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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temporal coherency in video tone mapping / Influence de la cohérence temporelle dans les techniques de Vidéo Tone Mapping

Boitard, Ronan 16 October 2014 (has links)
L'un des buts principaux de l'imagerie numérique est d'une part la capture et d'autre part la reproduction de scènes réelles ou synthétiques sur des dispositifs d'affichage aux capacités restreintes. Les techniques d'imagerie traditionnelles sont limitées par la gamme de luminance qu'elles peuvent capturer et afficher. L'imagerie à grande gamme de luminance (High Dynamic Range – HDR) vise à dépasser cette limitation en capturant, représentant et affichant les quantités physique de la lumière présente dans une scène. Cependant, les technologies d'affichage existantes ne vont pas disparaitre instantanément, la compatibilité entre ces nouveaux contenus HDR et les contenus classiques est donc requise. Cette compatibilité est assurée par une opération de réduction des gammes de luminance (tone mapping) qui adapte les contenus HDR aux capacités restreintes des écrans. Bien que de nombreux opérateurs de tone mapping existent, ceux-ci se focalisent principalement sur les images fixes. Les verrous scientifiques associés au tone mapping de vidéo HDR sont plus complexes du fait de la dimension temporelle. Les travaux recherche menés dans la thèse se sont focalisés sur la préservation de la cohérence temporelle du vidéo tone mapping. Deux principaux axes de recherche ont été traités : la qualité subjective de contenus tone mappés et l'efficacité de la compression des vidéos HDR. En effet, tone mapper individuellement chaque image d'une séquence vidéo HDR engendre des artefacts temporels. Ces artefacts affectent la qualité visuelle de la vidéo tone mappée et il est donc nécessaire de les minimiser. Au travers de tests effectués sur des vidéos HDR avec différents opérateurs de tone mapping, nous avons proposé une classification des artefacts temporels en six catégories. Après avoir testé les opérateurs de tone mapping vidéo existants sur les différents types d'artefacts temporels, nous avons observé que seulement trois des six types d'artefacts étaient résolus. Nous avons donc créé une technique de post-traitement qui permet de réduire les 3 types d'artefacts non-considérés. Le deuxième aspect considéré dans la thèse concerne les relations entre compression et tone mapping. Jusque là, les travaux effectués sur le tone mapping et la vidéo compression se focalisaient sur l'optimisation du tone mapping de manière à atteindre des taux de compression élevés. Ces techniques modifient fortement le rendu, c'est à dire l'aspect de la vidéo, modifiant ainsi l'intention artistique initiale en amont dans la chaine de distribution (avant la compression). Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé une technique qui permet de réduire l'entropie d'une vidéo tone mappée sans en modifier son rendu. Notre méthode adapte la quantification afin d'accroitre les corrélations entre images successives d'une vidéo. / One of the main goals of digital imagery is to improve the capture and the reproduction of real or synthetic scenes on display devices with restricted capabilities. Standard imagery techniques are limited with respect to the dynamic range that they can capture and reproduce. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery aims at overcoming these limitations by capturing, representing and displaying the physical value of light measured in a scene. However, current commercial displays will not vanish instantly hence backward compatibility between HDR content and those displays is required. This compatibility is ensured through an operation called tone mapping that retargets the dynamic range of HDR content to the restricted dynamic range of a display device. Although many tone mapping operators exist, they focus mostly on still images. The challenges of tone mapping HDR videos are more complex than those of still images since the temporal dimensions is added. In this work, the focus was on the preservation of temporal coherency when performing video tone mapping. Two main research avenues are investigated: the subjective quality of tone mapped video content and their compression efficiency. Indeed, tone mapping independently each frame of a video sequence leads to temporal artifacts. Those artifacts impair the visual quality of the tone mapped video sequence and need to be reduced. Through experimentations with HDR videos and Tone Mapping Operators (TMOs), we categorized temporal artifacts into six categories. We tested video tone mapping operators (techniques that take into account more than a single frame) on the different types of temporal artifact and we observed that they could handle only three out of the six types. Consequently, we designed a post-processing technique that adapts to any tone mapping operator and reduces the three types of artifact not dealt with. A subjective evaluation reported that our technique always preserves or increases the subjective quality of tone mapped content for the sequences and TMOs tested. The second topic investigated was the compression of tone mapped video content. So far, work on tone mapping and video compression focused on optimizing a tone map curve to achieve high compression ratio. These techniques changed the rendering of the video to reduce its entropy hence removing any artistic intent or constraint on the final results. That is why, we proposed a technique that reduces the entropy of a tone mapped video without altering its rendering.

Porovnání časově závislých metod pro převod barevného obrazu na šedotónový / Comparison of Time-Dependent Color-to-Gray Conversions

Vlkovič, Vladimír January 2018 (has links)
This masters thesis is focused around the comparison of time dependent video grayscale conversion methods based on a user experiment. The test methodology is based on the pairwise comparison method 2AFC. It is composed of two test variants: a test with a reference video and a test without a reference video. The coefficients of agreement, consistency and correlation are utilized in the result analysis. The testing was done on 60 subjects which have done 7200 pairwise comparisons. The test results show that the time dependent method Hu14 is the most universal. Time dependent method Kim09 was bested by some non-dependent methods. The results also indicate that there is some correlation between the two test variants and that the choice of the input video can have impact on the method performance. The main contribution of this thesis is that non-dependent methods can under certain circumstances rival the performance of dependent methods and that the addition of a reference video did not have a meaningful impact on the test subjects judgements.

Metody temporálního tone-mappingu HDR videa / Temporal Tone-Mapping Methods for HDR Video

Staněk, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis provides the theoretical background needed to understand the complex topic of high dynamic range, and deals with the implementation of an innovative method for temporal video tone-mapping. At first, high dynamic range image acquisition, storage and processing are described. Afterwards, a general introduction to tone-mapping, description of undesirable image artifacts and an overview of existing state-of-the-art algorithms are presented. The part which follows focuses on the implementation of the chosen method and proposes several additional enhancements of the initially selected algorithm. Based on the information provided, an application with an intuitive graphical interface, which can be used for temporal HDR video tone-mapping, has been created. Finally, the the achieved results are demonstrated and visually compared with existing methods for temporal video tone-mapping.

Conjunctive Relations in Argumentative Essays : Second language learners of English and the frequency of connective words

Blixt, Jojo January 2022 (has links)
This essay aims to examine texts written by students in upper secondary school year 10 to see which conjunctions and linking words students at that level use, the normalized frequency as well as how they are used. For the investigation, a corpus, the Swedish Learner English Corpus (SLEC), was searched using AntConc, a corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis. The investigated and compared groups are vocational and academic students, girls and boys, all studying the English 5 course, and no one speaking English as their native language. The hypotheses were that academic students, due to higher motivation, would use a higher normalized frequency of internal conjunctive relations which create text cohesion compared to the vocational students, and also that girls would use a higher normalized frequency of the same type of conjunctive relations than boys due to better results in general. The results were as predicted that the students enrolled in the academic programs do use a higher frequency of conjunctive relations of the internal kind than students in the vocational programs, apart from the temporal category, and that the girls use a higher frequency of conjunctive relations of the internal kind, than the boys within all functions except the temporal.

Avaliação oftalmológica e psicofísica do sistema visual de portadores de albinismo / Ophthalmologic and psychophysical evaluation of the visual system of individuals with albinism

Sano, Ronaldo Yuiti 21 September 2017 (has links)
O albinismo e uma alteracao genetica rara que compromete a producao de melanina. As alteracoes clinicas consistem na falta de pigmentacao da pele, cabelo e pelos. Apresenta alteracoes oftalmologicas importantes, que comprometem a acuidade visual de forma severa, na grande maioria dos casos. As alteracoes oftalmologicas sao, ametropias, nistagmo, rarefacao do epitelio pigmentado da iris e da retina, hipoplasia foveal e decussacao anomala do nervo optico. Este estudo foi dividido em tres diferentes partes com os seguintes objetivos principais: Parte 1: Analise comparativa entre o grau de transparencia da iris (GTI), o grau de transparencia da retina (GTR) e a espessura da regiao macular com a acuidade visual nos pacientes com albinismo. Parte 2: Teste de sensibilidade ao contraste espacial de luminancia e ofuscamento com lentes de contato filtrantes em ambientes claros e escuros. Parte 3: Avaliacao da visao de cores, utilizando\\se o teste de Pranchas de Ishihara e o Cambridge Color Test (CCT). Material\' e\' Métodos: Participaram do estudo 121 individuos albinos, com idade media de 31,18 (} 15,47) anos, o que totalizou 242 olhos. Os participantes foram divididos em diferentes grupos nas tres partes do estudo, alguns participaram de uma ou mais partes. Na primeira parte os participantes foram submetidos a consulta oftalmologica, classificacao do grau de transparencia da iris e da retina em uma nova classificacao baseada em quatro diferentes graus de transparencia, alem de avaliacao foveal pelo exame de Tomografia de Coerencia Optica (OCT). Na segunda parte, os participantes foram submetidos ao teste de contraste computadorizado, utilizando lentes de contato filtrante e transparentes, em ambientes claros e escuros. Nesta etapa foi avaliada a influencia da lente filtrante na sensibilidade de contraste visual dos individuos com albinismo. Na terceira parte, os participantes foram submetidos aos testes de Pranchas de Ishihara e de Cambridge Colour Test (CCT), para avaliacao da visao de cores nos pacientes albinos. Resultados: Os resultados foram os seguintes: Parte\'1: A correlacao entre AV logMAR e GTI foi positiva (+0,569) e significativa (p<0,001). A correlacao entre AV logMAR e GTR foi positiva (+0,531) e significativa (p<0,001). A correlacao entre AV logMAR e a espessura macular nao foi significativa (p=0,105). A correlacao entre GTI e GTR foi positiva (+ 0,627) e significativa (p<0,001). A correlacao entre espessura macular e GTI nao foi significativa (p=0,397). A correlacao entre espessura macular e GTR nao foi significativa (p=0,458). Parte 2: Houve melhora estatisticamente significante da sensibilidade ao contraste com as lentes filtrantes em relacao as lentes transparentes no ambiente de ofuscamento (claro), na frequencia de 0,3 cpg, 0,6 cpg e 1,0 cpg (ciclos por grau). Nao houve melhora significante nas frequencia 2,0 cpg e 4,0 cpg. Nao houve melhora estatisticamente significante da sensibilidade ao contraste de lentes filtrantes em relacao as lentes transparentes no ambiente escuro (penumbra) em nenhuma das frequencias espaciais estudadas. Parte\' 3: Todos os individuos com albinismo nao apresentaram nenhuma alteracao de visao de cores no teste de Pranchas de Ishihara. O CCT demonstrou piora no limiar de deteccao de cores significativa nos eixos protan (p=0,021) e deutan (p=0,017), mas nao houve diferenca no eixo tritan (p=0,212). Os testes estatisticos sugerem que uma amostra maior seja estudada para validacao dos resultados / Albinism is a rare genetic alteration that compromises the production of melanine in all body tissues. The clinical alterations are the lack of pigment in the skin and hair. It presents important ophthalmological changes that compromise the visual acuity, in most cases. The ophthalmological changes are: ametropia, nystagmus, iris pigmented epithelium rarefaction, retina pigmented epithelium rarefaction, foveal hipoplasia and abnormal optic nerve decussation. This study has been divided in three different parts and had the following main objectives: Part 1, comparative analysis of the iris transparency degree (ITD), the retina transparency degree (RTD) and macular thickness with the visual acuity in albino patients. Part 2: Spatial contrast sensitivity test of luminance and outshine wearing contact lenses with filters in light and dark environments. Part 3: color vision evaluation using the Ishihara Test and the Cambridge Color Test (CCT). For the study 121 individuals with albinism were included with an average of 31,18 years old } 15,47, a total of 242 eyes. The participants were divided in different groups in the three parts of the study, some participated in one or more parts. In the first part the participants have been through an ophthalmological exam, classification of the iris transparency degree (ITD) and the retinal transparency degree (RTD) by a new classification based in 4 different degrees of transparency. Foveal evaluation by the Optic Coherence Tomography exam (OCT) was made in the first part of this study. In the second part, the participants have been submitted to the computerized contrast test, using filtered and transparent contact lenses in light and dark environments. In this part the influence of the filtering lenses in the visual contrast sensitivity in the albinism patients has been evaluated. In the third part, the participants have been submitted to Ishihara Test and Cambridge Color Test in order to evaluate the color vision in albino patients. The results are as follows: Part\' 1: the correlation between visual acuity in Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (logMAR) and ITD was positive (+0,569) and significant (p<0,001). The correlation between visual acuity in logMAR and RTD was positive (+0,531) and significant (p<0,001). The correlation between visual acuity in logMAR and the macular thickness was not significant (p=0,105). The correlation between ITD and RTD was positive (+ 0,627) and significant (p<0,001). The correlation between the macular thickness and the ITD was not significant (p=0,397). The correlation between the macular thickness and the RTD was not significant (p=0,458). Part\'2: There has been a statistically significant improvement of the contrast sensitivity wearing the filtering lenses in relation to the transparent ones in bright environment, in the frequencies of 0,3 cycles per degree (cpd), 0,6 cpd and 1,0 cpd. There has been no significant improvement in the frequencies 2,0 cpd and 4,0 cpd. There has been no statistically significant improvement in contrast sensitivity wearing the filtering lenses in relation to the transparent one in the dark environment (shadow) in any of the spatial frequencies studied. Part\' 3: all albinism patients did not present any color vision change in the Ishihara Test. The CCT has shown a worsening in the color detection threshold in the protan axis (p=0,021) and deutan axis (p=0,017), but there has been no difference in the tritan axis (p=0,212). The statistic tests show that a bigger sample is recommended to confirm part 3 results

Avaliação oftalmológica e psicofísica do sistema visual de portadores de albinismo / Ophthalmologic and psychophysical evaluation of the visual system of individuals with albinism

Ronaldo Yuiti Sano 21 September 2017 (has links)
O albinismo e uma alteracao genetica rara que compromete a producao de melanina. As alteracoes clinicas consistem na falta de pigmentacao da pele, cabelo e pelos. Apresenta alteracoes oftalmologicas importantes, que comprometem a acuidade visual de forma severa, na grande maioria dos casos. As alteracoes oftalmologicas sao, ametropias, nistagmo, rarefacao do epitelio pigmentado da iris e da retina, hipoplasia foveal e decussacao anomala do nervo optico. Este estudo foi dividido em tres diferentes partes com os seguintes objetivos principais: Parte 1: Analise comparativa entre o grau de transparencia da iris (GTI), o grau de transparencia da retina (GTR) e a espessura da regiao macular com a acuidade visual nos pacientes com albinismo. Parte 2: Teste de sensibilidade ao contraste espacial de luminancia e ofuscamento com lentes de contato filtrantes em ambientes claros e escuros. Parte 3: Avaliacao da visao de cores, utilizando\\se o teste de Pranchas de Ishihara e o Cambridge Color Test (CCT). Material\' e\' Métodos: Participaram do estudo 121 individuos albinos, com idade media de 31,18 (} 15,47) anos, o que totalizou 242 olhos. Os participantes foram divididos em diferentes grupos nas tres partes do estudo, alguns participaram de uma ou mais partes. Na primeira parte os participantes foram submetidos a consulta oftalmologica, classificacao do grau de transparencia da iris e da retina em uma nova classificacao baseada em quatro diferentes graus de transparencia, alem de avaliacao foveal pelo exame de Tomografia de Coerencia Optica (OCT). Na segunda parte, os participantes foram submetidos ao teste de contraste computadorizado, utilizando lentes de contato filtrante e transparentes, em ambientes claros e escuros. Nesta etapa foi avaliada a influencia da lente filtrante na sensibilidade de contraste visual dos individuos com albinismo. Na terceira parte, os participantes foram submetidos aos testes de Pranchas de Ishihara e de Cambridge Colour Test (CCT), para avaliacao da visao de cores nos pacientes albinos. Resultados: Os resultados foram os seguintes: Parte\'1: A correlacao entre AV logMAR e GTI foi positiva (+0,569) e significativa (p<0,001). A correlacao entre AV logMAR e GTR foi positiva (+0,531) e significativa (p<0,001). A correlacao entre AV logMAR e a espessura macular nao foi significativa (p=0,105). A correlacao entre GTI e GTR foi positiva (+ 0,627) e significativa (p<0,001). A correlacao entre espessura macular e GTI nao foi significativa (p=0,397). A correlacao entre espessura macular e GTR nao foi significativa (p=0,458). Parte 2: Houve melhora estatisticamente significante da sensibilidade ao contraste com as lentes filtrantes em relacao as lentes transparentes no ambiente de ofuscamento (claro), na frequencia de 0,3 cpg, 0,6 cpg e 1,0 cpg (ciclos por grau). Nao houve melhora significante nas frequencia 2,0 cpg e 4,0 cpg. Nao houve melhora estatisticamente significante da sensibilidade ao contraste de lentes filtrantes em relacao as lentes transparentes no ambiente escuro (penumbra) em nenhuma das frequencias espaciais estudadas. Parte\' 3: Todos os individuos com albinismo nao apresentaram nenhuma alteracao de visao de cores no teste de Pranchas de Ishihara. O CCT demonstrou piora no limiar de deteccao de cores significativa nos eixos protan (p=0,021) e deutan (p=0,017), mas nao houve diferenca no eixo tritan (p=0,212). Os testes estatisticos sugerem que uma amostra maior seja estudada para validacao dos resultados / Albinism is a rare genetic alteration that compromises the production of melanine in all body tissues. The clinical alterations are the lack of pigment in the skin and hair. It presents important ophthalmological changes that compromise the visual acuity, in most cases. The ophthalmological changes are: ametropia, nystagmus, iris pigmented epithelium rarefaction, retina pigmented epithelium rarefaction, foveal hipoplasia and abnormal optic nerve decussation. This study has been divided in three different parts and had the following main objectives: Part 1, comparative analysis of the iris transparency degree (ITD), the retina transparency degree (RTD) and macular thickness with the visual acuity in albino patients. Part 2: Spatial contrast sensitivity test of luminance and outshine wearing contact lenses with filters in light and dark environments. Part 3: color vision evaluation using the Ishihara Test and the Cambridge Color Test (CCT). For the study 121 individuals with albinism were included with an average of 31,18 years old } 15,47, a total of 242 eyes. The participants were divided in different groups in the three parts of the study, some participated in one or more parts. In the first part the participants have been through an ophthalmological exam, classification of the iris transparency degree (ITD) and the retinal transparency degree (RTD) by a new classification based in 4 different degrees of transparency. Foveal evaluation by the Optic Coherence Tomography exam (OCT) was made in the first part of this study. In the second part, the participants have been submitted to the computerized contrast test, using filtered and transparent contact lenses in light and dark environments. In this part the influence of the filtering lenses in the visual contrast sensitivity in the albinism patients has been evaluated. In the third part, the participants have been submitted to Ishihara Test and Cambridge Color Test in order to evaluate the color vision in albino patients. The results are as follows: Part\' 1: the correlation between visual acuity in Logarithm of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (logMAR) and ITD was positive (+0,569) and significant (p<0,001). The correlation between visual acuity in logMAR and RTD was positive (+0,531) and significant (p<0,001). The correlation between visual acuity in logMAR and the macular thickness was not significant (p=0,105). The correlation between ITD and RTD was positive (+ 0,627) and significant (p<0,001). The correlation between the macular thickness and the ITD was not significant (p=0,397). The correlation between the macular thickness and the RTD was not significant (p=0,458). Part\'2: There has been a statistically significant improvement of the contrast sensitivity wearing the filtering lenses in relation to the transparent ones in bright environment, in the frequencies of 0,3 cycles per degree (cpd), 0,6 cpd and 1,0 cpd. There has been no significant improvement in the frequencies 2,0 cpd and 4,0 cpd. There has been no statistically significant improvement in contrast sensitivity wearing the filtering lenses in relation to the transparent one in the dark environment (shadow) in any of the spatial frequencies studied. Part\' 3: all albinism patients did not present any color vision change in the Ishihara Test. The CCT has shown a worsening in the color detection threshold in the protan axis (p=0,021) and deutan axis (p=0,017), but there has been no difference in the tritan axis (p=0,212). The statistic tests show that a bigger sample is recommended to confirm part 3 results

Effects of combined Zr and Mn additions on the microstructure and properties of AA2198 sheet

Tsivoulas, Dimitrios January 2011 (has links)
The effect of individual and combined zirconium and manganese additions have been compared for an AA2198 6 mm thick sheet in T351 temper regarding their influence primarily on recrystallisation resistance and secondly on fracture toughness and overageing resistance. A complete characterisation of the dispersoid distributions was carried out for a deeper understanding of the effects of the Al3Zr and Al20Cu2Mn3 particles, involving studying their formation from the as-cast and homogenised stage.The most important finding in this work was the lower recrystallisation resistance in the alloy containing 0.1 wt%Zr + 0.3 wt%Mn compared to that containing only 0.1 wt%Zr. This result was rather unexpected, if one considers the opposite microsegregation patterns of Zr and Mn during casting, which leads to dispersoids occupying the majority of the grains’ volume and minimising dispersoid-free zones that could be potential sites for nucleation of recrystallisation. The other two alloys with dispersoid additions 0.05 wt%Zr + 0.3 wt%Mn and 0.4 wt%Mn, were partially and fully recrystallised respectively in the rolled T351 condition.Equally important in this work, was the observation that the opposite microsegregation trend of Zr and Mn sufficed to restrict grain growth in unrecrystallised areas. The 0.1Zr-0.3Mn alloy exhibited the lowest grain size of all alloys, both in the T351 temper and after annealing at 535oC for up to 144 hours. The reason for this was the combined action of Al20Cu2Mn3 dispersoids and Mn solute in the regions where the Zr concentration was low (i.e. near the grain boundaries), which offered additional pinning pressure to those areas compared to the 0.1Zr alloy.The lower recrystallisation resistance of the 0.1Zr-0.3Mn alloy was explained on the grounds of two main factors. The first was the lower subgrain size and hence stored energy within bands of Al20Cu2Mn3 dispersoids, which increased the driving force for recrystallisation in these regions. The second was the interaction between Zr and Mn that led to a decrease in the Al3Zr number density and pinning pressure. Since Zr was the dominant dispersoid family in terms of inhibiting recrystallisation, inevitably this alloy became more prone to recrystallisation. The Al3Zr pinning pressure was found to be much lower especially within bands of Al20Cu2Mn3 dispersoids. The detrimental effect of the Mn addition on the Al3Zr distribution was proven not to result from the dissolution of Zr within Mn-containing phases, and several other phases, at the grain interior and also in grain boundaries. The observed effect could not be precisely explained at this stage.Concerning mechanical properties, the 0.1Zr alloy exhibited the best combination of properties in the Kahn tear tests for fracture toughness. Further, it had a higher overageing resistance compared to the 0.1Zr-0.3Mn alloy.As an overall conclusion from this work, considering all the studied properties here that are essential for damage tolerant applications, the addition of 0.1 wt%Zr to the AA2198 6 mm thick sheet was found to be superior to that of the combined addition of 0.1 wt%Zr + 0.3 wt%Mn.

Rehaussement et détection des attributs sismiques 3D par techniques avancées d'analyse d'images / 3D Seismic Attributes Enhancement and Detection by Advanced Technology of Image Analysis

Li, Gengxiang 19 April 2012 (has links)
Les Moments ont été largement utilisés dans la reconnaissance de formes et dans le traitement d'image. Dans cette thèse, nous concentrons notre attention sur les 3D moments orthogonaux de Gauss-Hermite, les moments invariants 2D et 3D de Gauss-Hermite, l'algorithme rapide de l'attribut de cohérence et les applications de l'interprétation sismique en utilisant la méthode des moments.Nous étudions les méthodes de suivi automatique d'horizon sismique à partir de moments de Gauss-Hermite en cas de 1D et de 3D. Nous introduisons une approche basée sur une étude multi-échelle des moments invariants. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la méthode des moments 3D de Gauss-Hermite est plus performante que les autres algorithmes populaires.Nous avons également abordé l'analyse des faciès sismiques basée sur les caractéristiques du vecteur à partir des moments 3D de Gauss -Hermite, et la méthode de Cartes Auto-organisatrices avec techniques de visualisation de données. L'excellent résultat de l'analyse des faciès montre que l'environnement intégré donne une meilleure performance dans l'interprétation de la structure des clusters.Enfin, nous introduisons le traitement parallèle et la visualisation de volume. En profitant des nouvelles performances par les technologies multi-threading et multi-cœurs dans le traitement et l'interprétation de données sismiques, nous calculons efficacement des attributs sismiques et nous suivons l'horizon. Nous discutons également l'algorithme de rendu de volume basé sur le moteur Open-Scene-Graph qui permet de mieux comprendre la structure de données sismiques. / Moments have been extensively used in pattern recognition and image processing. In this thesis, we focus our attention on the study of 3D orthogonal Gaussian-Hermite moments, 2D and 3D Gaussian-Hermite moment invariants, fast algorithm of coherency attribute, and applications of seismic interpretation using moments methodology.We conduct seismic horizon auto-tracking methods from Gaussian-Hermite moments and moment invariants. We introduce multi-scale moment invariants approach. The experimental results show that method of 3D Gaussian-Hermite moments performs better than the most popular methods.We also approach seismic facies analysis based on feature vectors from 3D Gaussian-Hermite moments, and Self-Organizing Maps method with data visualization techniques. The excellent result shows that the integrated environment gives the best performance in interpreting the correct cluster structure.Finally, we introduce the parallel processing and volume visualization. Taking advantage of new performances by multi-threading and multi-cores technologies into seismic interpretation, we efficiently compute the seismic attributes and track the horizon. We also discuss volume rendering algorithm based on Open-Scene-Graph engine which provides better insight into the structure of seismic data.

Une approche computationnelle de la dépendance au mouvement du codage de la position dans la système visuel / Motion-based position coding in the visual system : a computational study

Aliakbari khoei, Mina 06 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est centralisée sur cette question : comment est-ce que le système visuel peut coder efficacement la position des objets en mouvement, en dépit des diverses sources d'incertitude ? Cette étude déploie une hypothèse sur la connaissance a priori de la cohérence temporelle du mouvement (Burgi et al 2000; Yuille and Grzywacz 1989). Nous avons ici étendu le cadre de modélisation précédemment proposé pour expliquer le problème de l'ouverture (Perrinet and Masson, 2012). C'est un cadre d'estimation de mouvement Bayésien mis en oeuvre par un filtrage particulaire, que l'on appelle la prévision basé sur le mouvement (MBP). Sur cette base, nous avons introduit une théorie du codage de position basée sur le mouvement, et étudié comment les mécanismes neuronaux codant la position instantanée de l'objet en mouvement pourraient être affectés par le signal de mouvement le long d'une trajectoire. Les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que le codage de la position basé sur le mouvement peut constituer un calcul neuronal générique parmi toutes les étapes du système visuel. Cela peut en partie compenser les effets cumulatifs des délais neuronaux dans le codage de la position. En outre, il peut expliquer des changements de position basés sur le mouvement, comme par example, l'Effect de Saut de Flash. Comme un cas particulier, nous avons introduit le modèle de MBP diagonal et avons reproduit la réponse anticipée de populations de neurones dans l'aire cortical V1. Nos résultats indiquent qu'un codage en position efficace et robuste peut être fortement dépendant de l'intégration le long de la trajectoire. / Coding the position of moving objects is an essential ability of the visual system in fulfilling precise and robust tracking tasks. This thesis is focalized upon this question: How does the visual system efficiently encode the position of moving objects, despite various sources of uncertainty? This study deploys the hypothesis that the visual systems uses prior knowledge on the temporal coherency of motion (Burgi et al 2000; Yuille and Grzywacz 1989). We implemented this prior by extending the modeling framework previously proposed to explain the aperture problem (Perrinet and Masson, 2012), so-called motion-based prediction (MBP). This model is a Bayesian motion estimation framework implemented by particle filtering. Based on that, we have introduced a theory on motion-based position coding, to investigate how neural mechanisms encoding the instantaneous position of moving objects might be affected by motion. Results of this thesis suggest that motion-based position coding might be a generic neural computation among all stages of the visual system. This mechanism might partially compensate the accumulative and restrictive effects of neural delays in position coding. Also it may account for motion-based position shifts as the flash lag effect. As a specific case, results of diagonal MBP model reproduced the anticipatory response of neural populations in the primary visual cortex of macaque monkey. Our results imply that an efficient and robust position coding might be highly dependent on trajectory integration and that it constitutes a key neural signature to study the more general problem of predictive coding in sensory areas.

Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger Aluminiumlegierungen

Hockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.

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