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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bandeirismo paulista: o avanço na colonização e exploração do interior do Brasil (Taubaté, 1645 a 1720) / Bandeirismo paulista: the advance in colonization and exploration of the interior of Brazil (Taubaté, 1645 to 1720)

Leandro Santos de Lima 22 June 2011 (has links)
Até poucas décadas atrás reinava a idéia de que o bandeirismo paulista tinha sido o resultado natural de uma raça de gigantes que foi obrigada, devido ao suposto abandono da metrópole, a adentrar o sertão para buscar o remédio para sua pobreza. Essa definição colocava tal fenômeno histórico num patamar de influências exclusivamente locais, considerando-o atípico e isolado de qualquer relação com a empresa colonial portuguesa. Porém, a historiografia atual, ao revisitar esse tema, vem propondo novos caminhos analíticos diferentes daqueles que até então vigoravam. Seguindo a atual tendência, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar pontualmente o bandeirismo taubateano, entre os anos de 1645 e 1720, como um fenômeno histórico, fruto de um processo econômico, social e político, tanto de caráter local, como também, colonial. Verificou-se que a segunda metade do século XVII assistiu a uma reorientação nas incursões sertanistas, tanto de caça ao índio como de pesquisa mineral. Essas atividades, se por um lado eram financiadas pelo capital privado, que podia, ou não, ser do próprio grupo social bandeirante, por outro lado recebiam o incentivo oficial vindo da metrópole por meio da correspondência entre os agentes oficiais da administração portuguesa. O bandeirante, visando a dominação do poder local, desejava não só enriquecer, mas também enobrecer; já a coroa desejava a injeção de novas riquezas e, para isso, precisava do colono para aprofundar a exploração de suas terras na América, daí incentivar tais incursões com a promessa de honras, mercês e títulos. No jogo de interesses, a relação era simbiótica, ou seja, era uma empresa em conjunto. Enfim, tanto o grupo bandeirante local quanto a monarquia lusitana desejavam a mesma coisa: a manutenção do poder. / Until a few decades ago the idea that prevailed was that the bandeirismo paulista was the natural outcome of a race of giants that was forced, due to the supposed abandonment of the metropolis, to penetrate the wilderness to seek remedy for their poverty. This definition would put such a historical phenomenon in a purely local level influences, considering atypical and isolated from any relationship with the Portuguese colonial enterprise. However, the current historiography, to revisit the issue, has been proposing new analytical paths other than those previously prevailing. Following current trends, this research aimed to analyze the bandeirismo taubateano punctually, between the years 1645 and 1720, as a historical phenomenon, the result of an economic process, social and political character of both local as well as colonial. It was found that the second half of the seventeenth century witnessed a shift in raids frontiersmen, both of Indian hunting and mineral exploration. Such activities, if one part were financed by private capital, which could, or may not be the group\'s own social bandeirante, on the other side received the official encouragement coming from the metropolis through the correspondence between the official agents of the Portuguese administration. The bandeirante, seeking the domination of local government, wanted not only to be rich but also ennobling, even the crown wanted to inject new wealth and for this, the settler needed to further exploitation of their lands in America hence encouraging such incursions with the promise of honors, titles and favors. In the game of interests, the relationship was symbiotic, it was \"a company together.\" Finally, both the local bandeirante group as the Lusitanian monarchy wanted the same thing: keeping the power.

Mujeres en la Colonia. Dominación colonial, diferencias étnicas y de género en cofradías y fiestas religiosas en Jujuy, Río de la Plata / Mujeres en la Colonia. Dominación colonial, diferencias étnicas y de género en cofradías y fiestas religiosas en Jujuy, Río de la Plata

Normando Cruz, Enrique 25 September 2017 (has links)
El artículo analiza comparativamente la participación de las mujeres en las cofradías y las fiestas religiosas. Revela que a fines del periodo colonial, las mujeres indígenas del mundo rural son distintas a las mujeres españolas de la élite y a las mujeres mestizas e indias del casco urbano, pues existe entre ellas una «distancia entre sí», establecida no solo por las diferencias económicas y culturales (Bourdieu 200: 116), sino también por las diferencias étnicas. Las voces de las campesinas indígenas de Purmamarca, Tumbaya o Cholacor se regodean en libertad, y a veces alcoholizadas, en los espacios públicos del trabajo junto a los hombres, y cantan con autoridad periódica en la cotidianeidad de las fiestas religiosas. En cambio, las campesinas del ejido y las chicheras indígenas que trabajan en la plaza de San Salvador de Jujuy solo pueden alzar su letanía en los coros de las cofradías religiosas, en la vida familiar o en el trabajo en espacios públicos, lugares también habilitados y controlados por el hombre. / The article makes a comparative analysis of the participation of women in the fraternities and religious celebrations, and reveals that at the end of the colonial period there exists «distance between them» established by the economic, cultural and ethnical differences (Bourdieu 2000: 116), between the indigenous women of the rural world and the Spanish women of the elite and between the half-breed and Indian women of the urban shell. This study allows us to see that, while the voices of the female indigenous peasants of Purmamarca, Tumbaya or Cholacor enjoy themselves freely—and sometimes with the use of alcohol—in public spaces, where they work together with the men, and sing with periodical authority in the everyday life of the religious celebrations; the voices of the peasants of the cooperative and the indigenous women who make  chicha in the San Salvador de Jujuy square are almost always dominated by a man, can pray their litany only in the chorus of the religious brotherhoods, in family life or in public work spaces which are authorized and controlled by men.

Os povos indígenas e os sertões das minas do ouro no século XVIII / Indian Peoples And The \"Sertões\" of The Gold Mines In The 18th Century

Núbia Braga Ribeiro 10 November 2008 (has links)
Este estudo aborda as políticas de ocupação e exploração das minas dos sertões concomitante as reações indígenas, no século XVIII, principalmente, a partir da década de 1730. Ao analisar as fontes, contempladas nas correspondências entre autoridades, instruções, planos de catequese e civilização, se constatou que a violência, como resultado da prática consuetudinária, prevaleceu sobre as leis de integração social dos gentios. Avaliou-se as investidas dos índios, ao impedirem o êxito dos propósitos do Antigo Sistema Colonial, tornaram objetos da política de Estado incluindo o destino desses povos na pauta de diretrizes, donde derivou a série de planos de catequese. Entretanto, nada mais foram que alternativas dissimuladas de cooptação, articuladas numa seqüência estratégica de anulação das resistências indígenas, como a invenção dos aldeamentos foi um meio de confiná-los em redutos projetados para infligir os hábitos da vida sedentária e a extinção da vida nômade. Pretendia-se adaptá-los ao modelo de civilização européia, promover a convivência com os não índios e viabilizar o acesso às minas. Nesta perspectiva a colonização, inevitavelmente, esteve associada à apropriação das riquezas, condição determinante do sentido à conquista e a razão à catequese. Em contrapartida, originou uma situação permanente de tensões diretamente vinculada à desapropriação das terras indígenas, conjuntamente revelou a maior incidência das disputas nas áreas dos principais focos de lutas indígenas e identificou-se, exatamente, nelas a concentração da política indigenista. Embora aparentemente as estratégias ressoassem o intuito de apaziguar os índios mediante os instrumentos de sujeição, tutela, liberdade restrita, a guerra ofensiva foi um recurso condicionado aos agravos das reações indígenas. Contudo, a guerra, fenômeno histórico-cultural tanto indígena quanto europeu, se efetivou nos combates armados de ambos os lados. Assim, sob o artifício da fé e civilização se enunciou o dever cristão de conduzir o bárbaro selvagem à salvação. No entanto, o cumprimento do dever esteve conexo à recompensa de administrar a vida dos índios, por conseguinte, de administrar a opulência do patrimônio abrigado nas sesmarias e datas minerais localizadas nos sertões. Em função disso, foi indispensável à pesquisa apreender a concepção de sertões e reconhecer a significância do nomadismo, comum aos índios, que forneceu a imagem de espaços em movimentos, compreendendo fronteiras imprecisas que se interagiam nas dimensões étnicas, sociais e econômicas. A itinerância dos índios conferiu atributos à identidade dos ambientes naturais, à medida que se deslocavam se constituía a referência de fluidez dos espaços, mas para dominá-los dependia de fixá-los em limites. Portanto, a correlação entre mobilidade dos sertões e inconstância dos gentios configurou uma geopolítica específica do interior da América portuguesa interligado pelos caminhos trilhados das minas do ouro entre Minas-Goiases-Cuiabá, Minas e Espírito-Santo, Minas-Bahia e assim por diante. As Minas Gerais setecentista, respeitadas as peculiaridades do contexto e das diversas etnias dos povos indígenas, guardavam os metais preciosos e delas se partia para outras minas. Os sertões dos índios eram os sertões das Minas do ouro, espalhadas ao longo dos rios, distantes do litoral, se apresentaram nos focos de reações indígenas que se interpunham como desafio para atingi-las. / This study focuses in the politics of settlement and exploitation of the mines of the hinterlands (sertões) and the Indians reactions in the 17th Century Brazil, mostly in the 1730´s. In analyzing the sources the correspondence between authorities, instructions, catechism plans, we were able to verify that the violence, as a result of the consuetudinary practice, prevailed over the social integration laws of the gentiles. We evaluated that the Indians attacks - that were successful in stopping the Ancient Colonial System purposes - were subject to State policy, including the fate of these peoples in the State agenda, generating the catechism plans. However, these were dissimulated alternatives of cooptation, articulated in a strategic sequence of annulment of the Indian resistance, such as the creation of the settlements (aldeamentos), that was a means to confine them in planned locals that were able to cause the habits of a sedentary life and the end of the nomad life. The purpose was to adapt the Indians to the European civilization model, to promote the familiarity with others and to enable the access to the mines. In this perspective, the colonization was associated to the appropriation of the riches, that was an important condition to give sense to the conquest and justify the catechism. On the other hand, it originated a scenery with permanent tensions, directly linked to the expropriation of the Indian land, that appeared in the greater incidence of the dispute in the areas where the major Indian struggles developed, that were the same areas where were concentrated the policies regarding the Indians. Although apparently these strategies showed the intention of pacifying the Indians, by subjugation, tutorship and confinement, the war was a resource that was subject to the intensification of the Indians reactions. But the war, a historical and cultural phenomena both Indian and European, was accomplished in the battles. Thus the Christian duty of bringing the salvage barbarian to salvation was implanted under the artifice of faith and civilization. Nevertheless, the fulfillment of duty was connected to the rewards of governing the Indians, and of governing the riches of the estate that was located in the sesmarias and mines of the hinterland. Thus, it was important to the research the understanding of the concept of sertão, and to recognize the significance of nomadism, that supplied the image of spaces in movement, with imprecise borders that interacted in the ethnic, social and economic levels. The Indians dislocations gave identity features to the natural environment, and demanded the research to apprehend these dimensions. To be able to dominate them it was necessary to settle them in determined limits. The correlation between the mobility of the sertões and the inconstancy of the gentiles, shaped a specific geopolitics in the Portuguese America hinterland, connected by the paths of the gold mines (Minas- Goiases Cuiabá, Minas and Espírito Santo, Minas-Bahia and so forth). The Minas Gerais of the 18th Century, respected the peculiarities of the context and the various ethnics of the Indians peoples, kept the precious metals and from there they went to other mines. The Indians sertões were the sertões of the gold mines, scattered by the rivers, faraway from the coast, and they presented themselves in the reactions of the Indians that were an obstacle to attain it.

The hydrogeology and hydrogeochemisty of the aquifers of the Hex River Valley, Cape Province

Rosewarne, Peter Nigel 11 April 2013 (has links)
The Hex River Valley is one of the main centres in South Africa for cultivation of table grapes of export quality. The vines require irrigation water, which must be low in dissolved solids. Approximately two thirds of the annual irrigation requirement is obtained from boreholes and the balance from surface water sources. During the early 1960s a deterioration in the quality of the groundwater was noticed, becoming critical in some areas, and borehole yields also declined. The main objectives of this study were therefore to obtain an understanding of the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical processes operating in the valley to explain the derogation of the groundwater resource and enable optimum utilisation and management of the resource in the future. To achieve these objectives, field work involving exploration drilling, aquifer tests, hydrocensus, long-term monitoring of groundwater levels and surfacewater flows and extensive sampling of the ground and surface waters was carried out. Analysis of these data gave quantitative information on groundwater occurrence, aquifer hydraulic properties, groundwater recharge and storage, chemical characteristics of the ground and surfacewaters and sources of dissolved species. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.53 Paper Capture Plug-in

Développement d'un vaccin vivant atténué pour la protection contre les infections intramammaires à partir d'un small-colony variant (SCV) de Staphylococcus aureus

Côté-Gravel, Julie January 2015 (has links)
Staphylococcus aureus est un pathogène opportuniste au potentiel de virulence élevé et particulièrement diversifié. Responsable d'intoxications alimentaires, d'infections localisées suppurées et, dans certains cas extrêmes, d’infections systémiques graves, celui-ci est pleinement capable de causer la mortalité chez des patients immunodéprimés. Pourtant, S. aureus est également la cause de divers types d’infections à fort caractère chronique et de persistance chez l’homme et les animaux, infections qui sont difficiles à traiter par antibiothérapie, et qui le plus souvent échappent au contrôle du système immunitaire. Les mammites à S. aureus sont considérées comme l’une des maladies majeures chez les bovins d’élevage, causant de lourdes pertes économiques pour l’industrie laitière. Elles se caractérisent fréquemment par des formes sous-cliniques et chroniques, rendant leur diagnostic et contrôle difficiles. La vaccination contre les infections intramammaires à S. aureus pourrait permettre de protéger les animaux contre les nouvelles infections, diminuant la propagation contagieuse du pathogène lors de la traite, et permettre ainsi de réduire la prévalence de celui-ci dans les troupeaux. Pourtant, aucune formulation n’a pu montrer de réelle efficacité de protection à ce jour. Puisque le déploiement d’une immunité adaptative strictement basée sur la réponse en anticorps n’est pas adéquat pour protéger contre un pathogène chronique tel que S. aureus, le besoin criant de développer de nouvelles méthodes et formulations de vaccin se penche maintenant sur l’amélioration de la réponse à médiation cellulaire, considérée indispensable pour une meilleure protection. Les vaccins vivants atténués, basés sur leur capacité à imiter une infection naturelle, ont su prouver leur efficacité dans le développement d’immunités spécifiques et fortes contre de nombreux microorganismes, en particulier les pathogènes intracellulaires et chroniques. On a démontré que ces souches atténuées pouvait être utilisées comme vecteurs antigéniques et aider à balancer la réponse vers des fonctions effectrices de l’immunité qui permettent de combattre plus adéquatement ce type d’infections. Cette étude a eu pour objectif principal la construction d’une souche atténuée de S. aureus pour l’utilisation à titre de vaccin vivant contre les infections intramammaires. Cette souche vaccinale atténuée est fondée sur la stabilisation génétique du phénotype small-colony variant, à la fois comme base d’atténuation de la virulence et comme facteur permettant l’internalisation temporaire et non destructive dans les cellules de l’hôte. Cette souche a été caractérisée et évaluée dans un modèle d’infection de cellules en culture et dans un modèle in vivo de mammite chez la souris, qui ont tous deux pu confirmer sa robuste atténuation et établir un première preuve de son innocuité comme vaccin.

Kenya from Mau Mau to independence

Farquhar, Michael Ernest January 1965 (has links)
The outbreak of Mau Mau hostilities in Kenya was the culmination of a series of grievances which had developed among the more politically conscious Africans. The lack of political opportunities and the inability to promote economic and social integration fomented frustration and antagonism among these Africans. Yet, the violence and the imposition of the Emergency restrictions failed to disrupt the country's political, economic, and social development of the post-World War Two period. The struggle between the Colonial Office, the European settler, and the African nationalist in the nineteen-fifties, won political concessions for the Africans, divided the European political movement, and created a dilemma for the Colonial Office, particularly following the independence of Ghana. Throughout the Emergency it was apparent that the Colonial Office had seriously underestimated the rapid growth and strength of the nationalist movement in East Africa. By 1959, constitutional advancement in Tanganyika foretold a change in British policy in Kenya. As a consequence, African nationalism triumphed and the European hope for a 'white man's country' was dashed forever. While the political evolution of the African continued, Kenya enjoyed its greatest economic development during the nineteen-fifties. Social institutions also experienced a similar period of expansion. By the nineteen-sixties, owing to adverse weather conditions, poor world markets, and a loss of investment capital arising out of the growth of African nationalism, the country's economy collapsed. At the same time, the political disruption of the early nineteen-sixties brought a sharp rise in unemployment, and a shortage of educators and medical practitioners, which hampered the transition of the African from his traditional society to the modern world. With independence came some economic recovery, but continued recovery will be dependent on the maintenance of political stability and national unity. For Kenya's leaders the need to create a new unifying force to replace the old nationalism, built on a common anti-white hostility, is their most urgent task. / Arts, Faculty of / History, Department of / Graduate

The Role of Colony Size in the Resistance and Tolerance of Scleractinian Corals to Bleaching Caused by Thermal Stress

Charpentier, Bernadette January 2014 (has links)
In 2005 and 2010, high sea surface temperatures caused widespread coral bleaching on Jamaica’s north coast reefs. Three shallow (9m) reef sites were surveyed during each event to quantify the prevalence and intensity of coral bleaching. In October 2005, 29-57% of the colonies surveyed were bleached. By April 2006, 10% of the corals remained pale/partially bleached. Similarly, in October 2010, 23-51% of corals surveyed at the same sites were bleached. By April 2011, 12% of the colonies remained pale/partially bleached. Follow-up surveys revealed low coral mortality following both events, with an overall mean of 4% partial colony mortality across all species and sites observed in April 2006, and 2% in April 2011. Mixed effects models were used to quantify the relationship between colony size and (a) bleaching intensity, and (b) bleaching related mortality among coral species. The bleaching intensity model explained 51% of the variance in the bleaching response observed during the two events. Of this 51%, fixed effects accounted for ~26% of the variance, 17% of which was attributed to species-specific susceptibility to bleaching , 5% to colony size, <1% colony morphology and 4% to the difference in bleaching intensity between the two events. The random factor (site) accounted for the remaining ~25% of the variance. The mortality model explained 16% of the variance in post bleaching mortality with fixed effects, including colony size, morphology and species explaining ~11% of the variance, and the random effect (site) explaining 5%. On average, there was a twofold difference in bleaching intensity between the smallest and the largest size classes. Modelling the relationship between colony level characteristics and site-specific environmental factors on coral species’ susceptibility to thermal stress can shed light on community level responses to future disturbances.


Unknown Date (has links)
Ischemic stroke is defined as a blockage or reduced flow of blood to select areas of brain tissue due to either plaque formation or buildup of blood clots in the small blood vessels. A characteristic of sickle cell anemic patients is the potential for them to experience a similar type of blockage due to the sticky nature of the sickled red blood cells as well as defective oxygen delivery to the brain. Because of this similarity, sickle cell anemia may represent a good animal research model for therapeutic intervention based on stroke models. In recent studies, Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF), has been shown to exhibit a robust range of neuroprotective properties against neurological disorders including ischemic stroke through preservation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by modulating various ER stress pathways. Through cognitive deficit analysis in the form of behavioral and locomotor experiments in addition to in situ biomarker analysis by way of western blotting and immunohistochemistry, we found that G-CSF gene therapy exhibited neurogenic and neuroprotective effects in ischemic mouse models and could possibly serve as a good therapy for other diseases that share similar pathology to stroke. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2021. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Role vakuolárních proteinů při vývoji kvasinkových kolonií / Vacuolar proteins in development of yeast colonies

Trubitsyna, Yana January 2019 (has links)
The laboratory strains of yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae form colonies which can differentiate into two main cell subpopulations. U and L cells demonstrate different morphology, metabolism and stress-resistance. It was also proved that some of metabolic pathways in U cells are a similar to ones in tumor cells. The unique metabolism is activated in U cells; the TORC1 is active in these cells together with autophagy and glycogen accumulation, which are characteristic for cells with inactivated TORC1. CORVET and HOPS complexes together with vacuolar ATPase are involved in processes related to vacuolar fusion and trafficking. Also, these complexes contribute to the regulation of TORC1 activity. Vam6p is a subunit of HOPS complex and it is also involved in regulation of TORC1 acting as GEF for Gtr1p GTPase, which activates TORC1. The aim of this study was to outline whether selected subunits of mentioned complexes affect TORC1 activity in U cells. Further aim was to confirm the effect of Vam6p on selected proteins production. These proteins were chosen based on results of proteomic analysis performed in our laboratory. In order to investigate possible effects of proteins of interest absence on colonies' morphology, strains deleted in selected genes were prepared (VPS3, VPS8, VPS33, VPS41, VPH2, VAC7 a...

Signalizace při vývoji bakteriálních kolonií / Signalization in the ontogeny of bacterial colonies

Čepl, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
Bacterial bodies (colonies) can develop complex patterns of color and structure. These patterns may arise as a result of both colony-autonomous processes (self-patterning) and environmental influences, including those generated by neighbor bodies. We have studied the interplay of intra-colony signaling (self-patterning) and inter-colony influences in related clones of Serratia rubidaea on rich media. We show that the mutual influencing of colonies, present in a common morphospace, is communicated by at least two putative signals. A model accounting for some aspects of colony morphogenesis and inter-colony interactions is proposed. Key words bacteria; Serratia sp.; airborne signals; colony morphogenesis

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