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Associations professionnelles et groupes de gens de métier dans les cités grecques d'Asie Mineure à l'époque impériale (Ier - Ve siècle après J.-C.)Royer, Amélie Le Dinahet, Marie-Thérèse. January 2006 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Histoire : Lyon 2 : 2006. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. Index des sources.
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O desenvolvimento profissional docente e a participa??o colegiado no Atheneu Norte-RiograndenseOliveira, Vivianne Souza de 01 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-01 / To investigate the relationship that exists among the educational participation of the school board and the teacher's professional development, starting from the analysis teachers of a public institution who teaches daily in the city of Natal. We focused the possible relationships between the teacher's action and their professional development, which includes the participation of the School board, considered by us as a collective space. To accomplish this research we used Interviews (KAUFMANN, 1996; SILVA, 2002) to analyze the nine participants, who are teachers' of the school board, and their oral speeches, considered as main references of our study. While trying to understand the reasons that led the teachers to choose her/his educational profession, we noticed the difficulty of recognition of the job of lecturing as a profession. This fact comes as an obstacle to the perspective of the teachers' professional development. In what he/she refers to the forms of the teachers' participation in the board and their meanings, we noticed in first place that the feeling of it belongs one of the decisive factors it can be considered actively for the teacher to announce of the actions colegiadas. This for them to want and they believe that that is the best road for if they develop better while professionals and consequently to improve the situation of the school. In second place we noticed that the school board represents, a place of articulation of the equality among all the ones that form the school community. So, we tried to understand how they happened to the collective actions in the school, how the teachers presented them in spite of what they know, how a collective action should be presented in the elements of fragility of that process that inhibit the development of the overall action. Finally, we questioned the elements that would contribute to the educational professional development; we noticed that the teachers present the competence, the ethics and professional valorization, as factors that contributed at the present time to their educational professional development / Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se existe rela??o entre a participa??o docente no colegiado escolar e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor a partir da an?lise das experi?ncias cotidianas de professores de uma institui??o p?blica da Rede Estadual de ensino na cidade do Natal. Temos como foco principal as poss?veis rela??es entre a a??o participativa do professor e o seu desenvolvimento profissional, a partir da participa??o no Conselho Escolar, considerado por n?s como um espa?o de coletividade. Para realiza??o da pesquisa utilizamos a Entrevista Compreensiva (KAUFMANN, 1996; SILVA 2002) para analisar os discursos orais de nove professores participantes do Conselho Escolar, considerados como refer?ncia principal desse estudo. Ao procurar compreender os motivos que conduziram os professores a escolherem a profiss?o docente, percebemos a dificuldade de reconhecimento da doc?ncia como profiss?o. Este fato apresenta-se como um obst?culo ? perspectiva de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. No que se refere ?s formas de participa??o dos professores no Conselho e os seus significados, percebemos em primeiro lugar que o sentimento de perten?a pode ser considerado um dos fatores determinantes para que o professor participe ativamente das a??es colegiadas. Isto por eles desejarem e acreditarem que esse ? o melhor caminho para se desenvolverem melhor enquanto profissionais e conseq?entemente melhorar a situa??o da escola. Em segundo lugar percebemos que o Conselho representa, um lugar de articula??o da igualdade entre todos os que formam a comunidade escolar. Ao procurarmos compreender como ocorriam ?s a??es coletivas na escola, os professores demonstram que apesar de compreenderem como deveria ser uma a??o coletiva apresentam os elementos de fragilidade desse processo que inibem o desenvolvimento da a??o colegiada. Finalmente, ao questionarmos sobre os elementos que contribuiriam para o desenvolvimento profissional docente, os professores apresentam a compet?ncia, a ?tica e valoriza??o profissional, como fatores que contribuem para o desenvolvimento profissional docente na atualidade
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Does participatory and collective governance promote sustainable decisions? / Theoretical explanations and lessons from the megacity of HyderabadMeyer-Ueding, Jennifer 25 March 2014 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der kollektiven Beteiligung betroffener Akteure und nachhaltigen Entscheidungen im Umgang mit Ressourcen. Hierbei wird eine zweiteilige Forschungsagenda aus einem theoretisch-methodologischen und einem empirischen Ansatz verfolgt. Zunächst soll die theoretische Debatte um die operativen Mechanismen zwischen partizipativen Governance-Formen und nachhaltigen Ergebnissen unter der Einbindung von Erkenntnissen zu kollektiven Handlungen vorangetrieben werden. Daneben sollen empirische Einsichten zu konkreten Fällen von kollektiver partizipativer Ressourcen-Governance in Hyderabad, Indien, gewonnen werden. Fünf wissenschaftliche Aufsätze widmen sich diesen beiden Forschungszielen. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht mit Hilfe einer Haushaltsumfrage in Hyderabad die Chancen für eine stärker inklusive Planung in der Wasserversorgung. Der zweite Aufsatz präsentiert eine umfangreiche Literaturauswertung und den Entwurf eines eigenen theoretischen Frameworks. Die folgenden Aufsätze liefern mittels qualitativer Fallstudien Erkenntnisse zu konkreten Formen der kollektiven Partizipation in Hyderabad: Der dritte Aufsatz ist eine Fallstudie über den genossenschaftlichen Sektor in Hyderabad und legt Defizite in der Mitglieder-Partizipation und Autonomie offen. Der vierte Aufsatz stellt dar wie SCOTRWA, ein Zusammenschluss von Nachbarschaftsorganisationen in Hyderabad, sein Sozialkapital für ein kollektives Vorgehen gegen medizinische Ausbeutung einsetzt. Schließlich entwirft der fünfte Aufsatz einen methodologischen Ansatz für die Auswertung qualitativer Daten. Die Anwendung untersucht eine Mitgliederorganisation von SCOTRWA und verdeutlicht die empirische Komplexität der Beziehung zwischen kollektiver Partizipation und nachhaltigen Entscheidungen. Diese Erkenntnisse beeinflussen rückwirkend die theoretischen und methodischen Konzepte der Dissertation wobei der methodologische Ansatz die Grundlage für weitergehende Forschung bildet. / This dissertation studies the interrelation between collective stakeholder participation and sustainable decision-making when dealing with various resources. It follows an iterative research agenda consisting of a theoretical-conjoint-methodological approach and an empirical approach. First, the thesis aims to advance the theoretical debate on the relation between participatory governance and sustainable outcomes incorporating considerations on collective action. The second research aim is to accumulate concrete empirical insights on cases of collective stakeholder participation in Hyderabad, India. These two research goals are pursued via five research papers. Based on a household survey, paper 1 explores the prospects for more inclusive water planning at the neighbourhood level in Hyderabad. Paper 2 presents an extensive literature review resulting in the design of a distinct theoretical framework. The two following papers disclose through qualitative case studies insights on concrete collective stakeholder participation in Hyderabad. Paper 3 studies the cooperative sector in Hyderabad, revealing its lack of member participation and autonomy. Paper 4 exemplifies how SCOTRWA, a federation of neighbourhood associations in Hyderabad, uses its social capital as a tool for collective action against medical exploitation. Finally, paper 5 designs and applies a qualitative data evaluation approach to assess the interrelation between collective participation and sustainable decision-making. The approach is applied to a campaign promoted by a member association of SCOTRWA. This application points to the complexity in the interrelation between collective participation and sustainable decision-making and retroactively affects the dissertation’s theoretical and methodological conceptualisations. The methodological approach thereby establishes an innovative basis for further research.
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La production urbaine dans le cas d'Alger : Quid du "Projet urbain" ? / Urban production in the case of Algiers : Looking for the Urban Design.Bouragba, Djamel Eddine 14 October 2016 (has links)
Le présent travail de recherche aborde la question du projet urbain appliqué dans le cas de la métropole algéroise. Dans cette ville des chantiers de grande ampleur ont été engagés: réseaux routiers et autoroutiers, grands équipements, réseaux de transport, etc. La démarche globale y a été formalisée dans le Plan Stratégique Alger 2030. Ce plan, dans les choix qu’il propose, réfère à de nombreuses expériences. Les éléments d’exécution du plan ne montrent cependant pas la prise en compte réelle de l’esprit de ces expériences. En situation d’incertitude quant à une mise en œuvre effective de projet, nous avons questionné le Plan Stratégique pour vérifier dans quelle mesure il mettait en acte les principes auxquels il réfère dans le discours. L’analyse a montré que ce plan est réduit dans les faits et les pratiques à une fonction de dessin en déficit de dessein. Ce Plan Stratégique semble éloigné de l’esprit du projet urbain : un plan qui ne s’appuie pas sur la connaissance et l’analyse du réel urbain, ni sur l’examen ou l’exploration de scénarii, ni sur ce que pourraient apporter les démarches de concertation et de débat, soit, de tout ce qui fait le projet urbain. / The present research addresses the issue of Urban Design applied to the case of Algiers metropolis. In this city, large-scale projects have been undertaken during the last decade : highway infrastructure, major equipements, urban and suburban transport networks, etc. The overall approach has been formalized in the Algiers 2030 Strategic Plan. The choices that this plan offers, are drawn from many experiences. Nevertheless, the delivery elements of the plan do not reflect the spirit of the experiences refered to. In a situation of uncertainty regarding the real execution of the project, we have examined the Strategic Plan to check how to put into practice the principles contained in its discourse. The analysis showed that the plan is reduced in practice to a plan drawing function without a purpose, an aim or a vision. This Strategic Plan seems far from the Urban Design approach : a plan that does not rely on a knowledge and an analysis of urban reality, the examination and the exploration of possible futur outcomes, nor what a consultation process and debate could bring, that is to say, all of which makes the Urban Design.
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