1091 |
Understanding stream litter loading through watershed characteristicsMallon, Elinor Reed 13 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Litter, whether river-based, marine, or terrestrial, is an ever-increasing environmental and economic issue. However, litter in freshwater environments is studied less than in marine environments. To better understand factors impacting stream-transported floating litter, seven watershed characteristics were assessed across a network of thirty litter collection devices. The research objective for this study was to quantify litter loading and assess watershed characteristics relative to litter loading. Of the various watershed characteristics in this study, land cover classification had the greatest impact on the amount of litter collected from the Litter Gitters followed by median household income. Results from this study can strengthen litter collection device placement and best management practices for litter prevention.
1092 |
Die königliche Modellkammer der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen / Analyse der historischen Praxis einer universitären Lehrsammlung unter Einbeziehung der heute noch vorhandenen ObjekteZauzig, Oliver 28 July 2022 (has links)
In dieser Forschungsarbeit geht es um die königliche Modellkammer der Universität Göttingen. Diese historische Lehrsammlung hat bis heute zahlreiche Spuren hinterlassen.
Trotz Professionalisierung der Sammlungsarbeit und der ständigen Einbindung der Modelle ins universitäre Curriculum der philosophischen Fakultät, insbesondere der angewandten Mathematik, existierten fast zu keiner Zeit angemessene Nutzungsbedingungen. In den 1880er Jahren wurde die Sammlung aufgelöst, wobei der Prozess der Auflösung in den Akten detailliert dokumentiert ist. Darüber hinaus sind bis heute 24 Modelle der ehemaligen Sammlung erhalten.
Aufbau und Umfang der Göttinger Modellkammer korrespondieren mit den universalen Modellsammlungen der Zeit, deren Ursprung in höfischen, städtischen und bürgerlichen Kunstkammern zu finden ist. Genutzt wurden Modelle und Modellsammlungen zum Beispiel zu Zwecken der Machtdemonstration, zum Planen und Entwerfen, als Muster, zum Spielen und Experimentieren, aber vor allem in Lehre und Bildung.
Neben der Erforschung der alltäglichen Praxis der historischen Sammlungsarbeit steht die Untersuchung der curricularen Nutzung mit der königlichen Modellkammer im Fokus der Arbeit. Dazu wurden einige der heute noch vorhandenen historischen Modelle der Sammlung eingehend untersucht, analysiert, in Bezug auf ihre historische curriculare Praxis befragt und individuell kontextualisiert.
Besonders durch die Begegnung mit den Objekten ergaben sich vielfältige Fragestellungen. Letztendlich erzwingen die zahlreichen Informationslücken, die sich bei der Erforschung des alltäglichen Umgangs mit der historischen Lehrsammlung durch Schrifttum und Objekte zwangsläufig auftun, ein überwiegend heuristisches Vorgehen. / This research paper is about the königliche Modellkammer (Royal Model Chamber) of the University of Göttingen. This historical teaching collection has left numerous traces to this day.
Despite the professionalisation of the collection's work and the constant integration of the models into the university curriculum of the Faculty of Philosophy, especially applied mathematics, appropriate conditions of use existed almost at no time. In the 1880s, the collection was dissolved, and the process of dissolution is documented in detail in the files. In addition, 24 models from the former collection have been preserved until now.
The structure and scope of the Göttingen Model Chamber correspond to the universal model collections of the time, whose origins can be found in courtly, municipal and bourgeois art chambers. Models and model collections for example were used for purposes of demonstrating power, for planning and designing, as patterns, for playing and experimenting, but above all in teaching and education.
In addition to researching the everyday practice of historical collection work, the focus is on investigating curricular use with the royal model chamber. To this end, some of the historical models of the collection that still exist today were examined in detail, analysed, questioned in relation to their historical curricular practice and individually contextualised.
Especially through the encounter with the objects, a variety of questions emerged. Ultimately, the numerous gaps in information that inevitably open up when researching the everyday use of the historical teaching collection through written material and objects force a predominantly heuristic approach.
1093 |
Towards a conceptual decision support systems framework aimed at narrowing the tax gap in South Africa : a narrative case studyWessels, Eugene 2014 June 1900 (has links)
Revenue collection agencies across the world aim to maximise revenue collection by minimising tax noncompliance. The different types of tax noncompliance are collectively referred to as the tax gap phenomenon, which revenue collection agencies address by means of various enforcement approaches and capabilities. Much like any organisation, the resources required to execute these capabilities are finite and require accurate organisational decision-making in order to make optimal use thereof. Information technology, and specifically decision support systems (DSS), is critical in enabling this decision-making process. Using the Structuration Model of Technology, the information needs, demand and offerings of revenue collection agencies are explored given their objective of narrowing the tax gap phenomenon using DSS. Emphasis is placed on the manner in which IT is used to address taxpayer noncompliance, the way in which IT supports knowledge creation and subsequently also facilitate the decision-making process of tax practitioners, and also the different types of IT offerings made available to decision-makers in the form of DSS. In doing so, this research presents the results of a case study on the South African Revenue Service in which a conceptual decision support system framework is developed aimed at minimising the tax gap phenomenon. The research is conducted as a qualitative single case study and presented through a narrative analysis. The framework is systematically constructed as the research findings emerge and concluded by means of a framework validation and transfer ability test. The research result is a conceptual DSS framework acting as a reference point to other revenue collection agencies with the objective of addressing taxpayer noncompliance through DSS. / Jurisprudence / D. Phil. (Information Systems)
1094 |
Etude du radon et du thoron par collection électrostatique et par spectrométrie gamma dans le cadre de l’expérience NEMO de décroissance double bêtaNguyen, Thi Cam Ha 16 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’insère dans le cadre de l’expérience NEMO cherchant à mettre en évidence une radioactivité extrêmement rare : la double désintégration bêta sans émission de neutrino et par suite d’obtenir des informations sur la nature Dirac-Majorana et sur la masse du neutrino. La particularité de cette expérience actuellement en fin de prise de données au Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane est l’extrême rareté du signal recherché (T1/2 > 1024 ans, quelques événements par an). Il s’ensuit donc des conditions très contraignantes sur toutes les composantes du bruit de fond, et parmi celles-ci sur les niveaux de radon et de thoron. Après quelques rappels sur les propriétés du radon et du thoron et leur influence sur les données de l’expérience NEMO, ce travail de thèse a porté sur la détection de ces gaz radioactifs par la technique de collection électrostatique des descendants sur la surface d’une diode silicium et la détection des alpha émis. Nous avons montré que les rendements de détection sont fortement influencés par les conditions expérimentales et que le niveau de radon pouvait être contrôlé actuellement au niveau du mBq/m3. Une série des mesures de spectrométrie gamma nous a permis de comprendre l’origine du bruit de fond du détecteur de radon, et ainsi d’envisager dans l’avenir un gain en sensibilité en augmentant le volume de détection et en effectuant une sélection très poussée des matériaux non radioactifs. Par contre, pour le thoron, qui n’avait jamais été étudié jusqu’à présent, les efficacités de détection sont très faibles à cause des périodes courtes mises en jeu. Un monitorage continu du thoron dans le gaz de NEMO est donc exclu, ce qui souligne l’importance pour l’expérience NEMO que le dispositif expérimental puisse contrôler son propre bruit de fond. / This work is part of the NEMO (Neutrino Ettore Majorana Observatory) experiment that is looking for an extremely rare radioactivity: the double beta decay without neutrino emission. Such process could prove the Majorana nature of the neutrino and could give an estimation of its absolute mass. The particularity of this experiment, currently running in the Modane underground laboratory (LSM), is the extreme weak signal (for T1/2 ~ 1024 years, a few events per year). It requires therefore very stringent conditions on all components of the background among which the level of radon and thoron activity. After a reminding of the general properties of radon and thoron as well as their influence on the NEMO data, this thesis focuses on the detection of these radioactive gases using the technique of electrostatic collection. The radon and/or the thoron daughters are collected by an electrostatic field on the surface of a silicon diode, where their characteristic alphas are detected. We have shown that the detection efficiencies are strongly influenced by the experimental conditions and that sensitivity around 1 mBq/m3 can be achieved for the radon in a gas. A series of measures through low background gamma spectrometer allowed us to understand the origin of the radon background, and thus showing that better sensitivity could be obtained by increasing the detection volume and by carrying out a strict selection of non-radioactive materials. For the thoron gas, which had never been studied before, the detection efficiencies have been found very low as a consequence of the short periods involved. Therefore, a continuous monitoring of the level of thoron in the NEMO gas is excluded, which underlines the importance for the NEMO experimental device to be able to control its own background. / Nghiên cứu này nằm trong khuôn khổ thí nghiệm NEMO, hiện đang trong những bước lấy số liệu cuối cùng tại phòng thí nghiệm ngầm Modane, nhằm ghi nhận phân rã bêta kép không kèm theo phát xạ neutrino, để từ đó chứng minh bản chất Majorana của hạt neutrino và cho phép ước lượng khối lượng tuyệt đối của hạt này. Phân rã này, nếu thật sự tồn tại, là loại phân rã cực hiếm (T1/2 > 1024 năm, tương đương với vài tín hiệu ghi nhận được mỗi năm). Vì thế, nó đòi hỏi những điều kiện rất gắt gao đối với mọi thành phần cấu thành nên phông nền bức xạ, trong đó bao gồm hoạt độ của radon và thoron. Sau khi nhắc lại những tính chất cơ bản của radon và thoron, cũng như ảnh hưởng của chúng tới số liệu của NEMO, bản luận văn tập trung vào việc đo hoạt độ của hai khí phóng xạ này bằng cách thu nhận các hạt nhân con của chúng thông qua trường tĩnh điện, tiếp đó ghi nhận các hạt alpha phát ra tại bề mặt một đi-ốt silic. Nghiên cứu này đã chỉ ra rằng hiệu suất đo phụ thuộc vào nhiều điều kiện thực nghiệm, và thiết bị này cho phép chúng tôi kiểm soát khí radon ở mức mBq/m3. Một lọat các phép đo với phổ kế gamma đã giúp chúng tôi hiểu được căn nguyên phông nền bức xạ của thiết bị, và từ đó dự kiến có thể cải thiện độ nhạy của thiết bị bằng cách tăng thể tích đo và chọn lọc các loại vật liệu có độ phóng xạ thấp. Tuy nhiên, với khí thoron, vốn vẫn chưa được nghiên cứu kỹ cho tới hiện nay, hiệu suất đo được là rất nhỏ do chu kỳ bán rã quá ngắn của các hạt nhân liên quan. Vì vậy, việc theo dõi thoron trong khí ga của NEMO đã bị loại trừ, đồng nghĩa với việc khẳng định tầm quan trọng của việc kiểm soát phông nền bức xạ thoron của chính thiết bị ghi nhận bêta kép trong thí nghiệm NEMO.
1095 |
Comparaison et combinaison de rendus visuels et sonores pour la conception d'interfaces homme-machine : des facteurs humains aux stratégies de présentation à base de distorsion / Comparison and combination of visual aud audio renderings to conceive human-computer interfaces : from human factors to distortion-based presentation strategiesBouchara, Tifanie 29 October 2012 (has links)
Bien que de plus en plus de données sonores et audiovisuelles soient disponibles, la majorité des interfaces qui permettent d’y accéder reposent uniquement sur une présentation visuelle. De nombreuses techniques de visualisation ont déjà été proposées utilisant une présentation simultanée de plusieurs documents et des distorsions permettant de mettre en relief l’information plus pertinente. Nous proposons de définir des équivalents auditifs pour la présentation de plusieurs fichiers sonores en concurrence, et de combiner de façon optimale les stratégies audio et visuelles pour la présentation de documents multimédia. Afin d’adapter au mieux ces stratégies à l’utilisateur, nous avons dirigé nos recherches sur l’étude des processus perceptifs et attentionnels impliqués dans l’écoute et l’observation d’objets audiovisuels concurrents, en insistant sur les interactions entre les deux modalités.Exploitant les paramètres de taille visuelle et de volume sonore, nous avons étendu le concept de lentille grossissante, utilisée dans les méthodes focus+contexte visuelles, aux modalités auditive et audiovisuelle. A partir de ce concept, une application de navigation dans une collection de documents vidéo a été développée. Nous avons comparé notre outil à un autre mode de rendu dit de Pan&Zoom à travers une étude d’utilisabilité. Les résultats, en particulier subjectifs, encouragent à poursuivre vers des stratégies de présentation multimodales associant un rendu audio aux rendus visuels déjà disponibles.Une seconde étude a concerné l’identification de sons d’environnement en milieu bruité en présence d’un contexte visuel. Le bruit simule la présence de plusieurs sources sonores simultanées telles qu’on pourrait les retrouver dans une interface où les documents audio et audiovisuels sont présentés ensemble. Les résultats de cette expérience ont confirmé l’avantage de la multimodalité en condition de dégradation. De plus, au-delà des buts premiers de la thèse, l’étude a confirmé l’importance de la congruence sémantique entre les composantes visuelle et sonore pour la reconnaissance d’objets et a permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur la perception auditive des sons d’environnement.Finalement, nous nous sommes intéressée aux processus attentionnels impliqués dans la recherche d’un objet parmi plusieurs, en particulier au phénomène de « pop-out » par lequel un objet saillant attire l’attention automatiquement. En visuel, un objet net attire l’attention au milieu d’objets flous et certaines stratégies de présentation visuelle exploitent déjà ce paramètre visuel. Nous avons alors étendu la notion de flou aux modalités auditives et audiovisuelles par analogie. Une série d’expériences perceptives a confirmé qu’un objet net parmi des objets flous attire l’attention, quelle que soit la modalité. Les processus de recherche et d’identification sont alors accélérés quand l’indice de netteté correspond à la cible, mais ralentis quand il s’agit d’un distracteur, mettant ainsi en avant un phénomène de guidage involontaire. Concernant l’interaction intermodale, la combinaison redondante des flous audio et visuel s’est révélée encore plus efficace qu’une présentation unimodale. Les résultats indiquent aussi qu’une combinaison optimale n’implique pas d’appliquer obligatoirement une distorsion sur les deux modalités. / Although more and more sound and audiovisual data are available, the majority of access interfaces are solely based on a visual presentation. Many visualization techniques have been proposed that use simultaneous presentation of multiple documents and distortions to highlight the most relevant information. We propose to define equivalent audio technique for the presentation of several competing sound files, and optimally combine such audio and visual presentation strategies for multimedia documents. To better adapt these strategies to the user, we studied attentional and perceptual processes involved in listening and watching simultaneous audio-visual objects, focusing on the interactions between the two modalities.Combining visual size and sound level parameters, we extended the visual concept of magnifying lens to auditory and audiovisual modalities. Exploiting this concept, a navigation application in a video collection has been developed. We compared our tool with another rendering mode called Pan & Zoom through a usability study. Results, especially subjective results, encourage further research to develop multimodal presentation strategies by combining an audio rendering to the visual renderings already available.A second study concerned the identification of environmental sounds in a noisy environment in the presence of a visual context. The noise simulated the presence of multiple competing sounds as would be observed in an interface where several multimedia documents are presented together. The experimental results confirmed the multimodality advantage in condition of audio degradation. Moreover, beyond the primary goals of the thesis, this study confirms the importance of the semantic congruency between visual and auditory components for object recognition and provides deeper knowledge about the auditory perception of environmental sounds.Finally, we investigated attentional processes involved in the search of a specific object among many, especially the “pop-out” phenomenon whereby a salient object automatically attracts attention. In vision, an sharp object attracts attention among blurred objects and some visual strategies already exploit this parameter to display the information. We extended by analogy the concept of visual blur to auditory and audiovisual modalities. A serie of experiments confirmed that a perceptual object among blurred objects attracts attention, regardless of the modality. The identification and search process is then accelerated when the sharpness parameter is applied to the target, but slow when it is applied to a distractor. These results highlight an involuntary attraction effect. Concerning the crossmodal interaction, a redundant combination of audio and visual blur proved to be more effective than a unimodal presentation. Results also indicate that optimal combination does not necessarily require a distortion of both modalities.
1096 |
Moderno e pioneiro - a formação do acervo de artes visuais da Biblioteca Mário de Andrade na gestão de Sérgio Milliet (1943-1959) / Modern and pionner - The construction of Mario de Andrade Library visual collection during the Sérgio Milliet\'s direction (1943-1959)Piza, Vera Maria Porto de Toledo 20 August 2018 (has links)
Estudo da formação do primeiro acervo público sistemático de arte moderna da cidade, adquirido pela Seção de Arte da então Biblioteca Pública Municipal de São Paulo, atual Biblioteca Mário de Andrade (BMA), entre 1943 e 1959, período em que Sérgio Milliet foi diretor geral da instituição e em que Maria Eugênia Franco foi diretora da Seção de Arte. Insere a instituição no contexto cultural e político de modernização da cidade e apresenta o acervo adquirido, relacionando as atividades museais que levaram à sua constituição e exposição com a atuação mais ampla dos protagonistas da instituição em prol da consolidação da arte moderna e da formação de público e artistas / This study focuses on São Paulo\'s first public collection of modern art, acquired by the Art Division of the then called São Paulo Municipal Public Library, known today as Mario de Andrade Library, between the years of 1943 and 1959. At the time Sérgio Milliet was the director of the institution and Maria Eugênia Franco was responsible for the Art Division. The investigation places this institution in the city\'s modernization cultural and political context, and presents the collection analyzing the museological activities that ensured its constitution and exposure, considering the extensive work performed by the institution\'s protagonists in favour of the consolidation of modern art and the shaping of and art public as well as artists.
1097 |
Collection development practices at institutions of higher learning in Namibia with special reference to electronic resources : the case of the University of Namibia libraryAshilungu, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the collection development practices of electronic
resources at the University of Namibia (UNAM) library and its constituent branches.
Collection development is one of the critical activities of any library management process;
therefore, the goal of collection development in university libraries is to effectively provide
relevant and up-to-date information resources. The main aims of the study were: to explore
the collection development procedures and policies for electronic resources at the UNAM
library; to investigate the factors that influence the collection development of information
resources; to assess the extent which teaching staff and subject librarians are involved in
collection development at the UNAM library; to discover the barriers to effective collection
development of electronic resources at the UNAM library; and to determine the influence of
the UNAM library budget allocation on the collection development of electronic resources.
The population of the study comprised of 291 teaching staff from all eight faculties of
UNAM. A total of 149 faculty members responded to the survey, which gave a response rate
of 51.2%, while a total number of 16 library staff were interviewed. The study employed a
quantitative approach, and the qualitative approach was applied on the part of the library
staff. For quantitative data collection, the study used a self-administered questionnaire, while
for qualitative data, the study used an interview schedule with library staff. The data from the
interviews were used to complement the data from the survey. Quantitative data were
analysed using SPSS, while the qualitative data were analysed using thematic content
analysis. The study revealed that not all faculty members are aware of the guideline,
procedure, and policies on the collection development activities. Eighty one percent (81%) of
the respondents are aware of the importance of their role in selecting library materials, 72%
are aware of acquiring books, and 67% are aware of the budget allocated to their faculty. The
majority totaling 94% of the faculty members are not aware of weeding or disposal of library
books, followed by 83% who are not aware of collection evaluation, and 81% are not aware
of the collection development policy in place at the UNAM library. From the data collected,
the study found that a majority (67%) of faculty members are aware of ICTs used in
collection development activities. Even though the majority of faculty members are aware of
ICTs used in collection development activities, (45%) faculty members are not aware that
ICTs can be used in collection development. The major challenge facing the UNAM library
is the absence of the collection development policy, which makes it difficult for the teaching
staff, students, and library staff to understand all the issues related to the collection
development of electronic resources in the library. Another challenge is the inadequacy of
funds to cater for the increasing costs of electronic resources in various subject fields. / Information Science / M. A. (Information Science)
1098 |
Les Français et l’archéologie au Royaume de Naples pendant le Decennio francese (1806-1815) : l’exemple des découvertes de céramique antique / The French connoisseurship and Archeology in the Kingdom of Naples during the French Decade (1806-1815) : an example of the discoveries of ancient painted vases / I Francesi e l’archeologia nel Regno di Napoli durante il Decennio francese (1806-1815) : l’esempio delle scoperte di ceramica anticaLe Bars-Tosi, Florence 25 October 2014 (has links)
En se proposant d’étudier les relations des Français avec le Royaume de Naples dans la mise en place d’une politique archéologique parmi les plus modernes d’Europe sous les règnes de Joseph Bonaparte et Joachim Murat, cette thèse s’inscrit dans plusieurs domaines de la recherche en Histoire (politique et culturelle), Histoire de l’Art et Archéologie. Il s’agit ainsi de nous pencher surl’Antiquité à travers le prisme du XIXe siècle, tout en tentant de répondre aux questions actuelles de l’Histoire de l’art sur les provenances archéologiques et le destin des oeuvres découvertes dans ces années. Devant l’ampleur des découvertes archéologiques faites pendant le decennio francese, nous choisissons de limiter la recherche au matériel céramique. Ce corpus homogène permet de revenir sur les découvertes et l’histoire des sites archéologiques de l’Italie méridionale dans les années 1806-1815, en explorant des archives inédites. Leur dépouillement systématique apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur l’histoire des sites fouillés et permet de retrouver la provenance perdue d’objets aujourd’hui conservés dans les musées européens. Par ce croisement inédit de sources, nous espérons donner une vision plus complète de la Naples du decennio francese, tout en élargissant les connaissances sur l’Histoire de l’Archéologie en Italieméridionale. C’est là tout l’enjeu d’un sujet aux confluences des différents courants de l’Histoire,contemplant l’Antiquité dans le miroir des premières années du XIXe siècle. / Dealing with the relationships between the French connoisseurship and the Kingdom of Naples in building of one of the most modern archeological policies in Europe under Joseph Bonaparte and Joachim Murat's reigns, this doctorate takes a part in several fields of research in History (political and cultural), Art History and Archeology. It makes us look at the Antiquity through the prism of the XIX Century, trying at the same time to answer today’s questions of Art History about the archeological proveniences and the faith of the vases discovered in those years. In front of the large number of archeological discoveries made during the French Decade, we choose to focus our research on ancient painted vases. This homogeneous corpus leads us back to the discoveries and the history of archeological sites in the south of Italy during the years 1806-1815 by exploring ancient and unpublished archives. Their systematic sorting gives new information on the History of excavations, allowing us to find out the lost provenance of ancient vases, today conserved in several museums in Europe.With this original sources crossing, we aimed at offering a more complete vision of Naples during the French Decade by broadening the knowledge on the Southern Italian archeological History.Here stands the stake of a study at the confluences of different streams of History, looking at the Antiquity in the mirror of the first years of the XIX Century.
1099 |
Nouvelle architecture de pixel CMOS éclairé par la face arrière, intégrant une photodiode à collection de trous et une chaine de lecture PMOS pour capteurs d’image en environnement ionisant / Novel back-side illuminated CMOS pixel architecture integrating a hole-based photodiode and PMOS readout circuitry for image sensors in ionising environmentMamdy, Bastien 30 September 2016 (has links)
Grâce à l'explosion du marché grand public des smartphones et tablettes, les capteurs d'image CMOS ont bénéficiés de développements technologiques majeurs leur permettant de rivaliser voir même de devancer les performances des capteurs CCD. En parallèle, dans les domaines de l'aérospatial ou de l'imagerie médicale, des capteurs CMOS ont également été développés pour des applications à fortes valeurs ajoutées avec des technologies reconnues pour leur robustesse en environnement ionisant. Le travail de cette thèse a pour but de réunir dans une même architecture de pixel les dernières avancées technologiques développées pour les capteurs grands publics avec une solution novatrice de durcissement aux rayonnements ionisants récemment développée chez STMicroelectronics. Pour la première fois, cette nouvelle architecture de pixel de 1,4µm de côté et éclairée par la face arrière intègre une photodiode pincée verticale à collection de trous, une chaine de lecture composée de transistors PMOS et des tranchées d'isolation profondes à passivation passive ou active. Ce type de pixel a été conçu à l'aide de simulations TCAD en trois dimensions qui ont permis d'optimiser l'intégration de procédés pour sa fabrication. Il a été caractérisé et comparé à un pixel équivalent de type N avant et après irradiation par rayonnement gamma. Le pixel développé au cours de cette thèse présente intrinsèquement un plus faible courant d'obscurité que son homologue de type N et une meilleure résistance aux radiations. La passivation active des tranchées d'isolation profondes permet d'atténuer fortement l'impact des dégradations habituellement observées au niveau des interfaces Si/SiO2 et s'avère donc prometteuse en environnement ionisant. Des mécanismes intrinsèquement différents de formation de pixels blancs sous irradiation ont été mis en évidence pour les pixels de type P et de type N. Enfin, les technologies de l'éclairement par la face arrière et de la photodiode verticale contribuent chacune à la bonne efficacité quantique du pixel ainsi qu'à sa capacité de stockage importante / Thanks to the growing smartphones and tablets consumer markets, CMOS image sensors have benefited from major technology developments and are able to rival with and even outperform CCD sensors. In parallel, for spatial and medical imaging applications, CMOS sensors have been developed using technologies recognized for their robustness in harsh ionizing environment. This Ph.D. thesis work aims at combining in one single pixel architecture the latest technology developments driven by consumer applications with a novel solution for radiation hardening recently developed at STMicroelectronics. For the first time, this innovative back-side illuminated pixel architecture integrates within a 1.4µm pitch a vertical pinned photodiode based on hole-collection, a PMOS readout chain and deep trench isolation with either passive or active interface passivation. This pixel has been developed using 3D-TCAD simulations allowing fast and efficient optimization of its fabrication process. Through a series of electro-optical characterizations, we have compared its performances to its N-type equivalent before and after irradiation with gamma rays. The pixel developed during this thesis exhibits intrinsically lower level of dark current than its N-type counterpart and improved radiation hardness. Active passivation of deep trench isolation greatly decreases the impact of degradations usually observed at Si/SiO2 interfaces and therefore shows very promising results in ionizing environment. Evidence of intrinsically different mechanisms of white pixel formation under irradiation for N-type and P-type pixels have been presented. Finally, back-side illumination technology and the vertical photodiode both contribute to the pixel’s high full well capacity and good quantum efficiency
1100 |
Tainted blood, tainted knowledge : contesting scientific evidence at the Krever InquiryPaterson, Timothy Murray 05 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation I provide an ethnographic account of the testimony of four expert
witnesses who appeared before the Commission of Inquiry on the Blood System in Canada (the
Krever Inquiry) as they described the production of scientific knowledge and the role that
knowledge played in the struggle to protect the blood supply from being contaminated by AIDS
during the early 1980's. In doing so, I bring together the experts' testimony with contemporary
documents gathered by the Commission and interviews I conducted with participants in the
proceedings. Using insights drawn from the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, and history,
I explore what the witnesses' accounts reveal about their understandings of their professional
world and its relationships with other worlds, especially that of public health policy making.
The Krever Inquiry offered a valuable opportunity for carrying out such an investigation. It
provided a site where science was not only used, it was talked about. The Inquiry invited those
involved in the blood system in the early 1980's to reflect upon and explain the beliefs and
actions which surrounded one of the worst public health disasters in Canadian history and it
asked the witnesses how similar catastrophes could be avoided in the future.
As a result, many of the issues addressed at the hearings reflect matters of current concern in
public health and medicine. The Inquiry addressed difficult issues surrounding the nature of
scientific knowledge and its application in health decision-making and policy formulation. This
study, therefore, may be of interest to those dealing with the problems surrounding uncertainty
and the management of public health crises. It may also be of interest to those dealing with
conflicts rising out of the intersection of different worlds of experience and practice, as well as to
those involved in the current initiatives to both make medical and public health institutions more
proactive, and inclusive, and public health decision-making more transparent.
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