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Entre práticas artísticas e editoriais: as publicações coletivas no museu / Between artistic and editorial practices: the collective artists publications in the museumShoji, Eduardo Akio 26 September 2014 (has links)
As publicações de artistas são uma das principais formas de manifestação da arte do século 20: tanto por serem originárias da modernidade artística, quanto por marcarem aspectos próprios da linguagem contemporânea. Como formas operativas potencialmente acolhedoras do trabalho coletivo entre artistas e poetas, materializando um espírito de rede, analisamos algumas publicações de artistas brasileiras dos anos 1970 presentes no acervo do MAC USP. De livros de artistas a revistas literárias, as publicações coletivas são consideradas veículos de comunicação bem como da própria arte. Enquanto produtos do design gráfico, tais edições estabelecem relações entre ler e ver, palavras e imagens, propondo desafios críticos e museológicos. Após apresentar um estudo geral sobre as publicações de artistas, buscamos organizar nossa reflexão em dois grandes grupos, as relações entre Poesia e Visualidade e Poesia e Performatividade, como modos de se apropriar artisticamente dos objetos editáveis e publicáveis. No primeiro caso, ligados a uma tradição construtiva, os poetas e artistas estão interessados na construção visual de suas obras e em seus efeitos, criando uma poesia visual ou uma imagem visual poética. No segundo, aliados sobretudo ao tropicalismo e à poesia marginal, servem-se das publicações para atingir e interagir com o leitor ou o público, através do potencial imagético e performático da palavra e de imagens visuais poeticamente construídas enquanto enunciados discursivos e socialmente identificados na cultura de massa. / The artists publications are one of the main forms of art manifestation in the 20th century: both because they originate on the modernity period of art, and by bringing aspects inherent to the contemporary means of expression. We analyze some editions of Brazilian artists from the 1970s, as operative forms, potentially welcoming to collective work of artists and poets, which materialize a network impulse. They are all part of Museum of Contemporary Art at USP collection. From artistic books to literary journals, collective publications are considered means of communication as well as objects of art per se. As products of graphic design, such editions establish relations between reading and seeing, words and images, setting up some critical and museologic challenges. After introducing with a general study about the artists publications, we aim to organize our reflection in two larger groups: the relations between Poetry and Visuality and the one between Poetry and Performativity, as ways of appropriating artistically some editable and publishable materials. In the former, connected to a constructive tradition, poets and artists are interested in visual construction of their works and their effects, creating some kind of visual poetry or a visual poetic image. In the latter, aligned mostly to Tropicalism and marginal poetry, the artists use the publications to reach out and interact with a certain public or reader, through the imagetic and performatic potential of the words and poetically visual images constructed as discursive utterances that are socially identified in mass culture.
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Arizhio: Tales of Glorious Manifest DestinyCraig, Clinton 01 July 2017 (has links)
This is a book of short stories with a critical introduction. In theme, the stories seek to find the border between the Midwest and the Southwest of America by focusing on Ohio and Arizona. Some of the stories seek to exemplify “experimental” fiction, while the critical introduction seeks to define “experimental.” In addition, the introduction theorizes about the role of setting in linking collections and characterization.
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Modeling of Flow and Water Quality in Henry Hagg Lake near Forest Grove, OregonKnutson, Michael T 10 September 1993 (has links)
Increased population growth in Washington County, Oregon, has helped cause the water quality of the Tualatin River to decline. Henry Hagg Lake is a storage reservoir which was built to augment summer low flows in the Tualatin River. Hagg Lake also supplies the Tualatin River Basin with both irrigation and municipal water in the summer. Using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's model CE-QUAL-W2 (a two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model) , a model of Henry Hagg Lake was created. The model was calibrated using water quality and hydraulic data for 1990 at the Hagg Lake outflow in Scoggins Creek. A verification simulation was performed with similar field data for 1991. The model was used to evaluate the water quality of Henry Hagg Lake if more flow were allowed out of the reservoir than current allocations permit. This model simulation showed that the water quality of Hagg Lake would not be severely affected, however, recreation in the lake would be. Additional particle sizes for inorganic suspended solids introduced to the lake by streamflow were added to the model. The model was used to track suspended solids in Hagg Lake through a summer season. Field data for the modeling of Hagg Lake were very limited. Thus, firm conclusions about the validity of the model would require further field data.
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices amongst black employees of the University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Limpopo Province, South AfricaMamabolo, Malema Hendricca January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2012 / The objectives of the study: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of black employees of The University of Limpopo (Turfloop campus) about blood donation. To determine the degree of willingness by blacks to donate as well as suggesting some solutions to improve the performance by the South African National Blood Services.
Design: A descriptive study utilizing a self-reported questionnaire was carried out.
Setting: The University of Limpopo Turfloop Campus in the Limpopo Province of South Africa.
Material and Methods: A total of 138 employees participated in the study. With the aid of Predictive Analytics Software (PASW), 136 male and 101 female participants were randomly selected from the 40 University departments. The mean ages by gender was 36.91, ±10, 06 years for males, and 41.93, ±9, 35 years for females. The mean ages by donor status was 40.24, ±10, 15 years for donors and 37.94, ±9, 9 years for non-donors.
Outcome measures: Subjects demographic variables were determined by the use of a pre-tested self-reported questionnaire, which covered personal characteristics such as gender, age, residence, number of household members, marital status, educational background, faculty or department of
employment, as well as the monthly income bracket. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding blood donation were also assessed using the pre-tested self-developed questionnaire. The following information was included: previous practices, current and lifetime practices of blood donation.
Results: There was a general lack of practice of blood donation despite the presence of average knowledge relating to matters of blood donation amongst the black employees of the University of Limpopo, (Turfloop campus). There was no difference between black females and males as far as blood donation was concerned. There was a reflection of similar practices of blood donation by both genders. Blood donation generally started at a very late age due to early lack of exposure, information and awareness.
Conclusion: Findings from this study showed that the prevalence of non-donors amongst the blacks is high. The attitudes and practices of non-donors towards donation were generally less favourable, but it can be argued that a high percentage of these findings may likely change with the right interventions.
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Traffic Sign Management: Data Integration and Analysis Methods for Mobile LiDAR and Digital Photolog Big DataKhalilikhah, Majid 01 May 2016 (has links)
This study links traffic sign visibility and legibility to quantify the effects of damage or deterioration on sign retroreflective performance. In addition, this study proposes GIS-based data integration strategies to obtain and extract climate, location, and emission data for in-service traffic signs. The proposed data integration strategy can also be used to assess all transportation infrastructures’ physical condition. Additionally, non-parametric machine learning methods are applied to analyze the combined GIS, Mobile LiDAR imaging, and digital photolog big data. The results are presented to identify the most important factors affecting sign visual condition, to predict traffic sign vandalism that obstructs critical messages to drivers, and to determine factors contributing to the temporary obstruction of the sign messages. The results of data analysis provide insight to inform transportation agencies in the development of sign management plans, to identify traffic signs with a higher likelihood of failure, and to schedule sign replacement.
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Criteria to Evaluate the Quality of Pavement Camera Systems in Automated Evaluation VehiclesSokolic, Iván 17 July 2003 (has links)
The use of high technology in common daily tasks is boarding all areas of civil engineering; pavement evaluation is not the exception. Accordingly, current pavement imaging systems have been able to collect images at highway speeds and with the use of proper software, this digital information can be translated into pavement distress reports in which all distresses are classified and presented by their type, extent, severity, and location. However, a number of issues regarding the quality of pavement images and the appropriate conditions to acquire them, remain to be addressed. These issues surfaced during the development of a pavement evaluation vehicle for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
The work involved in this thesis proposes basic criteria to evaluate the performance of pavement imaging systems. Mainly four parameters (1) spatial resolution, (2) brightness resolution, (3) optical distortion, and (4) signal to noise ratio, have been identified to assess the quality of a pavement imaging system. First, each of the four parameters is studied in detail in USF's Visual Imaging Laboratory to formulate relevant criteria that can be used to evaluate imaging systems. Then, the developed criteria are used to evaluate the FDOT Survey Vehicle's pavement imaging system. The evaluation speed does not seem to have any significant influence on the spatial resolution, brightness resolution and signal to noise ratio. Little or no optical distortion was observed on the images on wheel paths. Limitations of the imaging system were also determined in terms of the brightness resolution and noise. The conclusions drawn from this study can be used to (1) enhance pavement imaging systems and (2) setup appropriate guidelines to perform automated distress surveys, under varying lighting conditions and speeds to obtain good quality images.
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Planification des activités en logistique inverse : modélisation et optimisation des performances par une approche stochastique en programmation linéaire / Planning of reverse logistics activities : modeling and optimization of performance using a stochastic approach to linear programmingFall, Alioune 12 July 2016 (has links)
Durant les dernières décennies, des réseaux de logistiques inverses ont été lancésdans plusieurs pays industrialisés dans l’objectif de préserver l’environnement. La mise enplace et la gestion de cette logistique concernent les différents niveaux, stratégique, tactique etopérationnel existants dans le cadre de la logistique directe pour tout système de productionde biens industriels. Pour améliorer ce type de réseau, la modélisation et la simulation sontdes outils efficaces. Après avoir présenté un état de l’art de ce domaine, notre étude sefocalise sur la planification de certains sous-ensembles (appelés maillons) de cette chaineinverse (i.e. collecte-tri, désassemblage) au niveau tactique, c'est-à-dire à moyen terme. Lebut de ce travail est donc de proposer un modèle générique en programmation linéaire dans uncontexte multi-produit et multi-période, qui cherche à maximiser le profit total du maillonétudié et qui prend en compte l’incertitude sur la qualité des produits traités. Le modèlelinéaire en nombres entiers (déterministe, stochastique et évaluation stochastique) est ainsiformulé autour d’un profit contraint par les capacités du maillon, l’évolution des stocksentrants et sortants et la livraison des produits traités aux clients, avec une politique delivraison sans déclassement ou avec déclassement des produits. / During the last decades, reverse logistics networks have been launched in severalindustrialized countries with the aim of preserving the environment. The implementation andmanagement of the reverse logistics concerns the different levels (strategic, tactical andoperational) existing in the framework of forward logistics for any production system. Toimprove this type of network, modeling and simulation are effective tools. After presenting astate of the art in this domain, our study focuses on the planning of two sub-systems of thereverse logistics chain (i.e. collection-sorting and disassembly) on the tactical level that is tosay the medium term. The aim of this work is to propose a generic model by linearprogramming in a multi-product and multi-period context, which searches for maximizingthe total profit of the sub-system studied, taking into account the uncertainty of the productssupplied. The integer linear model (deterministic, stochastic and stochastic assessment) is thusformulated around a profit constrained by the sub-system capacity, the evolution of incomingand outgoing inventory and the delivery of products to customers: a delivery policyauthorizing the quality degrading of products or not.
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The lion in the frame : the art practices of the national art galleries of New South Wales and New Zealand, 1918-1939James, Pamela J., University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Humanities January 2003 (has links)
This study examines the art practices and management of the National Art Galleries of Australia and New Zealand in the period between the wars, 1918-1939.It does so in part to account for the pervading conservatism and narrow corridors of aesthetic acceptability evident in their acquisitions and in many of their dealings. It aims to explore the role of Britishness, through an examination of the influence of the London Royal Academy of Art, within theses emerging official art institutions. This study argues that the dominant artistic ideology illustrated in these National Gallery collections was determined by a social elite, which was, at its heart, British. Its collective taste was predicated on models established in Great Britain and on traditions and on connoisseurship. This visual instruction in the British ideal of culture, as seen through the Academy, was regarded as a worthy aspiration, one that was at once both highly nationalistic and also a tool of Empire unity. This ideal was nationalistic in the sense that it marked the desire of these Boards to claim for the nation membership of the world's civil society, whilst also acknowleging that the vehicle to do so was through an enhanced alliance with British art and culture. The ramifications of an Empire-first aesthetic model were tremendous. The model severely constrained taste in domestic art, limited the participation of indigenous peoples and shaped the reception of modernism. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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台灣地區大學院校圖書館教授指定參考書服務之調查研究 / The survey research of reserve service in college and university libraries in Taiwan黃超蘭, Huang, Chao-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,調查對象為台灣地區96個大學院校圖書館,問卷回收率達94.79 %,其中有效問卷計89份。在回收的問卷中,有69個(約77.5 %)的圖書館表示目前有提供此項服務。
針對調查結果,本研究建議指定參考書的規劃應與館藏發展政策相互配合,方能更適切的滿足學生需求。國內應成立著作權仲介團體,並訂定適合我國國情的非營利教育機構合理使用規範,供圖書館作為提供指定參考書服務時的依循。未來教授指定參考書要朝向電子化的方向努力,提昇使用的便捷性。圖書館應定期進行指定考書服務的統計、評鑑,以做有效的規劃與預測。向教師宣導指定參考書之意義及重要性,並加強教學過程與圖書館資源的密切配合,以教學圖書館的概念培養學生自我學習的能力。 / Reserve services have existed in libraries for many years. They provide special access to a limited number of materials. Photocopied articles , library books and non-library items such as instructor-owned book are often placed on reserve to support class assignments or supplemental course reading.
This thesis describes the current status of the reserve service in the college and university libraries in Taiwan based on responses to questionnaires sent to the directors of such libraries. The survey was conducted in March 1999. The questionnaires were sent to ninety-six college and university libraries , and ninety-one institutions participated. The questionnaire had six main components : (1)librarian opinion about reserve service, (2)whether the library provide reserve service, (3)management of reserve collection, (4)copyright protective policy, (5)automation, and (6)difficulties.
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A new approach to the train algorithm for distributed garbage collection.Lowry, Matthew C. January 2004 (has links)
This thesis describes a new approach to achieving high quality distributed garbage collection using the Train Algorithm. This algorithm has been investigated for its ability to provide high quality collection in a variety of contexts, including persistent object systems and distributed object systems. Prior literature on the distributed Train Algorithm suggests that safe, complete, asynchronous, and scalable collection can be attained, however an approach that achieves this combination of behaviour has yet to emerge. The mechanisms and policies described in this thesis are unique in their ability to exploit the distributed Train Algorithm in a manner that displays all four desirable qualities. Further the mechanisms allow any number of mutator and collector threads to operate concurrently within a site; this is also a unique property amongst train-based mechanisms (distributed or otherwise). Confidence in the quality of the approach promoted in this thesis is obtained via a top-down approach. Firstly a concise behavioural model is introduced to capture fundamental requirements for safe and complete behaviour from train-based collection mechanisms. The model abstracts over the techniques previously introduced under the banner of the Train Algorithm. It serves as a self- contained template for correct train-based collection that is independent of a target object system for deployment of the algorithm. Secondly a means to instantiate the model in a distributed object system is described. The instantiation includes well-established techniques from prior literature, and via the model these are correctly refined and reorganised with new techniques to achieve asynchrony, scalability, and support for concurrency. The result is a flexible approach that allows a distributed system to exhibit a variety of local collection mechanisms and policies, while ensuring their interaction is safe, complete, asynchronous, and scalable regardless of the local choices made by each site. Additional confidence in the properties of the new approach is obtained from implementation within a distributed object system simulation. The implementation provides some insight into the practical issues that arise through the combination of distribution, concurrent execution within sites, and train-based collection. Executions of the simulation system are used to verify that safe collection is observed at all times, and obtain evidence that asynchrony, scalability, and concurrency can be observed in practice. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computer Science, 2004.
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