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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mineralogía y geoquímica de travertinos andinos: Caso de estudio Baños Azules, Cajón del Maipo, Chile

Barbosa Troncoso, Carla Valentina January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geóloga / En este Trabajo de Título se presenta una caracterización morfológica, textural, mineralógica y geoquímica de los depósitos de travertino de Baños Azules, La Cueva y Río Agua Blanca, formados desde las vertientes termales de Baños Azules (BA) y otras surgencias cercanas. El objetivo es comprender los procesos que llevan a la formación de estos depósitos mediante la hidrogeoquímica de los fluidos parentales y el estudio de sus morfologías, texturas, mineralogía y geoquímica. Para esto se realizó una campaña de terreno de tres días en la que se describieron morfológicamente los depósitos y se tomaron muestras de travertino y agua. Las muestras de roca fueron descritas texturalmente con microscopía óptica y microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y luego sometidas a difracción de rayos X (DRX) con el objetivo de determinar su mineralogía. Mediante análisis de espectrometría de masa de razones isotópicas (IRMS) realizados en el Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, se obtuvieron las composiciones isotópicas de carbono y oxígeno. Las muestras de agua fueron sometidas a análisis composicionales de cationes, aniones y elementos traza en el laboratorio de geoquímica del Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes y a análisis isotópicos de deuterio, oxígeno y carbono. BA se encuentra en la ladera norte del Cerro del Museo, en la confluencia de los esteros del Museo y del Azufre y está compuesto por grandes depósitos de ladera, morfología de terrazas y travertino fósil en capas. Unos 300 metros al poniente se ubica La Cueva, una cavidad de 5 m de profundidad con microterrazas y espeleotemas. El tercer depósito se dispone a lo largo del último kilómetro del Río Agua Blanca como una corteza fluvial. La mineralogía de todos estos depósitos está compuesta por calcita y cantidades menores de cuarzo y aragonito. Se encontró también yeso en dos puntos de precipitación activa de carbonato de calcio. Microscópicamente predominan la calcita dendrítica, granos cubiertos por esparita prismática columnar y parches de calcita microesparítica. Imágenes SEM evidencian la actividad de algas y bacterias en depósitos activos. Los fluidos parentales son aguas termales sulfatadas cálcicas de origen meteórico, a excepción de los aportes del Río que podrían estar influenciados por una fuente magmática. Isótopos de carbono en travertinos permiten clasificarlos como termógenos donde el aporte de CO2 provendría de fluidos magmáticos y/o de reacciones metamórficas de decarbonatación. Esta caracterización conduce a plantear que los travertinos del Sector Baños Azules se forman por la infiltración de aguas meteóricas a través de fallas y fracturas a niveles profundos, donde reciben aportes adicionales de CO2 y luego disuelven secuencias calcáreas y de yeso para enriquecerse en calcio y especies carbonatadas. Estos fluidos ascienden a la superficie a través de estructuras, proceso en el cual se produce la pérdida de CO2 a la atmósfera y una consecuente precipitación de carbonato de calcio.

Nuevas tendencias en Tambo Colorado. Análisis del material arqueológico del Recinto 6 y Recinto 19

Polo y La Borda Ramos, Martín 25 June 2014 (has links)
La presente investigación se centra en el análisis del material arqueológico recuperado en la temporada de campo del año 2001, por el “Proyecto Arqueológico Tambo Colorado”, el cual estuvo bajo la dirección conjunta del Dr. Craig Morris, Dr. Jean-Pierre Protzen, y el Dr. Julián I. Santillana. El proyecto quiso observar, y determinar las fases de ocupación, y de construcción de uno de los sectores palaciegos más importantes dentro de Tambo Colorado. En ese sentido, es que se excavaron dos unidades: el Recinto 6, y el Recinto 19, las que se encontraban dentro del mismo Sector arquitectónico (Sector G). De esta forma, es que el objetivo principal del proyecto, y, también, de la presente investigación, fuecomprender de mejor manera posible la expansión Inca en la costa Sur del Perú a partir de nueva información que se recuperó dentro del análisis del material arqueológico de estos dos recintos, y que se expone en el presente trabajo. Esta información supuso observar cronología, tecnología constructiva, población y las diversas actividades realizadas en una de las mejor conservadas construcciones Inca en la costa peruana. / Tesis

A legal analysis of legislative issues involving the implementation of the auction method for energy facility siting

Monaco, Lynne Ann January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. M.C.P.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Bibliography : leaf 91. / by Lynne A. Monaco. / M.C.P.

As intrusões de afinidade kimberlítica E1 e Es1 da região de Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia / Not available.

Zolinger, Iede Terezinha 24 November 2005 (has links)
Intrusões de afinidade kimberlítica (E1 e Es1) ocorrem associadas a mica xistos da Sequência Metavulcano-sedimentar Nova Brasilândia, a sudeste do estado de Rondônia. Os corpos foram estudados por meio de geofísica e as amostras analisadas do ponto de vista mineralógico, petrográfico e geoquímico. Os dados obtidos possibilitam classificar essas ocorrências, respectivamente, como brecha kimberlítica da fácies diatrema e brecha kimberlítica da fácies cratera. Mineralogicamente, as rochas contêm olivina (pseudomorfos), piroxênio, granada, ilmenita e mica como principais constituintes; perovskita acha-se restrita à intrusão E1 enquanto que anfibólio aparece como produto de alteração do piroxênio em Es1. Além disso, elas são portadoras de xenólitos de natureza diversa (eclogíticos e peridotíticos em E1; eclogíticos em Es1). Ainda que afetadas por processos de contaminação e de alteração, como sugerido pelos valores dos índices de contaminação e de ilmenita, as amostras analisadas se distinguem por suas características químicas principais, como natureza ultrabásica, riqueza em MgO (\'mg POT.#\' = 0,81-0,86) e baixa concentração em álcalis, notadamente em \'Na IND.2\'O. O padrão de distribuição dos elementos hidromagmatófilos é muito similar para as duas intrusões, com pronunciadas anomalias positivas em Ba e Nb e negativas em K e Nd. Já as terras raras exibem comportamento também concordante, linear, e com visível fracionamento das leves em relação às pesadas. Isotopicamente, os valores para as razões iniciais de Sr são muito diferentes para as duas intrusões, com a E1 se caracterizando por mostrar valores mais baixos para a razão \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' (0,705133-0,705240). Ao contrário, a Es1 tem valores consideravelmente mais altos (0,712479-0,712848), a indicar a ação de processos de contaminação. Determinações Sm/Nd em concentrados de minerais (granada e piroxênio) e em rocha total levaram à elaboração de isócronas indicando uma idade de 293 \'+ OU -\'18 Ma para E1, e de 317 \'+ OU -\' 45 Ma para Es1, assim como a possível correlação dessas intrusões com as ocorrências kimberlíticas do Grupo Mitu, no Peru. À vista das informações obtidas, e com base na definição de Mitchell (1986), é também aqui sugerido que as intrusões investigadas, ao lado de outras mais reconhecidas na área, sejam partes integrantes de um novo campo kimberlítico, o de Colorado do Oeste, no estado de Rondônia, mais velho que o não muito distante campo de Paranatinga, MT, com idade em torno de 85 Ma. / Kimberlitic affinity intrusions (E1 and Es1) are found associated with mica schists belonging to the Nova Brasilândia Metavolcano-sedimentary Sequence, at southeastern Rondônia state. They have been investigated by geophysics methods and the rock samples studied from the mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical point of view. The available data allow to classify the above intrusions as a kimberlitic breccia of diatreme facies and a kimberlitic breccia of cratera facies, respectively. Mineralogically, the rocks contain olivine (pseudomorphs), pyroxene, garnet, ilmenite and mica as main constituents; perovskite is only found in the E1 intrusion, whereas amphibole is a typical alteration product from pyroxene in Es1. Furthermore, they carry xenoliths of different natures (eclogitic and peridotitic in E1; eclogitic in Es1). Although the rocks have been affected by contamination and alteration processes, as suggested by the values of contamination and ilmenite indexes, the analyzed samples can be distinguished by their main chemical characteristics, such as ultrabasics nature, MgO richness (\'mg POT.#\' = 0,81-0,86) and low alkalis content. The distribution pattern of the hydromagmatophile elements is very similar for the rocks of both instrusions, showing pronounced positive anomalies of Ba and Nd and negative ones of K and Nd. The rare earth elements behavior is also identical for the both occurrences; it is linear and displays marked fractionation of light elements in to the heavy ones. Isotopically, Sr initial ratio values are quite different for both instrusions: E1 shows low values for the \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' (0,705133-0,705240); on contrary, they are higher for Es1 (0.712479-0.712848), indicating that these rocks have been subjected to contamination processes. Sm/Nd determinations on mineral concentrates (garnet and pyroxene) and whole rock samples provided isochron ages of 293 \'+ OU -\' 18 and 317 \'+ OU -\' 45 Ma for the E1 and Es1 intrusions, respectively, allowing their correlation with kimberlitic occurrences of the Mitu Group in Peru. On the basis of the available data and accord to Mitchell (1986), it is here suggested that the investigated intrusions, in addition to some other bodies already recognized in the area, may represented a new kimberlitic field, the Colorado do Oeste one, older than the Paranatinga field not so far away and showing an age around 85 Ma.

From Hillslopes to Canyons, Studies of Erosion at Differing Time and Spatial Scales Within the Colorado River Drainage

Tressler, Christopher 01 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis includes two different studies in an attempt to investigate and better understand the key characteristics of landscape evolution. In the first study, the rate of surface particle creep was investigated through the use of Terrestrial lidar at an archaeological site in Grand Canyon National Park. The second study developed ways to quantify metrics of the Colorado River drainage and reports the role of bedrock strength in the irregular profile of the trunk Colorado River drainage. Archaeological sites along the Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon National Park are eroding due to a variety of surficial processes. The nature of surface particle creep is difficult to quantify and managers of this sensitive landscape wish to know the rates of erosion in order to make timely decisions regarding preservation. In the first study, two scans of a single convex hillslope were collected over the span of 12 months through the use of a ground-based lidar instrument. The scans were used to track the movement of rock clasts. This study, with a relatively small data set, did not show the expected positive relations of creep rate to slope or clast size, but did not preclude the existence of these relations either. The remarkably irregular long profile of the Colorado River has inspired several questions about the role of knickpoint recession, tectonics, and bedrock in the landscape evolution of Grand Canyon and the region. Bedrock resistance to erosion has a fundamental role in controlling topography and surface processes. In this second study, a data set of bedrock strength data was compiled and presented, providing relations of bedrock strength to hydraulicdriving forces of the trunk Colorado River drainage. Results indicate that rock strength and topographic metrics are strongly correlated in the middle to lower reaches of the plateau drainage. In the upper reaches of the drainage, intact-rock strength values are ~25% higher without a matching increase in stream power. As more tensile strength samples are analyzed and appropriately scaled with respect to fracturing and shale content, we believe we will see a clearer and more consistent pattern in the upper reaches.

Water and Energy Balance of a Riparian and Agricultural Ecosystem along the Lower Colorado River

Taghvaeian, Saleh 01 May 2011 (has links)
Spatially-distributed water consumption was modeled over a segment of the Lower Colorado River, which contains irrigated agricultural and Tamarisk-dominated riparian ecosystems. For the irrigation scheme, distributed evapotranspiration data were analyzed in conjunction with point measurements of precipitation and surface flow in order to close daily and annual water balance. The annual closure error was less than 1% of the total water diversion to the area. In addition, it was found that the soil water storage component of the water balance cannot be neglected if the analysis is performed over time frames shorter than annual (e.g. growing season). Water consumption was highly uniform within agricultural fields, and all the full-cover fields were transpiring close to their potential rates. Mapping several new and existing drainage performance indicators showed that neither soil salinization nor water-logging would be of concern in this irrigation scheme. However, the quality of high-volume return flow must be studied, especially since the degraded water quality of the western US rivers is believed to act in favor of the invasive riparian species in outcompeting native species. Over the Tamarisk forest, the remotely-sensed evapotranspiration estimates were higher than the results of an independent groundwater-based method during spring and winter months. This was chiefly due to the fixed satellite overpass time, which happened at low sun elevation angles in spring and winter and resulted in a significant presence of shadows in the satellite scene and consequently a lower surface temperature estimate, which resulted in a higher evapotranspiration estimate using the SEBAL model. A modification based on the same satellite imagery was proposed and found to be successful in correcting for this error. Both water use and crop coefficients of Tamarisk estimated by the two independent methods implemented in this study were significantly lower than the current approximations that are used by the US Bureau of Reclamation in managing the Lower Colorado River. Studying the poorlyunderstood stream-aquifer-phreatophyte relationship revealed that diurnal and seasonal groundwater fluctuations were strongly coupled with the changes in river stage at close distances to the river and with the Tamarisk water extraction at further distances from the river. The direction of the groundwater flow was always from the river toward the riparian forest. Thus the improved Tamarisk ET estimates along with a better understanding of the coupling between the river and the riparian aquifer will allow the Bureau of Reclamation to re-asses their reservoir release methodology and improve efficiency and water savings.


Knoblock, Kenneth 01 March 2018 (has links)
The Vaquita marino (Phocoena sinus) is the smallest, most recently discovered, most limited in its distribution, and most highly endangered of all the Cetaceans. Two risk factors have been identified in the Vaquita’s conservation; mortalities due to bycatch in the artisanal fishing fleet in the Upper Gulf of California, and environmental disturbance. The habitat disturbance risk factor is a direct result of the desiccation of the Colorado River Delta because of extensive water diversions form the Colorado River by the dam system within the United States. Significant disagreements exist as to the relative impacts of the two risk factors and how a conservation plan should be developed. This paper utilizes existing data in the literature to display that in fact there is no correlation between the impact of bycatch, and that the Vaquita’s population is depressed because a critical portion of its ecosystem, the Colorado River Delta has been destroyed. This paper argues that a restored Colorado River Delta is critical habitat for the recovery of the Vaquita under the Endangered Species Act and that the ongoing diversion of water from the Colorado River Delta by the US dam system is a violation of the Endangered Species Act. The violation of the Endangered Species Act through the destruction of the Colorado River Delta can have significant economic and social impact in the Western United States.

A Lonely Place Where the Heart Beats Loud

Kessler, Benjamin Richard 30 May 2018 (has links)
It is the time of war in Vietnam, of civil rights trailblazing, of social upheaval, and Kurt and Ellis Frye, an immigrant father and his first-generation American son from the small farming town of Homer, Colorado, are forced to navigate the changing American West in absence of one another. After discovering an aptitude for pitching--especially the volatile knuckleball--Ellis takes it upon himself to become a professional ballplayer, leaving the wheat farm he was to inherit from his father and starting off across the country on a journey that will force him to encounter what it means to be an authentic person. Meanwhile, Kurt, his health failing, struggles to tend the farm on his own, forced to realize the gravity of loneliness in both the departure of his son and the death of his wife. The unpredictable flow of life brings the two back together, and, burdened with the choice of whether or not to reclaim the home they built together, discover one another's autonomy, the life they knew not. A Lonely Place Where the Heart Beats Loud is a story about baseball, of farming, of life in a changing America, but more importantly it examines what it means to experience homecoming and what we inherit from those we care for.

Perilous Pilgrimage: A Lady’s Flight into the Rocky Mountain Wilderness

Koerner, Jane 01 May 2010 (has links)
“Perilous Pilgrimage: A Lady’s Flight into the Rocky Mountain Wilderness” is comprised of four thematically linked essays set in the Colorado Rockies. In these essays I probe my fascination with masculinity at an early age, the impact of my rape at age twenty-two, the dependency and resentment that undermined my marriage after the rape, and my quest after my divorce fifteen years later to define myself on my own terms. The link joining these strands is the tension between my drive for independence and my disassociation from my mind and body as a result of the rape. “Perilous Pilgrimage” revisits three pivotal stages of my life: childhood, young adulthood, and middle age. As a youngster vacationing with my family in Rocky Mountain National Park, I was drawn to men who rescued lost hikers and climbed mountains. Fred Bowen, the caretaker of our rented cabin in the park, and the two California school teachers who were the first to conquer the Diamond on Longs Peak, appeared to have more freedom than I did as a middle-class girl growing up in the 1950s. That conviction was reinforced after I moved to Colorado at age seventeen. Four years later I graduated from college and began dating a man who introduced me to the thrill and terror of mountaineering. After leading me up numerous mountains, he became my husband, and we made our home in Manitou Springs, Colorado. Once married, I could no longer repress the unresolved issues of my rape and identity quest, and I revolted. At age thirty-nine, I embarked on a solo quest to reclaim that sense of wonder and independence I had felt as a child exploring Rocky Mountain National Park. Included in my essays are references to historical figures with similar urges as mine, such as the 19th-century English explorer George Augustus Ruxton and English travel writer Isabella Bird. My search for refuge and redemption in the Colorado Rockies replicated a centuries-old pattern.

High-Resolution Holocene Alluvial Chronostratigraphy at Archaeological Sites in Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona

Tainer, Erin Margaret 01 May 2010 (has links)
Understanding the nature of Colorado River deposits in Grand Canyon helps reveal how the river responds to changes in its Colorado Plateau tributaries and Rocky Mountain headwaters. This study focused on Holocene alluvial deposits associated with archaeological sites excavated near Ninemile Draw in Glen Canyon and at Tanner Bar in eastern Grand Canyon. Two previously-developed conceptual models of deposition were tested based on previous work. Previous researchers have suggested that Holocene alluvial deposits in Grand Canyon are a series of inset aggradational packages that correlate to valley fills and arroyo-cutting cycles in Colorado Plateau tributaries and are laterally consistent throughout the river corridor. An alternate hypothesis is that alluvial packages record paleoflood sequences along the Colorado River with no Holocene change in river grade. In this model, deposits are preserved more variably as a function of local hydrologic geometry, and they should be less correlatable. Detailed stratigraphic columns of terrace deposits and several stratigraphic panels of archaeological trenches, combined with facies interpretations, were used to reconstruct a high-resolution alluvial history at two locations. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating methods were used at both locations with consistent results. At both sites, the sediment includes multiple depositional facies of mainstem and local-source material, and it consists of stratal packages bound by unconformities. These stratigraphic relations, combined with geochronology, lead to the interpretation that the alluvium is composed of six correlatable alluvial packages at overlapping heights above river level throughout the canyon. The four older packages include facies that imply aggradation throughout the river corridor, suggesting oscillations in river grade. The youngest two packages consist only of mainstem flood deposits. These packages suggest that preservation of deposits over the past ~1 ky has not been driven by aggradation, although incision since ~1 ky is possible. Comparison of the interpreted chronostratigraphy to climate records suggests that this large river's grade has not responded visibly to smaller century to millennial-scale climate oscillations. This work is the first to document that the alluvial record in Grand Canyon spans the entire Holocene, and conclusions support to both previous conceptual models of deposition.

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