared with intact counterparts. The research group consists of 120 respondents, including 60 adults with dyslexia and 60 adults without dyslexia (66 women and 54 men). The intact counterparts were matched with adults with dyslexia based on the same gender, year of birth and highest education received. The whole set of used methods concluded the anamnestic part and three self-evaluation questionnaires - the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, the Dyslexic difficulties questionnaire (created for the purpose of this thesis) and the General Self-Efficacy scale. The results confirmed higher difficulties of adults with dyslexia. The self-efficacy does not differ, however, it correlates more with difficulties in...

Actively Caring About the Actively Caring Survey: Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of a Measure of Dispositional Altruism

Randall, Philip 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Geller’s Actively Caring Survey (ACS) was theorized to measure person states deemed necessary to “Actively Care” or act altruistically toward others. Empirical research of the ACS has been limited, and this researcher sought to evaluate its reliability, validity, and factorial consistency. Undergraduate students (n = 1,095) completed the measure online. Hypotheses were partially supported. Unrotated primary component analysis found the ACS to be a unitary measure with 73.3% of the items loading onto the first factor. The ACS showed excellent internal consistency. Convergent and divergent validity with existing measures (i.e., the Big 5 Personality, Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, Barratt Impulsiveness, and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Venturesomeness scales) was found in 88.9% of the predicted relationships; the ACS was negatively correlated with social desirability. An abbreviated ACS revision produced similar findings. Future studies should evaluate the measure in nonstudent populations, use clinical and industrial settings, and explore predictive validity.

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