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Mise au point de tests comportementaux (cognitifs et moteurs) chez le microcèbe pour l’évaluation des déficits dans les maladies neurodégénératives / Development of behavioral tests (cognitive and motor) to the grey mouse lemur for the evaluation of the deficits in the neurodegenerative diseasesCobo, Sandra 08 January 2015 (has links)
L’évaluation du comportement animal est devenue un outil fondamental dans les champs de recherche des neurosciences translationnelles. Elle est en effet utile pour l’étude des mécanismes physiologiques entraînant les maladies neurodégénératives mais aussi pour la compréhension des modifications fonctionnelles induites par des manipulations génétiques ou traitement chimique et pour tester l’efficacité de composés ou molécules. Chez l’Homme, on utilise des batteries de tests cognitifs et moteurs pour qualifier et quantifier les atteintes des maladies neurodégénératives telles que les maladies d’Alzheimer et de Parkinson. Le travail présenté ici s’inscrit dans l’optique de promouvoir Microcebus murinus comme modèle pour l’étude des maladies neurodégénératives liées à l’âge. Le microcèbe est un petit primate lémurien, proche phylogénétiquement de l’Homme, présentant des particularités prometteuses susceptibles d’accélérer la découverte de nouveaux traitements curatifs et prophylactiques pour les pathologies liées à l’âge. La validation du modèle nécessite l’utilisation de tests comportementaux discriminant l’atteinte neurodégénérative. Nous avons mis au point un ensemble de tests comportementaux évaluant l’apprentissage, la mémoire et les fonctions motrices. Des animaux sains ont été évalués et ont permis de définir des protocoles spécifiques au microcèbe. Ces protocoles ont ensuite été appliqués à des animaux ayant subi un traitement pour induire des pathologies de type Parkinson ou Alzheimer afin de détecter l’apparition d’éventuels déficits. / Animal behavior has become a fundamental tool in translational neuroscience area and is useful for studying physiological mechanisms underlying neurological diseases and also for understanding the functional modifications induced by genetic manipulation or chemical treatment. The experiment of new treatments requires animal models miming the human pathology. In Humans batteries of cognitive and motor tests are used to qualify and quantify the impairment due to neurodegenerative disease as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson’s disease. The aim of this work is to promote Microcebus murinus as a model of age related neurodegenerative pathologies. The grey mouse lemur, a small prosimian primate, phylogenetically close to Human, presents specific characteristics susceptible to provide important information on the validity and efficacy of new. The validation of a model requires the use of behavioral tests to discriminate neurodegenerative impairment. A set of behavioral tests were worked out to evaluate learning memory and motor functions. Healthy animals were evaluated and allowed to define protocols species specific. These protocols were then applied on animals treated to induce pathology such as Parkinson or Alzheimer in order to detect cognitive or motor impairments.
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Non-Invasive Techniques for the Detection and Diagnosis of DementiaBlount, Joseph A. January 2021 (has links)
It is estimated that there are currently fifty million people living with
dementia worldwide. An accurate and early diagnosis of dementia is important
in order to initiate appropriate treatment programs as soon as possible.
Common methods of neuropsychological assessment can be sensitive to
external factors which may compromise accuracy. The aim of this thesis was
to investigate techniques that have the potential for the detection of dementia
that avoid some of the external influences.
The thesis looked at measurements of (i) postural stability (ii) facial
analysis and (iii) fully-immersive virtual reality in cognitively-healthy
individuals. These techniques were chosen as postural stability and facial
analysis change in dementia and whilst virtual reality has previously been used
in dementia research, fully-immersive virtual reality measures have not been
established. To see if the measurements were associated with cognitive
function, participants completed a series of cognitive tests.
Results indicate that all techniques explored shared a relationship with
memory performance, with lower anteroposterior postural sway (F(1,22) =
17.76, p < 0.01), number of activities participated in that involve a posture
element (F(2, 39) = 3.77, p < .05; Wilk's Λ = 0.84, partial η2 = 0.16), the greater
the frequency of negative facial expressions (F(2, 18) = 4.49, p < .05; Wilk's Λ
= 0.67, partial η2 = 0.33.), and low blink rate (t(11.02) = 2.62 p < .05) all
showing better scores on memory tests. Moreover, better scores on the fullyimmersive
virtual reality task predicted better scores on with short-term
memory (F(1,22) = 20.20 p < 0.01), LTM (F(1,22) = 09.10 p < .01), associative
learning (F(1,22) = 08.75 p < .01), and a dual–task test
(F(1,22) = 04.64 p < .05).
The novel findings that elements such as postural stability, participation
in sports, facial expressions of emotion, blink rates, and spatial memory as
assessed in fully-immersive virtual reality highlight that non-invasive
techniques can provide measurements that correspond to cognitive ability.
This may hold implications for dementia diagnoses. Future research should
assess whether these relationships can also be found in an older adult
population. If this relationship is found in older adults, it could justify further
research into how these techniques could be applied in a clinical context.
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Den sjätte utespelaren - kognition : En kvantitativ studie om exekutiva funktionerna hos ishockeyspelare / The sixth player - cognition : A quantitative study about executive functions among ice hockey playersSjöblom, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Historiskt sett har forskning fokuserat på de fysiska förmågorna inom idrott. På senare tid har forskare dock börjat att intressera sig mer för de kognitiva aspekterna inom idrott, framför allt inom lagsport. En idrott som spelas i ett högt tempo och möjligtvis ställer krav på kognitiva förmågor och uppmärksamhetsfunktion är ishockey. Frågan är därför om ishockeyspelare har kognitiva egenskaper som skiljer sig från personer i allmänhet? Denna studie undersökte de exekutiva funktionerna hos ishockeyspelare och jämförde resultaten mot ett urval ur normalpopulationen. De exekutiva funktioner som undersöktes i denna studie var impulskontroll, kognitiv flexibilitet, och uppdatering av arbetsminne. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper. Den ena gruppen bestod av 18 ishockeyspelare på olika nivåer, 12 kvinnor och 6 män, med en medelålder på 23,4 år (SD=4,46). Den andra gruppen vilken representerades normalpopulationen bestod av 22 individer, 9 kvinnor och 13 män, med en medelålder på 25,5 år (SD=3,99). [DS1] [KS2] Samtliga deltagare fick besvara en enkät med bakgrundsfrågor samt genomföra totalt fem kognitiva tester. Testerna som genomfördes var ett Flanker test, ett Local-Global test, ett 3-back test, samt två hockeymodifierade versioner av Flanker och 3-back. Först genomfördes deskriptiva analyser, sedan en Pearson korrelationsanalys och till sist envägs-ANOVAs. Resultaten visade inte på någon signifikant skillnad mellan ishockeyspelare och övriga deltagare i något av de kognitiva testen. Resultaten från denna studie tyder därför på att det inte finns någon skillnad mellan ishockeyspelare och normalpopulationen i impulskontroll, kognitiv flexibilitet och arbetsminne. Framtida studier bör undersöka om det finns andra kognitiva förmågor än de som undersöktes i denna studie som särskiljer hockeyspelare från personer i allmänhet, samt om sportslig nivå eller spelarens position kan spela en roll. / Historically, science has mainly focused on physical abilities in sports. However, in recent years researchers have started to focus also on cognitive abilities, especially within team sports. One sport which is played in a fast pace and which potentially can be demanding for cognitive and attentional abilities is ice hockey. It begs the question, does ice hockey players have cognitive abilities that differ from people in general? This study investigated executive functions among hockey players and compared them to the results of the normal population. The executive functions investigated were inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and updating of working memory. Participants were divided into two groups. One group consisted of 18 ice hockey players at different professional levels, 12 women and 6 men, with an average age of 23,4 years (SD=4,46). The other group that represented the normal population consisted of 22 individuals, 9 women and 13 men, with an average age of 25,5 years (SD=3,99).[DS1] [KS2] All participants answered a survey containing background questions and conducted five cognitive tests. The cognitive tests were Flanker, Local-Global, 3-back and lastly two hockey modified versions of the Flanker and 3-back test. First, descriptive analyses were conducted, secondly Pearson correlations, and lastly one-way ANOVAs. Result showed no significant difference between hockey players and the normal population on any of the cognitive tests. Therefore, results from this study suggests that there are no differences between ice hockey players and the normal population in inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. Future studies should investigate if there are other cognitive abilities than those included in this study that differentiate hockey players from the normal population, and investigate if level of expertise and the players position may play a role.
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<b>Relationship Between Anticholinergics and Cognitive Measures Important to the Diagnosis of Dementia</b>Noha Keshk (17606127) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Over 50% of ambulatory older adults administer at least one anticholinergic medication. Older adults may be more susceptible to the adverse effects of anticholinergic medications, and there is evidence showing an association between anticholinergic exposure and increased risk of dementia. The primary objective of this research is to assess the impact of one-year of prescriptions for strong anticholinergics, with a score of 2 or 3 on the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) Scale, on cognitive measures indicative of dementia, followed by a comparative assessment of the relative impact of medication classes with anticholinergic activity.</p><p dir="ltr">The study utilizes a retrospective observational design to evaluate the relationship between anticholinergic medication prescriptions and cognitive measures. We used one-year EMR prescription data gleaned from R2D2 and BrainSafe clinical trials’ participants prior to baseline for the exposure variable along with the cognitive measures captured at the baseline visit. Total Standardized Daily Dose (TSDD) was computed from prescription records to quantify exposure to strong anticholinergics. Generalized Linear Models and Least Square means with Tukey’s adjustment were computed to detect the relationship between anticholinergic TSDD and anticholinergic medication classes and cognitive measures in multiple models.</p>
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Prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés : apport de la neuropsychologie cliniqueHazel, Mylène 12 1900 (has links)
L’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés est attribuable en partie, aux effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Les méthodes d’évaluation neuropsychologique par les tests ayant montré une certaine efficacité dans le cas du dépistage des habiletés de conduite chez les conducteurs âgés atteints d’affections neurologiques pathologiques, la présente thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence de cette approche chez les conducteurs vieillissants de la population générale. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur le rôle et la sensibilité des mesures neuropsychologiques dans la prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés. Dans la même perspective, la thèse explore d’autre part le rôle de variables sociodémographiques et psychologiques.
L’article 1 évalue la validité prédictive de sept tests des fonctions visuo-attentionnelles et de la mémoire de travail en regard des habiletés de détection périphérique chez 50 conducteurs âgés de 62 à 83 ans. L’étude sur simulateur de conduite comprend une condition de conduite simple et une condition plus soutenue incluant une distraction téléphonique de type « mains-libres ». Selon les résultats, certains tests cognitifs prédisent bien les temps de détection. En outre, la validité prédictive des tests est plus importante dans la situation de conduite plus exigeante. Cela dit, les résultats de l’article 2 révèlent que le recours aux stratégies d’évitement des situations exigeantes est plus prononcé chez les individus qui présentent des faiblesses à certains des tests neuropsychologiques proposés. Les résultats indiquent en outre que l’utilisation des stratégies d’évitement routier est plus fréquente chez les conducteurs ayant tendance à déprécier leurs habiletés de conduite générales, à exprimer une moindre perception de contrôle ainsi qu’une attitude défavorable à l’endroit des situations de conduite complexes ou risquées. Les stratégies d’évitement se révèlent donc comme des réponses autorégulatrices proportionnelles aux limitations cognitives et aux perceptions individuelles.
Dans les deux études, l’âge ne permet pas d’expliquer les différences individuelles, ceci ni en termes d’habiletés de détection périphérique ni de tendances autorégulatrices. Le rôle du genre est cependant plus nuancé.
Ainsi, le principal apport de la présente thèse réside dans la constatation que si d’une part, certaines limitations neuropsychologiques sont associées à une réduction des habiletés de détection périphérique, ces mêmes limitations s’accompagnent aussi de mesures autorégulatrices qui peuvent contribuer à réduire le risque routier. Il appert conséquemment que les méthodes de dépistage de l’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés se basant sur l’évaluation des limitations cognitives et attentionnelles doivent également rechercher et évaluer la teneur de leurs comportements routiers autorégulateurs. Dans le contexte de vieillissement de la population, des interventions pourront également miser sur le renforcement de ces comportements. / The increase of crash rates in elderly population can be attributed in some part to the effects of normal aging on cognitive functioning. In the other hand, older drivers are likely to adopt self-regulated driving behaviours, such as driving habits to restrict their exposure to less complex situations. Neuropsychological assessments have shown some efficacy in the field of fitness-to-drive screening of older drivers suffering from neurological disorders. This thesis aims to assess the relevance of clinical neuropsychology in screening methods considering older drivers population. The main goal is thus to study the contribution and the sensitivity of neuropsychological testing in the prediction of skills and habits of safe driving among older drivers. In the same vein, the thesis investigates the role of other socio-demographic and psychological variables.
To this end, article 1 evaluates the predictive validity of seven tests of visuo-attentional functions and working memory efficiency in relation to peripheral detection task performances in 50 drivers aged from 62 to 83 years in a simulated car driving environment. The driving simulation consisted of a simple driving condition and a condition including a "hands-free" cell phone distraction task. The results indicate that some neuropsychological tests, as opposed to age, are good predictors of detection performances. In addition, the predictive validity of the tests is more important in the most challenging driving condition. The Corsi Block Tapping test, assessing visuospatial working memory, is revealed as on of the best predictor of detection skills.
Article 2 was carried from previous neuropsychological testing and self-administered questionnaires related to avoidance driving behaviours, drivers perceptions and attitudes. The results indicate that individuals who show higher difficulties in tests assessing visuospatial working memory, processing speed, and divided and selective attention capacities are significantly more likely to adopt avoidance driving strategies. The results also demonstrate that driving avoidance is higher among drivers who tend to depreciate their general driving skills, to express a lower perception of control and an unfavourable attitude towards risky driving. Avoidance strategies are thus proven to be self-regulatory responses which are proportionate to cognitive limitations and individual perceptions.
In summary, this thesis demonstrates that peripheral detection performances of older drivers in a simulated car study, are well reflected in neuropsychological testing assessing working memory and other attentional abilities. Since detection skills are crucial for driving safety, an indirect link can be established between neuropsychological measures and road safety among older drivers. It also seems that those drivers, who have greater cognitive limitations, are more likely to avoid challenging driving situations, thereby balancing their crash risk. It is concluded that fitness-to-drive assessments based on neuropsychological screening need to be complemented with the assessment of self-regulatory behaviors. In the context of an aging population, new interventions should focus on strengthening self-regulatory behaviors of older drivers.
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Prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés : apport de la neuropsychologie cliniqueHazel, Mylène 12 1900 (has links)
L’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés est attribuable en partie, aux effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Les méthodes d’évaluation neuropsychologique par les tests ayant montré une certaine efficacité dans le cas du dépistage des habiletés de conduite chez les conducteurs âgés atteints d’affections neurologiques pathologiques, la présente thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence de cette approche chez les conducteurs vieillissants de la population générale. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur le rôle et la sensibilité des mesures neuropsychologiques dans la prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés. Dans la même perspective, la thèse explore d’autre part le rôle de variables sociodémographiques et psychologiques.
L’article 1 évalue la validité prédictive de sept tests des fonctions visuo-attentionnelles et de la mémoire de travail en regard des habiletés de détection périphérique chez 50 conducteurs âgés de 62 à 83 ans. L’étude sur simulateur de conduite comprend une condition de conduite simple et une condition plus soutenue incluant une distraction téléphonique de type « mains-libres ». Selon les résultats, certains tests cognitifs prédisent bien les temps de détection. En outre, la validité prédictive des tests est plus importante dans la situation de conduite plus exigeante. Cela dit, les résultats de l’article 2 révèlent que le recours aux stratégies d’évitement des situations exigeantes est plus prononcé chez les individus qui présentent des faiblesses à certains des tests neuropsychologiques proposés. Les résultats indiquent en outre que l’utilisation des stratégies d’évitement routier est plus fréquente chez les conducteurs ayant tendance à déprécier leurs habiletés de conduite générales, à exprimer une moindre perception de contrôle ainsi qu’une attitude défavorable à l’endroit des situations de conduite complexes ou risquées. Les stratégies d’évitement se révèlent donc comme des réponses autorégulatrices proportionnelles aux limitations cognitives et aux perceptions individuelles.
Dans les deux études, l’âge ne permet pas d’expliquer les différences individuelles, ceci ni en termes d’habiletés de détection périphérique ni de tendances autorégulatrices. Le rôle du genre est cependant plus nuancé.
Ainsi, le principal apport de la présente thèse réside dans la constatation que si d’une part, certaines limitations neuropsychologiques sont associées à une réduction des habiletés de détection périphérique, ces mêmes limitations s’accompagnent aussi de mesures autorégulatrices qui peuvent contribuer à réduire le risque routier. Il appert conséquemment que les méthodes de dépistage de l’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés se basant sur l’évaluation des limitations cognitives et attentionnelles doivent également rechercher et évaluer la teneur de leurs comportements routiers autorégulateurs. Dans le contexte de vieillissement de la population, des interventions pourront également miser sur le renforcement de ces comportements. / The increase of crash rates in elderly population can be attributed in some part to the effects of normal aging on cognitive functioning. In the other hand, older drivers are likely to adopt self-regulated driving behaviours, such as driving habits to restrict their exposure to less complex situations. Neuropsychological assessments have shown some efficacy in the field of fitness-to-drive screening of older drivers suffering from neurological disorders. This thesis aims to assess the relevance of clinical neuropsychology in screening methods considering older drivers population. The main goal is thus to study the contribution and the sensitivity of neuropsychological testing in the prediction of skills and habits of safe driving among older drivers. In the same vein, the thesis investigates the role of other socio-demographic and psychological variables.
To this end, article 1 evaluates the predictive validity of seven tests of visuo-attentional functions and working memory efficiency in relation to peripheral detection task performances in 50 drivers aged from 62 to 83 years in a simulated car driving environment. The driving simulation consisted of a simple driving condition and a condition including a "hands-free" cell phone distraction task. The results indicate that some neuropsychological tests, as opposed to age, are good predictors of detection performances. In addition, the predictive validity of the tests is more important in the most challenging driving condition. The Corsi Block Tapping test, assessing visuospatial working memory, is revealed as on of the best predictor of detection skills.
Article 2 was carried from previous neuropsychological testing and self-administered questionnaires related to avoidance driving behaviours, drivers perceptions and attitudes. The results indicate that individuals who show higher difficulties in tests assessing visuospatial working memory, processing speed, and divided and selective attention capacities are significantly more likely to adopt avoidance driving strategies. The results also demonstrate that driving avoidance is higher among drivers who tend to depreciate their general driving skills, to express a lower perception of control and an unfavourable attitude towards risky driving. Avoidance strategies are thus proven to be self-regulatory responses which are proportionate to cognitive limitations and individual perceptions.
In summary, this thesis demonstrates that peripheral detection performances of older drivers in a simulated car study, are well reflected in neuropsychological testing assessing working memory and other attentional abilities. Since detection skills are crucial for driving safety, an indirect link can be established between neuropsychological measures and road safety among older drivers. It also seems that those drivers, who have greater cognitive limitations, are more likely to avoid challenging driving situations, thereby balancing their crash risk. It is concluded that fitness-to-drive assessments based on neuropsychological screening need to be complemented with the assessment of self-regulatory behaviors. In the context of an aging population, new interventions should focus on strengthening self-regulatory behaviors of older drivers.
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The relationship between cognitive tests and the academic performance of students on an MBA programmeBux, Ciara 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine if a statistically significant positive
relationship exists between the cognitive tests (APIL and Critical Reasoning
Test Battery - NCR2 and VCR2) and the academic performance of students
on an MBA programme. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted
on a non-probability purposive sample (N=329) of MBA students at an
institution of higher learning in South Africa.
A theoretical relationship was established between the variables. The
empirical relationship revealed statistically significant relationships between
the cognitive tests and academic performance on an MBA programme.
The findings contribute valuable knowledge to the field of psychological
assessment that can be applied in the selection of students for higher
education. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The relationship between cognitive tests and the academic performance of students on an MBA programmeBux, Ciara 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine if a statistically significant positive
relationship exists between the cognitive tests (APIL and Critical Reasoning
Test Battery - NCR2 and VCR2) and the academic performance of students
on an MBA programme. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted
on a non-probability purposive sample (N=329) of MBA students at an
institution of higher learning in South Africa.
A theoretical relationship was established between the variables. The
empirical relationship revealed statistically significant relationships between
the cognitive tests and academic performance on an MBA programme.
The findings contribute valuable knowledge to the field of psychological
assessment that can be applied in the selection of students for higher
education. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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